Displaying publications 281 - 300 of 9183 in total

  1. Ling HN
    Lepr Rev, 2014 Dec;85(4):332-5.
    PMID: 25675658
    Matched MeSH terms: Borneo/epidemiology; Indonesia/epidemiology; Leprosy/epidemiology*; Malaysia/epidemiology
  2. Guatelli-Steinberg D, Skinner M
    Folia Primatol., 2000 May-Jun;71(3):115-32.
    PMID: 10828689
    Ninety-seven specimens of sympatric monkeys and apes from East Malaysia and 115 monkeys and apes from West Africa are examined in order to evaluate the magnitude and nature of the great ape-monkey linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) 'dichotomy'. This study demonstrates that great apes from both regions have a higher incidence of LEH and repetitive LEH than do gibbons and monkeys. However, the authors find that the dichotomy is not as clear-cut as previous research suggests, since some monkey samples exhibit high LEH frequencies. The authors evaluate the potential influence of great ape-monkey differences in crown height on this dichotomy. They show that canine crown height variation is weakly associated with LEH variation. Differences between monkeys and great apes in their crown formation spans and in their experience of environmental stress may be more likely causes of the dichotomy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa/epidemiology; Asia/epidemiology; Dental Enamel Hypoplasia/epidemiology; Primate Diseases/epidemiology*
  3. Tabuk TC, Ulger S
    Med Parazitol (Mosk), 2000 Apr-Jun.
    PMID: 10900916
    Turkey is the last country in the temperate zone on the edge of the European continent in which malaria is prevalent at endemic and occasionally epidemic proportions. Malaria was the most significant vector borne disease constituting a serious healthy problem until it was suppressed in 1965. Following the establishment of malaria eradication program in 1957 which began operation in 1960 after many years of malaria control, the incidence of malaria decreased annually and the stricken areas became more and more restricted. Unfortunately, an agricultural development program initiated in mid 70's in the Cukurova Plain caused a substantial migration of workers from the eastern areas where malaria at that time was more prevalent. This population movement together with the industrial expansion that took place resulted in a serious epidemic of vivax malaria in 1977 in the provinces of Adana, Icel and Hatay, where 101,867 cases were reported. The following years, Turkey targeted to reduce the number of malaria cases to less than 800 by 1984. After 1985, the number of malaria cases in the country has continued to increase and in the past five and six years a serious malaria epidemics has been building up in the southeastern provinces. The gravitational center of the disease has now moved from the Cukurova to the GAP area in South East Anatolia and beyond. The indicator of this movement is that 89% of total cases in 1998 is concerning to the GAP region. By the year 1998 the number of reported cases were 36,842. The common parasite type is P. vivax in the country. The other types are generally imported from other countries. These are Syria, S. Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Nigeria, India, Malaysia, Ghana, Indonesia, Sudan etc. Malaria cases are registered in bordering areas of the country constantly. The suggested solutions for Malaria control in bordering areas are: 1. To establish control laboratories in customs in order to take blood from persons who come from risky areas for malaria. When positive cases are found these laboratories will also provide free treatment. 2. East country should give information about the malaria situation in their country to the other countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/epidemiology*; Turkey/epidemiology; Malaria, Falciparum/epidemiology*; Malaria, Vivax/epidemiology*
  4. Chan PW, Goh AY, Chua KB, Kharullah NS, Hooi PS
    J Paediatr Child Health, 1999 Jun;35(3):287-90.
    PMID: 10404452
    OBJECTIVE: To study the viral aetiology of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) in young Malaysian children.

    METHODOLOGY: A retrospective review was performed of LRTI patients aged less than 24 months who were admitted to the University Malaya Medical Centre between 1982 and 1997. Respiratory viruses in their nasopharyngeal secretion were identified by indirect immunofluorescence, viral culture, or both.

    RESULTS: A total of 5691 children were included in the study. The mean age was 8.6 +/- 6.6 months and the M:F ratio was 1.6:1. The most common diagnosis was pneumonia (52%) followed by bronchiolitis (45%) and croup (2%). Positive viral isolation rate was 22.0%. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was the commonest virus isolated (84%), followed by parainfluenza virus (8%), influenza virus (6%) and adenovirus (2%). Patients with positive virus isolation were younger (7.8 +/- 6.2 vs 8.7 +/- 6.7 months, P = 0.0001) and were more likely to have bronchiolitis.

    CONCLUSION: Young Malaysian children admitted with LRTI had a 22% viral isolation rate and RSV was the commonest virus isolated.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bronchiolitis/epidemiology*; Croup/epidemiology*; Malaysia/epidemiology; Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology*
  5. Quah BS, Razak AR, Hassan MH
    Acta Paediatr Jpn, 1997 Jun;39(3):329-35.
    PMID: 9241894
    The prevalence and severity of asthma, rhinitis and eczema in Kelantanese schoolchildren were determined as part of an international study of the epidemiology of asthma and allergic diseases. The international study of asthma and allergies in childhood (ISAAC) written questionnaire was administered to 7055 schoolchildren from February 1995 to August 1995. The respondents were parents or guardians of 5- to 7-year-old children (n = 3939), and schoolchildren aged 12-14 years (n = 3116). The ISAAC video questionnaire (AVQ3.0) was shown to children aged 12-14 years after the written questionnaire. The overall prevalences of 'ever wheezed' and 'wheezing in last 12 months' were 9.4 and 6.0% respectively. The prevalence of 'ever diagnosed with asthma' was 9.4%. Both 'ever wheezed' and 'wheezing in the last 12 months' were significantly higher in 12- to 14-year-old children than in 5- to 7-year-old children, with P values of 0.0006 and 0.014 respectively. No gender differences in the prevalences were observed. For the complete study group, 4.7% of children had sleep disturbed by wheezing but only 1.1% had a severe attack limiting speech in the preceding 12 months. Sleep disturbance was more common in the 12- to 14-year-old children than in 5- to 7-year-old children (P = 0.006). There was no difference between the age groups for severe attacks limiting speech. The overall prevalence of rhinitis and eczema symptoms were 27 and 12%, respectively. The prevalence of rhinitis in the 12-14 year age group (38.2%) was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than in the 5-7 year age group (18.2%). The prevalence of eczema in the 5-7 year age group (13.7%) was significantly higher (P = < 0.0001) than in the 12-14 year age group (9.9%). These prevalence data are comparable with previous reports in Malaysian children, but are considerably lower than those reported for most developed countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asthma/epidemiology*; Eczema/epidemiology*; Malaysia/epidemiology; Rhinitis/epidemiology*
  6. Ismail JB
    Med J Malaysia, 1992 Jun;47(2):98-102.
    PMID: 1494340
    One thousand consecutive Brunei Darussalam patients referred with low Hb, and/or low MCV and MCH (Hb < 12.5g/dl, MCV < 76fl, MCH < 27pg) were studied in the laboratory for underlying haemoglobinopathies. 30.0% of such patients were proved to have either beta-thalassaemia trait, beta-thalassaemia major, Hb AE, Hb EE, Hb E beta-thalassaemia or Hb H disease. In some, the haemoglobin abnormality was not identified precisely. Alpha-thalassaemia was suspected in an additional 4.3% of cases but confirmation study by globin-chain synthesis was not available. Beta-thalassaemia trait which was the predominant disorder was equally distributed among the three major race groups of Brunei Darussalam. Hb E was found exclusive among the Malay population. Hb H disease appeared as more common among the Chinese or the Malays (p > 0.05). This study reveals that thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathies are prevalent in Brunei Darussalam.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brunei/epidemiology; Hemoglobinopathies/epidemiology*; Thalassemia/epidemiology*; beta-Thalassemia/epidemiology
  7. Ho SF, Phoon WH
    Med J Malaysia, 1997 Jun;52(2):134-8.
    PMID: 10968070
    Three hundred and fifteen female workers with at least three months' employment history in a factory manufacturing disk drives were studied. Each worker completed a self-administered questionnaire on their personal particulars, hours of work, opinion on the work and the workplace and the presence and severity of aches/pains experienced over the past one month. One hundred and forty one (44.8%) of the workers had complaints of aches/pains. Of these, 81 (57.5%) reported an improvement in their symptoms during their off-days. 59 (41.8%) had symptoms affecting two or more sites. The most commonly affected sites were the hands and shoulders, followed by the head and back. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of symptoms between workers from the different work stations. Ninety four (66.7%) of these workers reported that the pains that were severe enough to affect their activities. 76 (53.9%) had to seek some form of medical treatment while 33 (23.4%) had to be on medical leave. However, the physical examinations of this group of workers were normal. The symptoms appeared to be influenced by their attitude towards work. A significantly higher number of workers with symptoms expressed dissatisfaction with work and had complaints of a noisy and cold environment. The study showed that workers' morale and the quality of the work environment may play an important role in improving their general well-being.
    Matched MeSH terms: Musculoskeletal Diseases/epidemiology*; Occupational Diseases/epidemiology*; Pain/epidemiology*; Singapore/epidemiology
  8. Duraisamy G, Zuridah H, Ariffin Y, Kek CS
    Med J Malaysia, 1994 Sep;49(3):212-6.
    PMID: 7845268
    The hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is an RNA containing virus that requires hepatitis B virus (HBV) to supply the envelope proteins. HDV only infect man in the presence of HBV, either as a coinfection or as superinfection in HBV carriers. In the presence of hepatitis B infection, the HDV may cause more severe liver damage than that caused by the hepatitis B virus alone. HDV infection was studied in 44 HBsAg positive serum samples collected from male intravenous drug users sent for screening to the Blood Services Centre (BSC), Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) between 1990 and 1992. The majority (39) were in the 20 to 39 age group. The youngest was 19 years old and the oldest was 61 years old. There were 25 Malays, 13 Chinese, five Indians and one Albanian. Anti hepatitis delta antibody (Anti-HDV) was detected in 15 out of 44 (34%) of the drug addicts. These results shows an increased in delta infection in HBsAg positive intravenous drug addicts compared to the surveillance results in 1985 when no delta antibodies were detected, and the 1986 and 1989 surveillance which showed 17.8% and 20% delta antibody positivity respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis D/epidemiology*; Malaysia/epidemiology; HIV Infections/epidemiology; Substance Abuse, Intravenous/epidemiology*
  9. Sykepl Fag, 1993 Aug 31;81(4):38.
    PMID: 8220535
    Matched MeSH terms: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology*; Brazil/epidemiology; Cuba/epidemiology; Malaysia/epidemiology
  10. Van Bressem MF, Minton G, Sutaria D, Kelkar N, Peter C, Zulkarnaen M, et al.
    Dis Aquat Organ, 2014 Jan 16;107(3):181-9.
    PMID: 24429469 DOI: 10.3354/dao02689
    The presence of cutaneous nodules is reported in vulnerable populations of Irrawaddy dolphins Orcaella brevirostris from Malaysia (Kuching, Bintulu-Similajau, Kinabatangan-Segama and Penang Island), India (Chilika Lagoon) and Bangladesh (Sundarbans). Approximately 5700 images taken for photo-identification studies in 2004 to 2013 were examined for skin disorders. Nodules were detected in 6 populations. They appeared as circumscribed elevations of the skin and varied in size from 2 to >30 mm, were sparse or numerous and occurred on all visible body areas. In 8 photo-identified (PI) dolphins from India and Malaysia, the lesions remained stable (N = 2) or progressed (N = 6) over months but did not regress. The 2 most severely affected individuals were seen in Kuching and the Chilika Lagoon. Their fate is unknown. Cutaneous nodules were sampled in a female that died in a gillnet in Kuching in 2012. Histologically, the lesions consisted of thick collagen bundles covered by a moderately hyperplasic epithelium and were diagnosed as fibropapillomas. Whether the nodules observed in the other O. brevirostris were also fibropapillomas remains to be investigated. Disease prevalence ranged from 2.2% (N = 46; Bintulu-Similajau) to 13.9% (N = 72; Chilika) in 4 populations from Malaysia and India. It was not significantly different in 3 study areas in eastern Malaysia. In Chilika, prevalence was significantly higher (p = 0.00078) in 2009 to 2011 (13.9%) than in 2004 to 2006 (2.8%) in 72 PI dolphins. The emergence of a novel disease in vulnerable O. brevirostris populations is of concern.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology; India/epidemiology; Malaysia/epidemiology; Skin Diseases/epidemiology
  11. Wang M, Xiao C, Ni P, Yu JJ, Wang XW, Sun H
    Chin Med J (Engl), 2018 Aug 20;131(16):1975-1982.
    PMID: 30082530 DOI: 10.4103/0366-6999.238140
    Background: Betel quid chewing has been a major risk factor for oral cancer (OC) in southern China. This study aimed to analyze the scientific publications on the relationship between betel quid chewing and OC and construct a model to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate pertinent publications from 1998 to 2017.

    Methods: The publications from 1998 to 2017 were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection database. Microsoft Excel, Thomson Data Analyzer, VOSviewer, and CiteSpace software were used to analyze the publication outcomes, journals, countries/regions, institutions, authors, research areas, and research frontiers.

    Results: A total of 788 publications on the relationship between betel quid chewing and OC published until October 25, 2017, were identified. The top 4 related journals were Journal of Oral Pathology Medicine, Oral Oncology, Plos One, and International Journal of Cancer. The top five countries engaged in related research included China, India, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Malaysia. The corresponding disciplines, such as oncology, oral surgery, pathology, environmental and occupational health, and toxicology, were mainly concentrated in three disciplines. The subject terms squamous cell carcinoma, OC, betel quid, expression, oral submucous fibrosis, India, and p53 ranked first among research hotspots. The burst terms squamous cell carcinoma, OC, betel quid, and expression ranked first in research frontiers.

    Conclusions: Research in this area emphasized hotspots such as squamous cell carcinoma, OC, oral submucosal fibrosis, betel quid, and tobacco. The annual number of publications steadily decreased from 1998 to 2017, with a lack of a systematic study from interdisciplinary perspectives, inadequate pertinent journals, limited regions with the practice of betel quid chewing, and insufficient participation of researchers, which indicate that as the prevalence of OC increases, particularly in China, research in this area warrants further expansion.

    Matched MeSH terms: China/epidemiology; Great Britain/epidemiology; Malaysia/epidemiology; Mouth Neoplasms/epidemiology*
  12. Liu YH, Huang WH
    PMID: 32154204 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00032
    This study investigates the asymmetric effects of business cycles (measured by real GDP per capita) on population health (measured by life expectancy at birth) from the ASEAN countries, namely, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The panel vector error correction model, together with various panel unit root tests and cointegration tests, suggested a hidden cointegrated relationship between life expectancy at birth and the positive and negative components of real GDP per capita, and the asymmetric effects of business cycles on population health were identified in both in the short run and in the long run. Policymakers should focus on the harmful effects of business cycles on population health, and government interventions should be more forceful in times of economic expansion than during periods of economic recession.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia/epidemiology; Philippines/epidemiology; Singapore/epidemiology; Vietnam/epidemiology
  13. Shashvat K, Basu R, Bhondekar PA, Kaur A
    Trop Biomed, 2019 Dec 01;36(4):822-832.
    PMID: 33597454
    Time series modelling and forecasting plays an important role in various domains. The objective of this paper is to construct a simple average ensemble method to forecast the number of cases for infectious diseases like dengue and typhoid and compare it by applying models for forecasting. In this paper we have also evaluated the correlation between the number of typhoid and dengue cases with the ecological variables. The monthly data of dengue and typhoid cases from 2014 to 2017 were taken from integrated diseases surveillance programme, Government of India. This data was analysed by three models namely support vector regression, neural network and linear regression. The proposed simple average ensemble model was constructed by ensemble of three applied regression models i.e. SVR, NN and LR. We combine the regression models based upon the error metrics such as Mean Square Error, Root Mean Square Error and Mean Absolute Error. It was found that proposed ensemble method performed better in terms of forecast measures. The finding demonstrates that the proposed model outperforms as compared to already available applied models on the basis of forecast accuracy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Communicable Diseases/epidemiology*; Dengue/epidemiology; India/epidemiology; Typhoid Fever/epidemiology
  14. Dissanaike AS, Vijayamma T, Kan SP, Ong HT
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Sep;32(1):48-55.
    PMID: 609344
    Matched MeSH terms: Helminthiasis/epidemiology; Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic/epidemiology; Parasitic Diseases/epidemiology*; Protozoan Infections/epidemiology
  15. Ahluwalia HS, Duguid JB
    Br. J. Cancer, 1966 Mar;20(1):12-5.
    PMID: 5949191
    Matched MeSH terms: Choriocarcinoma/epidemiology; Mouth Neoplasms/epidemiology; Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms/epidemiology*; Neoplasms/epidemiology*
  16. Lo EK, Varughese J, Ghouse A, Noor M
    Med J Malaysia, 1979 Dec;34(2):95-9.
    PMID: 548726
    Matched MeSH terms: Ascariasis/epidemiology; Helminthiasis/epidemiology*; Hookworm Infections/epidemiology; Trichuriasis/epidemiology
  17. Kutty MK, Balasegaram M
    J R Coll Surg Edinb, 1972 Mar;17(2):102-7.
    PMID: 5021743
    Matched MeSH terms: Burkitt Lymphoma/epidemiology; Liver Neoplasms/epidemiology; Lung Neoplasms/epidemiology; Neoplasms/epidemiology*
  18. Snelling MR, Chooi MUN KAM
    Thorax, 1966 Sep;21(5):434-6.
    PMID: 5969242
    Matched MeSH terms: Adenocarcinoma/epidemiology*; Bronchial Neoplasms/epidemiology*; Carcinoma/epidemiology; Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/epidemiology*
  19. Tajik E, Abd Latiff L, Adznam SN, Awang H, Yit Siew C, Abu Bakar AS
    J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2017 Oct;57(10):1382-1387.
    PMID: 28004901 DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06658-5
    BACKGROUND: Inadequate physical activity has adverse health consequences among adolescents. Mental health problem can be developed by lack of physical activity however it is controversial. The current study aimed to examine the association between level of physical activity with depression, anxiety and stress symptoms among adolescents.

    METHODS: A representative sample of 1747 adolescents (13-14 years) was randomly selected from 6 schools in a south part of Malaysia. Respondents were asked to fill consent form, and questionnaires including Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 and Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents.

    RESULTS: Majority of respondents (71.9%) was Malay and more than half of the adolescents had low physical activity. About 40% had depression symptoms, followed by anxiety symptoms (65.9%) and stress symptoms (38.5%). Level of physical activity was significantly associated with gender, anxiety and stress (P<0.001). There were no associations with race, religion and depression symptom.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides some evidence among school-going adolescents related to anxiety and stress symptoms and low physical activities. Further studies are needed to show the protection effects of higher physical activity for depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in adolescents.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety/epidemiology*; Depression/epidemiology*; Malaysia/epidemiology; Stress, Psychological/epidemiology*
  20. Azlan WAW, Ramalingam M, Razali R, Abdullah MF, Rahman FNA
    Asia Pac Psychiatry, 2022 Mar;14(1):e12416.
    PMID: 32929893 DOI: 10.1111/appy.12416
    INTRODUCTION: Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is a severe form of vomiting that occurs among pregnant mothers. Due to the nature of HG, pregnant mothers may feel fatigued and burdened by it and questions have been raised about the emergence of psychiatric illness during this period of vulnerability.

    METHODS: A comparative cross-sectional study using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), M.I.N.I (MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview) and ENRICH- EMS (Evaluation and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication and Happiness - Marital Satisfaction Scale) were performed in a group of 112 pregnant women.

    RESULTS: There were no differences in the prevalence rate of any anxiety disorder among the patient with HG vs comparative group (9% vs 3%, P > 0.05) and depressive disorder in women with HG vs comparative group (16% vs 8%, P > 0.05) respectively. There were associations between HG and gravida, past history of miscarriage, and gestational diabetes (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety/epidemiology; Anxiety Disorders/epidemiology; Depression/epidemiology; Malaysia/epidemiology
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