Transaminase enzymes, alanine (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST), have been reported to be raised and implicated to have prognostic value in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Ki67, a marker of cellular proliferative activity, has also been noted to be increased in HCC. A study was conducted at the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur to determine the possible association of proliferative activity, as determined by Ki67, with the transaminase enzymes. 31 cases of histologically diagnosed HCC who underwent tumour resection were retrieved from departmental archives. The patients' ages ranged between 40 to 79 years with a mean of 58.3 years. There was a male preponderance with M:F = 2.9:1. Ethnic Chinese formed 83.9% of the cases. 4 microm sections, cut from the formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumour tissue block of each case, were immunohistochemically stained with Ki67 (DAKO monoclonal MIB-1) using the commercial DakoCytomation EnVision+System-HRP kit. The latest ALT and AST levels, assayed within 7 days prior to tumour resection, were retrieved from the patients' case records. 24 (77.4%) HCC demonstrated elevation of either ALT and/or AST. 27 (87.1%) HCC were immunopositive for Ki67. Ki67 immunoexpression was significantly correlated with raised transaminases (p<0.05). Hypothetically, the mechanism by which this phenomenon may occur may simply be release of transaminases due to destruction of hepatocytes by the cancer. Thus rising levels of the transaminases could signal a more rapid growth of the tumour and these routinely performed tests can be of prognostic value in management of HCC patients.
Spontaneous rupture and hemorrhage is a devastating complication of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Results from current therapeutic modalities remain varied. Recent development of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in the management of this condition has shown promise. We describe 2 cases of ruptured HCC in which nonoperative, percutaneous radio frequency ablation (RFA) was successful in achieving hemostasis. The advantageous of RFA over other interventional techniques in the management of ruptured HCC are discussed.
The retinoblastoma-related gene Rb2/p130 has been reported to be mutated in several malignancies such as lung cancer and Burkitt's lymphoma. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a common cancer in Malaysia especially amongst the ethnic Chinese. We screened for Rb2/p130 gene (exons 19 to 21) mutations in 53 archival NPC samples via PCR-SSCP-direct sequencing approach. Only one sample had a base change which involved a serine to glycine substitution at codon 995 (S995G). We conclude that Rb2/p130 genetic alterations are infrequent in NPC and may not be essential for the pathogenesis of the disease.
A 32-year-old female American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) was presented with a squamous cell carcinoma of the middle digit of the right foot. No clinical, hematologic, or radiologic evidence of metastasis was present. Salvage amputation of the digit resulted in complete cure, whereas previous electrosurgery and radiation therapy were unsuccessful. Three years later, another squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed in the middle digit of the left foot. The digit was also amputated. Seven months after the second amputation, the bird did not have any recurrence or signs of metastasis.
Early diagnosis of rectal cancer is important for prompt treatment and better outcome. Little data exists for comparison or to set standards. The primary objective of this study is to identify factors resulting in delays in treatment of rectal cancer, the correlation between the disease stage and diagnosis waiting time, treatment waiting time and duration of symptoms. A five year retrospective audit was undertaken in University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC). There were 137 patients recruited and the median time to diagnosis was nine days after the first UMMC Surgical Unit consultation with a mean of 18.7 days. Some 11% had to wait more than four weeks for diagnosis. The median time from confirmation of diagnosis to surgery was 11 days with a mean of 18.6 days. Sixty-two percent of patients were operated upon within two weeks of diagnosis and more than 88% by four weeks. However, 10% of them had delayed surgery done four weeks after diagnosis. Long colonoscopy waiting time was the main cause for delay in diagnosis while delay in staging CTs were the main reason for treatment delays.
Chondrosarcoma of the nasal septum is an extremely rare malignant tumor. It accounts for only 10% to 20% of primary bone tumors, with approximately 10% found in the head and neck. A case is presented here to illustrate its presentation, evaluation and surgical treatment.
The decoction of the whole plant of Physalis minima L. is traditionally consumed to treat cancer. Its anticancer property has been previously verified (using in vitro cytotoxicity assays) against NCI-H23 lung, CORL23 lung and MCF7 breast cancer cell lines but the mechanism underlying the anticancer potency towards ovarian carcinoma cells remain unclear.
BACKGROUND: The ideal method for diagnosis of breast cancer is debatable.
METHODS: The methods of diagnosis of 436 new cases of breast adenocarcinoma presenting from Jan 2005 till Dec 2006 at the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) were examined in this study.
RESULTS: A total of 388 cases presented to the breast unit in UMMC primarily and 48 cases were diagnosed in non-breast units in other hospitals and referred for management. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was the commonest mode of initial diagnosis in 278 cases followed by core needle biopsy and surgical excision. In UMMC, FNAC was the commonest initial method (68.3%) compared to cases diagnosed outside UMMC, where 37.5% of cases were diagnosed by excision. Tumours less than 2cm were more likely to be diagnosed by excision biopsy.
CONCLUSION: The biopsy method used to confirm the diagnosis is influenced by where the patient first presents, and by the size of the tumour.
Extramedullary plasmacytoma is a rare plasma cell proliferative disorder with a predilection for the head and neck region. Occasionally, it presents as a solitary lesion in the nasal cavity. We report a case of an isolated lesion in the middle turbinate of the right nasal cavity. The lesion was completely excised via an endoscopic approach. We also review the pathology and management of plasmacytomas in general.
Chromatin morphologies in human breast cancer cells treated with an anti-cancer agent are analyzed at their early stage of programmed cell death or apoptosis. The gray-level images of nuclear chromatin are modelled as random fields. We used two-dimensional isotropic generalized Cauchy field to characterize local self-similarity and global long-range dependence behaviors in the image spatial data. Generalized Cauchy field allows the description of fractal behavior inferred from fractal dimension and the long-range dependence inferred from correlation exponent to be carried out independently. We demonstrated the usefulness of locally self-similar random fields with long-range dependence for modelling chromatin condensation.
Neuroendocrine carcinomas of the breast are uncommon tumors known to occur in the elderly. While focal neuroendocrine differentiation may be noted in many ductal and lobular carcinomas, the term neuroendocrine carcinoma is to be applied when more than 50% of the tumor shows such differentiation. This case report details the cytological features of a neuroendocrine carcinoma that was encountered in our hospital. The fine needle aspiration (FNA) smears showed discohesive polygonal cells with abundant cytoplasm, many of which contained eosinophilic granules located at one pole. Histology of the mastectomy and axillary lymph nodes specimen from this patient showed features of neuroendocrine carcinoma--solid type, with metastasis, confirmed with immunohistochemistry. The patient is disease free seven months after surgery. This case highlights the need to closely observe cytological details to identify this rare tumor that may otherwise appear to be invasive duct carcinoma--not otherwise specified on FNA. The implications of diagnosing neuroendocrine differentiation for prognosis and management are also discussed.
Isosulfan blue is not available for clinical use in Malaysia. This study describes the use of methylene blue as an alternative to isosulfan blue in colorectal sentinel node mapping.
Glomus tumors are rare benign tumors commonly occurring in the digits of the hand. Surprisingly, considering the fingertips are of a similar make-up to the toes, there have been few reports of glomus tumor in the toes. The present case highlights a glomus tumor observed in the right second toe of a 56-year-old Indian female who presented with the classical triad of spontaneous pain, cold hypersensitivity, and pressure tenderness. There was a delay in diagnosis for approximately 18 years by various general practitioners who were not aware of the rare presentation of the glomus tumor. The tumor, which measured 5 x 3 mm, was excised from the nail bed of the toe. Histopathological inspection confirmed the diagnosis of glomus tumor. We believe that reporting this rare case may make clinicians more aware of this unusual diagnosis.
Primary corneal myxoma is extremely rare. It has only been reported on 2 previous occasions. Secondary corneal myxomas are more common, arising from corneal diseases such as infective keratitis, keratoconus, and bullous keratopathy. Myxomas occur commonly in other soft tissues such as the heart, paranasal sinuses, and muscles but can rarely present in periocular structures including the conjunctiva, orbit, and eyelid. Ours is only the third case of primary corneal myxoma reported in the literature and illustrates several unusual features. These include an inferonasal location between the corneal epithelium and Bowman layer and with no relationship to the corneal stroma, rapid tumor growth over a 3-month period, and no previous ocular trauma or conjunctival pathology. The histology of this lesion has an important part to play in the management of this condition as it determines the cellular origin, establishes a benign or malignant state, and helps with treatment and prognosis. One reported case of primary corneal myxoma recurred within 2 months after local resection. This was treated with bandage soft contact lens, and no recurrence had been reported since. Our case is now 12 months post op and has had no recurrence.
A 13 year old boy presented with a huge mass on his right arm of 6 months duration. Histopathological examination revealed sheets of malignant small round blue cells with immunopositivity for LCA, CD43, CD45Ro, CD30, EMA, ALK-1 and CD99, and negativity for CD20, TdT, myogenin, myoD1, NSE, bcl-6, bcl-2 and CD10. Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) testing excluded the diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma/PNET. Pathologists need to be aware of the diagnosis of a small cell variant of ALCL, as well as of the fact that CD99 expression commonly occurs in cases of ALK-positive ALCL, in order to distinguish this entity from Ewing's sarcoma/PNET.
We describe a rare case of vertebra (intraosseous) hemangioma with bilateral and symmetrical epidural extension causing cord compression in a 24-year-old woman. The epidural component was isointense to cord on both T1 and T2 sequences, and enhanced markedly and homogenously following gadolinium administration. The gradual in onset and progressive nature with the typical enhancing pattern lead the neurosurgeon to the more common diagnosis of spinal meningioma. Epidural extension of vertebral hemangiomas causing cord compression is rarely reported. Review of literatures reveal that cases that have been reported are of unilateral extension into epidural space and of cavernous type. This is the first case report of capillary vertebral (intraossous) hemangioma with bilateral extension through both intervetebral foramen into the epidural space causing myelopathy.