Displaying publications 381 - 400 of 1383 in total

  1. Wee HL, Li SC, Xie F, Zhang XH, Luo N, Feeny D, et al.
    Value Health, 2008 Mar;11 Suppl 1:S3-10.
    PMID: 18387064 DOI: 10.1111/j.1524-4733.2008.00361.x
    OBJECTIVES: To assess the validity, feasibility and acceptability of standard gamble (SG) and time trade-off (TTO) assessments in a multiethnic Asian population.
    METHODS: Through in-depth interviews performed among Chinese, Malay, and Indian Singaporeans (education >or= 6 years), we assessed validity of SG/TTO methods for eliciting health preferences by hypothesizing that 1) SG/TTO scores for three hypothetical health states (HS) would exhibit ranked order (decreasing scores with worse HS); and 2) more subjects would rate the most severe HS as worse than dead. Subjects also evaluated feasibility and acceptability of SG/TTO using a 10-point visual analog scale (VAS) and open-ended questions. Ratings were compared using Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon signed-rank tests or tests of proportions.
    RESULTS: VALIDITY: In 62 subjects (90% response rate), as hypothesized, SG and TTO scores exhibited ranked order with increasing HS severity (SG: 0.85, 0.08, -19.00; TTO: 0.85, 0.00, -0.18). More subjects rated the most severe HS as worse than dead (SG: 8%, 39%, 59%; TTO: 8%, 45% and 62%).
    FEASIBILITY: Subjects felt SG and TTO were easy to understand (median VAS scores: 8.0 vs. 8.0, P = 0.87) and to complete (8.0 vs. 8.0, P = 0.84). Acceptability: SG and TTO were well accepted, with TTO less so than SG (median [interquartile range] offensiveness: 2.0 [0, 4.0] vs. 2.0 [0, 3.0], P = 0.045). Overall, subjects did not have a clear preference for SG/TTO (50% vs. 45%, P = 0.70).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests the validity, feasibility and acceptability of SG and TTO for population-based HS valuation studies in a multiethnic Asian population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology*; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data
  2. Chia SE, Mohamed Ali S, Yap PH, Gan L, Ong YB, Chia KS
    Neurotoxicology, 2009 Mar;30(2):214-9.
    PMID: 19135476 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuro.2008.12.004
    Organophosphate (OP)-containing pesticides are widely used worldwide for domestic and industrial purposes. Studies on acute and chronic exposure to OPs have revealed numerous health effects attributed mainly to acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. The enzyme human serum paraoxonase (PON1) is involved in the detoxification of OP compounds. PON1 polymorphisms have been shown to affect susceptibility to OP exposure. We studied the effect of OP exposure on pest control workers and assessed the distribution of two common PON1 polymorphisms in our local population. The exposed group consisted of 103 workers from various pest control companies under the Singapore Pest Management Association while the 91 unexposed workers were from a lead stabilizer factory. For all workers, the mean age was 36.9 (20-70) years and the ethnic distribution was 38.1% Chinese, 44.3% Malay and 17.5% Indian. The mean+/-S.D. exposure duration among the pesticide workers was 10.4+/-8.4 years. The mean+/-S.D. RBC cholinesterase level was 18436.2+/-2078U/L and 18079.6+/-1576U/L for the exposed and unexposed groups, respectively (p=0.216). The mean+/-S.D. serum pseudocholinesterase was 11028.4+/-2867.4U/L and 9433.6+/-2022.6U/L in the exposed and unexposed groups, respectively (p<0.0001). Mean paraoxonase activity was similar among Chinese and Malays (266.5 and 266.3U/L, respectively) whereas that of the Indians was significantly lower (165.6U/L). Our study showed that cholinesterase levels among the exposed were not lower than those in the unexposed group. PON1 polymorphisms differed among ethnic groups, implying that ethnicity could be an important surrogate for identifying susceptible groups in case of OP exposure. Although OP poisoning is rare among occupationally exposed workers in Singapore, this information is useful for other developing countries that have large populations of Chinese, Malays and Indians where OP exposure could be very high especially in agricultural settings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/ethnology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
  3. Teh LK, Lee WL, Amir J, Salleh MZ, Ismail R
    J Clin Pharm Ther, 2007 Jun;32(3):313-9.
    PMID: 17489883
    P-glycoprotein (PgP) is the most extensively studied ATP-binding cassette (ABC) coded by MDR1 gene. To date, 29 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified; but only SNP C3435T has been correlated with intestinal PgP expression levels and shown to influence the absorption of orally taken drugs that are PgP substrates. Individuals homozygous for the T allele have more than fourfold lower PgP expression compared with C/C individuals. We developed a one step primer based allele specific PCR method to detect SNP at C3435T to investigate the distribution of this genotype in the local population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/ethnology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
  4. Ng TP, Tan WC
    Sleep Med, 2005 Nov;6(6):523-9.
    PMID: 16271696
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To investigate the prevalence and determinants of daytime sleepiness in an Asian multi-ethnic population. Cross-sectional survey based on a questionnaire in multi-ethnic Asian adult population of Singapore (2.4 million).
    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Measured frequency of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), socio-demographic status, sleep duration, perceived sleep insufficiency, frequent awakenings, difficulty falling asleep, snoring, breathing pauses, GHQ-12, shift work, solvent exposure at work, substance use, medications, and chronic diseases in random sample of 2,298 adults, aged 20-74 years, representing Chinese, Malays and Indians.
    RESULTS: Among the respondents, 10.8% reported usually feeling sleepy in the daytime, and 9.0% were classified as having EDS. Marked ethnic difference was observed, with higher rates of EDS in Malays and Chinese, compared to Indians. Increased risk of EDS was associated with perceived sleep insufficiency; snoring and breathing pauses; shift work and solvent exposure at work; psychiatric morbidity and chronic diseases, particularly chronic rhinitis; and medications with sedating effects.
    CONCLUSIONS: Daytime sleepiness is associated with a multiplicity of highly prevalent risk factors in the community, including sleep behavior, breathing-, work- and medically related factors. Significant ethnic differences, which were not explained by these factors, were observed between Chinese, Malays and Indians.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data*
  5. Yaacob H, Nambiar P, Naidu MD
    Malays J Pathol, 1996 Jun;18(1):1-7.
    PMID: 10879216
    Determining the racial affinity of an unknown individual from dentition for identification is indeed a difficult endeavour. However, there are certain dental characteristics which are predominant in certain racial groups and these contribute important indicators in the identification process. Inherited dental characteristics are modified by prenatal and postnatal environmental and nutritional conditions. They can also become less discernible due to admixture of the various races.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/classification*; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
  6. Choo CC, Chew PKH, Ho RC
    PMID: 29621197 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15040691
    An important risk factor for suicide assessment is the suicide precipitant. This study explores suicide attempt precipitants across the lifespan. Three years of medical records related to suicide attempters who were admitted to the emergency department of a large teaching hospital in Singapore were subjected to analysis. These cases were divided into three age groups: Adolescence, Early Adulthood, and Middle Adulthood. A total of 540 cases were examined (70.9% females; 63.7% Chinese, 13.7% Malays, 15.9% Indians), whose ages ranged from 12 to 62. There were eight cases above the age of 65 years which were excluded from the analysis. Significant differences were found in precipitants for suicide attempts across the lifespan. Middle adults had relatively fewer relationship problems, and adolescents had comparatively fewer financial and medical problems. The models to predict medically severe attempts across the age groups using suicide precipitants were not significant. The findings were discussed in regards to implications in suicide assessment and primary prevention in Singapore, as well as limitations and recommendations for future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology*; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data*
  7. Lee YY, Waid A, Tan HJ, Chua AS, Whitehead WE
    World J Gastroenterol, 2012 Nov 28;18(44):6475-80; discussion p. 6479.
    PMID: 23197894 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i44.6475
    To survey irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) using Rome III criteria among Malays from the north-eastern region of Peninsular Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data*
  8. Fournier T, Tibère L, Laporte C, Mognard E, Ismail MN, Sharif SP, et al.
    Appetite, 2016 12 01;107:362-371.
    PMID: 27521166 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2016.08.009
    The Malaysian society is experiencing and coping with a fast modernization process, which is characterized by a rapid urbanization and rural exodus, an important reduction of the size of households, and the emergence of a new middle class. The Malaysian Food Barometer launched in 2013 has provided better understanding how these macro issues have affected the lifestyles and especially the food habits of the Malaysians. The country has indeed undergone a transition period from under-nutrition to over-nutrition in a few decades, with the prevalence of overweight and obesity having markedly and rapidly increased. A quantitative survey (n = 2000), elaborated from a qualitative preliminary phase, was carried out with the aim of analyzing the transformation of food habits at the national level. The present article focuses on the BMI issue in Malaysia, and investigates its relationships with the socio-demographic variables of the population, as well as their eating patterns. The mean BMI is 23.64 kg/m2, with 9.5% of the sample being obese, and 22% overweight. Strong statistical associations have been identified between BMI and independent variables such as size of the living area, ethnicity, level of education, gender, and age. Contrary to general believe, overweight and obesity were neither associated with the number of food intakes taken per day (including snacks) nor with the frequency of eating out. Nonetheless, obesity is over-represented in people who have dissonant eating behaviors, i.e. who declare having fewer food intakes a day (food norms) than they do actually (food practices). This process testifies that the Malaysians are experiencing a "food transition", which is linked with socio-economic development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/ethnology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data*
  9. Endarti D, Riewpaiboon A, Thavorncharoensap M, Praditsitthikorn N, Hutubessy R, Kristina SA
    Value Health Reg Issues, 2018 May;15:50-55.
    PMID: 29474178 DOI: 10.1016/j.vhri.2017.07.008
    OBJECTIVES: To gain insight into the most suitable foreign value set among Malaysian, Singaporean, Thai, and UK value sets for calculating the EuroQol five-dimensional questionnaire index score (utility) among patients with cervical cancer in Indonesia.

    METHODS: Data from 87 patients with cervical cancer recruited from a referral hospital in Yogyakarta province, Indonesia, from an earlier study of health-related quality of life were used in this study. The differences among the utility scores derived from the four value sets were determined using the Friedman test. Performance of the psychometric properties of the four value sets versus visual analogue scale (VAS) was assessed. Intraclass correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman plots were used to test the agreement among the utility scores. Spearman ρ correlation coefficients were used to assess convergent validity between utility scores and patients' sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. With respect to known-group validity, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to examine the differences in utility according to the stages of cancer.

    RESULTS: There was significant difference among utility scores derived from the four value sets, among which the Malaysian value set yielded higher utility than the other three value sets. Utility obtained from the Malaysian value set had more agreements with VAS than the other value sets versus VAS (intraclass correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman plot tests results). As for the validity, the four value sets showed equivalent psychometric properties as those that resulted from convergent and known-group validity tests.

    CONCLUSIONS: In the absence of an Indonesian value set, the Malaysian value set was more preferable to be used compared with the other value sets. Further studies on the development of an Indonesian value set need to be conducted.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data*
  10. Alex D, Khor HM, Chin AV, Hairi NN, Othman S, Khoo SPK, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2018 07 17;8(7):e019579.
    PMID: 30018093 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019579
    OBJECTIVES: Falls represent major health issues within the older population. In low/middle-income Asian countries, falls in older adults remain an area which has yet to be studied in detail. Using data from the Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research (MELoR), we have estimated the prevalence of falls among older persons in an urban population, and performed ethnic comparisons in the prevalence of falls.

    DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis was carried out using the first wave data from MELoR which is a longitudinal study.

    SETTING: Urban community dwellers in a middle-income South East Asian country.

    PARTICIPANTS: 1565 participants aged ≥55 years were selected by simple random sampling from the electoral rolls of three parliamentary constituencies.

    OUTCOME MEASURES: Consenting participants from the MELoR study were asked the question 'Have you fallen down in the past 12 months?' during their computer-assisted home-based interviews. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to compare the prevalence of falls among various ethnic groups.

    RESULTS: The overall estimated prevalence of falls for individuals aged 55 years and over adjusted to the population of Kuala Lumpur was 18.9%. The estimated prevalence of falls for the three ethnic populations of Malays, Chinese and Indian aged 55 years and over was 16.2%, 19.4% and 23.8%, respectively. Following adjustment for ethnic discrepancies in age, gender, marital status and education attainment, the Indian ethnicity remained an independent predictor of falls in our population (relative risk=1.45, 95% CI 1.08 to 1.85).

    CONCLUSION: The prevalence of falls in this study is comparable to other previous Asian studies, but appears lower than Western studies. The predisposition of the Indian ethnic group to falls has not been previously reported. Further studies may be needed to elucidate the causes for the ethnic differences in fall prevalence.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/ethnology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data*
  11. Khine WWT, Zhang Y, Goie GJY, Wong MS, Liong M, Lee YY, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2019 05 24;9(1):7831.
    PMID: 31127186 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-44369-y
    Recent studies have realized the link between gut microbiota and human health and diseases. The question of diet, environment or gene is the determining factor for dominant microbiota and microbiota profile has not been fully resolved, for these comparative studies have been performed on populations of different ethnicities and in short-term intervention studies. Here, the Southern Chinese populations are compared, specifically the children of Guangzhou City (China), Penang City (west coast Malaysia) and Kelantan City (east coast Malaysia). These Chinese people have similar ancestry thus it would allow us to delineate the effect of diet and ethnicity on gut microbiota composition. For comparison, the Penang and Kelantan Malay children were also included. The results revealed that differences in microbiota genera within an ethnicity in different cities was due to differences in food type. Sharing the similar diet but different ethnicity in a city or different cities and living environment showed similar gut microbiota. The major gut microbiota (more than 1% total Operational Taxonomy Units, OTUs) of the children population are largely determined by diet but not ethnicity, environment, and lifestyle. Elucidating the link between diet and microbiota would facilitate the development of strategies to improve human health at a younger age.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/ethnology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data
  12. Vaingankar JA, Subramaniam M, Tan LWL, Abdin E, Lim WY, Wee HL, et al.
    BMC Med Res Methodol, 2018 03 15;18(1):29.
    PMID: 29544448 DOI: 10.1186/s12874-018-0487-9
    BACKGROUND: Measures of mental well-being and positive mental health (PMH) have been largely developed and used in Western populations, however, data on representative Asian communities are lacking. Using data from a population sample, this study sought to establish psychometric properties and norms of the PMH Instrument (PMH-I), a measure of positive mental health developed in Singapore.

    METHODS: We conducted a nationally representative survey among 1925 adults aged 18-79 years of Chinese, Malay, Indian or other ethnicity. Participants reported socio-demographic characteristics and completed the PMH-I along with measures of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and psychological distress. Construct validity of the PMH-I was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis and concurrent validity was tested through correlation with other psychological measures. Normative PMH values and differences in population subgroups were estimated.

    RESULTS: The six-factor-higher-order structure of the PMH-I comprising six subscales of general coping, emotional support, spirituality, interpersonal skills, personal growth and autonomy and global affect was confirmed. Concurrent validity was shown through significant positive correlation of the total PMH score and its subscales with HRQoL and an inverse correlation with psychological distress. Weighted age, gender and ethnicity-specific norms were derived for the Singapore population. Total PMH was significantly higher in participants aged over 40 years as compared with 18-29 year olds and in non-Chinese ethnic groups as compared with Chinese. These differences were observed for all PMH-I subscales, with the exception of emotional support and interpersonal skills score differences by age. In contrast, gender, marital status, and education level were significantly associated with some of the subscales, but not with total PMH.

    CONCLUSIONS: These results support the psychometric properties of the PMH-I in a multi-ethnic Asian population sample. The generalizable population-based norms support the application of the PMH-I for measuring mental health and assessing its determinants within the Singapore general population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data*
  13. Irfan M, Hussain NHN, Noor NM, Mohamed M, Sidi H, Ismail SB
    Am J Mens Health, 2020 7 7;14(4):1557988320937200.
    PMID: 32623948 DOI: 10.1177/1557988320937200
    Male sexual dysfunctions (MSDs) often remain undiagnosed and untreated in Asia compared to Europe due to conservative cultural and religious beliefs, socioeconomic conditions, and lack of awareness. There is a tendency for the use of traditional medicines and noncompliance with and reduced access to modern healthcare. The present systematic review compared the incidence and factors of MSD in European and Asian populations. English language population/community-based original articles on MSDs published in MEDLINE from 2008 to 2018 were retrieved. A total of 5392 studies were retrieved, of which 50 (25 Asian and 25 European) were finally included in this review. The prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) (0%-95.0% vs. 0.9%-88.8%), low satisfaction (3.2%-37.6% vs. 4.1%-28.3%), and hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) (0.7%-81.4 vs. 0%-65.5%) was higher in Asian than in European men, whereas the prevalence of anorgasmia (0.4% vs. 3%-65%) was lower in Asian than in European men. Age was an independent positive factor of MSD. In European men over 60 years old, the prevalence of premature ejaculation (PE) decreased. The prevalence of MSD was higher in questionnaires than in interviews. The significant factors were age, single status, low socioeconomic status, poor general health, less physical activity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, lower urinary tract symptoms, prostatitis, anxiety, depression and alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. The prevalence of MSD differed slightly in Asian and European men. There is a need to conduct large studies on the various Asian populations for the effective management of MSD.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data*
  14. Chi C, Loy SL, Chan SY, Choong C, Cai S, Soh SE, et al.
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2018 03 21;18(1):69.
    PMID: 29562895 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-018-1707-3
    BACKGROUND: We assessed the impact of adopting the 2013 World Health Organization (WHO) diagnostic criteria on the rates of gestational diabetes (GDM), pregnancy outcomes and identification of women at future risk of type 2 diabetes.

    METHODS: During a period when the 1999 WHO GDM criteria were in effect, pregnant women were universally screened using a one-step 75 g 2-h oral glucose tolerance test at 26-28 weeks' gestation. Women were retrospectively reclassified according to the 2013 criteria, but without the 1-h glycaemia measurement. Pregnancy outcomes and glucose tolerance at 4-5 years post-delivery were compared for women with GDM classified by the 1999 criteria alone, GDM by the 2013 criteria alone, GDM by both criteria and without GDM by both sets of criteria.

    RESULTS: Of 1092 women, 204 (18.7%) and 142 (13.0%) were diagnosed with GDM by the 1999 and 2013 WHO criteria, respectively, with 27 (2.5%) reclassified to GDM and 89 (8.2%) reclassified to non-GDM when shifting from the 1999 to 2013 criteria. Compared to women without GDM by both criteria, cases reclassified to GDM by the 2013 criteria had an increased risk of neonatal jaundice requiring phototherapy (relative risk (RR) = 2.78, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.32, 5.86); despite receiving treatment for GDM, cases reclassified to non-GDM by the 2013 criteria had higher risks of prematurity (RR = 2.17, 95% CI 1.12, 4.24), neonatal hypoglycaemia (RR = 3.42, 95% CI 1.04, 11.29), jaundice requiring phototherapy (RR = 1.71, 95% CI 1.04, 2.82), and a higher rate of abnormal glucose tolerance at 4-5 years post-delivery (RR = 3.39, 95% CI 2.30, 5.00).

    CONCLUSIONS: Adoption of the 2013 WHO criteria, without the 1-h glycaemia measurement, reduced the GDM rate. Lowering the fasting glucose threshold identified women who might benefit from treatment, but raising the 2-h threshold may fail to identify women at increased risk of adverse pregnancy and future metabolic outcomes.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT01174875 . Registered 1 July 2010 (retrospectively registered).

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/ethnology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/statistics & numerical data*
  15. Lim WS, Cheah WK, Ali N, Han HC, Anthony PV, Chan M, et al.
    Int Psychogeriatr, 2014 Apr;26(4):677-86.
    PMID: 24382159 DOI: 10.1017/S1041610213002445
    BACKGROUND: Recent studies that describe the multidimensionality of the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) challenge the traditional dual-factor paradigm of personal and role strains (Whitlatch et al., 1991). These studies consistently reported a distinct dimension of worry about caregiver performance (WaP) comprising items 20 and 21.The present study aims to compare WaP against conventional ZBI domains in a predominantly Chinese multi-ethnic Asian population.

    METHODS: We studied 130 consecutive dyads of family caregivers and patients. Factor analysis of the 22-item ZBI revealed four factors of burden. We compared WaP (factor 4) with the other three factors, personal strain, and role strain via: internal consistency; inter-factor correlation; item-to-total ratio across Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) stages; predictors of burden; and interaction effect on total ZBI score using two-way analysis of variance.

    RESULTS: WaP correlated poorly with the other factors (r = 0.05-0.21). It had the highest internal consistency (Cronbach's α = 0.92) among the factors. Unlike other factors, WaP was highly endorsed in mild cognitive impairment and did not increase linearly with disease severity, peaking at CDR 1. Multiple regression revealed younger caregiver age as the major predictor of WaP, compared with behavioral and functional problems for other factors. There was a significant interaction between WaP and psychological strain (p = 0.025).

    CONCLUSION: Our results corroborate earlier studies that WaP is a distinct burden dimension not correspondent with traditional ZBI domains. WaP is germane to many Asian societies where obligation values to care for family members are strongly influential. Further studies are needed to better delineate the construct of WaP.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/ethnology; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology
  16. Hatin WI, Nur-Shafawati AR, Etemad A, Jin W, Qin P, Xu S, et al.
    Hugo J, 2014 Dec;8(1):5.
    PMID: 27090253 DOI: 10.1186/s11568-014-0005-z
    BACKGROUND: The Malays consist of various sub-ethnic groups which are believed to have different ancestral origins based on their migrations centuries ago. The sub-ethnic groups can be divided based on the region they inhabit; the northern (Melayu Kedah and Melayu Kelantan), western (Melayu Minang) and southern parts (Melayu Bugis and Melayu Jawa) of Peninsular Malaysia. We analyzed 54,794 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) which were shared by 472 unrelated individuals from 17 populations to determine the genetic structure and distributions of the ancestral genetic components in five Malay sub-ethnic groups namely Melayu Bugis, Melayu Jawa, Melayu Minang, Melayu Kedah, and Melayu Kelantan. We also have included in the analysis 12 other study populations from Thailand, Indonesia, China, India, Africa and Orang Asli sub-groups in Malay Peninsula, obtained from the Pan Asian SNP Initiative (PASNPI) Consortium and International HapMap project database.

    RESULTS: We found evidence of genetic influx from Indians to Malays, more in Melayu Kedah and Melayu Kelantan which are genetically different from the other Malay sub-ethnic groups, but similar to Thai Pattani. More than 98% of these northern Malays haplotypes could be found in either Indians or Chinese populations, indicating a highly admixture pattern among populations. Nevertheless, the ancestry lines of Malays, Indonesians and Thais were traced back to have shared a common ancestor with the Proto-Malays and Chinese.

    CONCLUSIONS: These results support genetic admixtures in the Peninsular Malaysia Malay populations and provided valuable information on the enigmatic demographical history as well as shed some insights into the origins of the Malays in the Malay Peninsula.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  17. Komahan K, Reidpath DD
    Am J Epidemiol, 2014 Aug 1;180(3):325-9.
    PMID: 24944286 DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwu129
    Correct identification of ethnicity is central to many epidemiologic analyses. Unfortunately, ethnicity data are often missing. Successful classification typically relies on large databases (n > 500,000 names) of known name-ethnicity associations. We propose an alternative naïve Bayesian strategy that uses substrings of full names. Name and ethnicity data for Malays, Indians, and Chinese were provided by a health and demographic surveillance site operating in Malaysia from 2011-2013. The data comprised a training data set (n = 10,104) and a test data set (n = 9,992). Names were spliced into contiguous 3-letter substrings, and these were used as the basis for the Bayesian analysis. Performance was evaluated on both data sets using Cohen's κ and measures of sensitivity and specificity. There was little difference between the classification performance in the training and test data (κ = 0.93 and 0.94, respectively). For the test data, the sensitivity values for the Malay, Indian, and Chinese names were 0.997, 0.855, and 0.932, respectively, and the specificity values were 0.907, 0.998, and 0.997, respectively. A naïve Bayesian strategy for the classification of ethnicity is promising. It performs at least as well as more sophisticated approaches. The possible application to smaller data sets is particularly appealing. Further research examining other substring lengths and other ethnic groups is warranted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  18. Miao H, Hartman M, Bhoo-Pathy N, Lee SC, Taib NA, Tan EY, et al.
    PLoS One, 2014;9(4):e93755.
    PMID: 24695692 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093755
    BACKGROUND: In Asia, up to 25% of breast cancer patients present with distant metastases at diagnosis. Given the heterogeneous survival probabilities of de novo metastatic breast cancer, individual outcome prediction is challenging. The aim of the study is to identify existing prognostic models for patients with de novo metastatic breast cancer and validate them in Asia.
    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a systematic review to identify prediction models for metastatic breast cancer. Models were validated in 642 women with de novo metastatic breast cancer registered between 2000 and 2010 in the Singapore Malaysia Hospital Based Breast Cancer Registry. Survival curves for low, intermediate and high-risk groups according to each prognostic score were compared by log-rank test and discrimination of the models was assessed by concordance statistic (C-statistic).
    RESULTS: We identified 16 prediction models, seven of which were for patients with brain metastases only. Performance status, estrogen receptor status, metastatic site(s) and disease-free interval were the most common predictors. We were able to validate nine prediction models. The capacity of the models to discriminate between poor and good survivors varied from poor to fair with C-statistics ranging from 0.50 (95% CI, 0.48-0.53) to 0.63 (95% CI, 0.60-0.66).
    CONCLUSION: The discriminatory performance of existing prediction models for de novo metastatic breast cancer in Asia is modest. Development of an Asian-specific prediction model is needed to improve prognostication and guide decision making.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  19. Tikaram A, Prepageran N
    Med J Malaysia, 2013 Dec;68(6):445-7.
    PMID: 24632910 MyJurnal
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the pattern of cellular infiltration in nasal polyposis among Malaysian population and to compare the pattern of cellular infiltration in nasal polyposis between Malaysian and other Asian countries.

    MATERIAL AND METHOD: This is retrospective study done on patients diagnosed with nasal polyposis from January 2008 to June 2012 in University Malaya Medical Center. Only the patients undergoing first operation for nasal polyp and were confirmed polyp with histopathological sections were included in the study.

    RESULT: A total of 80 subjects were included in the study. Of these 48.75% had neutrophil- predominant polyp which was in contrast with the eosinophil- predominant polyp of Caucasian population but similar to other studies done in Asian countries.

    CONCLUSION: The etiology of nasal polyposis in Caucasians and Asians may be different and may need to be managed differently. It may be more appropriate to treat nasal polyposis in Asian population with long term antibiotics and more study needs to be done on this.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  20. Sivalingam M, Looi ML, Zakaria SZ, Hamidah NH, Alias H, Latiff ZA, et al.
    Int J Lab Hematol, 2012 Aug;34(4):377-82.
    PMID: 22335963 DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-553X.2012.01405.x
    INTRODUCTION: To study the ß-gene mutations spectrum, the genotype/phenotype correlation, the modulatory effect of co-inherited factors such as α-gene mutations and of Xmn1 polymorphism in a large cohort of Malaysian patients.
    METHODS: A total of 264 cases clinically diagnosed as Thalassemia major (TM) (111), Thalassemia intermedia (21), HbE-β Thalassemia (131), and 1 HbE homozygous were studied. The detection of α and ß gene mutations and characterization of Xmn1 polymorphism were performed by multiplex PCR, amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS), DNA sequencing, and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-PCR.
    RESULTS: A total of 19 ß Thalassemia mutations were characterized. CD26 and CD41/42 were the most common found in the Malay and Chinese population, respectively. The sensitivity of the clinical diagnosis for β TM, thalassemia intermedia, and HbE/β thalassemia was 94.0%, 15.2%, and 89.2%, respectively. Patients with Xmn1 heterozygosity [+/-] required less frequent transfusion compared with those without the polymorphism. Co-inheritance of α-thalassemia alleviates the severity of HbE-β thalassemia in our cohort.
    CONCLUSION: Molecular analysis should be used for a better diagnosis and management of β thalassemia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
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