Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 58 in total

  1. Zheng W, Tan MF, Old LA, Paterson IC, Jakubovics NS, Choo SW
    Sci Rep, 2017 06 07;7(1):2949.
    PMID: 28592797 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-02399-4
    Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus sanguinis are pioneer colonizers of dental plaque and important agents of bacterial infective endocarditis (IE). To gain a greater understanding of these two closely related species, we performed comparative analyses on 14 new S. gordonii and 5 S. sanguinis strains using various bioinformatics approaches. We revealed S. gordonii and S. sanguinis harbor open pan-genomes and share generally high sequence homology and number of core genes including virulence genes. However, we observed subtle differences in genomic islands and prophages between the species. Comparative pathogenomics analysis identified S. sanguinis strains have genes encoding IgA proteases, mitogenic factor deoxyribonucleases, nickel/cobalt uptake and cobalamin biosynthesis. On the contrary, genomic islands of S. gordonii strains contain additional copies of comCDE quorum-sensing system components involved in genetic competence. Two distinct polysaccharide locus architectures were identified, one of which was exclusively present in S. gordonii strains. The first evidence of genes encoding the CylA and CylB system by the α-haemolytic S. gordonii is presented. This study provides new insights into the genetic distinctions between S. gordonii and S. sanguinis, which yields understanding of tooth surfaces colonization and contributions to dental plaque formation, as well as their potential roles in the pathogenesis of IE.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis; Endocarditis, Bacterial
  2. Habib Khan Y, Sarriff A, Hayat Khan A, Azreen Syazril A, Mallhi TH
    Malays J Med Sci, 2015 Jul-Aug;22(4):73-5.
    PMID: 26715911 MyJurnal
    Infective endocarditis (IE) is the one of the most important causes of increased mortality and morbidity among haemodialysis patients. The reason for this increasing prevalence of infection among these patients is the use of haemodialysis catheters during dialysis, as these patients are highly susceptible to infections that are easily transmitted via blood access points. The present case was a geriatric end stage renal disease (ESRD) patient who was readmitted to the hospital two days after her scheduled haemodialysis session with symptoms of nosocomial endocarditis. Her concurrent medical complications were hypertension, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, and ischemic heart disease. Based on her previous medical history and current examination, the patient was suspected to have IE due to catheter related infection. The goal of therapy is to manage the comorbidities and infection by provision of appropriate treatment based on close monitoring of the patient condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis; Endocarditis, Bacterial
  3. Jeyamalar R, Sivanesaratnam V
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1991 May;31(2):123-4.
    PMID: 1930032
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis, Bacterial/blood; Endocarditis, Bacterial/diagnosis; Endocarditis, Bacterial/drug therapy*
  4. Gumpangseth T, Mahakkanukrauh P, Das S
    Anat Cell Biol, 2019 Mar;52(1):25-33.
    PMID: 30984448 DOI: 10.5115/acb.2019.52.1.25
    Cardiac valves are highly complex structures optimizing their function during the cardiac cycle. They open and close directed by blood flow under different pressure conditions in the dynamic environment in the heart. It is acknowledged that the aging process affects the structure and functions of the heart valves. With regard to morphometry, age-related changes of the heart valve can be found in valve circumference, thickness of the leaflet, luminal area at the sinotubular junction, valve diameter, orifice area, and leaflet size in circumferential and radial direction. In addition, there are differences between male and female hearts in some features. Moreover, there are studies the qualitative and quantitative assessment of histological compositions, echocardiography study to investigate the annular circumference and diameter in the human heart valves related with age. Studies into the detailed anatomy of the changes in heart valves with age are important and the correlation between valve morphology and age may be used as an age indicator. This study reviews the basic anatomical structure of the heart valves, age-related changes of valve morphometry, heart valve diseases, and general treatment of valvular diseases in humans. Detailed knowledge of the anatomical features of the morphology of the human heart valve is useful for any treatments of valve pathology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis
  5. Ngow HA, Wan Khairina WM
    J Infect Chemother, 2013 Feb;19(1):154-7.
    PMID: 22627887 DOI: 10.1007/s10156-012-0427-2
    Bacillus cereus endocarditis is rare. It has been implicated in immunocompromised individuals, especially in intravenous drug users as well as in those with a cardiac prosthesis. The patient was a 31-year-old ex-intravenous drug addict with a past history of staphylococcal pulmonary valve endocarditis, who presented with symptoms of decompensated cardiac failure. Echocardiography showed severe aortic regurgitation with an oscillating vegetation seen on the right coronary cusp of the aortic valve. The blood cultures grew Bacillus cereus. We report this as a rare case of Bacillus cereus endocarditis affecting a native aortic valve.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis, Bacterial/diagnosis*; Endocarditis, Bacterial/microbiology*; Endocarditis, Bacterial/pathology
  6. Rayanakorn A, Goh BH, Lee LH, Khan TM, Saokaew S
    Sci Rep, 2018 09 06;8(1):13358.
    PMID: 30190575 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-31598-w
    Streptococcus suis (S. suis) is a gram-positive bacterial pathogen in pigs which can cause serious infections in human including meningitis, and septicaemia resulting in serious complications. There were discrepancies between different data and little is known concerning associated risk factors of S. suis. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to investigate on S. suis infection risk factors in human. We searched eight relevant databases using the MeSH terms "Streptococcus suis" OR "Streptococcus suis AND infection" limited in human with no time nor language restriction. Out of 4,999 articles identified, 32 and 3 studies were included for systematic review and meta-analysis respectively with a total of 1,454 Streptococcus suis cases reported. S. suis patients were generally adult males and the elderly. The mean age ranged between 37 to 63 years. Meningitis was the most common clinical manifestation, and deafness was the most common sequelae found among survivors followed by vestibular dysfunction. Infective endocarditis was also noted as among the most common clinical presentations associated with high mortality rate in a few studies. Meta-analyses categorized by type of control groups (community control, and non-S. suis sepsis) were done among 850 participants in 3 studies. The combined odd ratios for studies using community control groups and non-S. Suis sepsis as controls respectively were 4.63 (95% CI 2.94-7.29) and 78.00 (95% CI 10.38-585.87) for raw pork consumption, 4.01 (95% CI 2.61-6.15) and 3.03 (95% CI 1.61-5.68) for exposure to pigs or pork, 11.47, (95% CI 5.68-23.14) and 3.07 (95% CI 1.81-5.18) for pig-related occupation and 3.56 (95% CI 2.18-5.80) and 5.84 (95% CI 2.76-12.36) for male sex. The results were found to be significantly associated with S. suis infection and there was non-significant heterogeneity. History of skin injury and underlying diseases were noted only a small percentage in most studies. Setting up an effective screening protocol and public health interventions would be effective to enhance understanding about the disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis/microbiology; Endocarditis/epidemiology*; Endocarditis/prevention & control
  7. Ariffin H, Ariffin W, Tharam S, Omar A, de Bruyne J, Lin HP
    Singapore Med J, 1999 Aug;40(8):533-6.
    PMID: 10572495
    Candida species is now being increasingly recognised as an important cause of endocarditis especially in immunocompromised patients. A case of Candida albicans endocarditis in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is reported. The child did not have a central venous catheter at any time. Treatment consisted of intravenous amphotericin B and fluconazole for 3 weeks followed by oral fluconazole for 2 weeks. No surgical resection was necessary. We highlight here the importance of echocardiography in the management of prolonged febrile neutropenia and discuss the dilemma of continuing chemotherapy in such patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis/diagnosis; Endocarditis/drug therapy*; Endocarditis/immunology
  8. Pennie RA, Malik AS, Wilcox L
    J Clin Microbiol, 1996 May;34(5):1275-6.
    PMID: 8727917
    A 6-year-old boy presented to a university hospital in Malaysia with infective endocarditis complicating cyanotic congenital heart disease. Blood cultures showed a gram-positive, aerobic, coryneform-like bacillus identified by the hospital laboratory as Corynebacterium xerosis, but a reference laboratory identified the organism as a toxigenic strain of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The two laboratories concurred on all biochemical test results except for sucrose fermentation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis, Bacterial/complications; Endocarditis, Bacterial/diagnosis*; Endocarditis, Bacterial/microbiology*
  9. Malik AS
    Infection, 1995 9 1;23(5):306-8.
    PMID: 8557392
    Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, a gram-negative bacterium ubiquitous in soil, water and sewage, is a rare cause of endocarditis in children. The first case of Acinetobacter endocarditis in an infant is described. This patient had underlying tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve. A review of the literature in English revealed only four other cases of Acinetobacter endocarditis in children; three of whom had underlying congenital heart disease. Like the other reported cases, this patient responded well to antibiotic treatment. Subsequently this patient underwent corrective cardiac surgery but died of post-operative complications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis, Bacterial/drug therapy; Endocarditis, Bacterial/microbiology*
  10. Malik AS
    Ann Trop Paediatr, 1995 Sep;15(3):193-5.
    PMID: 8534036
    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) endocarditis is a rare but potentially lethal condition. Only ten cases have been reported in the English literature. This report describes an 8-month-old Malay child with a ventricular septal defect who developed Hib endocarditis and died after 4 weeks of hospitalization. The literature is reviewed and previously reported cases summarized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis, Bacterial/diagnosis*; Endocarditis, Bacterial/drug therapy
  11. Ong ML
    Br Heart J, 1993 Sep;70(3):276-7; discussion 277-8.
    PMID: 8398501
    A 17 year old girl with a congenital right coronary artery to coronary sinus fistula presented with recurrent septic pulmonary embolism secondary to tricuspid valve endocarditis. The diagnosis was made on the basis of echocardiography and cardiac angiography.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis, Bacterial/complications*; Endocarditis, Bacterial/ultrasonography
  12. Le Ho Y, Ahmad Zaidi NA, Salleh A, Abdul Kareem BA
    J Cardiothorac Surg, 2021 Apr 17;16(1):92.
    PMID: 33865405 DOI: 10.1186/s13019-021-01458-2
    BACKGROUND: Antiphospholipid syndrome is an antibody mediated pro-thrombotic state leading to various arterial and venous thromboses. The syndrome can be either primary or secondary to other autoimmune diseases, commonly systemic lupus erythematosus. Cardiac involvement, in particular valvular disease is common in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome, occurring in about a third of these patients. Valvular diseases associated with antiphospholipid syndrome often occur as valve thickening and non-bacterial vegetation or Libman-Sacks endocarditis. Deposits of antiphospholipid immunoglobulin and complement components are commonly observed in the affected valves, suggesting an inflammatory process resulting in valvular vegetation and thickening. Libman-Sacks endocarditis has a high propensity towards mitral valve, although haemodynamically significant valvular dysfunction is rare.

    CASE PRESENTATION: We present a successful aortic valve replacement with cardiopulmonary bypass in a 48 years old lady with antiphospholipid syndrome, who has severe aortic regurgitation as a result of Libman-sacks endocarditis. Antiphospholipid antibodies were positive and the clinical data showed both negative cultures and infective parameters. Surgically resected vegetations revealed sterile fibrinous and verrucous vegetations on aortic valve. Valve replacement and the course of cardiopulmonary bypass was uneventful, and the patient was discharged well.

    CONCLUSIONS: Classically Libman-Sacks endocarditis is often and more commonly associated with autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, although it can occur in both primary and secondary antiphospholipid syndrome. It is not a common entity, and it is a frequent underestimated disease as most clinicians do not routinely screen for valvular lesion in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome unless they are symptomatic. However, due to its high prevalence of cardiac involvement, clinicians should have a high index of suspicion in the attempt to minimize cardiovascular and haemodynamic complications. Valve surgery in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome carries considerable early and late morbidity and mortality, usually caused by thromboembolic and bleeding events. The perioperative anticoagulation management and haemostatic aspect of antiphospholipid syndrome present an exceptional challenges to clinicians, surgeons, anaesthetists and laboratory personnel.

    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis, Non-Infective/complications*; Endocarditis, Non-Infective/diagnosis
  13. Tan YA, Ng KC, Cheo SW, Low QJ, Chia YK
    QJM, 2020 07 01;113(7):485-487.
    PMID: 32053172 DOI: 10.1093/qjmed/hcaa025
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis, Bacterial/diagnosis*; Endocarditis, Bacterial/microbiology
  14. Abdulamir AS, Hafidh RR, Abu Bakar F
    PMID: 21247505 DOI: 10.1186/1756-9966-30-11
    Streptococcus bovis (S. bovis) bacteria are associated with colorectal cancer and adenoma. S. bovis is currently named S. gallolyticus. 25 to 80% of patients with S. bovis/gallolyticus bacteremia have concomitant colorectal tumors. Colonic neoplasia may arise years after the presentation of bacteremia or infectious endocarditis of S. bovis/gallolyticus. The presence of S. bovis/gallolyticus bacteremia and/or endocarditis is also related to the presence of villous or tubular-villous adenomas in the large intestine. In addition, serological relationship of S. gallolyticus with colorectal tumors and direct colonization of S. gallolyticus in tissues of colorectal tumors were found. However, this association is still under controversy and has long been underestimated. Moreover, the etiological versus non-etiological nature of this associationis not settled yet. Therefore, by covering the most of up to date studies, this review attempts to clarify the nature and the core of S. bovis/gallolyicus association with colorectal tumors and analyze the possible underlying mechanisms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis/complications; Endocarditis/microbiology
  15. Chan RS, Abdul Aziz YF, Chandran P, Ng EK
    Singapore Med J, 2011 Nov;52(11):e232-5.
    PMID: 22173263
    A 62 year-old woman who presented with an atraumatic acute abdomen was discovered to have haemoperitoneum with splenic rupture on urgent computed tomography and was immediately referred for life-saving emergency splenectomy. Histopathological examination revealed secondary splenic amyloidosis. The patient was later found to be suffering from infective endocarditis secondary to her permanent cardiac pacemaker. This report describes a patient who could have suffered from a long-standing infected vegetation on a permanent cardiac pacemaker, which led to splenic amyloidosis and spontaneous splenic rupture.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis/diagnosis*; Endocarditis/microbiology
  16. Pairan MS, Mohammad N, Abdul Halim S, Wan Ghazali WS
    BMJ Case Rep, 2018 Sep 10;2018.
    PMID: 30206067 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2018-225265
    We present an interesting case of late-onset intracranial bleeding (ICB) as a complication of Streptococcus gordonii causing infective endocarditis. A previously healthy young woman was diagnosed with infective endocarditis. While she was already on treatment for 2 weeks, she had developed seizures with a localising neurological sign. An urgent non-contrasted CT brain showed massive left frontoparietal intraparenchymal bleeding. Although CT angiogram showed no evidence of active bleeding or contrast blush, massive ICB secondary to vascular complication of infective endocarditis was very likely. An urgent decompressive craniectomy with clot evacuation was done immediately to release the mass effect. She completed total 6 weeks of antibiotics and had postoperative uneventful hospital stay despite having a permanent global aphasia as a sequel of the ICB.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis, Bacterial/complications*; Endocarditis, Bacterial/drug therapy
  17. Yew KL
    Med J Malaysia, 2012 Dec;67(6):618-9.
    PMID: 23770958 MyJurnal
    We are seeing more implantation of cardiac device such as pacemakers and defibrillators and also cardiac implantable electronic device infection. The infection may affect just the pocket site or progress to deeper infection and bacteraemia. Inadequately treated infection may lead to right sided endocarditis, cardiotomy for pacemaker explantation and increased cost and length of stay in the hospital. We report a Staphylococcal infection of a pacemaker system, its successful medical and surgical management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis
  18. Idris MI, Tai SML, Tan CT, Tan KS
    Case Rep Neurol, 2020 12 14;12(Suppl 1):106-109.
    PMID: 33505281 DOI: 10.1159/000500950
    Streptococcus pneumoniae are Gram-positive bacteria that are responsible for many types of illnesses including pneumonia, sinus infections, and community-acquired meningitis. One important complication of bacterial meningitis is intracranial vasculopathy. Possible etiologies include vasculitis, vasospasm, endocarditis, or intra-arterial thrombosis. We present a case report of S. pneumoniae meningitis treated with antibiotics in which clinical improvement correlated with serial transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD) improvement, suggesting vasospasm or vasculitis as a possible mechanism for intracranial vasculopathy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis
  19. Loong YY, Fadzli A, Lim PH, Rakhi G
    We describe a patient who had fever and bilateral cortical blindness and was later found to have leaking intracerebral mycotic aneurysm secondary to Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis. He had a vegetation at the .tricuspid valve with evidence of systemic embolisation, however, chest radiograph did not reveal any evidence of pulmonary emboli.
    Keywords: Endocarditis, cortical blindness, mycotic aneurysm, Staphylococcus
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis, Bacterial
  20. Tan HJ, Rabani R, Noorfaizan S
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Aug;62(3):249-50.
    PMID: 18246919 MyJurnal
    This report describes a pregnant lady in early trimester that was admitted with fever and left loin pain and was initially treated as presumed pyelonephritis. Subsequently she was found to have infective endocarditis with vegetation on the mitral valve. The course of her illness was complicated by acute pulmonary edema and septic embolization to the cerebellum. A decompressive craniectomy and resection of the lateral lobe of cerebellum was performed. Although the presenting features and risk factors are well described, the atypical presentations of infective endocarditis in pregnancy remain a diagnostic challenge for the treating physician. This report highlights the importance of rapid detection of endocarditis in pregnancy and the treatment of systemic complications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Endocarditis/pathology*
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