Displaying publications 201 - 220 of 375 in total

  1. Jamilah Ismail, Norsuhana Abdul Hamid
    Daging memainkan peranan penting dalam diet seseorang. Daging kaya dengan sumber protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, asid lemak Omega 3 dan mineral seperti zink dan ferum. Walaupun daging membekalkan pelbagai keperluan nutrien yang diperlukan oleh tubuh, tetapi pengambilan daging juga boleh membawa kesan negatif kepada kesihatan. Oleh itu, di dalam artikel ini perbincangan akan menyentuh kepada risiko pengambilan daging merah kepada kesihatan. Pengambilan daging merah dalam kekerapan dan kuantiti yang tinggi boleh menyebabkan pelbagai penyakit antaranya seperti kanser dan kardiovaskular. Perbincangan juga di lakukan terhadap risiko pengambilan daging putih terhadap kesihatan. Pengambilan daging putih boleh mengundang pelbagai kesan negatif kepada kesihatan disebabkan oleh penggunaan hormon, antibiotik dan vaksin. Sebagai alternatif, daging ayam organik merupakan daging yang dicadangkan diambil oleh pengguna di dalam diet seharian. Prinsip penternakan ayam organik yang mementingkan sumber makanan ternakan tanpa penggunaan baja kimia dan racun perosak, aspek perumahan dan persekitaran yang mengutamakan kebajikan ternakan serta penjagaan kesihatan ternakan tanpa menggunakan hormon, antibiotik dan vaksin turut dibincangkan.
  2. Nurul Zarhana Jufri, Anisah Nordin, Mohamed Kamel Abd Ghani, Yusof Suboh, Noraina Abd Rahim
    Acanthamoeba is a free living protozoa that can cause keratitis and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. Physiological characteristics of this amoeba are found to have a medical importance and related to the pathogenic potential of the organism. This study was carried out to investigate the physiological characteristic from the aspect of temperature tolerance. Six Acanthamoeba strains from three clinical isolates (HSB 1, HKL 48 and HKL 95) and three environmental isolates (PHS 2, PHS 11 and PHS 15) were used in this study. Test was done by culturing cysts at 30°C, 37°C and 42°C for two weeks and the ability of cysts to change to trophozoites were observed. The result showed all strain was able to change to trophozoites at 30°C and 37°C. However, no trophozoites were observed at 42°
    C. This indicate that there is a similarity in the physiological trait of strains from both isolates are the same and strains from the environment are able to show the pathogenic potential thus capable of causing infection to human.
    Keywords: Acanthamoeba; temperature tolerance; clinical; environmental isolates.
  3. Fatimah Hani Hassan, Vandort, Antoinette Sandra, Rahayu Mustaffa Kamal
    Skala perkembangan kanak-kanak barat seringkali digunakan di Malaysia sebagai panduan utama ibu bapa dan golongan profesional dalam memantau perkembangan kanak-kanak kerana kurangnya data rujukan yang dilaporkan serta wujud anggapan bahawa perkembangan kanak-kanak di Malaysia setara dengan perkembangan kanak-kanak di negara Barat. Walau bagaimanapun, berdasarkan kajian-kajian lepas timbul keraguan mengenai kesesuaian skala perkembangan kanak-kanak barat menilai perkembangan komunikasi kanak-kanak di Malaysia. Oleh itu, kajian rintis ini bertujuan untuk membentuk data rujukan yang boleh dijadikan panduan bagi menilai perkembangan komunikasi kanak-kanak tahap bertatih di Malaysia. Kajian ini melibatkan pengadaptasian The Integrated Scales of Development (Cochlear Ltd. 2003) bagi kanak-kanak bertatih yang berusia 16 hingga 30 bulan yang terbahagi kepada tiga subskala berdasarkan umur iaitu subskala 16 hingga 18 bulan, 19 hingga 24 bulan dan 25 hingga 30 bulan. Penilaian kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan telah dilakukan ke atas skala yang diadaptasi. Berdasarkan penilaian kesahan, dua item telah digugurkan daripada subskala 16-18 bulan dan lapan item digugurkan daripada setiap subskala 19-24 bulan dan subskala 25-30 bulan. Ujian kebolehpercayaan alfa Cronbach telah dilakukan dan didapati hanya subskala 16-18 bulan mempunyai nilai kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi (a = 0.872), manakala kedua-dua subskala 19-24 bulan dan subskala 25-30 bulan mempunyai kebolehpercayaan yang rendah (a = 0.626 dan a = 0.628) masing-masing. Secara keseluruhannya, hasil adaptasi skala ini sesuai digunakan sebagai panduan bagi memantau perkembangan komunikasi kanak-kanak dan bukannya sebagai alat penilaian yang utama.
  4. Nurul Fariza Rossle, Mohamed Kamel Abd Ghani, Anisah Nordin, Yusof Suboh, Noraina Ab Rahim
    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk memencilkan Acanthamoeba spp. daripada pelbagai persekitaran akuatik di Semenanjung Malaysia. Sebanyak 160 sampel diambil dengan 140 sampel menggunakan kaedah swab manakala 20 sampel lagi menggunakan kaedah pensampelan air dengan botol Schott 500 ml yang steril. Sampel swab diambil daripada kepala paip air (50), sinki (50), serta kolam renang (40) manakala sampel air diambil dari laut. Sampel swab diinokulasi secara terus ke atas agar tanpa nutrien (NNA) yang dilapisi dengan Escherichia coli matian haba secara aseptik. Sampel air dituras menggunakan membran turas bersaiz liang 0.45 µm sebelum membran turas itu dipindahkan secara aseptik ke atas piring NNA yang dilapisi dengan E. coli matian haba. Semua piring dieram pada suhu 30°C dan diperiksa setiap hari untuk kehadiran Acanthamoeba spp. sehingga hari ke-14 sebelum disahkan negatif. Secara keseluruhannya, terdapat 20% sampel yang positif untuk kehadiran Acanthamoeba. Acanthamoeba spp. paling banyak dipencilkan daripada sampel air laut dengan peratusan sebanyak 40% manakala paling sedikit dipencilkan daripada swab paip air dengan peratusan sebanyak 4% sahaja. Pencilan positif Acanthamoeba spp. daripada sinki dan kolam renang masing-masing adalah 20% dan 30%. Ketiga-tiga kumpulan genus Acanthamoeba dalam bentuk sista dapat ditemui dalam sampel yang diambil.
  5. Nurul Fariza Rossle, Mohamed Kamel Abd Ghani, Anisah Nordin, Yusof Suboh, Noraina Ab Rahim
    This study was carried out to observe thermotolerance ability of Acanthamoeba spp. A total of 32 Acanthamoeba spp. isolates obtained from water taps, sinks, swimming pools and sea water were used. Trophozoites of Acanthamoeba spp. were inoculated onto non-nutrient agar (NNA) seeded with heat-killed Escherichia coli using aseptic technique and incubated for 14 days at 30°C to obtain the cyst. The cysts were subcultured onto new agar plates for thermotolerance test at 37°C and 42°C. The plates were observed until 96 hours after incubation for excystation of Acanthamoeba before being declared negative. Overall, 81.25% of samples were able to excyst at 37°C while 37.5% were able to excyst at 42°C. Thermotolerant Acanthamoeba is associated with high pathogenicity potential.
  6. Amal Hayati Zainal Abidin, Khairul Osman, Sri Pawita Albakri Amir Hamzah, Noor Hazfalinda Hamzah, Ab Halim Mansar, Normaizatul Afizah Ismail
    The study was conducted to create specific formulae for stature estimation of adult male population in Malaysia based on measurements of femur, tibia and fibula lengths using radiographic method. A number of thirty two Malaysians from hospitals involved as subjects in this study. The subjects were Malays (14), Chinese (8) and Indians (10) from 25-45 years old. The standing height of the subject was recorded before femur, tibia and fibula were scanned with an x-ray
    machine. The bones length was measured on the x-ray film in centimetres (cm) and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19.0 for Windows. The results showed a significant relationship (p < 0.05) between stature and measurements of length of femur, tibia and fibula. Stature of Malays and Indians were significant (p < 0.05) with measurements of length of femur, tibia and fibula but insignificant in Chinese. Simple Linear Regression Analysis was used to derive regression equation for single bone and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was used to derive regression equation for combination of femur, tibia and fibula. Six formulae for stature estimation of adult male population in Malaysia were derived. The formulae consist of three formulae for single bone, a formulae for combination bones with unknown race, a formulae for combination bones of Malays population and a formulae for combination bones of Indians population. Formulae for combination bones had the highest correlation coefficient compared to the formula using a single bone. Standard error was found to be high in all the formulae due to small sample size. Extension for this study is essential to provide Malaysia with accurate formulae.
  7. Haliza Abdul Rahman, Noraini Mansor, Noor Aini Hussain
    Perkembangan industri permotoran telah menyebabkan pencemaran udara yang menjadi faktor kepada peningkatan simptom masalah respiratori dalam kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah rendah. Kajian ini mengkaji perkaitan antara peningkatan simptom masalah kesihatan respiratori dalam kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah rendah dengan pendedahan terhadap pencemaran udara akibat lalu lintas. Kajian school-based jenis keratan lintang telah dilakukan di dua buah sekolah di daerah Kota Bharu, Kelantan iaitu Sekolah Kebangsaan Langgar dan Sekolah Kebangsaan Demit dengan melibatkan pelajar berumur 10, 11 dan 12 tahun. Saiz sampel seramai 124 orang (n = 124) dipilih menggunakan corak persampelan kebarangkalian iaitu persampelan rawak mudah. Responden disoal menggunakan instrumen yang telah disahihkan dan diadaptasi dari International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Statistical Package For Social Sciences (SPSS). Hasil kajian menunjukkan peningkatan simptom masalah respiratori yang dihadapi oleh pelajar di dua buah sekolah rendah di Kota Bharu adalah berkait rapat dengan pencemaran udara yang berpunca dari lalu lintas dengan p < 0.05. Kajian mendapati pendedahan kepada bahan pencemar udara yang berpunca dari lalu lintas telah meningkatkan simptom masalah respiratori dalam kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah di rendah lokasi kajian.
  8. Rokiah Omar, Knight, Victor Feizal, Nur Zakiah Mohd Saat, Sazlina Kamaralzaman, Sharifah N. Syed Alwi
    Fungsi penglihatan dipengaruhi oleh proses penuaan dan tanpa intervensi yang bersesuaian boleh mengakibatkan kemerosotan tahap penglihatan. Keadaan ini jika berterusan akan mengakibatkan kesukaran melakukan aktiviti kehidupan seharian dan memberi kesan kepada kualiti hidup kepada warga emas. Kajian ini mengkaji kesan gangguan penglihatan terhadap aktiviti harian dan kualiti hidup warga emas. Ukuran yang dilakukan ialah tahap penglihatan jauh menggunakan carta LogMAR untuk menilai gangguan penglihatan. Ujian kualiti hidup dilaksanakan menggunakan soalan kualiti hidup penglihatan terhad (LVQOL) dan ujian keupayaan melakukan aktiviti harian menggunakan indeks Barthel (BI). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa gangguan fungsi penglihatan bertambah teruk dengan peningkatan umur, begitu juga didapati bahawa BI berkurangan apabila fungsi penglihatan merosot. Skor kualiti hidup LVQOL pula berkurangan bersama-sama kemerosotan tahap penglihatan. Tiga puluh lima peratus warga emas dalam kajian ini memerlukan intervensi optometri dan penglihatan terhad, Kesimpulannya, kemerosotan tahap fungsi penglihatan di kalangan warga emas boleh menyebabkan penurunan keupayaan dalam melakukan aktiviti harian. Di samping itu, akuiti visual yang tidak dibetulkan akan menyebabkan penurunan kualiti hidup warga emas.
  9. Sa’ida Munira Johari, Suzana Shahar, Roslee Rajikan, Safiyyah A. Aziz
    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a common disorder among elderly and may worsen to dementia. The aim of this study is to develop a nutrition and lifestyle booklet to implement better lifestyle modification, as an effort to delay cognitive decline. A series of discussions with a research group comprising of dieticians, nutritionists, a geriatrician and a public health physician were conducted to ascertain the content of the booklet. There were seven guidelines in the booklet including; eat more fish, eat more foods rich in folic acid, eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly, do activities to stimulate memory, stop smoking and alcohol drinking and stay cheerful and positive. Evaluation of acceptance for the booklet was carried out which comprised of assessment on content, graphic and design among elderly and health staff at health clinic in Cheras. The assessment involved 15 Malay elderly subjects aged 60 to 81 years (mean age 66.1 ±6.6 years), with 60.0% men and 40.0% women and 10 health staff aged 36.6 ± 12.0 years, with range of 27 to 58 years, consists of 20.0% men and 80.0% women also participated. Most of elderly subjects (80.0%, n = 12) indicated they understood information in the booklet. Meanwhile, 20.0% (n = 3) of elderly expressed they did not fully understand the content of the booklet in particular on sentence and terminology. All health staff (100.0%) understood the information in the booklet. This booklet was well accepted by elderly subjects and health staff, however adding more graphics, simplifying sentence structures and minimizing scientific terminologies to improve understanding were suggested. The booklet has the potential to increase the nutritional and health knowledge of elderly specifically with MCI. This would motivate them to adopt healthy eating and lifestyle, thus reducing cognitive decline and prevent dementia.
    Keywords: Cognitive, education, booklet, elderly, lifestyle
  10. Nurul Izzah Ahmad, Aminah Abdullah, Md Pauzi Abdullah, Lee, Yook Heng, Wan Rozita Wan Mahiyuddin, Siti Fatimah Daud, et al.
    A survey was conducted to investigate the level of consumption of ‘ulam’ in Selangor State among 252 adults (> 17 years) (male 28.6%, female 71.4%) of major ethnics (Malays-51.6%; Chinese-30.5%; Indians-17.5%) with the mean age of 42.7 ± 13.9 years. Consumption data were collected using 24 hours duplicate samples together with questionnaire on perceptions of ‘ulam.’ Results showed that ‘ulam’ was preferred by majority of the subjects (82.1%), especially amongst Malays (92.3%). A total of 52% of the subjects consumed partially or boiled ‘ulam.’ Factors that affect their preferences on ‘ulam’ were the perception of therapeutic effects of the ‘ulam’ towards health, its good taste and unique
    aroma. The most consumed ‘ulam’ were cucumber (Cucumis sativus) (60.6%) ‘kacang botol’ (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) (33%), Indian pennywort (Hydrocotyle asiatica) (31.5%), lettuce (Lactuca sativa) (27.6%), ‘petai’ (Parkia speciosa) (29%) and ‘ulam raja’ (Cosmos caudatus) (21.9%). The most preferred partially or boiled ‘ulam’
    were tapioca shoot (Manihot esculenta) (31.5%), ocra (Hibiscus esculentus) (12.5%) and ‘jantung pisang’ (Musa sapientum) (20.1%). There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) amongst the three different ethnic groups on the consumption of ‘ulam’ and the median for total intake per day was within the range of 30-39 g/day. Ulam is a potential
    source for increasing vegetable consumption to meet recommendation by World Health Organization (WHO), which is 400 g per day.
    Keywords: Adults; perception; ‘ulam;’ Selangor State
  11. Chew, S.C., Nagendra Prasad, K., Yang, Bao, Amin Ismail
    Changes in nitrate and nitrite contents (leaves and stem) of Amaranthus gangeticus (AG) and Amaranthus paniculatus (AP), resulting from blanching, storage time (0-4 days), storage temperature (0 and 4ºC), and reheating were analysed. Results showed that fresh AG (1859 ± 7.07 mg/kg) had higher nitrite content than AP (1262 ± 2.12 mg/kg). Nitrites content was 506 ± 2 and 825 ± 3.5 mg/kg for AG and AP, respectively. Reheating and storage times significantly increased the conversion of nitrate to nitrite in AG and AP. Storage at 0 and 4oC exhibited a significant change (P < 0.05) in nitrate and nitrite contents for both samples. Higher nitrite content was found in AP when stored at 4oC and 0oC. The present study indicated that storage time and temperature affected the nitrite contents in blanched AG and AP when stored in low temperatures. Apart from that reheating was also found to increase the formation of nitrite.
  12. Bariah Mohd-Ali, Muhammad Afzam Shah Abdul-Rahim, Zainora Mohammed, Norhani Mohidin
    Kajian terdahulu banyak menunjukkan perbezaan dalam dimensi okular mengikut kaum. Walau bagaimanapun hanya terdapat sedikit data mengenai dimensi okular bangsa Melayu di Malaysia yang dilaporkan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan nilai normal dimensi okular bangsa Melayu muda di Malaysia. Seramai 584 orang telah diundang untuk menjadi subjek untuk kajian secara sukarela. Pengukuran yang dilakukan meliputi kelengkungan dan ketebalan tengah kornea, nilai esentrisiti kornea (e), diameter iris horizontal dan vertikal yang kelihatan, saiz pupil dan bukaan palpebral. Subjek dibahagikan kepada 3 kumpulan berikut mengikut umur dan dipadankan mengikut jantina dan umur: Kumpulan 1 (7-12 tahun, n = 188), Kumpulan 2 (13 to 18 tahun, n = 196) and Kumpulan 3 (19 to 24 tahun, n = 200). Pengukuran dilakukan menggunakan topografer kornea (CTK 922 dari Haag Streit, Jerman), pakometer ultrasonik (Corneo-Gage Plus 2 dari Sonogage Incorporated) dan auto refraktometer (Auto-Ref R1 dari Canon, Jepun). Dimensi okular bangsa Melayu yang diukur didapati lebih kecil dari bangsa lain di seluruh dunia. Perbezaan yang signifikan juga didapati untuk semua pengukuran dengan peningkatan umur (p < 0.05). Keputusan kajian ini boleh dijadikan rujukan untuk nilai dimensi okular populasi Melayu muda Malaysia di masa hadapan.
  13. Samsudin S, Tan KCH
    Mental health is an integral component to the formation of human capital performance. Human capital with high productivity is the key factor to the growth of a country. Thus, this study aims to investigate the relationship between the level of mental health of undergraduate students in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) with their performance. Mental health was measured using the General Health Questionnaire 12-item (GHQ-12) and the performance was based on the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). A total of 316 undergraduate students at UUM had answered questionnaires that were distributed. The data were analysed descriptively and the effect of the level of mental health on performance was tested using probit model. Based on GHQ-12, 48% respondents were found to have a good mental health status. A total of 67.21% of the students who obtain CGPA 3.67 and above have a good level of health compared with only 36.08% for those with CGPA under 3.67. Based on the probit model, the level of mental health was found to be significant at 1% level in influencing the CGPA. These findings provide indication to policy makers of the importance of mental health in influencing the students’ performance. Mental health education programs should be implemented or enhanced to raise awareness of the importance of good mental health state among students in higher education institution.
    Keywords: CGPA; GHQ-12; mental health; productivity; Kedah; Malaysia
  14. Masne Kadar, Nor Afifi Razaob, Hany Naziha Mohd Saibani, Chai, Siaw Chui, Noorashikin Samin
    Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that has gained increasing attention in Malaysia. Much effort is
    now being taken to include children with autism spectrum disorder in the school system, either in inclusive settings or
    in special educational settings. However, this endeavor raises many challenges for the children with autism spectrum
    disorder, their families and for service providers. The current study uses a qualitative approach to investigate parents’
    perceptions of problems faced by their children with autism spectrum disorder in issues related to academic skills. A faceto-face
    interview was performed with parents of children with autism spectrum disorders who were receiving occupational
    therapy services for their difficulties in academic related skills. Findings indicate that most of the difficulties faced by these
    children are related to skills needed to be accepted at school, such as ability to communicate and socialize and this often
    limit their performance at school. These findings not only raise and discuss important implications for service providers
    such as teachers, health care professionals and policy makers, but also lead to suggestions for future research.
  15. Noorsuzana Mohd Shariff, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Fadzilah Kamaludin
    There is a large volume of published studies describing the adverse relationship between treatment non-adherence with tuberculosis treatment outcome. Non-adherence could result in increased risks of prolonged infectiousness, drug resistance, relapse cases and poor survival among tuberculosis patients. Nevertheless, few studies are to be found providing detailed on the reason of defaulting treatment among tuberculosis patients in Malaysia. Hence the goal of this paper is to find out the barriers and motivations factors that affect patients’ treatment compliance among our local tuberculosis patients. This is a qualitative study which included 12 in-depth interviews with tuberculosis non-compliance patients who were treated at Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Kuala Lumpur. All the conversations were recorded, transcribed and analysed by using thematic analysis. It was found that low knowledge, self-negative attitudes, traditional believes, negative perceptions towards health caregiver, drug side effects, stigma, financial problems, less family support and work commitments are the barriers that prevent the patients from religiously taking their anti-tuberculosis treatment. Meanwhile, factors that encourage them to continue their treatment were the believes of bad effects of the disease onto their lives and health, good relationship between patient and health caregiver and social support from people around them. In conclusion, non-adherence involved a dynamic influence of individual, socio-economic and treatment-related factors on the patients. The results presented here may facilitate improvement in the activities in promoting compliance among tuberculosis patients in the future which tailored to the patients’ specific needs.
  16. Elizabeth, Celeste Ward, Rahayu Mustaffa Kamal, Lee Cornwell, Petrea
    There were critical limitations to dysphagia services in Malaysia with speech-language pathologists’ (SLPs) reported
    lacking skills and confidence in managing the disorder. This study examined the impact of providing professional
    development training in dysphagia management. Aims were to determine if: (1) delivery of a training series enhances
    SLPs knowledge in dysphagia management, (2) knowledge translated into improved clinical skills and (3) clinicians’
    perception of their knowledge, skills and confidence improved post-training. The study used a single cohort pre- and
    post-test research design and involved nine Malaysian SLPs. Participants underwent assessment at pre- and immediately
    post-training and again at one month post-training. At each assessment level, knowledge and skills were assessed via a
    written examination and observational assessment of clinical performance respectively. Visual analogue scales were used
    to measure clinician’s perceptions of knowledge, skills and confidence. The training model involved four consecutive;
    4-hour week-end workshops with opportunity to apply new knowledge and develop networking in clinical practice in
    the weekdays between each session. Significant (p < 0.05) improvements in knowledge and clinical skills were observed
    immediately post- and at one month after training. Clinician’s perceptions of knowledge, skills and confidence were
    also significantly higher immediately post- and at one month post-training. The current 4-week structured professional
    development model was found to be effective in enhancing SLPs’ knowledge and skills in dysphagia management and
    improving their perceptions and confidence. The findings highlight the benefits that can be achieved through well designed
    professional development programs.
  17. NurZetty Sofia Zainuddin, Suzana Shahar, Muhammmad Hazrin Husin, Nur Hidayah Ahmad, Wong, Yun Hua, Han, Wan Chien, et al.
    Aging is associated with increased risk of frailty and malnutrition. However, food insecurity has rarely been highlighted
    in the elderly population, especially among the low income group. Thus, a cross-sectional study was conducted to
    determine the association between nutritional status, food insecurity and frailty among elderly in low income residences
    in Klang Valley. A total of 72 elderly individuals aged 60 years and above was selected (mean age 66 ± 6 years) through
    convenient sampling. Participants were interviewed to obtain information on socio-demographic, health status, food
    insecurity and cognitive status. Anthropometrics parameters and frailty assessments was measured using standard
    criteria. Results showed that 75.0% of the participants had abdominal obesity. Nearly half of the participants were
    overweight (41.7%), followed by normal (43.0%) and underweight (15.3%). With respect to food insecurity, most of them
    reported that they had enough food (93.1%). There were significant correlation (p < 0.05) between food insecurity with
    height (r = -0.263, p = 0.026). Most of the participants were pre-frail (58.3%), frail (27.8%) and followed by non-frail
    (13.9%). Calcium intake is inversely associated with frailty (t = -2.62, p = 0.011). In conclusion, food insecurity was not
    a problem, however, half of the subjects were overweight and pre-frail. Three out four subjects had abdominal obesity.
    There is a need to investigate further the pathogenesis of fat frail in this low income elderly population and formulate
    effective intervention strategies.
  18. Nichalini, Sounderajan, Badrulzaman Abdul Hamid, Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim
    The Indian ethnic group remains underrepresented despite the continued advancement in the field of speech and language
    therapy (SLT) in Malaysia. This study aims to investigate the perception of Malaysian Indian Pre-university students towards
    a career in the health sciences and specifically for the SLT profession. This was a cross-sectional study that employed
    convinience sampling method to recruit participants. A total of 110 Indian pre-university students from urban cities of
    Kuala Lumpur and Johor were recruited. The findings showed majority of the respondents (>90%) placed importance
    on a career that provided “high salary,” “job stability,” and “career’s social standing in the community.” Almost all
    respondents recognize the medical, pharmacy and nursing profesion compared to only
  19. Muhammad Faiz Mohd Ismail, smarulyusda Isha, Syarif Husin Lubis, Nur Zakiah Mohd Saat, Siti Nor Ismalina Isa, Normah Che Din
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2017;15(1):105-112.
    This paper investigate the effect of parents’ education background and family monthly income on the Intelligence Quotient
    (IQ) of students with special needs in Kelantan, Malaysia. This cross-sectional method study was employed multistage
    random sampling to obtain information drawn from 130 participants from 10 selected school in Kelantan, Malaysia.
    Questionnaire was used to obtain parents’ education background, family monthly income and demographic variables.
    Students IQ were assessed using Comprehensive Test for Non-Verbal Intelligence (CTONI 2nd Edition). Data analysis involve
    independent sample t-test, one-way between group ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation and multiple linear regression. From
    analysis of IQ score, 63.8% of the special needs students scored very poor IQ, 12.3% scored below average and only
    1.5% score average IQ. Significant mean difference were revealed between age group (p = 0.002), parents’ education (p
    = 0.018) and family monthly income (p < 0.05) on special needs students IQ. Post-hoc tukey shows significance between
    parents who never went to school, went to secondary school (p = 0.037) and university/college (p = 0.021). In term of
    family monthly income, significance difference were found between family with low and high monthly income (p < 0.05).
    Family monthly income (r = 0.393, p < 0.01) showed positive moderate correlation on special needs students IQ. After
    being forwarded by multiple linear regression, it was found that family monthly income (B = 3.605, p < 0.05) and age
    group of special needs students (B = 0.879, p = 0.002) were significant predictor for IQ score and explained 22.5% of
    the variance (R2
    = 0.225, F (5,124) = 83.94, p < 0.05. Overally, majority of special needs students in current study have
    very poor IQ score. Further explanation are discussed on the paper.
  20. Nurul Nurliana Baharudin, Suzana Shahar, Zulkifli Md. Zainuddin
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2017;15(1):113-130.
    Nutrition has been widely recognized to have certain levels of influence on the risk of kidney stone formation. Thus,
    this case-control study was conducted to determine the association of dietary intake and lifestyles factors with kidney
    stone disease. Sociodemographic data, dietary intake, supplements intake, smoking and alcohol habit, medical history,
    physical activity and anthropometric data were obtained using interviewer-administered pre-tested questionnaires
    among 81 patients who had been diagnosed with kidney stone disease and 81 patients without kidney stone disease at
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. The results indicated that body mass index and hip circumference
    were higher among cases as compared to controls in both men and women (p < 0.05). Energy, macronutrients and
    micronutrients intake were higher for case subjects compared to control subjects for all significant parameters (p < 0.05).
    Results showed positive association of kidney stone with consumption of nuts (≥1 time/week) for men and women while
    consumption of eggs (1-3 times/month) and beans (1-6 times/week) showed positive association for women. Analysis
    of multivariate found the risk factor among women was diabetes mellitus [Adjusted OR = 27.6 (95% CI = 1.43-53.3)]
    (p < 0.05). Whilst, plain water intake of at least 6 glasses [Adjusted OR = 0.001 (95% CI = 0.000-0.08)] (p < 0.05) and
    8 glasses per day [Adjusted OR = 0.001 (95% CI = 0.000-0.02)] (p < 0.05) reduced the risk among women. The risk
    factors for men were smoking habits [Adjusted OR = 16.2 (95% CI = 1.29-203)] (p < 0.05), consumption of carbonated
    drink 1-3 times per month [Adjusted OR = 6.25 (95% CI = 1.04-40.7)] (p < 0.05) and 1-6 times per week [Adjusted OR =
    12.5 (95% CI = 1.41-111)] (p < 0.05). Unhealthy dietary and lifestyles factors increased the risk of kidney stone disease
    and various risk factors were found for different sexes.
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