Displaying publications 381 - 400 of 759 in total

  1. Mohamed M. GahGah, Juhari Mat Akhir, Abdul Ghani M. Rafek, Ibrahim Abdullah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2009;38(6):827-833.
    The aim of this study is to investigate the factors that cause landslides in the area along the new road between Cameron Highlands and Gua Musang. Landslide factors such as lineaments have been extracted from remote sensing data (Landsat TM image) using ERDAS software. A soil map has been produced using field work and laboratory analysis, and the lithology, roads, drainage pattern and rainfall have been digitized using ILWIS software together with the slope angle and elevation from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). All these parameters, which are vital for landslide hazard assessment, have been integrated into the geographical information system (GIS) for further data processing. Weightage for these landslide relevant factors related to their influence in landslide occurrence using the heuristic method has been carried out. The results from this combination through a modified ‘index overlay with multi class maps’ model was used to produce a landslide hazard zonation map. Five classes of potential landslide hazard have been derived as the following: very low hazard zone 17.27%, low hazard zone 39.35%, medium hazard zone 25.1%, high hazard zone 15.35% and very high hazard zone 2.93%. The results from this work have been checked through the landslide inventory using available aerial photos interpretation and field work, and show that the slope and elevation have the most direct affect on landslide occurrence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  2. Azlina Ahmad-Annuar, Ai Sze Ching
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1481-1488.
    As researchers seek to determine the cellular mechanisms underlying biological processes, they have turned to analyze the functional role of microRNAs to understand this process in details. Here, we investigated the expression pattern of two microRNAs, miR-124 and -134 in maturing neurons and found that the choice of endogenous controls influenced the observed expression levels of these microRNAs. We have cultured rat hippocampal neurons and performed quantitative PCR on the microRNAs using Taqman gene expression assays. The expression of miRNAs was normalised with selected endogenous controls. Using BestKeeper and NormFinder software, we found that 18S rRNA and 5S rRNA to be unsuitable as endogenous controls in this system, while normalising to U6 snRNA produced more consistent results. Our study would like to highlight the importance of empirically testing proposed endogenous controls in any model system before data interpretation is carried out.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  3. Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Rahim Harun, Mohd Hariri Arifin, Umar Hamzah, Mokhtar Saidin, M. Shyeh Sahibul Karamah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:1629-1634.
    An archeological study, conducted by the Archaeological Global Research Centre, Universiti Sains Malaysia shows the evidence of shock metamorphisms (suevite breccia) and crater morphology at Bukit Bunuh in Lenggong area of north Perak, Malaysia. A regional gravity survey focusing at Bukit Bunuh and its surrounding area was conducted to justify the occurrence and to determine the diameter and subsurface geological structure of the Bukit Bunuh impact crater. The gravity survey, using a Scintrex CG5 gravity meter, comprises 476 gravity stations with a 500 m spacing covering an area of approximately 160 km2. The elevation of the gravity stations were obtained by using a pair of Wellace and Tiernan altimeters. The gravity data were corrected for drift, free air, bouguer, latitude and terrain in order to produce a corrected gravity data of the study area. The data were processed and analysed using Oasis Montaj (Geosoft software) to produce bouguer, residual, Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) residual, regional and Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) regional anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative interpretations. The bouguer gravity map shows relatively low negative anomaly with nearly circular shaped contour around the Bukit Bunuh area. This anomaly was interpreted as the remnant of meteorite impact structure with rounded shaped crater in the study area. The bouguer anomaly map shows that the Bukit Bunuh impact crater has a diameter of approximately 2.5 km. The impact structure was successfully modeled as a complex impact crater with maximum depth of about 300 m. The bouguer anomaly map also showed the possible occurences of at least two more impact craters located in the northeast and southeast areas of the Bukit Bunuh crater and these structures need further investigation for confirmation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  4. Abdul Adib A, Agnis S
    Expectations and satisfactions are two different yet interrelated area. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of working parent expectation on parenting satisfaction among working parents in Sabah. In addition, this study also examines the differences of the background of respondents in terms of socio-economic status and the level of education towards parenting satisfaction in Sabah. The study employed purposive sampling survey method with questionnaire. It has been distributed to 210 working parents in various sectors around Kota Kinabalu and Beaufort, Sabah. The set of questionnaire used in this study comprising the Parent Comparison Level Index (PCLI) to measure parental expectation and the Parent Satisfaction Scale (PSS) used to measure parenting satisfaction. The data obtained were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 23 software through simple regression test and one-way ANOVA test according to the objectives of the study. The results of the analysis showed that parental expectations were significantly and positively influencing parenting satisfaction with a contribution of 34.6 percent variance. Whilst, the difference in education level and socio-economic status of parents shows that there is no difference in parenting satisfaction. In conclusion, higher parenting expectation will lead to higher parenting satisfaction. However, parenting satisfaction is not related to the differences in educational background and socioeconomic status of the parents. The implication of this study is toward parents and the aspect involving parenting satisfaction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  5. Azra MN, Ikhwanuddin M, Abol-Munafi AB
    Data Brief, 2019 Feb;22:998-1002.
    PMID: 30740484 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.01.026
    This article investigated how crabs responded to different culture temperatures especially dislocation before molting using a combination of large recording files and computer software. In this novel approach of video recording portunid crab behavioral data, crab culture was recorded at five different acclimation temperatures of 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 °C. Crabs were reared until the instar stage before being acclimatized for video recording. Large video files (MPEG-TS) were then analyzed using the latest version of Solomon Coder software developed by A. Peter and programmed with Embarcadero® Delphi® XE [1]. Recorded data was analyzed by calculating and marking movements of crabs using the time sequence tool. Additionally, a total movement was counted 30 min before crabs molted from instar stage 8 to instar stage 9. Part of the data is associated with the research article "Thermal tolerance and locomotor activity of blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus instar reared at different temperatures" (Azra et al., 2018) [2] and provided here as raw data of Supplementary materials.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  6. Yasmin Mohd Idris Perama, Nur Shahidah Abdul Rashid, Syazwani Mohd Fadzil, Khoo Kok Siong
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:611-618.
    Mathematically, the human alimentary tract organs were simplified in the model structure as separate compartments with
    pathways of transfer that are kinetically homogenous and equally distributed. The development of gastro-compartment
    model follows the first order kinetics of differential equations to describe cadmium absorption, distribution and elimination
    in the human digestive system. With the aid of in vitro DIN assay, an artificial gastric and gastrointestinal fluid were
    prepared using water leach purification (WLP) residue as a sample that contained toxic metals cadmium. The Simulation,
    Analysis and Modelling II (SAAM II) V2.1 software is employed to design models easily, simulate experiments quickly and
    analyze data accurately. Based on the experimental inputs and fractional transfer rates parameter incorporated to the
    gastro-compartment model, the concentration of cadmium against time profile curves were plotted as the model output.
    The curve presented concentration of cadmium in both gastric and gastrointestinal fluid where initially absorption phase
    (first hour) occurred followed by the distribution phase (second to third hours) and elimination process (third to fifth
    hours). The concentration of cadmium obtained from the simulated model structures was in good agreement with the
    fitted model predicted measurements as statistical t-test conducted showed the values were not significantly different.
    Therefore, modeling approach with SAAM II software gave realistic and better estimation of cadmium dissolution into
    the human gastrointestinal tract.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  7. Shuanglin Song, Shugang Wang, Yuntao Liang, Xiaochen Li, Qi Lin
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:2143-2148.
    The air supply velocity is an important factor affecting the spontaneous combustion of coal. The appropriate air velocity can not only provide the oxygen required for the oxidation reaction, but maintains the good heat storage environment. Therefore, it is necessary to study the influence of the actual air velocity in the pore space on the self-heating process of coal particles. This paper focuses on studying the real space piled up by spherical particles. CFD simulation software is used to establish the numerical model from pore scale. Good fitness of the simulation results with the existing results verifies the feasibility of the calculation method. Later, the calculation conditions are changed to calculate and analyze the velocity field and the temperature field for self-heating of some particles (the surface of the particles is at a certain temperature) and expound the effect of different air supply velocities on gathering and dissipating the heat.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  8. Low WZ, Khoo BE, Aziz ZB, Low LW, Teng TT, bin Abdullah AF
    Sci Justice, 2015 Sep;55(5):347-54.
    PMID: 26385718 DOI: 10.1016/j.scijus.2015.04.008
    A novel powdering material that utilizes acid-modified Imperata cylindrica (IC) powder for the development of fingermarks was studied. Experiments were carried out to determine the suitability, adherence quality and sensitivity of the acid-modified IC powder. Fingermarks of different constituents (eccrine, sebaceous and natural fingermarks) on different types of surfaces were used. Acid-modified IC powder was also used to develop fingermarks of different ages as well as aged fingermarks recovered from the water. From the visual inspection, acid-modified IC powder was able to interact with different fingermark constituents and produced distinct ridge details on the examined surfaces. It was also able to develop aged fingermarks and fingermarks that were submerged in water. A statistical comparison was made against the Sirchie® Hi-Fi black powder in terms of the powders' sensitivity and quality of the developed natural fingermarks. The image quality was analyzed using MITRE's Image Quality of Fingerprint (IQF) software. From the experiments, acid-modified IC powder has the potential as a fingermark development powder, although natural fingermarks developed by Sirchie® black powder showed better quality and sensitivity based on the results of the statistical comparison.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  9. Abdul Manaf, S.Z., Din, R., Hamdan, A., Mat Salleh, N.S., Kamsin, I.F., Abdul Aziz, J.
    At present, the learning activities carried out is in line with the rapid growth of development of technology and lifestyle. ICT literacy is categorised as those who can operate a computer and Internet. This study is conducted to determine the level of computer and Internet literacy in generation Y. A total of ten respondents among university students were interviewed. The level of the skill is measured in terms of the use of information processing systems and the Internet. The new knowledge addresses the themes in information communication technology literacy namely; defining, accessing, assessing, managing, integrating, creating and passing data. As such, the model of computer technology in education can also be produced. A more robust method of learning can be heightened by seeing the level of skills possessed by university students. The findings of this study is expected to determine the level of competence of the students and university can provide the necessary equipment to ensure effective teaching and learning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  10. Mohd. Shareduwan Mohd. Kasihmuddin, Mohd. Asyraf Mansor, Saratha Sathasivam
    Swarm intelligence is a research area that models the population of swarm that is able to self-organise effectively. Honey bees that gather around their hive with a distinctive behaviour is another example of swarm intelligence. In fact, the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is a swarm-based meta-heuristic algorithm introduced by Karaboga in order to optimise numerical problems. 2SAT can be treated as a constrained optimisation problem which represents any problem by using clauses containing 2 literals each. Most of the current researchers represent their problem by using 2SAT. Meanwhile, the Hopfield neural network incorporated with the ABC has been utilised to perform randomised 2SAT. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the performance of the solutions produced by HNN2SAT-ABC and compared it with the traditional HNN2SAT-ES. The comparison of both algorithms has been examined by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 C++ Express Software. The detailed comparison on the performance of the ABC and ES in performing 2SAT is discussed based on global minima ratio, hamming distance, CPU time and fitness landscape. The results obtained from the computer simulation depict the beneficial features of ABC compared to ES. Moreover, the findings have led to a significant implication on the choice of determining an alternative method to perform 2SAT.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  11. Chong JWR, Khoo KS, Chew KW, Ting HY, Show PL
    Biotechnol Adv, 2023;63:108095.
    PMID: 36608745 DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2023.108095
    Identification of microalgae species is of importance due to the uprising of harmful algae blooms affecting both the aquatic habitat and human health. Despite this occurence, microalgae have been identified as a green biomass and alternative source due to its promising bioactive compounds accumulation that play a significant role in many industrial applications. Recently, microalgae species identification has been conducted through DNA analysis and various microscopy techniques such as light, scanning electron, transmission electron, and atomic force -microscopy. The aforementioned procedures have encouraged researchers to consider alternate ways due to limitations such as costly validation, requiring skilled taxonomists, prolonged analysis, and low accuracy. This review highlights the potential innovations in digital microscopy with the incorporation of both hardware and software that can produce a reliable recognition, detection, enumeration, and real-time acquisition of microalgae species. Several steps such as image acquisition, processing, feature extraction, and selection are discussed, for the purpose of generating high image quality by removing unwanted artifacts and noise from the background. These steps of identification of microalgae species is performed by reliable image classification through machine learning as well as deep learning algorithms such as artificial neural networks, support vector machines, and convolutional neural networks. Overall, this review provides comprehensive insights into numerous possibilities of microalgae image identification, image pre-processing, and machine learning techniques to address the challenges in developing a robust digital classification tool for the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  12. Srivastava G, Padhiary SK, Mohanty N, Patil PG, Panda S, Cobo-Vazquez C, et al.
    Acta Odontol Scand, 2024 Jun 19;83:392-403.
    PMID: 38895776 DOI: 10.2340/aos.v83.40870
    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the current evidence of digital workflow feasibility based on the data acquisition methods and the software tools used to fabricate intraoral prostheses for patients with partial or total maxillary and mandibular defects.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: An electronic search was performed in PubMed, SCOPUS, and Web of Science using a combination of relevant keywords: digital workflow, digital designing, computer-assisted design-computer aided manufacturing, 3D printing, maxillectomy, and mandibulectomy. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tool was used to assess the quality of evidence in the studies reviewed.

    RESULTS: From a total of 542 references, 33 articles were selected, including 25 on maxillary prostheses and 8 on mandibular prostheses. The use of digital workflows was limited to one or two steps of the fabrication of the prostheses, and only four studies described a complete digital workflow. The most preferred method for data acquisition was intraoral scanning with or without a cone beam computed tomography combination.

    CONCLUSION: Currently, the fabrication process of maxillofacial prostheses requires combining digital and conventional methods. Simplifying the data acquisition methods and providing user-friendly and affordable software may encourage clinicians to use the digital workflow more frequently for patients requiring maxillofacial prostheses.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  13. Aggarwal A, Court LE, Hoskin P, Jacques I, Kroiss M, Laskar S, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2023 Dec 07;13(12):e077253.
    PMID: 38149419 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-077253
    INTRODUCTION: Fifty per cent of patients with cancer require radiotherapy during their disease course, however, only 10%-40% of patients in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) have access to it. A shortfall in specialised workforce has been identified as the most significant barrier to expanding radiotherapy capacity. Artificial intelligence (AI)-based software has been developed to automate both the delineation of anatomical target structures and the definition of the position, size and shape of the radiation beams. Proposed advantages include improved treatment accuracy, as well as a reduction in the time (from weeks to minutes) and human resources needed to deliver radiotherapy.

    METHODS: ARCHERY is a non-randomised prospective study to evaluate the quality and economic impact of AI-based automated radiotherapy treatment planning for cervical, head and neck, and prostate cancers, which are endemic in LMICs, and for which radiotherapy is the primary curative treatment modality. The sample size of 990 patients (330 for each cancer type) has been calculated based on an estimated 95% treatment plan acceptability rate. Time and cost savings will be analysed as secondary outcome measures using the time-driven activity-based costing model. The 48-month study will take place in six public sector cancer hospitals in India (n=2), Jordan (n=1), Malaysia (n=1) and South Africa (n=2) to support implementation of the software in LMICs.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study has received ethical approval from University College London (UCL) and each of the six study sites. If the study objectives are met, the AI-based software will be offered as a not-for-profit web service to public sector state hospitals in LMICs to support expansion of high quality radiotherapy capacity, improving access to and affordability of this key modality of cancer cure and control. Public and policy engagement plans will involve patients as key partners.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  14. Lawenko RM, Lee YY
    J Neurogastroenterol Motil, 2016 Jan 31;22(1):25-30.
    PMID: 26717929 DOI: 10.5056/jnm15151
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease predominantly seen in the West but there is a rising trend in Asia. Ambulatory 24-hour catheter-based pH monitoring has been the de facto gold standard test for GERD that correlates symptoms with acid reflux episodes. However, drawbacks such as patients' discomfort, and catheter displacement render the test as cumbersome and error-prone. The Bravo pH wireless system is designed to be user-friendly and has an added advantage of prolonged pH monitoring. The system is comparable to the catheter-based pH monitoring system in terms of diagnostic yield and symptom-reflux association. Indications include evaluation of patients with refractory GERD symptoms and prior to anti-reflux surgery. Bravo utilizes a wireless pH-sensing capsule with a complete prepackaged system, and a data processing software. The capsule may be positioned indirectly using endoscopic or manometric landmarks or under direct endoscopic guidance. Optimal threshold cut-off values are yet to be standardized but based on available studies, for the Asian population, it may be recommended for total % time pH < 4 of 5.8 over 48 hours. Cost is a limitation but capsule placement is relatively safe although technical failures may be seen in small percentage of cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  15. Lo CH, Hermes J, Kartushina N, Mayor J, Mani N
    Behav Res Methods, 2024 Aug;56(5):4530-4552.
    PMID: 37620744 DOI: 10.3758/s13428-023-02200-7
    The COVID-19 pandemic massively changed the context and feasibility of developmental research. This new reality, as well as considerations about sample diversity and naturalistic settings for developmental research, highlights the need for solutions for online studies. In this article, we present e-Babylab, an open-source browser-based tool for unmoderated online studies targeted for young children and babies. e-Babylab offers an intuitive graphical user interface for study creation and management of studies, users, participant data, and stimulus material, with no programming skills required. Various kinds of audiovisual media can be presented as stimuli, and possible measures include webcam recordings, audio recordings, key presses, mouse-click/touch coordinates, and reaction times. An additional feature of e-Babylab is the possibility to administer short adaptive versions of MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (Chai et al. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, 3488-3500, 2020). Information pages, consent forms, and participant forms are customizable. e-Babylab has been used with a variety of measures and paradigms in over 12 studies with children aged 12 months to 8 years (n = 1516). We briefly summarize some results of these studies to demonstrate that data quality, participant engagement, and overall results are comparable between laboratory and online settings. Finally, we discuss helpful tips for using e-Babylab and present plans for upgrades.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  16. Syed-Mohamad SM, Ali SH, Mat-Husin MN
    Health Inf Manag, 2010 Mar;39(1):30-35.
    PMID: 28683624 DOI: 10.1177/183335831003900105
    This paper describes the method used to develop the One Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC) Portal, an open-source web-based electronic patient record system (EPR) for the One Stop Crisis Center, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) in Kelantan, Malaysia. Features and functionalities of the system are presented to demonstrate the workflow. Use of the OSCC Portal improved data integration and data communication and contributed to improvements in care management. With implementation of the OSCC portal, improved coordination between disciplines and standardisation of data in HUSM were noticed. It is expected that this will in turn result in improved data confidentiality and data integrity. The collected data will also be useful for quality assessment and research. Other low-resource centers with limited computer hardware and access to open-source software could benefit from this endeavour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  17. Syed-Mohamad SM, Ali SH, Mat-Husin MN
    Health Inf Manag, 2010;39(1):30-5.
    PMID: 20335647
    This paper describes the method used to develop the One Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC) Portal, an open source web-based electronic patient record system (EPR) for the One Stop Crisis Center, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) in Kelantan, Malaysia. Features and functionalities of the system are presented to demonstrate the workflow. Use of the OSCC Portal improved data integration and data communication and contributed to improvements in care management. With implementation of the OSCC portal, improved coordination between disciplines and standardisation of data in HUSM were noticed. It is expected that this will in turn result in improved data confidentiality and data integrity. The collected data will also be useful for quality assessment and research. Other low-resource centers with limited computer hardware and access to open-source software could benefit from this endeavour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  18. Kirubakaran R, Stocker SL, Carlos L, Day RO, Carland JE
    Ther Drug Monit, 2021 Dec 01;43(6):736-746.
    PMID: 34126624 DOI: 10.1097/FTD.0000000000000909
    BACKGROUND: Therapeutic drug monitoring is recommended to guide tacrolimus dosing because of its narrow therapeutic window and considerable pharmacokinetic variability. This study assessed tacrolimus dosing and monitoring practices in heart transplant recipients and evaluated the predictive performance of a Bayesian forecasting software using a renal transplant-derived tacrolimus model to predict tacrolimus concentrations.

    METHODS: A retrospective audit of heart transplant recipients (n = 87) treated with tacrolimus was performed. Relevant data were collected from the time of transplant to discharge. The concordance of tacrolimus dosing and monitoring according to hospital guidelines was assessed. The observed and software-predicted tacrolimus concentrations (n = 931) were compared for the first 3 weeks of oral immediate-release tacrolimus (Prograf) therapy, and the predictive performance (bias and imprecision) of the software was evaluated.

    RESULTS: The majority (96%) of initial oral tacrolimus doses were guideline concordant. Most initial intravenous doses (93%) were lower than the guideline recommendations. Overall, 36% of initial tacrolimus doses were administered to transplant recipients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of <60 mL/min/1.73 m despite recommendations to delay the commencement of therapy. Of the tacrolimus concentrations collected during oral therapy (n = 1498), 25% were trough concentrations obtained at steady-state. The software displayed acceptable predictions of tacrolimus concentration from day 12 (bias: -6%; 95%confidence interval, -11.8 to 2.5; imprecision: 16%; 95% confidence interval, 8.7-24.3) of therapy.

    CONCLUSIONS: Tacrolimus dosing and monitoring were discordant with the guidelines. The Bayesian forecasting software was suitable for guiding tacrolimus dosing after 11 days of therapy in heart transplant recipients. Understanding the factors contributing to the variability in tacrolimus pharmacokinetics immediately after transplant may help improve software predictions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  19. Muhammad FF, Karim Sangawi AW, Hashim S, Ghoshal SK, Abdullah IK, Hameed SS
    PLoS One, 2019;14(5):e0216201.
    PMID: 31048867 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216201
    The behavior of solar cells and modules under various operational conditions can be determined effectively when their intrinsic parameters are accurately estimated and used to simulate the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. This work proposed a new computational approach based on approximation and correction technique (ACT) for simple and efficient extraction of solar cells and modules parameters from the single-diode model. In this technique, an approximated value of series resistance (Rs) was first derived and used to determine the initial value of parallel resistance (Rp). Later, the final corrected values of Rs and Rp were obtained by resubstituting their approximated values in a five-loop iteration using the manipulated equations. For rapid evaluation and validation of the proposed technique, a software application was also created using MATLAB program. The correctness and robustness of the proposed technique was validated on five types of solar cells and modules operated at varied temperatures and irradiances. The lowest RMSE value was achieved for RTC France (7.78937E-4) and PVM 752 GaAs (2.10497E-4) solar cell. The legitimacy of ACT extracted parameters was established using a simple yet competitive implementation approach wherein the performance of the developed technique was compared with several state-of-the-art methods recently reported in the literature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  20. Rakhshani T, Motlagh Z, Beigi V, Rahimkhanli M, Rashki M
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Nov;25(6):100-109.
    PMID: 30914883 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.6.10
    Background: Nursing is a stressful occupation, and nurses face multiple stressors daily. Emotional intelligence causes an individual to overcome environmental stresses. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and job stress among nurses in Shiraz.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 500 nurses, selected through multistage cluster sampling, from the hospitals in Shiraz in 2017. The data collection tools were the Siberia Schering's Emotional Intelligence Standard Questionnaire and the Hospital Job Stress Standard Questionnaire, completed through the self-report method. The data were analysed using SPSS 22 software.

    Results: The mean scores of emotional intelligence and job stress were 113.59 ± 14.70 (total score = 165) and 97.10 ± 14.27 (total score = 175), respectively. The correlation test showed that there was an inverse relationship between emotional intelligence and job stress (r = -0.474, P < 0.001). Also, the multiple linear regression analysis showed that self-awareness, social consciousness, and income predicted 25% of the job stress in the subjects under study (r2 = 0.25).

    Conclusion: Regarding the relatively strong and inverse relationship between the nurses' emotional intelligence and job stress, it is suggested that emotional intelligence workshops be included in the in-service training programs of the nurses.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
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