Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 151 in total

  1. Chiu LH
    Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh, 2006;3:Article 16.
    PMID: 16646943
    Findings of a study of the impact of professional learning on Malaysian registered nurses are reported. The offshore delivery post-registration nursing degree programme is a formal aspect of professional learning, which enables Malaysian registered nurses to upgrade their hospital-based training or diploma of nursing qualification to a degree. Using a qualitative case study approach, data were collected from twelve programme graduates, through individual and focus group interviews. The programme promoted their personal professional growth and enhanced their professional development. It increased self-confidence, knowledge, self-fulfillment, critical thinking ability, interpersonal skills, interest in research and research utilisation, and life-long learning. There was evidence of career mobility and a raised awareness of their professional role and responsibility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role*
  2. Gibson C
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Mar;58 Suppl A:36-48.
    PMID: 14556349
    Historical perspective of terminations of unwanted pregnancies in the UK. Moral and ethical considerations imposed by established church's teachings becoming increasingly in conflict with the wishes and expectations of a more secular society. Recognition that illegal abortion was, as a matter of fact available, at great risk to vulnerable girls and women. Eventually public demand and a radical and reforming government led to the current Statutory Framework. Statutory provisions: Offences against the Person Act 1861, Sections 58 and 59; Infant Life Preservation Act 1929 Section 1. Recognition of the limited flexibility allowed by the law in the original restrictive statutory framework. The direction to the jury in July 1938 by Macnaghten J in the case of R. v. Bourne [1939] 1 KB 687, where an eminent obstetrician was acquitted after carrying out an abortion on a young rape victim. Then the modern statutory provisions: Abortion Act 1967, amended by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. The statutory framework provides for healthcare professionals not to have to take part in terminations if they have a conscientious objection to doing so. While there are still fierce challenges from moral pressure groups when any changes in the detail of the law are proposed--such as reducing the maximum gestation period for a lawful termination--as a whole society seems to have accepted the current law. Issues affecting doctors who consider and provide terminations; current medico-legal problems relating to wanted pregnancies that have been lost by reason of clinical negligence, and unwanted children that have been born by reason of clinical negligence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role*
  3. Saub R, Jaafar N
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Dec;56(4):401-7.
    PMID: 12014757
    This observational study investigates and describes the oral health beliefs and illness behaviour in the Semai tribe of Orang Asli community. Data was obtained from a "Key informant interview" method i.e. the village Tok Halaq (Traditional healer). Information about common oral diseases and conditions were illustrated with enlarged pictures of dental caries, periodontal disease, oral cancer and cleft. The most common oral problem was toothache. This is treated by self-medication. However if the pain still persist, the Tok Halaq was consulted to start traditional methods. He will identify the cause. If "germs" were thought to be the cause, he will ask the person to see a doctor. Otherwise, he attempts traditional treatment. If the effort failed after a few days, the person will be advised to see a doctor. It appears that the Tok Halaq plays an influential role in prevention, promotion and the healing process in this community. Hence any effort to promote oral health and prevent oral disease must seek their cooperation. Their beliefs on causes of common oral diseases are described in the text.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sick Role*
  4. Boey KW
    Med J Malaysia, 1984 Dec;39(4):275-9.
    PMID: 6544932
    The relationship between locus of control and reaction to illness is empirically examined in a group of patients on haemodialysis for chronic renal failure. Results of the study suggest that patients who perceive themselves as having personal control over life events tend to have stronger feelings that their illness has made them dependent on others. There is also a greater tendency for them to exhibit more information seeking behaviour, and to adopt an active, problem-solving and intellectual approach to cope with their chronic renal failure. Relevance of the findings and implication for treatment outcome are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sick Role*
  5. Ahmad MS, Abuzar MA, Razak IA, Rahman SA, Borromeo GL
    J Dent Educ, 2017 Sep;81(9):1068-1076.
    PMID: 28864788 DOI: 10.21815/JDE.017.060
    Education in oral health is important to prepare future medical professionals for collaborative roles in maintaining patients' oral health, an important component of general health and well-being. The aims of this study were to determine the perceptions of medical students in Malaysia and Australia of the quality of their training in oral health care and their perceptions of their professional role in maintaining the oral health of their patients. A survey was administered in the classroom with final-year Malaysian (n=527; response rate=79.3%) and Australian (n=455; response rate: 60%) medical students at selected institutions in those countries. In the results, most of these medical students reported encountering patients with oral health conditions including ulcers, halitosis, and edentulism. A majority in both countries reported believing they should advise patients to obtain regular dental check-ups and eat a healthy diet, although they reported feeling less than comfortable in managing emergency dental cases. A high percentage reported they received a good education in smoking cessation but not in managing dental trauma, detecting cancerous lesions, or providing dietary advice in oral disease prevention. They expressed support for inclusion of oral health education in medical curricula. These students' experience with and perceptions of oral health care provide valuable information for medical curriculum development in these two countries as well as increasing understanding of this aspect of interprofessional education and practice now in development around the world.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role*
  6. Rayes IK, Hassali MA, Abduelkarem AR
    Saudi Pharm J, 2015 Jul;23(3):235-40.
    PMID: 26106271 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsps.2014.11.016
    The new paradigm to pharmacy profession has changed the focus of pharmacists from product-centered to patient-oriented. This change has brought new set of beliefs and assumptions on the way services should be delivered to pharmacy clients. The main aim of this study was to explore the perception of community pharmacists on their current professional role in Dubai. Key findings show that community pharmacists are more directed toward business than patients. They almost dispense all categories of medicines over-the-counter without the need of prescriptions. However, a new trend of pharmacists in Dubai is to provide enhanced pharmacy services such as consultation to patients upon request.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  7. Delilkan AE
    Med J Malaysia, 1995 May;50 Suppl A:S86-9.
    PMID: 10968024
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role
  8. Hashem AAR, Ahmed HMA
    Eur Endod J, 2017;2(1):1-4.
    PMID: 33403327 DOI: 10.5152/eej.2017.17042
    A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of root canal anatomical variations are essential for successful root canal treatment. Mandibular molar teeth show considerable variations in their external and internal radicular morphology that require special attention from dental practitioners to provide the best clinical outcomes to the patients. This report aims to present root canal treatment of a mandibular first molar that has six separate root canals (three root canals in the mesial roots and three in the distal roots [236 M3 D3]). This report points out the importance of proper exploration for identifying additional canals in mandibular molars.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  9. Verma RK, Chong WW, Taha NA, Paraidathathu T
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:720928.
    PMID: 34540789 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.720928
    Objective: To qualitatively explore the perspectives of community pharmacists in Malaysia on their roles in weight management, and the barriers and facilitators in the expansion of these roles. Methods: A purposive sampling method was used to recruit community pharmacists in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with community pharmacists, with an interview guide, from May 2018 to January 2019. The interviews were conducted in person (face-to-face). All interviews were audio-recorded with consent and transcribed verbatim. The interview transcripts were analyzed thematically, whereby emerging themes were coded and grouped into categories. Results: Twenty-four community pharmacists were recruited, with years of experience in pharmacy practice ranging from 2 to 40 years. Participants described their perceptions on the different weight management interventions where they emphasized the importance of a comprehensive lifestyle intervention and viewed that it should be the first-line intervention. Participants regarded their weight management service as easily accessible or approachable since community pharmacies are often the first point of call for patients seeking advice for their conditions before consulting doctors. Barriers identified by community pharmacists were mainly organizational in nature, which included lack of private consultation rooms, lack of time, and lack of qualified staff. Participants also described the need for training in weight management. Conclusion: Community pharmacists in Malaysia believed that they can positively contribute to the area of weight management. They cited multiple roles that they could play in weight management interventions and services. The roles cited include provision of education and advice, including on lifestyle modifications, drug therapy, weight loss products and supplements, and monitoring and providing referrals to other healthcare professionals. However, barriers would need to be addressed, including through pharmacist training, to strengthen and improve community pharmacists' roles and contributions in weight management service.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  10. Assiry AA, Karobari MI, Snigdha NT, Mohamed RN, Basheer SN, Zameer M
    Medicina (Kaunas), 2022 Apr 14;58(4).
    PMID: 35454383 DOI: 10.3390/medicina58040545
    Background and Objectives: There are no guidelines on the regenerative endodontic procedures that should be followed in dental treatment. Thus, it is essential to learn the knowledge, attitudes, and opinions about regenerative endodontics among dental practitioners, particularly endodontists, as they are the first providers of this type of dental treatment. Aim: This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitudes among residents of the Saudi Board of Advanced Restorative Dentistry (SBARD) in Saudi Arabia. Methods & Materials: A questionnaire-based survey was conducted among 128 residents of endodontics, pedodontics, and the SBARD in Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire was distributed to participants using the available electronic measures such as emails and social media. The questionnaire was made by Google Forms, and responses were received directly in the excel sheet in the email. The data were exported as an excel file, coded, and analyzed, and the p-value < 0.05 was set as significant. Results: More than 50% (74 dentists) of the participants reported receiving continuing education in regenerative treatment, with a significant difference found among specialty (p = 0.023). No significant association was found between knowledge, gender, and type of postgraduate study. The vast majority (89.1%) of the participants believed regenerative endodontics should be incorporated into dentistry curricula. About two-thirds (78.2%) of the participants declared their ability to attend future training courses in a regenerative endodontic, whereas 10.9% did not, and 10.9% were unsure. Conclusions: The dental practitioners were enthusiastic and interested in regenerative and stem cell treatment. The results also suggested incorporating regenerative treatment into the dental curriculum and signaled the need for more continued training courses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  11. Ong MF, Soh KL, Saimon R, Wai MW, Mortell M, Soh KG
    J Nurs Manag, 2021 Nov;29(8):2674-2688.
    PMID: 34331491 DOI: 10.1111/jonm.13434
    OBJECTIVES: This review aims to identify types of the existing fall prevention education (FPE) and their effectiveness in promoting fall risk awareness, knowledge and preventive fall behaviour change among community-dwelling older people.

    BACKGROUND: FPE is a cost-effective and helpful tool for reducing fall occurrences.

    EVALUATION: This is a systematic review study using electronic searches via EBSCOHost® platform, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Google Scholar in March 2021. The review protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42021232102). The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement flow chart guided the search strategy. Articles published from January 2010 to March 2021 were included for quality appraisal using the 'Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Non-randomised Designs' (TREND) and the 'Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials' (CONSORT) statement for randomised controlled trial studies.

    KEY ISSUES: Six FPE studies selected emphasised on personal health status, exercise and environmental risk factors. These studies reported an increase in fall risk awareness or knowledge and a positive change in fall preventive behaviours. Two studies included nurses as educators in FPE.

    CONCLUSION: FPE evidently improved awareness or knowledge and preventive fall behaviour change among older adults. Nurses are in great potential in planning and providing FPE for older adults in community settings.

    IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Expand nurses' roles in fall prevention programmes in community settings by using high-quality and evidence-based educational tools. Highlight the nurse's role and collaborative management in FPE.

    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role
  12. Rayes IK, Hassali MA, Abduelkarem AR
    Pharm Pract (Granada), 2015 06 15;13(2):506.
    PMID: 26131039
    BACKGROUND: In many developing countries, pharmacists are facing many challenges while they try to enhance the quality of services provided to patients approaching community pharmacies.

    OBJECTIVE: To explore perception of community pharmacists in Dubai regarding the obstacles to enhanced pharmacy services using a part of the results from a nation-wide quantitative survey.

    METHODS: A questionnaire was distributed to 281 full-time licensed community pharmacists in Dubai. The questionnaire had 5 inter-linked sections: demographic information, information about the pharmacy, interaction with physicians, pharmacists' current professional role, and barriers to enhanced pharmacy services.

    RESULTS: About half of the respondents (45.4%, n=90) agreed that pharmacy clients under-estimate them and 52.5% (n=104) felt the same by physicians. About 47.5% (n=94) of the respondents felt that they are legally unprotected against profession's malpractice. Moreover, 64.7% (n=128) stated that pharmacy practice in Dubai turned to be business-focused. In addition, 76.8% (n=252) found that one of the major barriers to enhanced pharmacy services is the high business running cost. Pharmacists screened tried to prove that they are not one of the barriers to optimized pharmacy services as 62.7% (n=124) disagreed that they lack appropriate knowledge needed to serve community and 67.7% (n=134) gave the same response when asked whether pharmacy staff lack confidence when treating consumers or not.

    CONCLUSIONS: Although being well established within the community, pharmacists in Dubai negatively perceived their own professional role. They stated that there are number of barriers which hinder optimized delivery of pharmacy services like under-estimation by pharmacy clients and other healthcare professionals, pressure to make sales, and high running cost.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  13. Merican I
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Aug;55 Suppl B:35-7.
    PMID: 11125519
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role
  14. Rajiah K, Lim WK, Madeline Teoh PL, Binti Mas'od MA, Lim WY, Poh Chou LL, et al.
    Int J Clin Pract, 2021 Sep;75(9):e14096.
    PMID: 33619786 DOI: 10.1111/ijcp.14096
    BACKGROUND: Community pharmacists play a significant part in providing oral healthcare advice as there are significant connections between oral healthcare and body system healthcare.

    OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the literature regarding the knowledge, attitudes and practice of community pharmacists in managing oral healthcare problems.

    METHODS: A systematic review was conducted through Scopus, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Studies regarding knowledge, attitudes and practice of management of dental care by community pharmacists between 1990 and 2019 were included.

    RESULTS: Forest plot was performed to access knowledge, attitudes and practice of community pharmacist on oral healthcare. The results showed there were 44% of community pharmacists have a lack of knowledge on oral healthcare to provide an appropriate recommendation to patients with dental problems. Eighty-eight per cent of community pharmacists were willing to improve their knowledge of oral healthcare. There were 86% of them recognised that their role was significant in oral health. However, there were 59% of community pharmacists who had poor attitude in providing oral health information.

    CONCLUSIONS: Community pharmacists were lacking knowledge on oral health mainly because of paucity in providing appropriate training courses. This has led to poor practices towards oral healthcare as they were unable to provide suitable products recommendations to the patients. This has led the community pharmacists into lack of attitudes in providing oral health information. However, most of the community pharmacists were conscious of their role in the oral healthcare system and were willing to improve their knowledge of oral healthcare.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  15. Ng YK, Shah NM, Loong LS, Pee LT, Chong WW
    J Eval Clin Pract, 2020 Dec;26(6):1638-1647.
    PMID: 31908087 DOI: 10.1111/jep.13346
    RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Patient-centred care (PCC) has been increasingly recognized as the standard in current health care, especially when it comes to health communication between patients and health care professionals. The evidence suggests that PCC could potentially improve medication-related outcomes such as medication adherence, disease self-management, and patient-provider relationships. Pharmacists are strategically positioned in the health care system to provide medication management to patients. However, there is a paucity of research regarding PCC in pharmacist-patient consultations. This study aimed to explore the views and experiences of pharmacists and patients on the important aspects of a PCC consultation.

    METHODS: A semistructured interview study was conducted among 17 patients and 18 pharmacists in three tertiary hospitals in Malaysia. All interviews were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. Themes were developed using a constant comparison approach and thematic analysis.

    RESULTS: Five main themes emerged from the data, namely, achieving mutual understanding, recognizing individuality, communication style, information giving, and medication decision making. For both pharmacists and patients, a PCC consultation should promote mutual understanding and non-judgmental discussions. Communication was an important element to bridge the gap between patients' and pharmacists' expectations. Patients emphasized the importance of emotional aspects of the consultation, while pharmacists emphasized the importance of evidence-based information to support patient engagement and information needs.

    CONCLUSIONS: Comparison of pharmacists' and patients' views provided insight towards important aspects of PCC in pharmacist-patient consultations. It was suggested that PCC is not a one-sided approach but rather a patient-provider collaboration to optimize the consultation. Further research can be done to improve the integration of PCC in the local health care context, including pharmacist consultations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  16. Kumurasamy V, Ahmad Fairuz M, Taib F, Mat Pa MN, Mohd Nazri S, Norzila Z, et al.
    This paper discusses the ethical issues of patient autonomy based on a case of a patient who refused medication during Ramadhan fasting period. Issues on patient autonomy include the right of a patient to refuse medication, informed decision making, the importance of effective communication and the physician roles and responsibilities are discussed. In conclusion, patient autonomy must be respected and valued. However, the need of effective communication in facilitating informed decision making to improve doctor-patient relationship, should not be overlooked and compromised.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role
  17. Medicine & Health, 2009;4(1):16-24.

    Drug administration is an integral part of nurses role in nursing practice. In relation to their diverse roles, nurses are required to have adequate knowledge and good practice. The purpose of this study is  to examine the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses in the medical wards administering oral medication and to assess  whether nurse’s knowledge, attitude and practice is associated with working experience and professional  education (post basic training). A cross-sectional study was conducted on forty (40) nurses working in the Medical wards in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC). Questionnaires were used to measure the level of knowledge and attitude of nurses and a direct observation technique with checklist to record the practice of nurses. The mean score for knowledge (13.8), attitude (16.4) and practice (10.7) were all within average distribution. No significant difference was found between knowledge and practice of nurses with working experience and post basic training. However, the influence of working experience on attitude of nurses in serving oral medication was found to be significant (p= 0.045). Nurses in medical ward, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, were found to possess an average level of knowledge and attitude in administering oral medication. In addition, this study suggest that work experience of nurses has no influence on knowledge gain and good practice in administering oral medication..

    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role
  18. Hanafi NS, Ng CJ
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2006;5(2).
    Aim: To explore primary care practitioners' experiences and feelings about treating their own family members. Methods: A qualitative study was carried out using focus group discussions. Five sessions were held among 22 primary care practitioners (five academic staff members and 17 medical officers). Results: Most participants treated their family members, especially their immediate families. They considered factors such as duration and severity of illness before seeking consultation with other doctors. Some participants felt satisfied knowing that they were able to treat their own families. However, most felt burdened and uncomfortable in doing so, mainly due to the fear of error in diagnosis and management. They were concerned that strong emotions may make them lose objectivity. Many were aware that negative outcomes resulting from their treatment may affect future relationships. Conclusions: While some doctors were comfortable about treating their own families, some faced significant conflict in doing so. Their decisions depended on the interplay of factors including the doctor, the family member and the relationship they share. A doctor needs to consider the potential conflict that may arise when carrying out one's professional role and at the same time being a concerned family member. Key words: doctors, family, Malaysia, primary care, self-treat.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  19. Das G, Ahmed S, Ahmed AR, Tirth V, Jamil S, Muhammad AA, et al.
    Work, 2021;70(2):387-393.
    PMID: 34657847 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-213602
    BACKGROUND: Medical professionals, especially dental professionals, have been adversely affected by the pandemic of COVID-19 due to an increased chance of exposure to patients because of close contact during treatments.

    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate knowledge about the disease and assess ways of precautions to be taken during the pandemic.

    METHODS: A questionnaire was developed and registered at Google Forms. The study population included dental practitioners, working in hospitals and clinics. A total of 495 dental practitioners from 14 different countries across the world responded. Most dentists were aware of the required modifications in the management of patients. The points allotted for each correct/best answer by participants for a group of questions regarding each component (Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practices) were added/summed to generate an overall score for each of the three components.

    RESULTS: Both univariate and multivariate analysis employed for the evaluation of results. Moreover, the total practice score was significantly associated with gender and sector of practice. Multivariable analysis model using multiple linear regressions was formulated by including those variables which were significant at the univariate stage. Hence, the practice sector was the only variable found to be significantly associated with the total knowledge score (p-value 

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
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