Displaying publications 261 - 280 of 392 in total

  1. Ang M, Chong W, Huang H, Wong TY, He MG, Aung T, et al.
    PLoS One, 2014;9(7):e101483.
    PMID: 25006679 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101483
    To describe the corneal and anterior segment determinants of posterior corneal arc length (PCAL) and posterior corneal curvature (PCC).
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  2. Wong YF, Saad B, Makahleh A
    J Chromatogr A, 2013 May 17;1290:82-90.
    PMID: 23578483 DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2013.03.014
    A capillary electrophoresis (CE)-capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (C(4)D) method for the simultaneous separation of eleven underivatized fatty acids (FAs), namely, lauric, myristic, tridecanoic (internal standard), pentadecanoic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, elaidic, linoleic, linolenic and arachidic acids is described. The separation was carried out in normal polarity mode at 20 °C, 30 kV and using hydrodynamic injection (50 mbar for 1 s). The separation was achieved in a bare fused-silica capillary (70 cm × 75 μm i.d.) using a background electrolyte of methyl-β-cyclodextrin (~6 mM) and heptakis-(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin (~8 mM) dissolved in a mixture of Na2HPO4/KH2PO4 (5 mM, pH 7.4):ACN:MeOH:n-octanol (3:4:2.5:0.5, v/v/v/v). C(4)D parameters were set at fixed amplitude of 100 V and frequency of 1000 kHz. The developed method was validated. Calibration curves of the ten FAs were well correlated (r(2)>0.99) within the range of 5-250 μg mL(-1) for lauric acid, and 3-250 μg mL(-1) for the other FAs. The method was simple and sensitive with detection limits (S/N=3) of 0.9-1.9 μg mL(-1) and good relative standard deviations of intra- and inter-day for migration times and peak areas (≤9.7%) were achieved. The method was applied to the determination of FAs in margarine samples. The proposed method offers distinct advantages over the GC and HPLC methods, especially in terms of simplicity (without derivatization) and sensitivity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  3. Rahman MM, Azirun SM, Boyce AN
    PLoS One, 2013;8(5):e62941.
    PMID: 23667546 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0062941
    Soil contamination by copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) is a widespread environmental problem. For phytoextraction to be successful and viable in environmental remediation, strategies that can improve plant uptake must be identified. In the present study we investigated the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer as an efficient way to enhance accumulation of Cu and Pb from contaminated industrial soils into amaranth, Indian mustard and sunflower.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  4. Al-Naggar RA, Kadir SY
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2013;14(1):103-9.
    PMID: 23534705
    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study is to determine knowledge about lung cancer among secondary school male teachers in Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among three secondary schools located in Kudat district, Sabah, Malaysia during the period from June until September 2012. The protocol of this study was approved by ethics committee of Management and Science University, Malaysia. The aims were explained and a consent form was signed by each participant. Respondents were chosen randomly from each school with the help of the headmasters. Self-administrated questionnaires, covering socio-demographic characteristics and general knowledge of lung cancer, were distributed. Once all 150 respondents completed the questionnaire, they passed it to their head master for collecting and recording. All the data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 13. ANOVA and t-test were applied for univariate analysis; and multiple linear regression for multivariate analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 150 male secondary school teachers participated in this study. Their mean age was 35.6 ∓ 6.5 (SD); maximum 50 and minimum 23 years old. More than half of the participants were Malay and married (52%, 79%; respectively). Regarding the knowledge about lung cancer, 57.3% of the participants mentioned that only males are affected by lung cancer. Some 70.7% mentioned that lung cancer can be transmitted from one person to another. More than half (56.7%) reported that lung cancer is not the leading cause of death in Malaysian males. As for risk factors, the majority reported that family history of lung cancer is not involved. However, 91.3% were aware that cigarettes are the main risk factor of lung cancer and more than half (52%) believed that second-hand smoking is one of the risk factor of lung cancer. More than half (51.3%) were not aware that asbestos, ionizing radiation and other cancer causing substances are risk factors for lung cancer. Quitting smoking, avoiding second-hand smoking and avoiding unnecessary x-ray image of the chest (53.3%, 96.0%, 87.3%; respectively) are the main preventive measures mentioned by the participants. For the factors that influence the participants knowledge, univariate and multivariate analysis showed that only race was significant.

    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the knowledge of school male teachers about lung cancer was low. However, few items were scored high: cigarettes are the main risk factor; avoiding second-hand smoking; and avoiding x-rays. Interventions to increase lung cancer awareness are needed to improve early detection behavior. Increase the price of pack of cigarettes to RM 20 and banning smoking in public places such as restaurants are highly recommended as primary preventive measures.

    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  5. Hossain MG, Bharati P, Aik S, Lestrel PE, Abeer A, Kamarul T
    J Biosoc Sci, 2012 Jul;44(4):385-99.
    PMID: 22340969 DOI: 10.1017/S002193201200003X
    Body mass index (BMI) is a good indicator of nutritional status in a population. In underdeveloped countries like Bangladesh, this indicator provides a method that can assist intervention to help eradicate many preventable diseases. This study aimed to report on changes in the BMI of married Bangladeshi women who were born in the past three decades and its association with socio-demographic factors. Data for 10,115 married and currently non-pregnant Bangladeshi women were extracted from the 2007 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS). The age range of the sample was 15-49 years. The mean BMI was 20.85 ± 3.66 kg/m(2), and a decreasing tendency in BMI was found among birth year cohorts from 1972 to 1992. It was found that the proportion of underweight females has been increasing in those born during the last 20 years of the study period (1972 to 1992). Body mass index increased with increasing age, education level of the woman and her husband, wealth index, age at first marriage and age at first delivery, and decreased with increasing number of ever-born children. Lower BMI was especially pronounced among women who were living in rural areas, non-Muslims, employed women, women not living with their husbands (separated) or those who had delivered at home or non-Caesarean delivery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  6. Ho YB, Zakaria MP, Latif PA, Saari N
    J Chromatogr A, 2012 Nov 2;1262:160-8.
    PMID: 23026257 DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.09.024
    A multi-residue analytical method was developed to quantify nine antibiotics and one hormone in soil, broiler manure and manure compost. The developed method was based on ultrasonic extraction with MeOH:ACN:EDTA:McIlvaine buffer, solid phase extraction (SPE) using HLB (3 cc/60 mg) cartridge, followed by instrumental analysis using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with 25 min total run time. It was validated and tested on soil, broiler manure and manure compost samples and showed that the method is able to simultaneously detect and quantify the target analytes with good selectivity and sensitivity. The developed method was linear in a concentration range from its instrumental quantification limit (IQL) to 500 ng/mL, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.999. The overall method performance was good for the majority of the analytes, with recoveries range from 63% to 121% in all the sample matrices. The method quantification limit (MQL) for the 10 target analytes in the soil, broiler manure and manure compost samples were 2-10, 3-16 and 5-15 μg/kg dry weight (DW), respectively. The method has also included tilmicosin, an antibiotic known to be reported in the environment for the first time. The developed method was then applied on broiler manure samples and its relative manure amended agricultural soil samples to identify and quantify veterinary antibiotic and hormone residues in the environment. These analytes were detected in broiler manure and soil samples, with maximum concentrations reaching up to 78516.1 μg/kg DW (doxycycline) and 1331.4 μg/kg DW (flumequine), respectively. The results showed that the method can potentially be adopted for the analysis of veterinary antibiotic and hormone wastes in solid environmental matrices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  7. Foo Wong Y, Makahleh A, Al Azzam KM, Yahaya N, Saad B, Sulaiman SA
    Talanta, 2012 Aug 15;97:23-31.
    PMID: 22841043 DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2012.03.056
    A simple micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) method for the simultaneous determination of 2-furfural (2-F), 3-furfural (3-F), 5-methylfurfural (5-MF), 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), 2-furoic acid (2-FA) and 3-furoic acid (3-FA) in honey and vegetable oils is described. Parameters affecting the separation such as pH, buffer and surfactant concentrations, applied voltage, capillary temperature, injection time and capillary length were studied and optimized. The separation was carried out in normal polarity mode at 20 °C, 22 kV and using hydrodynamic injection (17 s). The separation was achieved in a bare fused-silica capillary (46 cm × 50 μm i.d.) with a background electrolyte of 75 mM phosphoric acid (pH 7.3), containing 200 mM of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). The detection wavelengths were at 200 nm (2-FA and 3-FA) and 280 nm (2-F, 3-F, 5-MF, 5-HMF). The furfurals were well separated in less than 20 min. The method was validated in terms of linearity, limit of detection and quantitation, precision and recoveries. Calibration curves of the six furfurals were well correlated (r(2)>0.991) within the range 1-25 μg mL(-1). Relative standard deviations of intra- and inter-day migration times and corrected peak areas ≤9.96% were achieved. The limit of detection (signal:noise, 3) was 0.33-0.70 μg mL(-1) whereas the limit of quantitation (signal:noise, 10) was 1.00-2.12 μg mL(-1). The method was applied to the determination of furanic compounds in honeys and vegetable oils (palm, walnut, grape seed and rapeseed). The effects of thermal treatment and gamma irradiation on the formation of the furanic compounds in honey were also investigated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  8. Zakaria A, Shakaff AY, Masnan MJ, Ahmad MN, Adom AH, Jaafar MN, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2011;11(8):7799-822.
    PMID: 22164046 DOI: 10.3390/s110807799
    The major compounds in honey are carbohydrates such as monosaccharides and disaccharides. The same compounds are found in cane-sugar concentrates. Unfortunately when sugar concentrate is added to honey, laboratory assessments are found to be ineffective in detecting this adulteration. Unlike tracing heavy metals in honey, sugar adulterated honey is much trickier and harder to detect, and traditionally it has been very challenging to come up with a suitable method to prove the presence of adulterants in honey products. This paper proposes a combination of array sensing and multi-modality sensor fusion that can effectively discriminate the samples not only based on the compounds present in the sample but also mimic the way humans perceive flavours and aromas. Conversely, analytical instruments are based on chemical separations which may alter the properties of the volatiles or flavours of a particular honey. The present work is focused on classifying 18 samples of different honeys, sugar syrups and adulterated samples using data fusion of electronic nose (e-nose) and electronic tongue (e-tongue) measurements. Each group of samples was evaluated separately by the e-nose and e-tongue. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) were able to separately discriminate monofloral honey from sugar syrup, and polyfloral honey from sugar and adulterated samples using the e-nose and e-tongue. The e-nose was observed to give better separation compared to e-tongue assessment, particularly when LDA was applied. However, when all samples were combined in one classification analysis, neither PCA nor LDA were able to discriminate between honeys of different floral origins, sugar syrup and adulterated samples. By applying a sensor fusion technique, the classification for the 18 different samples was improved. Significant improvement was observed using PCA, while LDA not only improved the discrimination but also gave better classification. An improvement in performance was also observed using a Probabilistic Neural Network classifier when the e-nose and e-tongue data were fused.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  9. Teh CH, Murugaiyah V, Chan KL
    J Chromatogr A, 2011 Apr 8;1218(14):1861-77.
    PMID: 21367427 DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2011.02.014
    An extensive comparative study on the electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) mass spectrometry using automated flow injection analysis (FIA), was performed on eurycomanone (1), 13α(21)-epoxyeurycomanone (2), eurycomanol (3), eurycomanol-2-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (4), and 13,21-dihydroeurycomanone (5), the bioactive markers isolated from Eurycoma longifolia. The effects of eluent mixture (methanol or acetonitrile in water) and acidic modifiers (acetic acid, formic acid and trifluoroacetic acid) on the ionization efficiency of the markers were also investigated. The ESI in the positive ion mode with methanol containing 0.1% (v/v) acetic acid was selected for the subsequent optimization of nebulizer pressure, dry gas flow, dry gas temperature and capillary voltage to improve the sensitivity of the total ion chromatogram (TIC). Fragmentation of the analytes was further investigated by varying the capillary exit offset voltage and fragmentation amplitude in positive mode of ESI. The detection limits (LODs) were determined in isolation mode (selected ion monitoring, SIM). Their limits of detection (LODs) ranged between 0.03 and 0.1μgmL(-1) while the intra-day and inter-day precisions were less than 5.72% and 4.82%, respectively. The method was next applied for the simultaneous analysis of the markers to standardize various batches of manufactured extracts of E. longifolia for potential use as antimalarial products. Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) mode was used for the quantification of analytes which gave protonated molecular ion, [M+H](+). For those without pseudo-molecular ions, SIM mode was used to quantify the analytes. The batches contained 5.65-9.95% of eurycomanone (1), 5.21-19.75% of eurycomanol (3) and 7.59-19.95% of eurycomanol-2-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (4) as major quassinoids whereas, 13α(21)-epoxyeurycomanone (2), and 13,21-dihydroeurycomanone (5) were much lower in concentrations of 0.78-3.90% and 0.47-1.76%, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  10. Wong LP, Sam IC
    J Behav Med, 2011 Feb;34(1):23-31.
    PMID: 20680674 DOI: 10.1007/s10865-010-9283-7
    In the setting of the new A(H1N1) outbreak, the study was conducted to assess: (1) fear of the A(H1N1) pandemic; (2) risk avoidance behavior; (3) health-protective behavior; and (4) psychosocial impact in the ethnically diverse population of Malaysia. A cross-sectional, computer-assisted telephone interview was conducted between July 11 and September 12, 2009. A total of 1,050 respondents were interviewed. Fear about the pandemic was high, with 73.2% of respondents reporting themselves as Slightly fearful/Fearful. High risk avoidance and health protective behavior were reported, with 78.0 and 99.0% reporting at least one avoidance and protective behavior respectively. Knowledge was a significant predictor for practice of healthprotective behavior across the three ethnic groups. Level of fear was significantly correlated with number of protective and avoidance behaviors. The study highlights the need for provision of accurate information that increases risk avoidance and health protective behaviors, while at the same time decreases fear or panic in the general public.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  11. Al Azzam KM, Makahleah A, Saad B, Mansor SM
    J Chromatogr A, 2010 Jun 4;1217(23):3654-9.
    PMID: 20409552 DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2010.03.055
    A three-phase hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) coupled either with capillary electrophoresis (CE) or high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection methods was successfully developed for the determination of trace levels of the anti-diabetic drug, rosiglitazone (ROSI) in biological fluids. The analyte was extracted into dihexyl ether that was immobilized in the wall pores of a porous hollow fiber from 10 mL of aqueous sample, pH 9.5 (donor phase), and was back extracted into the acceptor phase that contained 0.1M HCl located in the lumen of the hollow fiber. Parameters affecting the extraction process such as type of extraction solvent, HCl concentration, donor phase pH, extraction time, stirring speed, and salt addition were studied and optimized. Under the optimized conditions (extraction solvent, dihexyl ether; donor phase pH, 9.5; acceptor phase, 0.1M HCl; stirring speed, 600 rpm; extraction time, 30 min; without addition of salt), enrichment factor of 280 was obtained. Good linearity and correlation coefficients of the analyte was obtained over the concentration ranges of 1.0-500 and 5.0-500 ng mL(-1) for the HPLC (r(2)=0.9988) and CE (r(2)=0.9967) methods, respectively. The limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantitation (LOQ) for the HPLC and CE methods were (0.18, 2.83) and (0.56, 5.00) ng mL(-1), respectively. The percent relative standard deviation (n=6) for the extraction and determination of three concentration levels (10, 250, 500 ng mL(-1)) of ROSI using the HPLC and CE methods were less than 10.9% and 13.2%, respectively. The developed methods are simple, rapid, sensitive and are suitable for the determination of trace amounts of ROSI in biological fluids.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  12. Makahleh A, Saad B, Siang GH, Saleh MI, Osman H, Salleh B
    Talanta, 2010 Apr 15;81(1-2):20-4.
    PMID: 20188881 DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2009.11.030
    A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector (C(4)D) has been developed for the separation and the simultaneous determination of five underivatized long chain fatty acids (FAs), namely myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, and linoleic acids. An isocratic elution mode using methanol/1mM sodium acetate (78:22, v/v) as mobile phase with a flow rate of 0.6 mL min(-1) was used. The separation was effected by using a Hypersil ODS C(18) analytical column (250 mm x 4.6 mm x 5 microm) and was operated at 45 degrees C. Calibration curves of the five FAs were well correlated (r(2)>0.999) within the range of 5- 200 microg mL(-1) for stearic acid, and 2-200 microg mL(-1) for the other FAs. The proposed method was tested on four vegetable oils, i.e., pumpkin, soybean, rice bran and palm olein oils; good agreement was found with the standard gas chromatographic (GC) method. The proposed method offers distinct advantages over the official GC method, especially in terms of simplicity, faster separation times and sensitivity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  13. See HH, Marsin Sanagi M, Ibrahim WA, Naim AA
    J Chromatogr A, 2010 Mar 12;1217(11):1767-72.
    PMID: 20138287 DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2010.01.053
    A novel microextraction technique termed solid phase membrane tip extraction (SPMTE) was developed. Selected triazine herbicides were employed as model compounds to evaluate the extraction performance and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were used as the adsorbent enclosed in SPMTE device. The SPMTE procedure was performed in semi-automated dynamic mode and several important extraction parameters were comprehensively optimized. Under the optimum extraction conditions, the method showed good linearity in the range of 1-100 microg/L, acceptable reproducibility (RSD 6-8%, n=5), low limits of detection (0.2-0.5 microg/L), and satisfactory relative recoveries (95-101%). The SPMTE device could be regenerated and reused up to 15 analyses with no analyte carry-over effects observed. Comparison was made with commercially available solid phase extraction-molecular imprinted polymer cartridge (SPE-MIP) for triazine herbicides as the reference method. The new developed method showed comparable or even better results against reference method and is a simple, feasible, and cost effective microextraction technique.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  14. Shahmoradi N, Kandiah M, Peng LS
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2009;10(6):1003-09.
    PMID: 20192573
    BACKGROUND: Cancer patients frequently experience malnutrition and this is an important factor in impaired quality of life.

    OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional study examined the association between global quality of life and its various subscales with nutritional status among 61 (33 females and 28 males) advanced cancer patients cared for by selected hospices in peninsular Malaysia.

    METHODS: The Patient Generated-Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) and the Hospice Quality of Life Index (HQLI) were used to assess nutritional status and quality of life, respectively.

    RESULTS: Nine (14.7%) patients were well-nourished, 32 (52.5%) were moderately or suspected of being malnourished while 20 (32.8%) of them were severely malnourished. The total HQLI mean score for these patients was 189.9-/+51.7, with possible scores ranging from 0 to 280. The most problem areas in these patients were in the domain of functional well-being and the least problems were found in the social/spiritual domain. PG-SGA scores significantly correlated with total quality of life scores (r2= 0.38, p<0.05), psychophysiological well-being (r2= 0.37, p<0.05), functional well-being (r2= 0.42, p<0.05) and social/ spiritual well-being (r2= 0.07, p<0.05). Thus, patients with a higher PG-SGA score or poorer nutritional status exhibited a lower quality of life.

    CONCLUSION: Advanced cancer patients with poor nutritional status have a diminished quality of life. These findings suggest that there is a need for a comprehensive nutritional intervention for improving nutritional status and quality of life in terminally ill cancer patients under hospice care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  15. Elbashir AA, Saad B, Ali AS, Saleh MI, Aboul-Enein HY
    Biomed Chromatogr, 2009 May;23(5):464-71.
    PMID: 19016231 DOI: 10.1002/bmc.1137
    A capillary zone electrophoretic method has been developed and validated for the determination of the impurity quinocide (QC) in the antimalarial drug primaquine (PQ). Different buffer additives such as native cyclodextrins and crown ethers were evaluated. Promising results were obtained when either beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD) or 18-crown-6 ether (18C6) were used. Their separation conditions such as type of buffer and its pH, buffer additive concentration, applied voltage capillary temperature and injection time were optimized. The use of 18C6 offers slight advantages over beta-CD such as faster elution times and improved resolution. Nevertheless, migration times of less than 5 min and resolution factors (R(s)) in the range of 2-4 were obtained when both additives were used. The method was validated with respect to selectivity, linearity, limits of detection and quantitation, analytical precision (intra- and inter-day variability) and repeatability. Concentrations of 2.12 and 2.71% (w/w) of QC were found in pharmaceutical preparations of PQ from two different manufacturers. A possible mechanism for the successful separation of the isomers is also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  16. Eid M, Mafauzy M, Faridah AR
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Jun;59(2):177-84.
    PMID: 15559167 MyJurnal
    The study was conducted to determine whether the clinical targets for the control of diabetes recommended by American Diabetes Association can be met in the context of routine diabetes practice. This cross-sectional study was undertaken on 211 type 2 diabetic patients at the Outpatients Diabetes Clinic, Hospital Universisti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) Kubang Kerian, Kelantan between the year 2001-2002. Patients' physical examination and their medical history as well as their family history were obtained by administering a structured questionnaire. Samples of patients' venous blood during fasting were taken and analysed for plasma glucose, glycated haemoglobin and lipid profile. Analysis showed that many patients had comorbidities or complications. A large number of them had poor glycaemic control (73%). Systolic and diastolic blood pressures of 75% and 85% subjects were > or = 130 and > or = 80 mmHg, respectively. Body Mass Index (BMI) values of 66% of the patients were outside the clinical target (BMI > or = 25 in male and > or = 24 kg/m2 in female). The lipid profile showed that 96% of the patients had at least one lipid value outside the clinical target level. In this study, 70% of the patients had total cholesterol > or = 5.2 mmol/L, 87% had LDL cholesterol > or = 2.6 mmol/L, 57% had HDL cholesterol less than the normal range, < or = 1.15 mmol/L in men and < or = 1.4 mmol/L in women, while 46% had triglycerides > or = 1.71 mmol/L. Complications of diabetes were observed in 48% of the total number of patients. As for the patients' systolic blood pressure, age and duration of diabetes were found to have significant effects. Older subjects with a longer duration of diabetes were more hypertensive. Variables that had significant effects on BMI were age, duration of diabetes, glycaemic control and gender. Younger females and newly diagnosed subjects with better glycaemic control (A1C < 7%) were found to have higher BMI values. The overall clinical targets were suboptimal. The prevalence of hyperlipidaemia and hypertension was high. It is imperative that better treatment strategies and methods be adopted to enhance diabetes control and reduce long-term complications of the disease.

    Study site: Outpatients Diabetes Clinic, Hospital Universisti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  17. Wahid NB, Latif MT, Suratman S
    Chemosphere, 2013 Jun;91(11):1508-16.
    PMID: 23336924 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.12.029
    This study was conducted to determine the composition and source apportionment of surfactant in atmospheric aerosols around urban and semi-urban areas in Malaysia based on ionic compositions. Colorimetric analysis was undertaken to determine the concentrations of anionic surfactants as Methylene Blue Active Substances (MBAS) and cationic surfactants as Disulphine Blue Active Substances (DBAS) using a UV spectrophotometer. Ionic compositions were determined using ion chromatography for cations (Na(+), NH4(+), K(+), Mg(2+), Ca(2+)) and anions (F(-), Cl(-), NO3(-), SO4(2-)). Principle component analysis (PCA) combined with multiple linear regression (MLR) were used to identify the source apportionment of MBAS and DBAS. Results indicated that the concentrations of surfactants at both sampling sites were dominated by MBAS rather than DBAS especially in fine mode aerosols during the southwest monsoon. Three main sources of surfactants were identified from PCA-MLR analysis for MBAS in fine mode samples particularly in Kuala Lumpur, dominated by motor vehicles, followed by soil/road dust and sea spray. Besides, for MBAS in coarse mode, biomass burning/sea spray were the dominant source followed by motor vehicles/road dust and building material.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  18. Rosdinom R, Zarina MZ, Zanariah MS, Marhani M, Suzaily W
    Prev Med, 2013;57 Suppl:S67-9.
    PMID: 23313789 DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.12.025
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the relationships between behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), cognitive impairment and burden of care of patients with dementia.
    METHOD: A cross-sectional, non-randomised study of 65 elderly patients with dementia and their caregivers was conducted over a 3-month period in January 2007 at the memory clinics of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre and Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Patients' cognitive functions were assessed with the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Caregivers were interviewed to determine the severity of BPSD and caregiver burden (CB) using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) Questionnaire and Zarit Burden Interview (BI) respectively.
    RESULTS: Cognitive impairment did not contribute significantly to CB. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that high BPSD scores contributed 0.27 more in BI score, female patients contributed 0.37 less in BI score and caregivers with higher educational level contribute 0.5 more in BI score.
    CONCLUSION: Patients' BPSD and male gender, but not cognitive impairment, were associated with CB. Even though CB was experienced more among caregivers with better education, all caregivers should be screened to ensure their general well-being.
    KEYWORDS: BPSD; Caregiver burden; Cognitive impairment
    Study site: Memory clinics, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM) and Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  19. Wey MC, Loh S, Doss JG, Abu Bakar AK, Kisely S
    Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 2016 Jul;50(7):685-94.
    PMID: 26560842 DOI: 10.1177/0004867415615947
    OBJECTIVE: People with chronic schizophrenia have high rates of physical ill-health such as heart disease. However, there has been less attention to the issue of poor oral health including dental caries (tooth decay) and periodontal (gum) disease, although both have consequences for quality of life and systemic physical health. We therefore measured tooth decay and gum disease in Malaysians with schizophrenia.

    METHODS: We recruited long-stay inpatients with schizophrenia from June to October 2014. Four dental specialists assessed oral health using the decayed-missing-filled teeth index, the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs and the Debris Index of the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index. Results were compared with the 2010 Oral Health survey of the general Malaysian population.

    RESULTS: A total of 543 patients participated (66.7% males, 33.3% females; mean age = 54.8 years [standard deviation = 16.0]) with a mean illness duration of 18.4 years (standard deviation = 17.1). The mean decayed-missing-filled teeth was 20.5 (standard deviation = 9.9), almost double that of the general population (11.7). Higher decayed-missing-filled teeth scores were associated with both older age (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
  20. Yusoff NA, Ahmad M, Al-Hindi B, Widyawati T, Yam MF, Mahmud R, et al.
    Nutrients, 2015 Aug;7(8):7012-26.
    PMID: 26308046 DOI: 10.3390/nu7085320
    Nypa fruticans Wurmb. vinegar, commonly known as nipa palm vinegar (NPV) has been used as a folklore medicine among the Malay community to treat diabetes. Early work has shown that aqueous extract (AE) of NPV exerts a potent antihyperglycemic effect. Thus, this study is conducted to evaluate the effect of AE on postprandial hyperglycemia in an attempt to understand its mechanism of antidiabetic action. AE were tested via in vitro intestinal glucose absorption, in vivo carbohydrate tolerance tests and spectrophotometric enzyme inhibition assays. One mg/mL of AE showed a comparable outcome to the use of phloridzin (1 mM) in vitro as it delayed glucose absorption through isolated rat jejunum more effectively than acarbose (1 mg/mL). Further in vivo confirmatory tests showed AE (500 mg/kg) to cause a significant suppression in postprandial hyperglycemia 30 min following respective glucose (2 g/kg), sucrose (4 g/kg) and starch (3 g/kg) loadings in normal rats, compared to the control group. Conversely, in spectrophotometric enzymatic assays, AE showed rather a weak inhibitory activity against both α-glucosidase and α-amylase when compared with acarbose. The findings suggested that NPV exerts its anti-diabetic effect by delaying carbohydrate absorption from the small intestine through selective inhibition of intestinal glucose transporters, therefore suppressing postprandial hyperglycemia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Linear Models
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