Displaying publications 401 - 420 of 607 in total

  1. Roxas A, Mehndiratta MM, Bornstein N, Macdonell R, Lim KS, Ng PW, et al.
    J Neurol Sci, 2017 Nov 15;382:108-115.
    PMID: 29111001 DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2017.09.022
    OBJECTIVE: To survey AOAN member countries regarding their organizational structure, postgraduate neurology training program, and resources for neurological care provision.

    METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional survey using a 36-item questionnaire was conducted among country representatives to AOAN from August 2015 to August 2016.

    RESULTS: A total of 18/20 AOAN member countries participated in the survey. All the countries have organized association with regular meetings, election of officers and neurology training program. In 9/18 countries, professionals other than neurologists were eligible for affiliation. In 11/18 countries, prior Internal medicine training (or equivalent postgraduate housemanship) is prerequisite to neurology program. Recertification examination is not a practice, but submission of CME is required in 7/18 countries to maintain membership. 12/18 countries publish peer-reviewed journals with at least 1 issue per year. Subspecialty training is offered in 14/18 countries. The ratio of neurologist to population ranges from 1:14,000 to as low as 1:32 million with 9/18 having <1 neurologist per 100,000 population. 6/18 countries have at least 1 specialized center solely for neurological diseases. In government-funded hospitals, the lag time to be seen by a neurologist and/or obtain neuroimaging scan ranges from 1day to 3months. All except one country have several medical- and lay- advocacy or support groups for different neurological conditions.

    IMPLICATIONS: The data generated can be used for benchmarking to improve neurological care, training, collaborative work and research in the field of neurosciences among the AOAN member countries. The paper presented several strategies used by the different organizations to increase their number of neurologists and improve the quality of training. Sharing of best practices, academic networking, exchange programs and use of telemedicine have been suggested.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  2. Loh BCS, Then PHH
    Mhealth, 2017;3:45.
    PMID: 29184897 DOI: 10.21037/mhealth.2017.09.01
    Cardiovascular diseases are one of the top causes of deaths worldwide. In developing nations and rural areas, difficulties with diagnosis and treatment are made worse due to the deficiency of healthcare facilities. A viable solution to this issue is telemedicine, which involves delivering health care and sharing medical knowledge at a distance. Additionally, mHealth, the utilization of mobile devices for medical care, has also proven to be a feasible choice. The integration of telemedicine, mHealth and computer-aided diagnosis systems with the fields of machine and deep learning has enabled the creation of effective services that are adaptable to a multitude of scenarios. The objective of this review is to provide an overview of heart disease diagnosis and management, especially within the context of rural healthcare, as well as discuss the benefits, issues and solutions of implementing deep learning algorithms to improve the efficacy of relevant medical applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  3. Cheang HK, Yeung CY, Cheah I, Tjipta GD, Lubis BM, Garza-Bulnes R, et al.
    Acta Paediatr, 2022 Jul;111(7):1362-1371.
    PMID: 35340076 DOI: 10.1111/apa.16344
    AIM: To gain insight into nutritional practices and expected growth outcomes of infants born between 34 and 36 gestational weeks defined as late preterm infants (LPT).

    METHODS: An anonymous online survey among paediatricians and neonatologists from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan was conducted from March until October 2020. The questionnaire consisted of 40 questions on the nutritional management and expected growth outcomes of LPT in and after-hospital care.

    RESULTS: Healthcare professionals from low to high Human Development (HDI) countries (n = 322) and very high HDI countries (n = 169) participated in the survey. Human milk was the preferred feeding, resulting in an adequate growth of LPT (weight, length and occipitofrontal circumference), according to a majority of respondents (low to high HDI, 179/265, 68% vs. very high HDI, 73/143, 51%; p = 0.002). The expected growth outcome was higher after-hospital discharge. Less than half of healthcare professionals started enteral feeding during the 1st hour of life. Lactation difficulties, limited access to human milk fortifiers and donor human milk, especially among low to high HDI countries, were reported as major hurdles.

    CONCLUSION: Human milk is the first feeding choice for LPT. The diverse opinions on nutritional practices and expected growth outcomes among healthcare professionals indicate the necessity to develop general nutritional guidelines for LPT.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  4. Davenport CJ, Swami V
    J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs, 2023 Feb;30(1):1-7.
    PMID: 35757849 DOI: 10.1111/jpm.12854
    WHAT IS KNOWN ABOUT THE SUBJECT?: A significant proportion of fathers report experiencing depression after their baby is born Fathers are not offered regular support for their psychological well-being in the transition to parenthood despite an acknowledged need for such support WHAT DOES THE PAPER ADD TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE?: Lived experience provides new insight into how one father experienced postnatal depression, including the role of his partner in help-seeking It explains the delayed presentation in help-seeking as resulting from healthcare practitioner language and attitudes, and gendered expectations around mental health and help-seeking in the context of fatherhood WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR MENTAL HEALTH NURSING?: Mental health nurses should be aware that postnatal depression can affect fathers as well as mothers, and that it is necessary to support fathers in safe spaces and with appropriate language Planning care for depression in men should consider the recent birth of a child in order to provide effective care Clearer guidance is needed for supporting new fathers with postnatal depression ABSTRACT: Introduction Fathers are not universally supported with their perinatal mental health, but evidence shows that they suffer at a similar level to mothers. Aim This paper examines the journey of one father through his PND experience, his help seeking, and encounters in healthcare, in order to highlight the needs of a depressed father. Method The method is a father's lived experience narrative which has been written alongside a health visitor who highlights the relevance of the condition to healthcare practice. Results & Discussion The needs of fathers are unmet. They require support which considers their gender role expectations. Partners are key to their help seeking. Implications for practice The language and sensitivity used by nurses is key to encouraging fathers to share their depression and reduce stigma around the condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  5. O'Hara CA, Foon XL, Ng JC, Wong CS, Wang FY, Tan CY, et al.
    Med Educ Online, 2023 Dec;28(1):2172744.
    PMID: 36744296 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2023.2172744
    PURPOSE: International studies document that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI+) patients face significant health disparities. Studies exploring the attitudes, knowledge, preparedness and comfort levels of healthcare students towards LGBTQI+ health have been conducted in the United States, United Kingdom and Malaysia. This study aims to investigate stigma in healthcare for LGBTQI+ patients in Singapore, and possible upstream factors within medical education.

    METHODS: This mixed-methods study adopts a convergent parallel design. The Health Stigma and Discrimination Framework was referenced to devise in-depth interviews with representatives from 13 LGBTQI-affirming non-governmental organisations, analysed through thematic analysis. 320 clinical medical students were surveyed about attitudes, knowledge, comfort, preparedness, and perceived importance of/towards LGBTQI+ health, analysed via descriptive statistics and multivariate regression.

    RESULTS: Prevailing stigma in Singaporean society against LGBTQI+ individuals is exacerbated in healthcare settings. Doctors were cited as unfamiliar or uncomfortable with LGBTQI+ health, possibly from lack of training. Among medical students surveyed, the median composite attitudes, comfort and preparedness index was 3.30 (Interquartile Range (IQR) = 0.50), 3.17 (IQR = 0.83), 2.50 (IQR = 1.00) respectively. Only 12.19% of students answered all 11 true-false questions about LGBTQI+ health correctly.

    CONCLUSION: Medical students in Singapore have scored sub-optimally in their knowledge and preparedness towards LGBTQI+ health, while interpersonal and structural stigma in healthcare towards LGBTQI+ people in Singapore negatively affects health and wellbeing. These findings are an impetus to improve medical training in this area. High scores among medical students in attitudes, comfort and perceived importance of LGBTQI+ topics demonstrate that there is space for LGBTQI+ health in the local medical education curriculum. Curricular interventions can prioritise content knowledge, communication skills and sensitivity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  6. Kashif S, Foong CC
    J Pak Med Assoc, 2023 Sep;73(9):1837-1842.
    PMID: 37817694 DOI: 10.47391/JPMA.7857
    OBJECTIVE: To assess burnout by the extent of exhaustion and disengagement, and to compare the two elements among obstetrics and gynaecology healthcare professionals.

    METHODS: The cross-sectionalstudy was conducted at the Federal Government Polyclinic Hospital, Islamabad, Pakistan, in July and August, 2020 during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic, and comprised healthcare professionals from the obstetrics and gynaecology department. Data was collected online using the 25-item Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. Data was analysed using SPSS 26.

    RESULTS: Ofthe 142 individuals approached, 102(71.83%)responded; 55(53.92%) doctors, 43(42.15%) nurses and 4(3.92%) operation theatre technicians. Overall, there were 98(96.1%) females, and 67(65.7%) married subjects. Mean exhaustion scorewas 2.53±0.54 anddisengagementscorewas 2.14±0.57. Burnoutwasfoundin40(39.2%)participants, 83 (81.4%)were exhausted, 44(43.1%)weredisengaged, and4(3.1%)weredisengagedbutnot exhausted. Participants aged>50 yearswere significantly more exhausted and disengaged than the younger ones(p<0.05). Those with work hours >60 per week were significantly more exhausted and disengaged than the rest (p<0.05).

    CONCLUSION: Health care professionals inobstetrics and gynaecology teams showed considerably highburnout levels during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic in Pakistan.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  7. Mohammed S, Savage T, Smith J, Shepley MM, White RD
    J Perinatol, 2023 Dec;43(Suppl 1):40-44.
    PMID: 38086966 DOI: 10.1038/s41372-023-01794-2
    Design charettes have been utilized in architectural and design practice to generate innovative ideas. The Reimagining Workshop is a version that combines practical and blue-sky thinking to improve healthcare facility design. The workshop engages diverse stakeholders who follow a human-centered design framework. The Reimagining the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit workshop sought to generate ideas for the future, optimal NICU without specific site or client constraints. Key themes include family-centered care, technology-enabled care, neighborhood and village design and investing in the care team. Recommendations include a supportive physical environment, celebrating milestones, complementary and alternative medicine, enhancing the transition of care, aiding the transition period, and leveraging technology. The workshop showcased the potential for transformative change in NICU design and provided a roadmap for future advancements. These findings can inform regulatory standards for NICU design and drive improvements in family-centered care, patient experiences, and outcomes within the NICU environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  8. Tharwani ZH, Bilal W, Khan HA, Kumar P, Butt MS, Hamdana AH, et al.
    Inquiry, 2023;60:469580231167024.
    PMID: 37085986 DOI: 10.1177/00469580231167024
    Over the years, several developing countries have been suffering from high infant and child mortality rates, however, according to the recent statistics, Pakistan falls high on the list. Our narrative review of copious research on this topic highlights that several factors, such as complications associated with premature births, high prevalence of birth defects, lack of vaccination, unsafe deliveries, poor breastfeeding practices, complications during delivery, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), poor socioeconomic conditions, and a struggling healthcare system, have influenced these rates. Bearing in mind the urgency of addressing the increased infant and child mortality rate in Pakistan, multiple steps must be taken in order to prevent unnecessary deaths. An effective initiative could be spreading awareness and education among women, as a lack of education among women has been indirectly linked to increased child mortality in Pakistan across many researches conducted on the issue. Furthermore, the government should invest in healthcare by hiring more physicians and providing better supplies and improving infrastructure, especially in underdeveloped areas, to decrease child mortality due to lack of clean water and poor hygiene. Lastly, telemedicine should be made common in order to provide easy access to women who cannot visit the hospital.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  9. Al Bashir L, Ismail A, Aljunid SM
    Front Immunol, 2023;14:1052450.
    PMID: 37180162 DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1052450
    A newly developed fully liquid hexavalent vaccine that comprises six antigens for Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis, Inactivated Poliomyelitis, Haemophilus Influenza type b., and Hepatitis B, is proposed to be introduced in the Malaysian national immunization program, instead of the non-fully liquid pentavalent vaccine and monovalent Hepatitis B vaccine that is currently employed in the immunization schedule. Although the introduction of new vaccines is a necessary intervention, it still needs to be accepted by parents and healthcare professionals. Hence, this study aimed to develop three structured questionnaires and to investigate the participants' perception and acceptability toward the incorporation of the new fully liquid hexavalent vaccine. A cross-sectional study was conducted among a sample of 346 parents, 100 nurses, and 50 physicians attending twenty-two primary health care centers in the states of Selangor and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya during 2019-2020. The study found that Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the study instruments ranged from 0.825 to 0.918. Principal components analysis produced a good fit with KMO>0.6. For the parents' perception questionnaire, the only extracted factor explained 73.9 % of the total variance; for the nurses' perception toward a non-fully and fully liquid combined vaccine, there was a sole extracted factor that explained 65.2 % and 79.2% of the total variance, respectively. Whereas for the physicians' perception, there was one factor extracted that explains 71.8 % of the total variance. The median score for all the questionnaire items ranged from 4 to 5 (Q1 and Q3 vary between 3-5). Parents' ethnicity was significantly associated (P-value ≤ 0.05) with the perception that the new hexavalent vaccine would reduce their transportation expenses. Moreover, a significant association (P-value ≤ 0.05) was found between physicians' age and the perception of the hexavalent vaccine's ability to decrease patient overcrowding in primary healthcare centers. The instruments used in this study were valid and reliable. Parents of Malay ethnicity were the most concerned about transportation expenses since they have the lowest income and are more concentrated in rural areas compared to other races. Younger physicians were concerned about reducing patient crowding and hence reducing their workload and burnout.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  10. Al-lela OQ, Bahari MB, Elkalmi RM, Jawad Awadh AI
    Am J Pharm Educ, 2012 Dec 12;76(10):206.
    PMID: 23275671 DOI: 10.5688/ajpe7610206
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  11. Chong HY, Allotey PA, Chaiyakunapruk N
    BMC Med Genomics, 2018 Oct 26;11(1):94.
    PMID: 30367635 DOI: 10.1186/s12920-018-0420-4
    BACKGROUND: The emergence of personalized medicine (PM) has raised some tensions in healthcare systems. PM is expensive and health budgets are constrained - efficient healthcare delivery is therefore critical. Notwithstanding the cost, many countries have started to adopt this novel technology, including resource-limited Southeast Asia (SEA) countries. This study aimed to describe the status of PM adoption in SEA, highlight the challenges and to propose strategies for future development.

    METHODS: The study included scoping review and key stakeholder interviews in four focus countries - Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. The current landscape of PM adoption was evaluated based on an assessment framework of six key themes - healthcare system, governance, access, awareness, implementation, and data. Six PM programs were evaluated for their financing and implementation mechanisms.

    RESULTS: The findings revealed SEA has progressed in adopting PM especially Singapore and Thailand. A regional pharmacogenomics research network has been established. However, PM policies and programs vary significantly. As most PM programs are champion-driven and the available funding is limited, the current PM distribution has the potential to widen existing health disparities. Low PM awareness in the society and the absence of political support with financial investment are fundamental barriers. There is a clear need to broaden opportunities for critical discourse about PM especially for policymakers. Multi-stakeholder, multi-country strategies need to be prioritized in order to leverage resources and expertise.

    CONCLUSIONS: Adopting PM remains in its infancy in SEA. To achieve an effective PM adoption, it is imperative to balance equity issues across diverse populations while improving efficiency in healthcare.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  12. Ng SM, Malene IV, Nguyen TK, Le K, Lim YXL, Lek N, et al.
    BMC Endocr Disord, 2023 Nov 16;23(1):249.
    PMID: 37974071 DOI: 10.1186/s12902-023-01501-4
    BACKGROUND: There is minimal data of health outcomes for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) in Southeast Asia (SEA) where government funding of insulin and blood glucose monitoring either do not exist or is limited. The full impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the national economies of SEA remain unknown. In the midst of the pandemic, in 2021, HelloType1 was developed by Action4Diabetes (A4D), a non-government organisation charity in collaboration with Southeast Asia local healthcare professionals as an innovative digital educational resource platform of T1D in local languages. HelloType1 was launched in Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia in 2021 to 2022 with Memorandums of Understandings (MOUs) signed between A4D and each country. Internet data analytics were undertaken between the 1st of January 2022 to 31st of December 2022.

    AIMS: The aims of this study were to explore the usability and internet data analytics of the HelloType1 online educational platform within each country.

    METHODS: The data analytics were extracted Google analytics that tracks data from the website hellotype1.com and Facebook analytics associated with the website.

    RESULTS: There was a 147% increase in the number of HelloType1 users between the first 6 months versus the latter 6 months in 2022 and a 15% increase in the number of pages visited were noted. The majority of traffic source were coming from organic searches with a significant increase of 80% growth in 2022.

    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the analytics provide important insights on how an innovative diabetes digital educational resource in local languages may be optimally delivered in low-middle income countries with limited resources.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  13. Farah IO, Hasan MN
    Mymensingh Med J, 2024 Jan;33(1):286-293.
    PMID: 38163805
    Increasing age is the main risk factor for chronic illnesses. The illnesses are not only physical, but also affect their psychological well-being and this has a significant effect on their quality of life. Numerous researches have shown that there is high prevalence of psychological distress in different medical and surgical patients while considerable percentage that is not detected by doctors. The study was conducted to identify the prevalence and risk factors of psychological distress in older people seeking health care at hospital in Dhaka city. This was a cross-sectional study conducted in the Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institution of Geriatric Medicine (Bangladesh Probin Hospital) in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. A total of 451 older people seeking for healthcare was interviewed face-to-face using a standard Bengali validated General Health Care Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12). Recruitment of respondents was based on the systematic random sampling of the older people aged at or more than 60 years who were seeking health care at hospital in Dhaka city. A total of 59.65% (n=269) participants were found to have psychological distress. Age of more than 75, education up to secondary level, being unemployment, living alone, respondents with lower socioeconomic background, not having spouse, history of bereavement was found to be significantly associated with psychological distress. Other factors such as smokers, respondents who consume alcohol, physically inactive older people, older people with multiple comorbidities and having diagnosed with a disease more than 6 months were found to be associated with psychological distress. Majority of the older patients with physical illness were distressed. The prevalence of psychological distress among older peoples seeking for healthcare with multiple comorbidities who seek care in the hospital was very high (59.65%). Age, education, marital status, history of bereavement, smoking, alcohol use, physical activity and presence of multiple comorbidities were independent determinants of psychological distress among older people seeking for healthcare. Encouraging healthy lifestyle through cessation of smoking and alcohol use and increasing physical activity could be an effective step in reducing psychological comorbidities among older people seeking for healthcare.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  14. Sundaramurthy SSR, Allen KE, Fletcher MA, Liew KF, Borhanuddin B, Ali M, et al.
    BMC Infect Dis, 2024 Jan 12;24(1):79.
    PMID: 38216882 DOI: 10.1186/s12879-023-08611-3
    BACKGROUND: Pneumococcal disease caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important cause of morbidity and mortality across all ages, particularly in younger children and older adults. Here, we describe pneumococcal disease hospitalizations at Ministry of Health (MoH) facilities in Malaysia between 2013 and 2015.

    METHODS: This was a retrospective databases analysis. Tabular data from the Malaysian Health Data Warehouse (MyHDW) were used to identify microbiologically confirmed, pneumococcal disease hospitalizations and deaths during hospitalization, using hospital-assigned ICD-10 codes (i.e., classified as meningitis, pneumonia, or non-meningitis non-pneumonia). Case counts, mortality counts, and case fatality rates were reported by patient age group and by Malaysian geographic region.

    RESULTS: A total of 683 pneumococcal disease hospitalizations were identified from the analysis: 53 pneumococcal meningitis hospitalizations (5 deaths and 48 discharges), 413 pneumococcal pneumonia hospitalizations (24 deaths and 389 discharges), and 205 non-meningitis non-pneumonia pneumococcal disease hospitalizations (58 deaths and 147 discharges). Most hospitalizations occurred in children aged health measures, including vaccination, would significantly contribute to the prevention of hospitalizations and deaths associated with pneumococcal disease in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  15. Hussein Z, Bidin ML, Alias A, Thiagarajan M, Latif KA, Ratnasingam J, et al.
    J ASEAN Fed Endocr Soc, 2019;34(1):8-14.
    PMID: 33442131 DOI: 10.15605/jafes.034.01.03
    In Malaysia, acromegaly is under-recognised with only 10-15% of the expected number of cases from prevalence estimates, having been diagnosed and managed in established endocrine centres with access to multidisciplinary care. This is mainly due to lack of awareness and standardised approach in diagnosing this disease resulting in delay in diagnosis and management with suboptimal treatment outcomes. This first Malaysian consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of acromegaly addresses these issues and is based on current best practices and latest available evidence so as to reduce the disease burden on acromegaly patients managed in the Malaysian healthcare system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  16. Selamat MH, Loh SY, Mackenzie L, Vardy J
    PLoS One, 2014;9(9):e108002.
    PMID: 25259847 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108002
    BACKGROUND: Cognitive impairment, colloquially termed "chemobrain", occurs in 10-40% of all cancer patients, and is an emerging target of cancer survivorship research.

    AIM: This study reviews published qualitative studies to explore cognitive impairments or chemobrain among breast cancer survivors, with particular attention given to the impact on quality of life.

    METHOD: Using keywords, we searched ten electronic databases (CINAHL, EMBASE, Proquest, OVID SP, MEDLINE, Oxford Journal, Science Direct, PubMED).

    FINDINGS: Of 457 papers, seven relevant papers were included. Data was extracted and concepts were analysed using a meta ethnography approach. Four second order intepretations were identified, on the basis of which, four third order intrepretations were constructed. Linked together in a line of argument, was a consistent account on their struggles to self-manage the chemobrain impairments that impact their daily lives. Five concepts emerged from the analysis of the primary findings: i) real experiences of cognitive changes, ii) calls for help, iii) impact of cognitive impairments, iv) coping and v) survivorship and meaning. Further synthesis resulted in four new order intepretations: i) The chemobrain struggle, ii) The substantial impact of chemobrain on life domains, iii) The struggle to readjust and to self manage, and iv) 'thankful yet fearful' representation.

    DISCUSSION: Awareness of cognitive changes were context-dependent on healthcare settings and cultural contexts as strong determinants. Subjects verified the existence of chemobrain but healthcare providers mis-recognised, under-recognised, and sometimes negated it perhaps due to its unknown aetiology. Asian breast cancer survivors appear less vocal than their western counterparts.

    CONCLUSION: The current literature on the lived experiences of how women experienced chemobrain provides a consistent report that chemobrain is real, persistent and with detrimental impacts on quality of life - manifested as a constant struggles. A greater awareness of the effects of chemobrain with improved functional assessment and interventions is warranted.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  17. Zolkefli Y
    Malays J Med Sci, 2021 Apr;28(2):157-160.
    PMID: 33958969 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2021.28.2.14
    People suffering from mental health conditions are often unwilling to reveal their status and this includes health professionals. They may wrestle with the pros and cons of revealing their health status to their employer in particular as they seek to reconcile personal privacy with professional duty. There is no simple, clear consensus as to whether they have a moral duty to share the information voluntarily or explicitly to share it with the employer. Additionally, there is a concern as to whether a degree of non-disclosure is justifiable to protect the privacy of health care professionals in some circumstances. Decisions surrounding the disclosure of a mental health problem are nuanced and may require that competing needs and values be reconciled. Although self-declared mental health status is an intrinsic moral good, the healthcare professional needs to feel confident and ready to come forward.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  18. Yelamanchi R, Agrawal H, Durga CK
    Malays J Med Sci, 2020 Dec;27(6):187-189.
    PMID: 33447144 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2020.27.6.16
    Breast complaints are a very common cause of healthcare visits in the female population. They range in severity from benign to malignant, and treatment options vary from simple observation to mastectomy. As healthcare facilities are overburdened with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients, properly triaging patients diagnosed with breast disorders is necessary for the optimal use of limited resources in developing countries. We are proposing a concise triage system for timely intervention among patients with breast disorders during the havoc of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  19. Abdul Ghani N, Kamaruddin N'F, Mokhtar NI
    Malays J Med Sci, 2021 Feb;28(1):87-96.
    PMID: 33679224 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2021.28.1.11
    Background: Dispensing separation (DS) is a critical policy change that will reduce medical costs, improve population health and increase the quality of healthcare in Malaysia. This study aims to determine the awareness and perception of the public regarding the DS methods.

    Methods: This cross-sectional study uses a pre-validated, self-administered questionnaire, which has been administered to 200 residents in Jitra, Kedah, Malaysia. Descriptive and inferential statistics have been used to analyse the data.

    Results: Females formed 64.0% of the participants, with Malay being the dominant ethnic group (n = 167, 83.5%); 77.5% of the participants reported they were aware of the role of pharmacists in the healthcare system. However, 35.0% of the participants reported having never heard the term 'dispensing separation' in any mainstream media in Malaysia, whereas 73.5% of the participants reported that a pharmacist was more reliable than a physician in providing medicines once the diagnosis had been made and 77.5% of them acknowledged that pharmacists were experts in the field of medication. There was a significant association between the participant's awareness and the agreement on perceptions toward the implementation of the DS (P < 0.05).

    Conclusion: Awareness of the implementation of DS among residents in Jitra is still low. However, there is strong evidence of public support and the benefits of DS in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  20. Baticulon RE, Esguerra JML, Lazuardy MA, Kho GS, Low SYY, My LQ, et al.
    Neurosurg Focus, 2025 Mar 01;58(3):E13.
    PMID: 40022759 DOI: 10.3171/2024.12.FOCUS24816
    OBJECTIVE: The number of pediatric neurosurgeons worldwide remains inadequate. Opportunities for fellowship training and continuing medical education in pediatric neurosurgery are limited, particularly for neurosurgeons in low- and middle-income countries. This study aimed to describe the setup and conduct of a recurring online meeting to discuss diagnostic and treatment dilemmas in pediatric neurosurgery, organized by a group of pediatric neurosurgeons in Southeast Asia.

    METHODS: Available meeting reports since inception in 2022 and registration data for the year 2024 were analyzed. Meeting recordings were reviewed to describe the cases presented for opinion. A focus group discussion was conducted among core team members to evaluate the virtual meetings.

    RESULTS: From January 2022 to August 2024, the Southeast Asian pediatric neurosurgery group organized 16 online meetings to discuss 50 patients. Based on the report for 12 meetings (75%), the mean number of participants for each session was 45 ± 11, with 91% ± 5% of the attendees being present for at least 15 minutes. Review of 2024 registration data showed that 142 unique participants from 15 countries attended the 5 meetings for this year. Most were neurosurgery residents (65%) and neurosurgery consultants (23%). Of 50 cases presented, the majority were tumors (52%) and craniofacial disorders (16%). Discussions centered on most probable diagnosis (34%), best treatment option (90%), and recommended surgical approach (82%).

    CONCLUSIONS: International case discussions in pediatric neurosurgery are feasible and sustainable online, with the potential to improve service delivery, strengthen the workforce, and grow professional networks. Leadership and time commitment from a core group are essential to ensure the success of these global neurosurgery collaborations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
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