Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 1239 in total

  1. Jaafar, N., Jallaludin, R.L., Razak, I.A., Esa, R.
    Ann Dent, 1995;2(1):2462-2060.
    The aim of the article is to report on the perception of utilizers of government dental services towards the preservation of natural teeth for life and relate it to their past utilization pattern and the associated demographic factors. All patients aged 15 years and over attending ten randomly selected government dental clinics in Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan and Negri Sembilan during the study period of thirty non consecutive outpatients days were interviewed and examined clinically. Five-hundred and fifty subjects were included in the survey. It was found that the majority of respondents (63%)have a.rather pessimistic perception of their ability to preserve natural teeth for life and most have a very poor past utilization behaviour (90%).The most pessimistic and worst utilization behaviour was reported by the Malay ethnic group, the least formally educated and the lowest income group (p O.O1).It is postulated that one of the main reason for this trend among Malay respondents could be due to their lower educational and income status, rather than cultural influences. Further research into the influence of culture on the utilization pattern of the Malays is therefore recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  2. Nora, M.S., Tahir, A., Nuraimy, A., Hamzah, A.G.
    This is a cross sectional study to assess the performance of Putrajaya Health Clinic in meeting the client's expectation among 403 clients who came to seek medical treatment through a systematic random sampling in the month of July 2006. Our aim is not only to reduce dissatisfaction among clients but also try to meet their expectations; we have adopted SERVQUAL method which defined satisfaction as the difference between perceptions and expectations. We would also like to refer this dissatisfaction as not able to meet clients' expectations. It was found that there were only 6.9% of clients dissatisfied in Putrajaya Health Clinic, but they had not been able to meet 81.5% of clients' expectation. As for demographic characteristics, there appeared to be a significant association between client's satisfaction and age, gender, ethnicity and educational level. For outpatient's, the greatest dissatisfaction is in the dimension of Reliability. Clients were not happy with the waiting time at the clinic. Apart from recruiting more staff, management should develop a comfortable waiting environment to reduce the agony of waiting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  3. Roohi, S.A., Choon-Sian, L, Shalimar, A., Tan,G.H., Naicker, A.S.
    Malays Orthop J, 2007;1(1):26-28.
    Palmaris longus is a dispensable muscle with a long tendon which is very useful in reconstructive surgery. It is absent 2.8 to 24% of the population depending on the race/ethnicity studied. Four hundred and fifty healthy subjects (equally distributed among Malaysia's 3 major ethnic groups) were clinically examined for the presence or absence of palmaris longus. This tendon was found to be absent unilaterally in 6.4% of study subjects, and bilaterally in 2.9% of study participants. Malays have a high prevalence of palmaris longus absence at 11.3% followed closely by Indians at 10.7% whilst Chinese had a low absence rate of 6.0%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  4. Huh, B.P., Zafarina, Z., Zilfalil, B.A.
    The multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious, and multi-cultural Malaysia is situated at the crossroads of Southeast Asia. It has a total population of about 23 million, comprising of more than fifty ethnic groups: Malays, Chinese, Indian, and the minorities of Orang Asli in Peninsular; Iban, Bidayuh, Melanau, Kenyah Kayan, Ukit, Penan, Sekapan, Lahanan, Lun Bawang, Kelabit, Berawan, Punan Bah etc. in Sarawak; and Kadazan, Bajau, Murut, Paitan, Suluk Bonggi, Illanun, Bengkahak Tidung etc. in Sabah. The origin of the multi-ethnic character of this country traces back to decades of human migration from various regions of Southeast Asia. With her rich human biodiversity, a study of the human population genetics is imperative, either for forensic database purposes, or as the stepping stone for medical applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  5. Hirschman C, Fernandez D
    Genus, 1980 Jan-Jun;36(1/2):93-127.
    PMID: 12263330
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  6. Pathmanathan I
    Med J Malaysia, 1974 Sep;29(1):34-9.
    PMID: 4282628
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  7. Sinnathuray TA, Wong WP
    Med J Malaya, 1971 Mar;25(3):182-6.
    PMID: 4253244
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  8. Makmor T, Abdillah N, Raja Noriza RA, Nurulhuda MS, Sook-Lu Y, Soo-Kun L, et al.
    JUMMEC, 2014;17(1):14-17.
    Organ shortage is a major concern in many countries. The objective of this paper was to investigate the factors that contribute to the low quantity of organ donation in Malaysia. The 1311 respondents in this survey came from the three main ethnic groups in Malaysia (Malay, Chinese and Indian). The survey was based on these components: The reason for not pledging to become a donor; the reason of refusing to become a donor; and whether non-fungible incentive would influence decision. The lack of information and trust were the factors that influenced the respondents to remain apathetic to organ donation. The results denote that people are unlikely to become a donor even if non-fungible incentive were provided to them. Thus, it is important for the government bodies to evaluate the programme and strategies of public education in relation to organ donation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  9. Zuraida, Z., Mohd Normani, Din Suhaimi, S., Zalina, I., Geshina, M. S.
    Background: Vertigo Symptom Scale (VSS) by Yardley et al. (1992) is one of the disease specific
    questionnaires used widely in clinical settings. It is conducted in English and had been translated into six languages including Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish. It has been acknowledged as a good subjective tool to determine the severity of balance disorders. Objective: To develop a valid Malay version of VSS (MVVSS) using appropriate translation methods and validation technique. Method: Forward and backward translation was performed by four professionals from different fields. The translated questionnaire was then assessed for its test reliability based on an experiment on 30 normal subjects. Further, to determine the cultural adaptation issues, the face validity of MVVSS was assessed from 32 normal subjects. They were asked to fill in the MVVSS questionnaire accordingly and give opinions regarding its language, understanding and overall format of questionnaire. Results: Final results of the translation process showed sufficient concurrence among the professionals involved. The reliability test among the normal subjects also showed a high Cronbach’s alpha value (0.90). The face validity method on 32 subjects (mean age of 29.9 ± 9.2 years) showed good feedbacks in terms of language, understanding and overall format of the MVVSS. Conclusion: The translation process was successful and the further validation showed an adequate face validity response. This suggests that our MVVSS has been culturally adapted and can be used in all Malay conversing patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  10. Armstrong RW, Ahluwalia HS
    PMID: 537631
    No population-based cancer registry exists in Malaysia; thus our main sources of incidence data were biopsy series. We determined the frequency of cancers by body site, sex, and ethnic group from biopsy records of the Division of Pathology of the Institute for Medical Research in Kuala Lumpur for the years 1969-71. We then made comparisons of leading sites with data from the Singapore Cancer Registry. Relative risk values for 21 sites indicated significant differences among ethnic groups for cancers of the nasopharynx, larynx, lung, bone, skin, cervix, ovary, prostate, and penis and for lymphomas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  11. Chen ST
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Sep;32(1):17-21.
    PMID: 609337
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  12. Singh RB
    Med J Malaya, 1972 Mar;26(3):149-58.
    PMID: 4555502
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  13. Tan PC, Wong CL
    Med J Malaya, 1969 Sep;24(1):12-7.
    PMID: 4243835
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  14. Pang P, Ng YS, Sidhu J, Kok M
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 04;73(2):86-89.
    PMID: 29703871 MyJurnal
    AIM: To record the incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), its social demographics, clinical characteristics and treatment, in the state of Johor, Malaysia.

    METHODS: Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, is the only public hospital in Johor with a Gastroenterology service. Data on all existing and new IBD patients managed by the Gastroenterology Unit in 2016 were collected. Incidence and prevalence of IBD in 2016 were then calculated based on the estimated population of Johor and Johor Bahru.

    RESULTS: Twenty-five new cases of IBD were diagnosed in 2016. Among the 25 cases, 13 cases were Crohn's disease (CD), 10 were ulcerative colitis (UC) and two were IBD Unclassified (IBDU). The crude incidence of IBD, CD, UC and IBDU were 0.68, 0.36, 0.27, and 0.05 per 100,000 population respectively. Ethnic Indians had the highest incidence of IBD at 4.21 followed by Malays and Chinese at 0.56 and 0.18 per 100,000 population respectively. A total of 156 IBD cases were captured. Amongst them, 85 cases were UC, 68 cases were CD and three cases were IBDU, hence the prevalence of IBD, UC, CD and IBDU were 4.27, 2.33, 1.86 and 0.08 per 100,000 population respectively. Similarly, Indians had the highest prevalence at 16.84, followed by Chinese at 4.06 and Malays at 3.44 per 100,000 population.

    CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of IBD in Johor is comparable to that of a previous study in northern Peninsular Malaysia. The ethnicity preponderance is similar to the previous studies conducted in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  15. Mallineni SK, Jayaraman J, Wong HM, King NM
    Clin Oral Investig, 2019 Jul;23(7):2987-2994.
    PMID: 30374829 DOI: 10.1007/s00784-018-2709-2
    OBJECTIVE: Development of human dentition has been used as a predictor for evaluating the growth and maturity of an individual. It is fairly identical in a specific population, but the effect of development on subjects with dental anomalies had not been fully explored, particularly on subjects with supernumerary teeth (ST). This study hence aims to evaluate the dental development of children with and without ST.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sample size calculation was conducted and 320 radiographs of subjects with and without supernumerary teeth (ST) were obtained from the archives of a teaching hospital. The subjects in both groups were age and sex matched. All the subjects belong to southern Chinese ethnicity aged 2 to 14 years. The left-side dentition was scored, and dental age (DA) was estimated by obtaining scores from the southern Chinese dental reference dataset. Paired t test was used to calculate the difference between chronological age and dental age (CA-DA) for boys and girls with and without ST and further based on the number and position of ST.

    RESULTS: The difference between chronological age and dental age (CA-DA) was 0.10 years for boys and 0.19 years for girls with ST whilst 0.01 and 0.05 years for boys and girls without ST (p > 0.05). The boys with bilateral ST showed significant delay in dental development of 0.23 years (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  16. Nurhanis Sahiddan, Haizan Mohd Taha, Mastura Johar
    Anthony Burgess (1917 - 1993) has written a trilogy of novels on the Malay World, namely The
    Malayan Trilogy (1964). It has been suggested that the trilogy, which consists of the novels Time for a
    Tiger (1956), The Enemy in the Blanket (1958) and Beds in the East (1959), depicts the Islamic
    practices through its Muslim Malay characters, displaying their hypocrisy and their wayward Islamic
    practices as stated by Zawiyah Yahya (2003). In contrast, the trilogy has rarely been studied based on
    elements of the paradigm of Malayness in literature, consisting of six elements, namely the Malay
    language, Islam, the Malay rulers, adat/culture, ethnicity, and identity. Therefore, we aim to analyse
    one of the novels in the trilogy, The Enemy in the Blanket, in light of Islam as one of the elements
    under the paradigm of Malayness in literature as stated by Ida as our primary conceptual framework in
    this study. To achieve these objectives, we employ a close textual reading on the novel by analysing
    the Muslim Malay characters in The Enemy in the Blanket. The findings show that the Muslim Malay
    characters in The Enemy in the Blanket could be considered as wayward Muslims in their practices and
    beliefs. Therefore, we would like to reconfirm that the paradigm of Malayness in in fact, an everydaydefined
    social reality, as experienced by the people in the course of their everyday life as opposed to it
    as an authority-defined social reality, as defined by people of the dominant power structure. It is hoped
    that this study will contribute to the on-going discourse on Islam as the paradigm of Malayness as well
    as English literature on the Malay World.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  17. Mohd Aizat Zain, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Sharmilla Kanagasundram, Zahurin Mohamed
    Neuroscience Research Notes, 2018;1(1):11-20.
    Genetic hereditary has been implicated in bipolar disorder pathogenesis. The PDLIM5 and HTR2A genes have been investigated for its association with bipolar disorder in various populations, however, the results have been conflicting. In this study, we investigate the association between bipolar disorder and the two genes of interest, PDLIM5 and HTR2A genes. We recruited 253 bipolar disorder patients (75 Malays, 104 Chinese, and 74 Indians) and 505 control individuals (198 Malays, 155 Chinese, and 152 Indians) from three ethnic groups within Malaysian population. We genotyped for 3 SNPs of the PDLIM5 (rs2433320, rs2433322 and rs2438146) and 3 SNPs of the HTR2A (rs6313, rs2070040 and rs6311). Significant associations between bipolar disorder and each of the 3 SNPs of PDLIM5 in Malays, Indians and pooled samples. However, only rs2438146 remains significant in the Malays as co-dominant (T/T vs. C/C, p=0.004, OR=0.128, 95%CI=0.031-0.524) and recessive genetic models (T/T vs. C/T+C/C, p=0.003, OR=0.122, 95%CI=0.030-0.494) after applying conservative Bonferroni correction. Haplotype analysis of 3 SNPs of PDLIM5 also showed a significant association with bipolar disorder. No association was observed between bipolar disorder and each of the 3 SNPs of HTR2A in any of the ethnicities. We conclude that PDLIM5 polymorphisms are associated with bipolar disorder in the pooled analysis. After stratification to different ethnic groups, the association remains significant in the Malay and Indian groups. The association is also supported by the significant association in haplotype analysis of PDLIM5. We also conclude there is no association between the HTR2A polymorphisms in the Malaysian population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  18. Suzy Aziziyana Saili, Rosila Bee Mohd Hussain, Khairulnizam Mat Karim
    A plural society existence due to economic policy is an outcome of foreign colonization. Due to the
    British economic policy, Malaya saw the influx two foreign ethnic; Chinese and Indian, working in tin
    mining and rubber estates respectively. Early conflict involving the Malays and these foreign workers
    is inevitable which is evident during both the Japanese intervention and the British colonization. The
    objective of this paper is to review the role and responsibilities of Communities Liaison Committee in
    pioneering social cohesion between the three main ethnics in Malaya during the crucial time of
    Japanese intervention, British colonization, communist threat and the declaration of emergency. Before
    CLC, a cooperation was initiated by AMCJA-PUTERA coalition but was short lived due to the absence
    of support from the British and lack of bargaining between Malays and Non-Malays. CLC received a
    full patronage of the British as the pioneer of social cohesion in Malaya, especially when it was able to call upon the three main ethnic in its discussion of bargaining and negotiation or what is widely known
    as the social contract, as well as practicing political power sharing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  19. Ayu Nor Azilah Mohamad, Mohamed Ali Haniffa, Wayu Nor Asikin Mohamad
    This article discusses the impact of plurality on Malaysia-Singapore relations after the formation of
    Malaysia on September 16, 1963. The establishment of the Federation of Malaysia agreement was
    signed in London on July 8, 1963 by the representatives of the British government, the Federation of
    Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak. All parties agreed to the change in name from Federation of
    Malaya to Malaysia. The declaration of Malaysia was made on September 16, 1963 simultaneously
    throughout the country. This study uses secondary sources and library research methods. The findings
    show that Singapore's existence in Malaysia was seen to have raised racial issues leading to the
    separation of Singapore from Malaysia on August 9, 1965. Ethnic-related problems need to be
    addressed wisely in order to not be a threat to racial relations among the plural society in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  20. Alavi M, Seng JH, Mustaffa MS, Ninggal MT, Amini M, Latif AA
    Percept Mot Skills, 2018 Nov 14.
    PMID: 30426868 DOI: 10.1177/0031512518809163
    Although several studies have examined the relationships among attention, impulse control, gender, and academic achievement, most have focused on clinical samples and have considered only one or two academic subjects. This study investigated these relationships among typically developing children using general achievement measures (academic scores and grades). Our participants were 270 typically developing primary school students (142 boys and 128 girls) of different nationalities living in Malaysia, recruited with purposive sampling with a mean age of 9.75 years. We found that both attention and impulse control significantly predicted academic achievement. Girls had a higher level of attention and impulse control than boys, but gender was not a significant moderator between either attention or impulse control and academic achievement. We discuss the implications of these findings and the need for further research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
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