METHODS: A cost utility study of hemodialysis (HD) and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) was conducted from a Ministry of Health (MOH) perspective. A Markov model was also developed to investigate the cost effectiveness of increasing uptake of incident CAPD to 55% and 60% versus current practice of 40% CAPD in a five-year temporal horizon. A scenario with 30% CAPD was also measured. The costs and utilities were sourced from published data which were collected as part of this study. The transitional probabilities and survival estimates were obtained from the Malaysia Dialysis and Transplant Registry (MDTR). The outcome measures were cost per life year (LY), cost per quality adjusted LY (QALY) and incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) for the Markov model. Sensitivity analyses were performed.
RESULTS: LYs saved for HD was 4.15 years and 3.70 years for CAPD. QALYs saved for HD was 3.544 years and 3.348 for CAPD. Cost per LY saved was RM39,791 for HD and RM37,576 for CAPD. The cost per QALY gained was RM46,595 for HD and RM41,527 for CAPD. The Markov model showed commencement of CAPD in 50% of ESRD patients as initial dialysis modality was very cost-effective versus current practice of 40% within MOH. Reduction in CAPD use was associated with higher costs and a small devaluation in QALYs.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest provision of both modalities is fiscally feasible; increasing CAPD as initial dialysis modality would be more cost-effective.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study where patients with haematological cancers attending two major hospitals were recruited. Anxiety and depression symptoms were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS). Quality of life (QoL) of these patients was measured using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality of life questionnaire (EORTC QLQ C30). An overall summary QoL score in combination with financial difficulty score and global health score were used for analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 319 patients were recruited. Thirty-three percent of patients had anxiety symptoms, 23.5% had depression symptoms. In summary the overall score of QoL is significantly lower in patients with higher scores for depression and anxiety, (p<0.05). Patients who exhibit anxiety symptoms were more frequently female, still undergoing treatment whereas patients who had higher depression scores were older and had acute leukemias or myeloproliferative neoplasms. Patients who have depression are significantly associated with a higher financial difficulty score, p<0.05.
CONCLUSION: The poor quality of life in patients who have anxiety and depression should raise awareness amongst the health professions treating them so that additional support can be provided.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed involving SLE patients (n = 120 patients) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC). Serum and urinary IL-17A levels were determined by immunoassay while disease activity was assessed using Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index-2000 (SLEDAI-2K) and British Isles Lupus Assessment Group's 2004 index (BILAG 2004) scores. The correlations between serum and urinary IL-17A levels with total SLEDAI-2K and BILAG 2004 scores were determined using bivariate correlation analyses. Receiver operating characteristic curves were calculated to determine their sensitivity and specificity as disease activity biomarkers.
RESULTS: Both serum and urinary IL-17A levels correlated with total scores of BILAG 2004, BILAG renal, BILAG mucocutaneous, and SLEDAI-2K (P
METHOD: A total of 140 urine samples were collected from trapped rats. These samples were cultured in EMJH enriched media and 18 of these samples (12.9%) were found to be positive when observed under x40 by dark field microscope. Genomic DNA was extracted from all the 18 native isolates for PCR.
RESULT: All the 18 isolates generated the expected 786 base pair band when the set of primers known to amplify LipL32 gene were utilized. These results showed that the primers were suitable to be used for the identification of pathogenic leptospira from the 18 rat samples.
CONCLUSION: The sequencing of the PCR products and BLAST analysis performed on each representative isolates confirmed the pathogenic status of all these native isolates as the LipL32 gene was detected in all the Leptospira isolates. This indicates that the rats are carriers of the pathogenic leptospira in the study area, and therefore are of public health importance.
METHODS: The HD-HEI tool adapted the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2010 framework according to HD-specific nutrition guidelines. This HD-HEI was applied to 3-day dietary records of 382 HD patients. Relationships between HD-HEI scores and nutritional parameters were tested by partial correlations. Binary logistic regression models adjusted with confounders were used to determine adjusted odds ratio (adjOR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) for nutritional risk based on HD-HEI scores categorization.
RESULTS: The total HD-HEI score (51.3 ± 10.2) for this HD patient population was affected by ethnicity (Ptrend < .001) and sex (P = .003). No patient achieved "good" DQ (score: 81-100), while DQ of 54.5% patients were classified as "needs improvement" (score: 51-80) and remaining as "poor" (score: 0-51). Total HD-HEI scores were positively associated with dietary energy intake (DEI), dietary protein intake (DPI), dry weight, and handgrip strength, but inversely associated with Dietary Monotony Index (DMI) (all P
METHODS: A total of 141 patients (77 HD and 64 CAPD) from 1 federal and four state hospitals participated in this cross-sectional study. Patients were randomly selected from the National Renal Registry (NRR) using a stratified random sampling. The EQ-5D-3 L questionnaire was used to measure HRQOL. Variables investigated include dialysis modalities, sociodemographic characteristics, co-morbidities and biochemical markers. Utilities are measured on an ordinal scale of 0-1, where 1 indicates full health and 0 indicates death.
RESULTS: The mean utility scores were 0.854 ± 0.181 and 0.905 ± 0.124 (p > 0.05) and the mean Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) scores were 76.2 ± 12.90 and 77.1 ± 10.26 (p > 0.05) for HD and CAPD patients respectively. There was a significant difference in problems reported between HD (35.1%) and CAPD (15.6%) on usual activities dimension (p = 0.009). The proportion of patients having problems in the pain/discomfort domain in both modalities was high (34.0%). Haemoglobin (