Displaying publications 21 - 30 of 30 in total

  1. Siti Mariam I, Suhaida MA, Tarmizi AB, Norhasimah M, Nor Atifah MA, Kannan, T. P., et al.
    Down Syndrome (DS), is a complex genetic disease resulting from the presence of 3 copies of chromosome 21. It is the most common autosomal abnormality among live births and the most commonly recognized genetic cause of mental retardation. The only well established risk factor for DS is advanced maternal age. The Human Genome Center , University Sains Malaysia, Kelantan has been carrying out cytogenetic studies in DS patients. Here we, report the karyotype pattern of Down Syndrome patients in correlation with maternal age, among referral cases to our Center.
    Matched MeSH terms: Live Birth
  2. Nambiar, P., Paul, G., Swaminathan, D., Nadesan, K.
    Ann Dent, 2000;7(1):46-50.
    The estimation of age of human foetal remains is of great medico-legal importance. When the remains are intact and fresh, various morphological features such as crown-heel length, weight, appearance of ossification centres particularly around the ankles and knees and other parameters could be used to make a reasonable estimation of the period of gestation. In cases of criminal abortion, infanticide and child murder the question of age of the foetus, viability, live birth and a separate existence become very important. In practice, often at the time of detection, the remains are decomposed or skeletonised. In such a situation the examination of developing teeth will provide a reliable answer pertaining to the foetal age, the possibility of a separate existence and even the period of survival after birth. The.age determination from dental examination is possible from approximately 10 weeks intrauterine up to old age. The presence of neonatal line (birth line) in both dentine and enamel indicates live birth and a separate existence. It is possible that the time period of survival can be estimated by measuring postnatal deposition of these hard tissues. An intact human foetus that has undergone mild to moderate putrefaction was studied. The study of the morphological features and the ossification centres suggested that its approximate age was around nine months intrauterine. It was not possible to decide whether it was a live birth and had a separate existence. The examination of the developing first deciduous molar of the mandible suggested the approximate age was around 30-32 weeks intrauterine. The importance of examination of developing teeth in foetal remains (including neonates), particularly associated with putrefaction or skeletonisation is emphasized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Live Birth
  3. Ayu, A., Samsudin, A.R., Ismail, N.M., Isa, M.N.
    The prevalence of cleft lip and palate in human is 1 in 500 live births worldwide. Non·syndromic clefts are a complex trait with both genetic and environmental etiology. The aim ofthe study was to assess the association between maternal exposure to second-hand smoke during pregnancy and ruk of having cleft child. Unmatched case-control study was carried out among Malays in Kelantan.
    1 Case and control subjects were denned as mothers of cleft children and mothers of normal children respectively. The cleft children were recruited from the Combined Cleft Clinic at Kota Bharu Dental Clinic. Normal chiMren were selected at Orthodontic Clinic, Kota Bharu. A total of 184 cases and controb with age range from 17 to 50 years were interviewed using the standard craniofacial
    registration form. Multiple Logistic Regression modeling was used to estimate adjusted odds ratio of factors associated with non-syndromic oral cleft. Signijicant factors include history of miscarriage (OR: 3.40; 95% C1:1.05, 11 .08) p=0.042; duration of exposure to second-hand smoke for 15-30 minutes (OR: 2.41; 95% C1:1.42, 4.09) p 30 minutes (OR: 5.16; 95% C1:Z.87, 9.28) p
    Matched MeSH terms: Live Birth
  4. Awang, M.S., Abdul Razak, A.H., Che Ahmad, A., Mohd Rus, R.
    Introduction: The purpose of this study is to identify the incidence of clavicle fractures in newborn
    associated with fetal, maternal and process of deliveries in Kuantan General Hospital from June 2012 until
    January 2014. This study is to determine epidemiological data of clavicle fractures, maternal and baby risk
    factors associated with clavicle fractures of newborn and its’ outcome.

    Methods: This is a prospective
    study. 13 patients were identified to fulfill the inclusion criteria of the study. The data of
    sociodemographic, associated fetal and maternal risk factors and the outcomes were recorded using
    proforma. The statistical data analysis was done using SPSS 12.0.

    Results: Out of 20,257 live births at our
    centre during the study period, 13 infants were diagnosed to have clavicle fractures, giving an incidence of
    0.64 per 1000 live births. There were 5 (38.5%) left, 7 (53.8%) right and one (7.7%) bilateral fracture. All
    fractures located at the mid shaft of the clavicle and none have associated brachial plexus injuries. All
    infants were delivered through vaginal delivery (61.5%); five through assisted delivery (instrumental); 2
    (15.4%) forcep and 3 (23.1%) vacuum. Two of the babies developed shoulder dystocia. The average birth
    weight was 3371 grams (SD 0.269) and mean gestational age was 38.7 weeks (SD 1.16). Five of the mothers
    (38.5%) were primigravida and eight (61.5%) were multigravida in which,7 (53.8%)were healthy without
    other co-morbidty, 5 (38.5%) having gestational diabetis and one (7.7%) hypertension. The average maternal
    weight was 62.0 kg and height 1.58 metres with average BMI of 24.16 (3.29SD). All eventually had a
    complete recovery at 6 weeks with clinical and radiological evident of fracture union.

    Conclusions: In
    conclusion, all patients with clavicle fractures were found following vaginal delivery. There were no
    associations between neonatal clavicle fractures with maternal or baby risk factors. All fractures healed
    without any complications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Live Birth
  5. Hamdan M, Omar SZ, Dunselman G, Cheong Y
    Obstet Gynecol, 2015 Jan;125(1):79-88.
    PMID: 25560108 DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000000592
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of endometriosis on assisted reproductive technology (ART) outcomes and to review if surgical treatment of endometriosis before ART affects the outcomes.

    DATA SOURCES: We searched studies published between 1980 and 2014 on endometriosis and ART outcome. We searched MEDLINE, PubMed, ClinicalTrials.gov, and Cochrane databases and performed a manual search.

    METHODS OF STUDY SELECTION: A total of 1,346 articles were identified, and 36 studies were eligible to be included for data synthesis. We included published cohort studies and randomized controlled trials.

    TABULATION, INTEGRATION, AND RESULTS: Compared with women without endometriosis, women with endometriosis undertaking in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection have a similar live birth rate per woman (odds ratio [OR] 0.94, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.84-1.06, 13 studies, 12,682 patients, I=35%), a lower clinical pregnancy rate per woman (OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.65-0.94), 24 studies, 20,757 patients, I=66%), a lower mean number of oocyte retrieved per cycle (mean difference -1.98, 95% CI -2.87 to -1.09, 17 studies, 17,593 cycles, I=97%), and a similar miscarriage rate per woman (OR 1.26, 95% CI (0.92-1.70, nine studies, 1,259 patients, I=0%). Women with more severe disease (American Society for Reproductive Medicine III-IV) have a lower live birth rate, clinical pregnancy rate, and mean number of oocytes retrieved when compared with women with no endometriosis.

    CONCLUSION: Women with and without endometriosis have comparable ART outcomes in terms of live births, whereas those with severe endometriosis have inferior outcomes. There is insufficient evidence to recommend surgery routinely before undergoing ART.

    Matched MeSH terms: Live Birth
  6. Mariappen U, Keane KN, Hinchliffe PM, Dhaliwal SS, Yovich JL
    Reprod Biol, 2018 Dec;18(4):324-329.
    PMID: 30503182 DOI: 10.1016/j.repbio.2018.11.003
    Advanced age is an increasing trend for both males and females seeking in vitro fertilization (IVF). This retrospective cohort study investigated the outcomes of 1280 IVF-related treatment cycles, selecting the first treatment for couples utilizing autologous gametes and who underwent single fresh embryo transfer. Males aged 40-49 years had a 52% reduction in normal sperm motility, while it was markedly reduced by 79% at 50 years or older. However, neither semen parameters nor male age were predictive of clinical pregnancy or live birth chance. In a combination of age groups, cases with Younger Females had the greatest chance of successful outcomes and this was independent of having a younger or older male partner. Specifically, Young Female-Young Male combinations (≤ 35 years) were the most likely to succeed in achieving a clinical pregnancy or live birth (OR 2.84, p 35 years, respectively) had a similar increased chance (OR 2.07, p live birth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Live Birth
  7. Atuk FA, Basuni JBM
    J Med Case Rep, 2018 May 21;12(1):140.
    PMID: 29779493 DOI: 10.1186/s13256-018-1689-9
    BACKGROUND: While gestational trophoblastic disease is not rare, hydatidiform mole with a coexistent live fetus is a very rare condition occurring in 0.005 to 0.01% of all pregnancies. As a result of the rarity of this condition, diagnosis, management, and monitoring will remain challenging especially in places with limited resources and expertise. The case we report is an interesting rare case which presented with well-described complications; only a few similar cases have been described to date.

    CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of a 21-year-old local Sarawakian woman with partial molar pregnancy who presented with severe pre-eclampsia in which the baby was morphologically normal, delivered prematurely, and there was a single large placenta showing molar changes.

    CONCLUSION: Even though the incidence of this condition is very rare, recognizing and diagnosing it is very important for patient care and it should be considered and looked for in patients presenting with pre-eclampsia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Live Birth
  8. Mustafa KB, Keane KN, Walz NL, Mitrovic KI, Hinchliffe PM, Yovich JL
    Reprod Biol, 2017 Mar;17(1):34-41.
    PMID: 27964842 DOI: 10.1016/j.repbio.2016.11.004
    This seven-year retrospective study analysed the live birth rate (LBR) for women undergoing IVF treatment with various antral follicle counts (AFC). The LBR decreased with lower AFC ratings, and in 290 treatment cycles for women in the poorest AFC category, ≤4 follicles (group E), the LBR was the lowest at 10.7%. The pregnancy loss rate (PLR) significantly increased with poorer AFC categories, from 21.8% in AFC group A (≥20 follicles), to 54.4% in AFC group E (p<0.0001). This trend was repeated with advancing age, from 21.6% for younger women (<35years), to 32.9, 48.5 and 100% for ages 35-39, 40-44 and ≥45 years, respectively (p<0.0001). However, LBR within the specific AFC group E cohort was also age-dependent and decreased significantly from 30.0% for <35 years old, to 13.3, 3.9 and 0% for patients aged 35-39, 40-44 and ≥45 years, respectively. Most, importantly, LBR rates within these age groups were not dependent on the number of IVF attempts (1st, 2nd, 3rd or ≥4 cycles), which indicated that cycle number should not be the primary deciding factor for cessation of IVF treatment in responding women <45years old.
    Matched MeSH terms: Live Birth
  9. Araneta MR
    J ASEAN Fed Endocr Soc, 2019;34(2):126-133.
    PMID: 33442147 DOI: 10.15605/jafes.034.02.02
    Type 2 diabetes prevalence is rising rapidly in Southeast Asia (SEA) where urbanization and adoption of 'western' behavioral lifestyles are attributed as predominant risk factors. The Southeast Asian diaspora to the United States has resulted in a sizable portion of migrant and US born SEAs, with approximately 4 million Filipino Americans, 2 million Vietnamese-Americans, Cambodians (330,000), and Thai (300,000) as the most populous. Their longer exposure to a western lifestyle and participation in clinical studies with other racial/ethnic groups, provide opportunities to evaluate etiologic factors which might inform trends and intervention opportunities among residents of Southeast Asia. Epidemiologic studies in the US have identified higher T2D prevalence among Filipinos (16.1%) compared to groups perceived to be at highest risk for T2D, namely Latinos (14.0%), Black (13.7%), and Native Americans (13.4%), while SEAs (including Burmese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Laotian, Malaysian, and Thai, 10.5%) and Vietnamese (9.9%) had higher T2D risk compared to Whites (7.7%), despite their absence of general obesity. Asian-Americans, including SEAs, East and South Asians, collectively have higher rates of undiagnosed T2D compared to other racial/ethnic groups in the US. Almost half (44%) of Filipinos with newly diagnosed T2D have isolated post-challenge hyperglycemia and will remain undiagnosed if current screening practices remain limited to measures of glycosylated hemoglobin and fasting plasma glucose. The University of California San Diego Filipino Health Study found excess visceral adipose tissue accumulation, low ratio of muscle to total abdominal mass area, low adiponectin concentration, multiparity (≥ 6 live births), and sleep insufficiency (<7 hours) to be unique T2D risk factors among Filipino-American women, even after adjusting for established T2D risk factors including hypertension and parental history of T2D. Social determinants such as low educational attainment (less than college completion), and sustained social disadvantage during childhood and adulthood were independently associated with T2D risk. Gestational diabetes is a known risk factor for future T2DM among women; Northern California data shows that following Asian Indians, gestational diabetes was highest among Filipina and SEA parturients, who had twice the GDM prevalence as Black, Hispanic, and White women. Identification of novel T2D risk factors among SEAs may guide early diagnosis, inform pathophysiology, and identify unique opportunities for T2D prevention and management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Live Birth
  10. Zain MM, Jamaluddin R, Ibrahim A, Norman RJ
    Fertil Steril, 2009 Feb;91(2):514-21.
    PMID: 18321486 DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.12.002
    To determine the first-line medication to be used in anovulatory patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) for ovulation induction and pregnancy achievement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Live Birth
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