Displaying publications 361 - 380 of 607 in total

  1. Che Hasan MK, Stanmore E, Todd C
    Front Public Health, 2020;8:612413.
    PMID: 33585384 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.612413
    Background: Functional limitationscommonly affect patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) which reduces quality of life. The Enabling Self-management and Coping with Arthritic Pain using Exercise (ESCAPE-pain) is an evidence-based programme identified to be suitable for adaptation for the Malaysian health care system. It is important to understand the acceptance from a sociocultural context of the ESCAPE-pain programme from the perspectives of patients with knee OA and healthcare professionals. This qualitative study aims to explore the perspectives of stakeholders to inform the adaptation of the ESCAPE-pain programme into the Malaysian health care system. Method: Semi-structured interviews using interview guides were conducted with 18 patients with knee OA and 14 healthcare professionals including nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, medical doctors, and orthopedic surgeons. The data were transcribed and analyzed using framework analysis. Results: The findings show that patients and healthcare professionals positively accept the programme into their daily living activities and recommend some modifications related to the Malaysian context. This study also highlights strategies to adopt when providing ESCAPE-pain to patients with knee OA. Conclusion: The findings reveal how sociocultural considerations could facilitate uptake and engagement with the ESCAPE-pain programme for home exercise among patients with knee osteoarthritis. These findings may benefit t patients with knee OA in the Malaysian healthcare system, although future research is recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  2. Ahmad Badruridzwanullah Zun, Mohd Ismail Ibrahim, Anees Abdul Hamid
    Introduction: Primary health care plays an important role in healthcare systems. In Malaysia, One (1) Malaysia Clinic (now known as Community Clinic since 2018) was established in 2010 aims to increase healthcare services accessibility within the poor urban population. The aim was to look at the effectiveness of One (1) Malaysia Clinic as a new form of public primary health clinic by looking at expectations and perceptions of the quality of the provided services by the patients. Method: It applied a cross sectional study involving nine clinics in of the busiest district in Kelantan namely, Kota Bharu district. 386 respondents which were Malaysian citizen, 18 years old and above were involved in this study. The survey used Malay validated SERVQUAL questionnaire. The Service Quality (SQ) gap was calculated. Result: The empathy dimension obtained the highest expectation and perception score, while the tangi- ble dimension has the lowest expectation and perception score. In all SERVQUAL dimension, the expectations and perceptions of the service provided was significantly different with P < 0.001. The most critical dimension identified was tangible dimension as it has the largest negative SQ gap score. Conclusion: Negative gaps for all SERVQUAL dimensions and individual items indicated that provided services at One (1) Malaysia Clinic still could not fulfilled the patient’s expectation. A continuous improvement program is needed especially on tangible dimension in deliv- ering a quality healthcare services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  3. Nicholas Pang, Sofeinah Didora Judip, Jeanny John, Erwani Minin, Noor Rajrinnie Rajak, Luqman Ridha Anwar, et al.
    Introduction: University-wide healthcare programme are difficult to implement without complete protocols. This paper describes a collaborative academia-nursing programme to design a quick, user-friendly primary care screen- ing toolkit, to be used at community level at each faculty in UMS. Methods: A Primary Care Condition Assessment Questionnaire was designed by family medicine physicians, mental health doctors, and public health physicians. The questionnaire was pilot tested in 2 different faculties. The Primary Care Condition Assessment Questionnaire was manualized, and a one-day intervention training programme was administered. Subsequently 19 nurses and assistant medical officers were trained in the questionnaire administration and given concurrent communication skills and collaborative practice training to operate the questionnaire. Qualitative assessments of abilities to perform common primary health assessments were performed. Results: Trained nurses qualitatively felt they were more con- fident to perform primary care screening of common healthcare conditions and were able to deliver advice and refer screen-positive individuals to appropriate referral pathways. Conclusion: Public health programmes like HUMS2U put healthcare into the hands of nurses, allowing task-shifting to adequately trained non-specialist professions, and empowers nurses in basic non-communicable disease training and management. Further research will be performed to assess efficacy of the programme at all 23 faculties and departments of the university.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  4. Megawanah Mohd Razalee, Prisia Jibin, Sabrina Paul, Muhammad Syafiq Abdullah, Helen Benedict Lasimbang, Wendy Diana Shoesmith, et al.
    Introduction: Crisis communication is an important skill for healthcare professionals, especially during disaster peri- od including the current 2019-nCoV pandemic. Nevertheless, the skill of crisis communication is not commonly an integral part of Malaysian nursing diploma and degree course. Methods: A half days session on how to communicate in the context of crisis was incorporated into an experiential learning workshop to 25 existing and newly recruited nurses together with 7 other healthcare professionals. The topics of nature of disaster, disease outbreak, preparation for disaster, principles and responsibility of crisis communication, preparing statement for press conference, and corporate communication were covered through brief lecture, round table discussion and tabletop simulations. Real time example of 2019-nCoV crisis communication was used to illustrate the skills required in the situation. Results: All participants confirmed that this was the first exposure to hands-on training on crisis communication and enlightening although majority of them were uncertain that they are capable to perform it during the crisis despite the ongoing 2019-nCoV issue in view of their the position that they are holding. Most nursing curriculums focus on clinical theory and clinical skill competency acquisition without addressing the need of learning how to commu- nicate beyond clinical setting in the situation of disaster and panic, which is mostly learned at job. The limitation included the practice in tabletop simulations might not be immediately translatable into real life practice. Conclu- sion: Regular reinforcement through more workshops and incorporation into disaster may potentially be a solution to improve the competency of healthcare professionals in crisis communication. Further assessment on the practice of the participants in performing crisis communication is needed to ensure the competency level has been achieved and to evaluate the efficiency of the workshop delivery method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  5. Siti Fatimah S, Zakira M, Shareza A R, Zainah M, Mazlinda M
    Introduction: Leadership is hard to define, but it’s easy to recognize. Leaders know that to lead they must keep up their leadership skills. Effective leadership skills required from nurse managers which include the ability to create an organization culture that combines high-quality health care and patient/employee safety with highly developed collaborative and team-building skills. This paper presents the preliminary study of the development of the assess- ment leadership tool emphasising on the process of validation and implementation of necessary steps in tool devel- opment. Methods: Questionnaires on leadership style was adopted from Northouse (2014) and working motivation from Purohit et al., (2016). Modification for leadership styles from 35 modified into 48 question and tool on nurses’ motivation from 19 items modified into 28 items. Developed questionnaires were finalized with literature guidance and two content experts. A pre- test was done with 30 respondents for each set of questionnaires. Results: Preliminary development of tool Reliability test result shown that for leadership styles questionnaires which are consisted of 48 items is (α = 0 .77) and working motivation consisted of 28 items is (α = 0.70).Minor modification needed after the lit- erature searching and analysis of pre-test stage, the discussion with expert person after they go through the question- naires also suggested some additional info are needed. After doing validation process the questionnaires are more stable and valid to use for the author target group. Conclusion: These leadership styles assessments are beneficial to guide nurse managers to use suitable styles to manage their nursing staffs. Assessment on working motivation among nurses is also recommended to overcome the issues on working retention among them. In future further investigation regarding which appropriate leadership style need to be explored and the level of working motivation among nursing staff should be monitored regularly.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  6. Patricia Sator, Jummaiyah Md Tahir, Elvinna Maria Joannes, Nafisah Mokti
    Introduction: Social media have been used widely by majority of population around the world and have been proved to be useful for sharing information as well as gain knowledge. For student, media social plays a huge role especially during learning session. Recently, a lot of issues regarding nursing services flooded social media, which gave a negative impression about nurses profession. This study aims to identify the awareness on the impact of social media in regards to nursing services among Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), UMS nursing students. Methods: Descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study using modified questionnaire for data collection was con- ducted in FMHS, UMS. A total of 100 nursing student, year 3 (37%), year 2 (40%) and year 1 (23%) participated in the study. Results: Overall, 51% respondents agree and 45% strongly agree that social media is a powerful tool to connect among individuals. 63% agree and 34% strongly agree that social media can make jobs more efficient and innovative. 63% agree and 32% strongly agree that social media can be an agent of providing clinical education to nurses by facilitating conversations with colleagues about best practice and advanced healthcare. 51% agree and 22% strongly that social media can be trace and legal action can be taken towards nurses. 54% agree and 20% strongly agree that social media can be used to reveal malpractice among nurses. 45% agree and 40% strongly agree that social media can be misuse by the non-healthcare provider. Conclusion: Based on this study’s result, the respon- dents are well aware with the positive and negative impact of social media on nursing profession. There may has a small number of unaware or unsure about the impact among the respondents, with that the recommendation for this study is to ensure the UMS nursing students to abide with the professional and personal etiquettes and use common sense and caution while communicating on social media.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  7. Aryane Suwin, Faye Borine, Hasya Putri Sari Amrizal, Muhammad Fakhrulraazi Rajiei, Muhammad Hafizul Zainal, Muhammad Syamil Zolpakar, et al.
    Introduction: Clinical and sharp bins are commonly found in clinical settings. The usage of these bins is vital to ensure that health care facilities remain hygienic, free from any microbial transmissions and incidences of needle stick injuries. ‘oQ-Ba’ is a Japanese phrase that means bin. In real clinical settings, it is difficult to gather all bins at once while performing procedure due to limitations of space, frequency and mobility of bins. Therefore, ‘oQ-Ba’ the Universal Bins Trolley is developed to improve the waste management practice and increase the efficiency and effectivity of care delivery. Methods: A total of 40 respondents comprised of staffs from Emergency and Trauma De- partment and Haemodialysis Unit at Serian District Hospital were selected to use “oQ-Ba” the Universal Bins Trolley. They were given self-administered questionnaires pre and post-trials whichcomposed of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers to ob- tain feedbacks on the effectiveness of this project. Descriptive statistics include frequencies, means and percentages were used to analyze the data using the SPSS version 22. Results: The staffs found that the prototype helps to ensure the availability of the three bins as the bins are all attached together under one compartment. The staffs also found that the prototype is more convenient compared to the existing waste bins because of its mobility and unique design which consumed little amount of space. Conclusion: ‘oQ-Ba’ the Universal Bins Trolley provides handful of benefits to medical practitioners as it can ensure the availability of the three bins during a procedure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  8. Hayat K, Mustafa ZU, Godman B, Arshed M, Zhang J, Khan FU, et al.
    Front Pharmacol, 2021;12:650137.
    PMID: 34054528 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2021.650137
    Background: Optimal collaboration between pharmacists and other healthcare professionals such as physicians is integral in implementing pharmaceutical care. However, there are concerns regarding the role of pharmacists, especially among low- and middle-income countries. This study explored the perceptions, expectations, and experience of physicians working in various hospital settings of Punjab, Pakistan, about pharmacists and their roles. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire consisting of four sections was administered from October to December 2020. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used for data analysis using SPSS. Results: Six hundred and seventy-eight physicians participated in this study with a response rate of 77.9%. Most of the physicians reported minimal to no interaction with pharmacists (n = 521, 76.8%). However, more than three-quarters of physicians (n = 660, 97.3%) accepted pharmacists as evidence-based sources of drug information. In addition, many physicians (n = 574, 84.7%) strongly agreed that pharmacists should attend patient care rounds to respond promptly to questions related to patient medication. A limited number of physicians (n = 124, 18.3%) assumed that pharmacists were advising their patients regarding the judicial use of their drugs. Median expectation and experience score had a significant association with age, experience, and education of physicians (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The perception of physicians was positive toward certain roles of pharmacists, coupled with high expectations. However, their experience was low, with most of the activities of pharmacists due to inadequate interprofessional coordination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
    Rural areas play traditionally important role for our economy as well maintaining social stability. Most of the development is entirely dependent on natural resources in the area which is specialized in a limited number of industries such as agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries and local tourism. People that live in rural areas have fewer choices in the social and economic terms. They are facing many problems such as low income, unemployment, low quality of social services like education and healthcare. In addition, remoteness from major urban centres is also one of the problems which is implying the need for well-developed transport infrastructure to support economic development. As stated in the Eleventh Malaysia Plan, the Malaysian Government is committed to ensuring equitable opportunities for all segments of society.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  10. Basri R, Issrani R, Hua Gan S, Prabhu N, Khursheed Alam M
    Saudi Pharm J, 2021 Mar;29(3):264-268.
    PMID: 33981175 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsps.2021.02.002
    Stroke is a key cerebrovascular disease that is related to high morbidity and mortality in the globe. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is not an exception where stroke is fast developing into a serious challenge due to the high mortality rate. Additionally, stroke presents a tremendous economic burden and has a devastating effect on the quality of lives of individuals. The number of stroke cases are increasing yearly, thus posing a major challenge to the health care system. Therefore, it is crucial to implement primary and secondary prevention strategies in the KSA. Nevertheless, as compared with developed countries, information on the prevalence, socio-demographic properties and prevention of stroke remains scarce that could be attributed to the shortage of research conducted in this specified region. The review is written to address the various aspects of stroke in the KSA, based on current literatures search using PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar databases, to identify studies published since inception to Dec 2020.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  11. Ahmad NS, Hatah E, Jalil MR, Makmor-Bakry M
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:589734.
    PMID: 34504820 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.589734
    Background: Medicine price transparency refers to the practice of making prices available to consumers for them to identify, compare, and select the medicine that provides the desired value. This study aimed to evaluate consumer knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding Malaysia's medicine price transparency initiative, as well as factors that may influence related good consumer practices in private healthcare settings. Methods: A cross-sectional, self-administered survey was conducted between May and July 2019 among consumers attending private healthcare institutions in Malaysia. The self-developed and validated survey consisted of four sections on the following: respondents' demographics, and 28 close-ended and graded Likert scale answer options on knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward medicine price transparency. Factors influencing good consumer practices toward the transparency initiative were modeled using binary logistic regression. Results: A total of 679 respondents were part of the study. The mean age of respondents was 38 ± 13.3, with the majority (n = 420, 61.9%) being female. The respondents' mean score of knowledge and attitudes toward the price transparency initiative was 5.6 ± 1.5 of the total score of 8 and 31.9 ± 4.0 of the total score of 40, respectively. The respondents had the lowest score in the practice of price transparency, with a mean score of 31.5 ± 5.6 of the total score of 60. Male gender, Chinese ethnicity, high score on knowledge and attitudes, and high expenses on medicines influenced respondents' good practices of medicine price transparency. Conclusion: Respondents had good knowledge and attitudes, but their usage and implementation of the medicine price transparency initiative was still inadequate. A number of factors influence this inadequacy, including gender, race, consumers' out-of-pocket spending on medication, and knowledge of and attitudes toward price transparency practices. Consumer-driven market price control would be impossible to achieve without the good consumer practices of medicine price transparency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  12. Kabir S, Hossain AT, Majin R, Paul S, Hassan H
    1st UMS INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERENCE IN CONJUNCTION WITH 11TH INTERNATIONAL NURSING STUDENTS’ FORUM. A view into the future of nursing: Nursing Transformation towards IR-4.0; Held at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia; On 6-8th March 2020
    Introduction: Diabetic foot is an alarming complication of Diabetes Mellitus, results from neurological and vascular insufficiencies. If untreated, it may lead to amputation, resulting in a significant reduction in the quality of life and increase the risk of early death. Proper foot care with daily foot inspection and hygiene can prevent amputations. The objective of this study is to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practise of Diabetic foot care thus to establish the baseline reference for the effective foot care education and to propose an intervention method that is suitable for various cultural, religious and local circumstances. Methods: It was a cross-sectional survey conducted on diabetic patients who are seeking health care at HUMS Polyclinic, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. A semi-structured Knowledge, Attitude and Practice validated questionnaire were used to get the information. Results: Around 93% of 30 diabetic patients knew that the self-examination was required but only 14 patients (46%)had the proper knowledge of foot care. Only 50% of respondent knew the correct way of cutting nails. 53% of the respondents were aware of prop- er foot-ware. The attitudes towards diabetic foot care, 96% were motivated to perform self-care. Although a high percentage of patients knew about diabetic foot care, but in practice the activities such as washing (100%), proper drying (83%), moisturizing (90%) and massaging (46%) were not executed together. Regarding nail cutting, only 33% practices proper technique and only 40% uses proper foot ware. Conclusions: Early detection and recognition of high-risk feet by patients and health care providers at regular intervals should be encouraged. It is essential to improve the awareness and practice of diabetic foot care daily by patients. Effective educational strategies should be established for both the health care providers and diabetic patients to create awareness for effective foot care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  13. Dimitri P, Fernandez-Luque L, Banerjee I, Bergadá I, Calliari LE, Dahlgren J, et al.
    J Med Internet Res, 2021 05 20;23(5):e27446.
    PMID: 34014174 DOI: 10.2196/27446
    BACKGROUND: The use of technology to support health and health care has grown rapidly in the last decade across all ages and medical specialties. Newly developed eHealth tools are being implemented in long-term management of growth failure in children, a low prevalence pediatric endocrine disorder.

    OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to create a framework that can guide future implementation and research on the use of eHealth tools to support patients with growth disorders who require growth hormone therapy.

    METHODS: A total of 12 pediatric endocrinologists with experience in eHealth, from a wide geographical distribution, participated in a series of online discussions. We summarized the discussions of 3 workshops, conducted during 2020, on the use of eHealth in the management of growth disorders, which were structured to provide insights on existing challenges, opportunities, and solutions for the implementation of eHealth tools across the patient journey, from referral to the end of pediatric therapy.

    RESULTS: A total of 815 responses were collected from 2 questionnaire-based activities covering referral and diagnosis of growth disorders, and subsequent growth hormone therapy stages of the patient pathway, relating to physicians, nurses, and patients, parents, or caregivers. We mapped the feedback from those discussions into a framework that we developed as a guide to integration of eHealth tools across the patient journey. Responses focused on improved clinical management, such as growth monitoring and automation of referral for early detection of growth disorders, which could trigger rapid evaluation and diagnosis. Patient support included the use of eHealth for enhanced patient and caregiver communication, better access to educational opportunities, and enhanced medical and psychological support during growth hormone therapy management. Given the potential availability of patient data from connected devices, artificial intelligence can be used to predict adherence and personalize patient support. Providing evidence to demonstrate the value and utility of eHealth tools will ensure that these tools are widely accepted, trusted, and used in clinical practice, but implementation issues (eg, adaptation to specific clinical settings) must be addressed.

    CONCLUSIONS: The use of eHealth in growth hormone therapy has major potential to improve the management of growth disorders along the patient journey. Combining objective clinical information and patient adherence data is vital in supporting decision-making and the development of new eHealth tools. Involvement of clinicians and patients in the process of integrating such technologies into clinical practice is essential for implementation and developing evidence that eHealth tools can provide value across the patient pathway.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  14. Sharifa Ezat, W.P., Aniza, I., Jamiah, M., Khalib, L., Dwiyanti
    Customer satisfaction is one of the main priority to any service provider. It indicates process and quality involved in delivering of services. However, satisfaction level varies from one service to another. In Indonesia, satisfaction study is seldom done on Posyandu activity. This study tries to understanding this issue. A cross sectional study was conducted on Posyandu services located in urban and rural areas of South Sumatera, Indonesia from November 2005 until January 2006 with 125 respondents in urban area and 123 respondents in rural area using multi stages random sampling. Data was collected via structured questionnaires using SERVQUAL score method based on five dimensions : tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The results showed that the proportion of satisfied customers was higher at 74% particularly in the rural area. Satisfied respondents were significantly associated with age, education, income and distance to Posyandu services. The most satisfying dimension were tangible and reliability especially in the urban area, but not for responsive and empathy dimension. Overall, the mean SERVQUAL score of all dimension was higher for the urban as compared to the rural area, implying that customer perceptions are much better from what was expected.
    Responsive and empathy dimension were the main barrier affecting customer satisfaction. Staff development efforts such as training, refreshing and others form of organizational development strategies, therefore, need to be incorporated into its current managerial practice in order to improve the health services delivery and increase customers' satisfaction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  15. Teng CL
    In the developing world, clinical knowledge management in primary care has a long way to go. Clinical decision support systems, despite its promise to revolutionise healthcare, is slow in its implementation due to the lack of financial investment in information technology. Point-of-care resources, such as comprehensive electronic textbooks delivered via the web or mobile devices, have yet to be fully utilised by the healthcare organisation or individual clinicians. Increasing amount of applicable knowledge of good quality (e.g. clinical practice guidelines and other pre-appraised resources) are now available via the internet. The policy makers and clinicians need to be more informed about the potential benefits and
    limitations of these new tools and resources and make the necessary budgetary provision and learn how best to harness them for patient care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  16. Mohamad Noh K
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(Special Issue):50-56.
    Primary health care is an approach to health and a spectrum of services beyond the traditional health care system while primary care is just one element within PHC that focuses on health care services. The present status of PHC in Malaysia and the strides it has made in uplifting the health status of the nation is described. The challenges that the Malaysia health system are facing have necessitated a review of the structure of the whole health system and reforms in PHC will ensue in due course. The concept of 1Care, the proposed re-structuring of the health system, is discussed with emphasis on the reform in the PHC delivery system. The reforms are aimed at addressing three main concerns on seamless integration of care especially for the management of chronic diseases, ensuring universal coverage and responsiveness of the health system in the face of increasing client expectations and patient safety. The opportunity for macro reform to improve the health of Malaysians by developing a sustainable and high performing health care system is being seized by the Ministry of Health in 1Care. The micro reforms are discussed as regards to increasing access to services, development of primary health care teams to deliver comprehensive PHC, the application of ICT, the renewed emphasis on health promotion & prevention activities and a renewed focus on community empowerment and participation. Support in terms of human resource, governance & funding models, capacity building in monitoring & evaluation as well as change management to affect the reforms are identified. The paper concludes with lessons learnt from other countries and the importance of systemic reform for a well functioning health delivery system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  17. Saperi Sulong, Haris Cendera Khazaani Osman, Aniza Ismail
    The rapid development in the health sector has spurred many healthcare organizations to improve their productivity and quality, particularly in terms of service. Clinical Pathways was introduced with the objective of improving the quality of care and services in health; while at the same time eyeing the possibility of reducing the medical expenses. It can be defined as a document based tool that links the best available evidence and clinical practice and provides recommendations, the process and time frame for the clinical management of healthcare. A cross sectional study was carried out at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) Malaysia with the aim to evaluate the level of knowledge about Clinical Pathways (CP) and to ascertain its level of practice in the implementation of CP among healthcare workers at UKMMC; and to establish correlated determinant factors. The study involved a total of 127 respondents; majority of whom were female (77.2%), aged between 32 and 45 years (51.2%), working as nurses (71.7%), and having working experience of six years or longer (52.0%) at UKMMC. The findings reveal that 52.8% of respondents agreed that there is a proper implementation of the Clinical Pathways (CP) programme at UKMMC; and that 52.0% of the respondents have a higher level of knowledge about CP and 70.1% of them practiced it well. The findings also unravel two factors (position and working experience) as the predictors of respondents’ level of knowledge about CP, and position as a predictor representing the practice of it at UKMMC. It can be safely surmised that most of the respondents have a higher level of knowledge about Clinical Pathways and that they practice it well in their daily task as healthcare workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  18. Ramli AS
    Medical Health Reviews, 2008;2008(1):63-79.
    Primary care practice with its defining features of continuity, comprehensiveness and coordination, is the cornerstone to provide high quality community-based chronic disease management. Poor chronic disease prevention and control at the primary care level will lead to the massive burden of treating complications at secondary care, burden to the patients and their families with regards to morbidity and premature death, and burden to the country with regards to the loss of human capital. Compelling evidence showed that there are innovative and cost-effective interventions to reduce the morbidity and mortality attributable to chronic diseases, but these are rarely translated into high quality population-wide chronic disease care. Primary health care systems around the world were developed in response to acute problems and have remained so despite the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions. An evolution of primary health care system beyond the acute care model to embrace the concept of caring for long term health problems is imperative in the wake of the rising epidemic of chronic diseases. This paper aims to review the evidence supporting high quality and innovative chronic disease management models in primary care and the applicability of this approach in low and middle income countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  19. Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat, Ahmad Fareed A Rahman, Nur Fatihah Oh Abdullah, Natrah Mohd Saad
    Int J Public Health Res, 2012;2(1):122-128.
    In July 2010 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Niigata University (NU) signed a memorandum of agreement to continue collaboration in joint planning and implementation of education, research and practice services in the field of medicine.This collaboration is also a good opportunity for Doctor of Public Health (DRPH) postgraduate candidates to gain experience on the practice of public health in handling public health issues, planning the healthcare facilities, delivering a quality public health services, enforcing public health policies/regulations and finally learn about the health systems in general at other countries especially from developed country like Japan. Experiencing Health Care and Culture in Niigata, Japan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  20. Simons J
    IPPF Med Bull, 1975 Oct;9(5):1-3.
    PMID: 12258616
    PIP: A traditional birth attendant, also known as an indigenous midwife, is the main provider in many developing countries of obstetric services. Due to this unique position, the traditional birth attendant has been considered as possibly the ideal person to deliver family planning services in her local community. This consideration has influenced program policy in many countries and consequently there is information available to aid in the determination of whether to involve traditional birth attendants and, if so, how to best use them. There have been 2 opposing views in response to the involvement of traditional birth attendants. 1 view regards them as potential innovators. She is seen as ideally placed both physically and socially to act as a representative of the family planning program to her patients. The traditional birth attendant is the acknowledged and often prestigous expert on obstetrics matters, including at times traditional methods of birth control. The alternative view is less hopeful for rather than identifying the traditional birth attendant as an innovator it regards her as a firm opponent of innovation, a determined conventionalist. Pro gram experience in India, Pakistan, Indonesia and East Java and experime ntal studies in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand along with anthr opological inquiries generally support the skeptical view but none of the findings imply that the traditional birth attendant should be ignored by the family planning programs. In the intermediate positions of many actual programs, the wisest plan seems to be to ensure that the potential contribution of the traditional birth attendant is neither overlooked nor exaggerated
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
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