METHODS: Corneal thickness was measured at the central and mid-peripheral locations of 20 participants aged 22.45±1.19 years using Tomey SP-3000 A-scan ultrasonography. Endothelial images of the central and peripheral locations captured using Tomey EM-3000 specular microscope were noted. Corneal thickness, endothelial cell density (ECD), coefficient of variation in cell size (CV), and hexagonality (HEX) at baseline, 24 hours, three months and six months after treatment were noted and analysed using repeated measure analysis of variance.
RESULTS: Central corneal thickness decreased significantly over a three-month period (p=0.001) and stabilised thereafter. There were no significant changes in thickness in all peripheral areas measured (p>0.05), and in ECD, CV and HEX after the six-month period (p>0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: The current study showed that significant thinning of central cornea and none at the mid-periphery. OK lens wear with Menicon Z night lenses had no effects on corneal morphology over the six month period.
INTRODUCTION: Adhering to test administration and standardized instructions is important for attainment of accurate and reliable results in performance-based tests.
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: To determine test-retest and interrater reliability of standardized translated instruction (St-TI) and spontaneously translated instruction (Sp-TI) of a hand function test.
METHODS: Four raters and seventy-two subjects were divided into 2 groups: St-TI group, direct administration of the Hong Kong Chinese version of the Jebsen Hand Function Test to subjects by raters; and Sp-TI group, spontaneously translating the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test from English into Chinese by raters. Test-retest and interrater reliability were calculated based on instruction time by the rater and performance time by the subject.
RESULTS: Test-retest and interrater reliability of instruction time by rater for St-TI has intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.35 to 0.70 and 0.24 to 0.55, respectively, whereas that for Sp-TI was -0.50 to 0.18 and -0.09 to 0.51, respectively. Test-retest and interrater reliability of performance time by subject for St-TI was 0.56 to 0.84 and 0.33 to 0.78, respectively, whereas that for Sp-TI was 0.54 to 0.87 and 0.35 to 0.77, respectively. Sp-TI had two test-retest minimal detectable change percent values that fell within the acceptable range (subtest 3 = 21.9% and subtest 6 = 25.7%).
CONCLUSION: Instruction time by rater for Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test subtests had generally poor to moderate test-retest and interrater reliability for both St-TI and Sp-TI. Performance time by subject generally had moderate to good reliability, except for St-TI with poor to good interrater reliability.
METHOD: In the largest test of the mate preference priority model to date, we asked an international sample of participants (N = 2,477) to design an ideal long-term partner by allocating mate dollars to eight traits using three budgets. Unlike previous versions of the task, we included traits known to vary in importance by culture (e.g., religiosity and chastity).
RESULTS: Under low budget conditions, Eastern and Western participants differed in their mate dollar allocation for almost every trait (average d = 0.42), indicating that culture influences prioritization. Despite these differences, traits fundamental for the reproductive success of each sex in the ancestral environment were prioritized by both Eastern and Western participants.
CONCLUSION: The tendency to prioritize reproductively fundamental traits is present in both Eastern and Western cultures. The psychological mechanisms responsible for this process produce similar prioritization patterns despite cross-cultural variation.
Results: A significant difference (p < 0.001) of mean debonding force was found between different types of teeth in vivo. Clinically, ARI scores were not significantly different (p = 0.921) between different groups, but overall higher scores were predominant.
Conclusion: Bracket debonding force should be measured on the same tooth from the same arch as the significant difference of mean debonding force exists between similar teeth of the upper and lower arches. The insignificant bracket failure pattern with higher ARI scores confirms less enamel damage irrespective of tooth types.
METHODS: AYHIV who transferred from a pediatric to an adult clinic within the past year across five sites in Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam had clinical and laboratory evaluations and completed questionnaires about their health, socioeconomic factors, and transition experiences. Multiple logistic regression was used to assess associations with HIV viremia.
RESULTS: Of 93 AYHIV enrolled between June 2016 and April 2017, 56% were female, 87% acquired HIV through perinatal exposure, median age was 20 years (interquartile range [IQR] 18.5-21). Two-thirds were in a formal education program, 43% were employed, 43% of females and 35% of males were sexually active. Median lifetime antiretroviral therapy duration was 6.2 years (IQR 3.3-10.7); 45% had received second-line therapy. Median CD4 was 601 cells/mm3 (IQR 477-800); 82% had HIV-RNA <40 copies/mL. Being in a relationship, a shorter posttransition duration, self-reported adherence of ≥95%, and higher CD4 were inversely associated with HIV viremia. Half felt very prepared for the transfer to adult care, and 20% frequently and 43% sometimes still met with pediatric providers. Two-thirds reported needing to keep their HIV a secret, and 23%-38% reported never or rarely having someone to discuss problems with.
CONCLUSIONS: Asian AYHIV in our cohort were concerned about the negative social impact of having and disclosing HIV, and one-third lacked people they could trust with their personal problems, which could have negative implications for their ability to navigate adult life.
METHODS: In this cross-sectional study among 570 YMSM aged 18 to 25 years old, latent class analysis (LCA) conducted to identify classes with similar patterns of sexualized substance use, across which measures of inconsistent condom use, recent STI diagnoses, past suicide ideation and depression severity were compared.
RESULTS: LCA revealed three classes of YMSM based on types of substances ever used in sexualized contexts, which we labelled as 'substance-naive', 'substance-novice', and 'chemsex'. Substance-naive participants (n = 404) had only ever used alcohol, while substance-novice participants (n = 143) were primarily amyl nitrite users with a small proportion who reported using chemsex-related drugs. Chemsex participants (n = 23) comprised individuals who had mostly used such drugs. Those in the chemsex group were more likely to report recent unprotected anal sex with casual partners (aPR = 3.28, 95%CI [1.85, 5.79]), depression severity (aβ = 3.69, 95%CI [0.87, 6.51]) and a history of suicide ideation (aPR = 1.64, 95%CI [1.33, 2.03]).
CONCLUSIONS: Findings of this study highlight how the use of varying substances in sexualized contexts may be classified and characterized by different sexual and mental health outcomes. Health promotion efforts should be differentiated accordingly to address the risks associated with sexualized substance use among YMSM.
Methods: This study used a qualitative design. Rice preference deeply explored using focus group discussion as a case-study. 85 informants with an average of ages 20 years old were divided into several groups. Several topics to discuss include the reasons to accept or reject brown and black rice, knowledge, attitude, motivation, and potency to substitute white rice.
Results: Price was the main barrier to substitute white rice to brown and black rice. The participants have known brown rice from parents, mass media, and friends. Most of them were still unfamiliar with black rice. Culture also affected the preferences of the participants. To motivate people to change their white rice diet, creative packaging and segmentation of the sale were recommended.
Conclusion: Substituting white to brown and black rice is still a challenge for young adults in Indonesia. Several barriers such as culture, accessibility, and affordability need to be considered. Further efforts are important to manage a program to increase brown and black rice consumption.
Methods: We describe a 22-year-old woman with xanthomatous hypophysitis (XH), its clinical progression over 8 years as well as the treatment effects of prednisolone and azathioprine. Our patient was first referred for severe short stature and delayed puberty at the age of 14 years.
Results: Investigations revealed multiple pituitary deficiencies. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a pituitary mass whereby a partial resection was performed. A full resection was not feasible due to the location of the mass. The histopathologic analysis of the tissue was consistent with XH. The results of secondary workout for neoplasm, infection, autoimmune, and inflammatory disorders were negative. After surgery, a progressive enlargement of the mass was observed. Two courses of prednisolone were administered with a significant reduction in the mass size. Azathioprine was added due to the unsustained effects of prednisolone when tapered off and the concern of steroid toxicity with continued use. No further increase in the mass size was noted after 6 months on azathioprine.
Conclusion: Glucocorticoid and immunotherapy are treatment options for XH; however, more cases are needed to better understand its pathogenesis and clinical progression.
PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of stochastic resonance on lateralization of auditory working memory regions, and also to examine the brain-behavior relationship during stochastic resonance.
STUDY TYPE: Cross-sectional.
POPULATION/SUBJECTS: Forty healthy young adults (18-24 years old).
FIELD STRENGTH/SEQUENCE: 3.0T, T1 , and T2 *-weighted imaging.
ASSESSMENT: The auditory working memory performance was assessed using a backward recall task. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure brain activity during task performance. Functional MRI data were analyzed using SPM12 and WFU PickAtlas.
STATISTICAL TESTS: One-way independent analyses of variance (ANOVA) were conducted on the behavioral and functional data to examine the main effect of noise level on performance (P