Displaying publications 381 - 400 of 607 in total

  1. Aizuddin, A.N., Hoda, R., Rizal, A.M., Yon, R., Al Junid, S.M.
    Introduction: In view of high healthcare expenditure, Malaysia also faces problems in healthcare financing. The policy option is to establish a national health financing scheme. However, it is a problem to develop mechanisms to cover social insurance package to more than one third of the population working in informal sector such as farmers. Therefore, there is an urgent need to assess the ability and willingness of the farming community. The main objective was to study the ability and willingness in the farming community to contribute to national healthcare financing scheme.

    Methodology: This a cross sectional study involved 400 farmers in Selangor. A total of 92.3% farmers were able to pay for the healthcare.

    Results: Willingness to contribute to The national healthcare financing scheme were RM2.00 per month.

    Conclusion: The education level influenced the ability to pay while the educational level and per capita income influenced willingness to pay.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  2. Aniza, I., Aidalina, M., Nirmalini, R., Inggit, M.C.H., Ajeng, T.E.
    Introduction : Globalization has made health tourism possible and continues to flourish. For participating countries, this new industry rakes in billions of dollars a year, and is worth focusing on and being developed.
    Objective : This write up aims to find out the history and success of health tourism in countries around the world, study the scenario in Malaysia and propose strategies which could make Malaysia prosper with this multibillion dollar industry.
    Methodology: The methodology applied was compilation, data review and comparison from annual report, action plan report and articles.
    Result : In the ASEAN region, Malaysia is making a mark in the health tourism industry, thanks to the availability of medical and technical expertise, political and economical stability, high quality infrastructure, and scenic beauty of the land. Nonetheless, despite all these, Malaysia has yet to be at par with her neighbours- Thailand, Singapore and India, in terms of the number of foreign patients and the revenue gained from this industry. Thus there is a serious and urgent need to conduct research to analyze the current situation and future prospects of health tourism in Malaysia. This industry is open to all countries around the world. It is those countries that can continually analyze and adapt that will prosper in the emerging medical tourism industry. Some of the key issues which need to be addressed are those of promotion, finding the niche market, branding, legislations, immigration and quality of healthcare. In addition to these, matters regarding human resource, particularly that of internal brain-drain, need to be looked into.
    Conclusion : Malaysia has great potential of becoming the giant of the health tourism industry provided appropriate and timely actions are taken towards achieving it. The negative impact must not be ignored or overlooked; instead it must be thoroughly studied and rectified.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  3. Azimatun Noor, A., Mohd Rizal, A.M., Rozital, H., Aljunid, S.M.
    Introduction : Limited access to health services, variations in quality of health care and pressure to contain escalation of health care cost are problems in health care systems that are faced by all the societies in the world especially in developing countries. There is an urgent need to conduct a study to assess perception of individual towards health care services in the new planned National Healthcare Financing Scheme.
    Objective : The study objective is to examine the perception towards health care services among the farming community and to assess the willingness to contribute to The New National Health Financing Scheme.
    Methods : A cross sectional study involving farmers in the state of Selangor in Peninsular Malaysia was conducted. A total of 400 farmers as the household head were selected using multistage random sampling method.
    Results : The respondents’ mean score of perception towards public healthcare services were higher than the respondents’ mean score of perceptions towards private healthcare services except for accessibility and convenience aspects. There was no association between willingness to contribute to The New National Healthcare Financing Scheme and perception towards public healthcare services but there was association between willingness to contribute to The New National Healthcare Financing Scheme and perception towards private healthcare services.
    Conclusion : Perception towards healthcare services is an important element in the implementation of The New National Healthcare Financing Scheme as it will determine the willingness of an individual to contribute to it.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  4. Zin, Thant, Myint, Than, Htay, Kyaw, Shamsul, B. S.
    Island health differs from other health care systems, particularly in that there are limited resources and referral faculties available. With globalisation and climate change, island populations have become increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters and global pandemics. This study will identify, explore, compare and report on island health issues facing in the western Pacific, before making appropriate recommendations. A review of selected health indicators in Pacific islands was collected from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other publicly available resources. In the Pacific region, 15 islands saw lower health expenditure (
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  5. Nabukeera, M., Boerhannoeddin, A., Raja Noriza, R.A.
    JUMMEC, 2015;18(1):1-6.
    The Pabon Lasso Model is one of the most important and suitable techniques applied in evaluating the performance of hospitals. The visual representation standardizes the comparative accomplishments of hospitals which information is used by planners in effort to improve productivity of the health care system by use of three pointers namely: (i) Average Length of Stay (ALS); (ii) Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR); (iii) Bed Turnover (BTO). The purpose of this study is to evaluate performance of wards in health centers affiliated to Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and Ministry of Health (MOH) during the financial year 2012-2013 constructed on Pabon Lasso Model. Data for the nine health centers and two referral hospitals was taken by the nursing sisters who were in charge. To ensure accuracy, a weekly standard report was submitted to head office and the data included: a list of wards, number of beds, admissions, deaths, discharges and inpatient days. For all government health centers and hospitals, overall, the average indicators ALS=3.63 days, BTO= 74.0 times per year and BOR=49.3% were obtained. Based on the Pabon Lasso graph, two wards are in Zone 3, two wards in Zone 4, one ward in Zone 2 and five wards in Zone 1. The performance of health centers and hospitals in Kampala were somehow poor. This represented unacceptable levels of technical deficiency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  6. Siang Tong Kew
    Building on two decades as a private health professional university, the International Medical University prepares for the third decade, taking stock of the challenges in changing epidemiology and pattern of disease, changing demography and healthcare, as well as explosion in knowledge and information technology. The Global Independent Commission1 provided a framework for instructional and institutional reforms, and the IMU will use its 3 I’s (insight, imagination & innovation) in adopting these measures. Some of the instructional reforms are already in place, others need to be further nurtured and promoted. In its third decade, competency based curriculum, inter-professional learning, IT, global collaboration, educational resources, new professionalism and emphasis on quality improvement will help ensure IMU train and produce competent, caring and ethical health professionals fit to tackle 21st century challenges.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  7. Suleiman AB
    Healthcare investment is critically important for the health and well-being of the population, and different health systems are developed to meet the needs and priorities of each country. What has become clear has been that despite major advances in medicine, science and technology, there are major issues related to access and equity as well as quality and patient safety in healthcare services. The issue of patient safety was highlighted by the reports of the Institute of Medicine, USA1,2 and this had received worldwide attention. It is also an irony that despite being in an age of major advances in medicine, science and technology, with the acceptance of evidence-based medicine, so much of medicine and healthcare delivered is of little or no proven value. This poses a major challenge on health policy, and on how this can be addressed in any health reform process that focuses on improving access, equity, efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  8. Intan Idiana Hassan, Nurul Husna Abd Hadi, Soon, Lean Keng
    In recent years, the popularity of using complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as a health care option has increased dramatically all over the world especially in developing countries. As Malaysian statistics showed an increased in chronic diseases among our population, the demand to consume CAM for healing process as well as in pursuit of health and well-being also has increased. Thus it increased patient’s interest to request more information from medical practitioners and nurses who are front health care providers. The objective of this study is to compare the knowledge, attitudes, and practice (KAP) of CAM among final year nursing and medical students in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). A cross-sectional comparative study was conducted among final year medical and nursing students using self administered questionnaire. This study utilized the Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) model to explain how level of knowledge may reflect nursing and medical students’ attitudes and practice of CAMs. There were 74 students participated where 33 of them were nursing students, and 41 were medical students. Independent t-test was used to compare the KAP of CAM between both groups of students and there was a significant different. As a conclusion, this study revealed that nursing students were more knowledgeable about CAM, possessed positive attitudes, and more willing to practice CAM compared to medical students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  9. Peng JY
    IDRC Rep, 1977;6(2):8.
    PMID: 12335042
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  10. Nabukeera, M., Boerhannoeddin, A., Raja Noriza, R.A.
    JUMMEC, 2017;20(1):6-14.
    The study aimed to assess whether sharing of health services improved service quality in health centers in Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). With multi-stage sampling, data was gathered by face to face interviews, via translators from residents in the five divisions of KCCA, using a questionnaire. Schedules were made with Local Council I chairmen, and support to fill in the questionnaire was given to the respondents. The statistical methods used for analysis included a Chi-square, Spearman correlations and hierarchical regression. The study found that regarding tangibility, sharing health services significantly determines the number of modern medical equipments (p=0.000) and the number of medical personnel that had a neat and professional appearance (p=0.000) but did not determine the number of visually appealing health facilities (p=0.386). Recentralizing health care changed the mode of delivery. Health workers were responsive, reliable and provide better care for patients. There was increased availability of basic medical equipment, and health workers were neater in appearance with increased confidence and hence were better able to provide for the safety of residents.
    Study site: clinic, Kampala, Uganda
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  11. Ngorsuraches S, Chaiyakunapruk N, Jianfei Guo J, Yang BM
    Value Health Reg Issues, 2017 05;12:99-100.
    PMID: 28648323 DOI: 10.1016/j.vhri.2017.04.002
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  12. Shitu, Zayyanu, Isyaku Hassan, Aung, Myat Moe Thwe, Musa, Rabiu Muazu, Tuan Hairulnizam Tuan Kamaruzaman
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):115-128.
    One of the major problems causing medication errors is ineffective
    communication between patients and health personnel. This paper discusses
    the communication issues in the healthcare environment and how
    medication errors can be avoided through effective communication. An
    internet-based search was conducted to locate relevant articles published
    between 2004 and 2017. Only articles that touch upon communication and
    health-related issues were selected. Online sources such as PubMed,
    ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar were utilized. The importance of good
    communication practices for effective health and improved patient safety in
    hospital settings has been highlighted. It is evident from this review that
    poor communication most frequent causes adverse effects, delay in
    treatment, medication errors, and wrong-site surgery. The major
    communication issues in healthcare environment include language barriers,
    the medium of communication, physical setting, and social setting.
    Healthcare workers tend to use technical language in the workplace because
    they consider the tone of communication to be always professional. It has
    been established that knowledge on professional-patient communication is
    essential and valuable in improving therapeutic outcomes. Patients need
    knowledge and support in order to be able and motivated to undergo
    medicine therapy. Health practitioners need to take responsibility for
    demanding and creating an environment where high-quality healthcare
    counselling is routinely practiced. To promote safe and effective practice in hospitals and avoid medication errors, clinicians should adhere to teamwork
    and effective communication with the patients. There is a need for designing
    strategies such as effective communication and teamwork amongst
    healthcare professionals, which can consequently influence the quality of
    healthcare services and patient outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  13. Allotey P, Tan DT, Kirby T, Tan LH
    Health Syst Reform, 2019;5(1):66-77.
    PMID: 30924744 DOI: 10.1080/23288604.2018.1541497
    Community engagement describes a complex political process with dynamic negotiation and renegotiation of power and authority between providers and recipients of health care in order to achieve a shared goal of universal health care coverage. Though examples exist of community engagement projects, there is very little guidance on how to implement and embed community engagement as a concerted, integrated, strategic, and sustained component of health systems. Through a series of case studies, this article explores the factors that enable community engagement particularly with a direct impact on health systems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  14. Ahmadi H, Nilashi M, Ibrahim O, Raisian K
    Curr Health Sci J, 2016 03 29;42(1):82-93.
    PMID: 30568817 DOI: 10.12865/CHSJ.42.01.12
    As Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) have a great possibility for rising physician's performance in their daily work which improves quality, safety and efficiency in healthcare, they are implemented throughout the world (Boonstra and Broekhuis, 2010). In physician practices the rate of EMRs adoption has been slow and restricted (around 25%) according to Endsley, Baker, Kershner, and Curtin (2005) in spite of the cost savings through lower administrative costs and medical errors related with EMRs systems. The core objective of this research is to identify, categorize, and analyse meso-level factors introduced by Lau et al, 2012, perceived by physicians to the adoption of EMRs in order to give more knowledge in primary care setting. Finding was extracted through questionnaire which distributed to 350 physicians in primary cares in Malaysia to assess their perception towards EMRs adoption. The findings showed that Physicians had positive perception towards some features related to technology adoption success and emphasized EMRs had helpful impact in their office. The fuzzy TOPSIS physician EMRs adoption model in meso-level developed and its factors and sub-factors discussed in this study which provide making sense of EMRs adoption. The related factors based on meso-level perspective prioritized and ranked by using the fuzzy TOPSIS. The purpose of ranking using these approaches is to inspect which factors are more imperative in EMRs adoption among primary care physicians. The result of performing fuzzy TOPSIS is as a novelty method to identify the critical factors which assist healthcare organizations to inspire their users in accepting of new technology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  15. Collins JC, Chong WW, de Almeida Neto AC, Moles RJ, Schneider CR
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2021 12;17(12):2108-2115.
    PMID: 33972178 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2021.04.021
    The simulated patient method is becoming increasingly popular in health services research to observe the behaviour of healthcare practitioners in a naturalistic setting. This method involves sending a trained individual (simulated patient among other names), who is indistinguishable from a regular consumer, into a healthcare setting with a standardised scripted request. This paper provides an overview of the method, a brief history of its use in health services research, comparisons with other methods, ethical considerations, and considerations for the development of studies using the simulated patient method in health services research, with examples from pharmacy and other fields. Methods of analysis, mixed-methods, and the use of simulated patients with feedback are also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  16. Thong MK, See-Toh Y, Hassan J, Ali J
    Genet Med, 2018 10;20(10):1114-1121.
    PMID: 30093710 DOI: 10.1038/s41436-018-0135-0
    Advances in genetic and genomic technology changed health-care services rapidly in low and middle income countries (LMICs) in the Asia-Pacific region. While genetic services were initially focused on population-based disease prevention strategies, they have evolved into clinic-based and therapeutics-oriented service. Many LMICs struggled with these noncommunicable diseases and were unprepared for the needs of a clinical genetic service. The emergence of a middle class population, the lack of regulatory oversight, and weak capacity-building in medical genetics expertise and genetic counseling services led to a range of genetic services of variable quality with minimal ethical oversight. Some of the current shortcomings faced include the lack of awareness of cultural values in genetic health care, the variable stages of socioeconomic development and educational background that led to increased demand and abuse of genetics, the role of women in society and the crisis of gender selection, the lack of preventive and care services for genetic and birth defects, the issues of gene ethics in medicine, and the lack of understanding of some religious controversies. These challenges provide opportunities for both developing and developed nations to work together to reduce the inequalities and to ensure a caring, inclusive, ethical, and cost-effective genetic service in the region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  17. Mitha S, Nagarajan V, Babar MG, Siddiqui MJ, Jamshed SQ
    J Young Pharm, 2013 Jun;5(2):50-3.
    PMID: 24023454 DOI: 10.1016/j.jyp.2013.05.002
    BACKGROUND: This study is aimed to explore the types of CAM and reasons of using CAM among elderly Malaysians.

    METHOD: This cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 256 conveniently selected elderly Malaysians who were residing in the states of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. A pre-validated interview-administered questionnaire was used to gather information. Data was entered into PASW version 18 and analyzed.

    RESULTS: A total of 256 questionnaires were included in the study. A response rate of 64% was achieved. Out of 256 respondents, 92 (35.9%) were male while 164 (64.1%) were female. More than half of the respondents (n = 141; 55.1%) agreed that CAM is more effective than allopathic medicine. Chinese respondents showed strong belief in the effectiveness of CAM. In terms of safety of CAM, close to three quarters of respondents (n = 178; 69.5%) believed that CAM is safer than allopathic medicine. A large majority of respondents agreed that CAM has less side effects compared to allopathic medicine (n = 201; 78.5%) and also agreed that CAM is good to maintain overall health and wellbeing (n = 212; 82.8%). A majority of the respondents expressed that they use CAM because allopathic medicine is less effective (n = 113; 44.1%).

    CONCLUSION: The current study reflects the reasons of using CAM among lay public from different ethnicities. There are no reports of adverse effects related to CAM use. Future approaches should be intended for awareness campaigns for consumers, highlighting safety profile of CAM and as well as forbidding their use without the consultation of healthcare professional.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  18. Mehmood A, Ahmed Z, Ghilan K, Damad A, Azeez FK
    Inquiry, 2021 11 20;58:469580211056060.
    PMID: 34796754 DOI: 10.1177/00469580211056060
    Health care systems aim to deliver high-quality medical care while considering efficient resource usage and cost-effective forms of interventions. Such purposes require scientific tools or mechanisms which aid in cost assessment before the efforts of cost reduction are considered. Diagnosis-related groups based costing methodology (Case-mix) is considered one of the preferred costing approaches in the health care sector. King Fahd Central hospital Jazan, the only tertiary hospital in the Jazan region, was selected for case-mix system-based patient-level costing of health services. The study's objective was to estimate the cost per Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) per inpatient admission and compare it with the already established average cost of health care services for inpatients. We applied a cross-sectional retrospective approach to categorize the inpatients based on their diagnosis and procedures and then estimate the actual cost of health care services provided to inpatients during 2018 and compared it with the average cost of the health services. There was a considerable difference between DRG-based costing (SAR 269,663,897) and average costing (SAR 247,035,938). The Diagnosis Related Group costing was found to be more reliable and representative of the services provided to the patients and is recommended to be used for reimbursement purposes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  19. BasheeruddinAsdaq SM, Naveen NR, Gunturu LN, Pamayyagari K, Abdullah I, Sreeharsha N, et al.
    Biomed Res Int, 2021;2021:9195965.
    PMID: 34977249 DOI: 10.1155/2021/9195965
    Since its outbreak, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused havoc on people's lives. All activities were paused due to the virus's spread across the continents. Researchers have been working hard to find new medication treatments for the COVID-19 pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that safety and self-measures play a major role in preventing the virus from spreading from one person to another. Wireless technology is playing a critical role in avoiding viral propagation. This technology mainly comprises of portable devices that assist self-isolated patients in adhering to safe precautionary measures. Government officials are currently using wireless technologies to identify infected people at large gatherings. In this research, we gave an overview of wireless technologies that assisted the general public and healthcare professionals in maintaining effective healthcare services during COVID-19. We also discussed the possible challenges faced by them for effective implementation in day-to-day life. In conclusion, wireless technologies are one of the best techniques in today's age to effectively combat the pandemic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  20. Bassoumah B, Adam AM, Adokiya MN
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2021 Nov 11;21(1):1223.
    PMID: 34763699 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-07249-8
    BACKGROUND: The Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) is a national health reform programme that provides healthcare at the doorsteps of rural community members, particularly, women and children. It seeks to reduce health inequalities and promote equity of health outcomes. The study explored implementation and utilization challenges of the CHPS programme in the Northern Region of Ghana.

    METHODS: This was an observational study that employed qualitative methods to interview key informants covering relevant stakeholders. The study was guided by the systems theory. In all, 30 in-depth interviews were conducted involving 8 community health officers, 8 community volunteers, and 14 women receiving postnatal care in four (4) CHPS zones in the Yendi Municipality. The data were thematically analysed using Atlas.ti.v.7 software and manual coding system.

    RESULTS: The participants reported poor clinical attendance including delays in seeking health care, low antenatal and postnatal care visits. The barriers of the CHPS utilization include lack of transportation, poor road network, cultural beliefs (e.g. taboos of certain foods), proof of women's faithfulness to their husbands and absence of health workers. Other challenges were poor communication networks during emergencies, and inaccessibility of ambulance service. In seeking health care, insured members of the national health insurance scheme (NHIS) still pay for services that are covered by the NHIS. We found that the CHPS compounds lack the capacity to sterilize some of their equipment, lack of incentives for Community Health Officers and Community Health Volunteers and inadequate infrastructures such as potable water and electricity. The study also observed poor coordination of interventions, inadequate equipment and poor community engagement as setbacks to the progress of the CHPS policy.

    CONCLUSIONS: Clinical attendance, timing and number of antenatal and postnatal care visits, remain major concerns for the CHPS programme in the study setting. The CHPS barriers include transportation, poor road network, cost of referrals, cultural beliefs, inadequate equipment, lack of incentives and poor community engagement. There is an urgent need to address these challenges to improve the utilization of CHPS compounds and to contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
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