METHODS: This is an exploratory mixed-methods study. In phase 1 (qualitative phase), three groups of participants (i.e., clinicians, employers, and workers) will be invited to participate to focus group discussions (FGDs) until thematic saturation. The aim of the FGDs is to explore the understanding, experience, and potential risk factors of Long Covid-19 among manufacturing workers. Findings from the FGDs will be analysed thematically. Themes generated from the FGDs will be used to generate items in a new questionnaire. The newly developed questionnaire will be validated using a fuzzy Delphi study, which will also be conducted among clinicians, employers, and workers. Phase 2 is a cross-sectional study that will be conducted among manufacturing workers across all states in Malaysia to identify the prevalence and risk factors of Long COVID-19, as well as the prevalence and risk factors of adverse work outcomes among workers with Long COVID-19. A multistage cluster sampling will be used to collect data from 4500 manufacturing workers in Malaysia. Logistic regression will be performed to determine the association between risk factors with both Long COVID-19 and adverse work outcomes.
CONCLUSION: Once the prevalence and risk factors of Long COVID and its associated adverse work outcome are identified, timely support and effective interventions could be provided to manufacturing workers to maintain their health and productivity.
ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS: Ethical approval has been granted by the Research Ethics Committee of the National University of Malaysia (JEP-2023-607) and the Medical Research and Ethics Committee (MREC) Malaysia (NMRR ID-23-03310-H3E).
METHODS: This cross-sectional study examined demographic, clinical and biochemical data of all newly diagnosed Malaysian children aged 0-18 years with T1DM over 11 years from a single centre. Regression analyses were used to determine predictors and trends.
RESULTS: The overall DKA rate was 73.2%, 54.9% of the DKA cases were severe. Age ≥5 years [odds ratio (OR): 12.29, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.58, 95.58, p=0.017] and misdiagnosis (OR: 3.73, 95% CI: 1.36, 10.24 p=0.01) were significant predictors of a DKA presentation. No significant trends in the annual rates of DKA, severe DKA nor children <5 years presenting with DKA were found during study period.
CONCLUSION: DKA rates at initial diagnosis of T1DM in Malaysian children are high and severe DKA accounts for a notable proportion of these. Though misdiagnosis and age ≥5 years are predictors of DKA, misdiagnosis can be reduced through better awareness and education. The lack of downward trends in DKA and severe DKA highlights the urgency to develop measures to curb its rates.
METHODS: We used the synthetic control method (SCM) under assumption of partial interference to evaluate the direct and spillover PEs of Wolbachia-mediated introgression in a long-running operational trial of the intervention in Malaysia. Synthetic controls (SCs), which comprise of a weighted sum of non-spillover controls, were constructed for each directly-treated and spillover site in the pre-intervention period to account for historical imbalances in dengue risk and risk trajectories. SCs were compared to directly/spillover-treated sites to estimate the impact of Wolbachia-introgression on dengue incidence across each site, calendar year and intervention time. Robustness checks, including visual inspections, root-mean-square error (RMSE) calculations, in-space and in-time placebo checks, and permutation tests, were used to inspect the model's ability in attributing dengue incidence reductions to the Wolbachia interventions.
FINDINGS: The direct and spillover PEs of Wolbachia on dengue incidence were expressed as a percentage reduction of dengue incidence, or the absolute case reductions, by comparing SCs to actual intervention/spillover sites. Findings indicate a direct reduction in dengue incidence by 64.35% (95% CI: 63.50-66.71, p Malaysia NMRR-16-297-28898.