Displaying publications 441 - 460 of 1933 in total

  1. Islam MA, Al-Karasneh AF, Rizvi M, Nisa ZU, Albakheet AM, Alshagawi MA, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(3):e0247295.
    PMID: 33657129 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247295
    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to gather data from female students studying in both health and non-health colleges at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University and report the prevalence, reasons, and determinants of dietary supplements use.

    METHODS: A month-long cross-sectional study was conducted in health and non-health colleges affiliated to Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Convenient sampling was employed, and the data was gathered through an online survey using the English and Arabic versions of the Dietary Supplement Questionnaire (DSQ). The data was analyzed using SPSS version 23 and Medcalc. The study was approved by an ethics committee.

    RESULTS: Data from 545 participants was collected. The overall prevalence of dietary supplement use was 32.7% (95% CI: 29.06%- 36.51%). The prevalence was 29.77% (95% CI: 25.29%- 34.56%) among students at all health colleges combined and, it was 37.50% (95% CI: 31.36%- 43.96%) among students at all non-health colleges. Most students used a brand product, spent a monthly cost of SAR 286 (USD 76.3) on supplements and agreed that supplements were good for health (N = 392, 71.9%). Students from non-health- colleges agreed that dietary supplements are good for health in greater numbers as compared to non-health college students (p < 0.001). Students aged ≥ 20 years, studying in a non-health college and up to 3rd year of study, were more 2 times more likely to agree that dietary supplements are good for health.

    CONCLUSION: Supplements were commonly used among female students at this university however, it was quite low as compared to students from other local and regional universities. Prevalence was higher in non-health colleges as compared to health colleges and the most commonly used supplements were brand products and, multivitamins, used for general health and well-being. This highlights the inclination of students towards supplement use.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students*
  2. Awadh AI, Jamshed S, Elkalmi RM, Hadi H
    J Res Pharm Pract, 2016 Jul-Sep;5(3):193-9.
    PMID: 27512711 DOI: 10.4103/2279-042X.185731
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the knowledge, attitude, perception, and practice of medical and pharmacy students toward the usage of sunscreen as protection for the skin against ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted among final year medical and pharmacy undergraduates at the International Islamic University Malaysia. Validated questionnaires were distributed to 134 medical students and 100 pharmacy students. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used where appropriate.
    FINDINGS: One hundred and sixty-one out of 234 participants completed the questionnaires. The participants comprised 101 medical students (75.4%) and sixty pharmacy students (60.0%). The majority of the respondents were females (102; 63.4%), and 59 (36.6%) were males. The median of the knowledge scores of the final year medical students was significantly lower than that of the final year pharmacy students (P < 0.001). The female students showed significantly higher knowledge scores than the male students (P = 0.027). This study reported that 24 (39.3%) pharmacy students were influenced by the media to use sunscreen, whereas 35 (34.7%) medical students were influenced the most by friends to use sunscreen. The final year pharmacy students had a better perception compared to the medical students, with the total perception score of the final year pharmacy students being significantly higher than that of the final year medical students (P = 0.020). Most of the participants were also aware of the harmful effects of UV radiation and had a positive reaction toward the usage of sunscreen to prevent those harmful effects.
    CONCLUSION: The knowledge and perception of final year pharmacy students were significantly higher than the knowledge and perception of final year medical students with regard to the usage of sunscreen.
    KEYWORDS: Attitude; knowledge; perception; practice; sunscreen
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical; Students, Pharmacy
  3. Flaherty G, Thong Zi Yi C, Browne R
    J Travel Med, 2016 May;23(5).
    PMID: 27378364 DOI: 10.1093/jtm/taw038
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology
  4. Schiess N, Rao A, Mohanraj A, Wiener CM
    Acad Psychiatry, 2017 08;41(4):551-555.
    PMID: 27738999 DOI: 10.1007/s40596-016-0616-x
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  5. Intan Idiana Hassan, Nurul Husna Abd Hadi, Soon, Lean Keng
    In recent years, the popularity of using complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as a health care option has increased dramatically all over the world especially in developing countries. As Malaysian statistics showed an increased in chronic diseases among our population, the demand to consume CAM for healing process as well as in pursuit of health and well-being also has increased. Thus it increased patient’s interest to request more information from medical practitioners and nurses who are front health care providers. The objective of this study is to compare the knowledge, attitudes, and practice (KAP) of CAM among final year nursing and medical students in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). A cross-sectional comparative study was conducted among final year medical and nursing students using self administered questionnaire. This study utilized the Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) model to explain how level of knowledge may reflect nursing and medical students’ attitudes and practice of CAMs. There were 74 students participated where 33 of them were nursing students, and 41 were medical students. Independent t-test was used to compare the KAP of CAM between both groups of students and there was a significant different. As a conclusion, this study revealed that nursing students were more knowledgeable about CAM, possessed positive attitudes, and more willing to practice CAM compared to medical students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical; Students, Nursing
  6. Leelavathi M, Tan HC, Puah JWD, Apipi M, Sohami AE, Mahat NF
    Medicine & Health, 2015;10(1):1-9.
    Acne can affect personal appearance and impair quality of life. A cross sectional study, over a period of 12 months was conducted among medical students at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia to evaluate the disability, self management and help-seeking behaviour of medical students for acne. A total of 361 students were selected using stratified cluster random sampling. Acne was graded using the Comprehensive Acne Severity Score (CASS) while acne disability was assessed using the Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI). Acne self management and helpseeking behaviour was assessed using the acne management questionnaire. Mean CADI score was 3.35 + 2.39, with mostly mild (83.8%, n=206) and moderate (14.6%, n=36) levels of impairment. Female students and those from the nonMalay ethnic group demonstrated higher disability (3.76 + 2.24, p=0.006 and 3.79 + 2.59, p=0.018, respectively). Although the majority of students (87.4%, n=215) knew that acne can be treated, they preferred to discuss their acne problems with friends (54.1%, n=133) rather than consulting a physician (9.3%, n=23). Most of them also practiced non-evidence based measures for their acne. The results of the present study shows that young adults tend to have mild grades of acne severity and disability. However, efforts are needed to enhance their knowledge on evidence based management of acne and modify their help seeking behavior. This would help reduce complications such as permanent scars and improve quality of life, as acne is a treatable dermatological disorder.
    Keywords: acne vulgaris, medical, disability, quality of life, students, severity, self care
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  7. Abdollahi A, Abu Talib M, Carlbring P, Harvey R, Yaacob SN, Ismail Z
    J Health Psychol, 2018 09;23(10):1321-1331.
    PMID: 27352885 DOI: 10.1177/1359105316653265
    This study was designed to examine the relationships between problem-solving skills, hardiness, and perceived stress and to test the moderating role of hardiness in the relationship between problem-solving skills and perceived stress among 500 undergraduates from Malaysian public universities. The analyses showed that undergraduates with poor problem-solving confidence, external personal control of emotion, and approach-avoidance style were more likely to report perceived stress. Hardiness moderated the relationships between problem-solving skills and perceived stress. These findings reinforce the importance of moderating role of hardiness as an influencing factor that explains how problem-solving skills affect perceived stress among undergraduates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*
  8. Salari M, Roozbehi A, Zarifi A, Tarmizi RA
    BMC Med Educ, 2018 Aug 10;18(1):195.
    PMID: 30097035 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-018-1305-0
    BACKGROUND: Nursing education in Iran has conventionally focused on lecture-based strategies. Improvements in teaching and learning over the years have led to an expansion of the pedagogies available to educators. Likewise, there has been a suggestion for a move toward more learner-centered teaching strategies and pedagogies that can result in improvement in learning. This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of Problem-Based Learning in developing cognitive skills in learning Pediatric Nursing among university students.

    METHODS: In this quasi-experimental, posttest-only nonequivalent control group design, the subjects were undergraduate students who had enrolled in Pediatric Nursing II at Islamic Azad University in Iran. The experiment was conducted over a period of eight weeks, one two-hour session and two two-hour sessions. Two experimental groups, Pure Problem-Based Learning (PPBL) and the Hybrid Problem- Based Learning (HPBL), and one Lecturing or Conventional Teaching and Learning (COTL) group were involved. In the PPBL group, PBL method with guided questions and a tutor, and in the HPBL group, problem-based learning method, some guided questions, minimal lecturing and a tutor were used. The COTL group, however, underwent learning using conventional instruction utilizing full lecture. The three groups were compared on cognitive performances, namely, test performance, mental effort, and instructional efficiency. Two instruments, i.e., Pediatric Nursing Performance Test (PNPT) and Paas Mental Effort Rating Scale (PMER) were used. In addition, the two-Dimensional Instructional Efficiency Index (IEI) formula was utilized. The statistical analyses used were ANOVA, ANCOVA, and mixed between-within subjects ANOVA.

    RESULTS: Results showed that the PPBL and HPBL instructional methods, in comparison with COTL, enhanced the students' overall and higher-order performances in Pediatric Nursing, and induced higher level of instructional efficiency with less mental effort (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing*
  9. Mohd Sidik S, Rampal L, Kaneson N
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2003;2(4):213-217.
    Background: Emotional disorder, one of the common human emotional states is defined as feelings of sadness and tiredness in response to life events, such as disappointments. It is one of the major problems among students and although it consists of more than half of all mental disorders, it is often left untreated each year worldwide. Aim: To determine the prevalence of emotional disorders among medical students at a university in Malaysia.
    Methods: A cross sectional study design was used. All medical students at a local university in Malaysia were included in the study. A questionnaire similar to the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was used as a screening instrument.
    Results: A total of 41.9% of the medical students were found to have emotional disorders. Factors found to have a significant association with emotional disorders were relationship of the respondents with their parents (chi-square=6.02, d.f.=1, p<0.05), siblings (chi-square=6.94, d.f.=1, p<0.05) and lecturers (chi-square=4.80, d.f.=1, p<0.05), as well as pressure prior to exams (chi-square=10.30, d.f.=1, p<0.05).
    Conclusion: The prevalence of emotional disorders among medical students was high. There was significant association between emotional disorders and respondents' relationship with their parents, siblings and lecturers, as well as level of pressure prior to exam. Early detection of this condition is important to prevent psychological morbidity and its unwanted effects on medical students and young doctors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students; Students, Medical
  10. Bury G, Cullen W, Khoo SB
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2003;2(4):200-205.
    Background: Penang Medical College is a joint Ireland-Malaysia project in which Malaysian students spend their initial 3 years in Ireland and complete their clinical training in Penang and receive Irish qualifications and registration. The educational foundations for such a program, particularly in general practice/primary care, are complex. Objectives: To explore the experiences of current students undertaking clinical training at Penang. Methods: All students were invited to complete an anonymous, confidential questionnaire dealing with foundation course availability and participation, the perceived value of such courses and suggestions for change. Results: Two thirds of all students responded. Attendance at foundation courses varied greatly as did the perceived value of such courses for clinical training. Early patient contact and communications skills courses scored most highly. More 'hands-on' clinical skills training was requested. No student raised ethical, legal or economic issues although these areas include very significant differences between the countries. Discussion: Educational bridges which link the learning and healthcare environments in which students work are crucial in this novel undergraduate setting. Conventional educational structures have value for students but access and relevance can be improved. Students are highly conscious of the differences between these environments but prize familiar themes such as clinical skills training over less tangible areas such as ethical or social structures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students; Students, Medical
  11. Venkataramani P, Sadanandan T, Savanna RS, Sugathan S
    Med Educ, 2019 05;53(5):499-500.
    PMID: 30891812 DOI: 10.1111/medu.13860
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  12. Nelwati, Abdullah KL, Chong MC
    Nurse Educ Pract, 2019 Nov;41:102648.
    PMID: 31707147 DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2019.102648
    BACKGROUND: Undergraduate nursing students are required to acquire professional values during professional nurse education to provide safe and high quality patient care. However, there was no documentation in professional values among Indonesian undergraduate nursing students and the factors influencing its development.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine professional values among Indonesian undergraduate nursing students and examine the relationship between students' demographic factors and professional values.

    DESIGN: A cross-sectional study using convenience sampling was applied to recruit 391 Indonesian undergraduate nursing students. The 26 items of Nurses Professional Values Scale Revision (NPVS-R) with five dimensions was employed to collect data. Descriptive and inferential statistics, independent samples t-test were applied to analyse and interpret data.

    RESULTS: The result showed that the total score of nurse professional values was high (95.80 ± 12.93). The most important professional value dimension was caring, while activism was the least important values. The NPVS-R total score had a significant association with length of professional clinical practice of the students (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing*
  13. Gunjal S, Pateel DGS, Lim RZS, Yong LL, Wong HZ
    Int Dent J, 2020 Feb;70(1):62-69.
    PMID: 31691268 DOI: 10.1111/idj.12524
    OBJECTIVE: Dental and medical practitioners play a pivotal role in detecting early stages of oral cancers. Hence, future dental and medical practitioners need to have adequate knowledge of oral cancer. This study was conducted to assess the current level of knowledge, attitude and practices regarding oral cancer among dental and medical students of a Malaysian private university.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on third-, fourth- and final-year students of the dental and medical courses of MAHSA University, Malaysia. A total of 557 students participated in the survey. Oral cancer awareness, knowledge about risk factors, signs and symptoms of oral cancer, attitude and practices towards oral cancer were assessed using 43 questions. The questionnaire was pretested, and internal consistency, assessed using Cronbach's alpha, was acceptable (α > 0.7). The data were analysed using IBM SPSS version 21. The chi-square test was used to analyse the difference in oral cancer awareness between medical and dental students.

    RESULTS: Among 557 participants, there were 351 (63%) medical students and 206 (37%) dental students. Based on the results obtained, dental students had a higher level of knowledge than medical students regarding oral cancer (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  14. Efroymson D, Velasco MG
    Citation: Efroymson D, Velasco MG. Tobacco Use in Southeast Asia: Key Evidences for Policy Development. Bangkok, Thailand: Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance; 2007

    Acknowledgement 3
    Introduction to SEATCA Research on Tobacco 4
    Tobacco and Poverty: Lessons from Cambodia and Vietnam 6
    Demand Analysis and Tobacco Taxes in Vietnam and Malaysia 9
    ASEAN Free Trade Area and Tobacco: A Regional Summary 12
    Health Costs of Tobacco 14
    Socio-demographic and Psychological Trends of Youth Smoking 17
    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice: Tobacco Use among Health Professionals, Medical Students and Monks 20
    Analysis of Smoking Behavior in Cambodia 23
    Women and Tobacco: Smoke_]free Homes in Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam 26
    Women and Tobacco: Reasons for Use, and Prevention Strategies in Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand 29
    Matched MeSH terms: Students; Students, Medical
  15. Karuthan SR, Firdaus PJFB, Angampun ADG, Chai XJ, Sagan CD, Ramachandran M, et al.
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2019 Dec;98(51):e18466.
    PMID: 31861024 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000018466
    Worldwide, millions of people die of sudden cardiac arrest every year. This is partly due to limited and sometimes ineffective bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The need for mouth-to-mouth contact, fear of causing harm, litigation, and the complexity of delivering CPR are the main deterrents. In view of this, the basic life support algorithm has been simplified and lay rescuers are encouraged to perform Hands-Only CPR.The objective of this study is to assess knowledge on and willingness to perform Hands-Only CPR among Malaysian college students and to determine the relationship between the two.In an online self-administered survey, college students responded to a questionnaire on demographics, exposure to CPR, knowledge on Hands-Only CPR, and their willingness to perform Hands-Only CPR in 5 different scenarios (family members or relatives, strangers, trauma victims, children, and elderly people).Data for 393 participants were analyzed. For knowledge, the mean score was 8.6 ± 3.2 and the median score was 9. In the sample, 27% of the respondents did not attend any CPR training before, citing that they were unsure where to attend the course. The knowledge score among those who attended CPR training (M = 3.6, S = 2.9) was significantly higher compared to those who did not (M = 6.7, S = 3.0). Out of the 393 participants, 67.7%, 55%, 37.4%, 45%, and 49.1% were willing to perform Hands-Only CPR on family members or relatives, strangers, trauma victims, children, and elderly people, respectively. There were significant associations (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/statistics & numerical data*
  16. Blacketer C, Parnis R, B Franke K, Wagner M, Wang D, Tan Y, et al.
    Intern Med J, 2021 Sep;51(9):1539-1542.
    PMID: 34541769 DOI: 10.1111/imj.15479
    To utilise effectively tools that employ machine learning (ML) in clinical practice medical students and doctors will require a degree of understanding of ML models. To evaluate current levels of understanding, a formative examination and survey was conducted across three centres in Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Of the 245 individuals who participated in the study (response rate = 45.4%), the majority had difficulty with identifying weaknesses in model performance analysis. Further studies examining educational interventions addressing such ML topics are warranted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  17. Arokiamary B, Russell V, Lim HA, Koay JM, Xia J, Zhao XH, et al.
    Asia Pac Psychiatry, 2021 Jun;13(2):e12454.
    PMID: 33646626 DOI: 10.1111/appy.12454
    INTRODUCTION: Perceptions of the educational environment (EE) represent an important source of information on medical students' learning experience. Understanding and addressing these perceptions can help inform initiatives designed to improve the learning experience and educational outcomes, while comparison of student perceptions across medical schools can provide an added perspective. The aim of the study was to compare the EEs of three Asian medical schools: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and University College Dublin Malaysia Campus, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore and Xiangya School of Medicine, China.

    METHODS: Medical students in the clinical years (N = 1063) participated in a cross-sectional study using the Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.

    RESULTS: There were significant differences between the three medical schools in the total DREEM scores (F [2, 1059] = 38.29, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  18. Mohd Yusoff H, Mohd Tamil A, Mohd Fauzi MF, Mat Saruan NA
    Pre-hypertension, a classification of blood pressure ranging from 120–139 mm Hg systolic and/or 80–89 mm Hg diastolic, has been introduced to identify those high-risk group of developing hypertension to implement early intervention to halt disease progression. This study determines the prevalence of pre-hypertension and its determinants among undergraduate preclinical medical students in Malaysia.
    Materials & Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted among 158 registered second year medical students at one research university in central Malaysia from January to April 2018.
    Results: The prevalence of pre-hypertension was 20.6% among undergraduate preclinical medical students. The most respondent was female (69.9%), Malay ethnic (50.6%) who had normal body mass index (67.3%), no depression (79.5%), no anxiety (60.3%), no stress (68.6%), low physical activity level (44.9%), never smoked (95.5%), and never consumed alcohol (87.8%). Some respondents had positive family history of hypertension (43.6%) and diabetes mellitus (31.4%). After adjusted for all variables, gender (AOR=14.45, 95% CI 5.58-37.43) and depression status (AOR=6.37, 95% CI 1.29-31.49) were significantly associated with pre-hypertension.
    Conclusion: The prevalence of pre-hypertension among preclinical medical students was lower compared to other country, predicted by gender and depression status. However, further comprehensive multicentered studies in Malaysia with larger sample size is recommended to get more precise results in identifying determinants for pre-hypertension so that early intervention could be implemented nationwide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  19. Lim HM, Ng CJ, Teo CH, Lee PY, Kassim PSJ, Nasharuddin NA, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(6):e0253471.
    PMID: 34166432 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253471
    BACKGROUND: Engaging students in the e-learning development process enhances the effective implementation of e-learning, however, students' priority on the topics for e-learning may differ from that of the educators. This study aims to compare the differences between the students and their educators in prioritising the topics in three healthcare curricula for reusable e-learning object (RLO) development.

    METHOD: A modified Delphi study was conducted among students and educators from University Malaya (UM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Taylor's University (TU) on three undergraduate programmes. In Round 1, participants were asked to select the topics from the respective syllabi to be developed into RLOs. Priority ranking was determined by using frequencies and proportions. The first quartile of the prioritised topics was included in Round 2 survey, which the participants were asked to rate the level of priority of each topic using a 5-point Likert scale. The mean score of the topics was compared between students and educators.

    RESULT: A total of 43 educators and 377 students participated in this study. For UM and TU Pharmacy, there was a mismatch in the prioritised topics between the students and educators. For UPM, both the educators and students have prioritised the same topics in both rounds. To harmonise the prioritisation of topics between students and educators for UM and TU Pharmacy, the topics with a higher mean score by both the students and educators were prioritised.

    CONCLUSION: The mismatch in prioritised topics between students and educators uncovered factors that might influence the prioritisation process. This study highlighted the importance of conducting needs assessment at the beginning of eLearning resources development.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
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