Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 183 in total

  1. Noorzurani R, Vicknasingam B, Narayanan S
    Drug Alcohol Rev, 2010 May;29(3):334-6.
    PMID: 20565527 DOI: 10.1111/j.1465-3362.2009.00147.x
    The growing use of illicit ketamine among young adults poses a public health concern in Malaysia. In contrast to medical use of ketamine, illicit use has been reported to produce adverse effects on the urinary tract and, in particular the bladder. APPROACH AND KEY FINDINGS: This case report describes a young Malay woman who developed severe bladder symptoms (urinary frequency) after consuming illicit ketamine. A history of illicit ketamine use was initially missed, and she was consequently diagnosed and treated for a urinary tract infection. Her symptoms persisted despite several courses of antibiotics. The patient was subsequently referred to an urologist where cystoscopic examination and biopsy of the bladder found changes consistent with interstitial cystitis. This was despite the absence of haematuria. Renal function was normal.
  2. Vicknasingam B, Narayanan S, Navaratnam V
    AIDS Care, 2009 Aug;21(8):984-91.
    PMID: 20024754 DOI: 10.1080/09540120802657530
    Despite the growing HIV threat among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Malaysia, there is a dearth of information on their HIV risk behaviour. This study focused on identifying specific risk behaviours that distinguished HIV positive IDUs from those who were not. For the first time, data on IDUs not in treatment were obtained through a cross-sectional survey of 526 subjects recruited from five selected cities across peninsular Malaysia. A structured questionnaire and face-to-face interviews were utilised to collect detailed information on their drug use practices and sexual behaviours. On-site serological testing determined their HIV and hepatitis C status. The findings indicated that ethnic Malays, who are also Muslims, form the majority of IDUs not in treatment. Bivariate analysis identified six risk factors associated with HIV seropositivity: being 44 years or younger; not holding a regular job; initiating drug use at age 23 or younger; being a morphine user; sharing injecting equipment and having multiple-sex partners. However, only the last two remained significant in multivariate analysis. That sharing contaminated injecting equipment is a significant risk factor strongly justifies the widening of the pilot needle and syringe exchange programme initiated hesitantly in late 2005 as a reaction to the worsening HIV/AIDS situation. Condom use, though not independently significant, remains important because consistent and wider use could neutralise the second risk factor--having multiple-sex partners. The finding that injecting drug use is increasingly occurring in groups underscores the need for outreach programmes that emphasise safe injecting practices in group settings. In addition, counsellors should endeavour to convince drug users to enter treatment since being in treatment appears to reduce risk behaviours. Finally, conservative Muslim unease about harm reduction must be assuaged quickly since Malay Muslims form the majority of IDUs not in treatment.
  3. Vicknasingam B, Narayanan S, Navaratnam V
    Drug Alcohol Rev, 2009 Jul;28(4):447-54.
    PMID: 19594801 DOI: 10.1111/j.1465-3362.2009.00087.x
    The prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) among heroin dependants in treatment was estimated at 89.9%; however, virtually no information exists on the prevalence or risk behaviour among the larger population of drug users not in treatment. This study assessed the prevalence of HCV and associated risk factors among this group with a view to designing more effective intervention programs.
  4. NoorZurani MH, Vicknasingam B, Narayanan S
    Drug Alcohol Rev, 2009 Nov;28(6):688-90.
    PMID: 19930027 DOI: 10.1111/j.1465-3362.2009.00128.x
    Methadone, a pharmacological agent used to treat heroin dependence is relatively safe, but may cause cardiac arrhythmias in the concurrent presence of other risk factors. APPROACH AND KEY FINDINGS: This case report highlights the risk of torsade de pointes, a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia, in a heroin-dependent patient receiving methadone substitution therapy who was prescribed itraconazole for vaginal thrush. The patient presented to the accident and emergency department for chest discomfort and an episode of syncope following two doses of itraconazole (200 mg). Electrocardiogram monitoring at the accident and emergency department showed prolonged rate-corrected QT interval leading to torsade de pointes. The patient was admitted for cardiac monitoring, and electrocardiogram returned to normal upon discontinuation of methadone.
  5. Suppiah B, Vicknasingam B, Singh D, Narayanan S
    J Psychoactive Drugs, 2016 Apr-Jun;48(2):86-92.
    PMID: 27014841 DOI: 10.1080/02791072.2016.1156790
    Despite the rise in recreational use of ketamine in Malaysia, there have been no studies of users or of the health-related consequences they face. This study was initiated to examine ketamine use and its health consequences. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit information. A final sample of 127 males was divided into persons who used only ketamine and those who were poly-drug users. Each group was further divided into long-period and short-period users. Urine toxicology screening for ketamine and other illicit drugs commonly used in Malaysia was also done. Our findings corroborate those of earlier studies that link ketamine use to urological problems such as frequent urination, dysuria, incontinence, painful bladder, nocturia, and urinary urgency. A new finding in this study is the significant association between ketamine use and erectile dysfunction, such that higher odds of reporting erectile dysfunction were linked to long-period users. Our findings strengthen the case for early intervention, as ketamine users are drawn from young and unmarried male participants. The association of ketamine use with erectile dysfunction, if substantiated, will help physicians in their diagnosis of erectile dysfunction, particularly among youths.
  6. Kurtz ME, Johnson SM, Ross-Lee B, Narayanan S
    Med J Malaysia, 1990 Dec;45(4):319-24.
    PMID: 2152053
    This study investigated whether knowledge and attitudes of Malay college students regarding smoking can be positively influenced by educational intervention. The experiment included a pretest to assess the students knowledge and attitudes regarding smoking, a lecture on the health risks associated with smoking, and a posttest given six weeks later to assess whether any changes had occurred. A profile of the typical Malay student smoker was also elicited. Twenty-seven percent of the study population were smokers. Of the men in the sample, 44% were smokers, while less than 4% of the women were smokers. T-tests indicated that knowledge of the health risks associated with smoking was significantly improved for most groups, while attitudes towards smoking were essentially unchanged.
  7. Singh D, Narayanan S, Shanmugam T, Vicknasingam B
    J Psychoactive Drugs, 2021 Mar 22.
    PMID: 33749541 DOI: 10.1080/02791072.2021.1900627
    People who use amphetamine-type stimulant (ATS) are known to face barriers in seeking treatment. We sought to identify these barriers and gender differences in barriers (if any) faced by them. A convenience sample of 386 respondents who use ATS was recruited from five formal drug rehabilitation centers for this cross-sectional study. The majority were male (83%), with 17% being female. The barriers most frequently cited by both men and women were: the perception that ATS use needed no treatment, fears of community discrimination, peer influence, and long waiting time to get into a treatment programme. One-third of the sample held that the mandated treatment programmes were ineffective, based on past experience. In terms of male-female differences, long waiting time discouraged significantly more women than men, whereas more men than women asserted that formal treatment programmes were ineffective. We also found no significant differences in barriers faced by ATS users and those using ATS with other illicit substances. Outreach initiatives to minimize the impact of treatment barriers, coupled with offering separate treatment protocols and facilities, will encourage people who use ATS to seek treatment voluntarily.
  8. Singh D, Narayanan S, Vicknasingam B
    Brain Res Bull, 2016 09;126(Pt 1):41-46.
    PMID: 27178014 DOI: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2016.05.004
    INTRODUCTION: The objective of the paper was to highlight the differences in the traditional and non-traditional users of kratom in the South East Asian and Western contexts.

    METHOD: A literature survey of published kratom studies among humans was conducted. Forty published studies relevant to the objective were reviewed.

    RESULTS: Apart from the differences in the sources of supply, patterns of use and social acceptability of kratom within these two regions, the most interesting finding is its evolution to a recreational drug in both settings and the severity of the adverse effects of kratom use reported in the West. While several cases of toxicity and death have emerged in the West, such reports have been non-existent in South East Asia where kratom has had a longer history of use. We highlight the possible reasons for this as discussed in the literature. More importantly, it should be borne in mind that the individual clinical case-reports emerging from the West that link kratom use to adverse reactions or fatalities frequently pertained to kratom used together with other substances. Therefore, there is a danger of these reports being used to strengthen the case for legal sanction against kratom. This would be unfortunate since the experiences from South East Asia suggest considerable potential for therapeutic use among people who use drugs.

    CONCLUSION: Despite its addictive properties, reported side-effects and its tendency to be used a recreational drug, more scientific clinical human studies are necessary to determine its potential therapeutic value.

  9. Narayanan S, Vicknasingam B, Robson NM
    Int J Drug Policy, 2011 Jul;22(4):311-7.
    PMID: 21300533 DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2011.01.002
    The transition of drug policy from prohibition to harm reduction has never been easy. The deeply entrenched belief in prohibition shared by policy makers and religious leaders provided little room for alternatives, and change came only slowly. The non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Malaysia played a pivotal role in effecting such a change. Understanding how they did so may be instructive for other similarly placed countries.
  10. Vicknasingam B, Narayanan S, Singh D, Corazza O
    Curr Opin Psychiatry, 2020 07;33(4):295-300.
    PMID: 32398543 DOI: 10.1097/YCO.0000000000000612
    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The aim of this review is to provide an update on recent trends of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) and the current global strategies implemented to manage them.

    RECENT FINDINGS: The number of NPS has increased from 166 in 2009 to 892 in 2018, with about 36% having stimulant effects. Such trend revels some unprecedented patterns. The decline in the emergence of new synthetic cannabinoids has coincided with rising deaths due to overdose of fentanyl and non-fentanyl compounds in North America and Europe. The detection of new stimulant NPS has stabilized since 2015. Although the level of seizures of mephedrone have risen since then, they are still below the levels reported before international control. The legal status of kratom still remains unclear, whereas calls for research on its benefits continue. The nonmedical use of tramadol in Africa and Middle East is a cause of growing concern.

    SUMMARY: Although the rise of NPS is a cause for concern, evidence suggests that the strategy to face the challenge should include updating international data collection systems, integrating scientific-based interventions for drug use, strengthening national monitoring, and increasing collaborative research and forensic capabilities. The legal, regulatory framework and clinical guidelines should remain dynamic, whereas enforcement agencies should measure success by destroying drug networks as seizures rarely dismantle drug markets.

  11. Narayanan SS, Suhail A, Harjeet S, Shahril Y, Masbah O
    Malays Orthop J, 2009;3(1):19-23.
    This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Patients with knee osteoarthritis were followed for a period of six months to assess the efficacy of intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid given three times in three consecutive weeks. Fifty patients were reviewed at two, eight and 24 weeks post-injection. The average age was 60.9 years and female to male ratio was 3:1. Patients were assessed using the Lequesne Algofunctional Index for function, and the visual analogue score for pain and side effects. We found that the knee pain reduced and the function improved in most patients and these beneficial effects maintained for till the last follow up. The only side effect noted was one case of acute non-septic joint effusion after the 3rd injection. We concluded that intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid can produce pain relief and functional improvement for up to 6 months.
  12. Vicknasingam B, Narayanan S, Singh D, Chawarski M
    Curr Opin Psychiatry, 2018 07;31(4):300-305.
    PMID: 29746420 DOI: 10.1097/YCO.0000000000000429
    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review the literature on decriminalization of drug use from 2016 to 2017 and suggest the way forward.

    RECENT FINDINGS: The systematic review of the literature on decriminalization resulted in seven articles that discuss decriminalization as compared with 57 published articles on legalization. Decriminalization of drug use did not have an effect on the age of onset of drug use and the prices of drugs did not decrease after the implementation of drug decriminalization. Policy-based studies on decriminalization suggest shifting from criminal sanctions to a public health approach, which was endorsed by the United Nations (UN) that viewed drug addiction as a preventable and treatable health disorder. One study preferred decriminalization only for cannabis and cautioned against regulating cannabis like alcohol. Another study indicated that general medical practitioners in Ireland did not favour the decriminalization of cannabis.

    SUMMARY: Scientific evidence supporting drug addiction as a health disorder and the endorsement by the UN strengthen the case for decriminalization. However, studies reporting on the positive outcomes of decriminalization remain scarce. The evidence needs to be more widespread in order to support the case for decriminalization. Furthermore, the endorsement by the UN needs to be acted upon by individual member states.

  13. Singh D, Azuan MA, Narayanan S
    J Ethn Subst Abuse, 2023 Dec 23.
    PMID: 38142274 DOI: 10.1080/15332640.2023.2293941
    BACKGROUND: Leaves derived from the Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) tree have been traditionally ingested for their curative properties by diverse groups of the population including people who use drugs (PWUDs) in Southeast Asia. This study investigated the motives for using kratom among drug-dependent adolescents.

    METHODS: Eighty adolescents who were undergoing mandatory drug rehabilitation volunteered to participate in this mixed-method, cross-sectional study. All respondents answered a semi-structured questionnaire while a few were interviewed in-depth.

    RESULTS: The majority were males (70%, n = 56/80). The respondents' mean age at admission was 18.2 years (SD = 1.40), and 65% were between 14 and 18 years old. Sixty-three percent (n = 50/80) had used crystal methamphetamine alone, while the rest had co-used crystal methamphetamine with heroin. About three-fifths (60%, n = 48/80) had a history of kratom use. Kratom was commonly used for many perceived benefits such as increasing energy, reducing crystal methamphetamine intake, intensifying euphoria, easing heroin withdrawal, as a heroin substitute and reducing heroin use. In addition, the multivariate analysis indicated that higher odds of kratom use were associated with those who were employed, used only crystal methamphetamine, were recent drug users, and had no prior incarceration history.

    CONCLUSION: While kratom was being used for its multifold perceived benefits, it also functions as a means to self-treat withdrawal from illicit drug use among drug-dependent adolescents.

  14. Singh D, Narayanan S, Grundmann O, Dzulkapli EB, Vicknasingam B
    Subst Use Misuse, 2019;54(14):2284-2289.
    PMID: 31347441 DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1645178
    Background: Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) or kratom is an indigenous medicinal plant of Southeast Asia. Kratom is widely reported to have dose-dependent effects based on available literature, but to our knowledge, this has not been established conclusively. Objective: This study sought to evaluate if kratom use produces dose-dependent effects, with a stimulant effect at low doses and a sedative effect at high doses, in a sample of regular kratom users. Methods: A total of 63 regular kratom users participated in this cross-sectional study. The Brief-Biphasic Alcohol Effects Scale (B-BAES) was used to determine subjects self-report kratom use experiences. Results: Almost all in the sample were male (98%, n = 62/63), and the majority of subjects were Malays (94%, n = 59/63). The mean age of the subjects in the sample was 43.8 years (SD = 12.1). Seventy-five percent (n = 47/63) have >5 years kratom use history, and 65% (n = 41/63) consumed >3 glasses of kratom daily. Results from first test showed no significant difference in the stimulant (t61 =0.371, p 3 glasses a day or less than this amount, regardless of duration of use. In the second test, no significant differences in the mean scores were found among those who consumed >3 glasses daily or less than this amount among short-term or long-term uses. Conclusions: Daily kratom use produced both stimulant and sedative effects but they were not statistically significantly associated with the dose consumed, both among short-term and long-term users in our sample.
  15. Hauser N, Gushiken AC, Narayanan S, Kottilil S, Chua JV
    Trop Med Infect Dis, 2021 Feb 14;6(1).
    PMID: 33672796 DOI: 10.3390/tropicalmed6010024
    Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic paramyxovirus of the Henipavirus genus first identified in Malaysia in 1998. Henipaviruses have bat reservoir hosts and have been isolated from fruit bats found across Oceania, Asia, and Africa. Bat-to-human transmission is thought to be the primary mode of human NiV infection, although multiple intermediate hosts are described. Human infections with NiV were originally described as a syndrome of fever and rapid neurological decline following contact with swine. More recent outbreaks describe a syndrome with prominent respiratory symptoms and human-to-human transmission. Nearly annual outbreaks have been described since 1998 with case fatality rates reaching greater than 90%. The ubiquitous nature of the reservoir host, increasing deforestation, multiple mode of transmission, high case fatality rate, and lack of effective therapy or vaccines make NiV's pandemic potential increasingly significant. Here we review the epidemiology and microbiology of NiV as well as the therapeutic agents and vaccines in development.
  16. Vicknasingam B, Narayanan S, Beng GT, Mansor SM
    Int J Drug Policy, 2010 Jul;21(4):283-8.
    PMID: 20092998 DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2009.12.003
    BACKGROUND: Ketum (krathom) has been mentioned in the literature as a traditional alternative to manage drug withdrawal symptoms though there are no studies indicating its widespread use for this purpose. This study examines the reasons for ketum consumption in the northern areas of peninsular Malaysia where it is widely used.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of 136 active users was conducted in the northern states of Kedah and Penang in Malaysia. On-site urine screening was done for other substance use.
    FINDINGS: Ketum users were relatively older (mean 38.7 years) than the larger substance using group. Nearly 77% (104 subjects) had previous drug use history, whilst urine screening confirmed 62 subjects were also using other substances. Longer-term users (use >2 years) had higher odds of being married, of consuming more than the average three glasses of ketum a day and reporting better appetite. Short-term users had higher odds of having ever used heroin, testing positive for heroin and of using ketum to reduce addiction to other drugs. Both groups used ketum to reduce their intake of more expensive opiates, to manage withdrawal symptoms and because it was cheaper than heroin. These findings differ from those in neighbouring Thailand where ketum was used primarily to increase physical endurance.
    CONCLUSIONS: No previous study has shown the use of ketum to manage opioid withdrawal symptoms except for a single case reported in the US. Ketum was described as affordable, easily available and having no serious side effects despite prolonged use. It also permitted self-treatment that avoids stigmatisation as a drug dependent. The claims of so many subjects on the benefits of ketum merits serious scientific investigation. If prolonged use is safe, the potential for widening the scope and reach of substitution therapy and lowering its cost are tremendous, particularly in developing countries.
  17. Singh D, Narayanan S, Grundmann O, Boyer EW, Vicknasingam B
    J Psychoactive Drugs, 2019 06 20;52(1):86-92.
    PMID: 31218929 DOI: 10.1080/02791072.2019.1632505
    The leaves from Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) trees, also known as kratom, are traditionally used in Southeast Asia as a mild psychotropic agent. We investigated the demographic characteristics of persons who used both kratom cocktail and benzodiazepines (BZO) in a sample drawn from a rural area in Penang, Malaysia, and the reasons for BZO use. Seventy-seven participants who currently use a kratom cocktail along with BZO were recruited through snowball sampling for this cross-sectional study. The participants were male, and the majority were Malays (99%, n = 76/77), single (57%, n = 44/77) and employed (91%, n = 70/77). BZO was used with kratom cocktail 1) to increase euphoria; 2) to reduce dependence on methamphetamine; 3) to promote sleep; 4) to ease methamphetamine-associated psychological symptoms and 5) to decrease the craving for kratom. There were no significant differences in the intake of kratom use (p = .751), BZO use duration (p = .259), frequency (p = .188) and quantity (p = .888) of BZO use in the last 7 days, and quantity of BZO use in the last 30 days (p = .337) between kratom users and kratom poly-drug users. An awareness of the health consequences of the co-use of kratom with BZO is needed to prevent untoward health incidents.
  18. Aslam S, Yee VC, Narayanan S, Duraisamy G, Standen GR
    Br J Haematol, 1997 Aug;98(2):346-52.
    PMID: 9266932
    Molecular analysis has been performed on a Malaysian patient with a severe bleeding disorder due to factor XIII(A) subunit deficiency. Total mRNA was isolated from the patient's leucocytes and four overlapping segments corresponding to the entire coding region of the A subunit cDNA were amplified by RT-PCR. The cDNA segments amplified efficiently and were of expected size. Direct sequencing of the complete reading frame revealed a single homozygous base change (nt 1327G-T) in exon 10 corresponding to a missense mutation, Val414Phe, in the catalytic core domain of the A subunit monomer. The mutation eliminates a BsaJ1 restriction site and family screening showed that both parents were heterozygous for the defect. The base substitution was absent in 55 normal individuals. Val414 is a highly conserved residue in the calcium-dependent transglutaminase enzyme family. Computer modelling based on 3D crystallographic data predicts that the bulky aromatic side chain of the substituted phenylalanine residue distorts protein folding and destabilizes the molecule. In addition, conformation changes in the adjacent catalytic and calcium binding regions of the A subunit are likely to impair the enzymatic activity of any protein synthesized.
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