Displaying publications 481 - 500 of 4601 in total

  1. Chen AH, Ahmad A, Kearney S, Strang N
    Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2019 Sep;257(9):1997-2004.
    PMID: 31273509 DOI: 10.1007/s00417-019-04405-z
    PURPOSE: Near work, accommodative inaccuracy and ambient lighting conditions have all been implicated in the development of myopia. However, differences in accommodative responses with age and refractive error under different visual conditions remain unclear. This study explores differences in accommodative ability and refractive error with exposure to differing ambient illumination and visual demands in Malay schoolchildren and adults.

    METHODS: Sixty young adults (21-25 years) and 60 schoolchildren (8-12 years) were recruited. Accommodative lag and accommodative fluctuations at far (6 m) and near (25 cm) were measured using the Grand Seiko WAM-5500 open-field autorefractor. The effects of mesopic room illumination on accommodation were also investigated.

    RESULTS: Repeated-measures ANOVA indicated that accommodative lag at far and near differed significantly between schoolchildren and young adults [F(1.219, 35.354) = 11.857, p  0.05). Accommodative lag and fluctuations were greater under mesopic room conditions for all ages [all p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Accommodation, Ocular/physiology*; Refraction, Ocular/physiology*; Color Vision/physiology*; Emmetropia/physiology*
  2. Mohd Said MR, Wong Z, Abdul Rani R, Ngiu CS, Raja Ali RA, Lee YY
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2021 May;36(5):1244-1252.
    PMID: 33002243 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.15284
    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Variations in the Chicago 3.0 normative metrics may exist with different postures and with different provocative swallow materials in a healthy Asian population.

    METHOD: Eligible healthy Malay volunteers were invited to undergo the high-resolution esophageal manometry (inSIGHT Ultima, Diversatek Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA). In recumbent and standing positions, test swallows were performed using liquid, viscous, and solid materials. Metrics including integrated relaxation pressure 4 s (IRP-4 s, mmHg), distal contractile integral (DCI, mmHg s cm), distal latency (DL, s), and peristaltic break (PB, cm) were reported in median and 95th percentile.

    RESULTS: Fifty of 57 screened participants were recruited, and 586 saline, 265 viscous, and 261 solid swallows were analyzed. Per-patient wise, in the recumbent position, 95th percentile for IRP-4 s, DCI, DL, and PB were 16.5 mmHg, 2431 mmHg s cm, 8.5 s, and 7.2 cm, respectively. We observed that with each posture, the use of viscous swallows led to changes in DL, but the use of solid swallows led to more changes in the metrics including DCI and length of PB. Compared with a recumbent posture, anupright posture led to lower IRP-4 s and DCI values. Both per-patient analysis and per-swallow analyses yielded almost similar results when comparing the different postures and types of swallows. No major motility disorders were observed in this cohort of asymptomatic population. However, more motility disorders were reported in the upright position.

    CONCLUSIONS: Variations in metrics can be observed in different postures and with different provocative swallow materials in a healthy population. The normative Chicago 3.0 metrics are also determined for the Malay population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Deglutition/physiology*; Esophagus/physiology*; Peristalsis/physiology; Posture/physiology*
  3. Iranpour F, Merican AM, Teo SH, Cobb JP, Amis AA
    Knee, 2017 Jun;24(3):555-563.
    PMID: 28330756 DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2017.01.011
    BACKGROUND: Patellofemoral instability is a major cause of anterior knee pain. The aim of this study was to examine how the medial and lateral stability of the patellofemoral joint in the normal knee changes with knee flexion and measure its relationship to differences in femoral trochlear geometry.

    METHODS: Twelve fresh-frozen cadaveric knees were used. Five components of the quadriceps and the iliotibial band were loaded physiologically with 175N and 30N, respectively. The force required to displace the patella 10mm laterally and medially at 0°, 20°, 30°, 60° and 90° knee flexion was measured. Patellofemoral contact points at these knee flexion angles were marked. The trochlea cartilage geometry at these flexion angles was visualized by Computed Tomography imaging of the femora in air with no overlying tissue. The sulcus, medial and lateral facet angles were measured. The facet angles were measured relative to the posterior condylar datum.

    RESULTS: The lateral facet slope decreased progressively with flexion from 23°±3° (mean±S.D.) at 0° to 17±5° at 90°. While the medial facet angle increased progressively from 8°±8° to 36°±9° between 0° and 90°. Patellar lateral stability varied from 96±22N at 0°, to 77±23N at 20°, then to 101±27N at 90° knee flexion. Medial stability varied from 74±20N at 0° to 170±21N at 90°. There were significant correlations between the sulcus angle and the medial facet angle with medial stability (r=0.78, p<0.0001).

    CONCLUSIONS: These results provide objective evidence relating the changes of femoral profile geometry with knee flexion to patellofemoral stability.

    Matched MeSH terms: Biomechanical Phenomena/physiology; Cartilage, Articular/physiology; Femur/physiology*; Patellofemoral Joint/physiology*
  4. James CA, Richardson AJ, Watt PW, Willmott AGB, Gibson OR, Maxwell NS
    J Strength Cond Res, 2018 May;32(5):1366-1375.
    PMID: 28486332 DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001979
    James, CA, Richardson, AJ, Watt, PW, Willmott, AGB, Gibson, OR, and Maxwell, NS. Short-term heat acclimation and precooling, independently and combined, improve 5-km time trial performance in the heat. J Strength Cond Res 32(5): 1366-1375, 2018-Following heat acclimation (HA), endurance running performance remains impaired in hot vs. temperate conditions. Combining HA with precooling (PC) demonstrates no additive benefit in intermittent sprint, or continuous cycling exercise protocols, during which heat strain may be less severe compared to endurance running. This study investigated the effect of short-term HA (STHA) combined with mixed methods PC, on endurance running performance and directly compared PC and HA. Nine amateur trained runners completed 5-km treadmill time trials (TTs) in the heat (32° C, 60% relative humidity) under 4 conditions; no intervention (CON), PC, short-term HA (5 days-HA) and STHA with PC (HA + PC). Mean (±SD) performance times were; CON 1,476 (173) seconds, PC 1,421 (146) seconds, HA 1,378 (116) seconds and HA + PC 1,373 (121) seconds. This equated to the following improvements versus CON; PC -3.7%, HA -6.6% and HA + PC -7.0%. Statistical differences were only observed between HA and CON (p = 0.004, d = 0.68, 95% CI [-0.27 to 1.63]) however, similar effect sizes were observed for HA + PC vs. CON (d = 0.70, 95% CI [-0.25 to 1.65]), with smaller effects between PC vs. CON (d = 0.34, 95% CI [-0.59 to 1.27]), HA vs. PC (d = 0.33, 95% CI [-0.60 to 1.26]) and HA + PC vs. PC (d = 0.36, 95% CI [-0.57 to 1.29]). Pilot testing revealed a TT typical error of 16 seconds (1.2%). Precooling offered no further benefit to performance in the acclimated individual, despite modest alleviation of physiological strain. Maintenance of running speed in HA + PC, despite reduced physiological strain, may indicate an inappropriate pacing strategy therefore, further familiarization is recommended to optimize a combined strategy. Finally, these data indicate HA, achieved through cycle training, yields a larger ergogenic effect than PC on 5-km running performance in the heat, although PC remains beneficial when HA is not possible.
    Matched MeSH terms: Acclimatization/physiology*; Body Temperature Regulation/physiology*; Running/physiology*; Athletic Performance/physiology
  5. Granados A, Brodie JF, Bernard H, O'Brien MJ
    Ecol Appl, 2017 10;27(7):2092-2101.
    PMID: 28660670 DOI: 10.1002/eap.1592
    Vertebrate granivores destroy plant seeds, but whether animal-induced seed mortality alters plant recruitment varies with habitat context, seed traits, and among granivore species. An incomplete understanding of seed predation makes it difficult to predict how widespread extirpations of vertebrate granivores in tropical forests might affect tree communities, especially in the face of habitat disturbance. Many tropical forests are simultaneously affected by animal loss as well as habitat disturbance, but the consequences of each for forest regeneration are often studied separately or additively, and usually on a single plant demographic stage. The combined impacts of these threats could affect plant recruitment in ways that are not apparent when studied in isolation. We used wire cages to exclude large (elephants), medium, (sambar deer, bearded pigs, muntjac deer), and small (porcupines, chevrotains) ground-dwelling mammalian granivores and herbivores in logged and unlogged forests in Malaysian Borneo. We assessed the interaction between habitat disturbance (selective logging) and experimental defaunation on seed survival, germination, and seedling establishment in five dominant dipterocarp tree species spanning a 21-fold gradient in seed size. Granivore-induced seed mortality was consistently higher in logged forest. Germination of unpredated seeds was reduced in logged forest and in the absence of small to large-bodied mammals. Experimental defaunation increased germination and reduced seed removal but had little effect on seed survival. Seedling recruitment however, was more likely where logging and animal loss occurred together. The interacting effects of logging and hunting could therefore, actually increase seedling establishment, suggesting that the loss of mammals in disturbed forest could have important consequences for forest regeneration and composition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mammals/physiology; Trees/physiology*; Seedlings/physiology; Dipterocarpaceae/physiology*
  6. Densten IL, Borrowman L
    PLoS One, 2017;12(7):e0179058.
    PMID: 28686605 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179058
    The current study aims to identify the relationships between implicit leadership theoretical (ILT) prototypes / anti-prototype and five facial features (i.e., nasion, upper nose, lower nose, and upper lip) of a leader from a different race than respondents. A sample of 81 Asian respondents viewed a 30-second video of a Caucasian female who in a non-engaging manner talked about her career achievements. As participants watch the video, their eye movements were recorded via an eye tracking devise. While previous research has identified that ILT influences perceptional and attitudinal ratings of leaders, the current study extends these findings by confirming the impact of ILT on the gaze patterns of other race participants, who appear to adopt system one type thinking. This study advances our understanding in how cognitive categories or schemas influence the physicality of individuals (i.e., eye gaze or movements). Finally, this study confirms that individual ILT factors have a relationship with the eye movements of participants and suggests future research directions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cognition/physiology*; Eye Movements/physiology; Face/physiology*; Nose/physiology
  7. Goto N, Mushtaq F, Shee D, Lim XL, Mortazavi M, Watabe M, et al.
    Biol Psychol, 2017 09;128:11-20.
    PMID: 28666891 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.06.004
    We investigated whether well-known neural markers of selective attention to motivationally-relevant stimuli were modulated by variations in subjective preference towards consumer goods in a virtual shopping task. Specifically, participants viewed and rated pictures of various goods on the extent to which they wanted each item, which they could potentially purchase afterwards. Using the event-related potentials (ERP) method, we found that variations in subjective preferences for consumer goods strongly modulated positive slow waves (PSW) from 800 to 3000 milliseconds after stimulus onset. We also found that subjective preferences modulated the N200 and the late positive potential (LPP). In addition, we found that both PSW and LPP were modulated by subsequent buying decisions. Overall, these findings show that well-known brain event-related potentials reflecting selective attention processes can reliably index preferences to consumer goods in a shopping environment. Based on a large body of previous research, we suggest that early ERPs (e.g. the N200) to consumer goods could be indicative of preferences driven by unconditional and automatic processes, whereas later ERPs such as the LPP and the PSW could reflect preferences built upon more elaborative and conscious cognitive processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attention/physiology*; Brain/physiology*; Choice Behavior/physiology*; Motivation/physiology*
  8. Abdul Aziz NS, Shahar S, Ambak R, Mohamad Nor NS, Jamil AT, Aris T
    BMC Womens Health, 2018 07 19;18(Suppl 1):115.
    PMID: 30066631 DOI: 10.1186/s12905-018-0600-6
    BACKGROUND: Obesity is a risk factor for co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis and cardiovascular diseases. However, it is unclear if the presence of co-morbidities has any effect on the magnitude of body composition changes following weight reduction programmes. Thus, this study aimed to determine changes in body composition among obese housewives with and without co-morbidities after they participated in a weight loss intervention.

    METHODS: This is a follow-up study among 84 obese housewives without co-morbidities aged 18 to 59 years old who previously participated as a control group (delayed intervention, G1) in the My Body is Fit and Fabulous at Home (MyBFF@home) Phase II. Baseline data were obtained from 12 month data collection for this group. A new group of 42 obese housewives with co-morbidities (G2) were also recruited. Both groups received a 6 month intervention (July-December 2015) consisting of dietary counselling, physical activity (PA) and self-monitoring tools (PA diary, food diary and pedometer). Study parameters included weight, height, waist circumference, blood pressure and body compositions. Body compositions were measured using a bioelectrical impedance analysis device, Inbody 720. Descriptive and repeated measures ANOVA analyses were performed using SPSS 21.

    RESULTS: There were reductions in mean body fat, fat mass and visceral fat area, particularly among obese women without co-morbidities. There were also decreases fat and skeletal muscle from baseline to month six with mean difference - 0.12 (95% CI: -0.38, 0.14) and visceral fat area from month three to month six with mean difference - 9.22 (- 17.87, - 0.56) for G1. G2 showed a decreasing pattern of skeletal muscle from baseline to month six with mean difference - 0.01(95% CI: -0.38, 0.37). There was a significant difference for group effect of visceral fat area (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Body Composition/physiology*; Body Weight/physiology*; Weight Loss/physiology*; Exercise/physiology*
  9. Kariya P, Tandon S, Singh S, Tewari N
    J Investig Clin Dent, 2018 Feb;9(1).
    PMID: 28349669 DOI: 10.1111/jicd.12266
    AIM: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the timing and sequence of the eruption of deciduous teeth in Indian children.

    METHOD: This cross-sectional study focused on children aged 5-36 months. One hospital was randomly selected from four geographic zones of the city. A total of 400 children from each hospital, fulfilling the inclusion criteria, constituted the sample. The examination was carried out by a single, trained examiner. The tooth was recorded as "present" or "absent" on the day of examination. The mean age of emergence was calculated using a probit model. Independent sample t-test was used to assess the statistical significance of differences in the mean age of tooth emergence.

    RESULTS: The deciduous mandibular central incisor was the first tooth to erupt in the oral cavity (8.15±1.69 months). Girls showed delayed eruption compared to boys; however, no interarch variation was observed in the mean age of tooth eruption. There was also no difference in the sequence of eruption of deciduous teeth, as reported in other studies.

    CONCLUSIONS: The present study establishes a chronological table for the eruption of deciduous teeth in Indian children. There was delayed eruption of deciduous teeth when compared to the reference ranges of Western populations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mandible/physiology*; Maxilla/physiology*; Tooth Eruption/physiology*; Tooth, Deciduous/physiology*
  10. Kalckert A, Bico I, Fong JX
    Perception, 2019 May;48(5):447-455.
    PMID: 30939992 DOI: 10.1177/0301006619839286
    The rubber hand illusion is a perceptual illusion of perceiving an object like a model hand as part of the own body. The question whether the illusion can be induced with noncorporal objects that do not look like a human body part is not perfectly resolved yet. In this study, we directly assessed the subjective experience of two different components within the illusion (i.e., ownership and referral of touch) when a model hand and a balloon are stimulated. We observed significantly stronger illusion ratings for the hand as compared with the balloon, and only the hand ratings showed a clear affirmation of the illusion. We further conclude that (a) a significant difference between synchronous and asynchronous conditions may not be sufficient to argue for the successful induction of the illusion and (b) the subcomponents show a different pattern in the different conditions, which may lead to alternative interpretations. These observations call for a more fine-grained interpretation of questionnaire data in rubber hand illusion studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Galvanic Skin Response/physiology*; Illusions/physiology*; Visual Perception/physiology*; Touch Perception/physiology*
  11. Hoshino S, Seino S, Funahashi T, Hoshino T, Clauss M, Matsuda I, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(9):e0256548.
    PMID: 34543310 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256548
    Colobine monkeys are known for the anatomical complexity of their stomachs, making them distinct within the primate order. Amongst foregut fermenters, they appear peculiar because of the occurrence of two different stomach types, having either three ('tripartite') or four ('quadripartite', adding the praesaccus) chambers. The functional differences between tri and quadripartite stomachs largely remain to be explained. In this study, we aim to compare the apparent digestibility (aD) in tripartite and quadripartite colobines. Hence, we measured the aD in two colobine species, Nasalis larvatus (quadripartite) and Trachypithecus cristatus (tripartite), in two zoos. We also included existing colobine literature data on the aD and analysed whether the aD of fibre components is different between the stomach types to test the hypothesis of whether quadripartite colobines show higher aD of fibre components than tripartite colobines did. Our captive N. larvatus specimen had a more distinctively varying nutrient intake across seasons with a larger seasonal variation in aD than that of a pair of T. cristatus, which mostly consumed commercial foods with a lower proportion of browse and less seasonal variation. We observed higher aD of dry matter (DM), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) in the N. larvatus specimen, suggesting a higher gut capacity of N. larvatus provided by the additional praesaccus forestomach chamber. Based on the analysis of literature data for aD, we also found that quadripartite species achieved higher fibre digestibility at similar dietary fibre levels compared with tripartite species, supporting the hypothesis that the additional gut capacity offered by the praesaccus facilitates a longer retention and hence more thorough microbial fermentation of plant fibre.
    Matched MeSH terms: Digestion/physiology; Fermentation/physiology; Stomach/physiology; Colobinae/physiology*
  12. Glazier PS
    Hum Mov Sci, 2017 Dec;56(Pt A):139-156.
    PMID: 26725372 DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2015.08.001
    Sports performance is generally considered to be governed by a range of interacting physiological, biomechanical, and psychological variables, amongst others. Despite sports performance being multi-factorial, however, the majority of performance-oriented sports science research has predominantly been monodisciplinary in nature, presumably due, at least in part, to the lack of a unifying theoretical framework required to integrate the various subdisciplines of sports science. In this target article, I propose a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) of sports performance-and, by elaboration, sports science-based around the constraints framework introduced originally by Newell (1986). A central tenet of this GUT is that, at both the intra- and inter-individual levels of analysis, patterns of coordination and control, which directly determine the performance outcome, emerge from the confluence of interacting organismic, environmental, and task constraints via the formation and self-organisation of coordinative structures. It is suggested that this GUT could be used to: foster interdisciplinary research collaborations; break down the silos that have developed in sports science and restore greater disciplinary balance to the field; promote a more holistic understanding of sports performance across all levels of analysis; increase explanatory power of applied research work; provide stronger rationale for data collection and variable selection; and direct the development of integrated performance monitoring technologies. This GUT could also provide a scientifically rigorous basis for integrating the subdisciplines of sports science in applied sports science support programmes adopted by high-performance agencies and national governing bodies for various individual and team sports.
    Matched MeSH terms: Competitive Behavior/physiology; Sports/physiology*; Muscle Fatigue/physiology; Athletic Performance/physiology*
  13. Mohammadi F, Amirzadeh Iranagh J, Motalebi SA, Hamid TA
    Women Health, 2019 02;59(2):145-154.
    PMID: 29400628 DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2018.1434592
    This study examined the relationship between reproductive characteristics and bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women who had been referred to the menopause clinics of the National Population and Family Development Board and of the Hospital Kuala Lumpur from July 2011 to January 2012. The participants of this study were 201 postmenopausal Malaysian women aged 45-71 years. Some socio-demographic, lifestyle, and reproductive factors were recorded. Calcaneal BMD was measured by quantitative ultra-sonography. Correlations of reproductive factors with BMD were assessed by Pearson's correlation test and multiple regression analysis. Age at menopause was not significantly correlated with BMD, while the years after menopause, age at the first menstrual period, number of pregnancies, and total lactation periods were inversely correlated with it. Among reproductive factors, only the association between lactation duration and BMD remained significant after adjusting for age, body mass index, activity, and calcium intake. The results indicated that except for prolonged total time of lactation, other reproductive factors were not significantly associated with BMD in postmenopausal women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lactation/physiology; Menstruation/physiology; Bone Density/physiology*; Postmenopause/physiology*
  14. Amir Kassim A, Rehman R, Price JM
    Acta Psychol (Amst), 2018 Apr;185:72-80.
    PMID: 29407247 DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2018.01.012
    Previous research has shown that auditory recognition memory is poorer compared to visual and cross-modal (visual and auditory) recognition memory. The effect of repetition on memory has been robust in showing improved performance. It is not clear, however, how auditory recognition memory compares to visual and cross-modal recognition memory following repetition. Participants performed a recognition memory task, making old/new discriminations to new stimuli, stimuli repeated for the first time after 4-7 intervening items (R1), or repeated for the second time after 36-39 intervening items (R2). Depending on the condition, participants were either exposed to visual stimuli (2D line drawings), auditory stimuli (spoken words), or cross-modal stimuli (pairs of images and associated spoken words). Results showed that unlike participants in the visual and cross-modal conditions, participants in the auditory recognition did not show improvements in performance on R2 trials compared to R1 trials. These findings have implications for pedagogical techniques in education, as well as for interventions and exercises aimed at boosting memory performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Auditory Perception/physiology*; Memory/physiology; Visual Perception/physiology*; Recognition (Psychology)/physiology*
  15. Govender NT, Mahmood M, Seman IA, Mui-Yun W
    Pol J Microbiol, 2016 Aug 26;65(3):383-388.
    PMID: 29334072 DOI: 10.5604/17331331.1215619
    Ganoderma boninense, a phytopathogenic white rot fungus had sought minimal genetic characterizations despite huge biotechnological potentials. Thus, efficient collection of fruiting body, basidiospore and protoplast of G. boninense is described. Matured basidiocarp raised under the glasshouse conditions yielded a total of 8.3 × 104 basidiospores/ml using the low speed centrifugation technique. Mycelium aged 3-day-old treated under an incubation period of 3 h in lysing enzyme from Trichoderma harzianum (10 mg/ml) suspended in osmotic stabilizer (0.6 M potassium chloride and 20 mM dipotassium phosphate buffer) yielded the highest number of viable protoplasts (8.9 × 106 single colonies) among all possible combinations tested (regeneration media, age of mycelium, osmotic stabilizer, digestive enzyme and incubation period).
    Matched MeSH terms: Protoplasts/physiology; Spores, Fungal/physiology; Mycelium/physiology; Ganoderma/physiology
  16. Rashid A, Suppiah S, Hoo FK, Masiran R
    BMJ Case Rep, 2018 Jan 04;2018.
    PMID: 29301796 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2017-221129
    We report a case of a healthy, right-hand dominant young male who was a volunteer for a pilot run of a functional MRI (fMRI) study. The fMRI was performed with a 3.0 Tesla MRI scanner using a finger tapping task-based activity. The subjects were instructed to perform flexion of the right thumb and left thumb consecutively (activation task) and neuronal activation in bilateral primary motor cortex (PMC) were observed during each task. One particular subject demonstrated bilateral PMC activation during the left-thumb movement task, instead of the expected activation of the contralateral PMC alone.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motor Cortex/physiology*; Movement/physiology*; Psychomotor Performance/physiology*; Thumb/physiology*
  17. Aboodarda SJ, Yusof A, Abu Osman NA, Thompson MW, Mokhtar AH
    Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 2013 Mar;8(2):181-7.
    PMID: 23428490
    To identify the effect of additional elastic force on the kinetic and kinematic characteristics, as well as the magnitude of leg stiffness, during the performance of accentuated countermovement jumps (CMJs).
    Matched MeSH terms: Leg/physiology*; Muscle, Skeletal/physiology; Muscle Strength/physiology; Athletic Performance/physiology*
  18. Williams PJ, Ong RC, Brodie JF, Luskin MS
    Nat Commun, 2021 Mar 12;12(1):1650.
    PMID: 33712621 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21978-8
    Overhunting reduces important plant-animal interactions such as vertebrate seed dispersal and seed predation, thereby altering plant regeneration and even above-ground biomass. It remains unclear, however, if non-hunted species can compensate for lost vertebrates in defaunated ecosystems. We use a nested exclusion experiment to isolate the effects of different seed enemies in a Bornean rainforest. In four of five tree species, vertebrates kill many seeds (13-66%). Nonetheless, when large mammals are excluded, seed mortality from insects and fungi fully compensates for the lost vertebrate predation, such that defaunation has no effect on seedling establishment. The switch from seed predation by generalist vertebrates to specialist insects and fungi in defaunated systems may alter Janzen-Connell effects and density-dependence in plants. Previous work using simulation models to explore how lost seed dispersal will affect tree species composition and carbon storage may require reevaluation in the context of functional redundancy within complex species interactions networks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior/physiology; Fungi/physiology*; Insects/physiology*; Predatory Behavior/physiology*
  19. Reza SM, Ahmad N, Choudhury IA, Ghazilla RA
    Sensors (Basel), 2014 Mar 04;14(3):4342-63.
    PMID: 24599193 DOI: 10.3390/s140304342
    Human motion is a daily and rhythmic activity. The exoskeleton concept is a very positive scientific approach for human rehabilitation in case of lower limb impairment. Although the exoskeleton shows potential, it is not yet applied extensively in clinical rehabilitation. In this research, a fuzzy based control algorithm is proposed for lower limb exoskeletons during sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit movements. Surface electromyograms (EMGs) are acquired from the vastus lateralis muscle using a wearable EMG sensor. The resultant acceleration angle along the z-axis is determined from a kinematics sensor. Twenty volunteers were chosen to perform the experiments. The whole experiment was accomplished in two phases. In the first phase, acceleration angles and EMG data were acquired from the volunteers during both sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit motions. During sit-to-stand movements, the average acceleration angle at activation was 11°-48° and the EMG varied from -0.19 mV to +0.19 mV. On the other hand, during stand-to-sit movements, the average acceleration angle was found to be 57.5°-108° at the activation point and the EMG varied from -0.32 mV to +0.32 mV. In the second phase, a fuzzy controller was designed from the experimental data. The controller was tested and validated with both offline and real time data using LabVIEW.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement/physiology*; Posture/physiology*; Muscle, Skeletal/physiology; Lower Extremity/physiology*
  20. Gopinath VK, Musa M, Samsudin AR, Sosroseno W
    Br J Biomed Sci, 2006;63(4):176-8.
    PMID: 17201208
    Matched MeSH terms: Macrophages/physiology*; Cytokines/physiology*; Autocrine Communication/physiology*; Interleukin-1beta/physiology
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