METHODS: This work proposes a convolutional neural network (CNN) model for classifying IDC and metastatic breast cancer. The study utilized a large-scale dataset of microscopic histopathological images to automatically perceive a hierarchical manner of learning and understanding.
RESULTS: It is evident that using machine learning techniques significantly (15%-25%) boost the effectiveness of determining cancer vulnerability, malignancy, and demise. The results demonstrate an excellent performance ensuring an average of 95% accuracy in classifying metastatic cells against benign ones and 89% accuracy was obtained in terms of detecting IDC.
CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the proposed model improves classification accuracy. Therefore, it could be applied effectively in classifying IDC and metastatic cancer in comparison to other state-of-the-art models.
METHODS: Primary data gathered with the help of questionnaires from employees of SMEs manufacturing in developing countries, Pakistan. The research gathered data from 211 participants by applying a pre-tested instrumental questionnaire and structural equation modelling (SEM) for data analysis.
RESULTS: The results confirmed all direct effects, including a reduction in resource use, the greening of processes and products and green employee behaviour of environmental strategies in small and medium manufacturing firms. Also, confirmed partial mediation effect of green employee behavior between greening of processes and products and environmental strategy.
CONCLUSION: The current study clearly showed the need for programs and infrastructures that support resource reduction and greening businesses in SMEs. Companies' implementation of green processes and technologies allows SMEs to take an environmentally responsible stand and become part of the movement toward sustainability. The research stresses the importance of green employee conduct as a mediator, the central point being the individual employee being engaged and aware of the subject and willing to participate in environmentally friendly practices. Therefore, small and medium enterprises should enlighten their staff to practice green behaviour, give them what they need and empower them to be change drivers that will trigger sustainability throughout the organisations.
METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomised, controlled trial. We supplied the treatment group with Tocovid capsules and the control group with placebo containing palm superolein.
RESULTS: Since January 2019, we have recruited the target population of 250 patients. However, the result is still blinded as we are still analysing blood samples for tocotrienol levels. 89.2% of patients completed the study with a 3.6% mortality and a 7.6% attrition rate. 35.2% of the patients developed POAF, the mean time being 46.06 ± 26.96 hours post-CABG. We did not observe any statistically significant difference when we compared left atrial size, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, ejection fraction and premorbid history, besides EuroSCORE II (The European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation II) status except for older age group, right atrial size, and pleural effusion. There was also no difference in bypass time, cross clamp time or number of anastomoses. However, we noted a significant difference in death (p = 0.01) and renal failure requiring dialysis (p = 0.007) among patients with POAF; those patients also had a longer CICU stay (p = 0.005), HDU stay (p = 0.02), and total hospital stay (p = 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: POAF is associated with a higher incidence of renal failure and death while it increases CICU, HDU, and total hospital stay. It remains to be seen whether Tocovid reduces POAF and its associated sequelae.
CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03807037 (Registered on 16 January 2019).
METHODS: A total of 200 YouTube™ videos were selected and screened, and the video characteristics and engagement indicators were recorded. They were then reviewed for consistency with current professional guidelines on this topic. Two independent reviewers scored the videos using a customized 8-point scoring and 5-point Global Quality Scale (GQS) to assess the content information and the overall quality of each video. These videos were further classified into good, moderate, and poor videos. Kruskal-Wallis, Chi-squared, and Spearman's correlation tests were used for the statistical analysis.
RESULTS: 110 videos met the inclusion criteria. The median total content score was 3 (IQR = 4) and the median GQS score was 2 (IQR = 2). Less than half (n = 49; 45.5%) of the videos were uploaded by healthcare professionals. The video content was classified as good (n = 26; 23.64%), moderate (n = 43; 39.09%), and poor (n = 41; 37.27%). Good-quality videos have a significantly higher information content score than the other groups (P = 0.001). A strong correlation was found between the total content score and GQS score (rho = 0.970, P = 0.001). Longer duration, higher interaction index, and recent upload are associated with higher content and quality scores.
CONCLUSION: A considerable number of videos are available on YouTube about SDF treatment and are attracting public interest. The content and quality of these videos vary widely and are related to several factors.