
  • 1 Hospital Seberang Jaya
Malays Orthop J, 2008;2(2):40-42.


In comminuted patellar fractures, a combination of cerclage wiring and tension band fixation is said to provide good mechanical stability. This is a retrospective review of four patients treated with this method. All fractures described herein were classified as 45-C3 (based on Orthopaedic Trauma Association classification) and were fixed with a 1.25mm cerclage wire and tension band wire proximally looped through the quadriceps tendon and distally through the patellar ligament in a figure-of-eight configuration. The average follow-up period was 10 months. The Activity of Daily Living Scale (ADLS) of the Knee Outcome Survey was used to assess symptoms and functional capability of the knee. In all the cases, fracture union was achieved at an average of 11 weeks. The average ADLS score was good (92.5 %). Full range of knee motion was achieved by end of the third postoperative month. None of the patients had complications, such as infection and implant failure.