RESULTS: A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial ORF and putative control region concurs with a haploweb analysis of nuclear ITS2 sequences in delimiting three species among our dataset: species A and B are found in Madagascar whereas species C occurs in Okinawa, the Philippines and New Caledonia. Comparison of ITS1 sequences from these three species with data available online suggests that species C is also found on the Great Barrier Reef, in Malaysia, in the South China Sea and in Taiwan, and that a distinct species D occurs in the Red Sea. Shallow-water morphs of species A correspond to the morphological description of Stylophora madagascarensis, species B presents the morphology of Stylophora mordax, whereas species C comprises various morphotypes including Stylophora pistillata and Stylophora mordax.
CONCLUSIONS: Genetic analysis of the coral genus Stylophora reveals species boundaries that are not congruent with morphological traits. Of the four hypotheses that may explain such discrepancy (phenotypic plasticity, morphological stasis, morphological convergence, and interspecific hybridization), the first two appear likely to play a role but the fourth one is rejected since mitochondrial and nuclear markers yield congruent species delimitations. The position of the root in our molecular phylogenies suggests that the center of origin of Stylophora is located in the western Indian Ocean, which probably explains why this genus presents a higher biodiversity in the westernmost part of its area of distribution than in the "Coral Triangle".
METHODS: We retrieved 4 previously reported SMCA, performed additional immunohistochemical and targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS). We also investigated the use of NKX3.1 as a marker for SMCA in the context of its prevalence and extent (using H-score) in a mixed cohort of retrospectively and prospectively tested head and neck lesions (n = 223) and non-neoplastic tissues (n = 66).
RESULTS: NKX3.1 positivity was confirmed in normal mucous acini as well as in mucous acinar class of lesions (5/6, mean H-score: 136.7), including mucinous adenocarcinomas (3/4), SG-IPMN (1/1), and microsecretory adenocarcinoma (MSA) (1/1). All SMCA were positive. Fluorescence in situ hybridization for SS18 rearrangements were negative in all successfully tested cases (0/3). NGS was successful in two cases (cases 3 and 4). Case 3 demonstrated a PTEN c.655C>T p.Q219* mutation and a SEC16A::NOTCH1 fusion while case 4 (clinically aggressive) showed a PTEN c.1026+1G>A p.K342 splice site variant, aTP53 c.524G>A p.R175H mutation and a higher tumor mutation burden (29 per Mb). PTEN immunohistochemical loss was confirmed in both cases and a subset of tumor cells showed strong (extreme) staining for P53 in Case 4.
CONCLUSION: Despite a partial myoepithelial phenotype, SMCA, along with mucinous adenocarcinomas/SG-IPMN and MSA, provisionally constitute a mucous acinar class of tumors based on morphology and NKX3.1 expression. Like salivary mucinous adenocarcinomas/SG-IPMN, SMCA also show alterations of the PTEN/PI3K/AKT pathway and may show progressive molecular alterations. We document the first extramammary tumor with a SEC16A::NOTCH1 fusion.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was used. Totally, 427 samples of dissimilar Thai-Muslim healthy blood donors living in three southern border provinces were selected via simple random sampling (aged 17-65 years old) and donors found to be positive for infectious markers were excluded. All samples were analysed for JK*A and JK*B alleles using PCR-SSP. The Pearson's chi-squared and Fisher exact tests were used to compare the JK frequencies among southern Thai-Muslim with those among other populations previously reported.
Results: A total of 427 donors-315 males and 112 females, with a median age of 29 years (interquartile range: 18 years)-were analysed. A JK*A/JK*B genotype was the most common, and the JK*A and JK*B allele frequencies among the southern Thai-Muslims were 55.2% and 44.8%, respectively. Their frequencies significantly differed from those of the central Thai, Korean, Japanese, Brazilian-Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Africans and American Natives populations (P < 0.05). Predicted JK phenotypes were compared with different groups of Malaysians. The Jk(a+b+) phenotype frequency among southern Thai-Muslims was significantly higher than that of Malaysian Malays and Indians (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: The JK*A and JK*B allele frequencies in a southern Thai-Muslim population were determined, which can be applied not only to solve problems in transfusion medicine but also to provide tools for genetic anthropology and population studies.