CASE REPORT: Both procedures were conducted with advanced airway under total intravenous anaesthesia. 2.6 mm GS was used in combination with a 2.2 mm rEBUS probe, using a therapeutic bronchoscope. Case 1 describes a SPN in the apical segment of the right upper lobe that was inconclusive by forceps biopsy due to GS displacement and inadequate biopsy depth. A steerable GS combined with the novel cryoprobe subsequently overcame this issue. Case 2 describes a SPN in the apical segment of the left upper lobe in which the standard cryoprobe failed to advance through the GS due to steep angulation. It also highlights with shorter activation time, the novel cryoprobe enable biopsied tissue to be retrieved through the GS while the bronchoscope-GS remains wedgend in the airway segment. There were no bleeding or pneumothorax complications in both cases, and histopathological examination confirmed adenocarcinoma of the lung.
CONCLUSION: The 1.1 mm flexible cryoprobe in combination with GS and therapeutic bronchoscope offers an option to acquire adequate tissue in difficult-to-reach regions in the lung such as the apical segment of upper lobes. Further prospective series to evaluate its performance and safety in SPN biopsy is highly anticipated.
METHODS: We applied a multiplex serology assay to simultaneously measure antibody responses to 11 F. nucleatum antigens in prediagnostic serum samples from 485 colorectal cancer cases and 485 matched controls. Conditional logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI).
RESULTS: We observed neither a statistically significant colorectal cancer risk association for antibodies to individual F. nucleatum proteins nor for combined positivity to any of the 11 proteins (OR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.62-1.06).
CONCLUSIONS: Antibody responses to F. nucleatum proteins in prediagnostic serum samples from a subset of colorectal cancer cases and matched controls within the EPIC study were not associated with colorectal cancer risk.
IMPACT: Our findings in prospectively ascertained serum samples contradict the existing literature on the association of F. nucleatum with colorectal cancer risk. Future prospective studies, specifically detecting F. nucleatum in stool or tissue biopsies, are needed to complement our findings.
RECENT FINDINGS: This case report presents the first documented instance of such a unique clinical scenario. The marked histological disparities between GCT and ECD further underscore the enigmatic nature of this case. The intricate interplay of genetic, environmental, and pathophysiological factors that led to the simultaneous development of two distinct neoplasms in the same patient is yet to be fully elucidated. This case not only challenges our understanding of the etiology of these conditions but also emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation and management of such complex cases. The confluence of rare entities, the diagnostic complexities they introduce, and the imperative need for tailored treatment strategies exemplify the intricate landscape of oncological care. This case serves as a compelling reminder of the many unknown facets of disease etiology and the significance of collaborative medical efforts in offering the best possible care for patients confronting exceptionally rare clinical presentations.