Displaying publications 221 - 240 of 1421 in total

  1. Kah-Wei Hee A, Tan KH
    PMID: 16750428 DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2006.04.009
    Males of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) are attracted strongly to and feed compulsively on methyl eugenol (1,2-dimethoxy- 4 -(2-propenyl)benzene), a highly potent male attractant. Pharmacophagy of methyl eugenol results in the production of phenylpropanoids 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol and (E)-coniferyl alcohol that are sequestered and stored in the rectal gland prior to release as sex pheromonal components during mating at dusk. While these pheromonal components have also been detected in the hemolymph and crop of methyl eugenol-fed males, there is currently little information on the transport of these compounds from the crop to rectal gland in male B. dorsalis. Therefore, using physiological techniques such as parabiosis, rectal gland transplantation and hemolymph transfusion coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses, we were able to ascertain and confirm the role of the hemolymph in the transport of these sex pheromonal components from the crop to the rectal gland. Further, the temporal profile of these methyl eugenol-derived bioactive compounds in the hemolymph also shows an increase with time post-methyl eugenol-feeding, i.e., 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol attaining maximum amounts 15 min after ME consumption and decreasing thereafter, while for (E)-coniferyl alcohol-the increase and decrease are more gradual. These results further demonstrate the ability of insect hemolymph to transport many diverse forms of bioactive molecules including attractant-derived sex pheromonal components.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Attractants/metabolism*
  2. Finnegan SR, Mondani M, Fowler K, Pomiankowski A
    J Evol Biol, 2021 05;34(5):736-745.
    PMID: 33559198 DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13770
    Meiotic drive systems are associated with low-frequency chromosomal inversions. These are expected to accumulate deleterious mutations due to reduced recombination and low effective population size. We test this prediction using the 'sex-ratio' (SR) meiotic drive system of the Malaysian stalk-eyed fly Teleopsis dalmanni. SR is associated with a large inversion (or inversions) on the X chromosome. In particular, we study eyespan in males carrying the SR chromosome, as this trait is a highly exaggerated, sexually dimorphic trait, known to have heightened condition-dependent expression. Larvae were raised in low and high larval food stress environments. SR males showed reduced eyespan under the low and high stress treatments, but there was no evidence of a condition-dependent decrease in eyespan under high stress. Similar but more complex patterns were observed for female eyespan, with evidence of additivity under low stress and heterosis under high stress. These results do not support the hypothesis that reduced sexual ornament size in meiotic drive males is due to a condition-dependent response to the putative increase in mutation load. Instead, reduced eyespan likely reflects compensatory resource allocation to different traits in response to drive-mediated destruction of sperm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Characteristics*
  3. Long FY, Lee MM
    Med J Malaysia, 1974 Jun;28(4):208-12.
    PMID: 4278402
    Matched MeSH terms: Disorders of Sex Development*
  4. Jalaei B, Azmi MHAM, Zakaria MN
    Braz J Otorhinolaryngol, 2018 05 17;85(4):486-493.
    PMID: 29858160 DOI: 10.1016/j.bjorl.2018.04.005
    INTRODUCTION: Binaurally evoked auditory evoked potentials have good diagnostic values when testing subjects with central auditory deficits. The literature on speech-evoked auditory brainstem response evoked by binaural stimulation is in fact limited. Gender disparities in speech-evoked auditory brainstem response results have been consistently noted but the magnitude of gender difference has not been reported.

    OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to compare the magnitude of gender difference in speech-evoked auditory brainstem response results between monaural and binaural stimulations.

    METHODS: A total of 34 healthy Asian adults aged 19-30 years participated in this comparative study. Eighteen of them were females (mean age=23.6±2.3 years) and the remaining sixteen were males (mean age=22.0±2.3 years). For each subject, speech-evoked auditory brainstem response was recorded with the synthesized syllable /da/ presented monaurally and binaurally.

    RESULTS: While latencies were not affected (p>0.05), the binaural stimulation produced statistically higher speech-evoked auditory brainstem response amplitudes than the monaural stimulation (p<0.05). As revealed by large effect sizes (d>0.80), substantive gender differences were noted in most of speech-evoked auditory brainstem response peaks for both stimulation modes.

    CONCLUSION: The magnitude of gender difference between the two stimulation modes revealed some distinct patterns. Based on these clinically significant results, gender-specific normative data are highly recommended when using speech-evoked auditory brainstem response for clinical and future applications. The preliminary normative data provided in the present study can serve as the reference for future studies on this test among Asian adults.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors*
  5. Monum T, Prasitwattanseree S, Das S, Siriphimolwat P, Mahakkanukrauh P
    Clin Ter, 2017 6 15;168(3):e203-e207.
    PMID: 28612898 DOI: 10.7417/T.2017.2007
    Sex estimation is an important step of postmortem investigation and the femur is a useful bone for sex estimation by using metric analysis method. Even though there have been a reported sex estimation method by using femur in Thais, the temporal change related to time and anthropological data need to be renewed. Thus the aim of this study is to re-evaluate sex estimation by femur in Thais. 97 adult male and 103 female femora were random chosen from Forensic osteology research center and 6 measurements were applied tend to. To compare with previous Thai data, mid shaft diameter to increase but femoral head and epicondylar breadth to stabilize and when tested previous discriminant function by vertical head diameter and epicondalar breadth, the accuracy of prediction was lower than previous report. From the new data, epicondalar breadth is the best variable for distinguishing male and female at 88.7 percent of accuracy, following by transverse and vertical head diameter at 86.7 percent and femoral neck diameter at 81.7 percent of accuracy. Multivariate discriminant analysis indicated transverse head diameter and epicondylar breadth performed highest rate of accuracy at 89.7 percent. The percent of accuracy of femur was close to previous reported sex estimation by talus and calcaneus in Thai population. Thus, for especially in case of lower limb remain, which absence of pelvis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Determination by Skeleton*
  6. Lim SH, Brown SE, Shaw SA, Kamarulzaman A, Altice FL, Beyrer C
    J Homosex, 2020;67(1):104-126.
    PMID: 30307803 DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2018.1525946
    Malay-Muslim men who have sex with men (MSM) are marginalized and hidden in Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim country in southeast Asia. We explored the policy, network, community, and individual factors related to HIV infection among Malay-Muslim MSM through 26 in-depth interviews and one focus group discussion (n = 5) conducted in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Bharu between October 2013 and January 2014. As religion plays an important role in their lives, participants viewed homosexuality as a sin. Low risk perception and misconceptions about HIV/AIDS were common, and most participants expressed reluctance to consult a doctor unless they had symptoms. Additionally, buying condoms was embarrassing and anxiety-producing. Fear of discrimination by health care providers and community hindered participants from disclosing sexual behaviors and accessing health services. Homophobic comments and policies by the government and religious leaders were concerns of participants. A safe and enabling environment is needed to reduce HIV risks among Malay-Muslim MSM.
    Matched MeSH terms: Religion and Sex*
  7. Alias A, Ibrahim A, Abu Bakar SN, Swarhib Shafie M, Das S, Abdullah N, et al.
    Clin Ter, 2018 11 6;169(5):e217-e223.
    PMID: 30393808 DOI: 10.7417/CT.2018.2082
    INTRODUCTION: The first step in the forensic identification is sex determination followed by age and stature estimation, as both are sex-dependent. The mandible is the largest, strongest and most durable bone in the face. Mandible is important for sex confirmation in absence of a complete pelvis and skull.

    AIM: The aim of the present study was to determine sex of human mandible from morphology, morphometric measurements as well as discriminant function analysis from the CT scan.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present retrospective study comprised 79 subjects (48 males, 31 females), with age group between 18 and 74 years, and were obtained from the post mortem computed tomography data in the Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The parameters were divided into three morphologic and nine morphometric parameters, which were measured by using Osirix MD Software 3D Volume Rendering.

    RESULTS: The Chi-square test showed that men were significantly association with square-shaped chin (92%), prominent muscle marking (85%) and everted gonial glare, whereas women had pointed chin (84%), less prominent muscle marking (90%) and inverted gonial glare (80%). All parameter measurements showed significantly greater values in males than in females by independent t-test (p< 0.01). By discriminant analysis, the classification accuracy was 78.5%, the sensitivity was 79.2% and the specificity was 77.4%. The discriminant function equation was formulated based on bigonial breath and condylar height, which were the best predictors.

    CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the mandible could be distinguished according to the sex. The results of the study can be used for identification of damaged and/or unknown mandible in the Malaysian population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods*
  8. Irfan M, Hussain NHN, Noor NM, Mohamed M, Ismail SB
    J Sex Med, 2020 03;17(3):412-430.
    PMID: 31955912 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2019.12.003
    INTRODUCTION: Sexual activity is an essential human need and an important predictor of other aspects of human life. A literature review was conducted to investigate whether sexual abstinence in young and middle-aged men is generally considered a deliberate, healthy behavior and whether it has other causes and consequences.

    AIM: To review the prevalence and factors associated with sexual abstinence in young (10-24 years) and middle-aged (25-59 years) men.

    METHODS: Studies were retrieved from Science Direct, PubMed, and EBSCOhost published from 2008 to 2019. The selection criteria were original population- or community-based articles, published in the English language, on sexual abstinence, and in young and middle-aged men.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: This article reviewed the literature on the proportions of and factors associated with sexual abstinence in young and middle-aged men.

    RESULTS: A total of 13,154 studies were retrieved, from which data were extracted for 37 population- or community-based studies. The prevalence of sexual abstinence varied from 0% to 83.6% in men younger than 60 years. The prevalence of primary sexual abstinence was 3.4%-83.3% for young men and 12.5%-15.5% for middle-aged men. The prevalence of secondary abstinence for young men ranged from 1.3% to 83.6%, while for middle-aged men, it was from 1.2% to 67.7%. The prevalence of sexual abstinence decreased with increasing age in young men but increased with increasing age in middle-aged men. The significant factors reported were age, single status, poor relationships, low socioeconomic status, sex education, religious practices, caring and monitoring parents, and not using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs. Although the variations in findings from different studies can be explained by different regions and cultures, the information cannot be generalized worldwide because of a lack of studies in Asian and Australian populations.

    CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The studies on sexual abstinence in the future should use a consistent and standard definition, cover all sexual behaviors, and investigate all related factors.

    STRENGTH & LIMITATIONS: The restricted timeframe (2008-2019), English language, availability of full text, and variability in definition and time duration may be the sources of bias.

    CONCLUSION: Young men had higher proportions of sexual abstinence than middle-aged men, and age, unavailability of a partner, lower educational levels, low socioeconomic status, conservative and religious conditions, and no or less knowledge about sexually transmitted infections were common predictors of sexual abstinence in most of the men. Although determinants of sexual abstinence were identified, further investigation of biological factors in men younger than 60 years is needed. Irfan M, Hussain NHN, Noor NM, et al. Sexual Abstinence and Associated Factors Among Young and Middle-Aged Men: A Systematic Review. J Sex Med 2020;17:412-430.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Education*
  9. Agbolade O, Nazri A, Yaakob R, Ghani AA, Cheah YK
    PLoS One, 2020;15(4):e0228402.
    PMID: 32271782 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228402
    BACKGROUND: The application of three-dimensional scan models offers a useful resource for studying craniofacial variation. The complex mathematical analysis for facial point acquisition in three-dimensional models has made many craniofacial assessments laborious.

    METHOD: This study investigates three-dimensional (3D) soft-tissue craniofacial variation, with relation to ethnicity, sex and age variables in British and Irish white Europeans. This utilizes a geometric morphometric approach on a subsampled dataset comprising 292 scans, taken from a Liverpool-York Head Model database. Shape variation and analysis of each variable are tested using 20 anchor anatomical landmarks and 480 sliding semi-landmarks.

    RESULTS: Significant ethnicity, sex, and age differences are observed for measurement covering major aspects of the craniofacial shape. The ethnicity shows subtle significant differences compared to sex and age; even though it presents the lowest classification accuracy. The magnitude of dimorphism in sex is revealed in the facial, nasal and crania measurement. Significant shape differences are also seen at each age group, with some distinct dimorphic features present in the age groups.

    CONCLUSIONS: The patterns of shape variation show that white British individuals have a more rounded head shape, whereas white Irish individuals have a narrower head shape. White British persons also demonstrate higher classification accuracy. Regarding sex patterns, males are relatively larger than females, especially in the mouth and nasal regions. Females presented with higher classification accuracy than males. The differences in the chin, mouth, nose, crania, and forehead emerge from different growth rates between the groups. Classification accuracy is best for children and senior adult age groups.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Characteristics*
  10. Nissapatorn V, Lee C, Khairul Anuar A
    JUMMEC, 2000;5:89-92.
    A relTospective study was conducted in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, May, 2001.49 (12.1%) of 406 AIDS patients were diagnosed as opportunistic infections related to the central nervous system. The sex ratio (M:F) was 7.2. The median age was 34 years. The predominant age group for male as same as female was 25-34 years.The majority of the study subjects were Chinese (79.6%), married (49%), unemployed (42.9%) and heterosexuals (95.9%) as the risk behavior related to HlV infection. The most frequent clinical manifestations was headache (71.4%). At the time of diagnosis, the greater number of patients 39 (79.6%) had CD4 count < 200 celVcumm. Outcome of acute therapy the patients had a complete (85.7%), treatment continued (10.3%), and transfer to other hospital (2.00/0). Toxoplasmic encephalitis (7.6%) and cryptococcosis (3.9%) were the frequent cause of focal intracerebral lesions and meningitis in these patients respectively. Oral candidiasis (32.7%) was the most common among other opportunistic infections in this study. KEYWORDS: AIDS, Opportunistic infections. central nervous system, clinical manifestations, outcome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex; Sex Ratio
  11. Yasin SM, Ismail N, Noor NM, Mohd Azman MS, Taib H, Jusop JM, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2013;14(1):303-8.
    PMID: 23534742
    BACKGROUND: Medical students' views may provide some direction for future policy considerations.

    AIM: The aim of this study was to assess gender differences in future doctors' receptiveness to currently implemented anti-smoking messages and the effectiveness of those messages.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We administered a questionnaire to all students at a medical university in Malaysia, asking how frequently they noted anti- smoking policies, anti-smoking campaigns, and anti-smoking messages in schools. In addition, the questionnaire investigated most effective methods to convey these messages.

    RESULTS: A total of 522 (59.7%) students responded. Students were least likely to approve of total bans on cigarettes and increasing the price of cigarettes, and most likely to approve of bans on use of cigarettes in public places and sales to individuals less than 16 years old. Approval of total bans on cigarettes was more common in female students than in males OR=0.39 (95%CI: 0.18- 0.86). Furthermore, compared to the female students, the male students thought that printed media; OR=2.32 (95%CI: 1.31-4.10), radio; OR=1.93 (95%CI: 1.15-3.22) and the internet; OR=1.96 (95%CI: 1.15-3.33) were very effective at delivering anti-smoking messages.

    CONCLUSIONS: Gender differences existed in the future doctors' perception of the effectiveness of anti-smoking initiatives. Taking this gender difference into account may increase the receipt of anti-smoking messages in adolescents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors*
  12. Lall P, Shaw SA, Saifi R, Sherman S, Azmi NN, Pillai V, et al.
    J Int AIDS Soc, 2017 08 02;20(1):21723.
    PMID: 28782331 DOI: 10.7448/IAS.20.1.21723
    INTRODUCTION: Cisgender and transgender woman sex workers (CWSWs and TWSWs, respectively) are key populations in Malaysia with higher HIV-prevalence than that of the general population. Given the impact economic instability can have on HIV transmission in these populations, novel HIV prevention interventions that reduce poverty may reduce HIV incidence and improve linkage and retention to care for those already living with HIV. We examine the feasibility of a microfinance-based HIV prevention intervention among CWSW and TWSWs in Greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    METHODS: We conducted 35 in-depth interviews to examine the acceptability of a microfinance-based HIV prevention intervention, focusing on: (1) participants' readiness to engage in other occupations and the types of jobs in which they were interested in; (2) their level of interest in the components of the potential intervention, including training on financial literacy and vocational education; and (3) possible barriers and facilitators to the successful completion of the intervention. Using grounded theory as a framework of analysis, transcripts were analysed through Nvivo 11.

    RESULTS: Participants were on average 41 years old, slightly less than half (48%) were married, and more than half (52%) identified as Muslim. Participants express high motivation to seek employment in other professions as they perceived sex work as not a "proper job" with opportunities for career growth but rather as a short-term option offering an unstable form of income. Participants wanted to develop their own small enterprise. Most participants expressed a high level of interest in microfinance intervention and training to enable them to enter a new profession. Possible barriers to intervention participation included time, stigma, and a lack of resources.

    CONCLUSION: Findings indicate that a microfinance intervention is acceptable and desirable for CWSWs and TWSWs in urban Malaysian contexts as participants reported that they were ready to engage in alternative forms of income generation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Workers*
  13. Wong SK, Patil PG
    J Prosthet Dent, 2018 Aug;120(2):210-213.
    PMID: 29551376 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2017.10.019
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) frequently loops backward before exiting from the mental foramen and spreads several millimeters medially to the foramen. Implant placement in this area may damage the nerve if the anterior loop area is not carefully identified in a radiographic or computed tomography (CT) evaluation.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this observational study was to measure the prevalence of the presence of the anterior loop and to estimate sex and ethnicity-related variations in anterior loop length in the Malaysian population.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 100 cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) files were selected from a pool of 810 ongoing or completed patients in 3 different ethnic groups: Malay (33), Indian (33), and Chinese (34). The DICOM data were imported into commercial software. The IAN was traced with software along with the anterior loop and part of the incisive nerve. The vertical length of the nerve was estimated from the canal to the opening of the mental foramen from the cross-sectional view and translated to the panoramic view. Measurement was made from this point to the most anterior point of the anterior loop by following the trajectory of the nerve and was repeated on the opposite side. A 2-way mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was carried out to evaluate the sex- and ethnicity-related variations (α=.05).

    RESULTS: The anterior loop was present in 94% of the 100 participants. Overall anterior loop length (AnLL) ranged between 0.73 and 7.99 mm with a mean length of 3.69 ±1.75 mm on the left side and 3.85 ±1.73 mm on the right side. Among all participants, no statistically significant differences were found between the left and right sides of the mandible (P=.379). Overall, no significant main effect of ethnicity (P=.869) or sex (P=.576) was found on AnLL measurements. Also, with multiple comparisons, no significant effect was found between each pair of ethnic groups. Men in all 3 ethnic groups had greater AnLL than women.

    CONCLUSIONS: The anterior loop was present in 94% of the 100 participants among the 3 major ethnic groups of Malaysia. Overall AnLL ranged between 0.73 and 7.99 mm and mean lengths of 3.69 ±1.75 mm on the left side and 3.85 ±1.73 mm on the right side, with no significant ethnicity- or sex-related variations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors*
  14. Li T, Pappas C, Le ST, Wang Q, Klinedinst BS, Larsen BA, et al.
    Neurobiol Aging, 2022 Jan;109:158-165.
    PMID: 34740077 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2021.09.020
    The Apolipoprotein E ε4 (APOE ε4) haplotype is the strongest genetic risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). The Translocase of Outer Mitochondrial Membrane-40 (TOMM40) gene maintains cellular bioenergetics, which is disrupted in AD. TOMM40 rs2075650 ('650) G versus A carriage is consistently related to neural and cognitive outcomes, but it is unclear if and how it interacts with APOE. We examined 21 orthogonal neural networks among 8,222 middle-aged to aged participants in the UK Biobank cohort. ANOVA and multiple linear regression tested main effects and interactions with APOE and TOMM40 '650 genotypes, and if age and sex acted as moderators. APOE ε4 was associated with less strength in multiple networks, while '650 G versus A carriage was related to more language comprehension network strength. In APOE ε4 carriers, '650 G-carriage led to less network strength with increasing age, while in non-G-carriers this was only seen in women but not men. TOMM40 may shift what happens to network activity in aging APOE ε4 carriers depending on sex.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Characteristics*
  15. Kolandaiveloo V, Kalaiselvam R, Fong MWC, Mustapa MS, Souce RM, Sugnaseelan S, et al.
    J Vet Med Sci, 2020 Apr 15;82(4):497-502.
    PMID: 32101821 DOI: 10.1292/jvms.19-0477
    Chelonian exhibit temperature dependent sex determination, and ex situ incubation of eggs in conservation hatcheries may render a gender bias. The gender of juvenile Painted terrapins (Batagur borneoensis) produced at a conservation hatchery in Malaysia was determined by endoscopy of the gonads. Circulating reproductive hormones (testosterone, progesterone and estradiol) were profiled for 31 juveniles and nine captive-reared non-breeding adult terrapins. Endoscopy revealed a gender bias of 96.8% (30/31) females. Testosterone levels in the juvenile females (2.49 ± 1.29) were significantly lower than that of the adult females (12.20 ± 4.29), and lower than values in the juvenile male (9.36) and adult males (27.60, 35.62). The progesterone levels in the juvenile females (107.12 ± 68.68) were significantly higher than that of the adult females (51.13 ± 24.67), but lower than values in the juvenile male (33.27) and adult males (3.43, 8.51). Estrogen levels were significantly lower in the juvenile females (1.57 ± 1.35) compared to the adult females (77.46 ± 53.45). Negative correlations were observed between levels of progesterone and testosterone, and progesterone and estrogen. A positive correlation was noted between estrogen and testosterone. The present study constitutes the first attempt to determine the gender and reproductive hormone profiles of juvenile Painted terrapins produced by ex situ incubation, and captive non-breeding adults. Endoscopy of the gonads is a useful techniques for gender determination among juvenile turtles, while the use of testosterone as a gender biomarker warrants further investigation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Determination Analysis/veterinary*
  16. Kruger MC, Todd JM, Schollum LM, Kuhn-Sherlock B, McLean DW, Wylie K
    BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 2013 Mar 05;14:81.
    PMID: 23497143 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2474-14-81
    BACKGROUND: Bone density measurements by DXA are not feasible for large population studies, whereas portable ultrasound heel scanners can provide a practical way of assessing bone health status. The purpose of this study was to assess bone health in seven Asian countries using heel ultrasound.

    METHODS: Stiffness index (SI) was measured and T-scores generated against an Asian database were recorded for 598,757 women and 173,326 men aged over 21 years old using Lunar Achilles (GE Healthcare) heel scanners. The scanners were made available in public centres in Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.

    RESULTS: The mean SI was higher for men than women. In women SI as well as T-scores declined slowly until approximately 45 years of age, then declined rapidly to reach a mean T-score of 80 years.

    CONCLUSIONS: The heel scan data shows a high degree of poor bone health in both men and women in Asian countries, raising concern about the possible increase in fractures with ageing and the expected burden on the public health system.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors; Sex Distribution
  17. Wee SL, Tan KH, Nishida R
    J Chem Ecol, 2007 Jun;33(6):1272-82.
    PMID: 17443401 DOI: 10.1007/s10886-007-9295-0
    After pharmacophagy of methyl eugenol (ME), males of Bactrocera carambolae (Diptera: Tephritidae) produced (E)-coniferyl alcohol (CF) along with its endogenously synthesized pheromonal compounds. CF was shown to be released into the air by the ME-fed males only during the courtship period at dusk and attracted significantly more males and females than the ME-deprived males in wind tunnel assays. However, earlier onset of sexual attraction and a higher mating success were observed only in the wind tunnel and field cage assays on the third day posttreatment of ME. Field cage observations on the male-to-male interaction indicated that the ME-deprived males did not exhibit aggregation behavior, but that ME feeding promoted aggregation behavior in B. carambolae. Field cage observations revealed that the ME-deprived males were not only attracted to the ME-fed males, but also appeared to feed on their anal secretions. The secretions were subsequently confirmed to contain CF along with endogenously produced pheromonal compounds. Results obtained for B. carambolae were compared to those previously obtained from its sibling species, Bactrocera dorsalis, and are discussed in light of species advancement in fruit fly-plant relationships.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Attractants/metabolism
  18. Tan KH, Tan LT, Nishida R
    J Chem Ecol, 2006 Nov;32(11):2429-41.
    PMID: 17082990 DOI: 10.1007/s10886-006-9154-4
    It is widely believed that most orchid flowers attract insects by using deception or chemical rewards in the form of nectar. Flowers of Bulbophyllum vinaceum produce a large array of phenylpropanoids that lure tephritid fruit fly males and also act as floral reward, which the flies subsequently convert to pheromone components. The major floral volatile components identified are methyl eugenol (ME), trans-coniferyl alcohol (CF), 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxphenol (DMP), and trans-3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl acetate, whereas the minor components are eugenol, euasarone, trans-3,4-dimethoxy cinnamyl alcohol, and cis-coniferyl alcohol. Among the various floral parts, the lip (which is held in a closed position up against the sexual organs) has the highest concentration of the major compounds. An attracted male fly normally lands on one of the petals before climbing up onto and forcing the "spring loaded" floral lip into the open position, hence exposing the floral sexual organs. The architecture and location of chemical attractants of the lip compel the fly to align itself along the lip's longitudinal axis in a precise manner. As the fly laps up the compounds and moves towards the base of the lip, it passes the point of imbalance causing the lip to spring back to its normal closed position. The fly is catapulted headfirst into the column cavity, and its dorsum strikes the protruding sticky base of the hamulus and adheres to it. The momentum of the fly and the structural morphology of the long stiff hamulus act to pry out the pollinia from its anther cover. Hence, the pollinarium (pollinia + hamulus) is detached from the flower and adhered to the fly's dorsum. In this unique mutualistic association, both species receive direct reproductive benefits--the flower's pollinarium is transported for cross pollination, and the fly is offered a bouquet of phenylpropanoids (synomone) that it consumes, converts, and/or sequesters as sex pheromonal components, thus enhancing sexual attraction and mating success.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Attractants/metabolism
  19. Singh R, Singh HJ, Sirisinghe RG
    PMID: 7855654
    Spirometry was performed on 1,485 male subjects ranging in age from 13 years to 78 years and comprising of all the main ethnic groups in Malaysia. They were divided into six age categories. Mean forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) were 3.45 +/- 0.02 and 3.10 +/- 0.02, respectively. Both FVC and FEV1 correlated negatively with age. Regression analysis revealed an age-related decline in FVC of 295 ml per decade of life. Multiple stepwise regression of the data for the prediction of an individual's FVC above the age of 20 years gave the equation FVC (1) = 0.0404 (height in cm)-0.0295 (age in years)-2.2892. Predicted FVC values derived from equations based on other populations were considerably higher than the observed mean in this study. This study therefore, reemphasises the need to be cautions when applying formulae derived from one population to another. Grossly erroneous conclusions may be reached unless predicted equations for lung-function tests for a given population group are derived from studies based upon the same population group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Characteristics*
  20. Ross JL, Teeraananchai S, Avihingsanon A, Lee MP, Ditangco R, Rajasuriar R, et al.
    J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 2024 Aug 15;96(5):421-428.
    PMID: 39564477 DOI: 10.1097/qai.0000000000003446
    BACKGROUND: Mental health and substance use disorders are common among people living with HIV and are associated with high-risk sexual behaviors, such as unprotected sex and multiple sexual partners, but Asia-Pacific data are limited.

    METHODS: Adult PLHIV in care at five Asia-Pacific HIV clinics were enrolled at routine clinic visits between July 2019 and June 2020. Depression, substance use, sexual practice and socio-demographic data were collected using PHQ-9, ASSIST, and a study-specific questionnaire. Clinical data were accessed from medical records. Risk factors for medium- to high-risk sexual practices, defined based on total scores from the sexual practice questionnaire assessing number of sexual partners and condom use, were analyzed using logistic regression. Moderate to severe depression was defined as a PHQ-9 score >9, and moderate- to high-risk substance use as an ASSIST score ≥11 for alcohol or ≥4 for other substances.

    RESULTS: Among 723 participants, median age was 38 years, 89% were male, 99% were on ART and 37% had medium- to high-risk sexual practices. Medium- to high-risk sexual practices were more common among those ≤30 years old, unemployed, and HIV status disclosed, and were more likely in participants with moderate to severe depression (aOR 2.09, 95%CI 1.17-3.74) compared to none to minimal depression, and moderate- to high-risk substance use (aOR 1.73, 95%CI 1.23-2.44) compared to those without.

    CONCLUSIONS: Further integration of comprehensive sexual risk reduction strategies, mental health services and substance use harm reduction within HIV clinical settings in the region is needed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Unsafe Sex/statistics & numerical data
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