The acoustic properties of vowel phonation vary across cultures. These specific characteristics, including vowel fundamental frequency (F(0)) and perturbation measures (Absolute Jitter [Jita], Jitter [Jitt], Relative Average Perturbation [RAP], five-point Period Perturbation Quotient [PPQ5], Absolute Shimmer [ShdB], Shimmer [Shim], and 11-point Amplitude Perturbation Quotient [APQ11]) are not well established for Malaysian Chinese adults. This article investigates the F(0) and perturbation measurements of sustained vowels in 60 normal Malaysian Chinese adults using acoustical analysis. Malaysian Chinese females had significantly higher F(0) than Malaysian males in all six vowels. However, there were no significant differences in F(0) across the vowels for each gender. Significant differences between vowels were observed for Jita, Jitt, PPQ5, ShdB, Shim, and APQ11 among Chinese males, whereas significant differences between vowels were observed for all the perturbation parameters among Chinese females. Chinese males had significantly higher Jita and APQ11 in the vowels than Chinese females, whereas no significant differences were observed between males and females for Jitt, RAP, PPQ5, and Shim. Cross-ethnic comparisons indicate that F(0) of vowel phonation varies within the Chinese ethnic group and across other ethnic groups. The perturbation measures cannot be simply compared, where the measures may vary significantly across different speech analysis softwares.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
The influence of age on various histological types of breast cancer at both age <50 years and >50 years to simulate menopause was studied retrospective from 2002 to 2004 in Malaysia. One hundred and fifty five cases were reviewed. Ninety two cases recorded at age <50 years, 60 (65.2%, 95%CI: 54.6 - 74.8%) were infiltrating ductal carcinoma in 11(12.0%, 95% CI: 6.1-20.4%), ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) in 9 (9.8%, 95% CI: 4.6-17.8%), medullary carcinoma in 6 (6.5%, 85%CI: 2.4-13.6%), invasive lobular carcinoma in 4 (4.3%, 95%CI: 1.2-10.8%), mucinous carcinoma and poorly differentiated carcinoma in 2 cases (2.2%, 95%CI: 0.3-7.6%). At >50 years of age, 63 cases were recorded. Forty seven (74.6%, 95%CI: 62.0- 84.7%) cases were of infiltrating ductal carcinoma, ductal carcinoma in situ in 9 (14.3%, 95%CI: 6.7-25.4%), mucinous carcinoma in 5 (7.9%, 95%CI: 2.6-17.6%), medullary carcinoma (8.5%) and papillary carcinoma in 1 case each (1.6%, 95%CI: 0.0-8.5%). Infiltrating ductal carcinoma was the commonest histology at both age <50 years and >50 years.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
The fingerprints are very typical for a human being. The present study was undertaken to study the gender differences in fingerprint ridge density in Chinese and Malaysian population. The study done on 200 subjects (100 males and 100 females) of Chinese origin and 100 subjects (50 males and 50 females) of Malaysian origin revealed that significant gender differences occur in the finger ridge density. Fingerprint mean ridge density of 12 ridges/25 mm(2) or less is found to be more likely to be of males and a mean ridge count of more the 13 ridges/25 mm(2) is more likely of female origin in Chinese subjects. Fingerprint mean ridge density of 11 ridges/25 mm(2) or less is found to be more likely to be of males and a mean ridge count of more the 13 ridges/25 mm(2) is more likely of female origin in Malaysian subjects.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
People typically associate health with only physical health. However, health is also interconnected to mental and emotional health. People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their behaviors and experience better quality of life. Hence, understanding human behavior is very important in ensuring the complete understanding of one's holistic health. In this paper, we attempt to map human behavior state (HBS) profiles onto recalibrated speech affective space model (rSASM). Such an approach is derived from hypotheses that: 1) Behavior is influenced by emotion, 2) Emotion can be quantified through speech, 3) Emotion is dynamic and changes over time and 4) the emotion conveyance is conditioned by culture. Empirical results illustrated that the proposed approach can complement other types of behavior analysis in such a way that it offers more explanatory components from the perspective of emotion primitives (valence and arousal). Four different driving HBS; namely: distracted, laughing, sleepy and normal are profiled onto the rSASM to visualize the correlation between HBS and emotion. This approach can be incorporated in the future behavior analysis to envisage better performance.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
This study aimed to investigate the association of facial proportion and its relation to the golden ratio with the evaluation of facial appearance among Malaysian population. This was a cross-sectional study with 286 randomly selected from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Health Campus students (150 females and 136 males; 100 Malaysian Chinese, 100 Malaysian Malay and 86 Malaysian Indian), with the mean age of 21.54 ± 1.56 (Age range, 18-25). Facial indices obtained from direct facial measurements were used for the classification of facial shape into short, ideal and long. A validated structured questionnaire was used to assess subjects' evaluation of their own facial appearance. The mean facial indices of Malaysian Indian (MI), Malaysian Chinese (MC) and Malaysian Malay (MM) were 1.59 ± 0.19, 1.57 ± 0.25 and 1.54 ± 0.23 respectively. Only MC showed significant sexual dimorphism in facial index (P = 0.047; P<0.05) but no significant difference was found between races. Out of the 286 subjects, 49 (17.1%) were of ideal facial shape, 156 (54.5%) short and 81 (28.3%) long. The facial evaluation questionnaire showed that MC had the lowest satisfaction with mean score of 2.18 ± 0.97 for overall impression and 2.15 ± 1.04 for facial parts, compared to MM and MI, with mean score of 1.80 ± 0.97 and 1.64 ± 0.74 respectively for overall impression; 1.75 ± 0.95 and 1.70 ± 0.83 respectively for facial parts.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Gut microbiota plays an important role in mammalian host metabolism and physiological functions. The functions are particularly important in young children where rapid mental and physical developments are taking place. Nevertheless, little is known about the gut microbiome and the factors that contribute to microbial variation in the gut of South East Asian children. Here, we compared the gut bacterial richness and composition of pre-adolescence in Northern Malaysia. Our subjects covered three distinct ethnic groups with relatively narrow range of socioeconomic discrepancy. These included the Malays (n = 24), Chinese (n = 17) and the Orang Asli (indigenous) (n = 20). Our results suggested a strong ethnicity and socioeconomic-linked bacterial diversity. Highest bacterial diversity was detected from the economically deprived indigenous children while the lowest diversity was recorded from the relatively wealthy Chinese children. In addition, predicted functional metagenome profiling suggested an over-representation of pathways pertinent to bacterial colonisation and chemotaxis in the former while the latter exhibited enriched gene pathways related to sugar metabolism.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Perception of the autonomy and relatedness of the self may be influenced by one's experiences and social expectations within a particular cultural setting. The present research examined the role of culture and the Autonomous-Related self-construal in predicting for different aspects of Social Networking Sites (SNS) usage in three Asian countries, especially focusing on those aspects serving interpersonal goals. Participants in this cross-cultural study included 305 university students from Malaysia (n = 105), South Korea (n = 113), and China (n = 87). The study explored specific social and interpersonal behaviors on SNS, such as browsing the contacts' profiles, checking for updates, and improving contact with SNS contacts, as well as the intensity of SNS use, hypothesizing that those with high intensity of use in the Asian context may be doing so to achieve the social goal of maintaining contact and keeping updated with friends. Two scales measuring activities on other users' profiles and contact with friends' profiles were developed and validated. As predicted, some cross-cultural differences were found. Koreans were more likely to use SNS to increase contact but tended to spend less time browsing contacts' profiles than the Malaysians and Chinese. The intensity of SNS use differed between the countries as well, where Malaysians reported higher intensity than Koreans and Chinese. Consistent with study predictions, Koreans were found with the highest Autonomous-Related self-construal scores. The Autonomous-Related self-construal predicted SNS intensity. The findings suggest that cultural contexts, along with the way the self is construed in different cultures, may encourage different types of SNS usage. The authors discuss study implications and suggest future research directions.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Due to its objective nature, auditory brainstem response (ABR) evoked by complex stimuli has been gaining attention lately. The present study aimed to compare the speech-evoked auditory brainstem response (speech-ABR) results between two ethnic groups: Malay and Chinese. In addition, it was also of interest to compare the speech-ABR outcomes obtained from the present study with the published Caucasian data. Thirty healthy male adults (15 Malay and 15 Chinese) were enrolled in this comparative study. Speech syllable/da/presented at 80 dBnHL was used to record speech-ABR waveforms from the right ear of each subject. Amplitudes and latencies of speech-ABR peaks (V, A, C, D, E, F and O), as well as composite onset measures (V/A duration, V/A amplitude and V/A slope) were computed and analyzed. When the two ethnic groups were compared, all speech-ABR results were not statistically different from each other (p > 0.05). When the data from the present study were compared with the published Caucasian data, most of the statistical analyses were significant (p Asian subjects revealed significantly higher peak amplitudes, earlier peak latencies, higher V/A amplitudes and steeper V/A slopes than that of Caucasians. The speech-ABR results between Malay and Chinese were found to be essentially similar due to anatomical similarities. Nevertheless, specific normative data for Asian adults are required as their speech-ABR results are different from that of Caucasian males. This issue should be addressed before it can be applied holistically in multiracial countries.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Antibody screening is important for the antenatal screening and pre-transfusion tests. This study aimed to compare the MUT/Mur kodecytesAbtectcell III (CSL Abtectcell III) red cell antibody screening kit with DiaMed ID-Dia Cell I-II-III Asia that was then used in our laboratory. In this study, 125 samples were randomly chosen, with 67 samples of known antibody specificities and 58 samples identified as negative for antibody, as the negative control. Concordant negative results were obtained in 57 out of 58 antibody negative samples. Concordant antibody positive results with both reagents were seen in 49 out of 67 samples. There were 18 discrepant results of antibody screening with CSL Abtetcell III (16/18 for vMNS antibodies). The sensitivity and specificity for CSL Abtectcell III were 73.0% and 98.3% respectively. In conclusion, the CSL Abtectcell III reagent would be an acceptable alternative for screening of red cell alloantibodies. It was able to detect all the clinically significant alloantibodies.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
The incidence of West syndrome (WS) was determined by a search of reports of electroencephalograms (EEG) recorded in 1998 and 1999 in all public hospitals in Singapore. Amongst records of patients born in 1998, nine were found with EEG features of hypsarrhythmia or modified hypsarrhythmia with onset of seizures between January 1,1998 and December 31, 1999. The medical records of these patients were reviewed. The population of children born in 1998 was 43,664. In 1998 and 1999, 67% of all hospital admissions for patients 2 years or younger in Singapore were in public hospitals. The cumulative incidence of WS in Singapore corrected for the percentage of hospital admissions to public hospitals was 3.1/10,000 live births. The corrected cumulative incidences in Chinese, Malays and Indians were 2.7, 3.1 and 3.3 per 10,000, respectively. Three cases were idiopathic; three were due to congenital structural lesions of the brain; one each had periventricular leucomalacia, intracranial hemorrhage and severe intrauterine growth retardation. None of the patients were normal at follow up. The three patients with idiopathic WS had mild global developmental delay and the other six cases had cerebral palsy and severe mental retardation. With the best modern medical treatment, possibly only two of the nine cases of WS may have been prevented.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Knowledge of the position of the mental foramen is important both when administering regional anesthesia and performing periapical surgery in the mental region of the mandible. This study determines the position of the mental foramen in a selected Malay population. One hundred and sixty nine panoramic radiographs of Malay patients retrieved from a minor oral surgery waiting list were selected to identify the normal range for the position of the mental foramen. The foramen was not included in the study if there was any mandibular tooth missing between the lower left and right first molars (36-46). The findings indicated the most common position for the mental foramen was in line with the longitudinal axis of the second premolar (69.2%) followed by a location between the first and second premolar (19.6%). The right and left foramina were bilaterally symmetrical in three of six recorded positions in 67.7% patients. The mental foramen was most often in line with the second premolar.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1. Debrisoquine hydroxylation phenotyping was carried out in 97 Chinese and 97 Malay healthy volunteers. 2. No poor metabolizer was found in the Chinese population. Using a metabolic ratio antimode of 10.0, two poor metabolizers were present amongst the Malays studied.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
The tropical climate in China exists in southeastern Xizang (Tibet), southwestern to southeastern Yunnan, southwestern Guangxi, southern Guangdon, southern Taiwan, and Hainan, and these southern Chinese areas contain tropical floras. I checked and synonymized native seed plants from these tropical areas in China and recognized 12,844 species of seed plants included in 2,181 genera and 227 families. In the tropical flora of southern China, the families are mainly distributed in tropical areas and extend into temperate zones and contribute to the majority of the taxa present. The genera with tropical distributions also make up the most of the total flora. In terms of geographical elements, the genera with tropical Asian distribution constitute the highest proportion, which implies tropical Asian or Indo-Malaysia affinity. Floristic composition and geographical elements are conspicuous from region to region due to different geological history and ecological environments, although floristic similarities from these regions are more than 90% and 64% at the family and generic levels, respectively, but lower than 50% at specific level. These differences in the regional floras could be influenced by historical events associated with the uplift of the Himalayas, such as the southeastward extrusion of the Indochina geoblock, clockwise rotation and southeastward movement of Lanping-Simao geoblock, and southeastward movement of Hainan Island. The similarity coefficients between the flora of southern China and those of Indochina countries are more than 96% and 80% at family and generic levels, indicating their close floristic affinity and inclusion in the same biogeographically floristic unit.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Type of cancer and age of onset in individuals with inherited aberrations in the tumour suppressor gene TP53 are variable, possibly influenced by genetic modifiers and different environmental exposure. Since 2009, the modified Chompret criteria (MCC) have been used to identify individuals for TP53 mutation screening. Using the TP53 mutation database maintained by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), we investigated if the MCC, mainly developed for a Caucasian population, was also applicable in Asia. We identified several differences in Asian families compared with similar Caucasian cohorts, suggesting that identification and management of Li-Fraumeni syndrome in Asia do not completely mirror that of North America and Western Europe. Early gastric cancer (<40 years) may be considered a new addition to the MCC especially for Asian families.
Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group