Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 108 in total

  1. Noh LM, Hussein SH, Sukumaran KD, Rose I, Abdullah N
    J Clin Lab Immunol, 1991 Jun;35(2):89-93.
    PMID: 1688166
    A case of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis in a Malaysian child who subsequently developed disseminated tuberculosis and toxoplasmosis is described. The phenotype of her peripheral blood mononuclear cells showed discordance for her T cell markers. The presence of a subpopulation of CD2-/CD3+ mononuclear cells leading to an immunodeficiency state is consistent with failure of activation of CD2-mediated alternative pathway resulting in immunodeficiency. Such abnormal CD2-/CD3+ subpopulations have been described in lepromatous leprosy and foetal abortuses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis, Chronic Mucocutaneous/complications*; Candidiasis, Chronic Mucocutaneous/immunology; Candidiasis, Oral/complications*; Candidiasis, Oral/immunology
  2. Chew SY, Chee WJY, Than LTL
    J Biomed Sci, 2019 Jul 13;26(1):52.
    PMID: 31301737 DOI: 10.1186/s12929-019-0546-5
    BACKGROUND: Carbon utilization and metabolism are fundamental to every living organism for cellular growth. For intracellular human fungal pathogens such as Candida glabrata, an effective metabolic adaptation strategy is often required for survival and pathogenesis. As one of the host defence strategies to combat invading pathogens, phagocytes such as macrophages constantly impose restrictions on pathogens' access to their preferred carbon source, glucose. Surprisingly, it has been reported that engulfed C. glabrata are able to survive in this harsh microenvironment, further suggesting alternative carbon metabolism as a potential strategy for this opportunistic fungal pathogen to persist in the host.

    MAIN TEXT: In this review, we discuss alternative carbon metabolism as a metabolic adaptation strategy for the pathogenesis of C. glabrata. As the glyoxylate cycle is an important pathway in the utilization of alternative carbon sources, we also highlight the key metabolic enzymes in the glyoxylate cycle and its necessity for the pathogenesis of C. glabrata. Finally, we explore the transcriptional regulatory network of the glyoxylate cycle.

    CONCLUSION: Considering evidence from Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this review summarizes the current knowledge of the glyoxylate cycle as an alternative carbon metabolic pathway of C. glabrata.

    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/metabolism*
  3. Santhanam J, Yahaya N, Aziz MN
    Med J Malaysia, 2013 Aug;68(4):343-7.
    PMID: 24145264
    Resistance to antifungal agents has increased in Candida spp., especially in non-albicans species. Recent findings reported a strikingly low susceptibility in Candida spp. towards itraconazole in Malaysia. In this study, a colorimetric broth dilution method was utilized to determine the susceptibility of Candida spp. isolated in Kuala Lumpur Hospital within a six month period. A total of 82 isolates from blood, peritoneal and other fluids were tested against 8 antifungal agents using the Sensititre Yeast One method. These comprised of 32 (39%) C. albicans, 17 (20.7%) C. glabrata, 15 (18.3%) C. tropicalis, 13 (15.9%) C. parapsilosis, two (2.4%) C. sake and 1 (1.2%) each of C. pelliculosa, C. rugosa and Pichia etchellsii/carsonii. Overall, susceptibility of all isolates to caspofungin was 98.8%, amphotericin B, 97.6%; 5-flucytosine, 97.6%; voriconazole, 97.6%; posaconazole, 87.8%; fluconazole, 82.9%; ketoconazole, 79.3%; and itraconazole, 56.1%. A total of 18 Candida spp. isolates (22 %) were resistant to at least one antifungal agent tested, and half of these were resistant to three or more antifungal agents. C. glabrata was the most frequently identified resistant species (10 isolates), followed by C. tropicalis (4 isolates), C. parapsilosis (3 isolates) and C. albicans (1 isolate). Resistance was highest against ketoconazole (20.9%), followed by itraconazole (13.4%). However, 30.5% of isolates were susceptible-dose dependent towards itraconazole. Long-term usage of itraconazole in Malaysia and a predominance of nonalbicans species may account for the results observed in this study. In conclusion, susceptibility to antifungal drugs is species-dependent among Candida spp.; reduced susceptibility to itraconazole is concomitant with the high number of non-albicans Candida species isolated in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis
  4. Ng KP, Saw TL, Na SL, Soo-Hoo TS
    Mycopathologia, 2001;149(3):141-6.
    PMID: 11307597
    A total of 102 Candida species were isolated from blood cultures from January 1997 to October 1999. Using assimilation of carbohydrate test, 52 (51.0%) of the Candida sp. were identified as C. parapsilosis, 25.5% (26) were C. tropicalis. C. albicans made up 11.8% (12), 6.9% (7) were C. rugosa, 3.8% (4) C. glabrata and 1% (1) C. guilliermondii. No C. dubliniensis was found in the study. In vitro antifungal susceptibility tests showed that all Candida species were sensitive to nystatin, amphotericin B and ketoconazole. Although all isolates remained sensitive to fluconazole, intermediate susceptibility was found in 3 C. rugosa isolates. Antifungal agents with high frequency of resistance were econazole, clotrimazole, miconazole and 5-fluorocytosine. Candida species found to have resistance to these antifungal agents were non-C. albicans.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/blood; Candidiasis/drug therapy; Candidiasis/microbiology*
  5. Pettit JHS
    Trop Doct, 1986 Jul;16(3):105-12.
    PMID: 3765093 DOI: 10.1177/004947558601600305
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis
  6. Neoh CF, Senol E, Kara A, Dinleyici EC, Turner SJ, Kong DCM
    Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2018 Mar;37(3):537-544.
    PMID: 29185089 DOI: 10.1007/s10096-017-3147-9
    Micafungin was shown to be as efficacious as caspofungin in treating patients with candidaemia and invasive candidiasis (IC). However, it remains unknown if micafungin or caspofungin is a cost-effective definitive therapy for candidaemia and IC in Turkey. The present study aimed to determine the economic impact of using micafungin versus caspofungin for treatment of candidaemia and IC in the Turkish setting. A decision analytic model was constructed and was populated with data (i.e. transition probabilities, duration of initial antifungal treatment, reasons for treatment failure, percentage of patients who stepped down to oral fluconazole, and duration on oral fluconazole) obtained from a published randomised clinical trial. Cost inputs were derived from the latest Turkish resources while data that were not readily available in the literature were estimated by expert panels. One-way sensitivity analyses, threshold analyses, scenario analyses and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted. Caspofungin (€2693) incurred a lower total cost than micafungin (€4422), with a net cost saving of €1729 per treated patient. Drug acquisition cost was the main cost driver for both study arms. The model outcome was robust over wide variations (of ±100.0% from the base case value) for all input parameters except for micafungin drug cost and the duration of initial treatment with micafungin. Caspofungin appears to be a cost-saving option in treating candidaemia and IC from the Turkish hospital perspective.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis, Invasive/drug therapy; Candidiasis, Invasive/economics; Candidiasis, Invasive/epidemiology
  7. Ariffin H, Ariffin W, Tharam S, Omar A, de Bruyne J, Lin HP
    Singapore Med J, 1999 Aug;40(8):533-6.
    PMID: 10572495
    Candida species is now being increasingly recognised as an important cause of endocarditis especially in immunocompromised patients. A case of Candida albicans endocarditis in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is reported. The child did not have a central venous catheter at any time. Treatment consisted of intravenous amphotericin B and fluconazole for 3 weeks followed by oral fluconazole for 2 weeks. No surgical resection was necessary. We highlight here the importance of echocardiography in the management of prolonged febrile neutropenia and discuss the dilemma of continuing chemotherapy in such patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/diagnosis; Candidiasis/drug therapy*; Candidiasis/immunology
  8. Nair AB, Chaturvedi J, Venkatasubbareddy MB, Correa M, Rajan N, Sawkar A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2011 Jul;18(3):75-8.
    PMID: 22135605
    Respiratory fungal infections are usually found in immunocompromised individuals who have received either long-term steroid therapy or broad-spectrum anti-microbial therapy or have a non-resolving underlying chronic disease. These infections are seen as a part of bronchopulmonary fungal infections, and their isolated and primary occurrence as laryngeal diseases is highly uncommon. Laryngeal fungal infections can also mimic various diseases, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, granulomatous diseases, leukoplakia, and carcinoma, thereby misleading the treating team from correct diagnosis and management. It is therefore important to identify the lesion at the earliest point possible to avoid morbid or life-threatening consequences. We report a case of isolated laryngeal candidiasis in an immunocompetent Indian male with an unusual presentation mimicking laryngeal carcinoma. The clinical and histological features are highlighted with a review of relevant literature to demonstrate the possibility of such an isolated fungal lesion, even in an immunocompetent individual.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis
  9. Lee PY, Gam LH, Yong VC, Rosli R, Ng KP, Chong PP
    J Appl Microbiol, 2014 Apr;116(4):999-1009.
    PMID: 24299471 DOI: 10.1111/jam.12408
    Systemic candidiasis is the leading fungal bloodstream infection, and its incidence has been on the rise. Recently, Candida parapsilosis has emerged as an increasingly prevalent fungal pathogen, but little is known about its antigenic profile. Hence, the current work was performed to discover immunogenic proteins of C. parapsilosis using serological proteome analysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/immunology; Candidiasis/microbiology
  10. Madhavan P, Jamal F, Chong PP, Ng KP
    Trop Biomed, 2011 Aug;28(2):269-74.
    PMID: 22041745
    The objective of our study was to study the effectiveness of CHROMagar Candida™ as the primary identification method for various clinical Candida isolates, other than the three suggested species by the manufacturer. We studied 34 clinical isolates which were isolated from patients in a local teaching hospital and 7 ATCC strains. These strains were first cultured in Sabouraud dextrose broth (SDB) for 36 hours at 35ºC, then on CHROMagar plates at 30ºC, 35ºC and 37ºC. The sensitivity of this agar to identify Candida albicans, Candida dubliniensis, Candida tropicalis, Candida glabrata, Candida rugosa, Candida krusei and Candida parapsilosis ranged between 25 and 100% at 30ºC, 14% and 100% at 35ºC, 56% and 100% at 37ºC. The specificity of this agar was 100% at 30ºC, between 97% and 100% at 35ºC, 92% and 100% at 37ºC. The efficiency of this agar ranged between 88 and 100% at 30ºC, 83% and 100% at 35ºC, 88% and 100% at 37ºC. Each species also gave rise to a variety of colony colours ranging from pink to green to blue of different colony characteristics. Therefore, the chromogenic agar was found to be useful in our study for identifying clinical Candida isolates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/diagnosis*; Candidiasis/microbiology*
  11. Chen KJ, Chou HD, Teh WM
    Ophthalmol Retina, 2019 10;3(10):887.
    PMID: 31585711 DOI: 10.1016/j.oret.2019.05.023
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/diagnosis*; Candidiasis/microbiology
  12. Neoh CF, Senol E, Kara A, Dinleyici EC, Turner SJ, Kong DCM
    Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2018 Sep;37(9):1777-1784.
    PMID: 29959610 DOI: 10.1007/s10096-018-3312-9
    Micafungin was reported to be non-inferior to liposomal amphotericin B (LAmB) in treating patients with candidaemia and invasive candidiasis (IC). The current study aimed to evaluate the economic impact of using micafungin versus LAmB for treatment of candidaemia and IC in Turkey. A decision analytic model, which depicted economic consequences upon administration of micafungin or LAmB for treating patients with candidaemia and IC in the Turkish hospitals, was constructed. Patients were switched to an alternative antifungal agent if initial treatment failed due to mycological persistence. All patients were followed up until treatment success or death. Outcome probabilities were obtained from published literature and cost inputs were derived from the latest Turkish resources. Expert panels were used to estimate data that were not available in the literature. Cost per patient treated for each intervention was then calculated. Sensitivity analyses including Monte Carlo simulation were performed. For treatment of candidaemia and IC, micafungin (€4809) was associated with higher total cost than LAmB (€4467), with an additional cost of €341 per treated patient. Cost of initial antifungal treatment was the major cost driver for both comparators. The model outcome was robust over a wide variation in input variables except for drug acquisition cost and duration of initial antifungal treatment with micafungin or LAmB. LAmB is cost-saving relative to micafungin for the treatment of candidaemia and IC from the Turkish hospital perspective, with variation in drug acquisition cost of the critical factor affecting the model outcome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis, Invasive/drug therapy*; Candidiasis, Invasive/economics; Candidiasis, Invasive/microbiology; Candidiasis, Invasive/epidemiology
  13. Wong SF, Mak JW
    Hybridoma (Larchmt), 2010 Dec;29(6):539-46.
    PMID: 21117988 DOI: 10.1089/hyb.2010.0049
    Candida parapsilosis has emerged as one of the most common causes of bloodstream infection worldwide. The diagnosis of invasive candidiasis etiological agents to the species level remains a laboratory and clinical challenge. Thus, specific monoclonal antibodies to detect systemic candidiasis and to identify Candida virulence factors and associated pathogenesis through immunohistochemistry would be very useful. Inbred Balb/c mice were immunized with C. parapsilosis antigens, and blood was checked for the presence of reactive antibodies using ELISA. Fusion was performed using the harvested spleen cells and NS1 myeloma cells, and the clones were screened for the presence of antibody producing hybrid cells by dot-blot. The 1B11 clone secreted IgG2a monoclonal antibody that was reactive with the C. parapsilosis antigen at MW of 59 kDa and cross-reacted with C. tropicalis but not with other fungal and bacterial antigens tested. Another 3D1 clone secreted IgG1 monoclonal antibody that was reactive with C. parapsilosis antigen at MW of 30 kDa. The 3D1 monoclonal antibody was found to be species specific. Experimental systemic candidiasis in rats was induced through intravenous injection of C. parapsilosis, and all the vital organs were collected for immunohistochemistry study. These monoclonal antibodies were reactive against surface epitopes on the yeast cells, pseudohyphae, and immune complexes in tissue sections. Sandwich ELISAs using these antibodies were developed and were able to detect circulating antigens in experimental candidiasis in rats at 0.2 μg/μL. These monoclonal antibodies may have potential as primary capture antibodies for the development of rapid diagnostic test for human systemic fungal infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/diagnosis*; Candidiasis/immunology
  14. Yong PV, Chong PP, Lau LY, Yeoh RS, Jamal F
    Mycopathologia, 2008 Feb;165(2):81-7.
    PMID: 18266075 DOI: 10.1007/s11046-007-9086-8
    The incidence of candidemia and invasive candidiasis have increased markedly due to the increasing number of immunocompromised patients. There are five major medically important species of Candida with their frequency of isolation in the diminishing order namely Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis, Candida glabrata and Candida krusei. In addition, there are numerous other species of Candida which differ in their genetic makeup, virulence properties, drug susceptibilities and sugar assimilation capabilities. In this report, an unusual Candida species was isolated from the blood of two leukaemic patients. Conventional culture and biochemical tests identified the Candida species as C. parapsilosis. Using fungal-specific oligonucleotide primers ITS1 and ITS4, we managed to amplify the ribosomal RNA gene and its internal transcribed spacer region from the genomic DNA of these isolates. The PCR products were then purified and subjected to automated DNA sequencing using BLAST and CLUSTAL sequence analysis identified these isolates to be Candida orthopsilosis. Candida orthopsilosis is a new species recently identified in 2005, being morphologically indistinguishable from C. parapsilosis and was previously classified as a subspecies of C. parapsilosis. This report highlights the importance of complementing traditional culture and biochemical-based identification methods with DNA-based molecular assays such as PCR as the latter is more superior in terms of its discriminatory power and speed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/blood; Candidiasis/microbiology
  15. Khalili V, Shokri H, Khosravi AR, Akim A, Amri Saroukolaei S
    J Mycol Med, 2016 Jun;26(2):94-102.
    PMID: 26869383 DOI: 10.1016/j.mycmed.2015.12.007
    OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this study were to purify and compare the concentration ratios of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) in clinical isolates of Candida albicans (C. albicans) obtained from Malaysian and Iranian patients and infected mice.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Hsp90 was extracted using glass beads and ultracentrifugation from yeast cells and purified by ion exchange chromatography (DEAE-cellulose) and followed by affinity chromatography (hydroxyapatite). Purity of Hsp90 was controlled by SDS-PAGE and its identification was realized by immunoblotting test.

    RESULTS: The graphs of ion exchange and affinity chromatography showed one peak in all C. albicans isolates obtained from both Malaysian and Iranian samples, infected mice and under high-thermal (42°C) and low-thermal (25°C) shock. In immunoblotting, the location of Hsp90 fragments was obtained around 47, 75 and 82kDa. The least average concentration ratios of Hsp90 were 0.350 and 0.240mg/g for Malaysian and Iranian isolates at 25°C, respectively, while the highest average concentration ratios of Hsp90 were 3.05 and 2.600mg/g for Malaysian and Iranian isolates at 42°C, respectively. There were differences in the ratio amount of Hsp90 between Malaysian isolates (1.01±0.07mg/g) and mice kidneys (1.23±0.28mg/g) as well as between Iranian isolates (0.70±0.19mg/g) and mice kidneys (1.00±0.28mg/g) (P<0.05).

    CONCLUSION: The results showed differences in all situations tested including Iranian and Malaysian isolates, samples treated with temperatures (25°C or 42°C) and before and after infecting the mice (37°C), indicating higher virulent nature of this yeast species in high temperature in human and animal models.

    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/microbiology*; Candidiasis/veterinary
  16. Lok B, Adam MAA, Kamal LZM, Chukwudi NA, Sandai R, Sandai D
    Med Mycol, 2021 Feb 04;59(2):115-125.
    PMID: 32944760 DOI: 10.1093/mmy/myaa080
    Candida albicans is a commensal yeast commonly found on the skin and in the body. However, in immunocompromised individuals, the fungi could cause local and systemic infections. The carbon source available plays an important role in the establishment of C. albicans infections. The fungi's ability to assimilate a variety of carbon sources plays a vital role in its colonization, and by extension, its fitness and pathogenicity, as it often inhabits niches that are glucose-limited but rich in alternative carbon sources. A difference in carbon sources affect the growth and mating of C. albicans, which contributes to its pathogenicity as proliferation helps the fungi colonize its environment. The carbon source also affects its metabolism and signaling pathways, which are integral parts of the fungi's fitness and pathogenicity. As a big percentage of the carbon assimilated by C. albicans goes to cell wall biogenesis, the availability of different carbon sources will result in cell walls with variations in rigidity, adhesion, and surface hydrophobicity. In addition to the biofilm formation of the fungi, the carbon source also influences whether the fungi grow in yeast- or mycelial-form. Both forms play different roles in C. albicans's infection process. A better understanding of the role of the carbon sources in C. albicans's pathogenicity would contribute to more effective treatment solutions for fungal infections.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/drug therapy; Candidiasis/microbiology
  17. Chong PP, Chieng DC, Low LY, Hafeez A, Shamsudin MN, Seow HF, et al.
    J Med Microbiol, 2006 Apr;55(Pt 4):423-428.
    PMID: 16533990 DOI: 10.1099/jmm.0.46045-0
    The incidence of candidaemia among immunocompromised patients in Malaysia is increasing at an alarming rate. Isolation of clinical strains that are resistant to fluconazole has also risen markedly. We report here the repeated isolation of Candida tropicalis from the blood of a neonatal patient with Hirschsprung's disease. In vitro fluconazole susceptibility tests of the eight isolates obtained at different time points showed that seven of the isolates were resistant and one isolate was scored as susceptible dose-dependent. Random amplification of polymorphic DNA fingerprinting of the isolates using three primers and subsequent phylogenetic analysis revealed that these isolates were highly similar strains having minor genetic divergence, with a mean pairwise similarity coefficient of 0.893+/-0.041. The source of the infectious agent was thought to be the central venous catheter, as culture of its tip produced fluconazole-resistant C. tropicalis. This study demonstrates the utility of applying molecular epidemiology techniques to complement traditional mycological culture and drug susceptibility tests for accurate and appropriate management of recurrent candidaemia and highlights the need for newer antifungals that can combat the emergence of fluconazole-resistant C. tropicalis strains.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/complications*; Candidiasis/microbiology*
  18. Wong TY, Loo YS, Veettil SK, Wong PS, Divya G, Ching SM, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 09 03;10(1):14575.
    PMID: 32884060 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-71571-0
    Invasive fungal infections are a potentially life-threatening complication in immunocompromised patients. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of posaconazole as compared with other antifungal agents for preventing invasive fungal infections in immunocompromised patients. Embase, CENTRAL, and MEDLINE were searched for randomized conweekmonthtrolled trials (RCTs) up to June 2020. A systematic review with meta-analysis of RCTs was performed using random-effects model. Trial sequential analysis (TSA) was conducted for the primary outcome to assess random errors. A total of five RCTs with 1,617 participants were included. Posaconazole prophylaxis was associated with a significantly lower risk of IFIs (RR, 0.43 [95% CI 0.28 to 0.66, p = 0.0001]) as compared to other antifungal agents. No heterogeneity was identified between studies (I2 = 0%). No significant associations were observed for the secondary outcomes measured, including risk reduction of invasive aspergillosis and candidiasis, clinical failure, all-cause mortality, and treatment-related adverse events, except for infection-related mortality (RR, 0.31 [95% CI 0.15 to 0.64, p = 0.0001]). Subgroup analysis favoured posaconazole over fluconazole for the prevention of IFIs (RR, 0.44 [95% CI 0.28 to 0.70, p = 0.0004]). TSA confirmed the prophylactic benefit of posaconazole against IFIs. Posaconazole is effective in preventing IFIs among immunocompromised patients, particularly those with hematologic malignancies and recipients of allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/drug therapy*; Candidiasis/microbiology
  19. Abu Talib DN, Yong MH, Nasaruddin RA, Che-Hamzah J, Bastion MC
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2021 Apr 09;100(14):e25459.
    PMID: 33832156 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000025459
    RATIONALE: Endogenous fungal endophthalmitis (EFE) is a sight-threatening complication of systemic fungemia. As the prevalence rises, treatment remains a challenge especially when there is a failure in first-line treatment or drug-resistant fungus. This case report studies a case of chronic EFE, focusing on the diagnostic procedures, treatment options, monitoring parameters and the treatment outcome.

    PATIENT CONCERNS: A 64-year-old man with underlying well controlled diabetes mellitus was treated with 2 weeks' course of intravenous antifungal fluconazole for pyelonephritis as his blood culture grew Candida albicans. Concurrently, he complained of 3 months of bilateral painless progressive blurring of vision. At presentation, his visual acuity (VA) was light perception both eyes. Ocular examination revealed non granulomatous inflammation with dense vitritis of both eyes.

    DIAGNOSIS: He was diagnosed with EFE but the condition responded poorly with the medications.

    INTERVENTIONS: He was treated with intravitreal (IVT) amphotericin B and fluconazole was continued. Vitrectomy was performed and intraoperative findings included bilateral fungal balls in the vitreous and retina with foveal traction in the left eye. Postoperatively, vision acuity was 6/24, N8 right eye and 2/60, N unable for left eye with extensive left macular scar and hole. Vitreous cultures were negative. He received multiple IVT amphotericin B and was started on topical steroid eye drops for persistent panuveitis with systemic fluconazole. Ocular improvement was seen after switching to IVT and topical voriconazole. Despite this, his ocular condition deteriorated and he developed neovascular glaucoma requiring 3 topical antiglaucoma agents. Panretinal photocoagulation was subsequently performed.

    OUTCOMES: At 3 months' follow-up, his vision acuity remained at 6/24 for right eye and 2/60 for the left eye. There was no recurrence of inflammation or infection in both eyes.

    LESSONS: Voriconazole could serve as a promising broad spectrum tri-azole agent in cases of failure in first-line treatment or drug-resistant fungus.

    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/diagnosis*; Candidiasis/therapy*
  20. Chew SY, Ho KL, Cheah YK, Ng TS, Sandai D, Brown AJP, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2019 02 26;9(1):2843.
    PMID: 30808979 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-39117-1
    The human fungal pathogen Candida glabrata appears to utilise unique stealth, evasion and persistence strategies in subverting the onslaught of host immune response during systemic infection. However, macrophages actively deprive the intracellular fungal pathogen of glucose, and therefore alternative carbon sources probably support the growth and survival of engulfed C. glabrata. The present study aimed to investigate the role of the glyoxylate cycle gene ICL1 in alternative carbon utilisation and its importance for the virulence of C. glabrata. The data showed that disruption of ICL1 rendered C. glabrata unable to utilise acetate, ethanol or oleic acid. In addition, C. glabrata icl1∆ cells displayed significantly reduced biofilm growth in the presence of several alternative carbon sources. It was also found that ICL1 is crucial for the survival of C. glabrata in response to macrophage engulfment. Disruption of ICL1 also conferred a severe attenuation in the virulence of C. glabrata in the mouse model of invasive candidiasis. In conclusion, a functional glyoxylate cycle is essential for C. glabrata to utilise certain alternative carbon sources in vitro and to display full virulence in vivo. This reinforces the view that antifungal drugs that target fungal Icl1 have potential for future therapeutic intervention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Candidiasis/immunology; Candidiasis/microbiology*
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