
  • 1 Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, 45320 Islamabad, Pakistan
  • 2 Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory, SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, 616 69, Brno, Czech Republic; Faculty of Sciences, Department of Botany, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Punjab 46300, Pakistan
  • 3 Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory, SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, 616 69, Brno, Czech Republic
  • 4 Department of Petroleum Engineering, School of Engineering, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 5 Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, 45320 Islamabad, Pakistan; Department of Biological Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
  • 6 Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory, SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, 616 69, Brno, Czech Republic; Chemical Engineering Department, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Lahore Campus, Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan
  • 7 Department of Chemical Engineering, NFC Institute of Engineering and Fertilizer Research Faisalabad, 38000, Pakistan
  • 8 Chemical Engineering Department, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Lahore Campus, Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan
  • 9 Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham, Malaysia, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
  • 10 Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham, Malaysia, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Electronic address:
Bioresour Technol, 2022 Jan;343:126068.
PMID: 34626762 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126068


The efforts have been made to review phyllosilicate derived (clay-based) heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production via lignocellulose derived feedstocks. These catalysts have many practical and potential applications in green catalysis. Phyllosilicate derived heterogeneous catalysts (modified via any of these approaches like acid activated clays, ion exchanged clays and layered double hydroxides) exhibits excellent catalytic activity for producing cost effective and high yield biodiesel. The combination of different protocols (intercalated catalysts, ion exchanged catalysts, acidic activated clay catalysts, clay-supported catalysts, composites and hybrids, pillared interlayer clay catalysts, and hierarchically structured catalysts) was implemented so as to achieve the synergetic effects (acidic-basic) in resultant material (catalyst) for efficient conversion of lignocellulose derived feedstock (non-edible oils) to biodiesel. Utilisation of these Phyllosilicate derived catalysts will pave path for future researchers to investigate the cost-effective, accessible and improved approaches in synthesising novel catalysts that could be used for converting lignocellulosic biomass to eco-friendly biodiesel.

* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.