Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 4696 in total

  1. Rejeki PS, Baskara PG, Herawati L, Pranoto A, Setiawan HK, Lesmana R, et al.
    J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol, 2022 Nov 01;33(6):769-777.
    PMID: 35286051 DOI: 10.1515/jbcpp-2021-0393
    OBJECTIVES: Positive energy homeostasis due to overnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle triggers obesity. Obesity has a close relationship with elevated levels of betatrophin and may increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Therefore, lifestyle modification through a nonpharmacological approach based on physical exercise is the right strategy in lowering betatrophin levels. This study aimed to analyze the effect of moderate-intensity interval and continuous exercises on decreased betatrophin levels and the association between betatrophin levels and obesity markers in women.

    METHODS: A total of 30 women aged 20-24 years old were randomly divided into three groups. Measurement of betatrophin levels using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Data analysis techniques used were one-way ANOVA and parametric linear correlation.

    RESULTS: The results showed that the average levels of betatrophin pre-exercise were 200.40 ± 11.03 pg/mL at CON, 203.07 ± 42.48 pg/mL at MIE, 196.62 ± 21.29 pg/mL at MCE, and p=0.978. Average levels of betatrophin post-exercise were 226.65 ± 18.96 pg/mL at CON, 109.31 ± 11.23 pg/mL at MIE, 52.38 ± 8.18 pg/mL at MCE, and p=0.000. Pre-exercise betatrophin levels were positively correlated with age, BMI, FM, WHR, FBG, and PBF (p≤0.001).

    CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that betatrophin levels are decreased by 10 min post-MIE and post-MCE. However, moderate-intensity continuous exercise is more effective in lowering betatrophin levels than moderate-intensity interval exercise. In addition, pre-exercise betatrophin levels also have a positive correlation with obesity markers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  2. Sabbagh HJ, Abdelaziz W, Quritum M, Alamoudi RA, AlKhateeb NAB, Abourdan J, et al.
    BMC Oral Health, 2022 Nov 19;22(1):513.
    PMID: 36402969 DOI: 10.1186/s12903-022-02515-5
    BACKGROUND: Oral diseases are features of COVID-19 infection. There is, however, little known about oral diseases associated with COVID-19 in adolescents and young adults (AYA). Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess oral lesions' association with COVID-19 infection in AYA; and to identify if sex and age will modify these associations.

    METHODOLOGY: Data was collected for this cross-sectional study between August 2020 and January 2021 from 11-to-23 years old participants in 43-countries using an electronic validated questionnaire developed in five languages. Data collected included information on the dependent variables (the presence of oral conditions- gingival inflammation, dry mouth, change in taste and oral ulcers), independent variable (COVID-19 infection) and confounders (age, sex, history of medical problems and parents' educational level). Multilevel binary logistic regression was used for analysis.

    RESULTS: Complete data were available for 7164 AYA, with 7.5% reporting a history of COVID-19 infection. A significantly higher percentage of participants with a history of COVID-19 infection than those without COVID-19 infection reported having dry mouth (10.6% vs 7.3%, AOR = 1.31) and taste changes (11.1% vs 2.7%, AOR = 4.11). There was a significant effect modification in the association between COVID-19 infection and the presence of dry mouth and change in taste by age and sex (P = 0.02 and 

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  3. Irfan M, Shahudin F, Hooper VJ, Akram W, Abdul Ghani RB
    Inquiry, 2021 11 23;58:469580211056217.
    PMID: 34802264 DOI: 10.1177/00469580211056217
    The objective of this article is to examine the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) upon university students' anxiety level and to find the factors associated with the anxiety level in Malaysia. We collected data from 958 students from 16 different universities using an originally designed questionnaire. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale 7-item (GAD-7) was used to estimate the anxiety. Then we applied the ordered logit model to calculate the odds ratios (OR) and factors associated with the anxiety level. We find that 12.3% of students were normal, whereas 30.5% were experiencing mild anxiety, 31.1% moderate anxiety, and 26.1% severe anxiety. Surprisingly, only 37.2% of students were aware of mental health support that was provided by their universities. However, age above 20 years (OR = 1.30), ethnicity Chinese (OR = 1.72), having any other disease (OR = 2.0), decreased family income (OR = 1.71), more time spent on watching COVID-19-related news (OR = 1.52), and infected relative or friends (OR = 1.62) were risk factors for anxiety among students. We conclude that the government of Malaysia should monitor the mental health of the universities' students more closely and universities should open online mental health support clinics to avoid the adverse impacts of anxiety.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  4. Shahrin AA, Ghani SHA, Norman NH
    Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2021 Dec;160(6):784-792.
    PMID: 34452786 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.04.021
    INTRODUCTION: This trial aimed to investigate the effectiveness of microosteoperforations (MOPs) in overall time taken for alignment of maxillary anterior crowding and to evaluate the alignment improvement percentage within 6 months between MOPs and control groups.

    METHODS: Thirty adult participants (25 females and 5 males; mean age, 22.66 ± 3.27 years) with moderate upper labial segment crowding were randomly assigned into intervention and control groups using block randomization. All participants had first premolar extractions, bonded conventional fixed appliances, and 0.014-in, followed by 0.018-in nickel-titanium archwire placement for initial alignment. The intervention group received a 3-mm deep MOPs procedure under local anesthesia using a Propel device (Propel Ortho Singapore, Pte, Ltd, Winstedt Rd, Singapore) on the labial attached gingivae of maxillary incisors at monthly visits until complete alignment. Little's irregularity index was used to assess the overall changes and measure the change of tooth alignment of the 6 maxillary anterior teeth. Assessor blinding was employed.

    RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in the median overall alignment duration between MOPs and control groups (139 days [95% confidence interval, 115.32-161.83] vs 143 days [95% confidence interval, 107.12-179.74]; hazard ratio, 0.829; P = 0.467). The MOPs procedure had no significant effect on the alignment duration (P = 0.657) and no overall significant difference in alignment improvement percentage among 2 groups on the basis of time (F = 2.53; P = 0.124). No harm was encountered.

    CONCLUSIONS: The application of MOPs is no more effective in accelerating initial orthodontic alignment than conventional treatment.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: This trial was registered at the ISRCTN registry with the study ID ISRCTN15080404.

    PROTOCOL: https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN15080404.

    FUNDING: This work was supported by the Postgraduate Trust Fund, Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  5. Genitsaridi E, Kypraios T, Edvall NK, Trpchevska N, Canlon B, Hoare DJ, et al.
    Prog Brain Res, 2021;263:59-80.
    PMID: 34243891 DOI: 10.1016/bs.pbr.2021.04.006
    The spatial percept of tinnitus is hypothesized as an important variable for tinnitus subtyping. Hearing asymmetry often associates with tinnitus laterality, but not always. One of the methodological limitations for cross-study comparisons is how the variables for hearing asymmetry and tinnitus spatial perception are defined. In this study, data from two independent datasets were combined (n=833 adults, age ranging from 20 to 91 years, 404 males, 429 females) to investigate characteristics of subgroups with different tinnitus spatial perception focusing on hearing asymmetry. Three principle findings emerged. First, a hearing asymmetry variable emphasizing the maximum interaural difference most strongly discriminated unilateral from bilateral tinnitus. Merging lateralized bilateral tinnitus (perceived in both ears but worse in one side) with unilateral tinnitus weakened this relationship. Second, there was an association between unilateral tinnitus and ipsilateral asymmetric hearing. Third, unilateral and bilateral tinnitus were phenotypically distinct, with unilateral tinnitus being characterized by older age, asymmetric hearing, more often wearing one hearing aid, older age at tinnitus onset, shorter tinnitus duration, and higher percentage of time being annoyed by tinnitus. We recommend that careful consideration is given to the definitions of hearing asymmetry and tinnitus spatial perception in order to improve the comparability of findings across studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  6. Amad S, Gray NS, Snowden RJ
    J Interpers Violence, 2021 12;36(23-24):NP13296-NP13313.
    PMID: 32065011 DOI: 10.1177/0886260520905540
    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between self-esteem, narcissism, and measures of proactive and reactive aggression in two large community samples of young adults from two countries (the United Kingdom and Malaysia). Self-esteem and narcissism were measured through the Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory and the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, whereas aggression was measured by the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire in 501 young adults with approximately equal numbers of men and women. In both countries, low levels of self-esteem were associated with reactive aggression while high levels of narcissism were associated with proactive aggression. Although this pattern was similar for both genders, the associations between both types of self-evaluation and proactive aggression were greater for men. The results suggest that people with low self-esteem are prone to greater reactive aggression due to anger and hostility, whereas those with high levels of narcissism can act with deliberate, planned aggression to achieve a goal. These effects appear stable across gender and culture.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  7. Abubakar U, Azli NASM, Hashim IA, Kamarudin NFA, Latif NAIA, Badaruddin ARM, et al.
    Curr Pharm Teach Learn, 2021 05;13(5):550-555.
    PMID: 33795109 DOI: 10.1016/j.cptl.2021.01.013
    INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the level of grit and its association with academic achievement among pharmacy undergraduate students in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at a public university in Malaysia. Data were collected using an electronic, validated, pre-tested modified version of the short Grit scale between December 2019 and January 2020. Correlation between grit and self-reported cumulative grade point average (CGPA) was examined.

    RESULTS: Of 444 students invited to participate, 247 completed the questionnaire (response rate 55.6%). Mean age was 21.4 ± 1.5 years, and 70.6% were female. The mean grit score was 3.1 ± 0.4 (out of 5.0). Students had higher scores in the perseverance of effort subscale (3.3 ± 0.7) than the consistency of interest subscale (2.9 ± 0.5). Students with self-reported CGPAs ≥3.50 had higher mean grit (3.3 ± 0.4) than those with CGPAs of 3.00 to 3.49 (3.0 ± 0.4) and 

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  8. Leung AKC, Lam JM, Leong KF, Hon KL
    Curr Pediatr Rev, 2021;17(3):201-211.
    PMID: 32964824 DOI: 10.2174/1573396316666200923161330
    BACKGROUND: Pityriasis rosea is a common acute, self-limited papulosquamous dermatosis that primarily affects children and young adults. The condition and its clinical variants may pose a diagnostic challenge, especially in the absence of the herald patch.

    OBJECTIVE: This article aimed to familiarize pediatricians with clinical manifestations, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of pityriasis rosea.

    METHODS: A search was conducted in March 2020 in Pubmed Clinical Queries using the key term " pityriasis rosea". The search strategy included all clinical trials (including open trials, non-randomized controlled trials, and randomized controlled trials), observational studies, and reviews (including narrative reviews and meta-analyses) published within the past 10 years. Only papers published in the English literature were included in this review. The information retrieved from the above search was used in the compilation of the present article.

    RESULTS: Pityriasis rosea occurs mainly in individuals between 10 and 35 years of age with a peak during adolescence. Human herpesvirus (HHV)-7 and HHV-6 have been implicated as the causative agents in some patients with pityriasis rosea. A mild prodrome consisting of headaches, fever, malaise, fatigue, anorexia, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes and arthralgia is present in about 5% of patients. The most common presenting sign, found in approximately 80% of patients, is a "herald" or "mother" patch which is larger and more noticeable than the lesions of the later eruption. A generalized, bilateral, symmetrical eruption develops in approximately 4 to 14 days and continues to erupt in crops over the next 12 to 21 days. Typical lesions are 0.5 to 1 cm, oval or elliptical, dull pink or salmon-colored macules with a delicate collarette of scales at the periphery. The long axes tend to be oriented along the skin lines of cleavage (Langer lines). Lesions on the back may have a characteristic "Christmas tree", whereas lesions on the upper chest may have a V-shaped pattern. There are many conditions that may mimic pityriasis rosea. Pityriasis rosea in the absence of the herald patch and its variants may pose a diagnostic challenge. The typical course is 6 to 8 weeks. In the vast majority of cases, reassurance and symptomatic treatment should suffice. Active intervention may be considered for individuals with severe or recurrent pityriasis rosea and pregnant women with the disease. Treatment options include acyclovir, macrolides (in particular, erythromycin), and ultraviolet phototherapy. If active intervention is needed, there is evidence supporting the use of oral acyclovir to shorten the duration of illness.

    CONCLUSION: Pityriasis rosea is a common, acute, self-limiting exanthematous skin disease that primarily affects children and young adults. The condition is characterized by a "herald patch" after which oval erythematous squamous lesions appear along Langer's lines of cleavage on the trunk and proximal extremities, giving it a "Christmas tree" appearance. The disease presenting in its classical form can easily be diagnosed. Clinical variants of the disease may pose a diagnostic challenge for the general pediatrician. Knowledge of the disease is essential to allow prompt diagnosis and to avoid unnecessary investigations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  9. Goh CF, Mohamed Faisal N, Ismail FN
    Skin Pharmacol Physiol, 2021;34(6):351-362.
    PMID: 33853085 DOI: 10.1159/000514995
    INTRODUCTION: At present, there is a lack of baseline data on the facial skin biophysical profile of women in Malaysia. The implications related to the daily habits and facial skincare product use on the skin biophysical condition are, thus, unknown. In this study, we aim to evaluate facial skin biophysical parameters of Malaysian women and examine the influence of demographic characteristics, daily habits, and facial skincare product use on these parameters.

    METHODS: Four skin biophysical parameters - transepidermal water loss (TEWL), melanin content, elasticity, and collagen intensity - were assessed on the cheek of the subjects (20-60 years). Demographic background, daily habits, and skincare product use were gauged through a survey. Only 197 from the 213 subjects recruited initially were used for analysis after the data were screened for normality.

    RESULTS: The biophysical parameters were similar in different races, except a higher melanin content in Indian female individuals. Elasticity and collagen intensity reduced with age, while melanin content increased in the older age-groups. But no difference was observed in TEWL at different ages. Evaluating the influence of daily habits, we observed that exercise significantly lowered TEWL and increased melanin content, which may be associated with UV radiation exposure. Facial skincare products are popular among the female subjects (>85% users). Products with moisturizing, sunscreening, and other skincare functions (astringent, antiaging, and anti-wrinkle) were preferred by subjects of all ages. These product functions significantly improve skin elasticity and reduce melanin content in the young adults. While aged women recognized the importance of having an additional skin-lightening function in their skincare routine. Although the influence of individual skincare function on skin biophysical parameters was mostly positive, the alteration of these parameters varied at different ages.

    CONCLUSION: This is the first report of facial skin biophysical profile of Malaysian women. There is no difference among 3 major races saved for melanin content. This work demonstrated age-dependent influences on the biophysical parameters, except TEWL. The significance of skincare product use is well reflected in the improvement of these parameters at different age-groups based on individual skincare functions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  10. Shetty H, Shetty S, Kakade A, Shetty A, Karobari MI, Pawar AM, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2021 11 09;11(1):21914.
    PMID: 34754049 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-01489-8
    The volumetric change that occurs in the pulp space over time represents a critical measure when it comes to determining the secondary outcomes of regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs). However, to date, only a few studies have investigated the accuracy of the available domain-specialized medical imaging tools with regard to three-dimensional (3D) volumetric assessment. This study sought to compare the accuracy of two different artificial intelligence-based medical imaging programs namely OsiriX MD (v 9.0, Pixmeo SARL, Bernex Switzerland, https://www.osirix-viewer.com ) and 3D Slicer ( http://www.slicer.org ), in terms of estimating the volume of the pulp space following a REP. An Invitro assessment was performed to check the reliability and sensitivity of the two medical imaging programs in use. For the subsequent clinical application, pre- and post-procedure cone beam computed tomography scans of 35 immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp and periradicular pathosis that had been treated with a cell-homing concept-based REP were processed using the two biomedical DICOM software programs (OsiriX MD and 3D Slicer). The volumetric changes in the teeth's pulp spaces were assessed using semi-automated techniques in both programs. The data were statistically analyzed using t-tests and paired t-tests (P = 0.05). The pulp space volumes measured using both programs revealed a statistically significant decrease in the pulp space volume following the REP (P  0.05). The mean decreases in the pulp space volumes measured using OsiriX MD and 3D Slicer were 25.06% ± 19.45% and 26.10% ± 18.90%, respectively. The open-source software (3D Slicer) was found to be as accurate as the commercially available software with regard to the volumetric assessment of the post-REP pulp space. This study was the first to demonstrate the step-by-step application of 3D Slicer, a user-friendly and easily accessible open-source multiplatform software program for the segmentation and volume estimation of the pulp spaces of teeth treated with REPs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  11. Man KKC, Shao SC, Chaiyakunapruk N, Dilokthornsakul P, Kubota K, Li J, et al.
    Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2022 Jan;31(1):99-120.
    PMID: 33185773 DOI: 10.1007/s00787-020-01674-6
    It is known that younger patients treated with antipsychotics are at increased risk of metabolic events; however, it is unknown how this risk varies according to ethnicity, the class of antipsychotic and the specific product used, and by age group. We conducted a multinational sequence symmetry study in Asian populations (Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Thailand) and non-Asian populations (Australia and Denmark) to evaluate the metabolic events associated with antipsychotics in both Asian and non-Asian populations, for typical and atypical antipsychotics, and by the subgroups of children and adolescents, and young adults. Patients aged 6-30 years newly initiating oral antipsychotic drugs were included. We defined a composite outcome for metabolic events which included dyslipidemia, hypertension and hyperglycemia. We calculated the sequence ratio (SR) by dividing the number of people for whom a medicine for one of the outcome events was initiated within a 12-month period after antipsychotic initiation by the number before antipsychotic initiation. This study included 346,904 antipsychotic initiators across seven countries. Antipsychotic use was associated with an increased risk of composite metabolic events with a pooled adjusted SR (ASR) of 1.22 (95% CI 1.00-1.50). Pooled ASRs were similar between Asian (ASR, 1.22; 95% CI 0.88-1.70) and non-Asian populations (ASR, 1.22; 95% CI 1.04-1.43). The pooled ASR for typical and atypical antipsychotics was 0.98 (95% CI 0.85-1.12) and 1.24 (95% CI 0.97-1.59), respectively. No difference was observed in the relative effect in children and adolescents compared to young adults. The risk of metabolic events associated with antipsychotics use was similar in magnitude in Asian and non-Asian populations despite the marked difference in drug utilization patterns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  12. Pirouzi G, Abu Osman NA, Ali S, Davoodi Makinejad M
    Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 2017 Dec;231(12):1127-1132.
    PMID: 28985696 DOI: 10.1177/0954411917735082
    Prosthetic alignment is an essential process to rehabilitate patients with amputations. This study presents, for the first time, an invented device to read and record prosthesis alignment data. The digital device consists of seven main parts: the trigger, internal shaft, shell, sensor adjustment button, digital display, sliding shell, and tip. The alignment data were read and recorded by the user or a computer to replicate prosthesis adjustment for future use or examine the sequence of changes in alignment and its effect on the posture of the patient. Alignment data were recorded at the anterior/posterior and medial/lateral positions for five patients. Results show the high level of confidence to record alignment data and replicate adjustments. Therefore, the device helps patients readjust their prosthesis by themselves, or prosthetists to perform adjustment for patients and analyze the effects of malalignment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  13. Ibrahim MKA, Hamid H, Law TH, Wong SV
    Accid Anal Prev, 2018 Feb;111:63-70.
    PMID: 29172046 DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2017.10.023
    Construction of exclusive motorcycle lanes is one of the measures to reduce motorcycle fatalities. Previous studies highlighted the risk of crashes with roadside objects and the tendency of motorcyclists to ride with excessive speed on exclusive motorcycle lanes. However, the risk of same-direction crashes on exclusive motorcycle lanes was not explored in much detail, especially on the impact of lane geometry and roadside configurations. This study used naturalistic riding data to determine the effects of lane width and roadside configurations on overtaking speed, lateral position and likelihood of comfortable overtaking on tangential sections of an exclusive motorcycle lane. Twenty-nine recruited motorcyclists rode the instrumented motorcycles along a 20km stretch of an exclusive motorcycle lane along a major urban road. Results revealed that both the roadside configurations and lane width significantly affect the participants' lateral position, while the roadside configurations only affects the overtaking speed. Participants' overtaking speeds and the front motorcycles' lateral position contribute significantly to the likelihood of comfortable overtaking in exclusive motorcycle lanes. The findings highlight the importance of micro-level behavior indicators in improving the design and overall safety of the exclusive motorcycle facility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  14. Sharif SP, Khanekharab J
    Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 2017 Aug;20(8):494-500.
    PMID: 28806123 DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2017.0162
    This study investigates the mediating role of identity confusion and materialism in the relationship between social networking site (SNS) excessive usage and online compulsive buying among young adults. A total of 501 SNS users aged 17 to 23 years (M = 19.68, SD = 1.65) completed an online survey questionnaire. A serial multiple mediator model was developed and hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. The results showed that excessive young adult SNS users had a higher tendency toward compulsive buying online. This was partly because they experienced higher identity confusion and developed higher levels of materialism. Targeted psychological interventions seeking to gradually increase identity clarity to buffer the detrimental effects of SNS usage and identity confusion in young adults are suggested.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  15. Lau CY, Wong HT
    N Engl J Med, 2018 Feb 08;378(6):e9.
    PMID: 29414266 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm1710539
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  16. Mat Jin N, Ahmad SM, Mohd Faizal A, Abdul Karim AKB, Abu MA
    Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig, 2022 Dec 01;43(4):469-474.
    PMID: 35545610 DOI: 10.1515/hmbci-2021-0096
    OBJECTIVES: We aim to discuss the hematological cancer cases that opted for ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC) as fertility preservation before the gonadotoxic chemotherapy agent.

    CASE PRESENTATION: The ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC) was started in August 2020 in our center. Up to now, there were four cases have been performed and included in this report. The ovarian tissue cortex was cryopreserved with cryoprotectant using Kitazato™ (Tokyo, Japan) media and fit in the closed system devices. A total of four post-OTC patients were included. The mean age was 24 years old, whereas the mean serum AMH level was 30.43 pmol/L. Most of them were diagnosed with lymphoma, except one was leukemia. All of them received additional GnRH analog following OTC as a chemoprotective agent before cancer treatment. Currently, they are recovering well and on regular follow-up with the hematological department.

    CONCLUSIONS: Although The OTC is an ultimate option for prepubertal girls, it can be proposed as a good strategy for adult cancer women who could not delay cancer therapy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  17. Mohamad Sabri MQ, Judd J, Roslan NFA, Che Daud AZ
    Work, 2022;73(4):1245-1253.
    PMID: 36093653 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-205164
    BACKGROUND: Hand injuries affect a person's functioning, thus impeding their abilities to return to work. There is a limited understanding in return to work of the overall predictors when including hand characteristics and functional abilities. Therefore, it is essential to identify the most relevant predictors in return to work among individuals with a hand injury.

    OBJECTIVES: (1) To compare hand function characteristics and functional abilities of injured workers who have or have not returned to work. (2) To estimate hand function characteristics and functional abilities as predictors to return to work.

    METHODS: One hundred and fifteen adult workers with hand injuries aged 18- 59 years old from five general hospitals in Malaysia participated in a cross-sectional study. Predictors were estimated using logistic regression.

    RESULTS: There was a significant association between occupational sector (p = 0.012), injury duration (p = 0.024), occupational performance (p = 0.009) and satisfaction with performance (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  18. Koh MY, Lim KS, Fong SL, Khor SB, Tan CT
    Epilepsy Behav, 2021 Apr;117:107849.
    PMID: 33631434 DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.107849
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to determine the relationship among the clinical, logistic, and psychological impacts of COVID-19 on people with epilepsy (PWE), and the impact of COVID-19 on the quality of life.

    METHOD: This is a cross-sectional anonymized web-based study on PWE, using an online questionnaire to assess the clinical, logistic, and psychological impacts of COVID-19, including Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) and Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory (QOLIE-31).

    RESULT: 461 patients were recruited, with a mean age of 39.21 ± 15.88 years, majority female (50.1%), with focal epilepsy (54.0%), and experienced seizures at least once yearly (62.5%). There were 13.0% experienced seizure worsening during COVID-19 period, which were associated with baseline seizures frequency ≥ 1 per month (32.0% vs. 6.2%, p 1 per month (OR, 14.10) followed by anxiety (OR, 3.90), inadequate sleep (OR, 0.37), and treated in UMMC (OR, 0.31) as the predictors for seizure worsening during COVID-19 period. Poorer total QOLIE-31 score was noted in those with seizure worsening (48.01 ± 13.040 vs. 62.15 ± 15.222, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  19. Sabbagh HJ, Abdelaziz W, Alghamdi W, Quritum M, AlKhateeb NA, Abourdan J, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Aug 24;19(17).
    PMID: 36078253 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191710538
    (1) Background: Adolescents-and-young-adults (AYA) are prone to anxiety. This study assessed AYA's level of anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic; and determined if anxiety levels were associated with country-income and region, socio-demographic profile and medical history of individuals. (2) Methods: A survey collected data from participants in 25 countries. Dependent-variables included general-anxiety level, and independent-variables included medical problems, COVID-19 infection, age, sex, education, and country-income-level and region. A multilevel-multinomial-logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the association between dependent, and independent-variables. (3) Results: Of the 6989 respondents, 2964 (42.4%) had normal-anxiety, and 2621 (37.5%), 900 (12.9%) and 504 (7.2%) had mild, moderate and severe-anxiety, respectively. Participants from the African region (AFR) had lower odds of mild, moderate and severe than normal-anxiety compared to those from the Eastern-Mediterranean-region (EMR). Also, participants from lower-middle-income-countries (LMICs) had higher odds of mild and moderate than normal-anxiety compared to those from low-income-countries (LICs). Females, older-adolescents, with medical-problems, suspected-but-not-tested-for-COVID-19, and those with friends/family-infected with COVID-19 had significantly greater odds of different anxiety-levels. (4) Conclusions: One-in-five AYA had moderate to severe-anxiety during the COVID-19-pandemic. There were differences in anxiety-levels among AYAs by region and income-level, emphasizing the need for targeted public health interventions based on nationally-identified priorities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  20. Jaiswal V, Mukherjee D, Batra N, Ruchika F, Susheela AT, Chia JE, et al.
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2022 Jul 01;101(26):e29822.
    PMID: 35777067 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000029822
    BACKGROUND: Cannabis use has been steadily rising in the United States and can have multiple adverse effects, including cannabis-induced acute pancreatitis. This study aims to collate and highlight the significant demographics, clinical presentation, and outcomes in patients with cannabis-induced acute pancreatitis.

    METHOD: A systematic literature search of electronic databases for peer-reviewed articles was conducted. After an initial search, we found 792 articles through different electronic databases. After manually removing duplicates and articles that did not meet the criteria, 25 articles were included in our review.

    RESULTS: A total of 45 patients were studied, 35 (78%) cases were male and 10 (22%) cases were female, showing male predominance. The mean age of all participants was 29.2 ± 10.3 years. The most common presenting symptoms were abdominal pain 21 of 21 (100%), nausea 17 of 21 (81%), and vomiting 12 of 20 (60%). Ultrasound was normal in the majority of patients, with findings of mild pancreatitis. Computerized tomography scans revealed pancreatic edema and inflammation in 7 of 20 (35%) patients, and findings of necrotizing pancreatitis and complex fluid collection were visualized in 3 of 20 (15%) patients. Dilatation of intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary ducts was not seen in any patients. The overall prognosis was good, with reported full recovery.

    CONCLUSIONS: Cannabis should be included in the differential diagnosis for the etiology of acute pancreatitis, which would help in early intervention and treatment for the mitigation of the rapidly progressive disease.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
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