METHODS: The HomeSat subscale of the Dutch SASC-19 questionnaire (11 items) underwent back-to-back translation to produce a Malay language version. Content validation was done by Family Medicine Specialists involved in community post-stroke care. Community social support services in the original questionnaire were substituted with equivalent local services to ensure contextual relevance. Internal consistency reliability was determined using Cronbach alpha. Exploratory factor analysis was done to validate the factor structure of the Malay version of the questionnaire (SASC10-My™). The SASC10-My™ was then tested on 175 post-stroke patients who were recruited at ten public primary care healthcentres across Peninsular Malaysia, in a trial-within a trial study.
RESULTS: One item from the original Dutch SASC19 (HomeSat) was dropped. Internal consistency for remaining 10 items was high (Cronbach alpha 0.830). Exploratory factor analysis showed the SASC10-My™ had 2 factors: discharge transition and social support services after discharge. The mean total score for SASC10-My™ was 10.74 (SD 7.33). Overall, only 18.2% were satisfied with outpatient stroke care services (SASC10-My™ score ≥ 20). Detailed analysis revealed only 10.9% of respondents were satisfied with discharge transition services, while only 40.9% were satisfied with support services after discharge.
CONCLUSIONS: The SASC10-My™ questionnaire is a reliable and valid tool to measure caregiver or patient satisfaction with outpatient stroke care services in the Malaysian healthcare setting. Studies linking discharge protocol patterns and satisfaction with outpatient stroke care services should be conducted to improve care delivery and longer-term outcomes.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: No.: ACTRN12616001322426 (Registration Date: 21st September 2016.
METHODS: The newly developed CKDPS instrument was tested on 300 patients with diabetes mellitus in a cross-sectional study. The number of domains, model-fit index, construct validity, and internal consistency of this instrument were determined using exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).
RESULTS: The EFA yielded nine domains: illness identity, timeline motivation, medical practice and co-operation for Social Psychology, and perceived benefit, perceived barriers, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, and perceived cue to action for HBM. Four items with low factor loading were removed. CFA yielded the following fit indices for Social Psychology: the goodness of fit index (GFI) = 0.889, comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.934, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.053, normed chi-square (NC) = 1.831; and the following for HBM: GFI = 0.834, CFI = 0.957, RMSEA = 0.053, NC = 1.830. Values of Cronbach's α ranged between 0.760 and 0.909.
CONCLUSIONS: The CKDPS includes 61 questions across nine domains, divided under two categories of Social Psychology and HBM. It is also a valid and reliable tool for measuring diabetic patients' perception of CKD prevention that can be used in larger studies.
METHODS: The questionnaire comprised development and validation stages. The development phase encompassed a literature review, expert panel review, focus-group testing, and evaluation. The validation phase consisted of exploratory and confirmatory parts to verify the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. A total of 214 and 759 participants were recruited from two Malaysian states, Kelantan and Selangor respectively, for the validation phase. The participants comprised urban and rural communities with a high reported incidence of leptospirosis. The knowledge section of the validation phase utilized item response theory (IRT) analysis. The attitude and belief sections utilized exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).
RESULTS: The development phase resulted in a questionnaire that included four main sections: knowledge, attitude, belief, and practice. In the exploratory phase, as shown by the IRT analysis of knowledge about leptospirosis, the difficulty and discrimination values of the items were acceptable, with the exception of two items. Based on the EFA, the psychometric properties of the attitude, belief, and practice sections were poor. Thus, these sections were revised, and no further factor analysis of the practice section was conducted. In the confirmatory stage, the difficulty and discrimination values of the items in the knowledge section remained within the acceptable range. The CFA of the attitude section resulted in a good-fitting two-factor model. The CFA of the belief section retained low number of items, although the analysis resulted in a good fit in the final three-factor model.
CONCLUSIONS: Based on the IRT analysis and factor analytic evidence, the knowledge and attitude sections of the KABP questionnaire on leptospirosis were psychometrically valid. However, the psychometric properties of the belief section were unsatisfactory, despite being revised after the initial validation study. Further development of this section is warranted in future studies.
DESIGN AND METHODS: According to Brislin's Model, the Intensive Care Unit Environment Stress Scale (ICUESS) was translated both forward and backward and adapted cross-culturally. A total of 210 PICU patients were selected from four hospitals in XXX to analyze the final translated version of the questionnaire, the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Environmental Stress Scale (PICUESS). Content validity, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to assess the validity, while reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha and split-half reliability analysis.
RESULTS: For PICUESS, seven of 42 items were modified. Content validity was high (overall = 0.96, item validity = 0.8 to 1.0). Exploratory factor analysis revealed eight common factors (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin = 0.857, significant Bartlett's test). The results of the CFA indicate that the scale model fits well across the 8 factors. The entire scale demonstrated excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.934). The overall split-half reliability was 0.935.
CONCLUSIONS: The Chinese version of PICUESS demonstrates good reliability and validity, making it suitable for assessing pediatric patients' perceptions of the PICU environment.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The PICUESS can assist healthcare professionals in providing personalized environment care for PICU patients. It has the potential to serve as a tool for further testing and international comparisons of pediatric patients' perceptions of the PICU environment.
METHODS: This study comprises of three phases, namely (1) items selection phase, (2) pilot study phase, and (3) scale validation phase. During the first phase, the items were selected from items pools which gathered from previous suicide ideation/ attitude scales. Then the pilot study was carried out to examine the items for Yatt Suicide Attitude Scale (YSAS). Lastly, the Yatt Suicide Attitude Scale (YSAS) validation study was conducted with 219 university students.
RESULTS: Initial version of YSAS comprised 16 items and three components. After factor analysis, the questionnaire was reduced into only two components (Suicide Ideation and Suicide Attempt) with 5 items each. Both of the components obtained high reliability value (.89 and.86 respectively) and the questionnaire accounted for 67.84% of the total variance.
CONCLUSION: The analysis showed that YSAS has an acceptable reliability and validity for Malaysian population. Although these findings corroborate literature on development of suicide ideation assessment instrument for specific cultural context, there is a need to further examine its reliability with clinical population and general population of different cultural context in Malaysia.
METHODS: An online sample of 815 Malaysian Malays (women n = 403) completed a novel translation of the MAIA. Validated measures of trait mindfulness and self-esteem were also completed to facilitate a preliminary assessment of convergent validity.
RESULTS: Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the MAIA items reduced to a 19-item, 3-factor model. The 3-factor model was further tested using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) alongside the parent 8-factor model. Both models had good fit on some indices, but less-than-ideal fit on other indices. The 3-factor model evidenced comparatively better fit, with fit indices being adequate following modification. Multi-group CFA indicated both the 3-factor model and the 8-factor model had full strict invariance across sex. However, evidence for construct and convergent validity was mixed.
CONCLUSIONS: Overall the 3-dimensional Malay MAIA was demonstrated to be both internally consistent and invariant across sex, but further evidence of construct and convergent validity is required. Issues that affect the dimensionality of MAIA scores in the present and extant work are discussed in conclusion.
METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS: A total of 1880 of older adults were selected by multistage stratified sampling. Life satisfaction and social support were measured with the Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale and Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey. The result shows living with children as the commonest type of living arrangement for older adults in peninsular Malaysia. Compared to living alone, living only with a spouse especially and then co-residency with children were both associated with better life satisfaction (p
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to develop and refine items of a quantitative instrument measuring the critical success factors influencing acceptance of Casemix system implementation within the Ministry of Health's Total Hospital Information System (THIS).
METHODS: A cross-sectional pilot study collected data from medical doctors at a hospital equipped with the THIS in the federal territory of Putrajaya, Malaysia. This pilot study's minimum sample size was 125, achieved through proportionate stratified random sampling. Data were collected using a web-based questionnaire adapted from the human, organization, and technology-fit evaluation framework and the technology acceptance model. The pilot data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and the Cronbach α assessed internal reliability. Both analyses were conducted in SPSS (version 25.0; IBM Corp).
RESULTS: This study obtained 106 valid responses, equivalent to an 84.8% (106/125) response rate. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.859, and the Bartlett test of sphericity yielded statistically significant results (Pfactors construct was divided into 2 components, later named organizational structure and organizational environment. In total, 98% (41/42) of the items had factor loadings of >0.6, leading to the removal of 1 item for the final instrument for the field study. EFA ultimately identified 8 main constructs influencing Casemix implementation within the THIS: system quality, information quality, service quality, organizational characteristics, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, intention to use, and acceptance. Internal reliability measured using the Cronbach α ranged from 0.914 to 0.969, demonstrating high reliability.
CONCLUSIONS: This study provides insights into the complexities of EFA and the distinct dimensions underlying the constructs that influence Casemix system acceptance in the THIS. While the findings align with extensive technology acceptance literature, the results accentuate the necessity for further research to develop a consensus regarding the most critical factors for successful Casemix adoption. The developed instrument is a substantial step toward better understanding the multidimensional challenges of health care system transformations in Malaysia, postulating an underpinning for future fieldwork and broader application across other hospitals.