
  • 1 University Putra Malaysia


Raw goat milk is recognized as one kind of nutritious food owed to its originality and
medicinal values. This study aimed to evaluate the physico-chemical and microbiological
qualities of locally produced raw goat milk prior any processing steps during storage. Milk
samples passed organoleptic test and C.O.B. test were mostly (88.89 %) failed in alcohol test.
AOAC Official method of oven drying method, Kjeldahl method and Soxhlet method were
performed in physico-chemical analysis where results obtained were partially in lined with
reported literature due to subjective factors of breeds, geographical areas and feeds. The locally
produced raw goat milk’s compositions are high in water content and low in fat percentage.
Initial total plate count, coliform count and proteolytic count tested were 3.44 log cfu/ml, 1.87
log cfu/ml and 1.97 log cfu/ml, respectively. Storage time showed significant effect on the
bacterial counts (p>0.05) of milk samples. Shelf-life of milk samples were kept up to 12 hours
under ambient temperature (3.95 log cfu/ml) had not exceeded the standard limit. The shelflife
of the milk samples were extended up to 16 days storage under refrigerated temperature
of 4°C. The microbiological quality of the milk samples showed a significant bacteriological
growth upon prolonged storage and high initial coliform count indicates possible poor hygienic
practices at farm level.