OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of NeuroAiD amongst people who sustain SCI in the study setting.
METHODS: Spinal Cord Injury-Assessing Tolerability and Use of Combined Rehabilitation and NeuroAiD (SATURN) is a prospective cohort study of patients with moderately severe to severe SCI, defined as American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale (AIS) A and B. These patients will be treated with open-label NeuroAiD for 6 months in addition to standard care and followed for 24 months. Anonymized data will be prospectively collected at baseline and months 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 and will include information on demographics; main diagnostics; and neurological and functional state assessed by the Spinal Cord Independence Measure, ASIA-International Standard for Neurological Classification Spinal Cord Injury, and Short Form (SF-8) Health Survey. In addition, NeuroAiD treatment, compliance, concomitant therapies, and side effects, if any, will be collected. Investigators will use a secured online system for data entry. The study is approved by the ethics committee of Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
RESULTS: The coprimary endpoints are safety, AIS grade, and improvement in ASIA motor score at 6 months. Secondary endpoints are AIS grade, ASIA motor scores and sensory scores, Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM), SF-8 Health Survey, and compliance at other time points.
CONCLUSIONS: SATURN investigates the promising role of NeuroAiD in SCI especially given its excellent safety profile. We described here the protocol and online data collection tool we will use for this prospective cohort study. The selection of moderately severe to severe SCI provides an opportunity to investigate the role of NeuroAiD in addition to standard rehabilitation in patients with poor prognosis. The results will provide important information on the feasibility of conducting larger controlled trials to improve long-term outcome of patients with SCI.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02537899; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02537899 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6m2pncVTG).
METHODS: 50 asymptomatic (subjects have remained leukemia-free since treatment cessation) CLS and 50 healthy controls were recruited in this cross-sectional study. Of 50 CLS, 44 had acute lymphoblastic leukemia and 6 had acute myeloid leukemia. G-banded karyotyping was performed on unstimulated peripheral blood leukocytes of all subjects.
RESULTS: CLS had significantly higher occurrence of karyotypic abnormalities compared to controls. Five CLS harbored six nonclonal abnormalities (mostly aneuploidy) while none were found in controls.
CONCLUSION: Subpopulations with nonclonal chromosomal aberrations were present in peripheral blood leukocytes of our cohort of childhood leukemia long-term survivors.
METHODS: The WoCKSS was developed with 20 and 31 items for knowledge and stigma domains, respectively, based on an extensive review of COVID-19 literature. Content validation was conducted by four experts using a content validation form to assess the relevancy of each item to the intended construct. Content Validity Index (CVI) was calculated to measure the agreement between the experts on the relevance of each item to the intended construct. Face validation was then conducted by randomly selecting 10 respondents from the manufacturing industry, who rated the clarity and comprehension of each item using a face validation form. The Item Face Validity Index (I-FVI) was calculated to determine the clarity and comprehension of each question, and only items with an I-FVI ≥ 0.83 were retained.
RESULTS: The WoCKSS achieved excellent content validity in both knowledge and stigma domains. Only 19 items from the knowledge domain and 24 items from the stigma domain were retained after CVI analysis. All retained items received a CVI score of 1.00, indicating perfect agreement among the experts. FVI analysis resulted in 17 items for the knowledge domain and 22 items for the stigma domain. The knowledge domain achieved a high level of agreement among respondents, with a mean I-FVI of 0.91 and a S-FVI/UA of 0.89. The stigma domain also showed high agreement, with a mean I-FVI of 0.99 and a S-FVI/UA of 0.86.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the WoCKSS demonstrated high content and face validity. However, further testing on a larger sample size is required to establish its construct validity and reliability.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve consecutive patients with severe myelopathy (JOA-score less than 11) from ventral CVJ compression were operated between 2014-2020 using a tubular retractor assisted transoral decompression.
RESULTS: All patients improved neurologically statistically (p=0.02). There were no posterior pharynx wound infections or rhinolalia. There was one case with incomplete removal of the lateral wall of odontoid and one incidental durotomy.
CONCLUSIONS: A Tubular retractor provides adequate access for decompression of the ventral compression of CVJ. As the tubular retractor pushed away the uvula, soft palate and pillars of the tonsils as it docked on the posterior pharyngeal wall, the traditional complications associated with traditional transoral procedures is completely avoided.