OBJECTIVE: We aim to use population allele frequency data for reported and predicted pathogenic variants to estimate the birth prevalence of LAMA2 CMD.
METHODS: A list of reported pathogenic LAMA2 variants was compiled from public databases, and supplemented with predicted loss of function (LoF) variants in the Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD). gnomAD allele frequencies for 273 reported pathogenic and predicted LoF LAMA2 variants were used to calculate disease prevalence using a Bayesian methodology.
RESULTS: The world-wide birth prevalence of LAMA2 CMD was estimated to be 8.3 per million (95% confidence interval (CI) 6.27 -10.5 per million). The prevalence estimates for each population in gnomAD varied, ranging from 1.79 per million in East Asians (95% CI 0.63 -3.36) to 10.1 per million in Europeans (95% CI 6.74 -13.9). These estimates were generally consistent with those from epidemiological studies, where available.
CONCLUSIONS: We provide robust world-wide and population-specific birth prevalence estimates for LAMA2 CMD, including for non-European populations in which LAMA2 CMD prevalence hadn't been studied. This work will inform the design and prioritization of clinical trials for promising LAMA2 CMD treatments.
METHODS AND RESULTS: Histopathology revealed increased collagen deposition and altered fiber arrangement in the NP and isoproterenol hydrochloride (ISO) groups compared with the blank group. Systolic and diastolic functions were impaired. Western blotting and qRT-PCR demonstrated that the expression of central myofibrosis-related proteins (collagens Ι and ΙΙΙ, MMP2, MMP9, TGF-β1, α-SMA, IL-1β, and TGF-β1) and genes (Collagen Ι, Collagen ΙΙΙ, TGF-β1, and α-SMA mRNA) was upregulated in the NP and ISO groups compared with the blank group. The mRNA-seq analysis indicated differential expression of TGF-β1 signaling pathway-associated genes and proteins. Fibrosis-related protein and gene expression increased in the CFs stimulated with the recombinant human TGF-β1 and NP, which was consistent with the results of animal experiments. According to the immunofluorescence analysis and western blotting, NP exposure activated the TGF-β1/LIMK1 signaling pathway whose action mechanism in NP-induced CFs was further validated using the LIMK1 inhibitor (BMS-5). The inhibitor modulated the TGF-β1/LIMK1 signaling pathway and suppressed the NP-induced increase in fibrosis-related protein expression in the CFs. Thus, the aforementioned pathway is involved in NP-induced fibrosis.
CONCLUSION: We here provide the first evidence that perinatal NP exposure causes myocardial fibrosis in growing male rat pups and reveal the molecular mechanism and functional role of the TGF-β1/LIMK1 signaling pathway in this process.
RESULTS: Restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) was employed to isolate sex-specific SNP markers for S. paramamosain. A total of 335.6 million raw reads were obtained from 20 individuals, of which 204.7 million were from 10 females and 130.9 million from 10 males. After sequence assembly and female-male comparison, 20 SNP markers were identified to be sex-specific. Furthermore, ten SNPs in a short sequence (285 bp) were confirmed heterozygous in females and homozygous in males in a large population by PCR amplification and sequencing. Subsequently, a female-specific primer was successfully designed according to the female-specific nucleotide which could amplify an expected band from females but not from males. Thus, a rapid and effective method for molecular sexing in S. paramamosain was developed, meanwhile, this method could successfully identify the sex of S. tranquebarica and S. serrata. Finally, nine and four female-specific SNP markers were detected in S. tranquebarica and S. serrata, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: Sex-specific SNP markers were firstly identified in crab species and showed female heterogamety and male homogamety, which provided strong genetic evidence for a WZ/ZZ sex determination system in mud crabs S. paramamosain, S. tranquebarica and S. serrata. These findings will lay a solid foundation for the study of sex determination mechanism, sex chromosome evolution, and the development of mono-sex population in crustaceans.
METHODS: Study within a trial of an international parallel group randomized controlled trial (RCT) that compares spironolactone to placebo. Adults receiving dialysis enter an 8-week active run-in period with spironolactone. Adherence was assessed by both self-report and pill counts in a subgroup of participants at both 3 weeks and 7 weeks.
RESULTS: 332 participants entered the run-in period of which 166 had complete data. By self-report, 146/166 (94.0%) and 153/166 (92.2%) had at least 80% adherence at 3 and 7 weeks respectively (kappa = 0.27 (95% C.I. 0.16 to 0.38). By pill counts, the mean (SD) adherence was 96.5% (16.1%) and 92.4% (18.2%) at 3 and 7 weeks respectively (r = 0.32) with a mean (SD) difference of 3.1% (17.8%) and a 95% limit of agreement from -31.7% to +37.9%. The proportion of adherent participants by self-report and pill counts at 3 weeks agreed in 87.4% of participants (McNemar's p-value 0.58, kappa 0.11, p = 0.02) and at 7 weeks agreed in 92.2% (McNemar's p-value 0.82, kappa 0.47, p
PATIENTS AND METHODS: We established a multi-national, longitudinal, observational registry of patients with prostate cancer presenting to participating tertiary care hospitals in eight Asian countries. A total of 3636 eligible patients with existing or newly diagnosed high-risk localised prostate cancer (HRL), non-metastatic biochemically recurrent prostate cancer (M0), or metastatic prostate cancer (M1), were consecutively enrolled and are being followed-up for 5 years. Patient history, demographic and disease characteristics, treatment and treatment decisions, were collected at first prostate cancer diagnosis and at enrolment. Patient-reported quality of life was prospectively assessed using the European Quality of Life-five Dimensions, five Levels (EQ-5D-5L) and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy for Prostate Cancer questionnaires. In the present study, we report the first interim analysis of 2063 patients enrolled from study start (15 September 2015) until 18 May 2017.
RESULTS: Of the 2063 enrolled patients, 357 (17%), 378 (19%), and 1328 (64%) had HRL, M0 or M1 prostate cancer, respectively. The mean age at first diagnosis was similar in each group, 56% of all patients had extracapsular extension of their tumour, 28% had regional lymph node metastasis, and 53% had distant metastases. At enrolment, 62% of patients had at least one co-morbidity (mainly cardiovascular disease or diabetes), 91.8% of M1 patients had an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance score of <2 and the mean EQ-5D-5L visual analogue score was 74.6-79.6 across cohorts. Treatment of M1 patients was primarily with combined androgen blockade (58%) or androgen-deprivation therapy (either orchidectomy or luteinising hormone-releasing hormone analogues) (32%). Decisions to start therapy were mainly driven by treatment guidelines and disease progression. Decision to discontinue therapy was most often due to disease progression (hormonal drug therapy) or completion of therapy (chemotherapy).
CONCLUSION: In the UFO registry of advanced prostate cancer in Asia, regional differences exist in prostate cancer treatment patterns that will be explored more deeply during the follow-up period; prospective follow-up is ongoing. The UFO registry will provide valuable descriptive data on current disease characteristics and treatment landscape amongst patients with prostate cancer in Asia.
METHODS: In this geospatial modelling analysis, we developed an integrated database containing information on the distribution of Nipah virus infections in humans and animals from 1998 to 2021. We conducted phylodynamic analysis to examine the evolution and migration pathways of the virus and meta-analyses to estimate the adjusted case-fatality rate. We used two boosted regression tree models to identify the potential ecological drivers of Nipah virus occurrences in spillover events and endemic areas, and mapped potential risk areas for Nipah virus endemicity.
FINDINGS: 749 people and eight bat species across nine countries were documented as being infected with Nipah virus. On the basis of 66 complete genomes of the virus, we identified two clades-the Bangladesh clade and the Malaysia clade-with the time of the most recent common ancestor estimated to be 1863. Adjusted case-fatality rates varied widely between countries and were higher for the Bangladesh clade than for the Malaysia clade. Multivariable meta-regression analysis revealed significant relationships between case-fatality rate estimates and viral clade (p=0·0021), source country (p=0·016), proportion of male patients (p=0·036), and travel time to health-care facilities (p=0·036). Temperature-related bioclimate variables and the probability of occurrence of Pteropus medius were important contributors to both the spillover and the endemic infection models.
INTERPRETATION: The suitable niches for Nipah virus are more extensive than previously reported. Future surveillance efforts should focus on high-risk areas informed by updated projections. Specifically, intensifying zoonotic surveillance efforts, enhancing laboratory testing capacity, and implementing public health education in projected high-risk areas where no human cases have been reported to date will be crucial. Additionally, strengthening wildlife surveillance and investigating potential modes of transmission in regions with documented human cases is needed.
FUNDING: The Key Research and Development Program of China.