Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 552 in total

  1. Achike FI, Ogle CW
    J Clin Pharmacol, 2000 Feb;40(2):177-83.
    PMID: 10664924
    Medical students are usually drawn from the best of students, but it is not unusual to see these brilliant students fail their exams or even dismissed from medical school because of poor academic performance. Information overload has been recognized as one of the major contributing factors to this problem. The situation is expected to get worse, with the ever-present technology-induced exponential growth in information. In discussing this issue, the authors echo the concerns of several experts regarding the content overload of medical school curricula, particularly in pharmacology. It is the increasing awareness of this problem that led the Association of American Medical Colleges and the General Medical Council of Britain to promote the concept of a core curriculum for each of the principal disciplines in medicine. Several medical schools have adopted the concept and also the problem-based learning approach, which focuses on ameliorating the complex problems associated with information growth in medical education. Based on the authors' experience as medical students, medical practitioners, and pharmacology teachers, they discuss the factors that contribute to information overload, from psychological and nonpsychological perspectives. Issues such as the design and structure of the curriculum, the quality of training and effectiveness of the teachers (clinically qualified vs. nonclinically qualified teachers), and the psychological preparedness of the students are discussed. The authors make suggestions for improvement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  2. Andrew Chin RW, Chua YY, Chu MN, Mahadi NF, Wong MS, Yusoff MSB, et al.
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Feb;13(1):1-9.
    PMID: 31435296 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2017.06.003
    Introduction: The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) is a recent burnout measure with a focus on fatigue and exhaustion. It has three factors: personal burnout, work-related burnout, and client-related burnout. This study aimed to translate the CBI into the Malay language and to validate the translated version among a group of medical students.

    Methods: The forward-backward translation was performed as per standard guidelines. The Malay version of CBI (CBI-M) was distributed to 32 medical students to assess face validity and later to 452 medical students to assess construct validity. The data analysis was performed by Microsoft Excel, SPSS and AMOS.

    Results: The face validity index of CBI-M was more than 0.8. The three factors of CBI-M achieved good levels of goodness-of-fit indices (Cmin/df = 2.99, RMSEA = 0.066, GFI = 0.906, CFI = 0.938, NFI = 0.910, TLI = 0.925). The composite reliability values of the three factors ranged from 0.84 to 0.87. The Cronbach's alpha values of the three factors ranged from 0.83 to 0.87.

    Conclusions: This study supports the face and construct validity of the CBI-M with a high internal consistency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  3. Hadie SNH, Simok AA, Shamsuddin SA, Mohammad JA
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2019 Aug;14(4):395-401.
    PMID: 31488974 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2019.06.008
    Objective: Students commonly perceive gross anatomy lectures as difficult because they contain complex information that requires three-dimensional visualisation in order to be understood. Without prior preparation, a gross anatomy topic expounded via lecture can be cognitively challenging. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the impact of a pre-lecture activity in the form of viewing a video on students' lecture comprehension.

    Method: A quasi-experimental study was conducted using 254 first-year medical students with no prior exposure to the lecture topic during the 2016/17 and 2017/18 academic sessions. The students from each batch were divided into two groups and exposed to different video material. Group A watched an action movie, while Group B watched an educational video related to the lecture topic. After 15 min, both groups attended a lecture on the gross anatomy of the heart, which was delivered by a qualified anatomist. At the end of the lecture, their understanding of the material was measured through a post-lecture test using ten vetted multiple choice true/false questions.

    Results: Group B's test scores were found to be significantly higher than Group A's (p > 0.001, t-stats [df] = -4.21 [252]).

    Conclusion: This study concluded that the pre-lecture activity had successfully provided the students with some prior knowledge of the subject before they attended the lecture sessions. This finding was aligned with cognitive load theory, which describes a reduction in learners' cognitive load when prior knowledge is stimulated.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  4. Bhagat V, Haque M, Simbak NB, Jaalam K
    Adv Med Educ Pract, 2016;7:341-6.
    PMID: 27354836 DOI: 10.2147/AMEP.S108477
    Personality dimension negative emotionality is known to be associated with academic achievement. The present study focuses on the influence of negative emotionality (neuroticism) on the medical students' academic achievements. The main objective of this study was to ascertain the negative emotionality scores among the first year Malaysian medical students studying in Malaysia and India, further to find out the association between negative emotionality and their academic achievements. The current study sample includes 60 first year Malaysian medical students from Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia, and USM-KLE IMP, Belgaum, India. They were selected by convenient sampling technique. The Medico-Psychological questionnaire was used to find out the negative emotionality scores among the students and these scores were compared with academic scores. The data were analyzed using SPSS- 20. Thus, the study result goes with the prediction that there is a significant correlation between academic achievement and negative emotionality. We concluded that negative emotionality has a negative impact on medical student's academic achievement regardless of the fact whether they study in their own country or overseas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  5. Nalliah S
    Mentoring in academic medicine requires the trained mentor to commit time, purpose and dedication for the personal and professional development of three categories of protégés or mentees i.e. medical students, the clinician-trainee and the clinical-educator. Conventionally, assigned mentors monitor the progress of the first two categories of personnel as their career pathway is clearly defined. On the other hand the clinician–educator in academic medicine could be a scientist or a career clinician expected to contribute to medical education activities and research. The clinician educator has grown in complexity as he multitasks in providing clinical care, assists in delivering the medical curriculum and is expected to do research and publish. Although there is dearth of research in mentoring the clinician-educator, it is clear that mentored clinicaleducators are more productive by way of scientific publications. Trained mentors are expected to identify the needs of the mentee with regards to the level of his career development and his aptitude to move up the academic ladder, successfully nurturing the maturation process. Processes of mentoring in the clinical setting, attributes of the successful mentor and facilitating the mentee in overcoming challenges in academic medicine are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  6. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether students exposed to a brief stress reduction intervention would have lesser stress, anxiety and depression levels compared to their non-exposed classmates during stressful events. Methods: The Ex Post Facto design was applied in this study. Students who were exposed and not exposed to a brief stress reduction intervention were surveyed during a continuous examination and during the final examination. The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) was used to
    examine effects on anxiety, stress, and depression levels. Results: The exposed students statistically had lower anxiety and depression scores than the nonexposed students during the stressful period. Reduction of stress, anxiety and depression scores was sustained during the stressful period. Conclusion: The significant reduction of anxiety and depression scores suggested that brief intervention was effective in the enhancement of the psychological wellbeing of exposed medical students during stressful period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  7. Rafidah Bahari, Muhammad Najib Mohamed Alwi
    Objective: The aim of this paper is to examine medical students’ views on the usefulness of a community project as a venue to train professionalism. Methods:Medical students at Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) were surveyed following psychiatry community projects organized during year 4 undergraduate attachments in psychiatry. Results: A total of 176 students returned the survey forms. A majority of medical students thought that the psychiatry community project promotes teamwork and leadership skills. About a quarter thought that it helped foster their communication ability and encouraged them to be more reflective in their daily lives. These findings were translated into the potential of the community project to train “collaborative” and “managerial” affective domain learning outcomes of the university. Conclusions: The findings indicate that psychiatry community project or similar programmes may be useful tools to train several elements of medical professionalism. Future research however should utilise specific measurements to confirm this finding.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  8. Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):56-63.
    Objective: Medical training has always been regarded as a highly stressful environment to students. This article described a preliminary data on impact of a stress-management programme on medical students’ stress level. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental before after comparison study design. The programme was run over half-day and convenient sampling method was applied. Sample size as calculated for this preliminary study was 38. The 12 items General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was administered prior to the
    programme and four months later. Data was analysed using SPSS version 12. Results: 34 participants were involved in this study. This study found that there was a significant difference in participants’ GHQ-12 scores before and after the programme (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  9. Harlina Halizah Siraj, Abdus Salam, Verasingam, Jaarvis, Syatirah Jani, Yuen, Ling Chung, Gue, Kay Lyn, et al.
    Mastering the art of conducting a research along with the competitive era of publishing papers showed the importance of undergraduate research. The purpose of this research was to study the impact of undergraduate research “Special Study Module (SSM)” on Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) medical students and alumni.
    Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study whereby 64 fifth year UKM medical students of academic-session 2014/2015 and 49 alumni of year 2010 were participated on their SSM research activities. The questionnaire administered online which enquired on participants’ level of interest, confidence and SSM research experiences. Frequency and percentage distribution were used for descriptive analysis.
    Result: Out of 119 participants,113 responded giving a response rate of 95%. More than 90% respondents in both group felt that SSM experience was enriching and 80%–90% felt SSM experience was pleasant. In both groups 47%–50% respondents believed, SSM experience contributed their high level of interest on research. The most influencing factors on their level of interest were supervisor guidance as reported by73%–80% respondents. It was said that SSM supervisor was academically stimulating, impressive as role model and supportive. The most confidence skill was the ability to function within a group and least confidence skill was manuscript writing.
    Conclusion: Undergraduate SSM research showed positive impact on participants’ research activities. More in-depth analysis should be considered especially on manuscript writing as the students were least confident in this skill.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  10. Yusoff MSB, Abdul Rahim AF
    Background: Tertiary education environment has always been regarded as highly stressful to students. Medical training further adds to the already stressful environment. The stress of medical training was associated with negative consequences to the mental and physical health of medical students. We describe in this article a stress-management program known as the 'Medical Student Well-Being Workshop' in our medical school.

    Methodology: The workshop was run over two half-days over a weekend. Prior to the workshop the society announced the workshop to the students and participation was voluntary. It was open to students from all years of the medical course except for first year students. A separate stress management workshop is planned for them.

    Results: A total of 55 students participated in the workshop, out of which 55 (82%) were female students. The years of study were almost equally represented; 14 students (26%) from years two and three, 20 (37%) from year four and 6 (11%) from year five. All sessions were rated as highly useful; the lowest rated, the introduction session, obtained an overall usefulness rating of 3.73 out of the possible 5 (74.6%).

    Conclusion: Medical Students Well-being Workshop is a promising intervention program in improving medical students' ability in managing stress. Perhaps similar approach can be considered relevant to be incorporated in other medical schools.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  11. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim
    Education in Medicine Journal, 2012;4(2):100-104.
    Introduction: Ratings are known to have a generosity error, provide limited discrimination and distorted interpretation, and often fail to document serious deficits. A potential source of these problems is rater judgement. These problems compromise the capability of raters to maintain the standards of rating. The authors propose a simple grading system to improve this situation including providing feedback to raters. Method: The authors developed a grading system named the Discrepancy-Agreement Grade (DAG) to provide feedback on rater judgments. Dependent-t and intraclass correlation tests were applied to determine discrepancy and agreement levels of raters. Rater judgments were then classified into grades A, B, C or D. This grading system was tested in an examination and a student selection interview to assess rating judgments of examiners and interviewers. The purpose was to evaluate the practicability of the grading system to provide feedback on examiners’ and interviewers’ rating judgements. Results: in the examination, five short essays were rated by five pairs of senior lecturers. Out of 5 pairs, 2 (40%) obtained grade A and 3 (60%) obtained grade B. In the student selection interview, a total of 48 pairs of interviewers interviewed ten applicants. Out of 48 pairs, 20 (41.7%) obtained grade A, 1 (2.1%) obtained grade B, 23 (47.9%) obtained grade C and 4 (8.3%) obtained grade D. Conclusion: The grading system showed variability of rater judgments on medical students’ and applicants’ performance in an examination and interview session respectively. It provided feedback on the examiners’ and interviewers’ judgments on candidate performances. This exercise demonstrated practicability of the grading system to provide feedback on rater judgements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  12. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Introduction: The LA-i was found to be valid, reliable, simple and easy to be administered and consumed minimal time. However, to author knowledge, none of articles reported its stability across multiple observations. Realising its potential, continued research is required to optimize its role, usefulness and applicability as a tool to help educators to understand their students’ learning approaches. Objective: To determine stability of the LA-i to measure characteristics of students’ learning approaches at different time and occasions in a sample of medical students.Method: A prospective cohort study was done on 177 first year medical students. It was administered to a cohort of medical students at four different intervals. The Cronbach’s alpha and intra-class correlation analysis were applied to measure internal consistency and agreement level across the
    intervals. The analysis was done using SPSS 18. Result: A total of 157 (88.7%) first year medical students responded completely to the inventory. The overall Cronbach’s alpha value of the LA-i at different intervals ranged between 0.79 and 0.92, The Cronbach’s alpha values for surface learning
    approach subscale ranged between 0.65 and 0.80. The Cronbach’s alpha value for strategic learning approach subscale ranged between 0.76 and 0.84. The Cronbach’s alpha value for deep learning approach subscale ranged between 0.83 and 0.95. ICC values for the three learning approach subscales ranged between 0.46 and 0.50. Conclusion: This study reflected that the LA-i had high level of internal stability to measure students’ learning approaches at different time and occasions. Continued research is required to optimize its role, usefulness and applicability at various educational settings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  13. Majed Mohammed Wadi, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Kamarul Aryffin Baharuddin
    Context: Question vetting is important to ensure validity, reliability, and other quality indicators of assessment tools, including the MCQ. Faculty members invest a substantial amount of time and effort into the MCQ vetting process. However, there is shortage of scientific evidence showing its effectiveness and at which level it needs to be focused on. This study aimed to provide scientific evidence regarding the effects of question vetting process on students’ examination performance by looking at their scores and pass-fail outcomes.

    Method: A parallel randomized control trial was conducted on third year medical students in a medical school. They were randomly assigned into two equal groups (i.e. control and experimental). Two mock examinations were conducted (i.e. time I and time II). At time I, non-vetted MCQs were administered to both groups as a baseline measurement. At time II, vetted MCQs were administered to the experimental group, while the same non-vetted MCQs were administered to the control group.

    Results: Out of 203 students, 129 (63.5%) participated in both mock examinations. 65 students were in the control group and 64 students were in the experimental group. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) in mean examination scores and pass-fail outcomes between or within the control and experimental groups.

    Conclusion: This study indicated that the MCQ vetting process did not influence examination performance. Despite these findings, the MCQ vetting process should still be considered an important activity to ensure that test items are developed at the highest quality and standards. However, it can be suggested that such activity can be done at the departmental level rather than at the central level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  14. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Objective: To determine association between academic performance and absenteeism in classroom among first year medical students.

    Methods: A one-year prospective study was conducted on 196 first year medical students. Academic performance was measured by examination scores at four examinations. Absenteeism score was measured by the cumulative number of absence in an academic session of each student recorded by academic office at the end of the first year of medical training. The academic performance was categorized into pass and fail for analysis purpose. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 20.

    Results: The independent-t analysis showed that, in all examinations, students who passed the examinations had significantly lower absenteeism scores than those who failed (p < 0.001).

    Conclusion: This study found significant associations between academic performances and absenteeism scores among first year medical students. Medical schools should pay more attention on this matter since it may result in poor academic performances.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  15. Almothafar, B., Chee, F.T.
    JUMMEC, 2011;14(2):1-6.
    The present study reports the performance of final year medical students from the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in the end of the senior surgical posting examination (SSP) with the aim to demonstrate the medical students graduating from this newly established university are of good standing and of improving quality. A study on the outcome of the method of teaching conducted on this study was performed by measuring the students’ performance continuously and at the end of their posting. The present data analyses demonstrate that there have been improvements in the medical students’ performance between the last two batches of students graduating from UMS. However, the students appear to be weaker in their MCQs, demonstrating a decline in theoretical knowledge. The analyses also demonstrate that there is a poor positive correlation between theoretical knowledge, clinical skills and/or continuous assessments, demonstrating the importance of emphasis in these 3 areas amongst medical students. Further studies may be required to determine the reason for this poor correlation since these may lead to better understanding on how to improve the overall performance of future medical student. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrates that UMS medical student appears to continue to improve in their SSP performance although there are concerns about the decline in theoretical knowledge.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  16. Jamalludin, A.R., Razman, M.R., Niza, S.
    Background: Peer assessment has been shown to complement both formative and summative evaluations in education and used in some medical programmes. The study was aimed to find correlation between group work peer assessment score and final examination mark among four batches of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) first year MBBS students.
    Method: A set of four questions was constructed and tested to assess students’ overall role in their group research project. The difference in distribution according to years was tested by using one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis, depending on the data distribution. Pearson correlation coefficient test was done to test the linear association between peer score and final examination mark. Partial correlation test was used to adjust the correlation for four academic years.
    Results: From the analysed data of 502 students, there was moderate, significant positive correlation (0.366) between peer assessment score and the final examination mark (P < 0.001). Adjustment to the academic years resulted in correlation coefficient of 0.371.
    Conclusion: The results provide an important insight on the influence of peers’ perception in predicting the medical student academic performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  17. Baharudin N, Mohamed Yassin MS, Badlishah Sham SF, Mohd Yusof ZY, Ramli AS
    The Communication Skills Attitude Scale (CSAS) assesses medical students’ attitudes towards learning communication skills and had been widely utilised all over the world.
    This questionnaire has 26 items framed within two subscales. This study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of the CSAS among medical students in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
    Methods: This was a cross sectional questionnaire validation study among 171 first year medical students from UiTM. The CSAS had undergone content and face validation, followed by psychometric analysis using principal component analysis to assess construct validity. Internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach alpha.
    Results: Factor analysis confirmed the original two-subscale structure of the CSAS (positive attitude scale, PAS and negative attitude scale, NAS). A total of 4 items were removed due to poor factor loading (1 item from PAS and 3 items from NAS). The final validated CSAS consisted of 22 items, 14 and 8 items for the PAS and NAS respectively. Cronbach alphas calculated were 0.862 for the PAS and 0.565 for the NAS.
    Conclusion: This study produced a validated and reliable CSAS to measure the attitude of UiTM medical students towards learning communication skills. Given the low internal reliability of the NAS in this study, future studies should include translating and validating the CSAS into the Malay language to improve its psychometric properties. Future studies should also include medical students from the three major ethnic groups and other medical schools in Malaysia to improve the generalisability of the CSAS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  18. Shilkofski N, Shields RY
    Cureus, 2016;8(8):e739.
    PMID: 27672530 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.739
    Minimal research has examined the recent exportation of medical curricula to international settings. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, USA partnered with Perdana University Graduate School of Medicine in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and implemented the same curriculum currently used at Johns Hopkins University to teach medical students at Perdana University. This study aimed to explore the perspectives of first-year medical students at Perdana University, focusing on issues of cultural dissonance during adaptation to a US curriculum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  19. Banerjee I, Sathian B, Gupta RK, Amarendra A, Roy B, Bakthavatchalam P, et al.
    Nepal J Epidemiol, 2016 Jun;6(2):574-581.
    PMID: 27774346
    In developing countries like Nepal medicines can be acquired from the chemist's without of a prescription which sometime may have many drawbacks due to intake of excessive drugs without a proper diagnosis. The primary objective of the study was to find out the pattern of self-medication practice among the preclinical medical students at Manipal College of Medical Sciences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  20. Subramaniam T, Valuyeetham PS, Tay JS
    MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/eimj2018.10.2.2
    Simulation-based medical education enables knowledge, skills and attitudes to be taught in a safe,
    realistic manner. Flipped classroom teaching encourages self-learning. Emergency medicine exposes
    students to diverse group of patients and physicians’ decision making. This study aims to determine
    students’ perception on knowledge, skills and confidence after combined flipped classroom and
    simulated teaching. Two cohorts of Semester 7 students Group 1 (n = 120) and Group 2 (n = 78)
    completed a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. Group 1 completed the questionnaire after a lapse
    of six months while Group 2 at the end the posting. Responses from both cohorts were compared
    using the Mann-Whitney U test. Of 198 (Groups 1 and 2) students, 91.41% (n = 181) felt the
    simulated sessions helped better understand care of emergency patients. The sessions helped identify
    knowledge gaps (89.90%; n = 178), improve knowledge and understanding of oxygen therapy devices
    (85.35%; n = 169), and airway equipment (90.91%; n = 180). They prepared better for the flipped
    classroom teaching than traditional sessions (80.81%; n = 160). They felt that their communication
    skills (82.32%; n = 163) and confidence (63.64%; n = 126) improved. Significant differences noted
    to questions (p = 0.006, p = 0.005, p = 0.041 respectively) targeting knowledge on oxygen therapy
    devices, confidence, and identification of gaps in knowledge respectively. Combined simulation and
    flipped classroom teaching was well received by students though this requires more preparation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
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