Displaying publications 261 - 280 of 989 in total

  1. Ahmad HAB, El-Badawy IM, Singh OP, Hisham RB, Malarvili MB
    Technol Health Care, 2018;26(4):573-579.
    PMID: 29758955 DOI: 10.3233/THC-171067
    BACKGROUND: Fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring device is highly demanded to assess the fetus health condition in home environments. Conventional standard devices such as ultrasonography and cardiotocography are expensive, bulky and uncomfortable and consequently not suitable for long-term monitoring. Herein, we report a device that can be used to measure fetal heart rate in clinical and home environments.

    METHODS: The proposed device measures and displays the FHR on a screen liquid crystal display (LCD). The device consists of hardware that comprises condenser microphone sensor, signal conditioning, microcontroller and LCD, and software that involves the algorithm used for processing the conditioned fetal heart signal prior to FHR display. The device's performance is validated based on analysis of variance (ANOVA) test.

    RESULTS: FHR data was recorded from 22 pregnant women during the 17th to 37th week of gestation using the developed device and two standard devices; AngelSounds and Electronic Stethoscope. The results show that F-value (1.5) is less than F𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡, (3.1) and p-value (p> 0.05). Accordingly, there is no significant difference between the mean readings of the developed and existing devices. Hence, the developed device can be used for monitoring FHR in clinical and home environments.

    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Rate, Fetal/physiology*
  2. Alwi M, Mood MC
    Interv Cardiol Clin, 2013 Jan;2(1):93-113.
    PMID: 28581990 DOI: 10.1016/j.iccl.2012.09.011
    Stenting of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is an attractive alternative to the surgical aortopulmonary shunt in the palliation of cyanotic congenital heart disease. However, the diverse morphology of PDA in this setting limits its role, as stenting an overly tortuous duct may not be feasible, and in a significant number of patients, ductus-related pulmonary artery stenosis contraindicates this procedure. The major acute complications are stent migration, thrombosis, and cardiac failure. Early failure of palliation caused by in-stent stenosis is another limitation of this procedure.

    Study site: Institut Jantung Negara (IJN), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Defects, Congenital; Heart Failure
  3. Albahri AS, Zaidan AA, Albahri OS, Zaidan BB, Alsalem MA
    J Med Syst, 2018 Jun 23;42(8):137.
    PMID: 29936593 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-018-0983-9
    The burden on healthcare services in the world has increased substantially in the past decades. The quality and quantity of care have to increase to meet surging demands, especially among patients with chronic heart diseases. The expansion of information and communication technologies has led to new models for the delivery healthcare services in telemedicine. Therefore, mHealth plays an imperative role in the sustainable delivery of healthcare services in telemedicine. This paper presents a comprehensive review of healthcare service provision. It highlights the open issues and challenges related to the use of the real-time fault-tolerant mHealth system in telemedicine. The methodological aspects of mHealth are examined, and three distinct and successive phases are presented. The first discusses the identification process for establishing a decision matrix based on a crossover of 'time of arrival of patient at the hospital/multi-services' and 'hospitals' within mHealth. The second phase discusses the development of a decision matrix for hospital selection based on the MAHP method. The third phase discusses the validation of the proposed system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Diseases/therapy
  4. Vijayaraghavan R, Thay WY
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):175-176.
    PMID: 29962503 MyJurnal
    Fontan and Baudet described the procedure in 1971 and was very useful to improve the quality of life in many complex cyanotic heart diseases. It has gone through various modifications since then to improve the outcome. The mortality was reported as 2.1% and survival rate of at 5 years, 10 years, 15 years and 20 years were 91%, 80%, 73%and 69% respectively. Though it was a useful palliative procedure to improve the quality of life, it has complications which may affect the morbidity and mortality like Protein loosing enteropathy ,reduced exercise capacity thromboembolism. The patients with protein losing enteropathy present with Pleural effusion, ascites, and edema and they need periodic replacement of Albumin and frequent reviews and close follow up in the management to reduce the mortality and to improve the quality of life .These complications we come across and they need our support in the management at district level hospitals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Defects, Congenital/surgery
  5. Siti Khuzaimah Ahmad Sharoni, Halimaton Duriah Yunus
    Patients with chronic heart failure suffer from undesirable effects in their daily activities. Effective self-care management in conjunction with social support gives improved the wellbeing of patients with chronic heart failure. This study determines social support and self-care management among patients with chronic heart failure. A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Cardiology Clinic in Hospital Serdang, Selangor from April 2014 to June 2014. A questionnaire consisting of demographic characteristics, MOS Social Survey and Self-Care Heart Failure Index (SCHFI) was distributed to a total of 113 respondents. The results show moderately high level of social support (3.51±0.89) and level of self-care management (160.49±44.39). For instance, social support and self-care management were not statistically significant with the demographic characteristics (p>0.05). There was a positive correlation between social support and self-care management (r=0.263, p<0.05) and the findings suggest that social support should be considered a predictor in self-care management of patients with chronic heart failure.
    Keywords: social support, self-care management, patient(s), chronic heart failure

    Study site: Cardiology Clinic in Hospital Serdang, Selango
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Failure*
  6. Mansouri M, Gregory SD, Salamonsen RF, Lovell NH, Stevens MC, Pauls JP, et al.
    PLoS One, 2017;12(2):e0172393.
    PMID: 28212401 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172393
    Due to a shortage of donor hearts, rotary left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are used to provide mechanical circulatory support. To address the preload insensitivity of the constant speed controller (CSC) used in conventional LVADs, we developed a preload-based Starling-like controller (SLC). The SLC emulates the Starling law of the heart to maintain mean pump flow ([Formula: see text]) with respect to mean left ventricular end diastolic pressure (PLVEDm) as the feedback signal. The SLC and CSC were compared using a mock circulation loop to assess their capacity to increase cardiac output during mild exercise while avoiding ventricular suction (marked by a negative PLVEDm) and maintaining circulatory stability during blood loss and severe reductions in left ventricular contractility (LVC). The root mean squared hemodynamic deviation (RMSHD) metric was used to assess the clinical acceptability of each controller based on pre-defined hemodynamic limits. We also compared the in-silico results from our previously published paper with our in-vitro outcomes. In the exercise simulation, the SLC increased [Formula: see text] by 37%, compared to only 17% with the CSC. During blood loss, the SLC maintained a better safety margin against left ventricular suction with PLVEDm of 2.7 mmHg compared to -0.1 mmHg for CSC. A transition to reduced LVC resulted in decreased mean arterial pressure (MAP) and [Formula: see text] with CSC, whilst the SLC maintained MAP and [Formula: see text]. The results were associated with a much lower RMSHD value with SLC (70.3%) compared to CSC (225.5%), demonstrating improved capacity of the SLC to compensate for the varying cardiac demand during profound circulatory changes. In-vitro and in-silico results demonstrated similar trends to the simulated changes in patient state however the magnitude of hemodynamic changes were different, thus justifying the progression to in-vitro evaluation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart-Assist Devices*
  7. Sidney Ong CL, Ch'ng LS, Aida Bt AA
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 10;73(5):330-331.
    PMID: 30350816 MyJurnal
    Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) is present in 0.4% of live births and in 7% of patients with congenital heart disease. While there may be florid presentations of congestive heart failure in the neonatal period, the diagnosis during adulthood is often delayed. We encountered a 20-year-old woman who was discovered to be hypertensive on routine check-up. Following bilateral abnormal renal doppler sonography, MR angiogram revealed a short-segment stenosis of the descending thoracic aorta. Review of her chest radiograph showed a small aortic knuckle. This case highlights an unconventional algorithm in diagnosing aortic coarctation in adulthood.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Defects, Congenital; Heart Failure
  8. Teoh AN, Hilmert C
    Br J Health Psychol, 2018 11;23(4):1040-1065.
    PMID: 30084181 DOI: 10.1111/bjhp.12337
    PURPOSE: The stress-buffering hypothesis (Cohen & McKay, 1984, Handbook of psychology and health IV: Social psychological aspects of health (pp. 253-256). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum) suggests that one way social support enhances health is by attenuating cardiovascular reactivity (CVR) to stress. Research that has tested this hypothesis has reported inconsistent findings. In this review, we systematically reviewed those findings and proposed a dual-effect model of social support and CVR as a potential explanation for the inconsistency in the literature. Specifically, we proposed that when participants are more engaged during a stressor, social support acts primarily as social comfort, attenuating CVR; and when participants are not engaged, social support acts primarily as social encouragement, elevating CVR.

    METHODS: We reviewed 22 previous studies that (1) empirically manipulated social support in a stressful situation, (2) measured CVR, and (3) tested a moderator of social support effects on CVR.

    RESULTS: Although a majority of studies reported a CVR-mitigating effect of social support resulting in an overall significant combined p-value, we found that there were different effects of social support on CVR when we considered high- and low-engagement contexts. That is, compared to control conditions, social support lowered CVR in more engaging situations but had no significant effect on CVR in less engaging situations.

    CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that a dual-effect model of social support effects on CVR may better capture the nature of social support, CVR, and health associations than the buffering hypothesis and emphasize a need to better understand the health implications of physiological reactivity in various contexts. Statement of contribution What is already known on this subject? According to the stress-buffering hypothesis (Cohen & McKay, ), one pathway social support benefits health is through mitigating the physiological arousal caused by stress. However, previous studies that examined the effects of social support on blood pressure and heart rate changes were not consistently supporting the hypothesis. Some studies reported that social support causes elevations in cardiovascular reactivity (CVR) to stress (Anthony & O'Brien, ; Hilmert, Christenfeld, & Kulik, ; Hilmert, Kulik, & Christenfeld, ) and others showed no effect of social support on CVR (Christian & Stoney, ; Craig & Deichert, ; Gallo, Smith, & Kircher, ). What does this study add? When participants were in more engaging conditions, social support decreased CVR relative to no support. When participants were in less engaging conditions, social support did not have a significant effect on CVR. Provide an alternative way to explain the ways social support affects cardiac health.

    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Rate/physiology*
  9. Faust O, Razaghi H, Barika R, Ciaccio EJ, Acharya UR
    Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2019 Jul;176:81-91.
    PMID: 31200914 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.04.032
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Sleep is an important part of our life. That importance is highlighted by the multitude of health problems which result from sleep disorders. Detecting these sleep disorders requires an accurate interpretation of physiological signals. Prerequisite for this interpretation is an understanding of the way in which sleep stage changes manifest themselves in the signal waveform. With that understanding it is possible to build automated sleep stage scoring systems. Apart from their practical relevance for automating sleep disorder diagnosis, these systems provide a good indication of the amount of sleep stage related information communicated by a specific physiological signal.

    METHODS: This article provides a comprehensive review of automated sleep stage scoring systems, which were created since the year 2000. The systems were developed for Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electrooculogram (EOG), and a combination of signals.

    RESULTS: Our review shows that all of these signals contain information for sleep stage scoring.

    CONCLUSIONS: The result is important, because it allows us to shift our research focus away from information extraction methods to systemic improvements, such as patient comfort, redundancy, safety and cost.

    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Rate*
  10. Basri JJA
    JUMMEC, 1998;3:64-64.
    With the increasing ease of travel and the passage of peoples between counkies there is a need to ensure that the recipient country is not burdened by the need for care of ilniiiigrant with health problems as well as the increased risk posed to the local population froni exposure to conun~unicabled isease. To assess the chest radiographs of a selected group of inun~igrantsto ascertain the presence of abnormalities especially the presence of tuberculosis. A total of 250 imniigrants were prospectively evaluated by a PA chest radiograph. The chest radiograph was evaluated by two radiologists for the presence of abnormalities of the heart, lungs, mediastinum and bony rib cage. There were 112 Indonesians, 133 Bangladeshis, one Myanmar, three Pakistanis and one others. Males made-up 222 while there were 28 females. The chest radiograph was diagnostic in all cases. There were 13 cases with enlarged hearts but with no evidence of heart failure. There was only a single inlmigrant who had evidence of active TB though there were 6 others who had evidence of old disease. There was evidence of other infections in five. With regard to the mediastinuni there was a single case with enlarged hila probably secondary to increased cardiac output. There were 21 patients with scoliosis of the spine and two with abnormaIities of the ribs. Even though there was a single case with evidence of TB from this pilot study, from unreported data from the UMMC, there were 15,16 and 23 immigrants treated for TB for 1994,1995 and 1996 respectively. This was mainly seen in the Indonesians followed by the Bangladeshis and Myanmar. We attribute this discrepancy to the biased salnpie in this study where probably only the healthy were seen while those who were not well did not want to participate in this study. In addition, this may also be due to the small sample used in this study. We feel that screening of the immigrants out in the field may be able to detect cases of active TB. As for the large hearts we feel that in the absence of any cardiac symptoms and other radiological changes these are probably due to the increased workload on the heart from physical activities. This is a recognised presentation. The changes in the mediastinum and bony rib cage are probably not very significant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart; Heart Failure
  11. Danaraj TJ, LaBrooy EB
    Singapore Med J, 1960 Mar;1(1):16-32.
    PMID: 13719549
    Six cases of Ebstein's malformation are reported. The notable clinical features seen in four patients were gross enlargement of the
    heart, venous congestion and marked hepatosplenomegaly. There was complete heart block in one patient and auricular fibrillation in the remaining three. The unusual pathologic features in the four cases that came to necropsy were the large pericardial effusions associated with the cardiomegaly, the absence of an atrial septal defect or patent foramen ovale, the gross enlargement of liver with cirrhotic changes and the large spleen. Histologic examination of heart muscle revealed certain unusual features which are described.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Defects, Congenital*
  12. Shahbuddin HMA, Hussin SA, W Isa WYH, Mamat AZ, Marzuki A, Yusof Z
    BMJ Case Rep, 2024 Mar 07;17(3).
    PMID: 38453227 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-259675
    Diagnosing atrial myxoma in pregnancy is challenging because patients may present with non-specific symptoms that might be overlooked. The timing of non-obstetric operation usually depends on the nature of the disease, after careful consideration of feto-maternal safety, including the use of cardiopulmonary bypass and placental transfer of anaesthetic drug. A woman in her 30s at 18 weeks of pregnancy presented with recurring dizziness. She underwent successful myxoma excision at 20 weeks under general anaesthesia and cardiopulmonary bypass. The 6×5 cm myxoma was histologically confirmed as myxoma. Early detection of atrial myxoma in pregnancy is crucial, and a clinician has to consider the diagnosis of left atrial myxoma with mitral valve obstruction as a cause of severe dizziness. Optimal outcomes require multidisciplinary management. In this case, surgery during the second trimester of pregnancy enabled a full-term pregnancy with the patient's and foetal well-being and normal postprocedural echocardiography.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Atria/surgery
  13. Kirubakaran R, Uster DW, Hennig S, Carland JE, Day RO, Wicha SG, et al.
    Br J Clin Pharmacol, 2023 Mar;89(3):1162-1175.
    PMID: 36239542 DOI: 10.1111/bcp.15566
    AIM: Existing tacrolimus population pharmacokinetic models are unsuitable for guiding tacrolimus dosing in heart transplant recipients. This study aimed to develop and evaluate a population pharmacokinetic model for tacrolimus in heart transplant recipients that considers the tacrolimus-azole antifungal interaction.

    METHODS: Data from heart transplant recipients (n = 87) administered the oral immediate-release formulation of tacrolimus (Prograf®) were collected. Routine drug monitoring data, principally trough concentrations, were used for model building (n = 1099). A published tacrolimus model was used to inform the estimation of Ka , V2 /F, Q/F and V3 /F. The effect of concomitant azole antifungal use on tacrolimus CL/F was quantified. Fat-free mass was implemented as a covariate on CL/F, V2 /F, V3 /F and Q/F on an allometry scale. Subsequently, stepwise covariate modelling was performed. Significant covariates influencing tacrolimus CL/F were included in the final model. Robustness of the final model was confirmed using prediction-corrected visual predictive check (pcVPC). The final model was externally evaluated for prediction of tacrolimus concentrations of the fourth dosing occasion (n = 87) from one to three prior dosing occasions.

    RESULTS: Concomitant azole antifungal therapy reduced tacrolimus CL/F by 80%. Haematocrit (∆OFV = -44, P heart transplant recipients, considering the tacrolimus-azole antifungal interaction was developed. Prospective evaluation is required to assess its clinical utility to improve patient outcomes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Transplantation*
  14. Tan MHP, Ong SC, Vasan Thakumar A, Mustafa N
    Qual Life Res, 2023 Jul;32(7):1925-1941.
    PMID: 36781810 DOI: 10.1007/s11136-023-03360-x
    PURPOSE: There is a knowledge gap of health utility values for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) complications in Malaysia. This study aimed to estimate EQ-5D-5L utility values and evaluate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for Malaysian T2DM associated with complications and clinical characteristics.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on T2DM patients at a tertiary hospital outpatient using the Malay and English version of the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire. Health utility values were derived using the Malaysian EQ-5D-5L value set. Ordinary least squares (OLS) multivariable regression model was used to estimate the health utility decrements associated with T2DM-related complications and clinical characteristics.

    RESULTS: A total of 513 T2DM patients were recruited. Overall, pain was the most affected of all five EQ-5D-5L dimensions. Patients with foot ulcer, amputation, severe heart failure and frequent hypoglycemia reported more problems collectively in all EQ-5D-5L dimensions. Older age, lower education level, longer duration of T2DM, urine protein creatine index (UPCI) > 0.02 g/mmol, and injection therapy were significantly associated with lower EQ-5D-5L utility values (p heart failure 0.65 (interquartile range, IQR 0.50), frequent hypoglycemia 0.74 (0.22) and being amputated 0.78 (0.47). In the multivariable regression model after controlling for sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, the largest utility value decrement was observed for amputation (- 0.158, SE 0.087, p = 0.05), frequent hypoglycemia (- 0.101, SE 0.030, p = 0.001), myocardial infarction (-0.050, SE 0.022, p = 0.022) and obesity (-0.034, SE 0.016, p = 0.029).

    CONCLUSION: Larger utility value decrements were found for severe stages of complications. These findings suggest the value of defining severity of complications in utility elicitation studies. The utility decrement quantified for different T2DM complication severity will be useful for economic evaluations within diabetic-related fields.

    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Failure*
  15. Leal J, Becker F, Lim LL, Holman RR, Gray AM
    J Diabetes, 2022 Jul;14(7):455-464.
    PMID: 35876124 DOI: 10.1111/1753-0407.13294
    BACKGROUND: We estimate health-related quality of life and the impact of four cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction [MI], stroke, congestive heart failure, angina) and gastrointestinal events in 6522 Chinese patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) participating in the Acarbose Cardiovascular Evaluation (ACE) trial.

    METHODS: Health-related quality of life was captured using the EuroQol-5 Dimension-3 Level (EQ-5D-3L), with data collected at baseline and throughout the trial. Multilevel mixed-effects linear regression with random effects estimated health-related quality of life over time, capturing variation between hospital sites and individuals, and a fixed-effects linear model estimated the impact of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal events.

    RESULTS: Patients were followed for a median of 5 years (interquartile range 3.4-6.0). The average baseline EQ-5D score of 0.930 (SD 0.104) remained relatively unchanged over the trial period with no evidence of statistically significant differences in EQ-5D score between randomized treatment groups. The largest decrement in the year of an event was estimated for stroke (-0.107, P heart failure (-0.039, P = .022), MI (-0.021, P = .047), angina (-0.012, P = .047), and gastrointestinal events (-0.005, P = .430). MI and stroke reduced health-related quality of life beyond the year in which the event occurred (-0.031, P = .006, and -0.067, P heart failure, and angina reduce health-related quality of life around the time they occurred, but only MI and stroke impacted on longer-term health-related quality of life.

    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Failure*
  16. Song Y, Sheykhlouvand M
    J Sports Sci Med, 2024 Sep;23(1):672-683.
    PMID: 39228785 DOI: 10.52082/jssm.2024.672
    Technique-specific high-intensity interval training (HIITTS) has been proven to be an effective method to enhance the sport-specific bio-motor abilities of taekwondo athletes. However, studies regarding its effects on comprehensive measures of cardiorespiratory fitness are limited. Furthermore, there is a lack of clarity regarding the extent of individual adaptations to this method compared to HIIT in the form of repeated sprints (HIITRS). This study compared the individual adaptations to HIITRS and HIITTS on cardiorespiratory fitness and anaerobic power in trained taekwondo athletes (age = 19.8 ± 1.3 years; body mass = 75.4 ± 9.1 kg; height = 1.73 ± 0.0 .m). All participants completed three sessions per week of a 60-minute regular taekwondo training. Following the 60-minute training, participants completed 3 sets of 10 × 4 s all-out HIITRS or same sets of repeated kicks with both legs (HIITTS) over a 6-week training period. In both groups, rest intervals were set at 15 seconds between efforts and one minute between sets. Before and after the training period, participants underwent a series of lab- and field-based tests to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness and bio-motor abilities. Both interventions resulted in significant improvements in maximum oxygen uptake (V̇O2max), O2 pulse (V̇O2/HR), first ventilatory threshold (VT1), second ventilatory threshold (VT2), cardiac output (Q̇max), stroke volume (SV), peak power output (PPO), average power output (APO), squat jump (SJ), and countermovement jump (CMJ). However, linear speed (20-m speed time) and taekwondo-specific agility test (TSAT) only responded to HIITRS. HIITRS resulted in greater changes in V̇O2max, V̇O2/HR, VT2, and Q̇max, and higher percentage of responders in measured parameters than HIITTS. In addition, HIITRS elicited lower inter-individual variability (CV) in percent changes from pre- to post-training in all measured variables. These results suggest that incorporating 3 sessions per week of HIITRS into regular taekwondo training results in significantly greater and more homogenized adaptations in cardiorespiratory fitness and bio-motor abilities than HIITTS among trained taekwondo athletes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Rate/physiology
  17. Mohamed AL, Nee CC, Azzad A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2004 Jul;11(2):59-64.
    PMID: 22973128
    Our purpose is to report on the epidemiological variables and their association with the results of the exercise tolerance test (ETT) in the series of patients referred for standard diagnostic ETT at Seremban Hospital during the year 2001. ETT is widely performed, but, in Malaysia, an analysis of the associations between the epidemiological data and the results of the ETT has not been presented. All patients referred for ETT at Seremban Hospital who underwent exercise treadmill tests for the year 2001 were taken as the study population. Demographic details and patients with established heart disease (i.e. prior coronary bypass surgery, myocardial infarction, or congestive heart failure) were noted. Clinical and ETT variables were collected retrospectively from the hospital records. Testing and data management were performed in a standardized fashion with a computer-assisted protocol. This study showed that there was no significant predictive epidemiological variable on the results of the ETT. However, it was found that there was statistically significant difference between the peak exercise time of males and females undergoing the ETT.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Diseases; Heart Failure
  18. Ng WH, Johnston EK, Tan JJ, Bliley JM, Feinberg AW, Stolz DB, et al.
    Elife, 2022 Jan 12;11.
    PMID: 35018887 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.67872
    The extensive crosstalk between the developing heart and lung is critical to their proper morphogenesis and maturation. However, there remains a lack of models that investigate the critical cardio-pulmonary mutual interaction during human embryogenesis. Here, we reported a novel stepwise strategy for directing the simultaneous induction of both mesoderm-derived cardiac and endoderm-derived lung epithelial lineages within a single differentiation of human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) via temporal specific tuning of WNT and nodal signaling in the absence of exogenous growth factors. Using 3D suspension culture, we established concentric cardio-pulmonary micro-Tissues (μTs), and expedited alveolar maturation in the presence of cardiac accompaniment. Upon withdrawal of WNT agonist, the cardiac and pulmonary components within each dual-lineage μT effectively segregated from each other with concurrent initiation of cardiac contraction. We expect that our multilineage differentiation model will offer an experimentally tractable system for investigating human cardio-pulmonary interaction and tissue boundary formation during embryogenesis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart/physiology*
  19. Yap LB, Qadir F, Nguyen ST, Ma SK, Koh KW, Muhammad Z, et al.
    Int J Cardiol, 2015 Mar 15;183:178-9.
    PMID: 25666128 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.01.042
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Failure/physiopathology; Heart Failure/therapy*; Heart Failure/ultrasonography
  20. Ramly M, Ming MF, Chinna K, Suboh S, Pendek R
    PLoS One, 2014;9(10):e110476.
    PMID: 25350669 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110476
    Many observational studies linked vitamin D to cardiometabolic risks besides its pivotal role in musculoskeletal diseases, but evidence from trials is lacking and inconsistent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Diseases/etiology; Heart Diseases/metabolism; Heart Diseases/epidemiology*
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