Displaying publications 521 - 540 of 1069 in total

  1. Daud A, Shahadan SZ, Ibrahim M, Lokman Md Isa M, Deraman S
    Enferm Clin, 2018 8 18;28 Suppl 1:310-315.
    PMID: 30115355 DOI: 10.1016/S1130-8621(18)30176-1
    OBJECTIVE: Hypertriglyceridemia is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and association of triglyceride level and lifestyle factors among Malay obese class I and II adults.

    METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study of 65 Malay obese class I and class II adults aged 20-62 years (21 male, 44 female) from sub-urban areas of Malaysia. Overnight fasting venous blood samples were obtained to determine the triglyceride level (mmol/L). Subjects were classified into either normal or elevated triglyceride level groups based on the triglyceride level (normal < 1.6 mmol/L, elevated > 1.7 mmol/L). Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, defined as smoking status, hours per day spent on sitting passively and sitting with active motion, and the amount of saturated fat, mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fat from dietary intake, were measured from 24-h dietary intake and physical activity recall. We compare the variables of unhealthy lifestyle behaviors between subjects with normal and elevated triglyceride level using independent samples t-test.

    RESULTS: Among 65 obese class I and II adults, 16 subjects (24.6%) were found to have elevated triglyceride levels (mean ± standard deviation of body mass index 31.89 ± 3.29 kg/m2). There are significant differences between subjects having normal and elevated triglyceride level with gender, marital status, the number of children, smoking status, weight and monounsaturated fat intake (all P-values < .05).

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study highlighted elevated triglyceride level in obese adults might be influenced by unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. We suggest that lifestyle modification intervention is appropriate to prevent cardiovascular disease among Malay obese class I and II adults.

  2. Govender N, Senan S, Mohamed-Hussein ZA, Isa MNM, Yaakob Z, Ratnam W
    Data Brief, 2018 Dec;21:71-74.
    PMID: 30338276 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.09.081
    Jatropha curcas L. or the physic nut is a monoecious shrub belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. The plant is an ideal feedstock for biodiesel production; oil-rich seed (37-42%), has a broad range of growth habitat such as arid, semi-arid and tropical and a relatively feasible process for conversion of crude oil into biodiesel. The major constraint affecting the success of large-scale J. curcas plantation is seed yield inconsistency. Numerous research projects conducted on J. curcas with integrated genetic, genomic and transcriptomic approaches have been applied on the leaf, apical meristem, flower, root and fruit tissues. However, to date, no genomics data of J. curcas shoot system are publicly available, despite its importance in understanding flowering, fruiting and seed set qualities targeted for yield improvement. Here, we present eighteen sets of shoot and inflorescence transcriptomes generated from J. curcas plants with contrasting yields. Raw reads of the RNA-seq data are found in NCBI׳s Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database with the accession number SRP090662 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/?term=SRP090662). This transcriptomic data could be integrated with the present genomic resources for in depth understanding of J. curcas reproductive system.
  3. Sohaimi NM, Bejo MH, Omar AR, Ideris A, Isa NM
    J Vet Sci, 2018 Nov 30;19(6):759-770.
    PMID: 30173491 DOI: 10.4142/jvs.2018.19.6.759
    Fowl adenovirus (FAdV) is distributed worldwide and causes economic losses in the poultry industry. The objectives of this study were to determine the hexon and fiber gene changes in an attenuated FAdV isolate from Malaysia in specific pathogen-free chicken embryonated eggs (SPF CEE) and its infectivity in commercial broiler chickens. SPF CEE were inoculated with 0.1 mL FAdV inoculum via the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) for 20 consecutive passages. The isolate at passage 20 (E20), with a virus titer of 108.7TCID50/mL (TCID50, 50% tissue culture infective dose), was inoculated (0.5 mL) into one-day-old commercial broiler chicks either via oral or intraperitoneal routes. The study demonstrated that 100% embryonic mortality was recorded from E2 to E20 with a delayed pattern at E17 onwards. The lesions were confined to the liver and CAM. Substitutions of amino acids in the L1 loop of hexon at positions 49 and 66, and in the knob of fiber at positions 318 and 322 were recorded in the E20 isolate. The isolate belongs to serotype 8b and is non-pathogenic to broiler chickens, but it is able to induce a FAdV antibody titer. It appears that molecular changes in the L1 loop of hexon and the knob of fiber are markers for FAdV infectivity.
  4. Nawaz R, Kait CF, Chia HY, Isa MH, Huei LW
    Nanomaterials (Basel), 2019 Nov 08;9(11).
    PMID: 31717416 DOI: 10.3390/nano9111586
    In this study, we developed a glycerol-mediated safe and facile method to synthesize colored titania nanoparticles (NPs) via solution route. Our method is considerably effective and greener than other options currently available. Colored titania NPs were produced by hydrolyzing TiCl4 precursor in aqueous solution containing different concentrations of glycerol (0.0, 1.163, 3.834, and 5.815 mol/L) and subsequent calcination at 300 °C for 1 h. Our results highlight firstly that glycerol-mediated synthesis is unlikely to affect the anatase crystalline structure of TiO2, and secondly, that it would lead to coloration, band gap narrowing, and a remarkable bathochromic redshift of the optical response of titania. More importantly, the synthesized colored titania have Ti3+ ions, which, at least in terms of our samples, is the major factor responsible for its coloration. These Ti3+ species could induce mid gap states in the band gap, which significantly improve the visible light absorption capability and photocatalytic performance of the colored titania. The photocatalytic experiments showed that the colored TiO2 NPs prepared in 1.163 mol/L aqueous glycerol solution displayed the best photocatalytic performance. Almost 48.17% of phenolic compounds and 62.18% of color were removed from treated palm oil mill effluent (POME) within 180 min of visible light irradiation.
  5. Mohamed Sohaimi N, Bejo MH, Omar AR, Ideris A, Mat Isa N
    PLoS One, 2019;14(12):e0225863.
    PMID: 31891571 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225863
    Fowl adenovirus (FAdV) is the causative agent of inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) in chickens with significant economic losses due to high mortality and poor production. It was objectives of the study to attenuate and determine the molecular characteristic of FAdV isolate (UPM1137) of Malaysia passages in primary chicken embryo liver (CEL) cells. The cytopathic effect (CPE) was recorded and the present of the virus was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Nucleotide and amino acid changes were determined and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. The pathogenicity and immunogenicity of the virus at passage 35 (CEL35) with virus titre of 106.7TCID50/mL was determined in day old specific pathogen free (SPF) chicks via oral or subcutaneous route of inoculation. The study demonstrated that the FAdV isolate was successfully propagated and attenuated in CEL cells up to 35th consecutive passages (CEL35) with delayed of CPE formation within 48 to 72 post inoculation (pi) from CEL20 onwards. The virus caused typical CPE with basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies, refractile and clumping of cells. The virus is belong to serotype 8b with substitution of amino acid at position 44, 133 and 185 in L1 loop of hexon gene and in knob of fiber gene at position 348 and 360 at CEL35. It is non-pathogenic, but immunogenic in SPF chickens. It was concluded that the FAdV isolate was successfully attenuated in CEL cells with molecular changes in major capsid proteins which affect its infectivity in cell culture and SPF chickens.
  6. Ku Yusof KMK, Ismail SS, Azid A, Sani MSA, Isa NM, Mohamat Zawawi MZ
    Data Brief, 2020 Apr;29:105210.
    PMID: 32071985 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105210
    This paper provides detail on sequence analysis of hazy days based on eight monitoring stations from three states (Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang) in the eastern region of Peninsular Malaysia. The dataset comprises of 1502 daily mean hazy days that had been measured for a decade. The meteorology data namely wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity and particulate matter (PM10) were used to comprehend the variability, and the relationship existed amongst variables. The final dataset consists of a summary descriptive analysis and a boxplot, where all five variables were involved, including the minimum, maximum, mean, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile and standard deviation are presented. Apart from descriptive analysis, the normality test and histogram were performed as well.
  7. Khamal R, Isa ZM, Sutan R, Noraini NMR, Ghazi HF
    Ann Glob Health, 2019 01 22;85(1).
    PMID: 30741516 DOI: 10.5334/aogh.2425
    INTRODUCTION: Indoor air quality in day care centers (DCCs) is an emerging research topic nowadays. Indoor air pollutants such as particulate matter (PM) and microbes have been linked to respiratory health effects in children, particularly asthma-related symptoms such as night coughs and wheezing due to early exposure to indoor air contaminants.

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the association between wheezing symptoms among toddlers attending DCCs and indoor particulate matter, PM10, PM2.5, and microbial count level in urban DCCs in the District of Seremban, Malaysia.

    METHODS: Data collection was carried out at 10 DCCs located in the urban area of Seremban. Modified validated questionnaires were distributed to parents to obtain their children's health symptoms. The parameters measured were indoor PM2.5, PM10, carbon monoxide, total bacteria count, total fungus count, temperature, air velocity, and relative humidity using the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health analytical method.

    RESULTS: All 10 DCCs investigated had at least one indoor air quality parameter exceeding the acceptable level of standard guidelines. The prevalence of toddlers having wheezing symptoms was 18.9%. There was a significant different in mean concentration of PM2.5 and total bacteria count between those with and those without wheezing symptoms (P = 0.02, P = 0.006).

    CONCLUSIONS: Urban DCCs are exposed to many air pollutants that may enter their buildings from various adjacent sources. The particle concentrations and presence of microbes in DCCs might increase the risk of exposed children for respiratory diseases, particularly asthma, in their later life.

  8. Mohd Bahar AA, Zakaria Z, Md Arshad MK, Isa AAM, Dasril Y, Alahnomi RA
    Sci Rep, 2019 04 02;9(1):5467.
    PMID: 30940843 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-41702-3
    In this study, a critical evaluation of analyte dielectric properties in a microvolume was undertaken, using a microwave biochemical sensor based on a circular substrate integrated waveguide (CSIW) topology. These dielectric properties were numerically investigated based on the resonant perturbation method, as this method provides the best sensing performance as a real-time biochemical detector. To validate these findings, shifts of the resonant frequency in the presence of aqueous solvents were compared with an ideal permittivity. The sensor prototype required a 2.5 µL volume of the liquid sample each time, which still offered an overall accuracy of better than 99.06%, with an average error measurement of ±0.44%, compared with the commercial and ideal permittivity values. The unloaded Qu factor of the circular substrate-integrated waveguide (CSIW) sensor achieved more than 400 to ensure a precise measurement. At 4.4 GHz, a good agreement was observed between simulated and measured results within a broad frequency range, from 1 to 6 GHz. The proposed sensor, therefore, offers high sensitivity detection, a simple structural design, a fast-sensing response, and cost-effectiveness. The proposed sensor in this study will facilitate real improvements in any material characterization applications such as pharmaceutical, bio-sensing, and food processing applications.
  9. Zainul R, Abd Azis N, Md Isa I, Hashim N, Ahmad MS, Saidin MI, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2019 Feb 22;19(4).
    PMID: 30813385 DOI: 10.3390/s19040941
    This paper presents the application of zinc/aluminium-layered double hydroxide-quinclorac (Zn/Al-LDH-QC) as a modifier of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) paste electrode for the determination of bisphenol A (BPA). The Zn/Al-LDH-QC/MWCNT morphology was examined by a transmission electron microscope and a scanning electron microscope. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was utilized to investigate the electrode interfacial properties. The electrochemical responses of the modified electrode towards BPA were thoroughly evaluated by using square-wave voltammetry technique. The electrode demonstrated three linear plots of BPA concentrations from 3.0 × 10-8⁻7.0 × 10-7 M (R² = 0.9876), 1.0 × 10-6⁻1.0 × 10-5 M (R² = 0.9836) and 3.0 × 10-5⁻3.0 × 10-4 M (R² = 0.9827) with a limit of detection of 4.4 × 10-9 M. The electrode also demonstrated good reproducibility and stability up to one month. The presence of several metal ions and organic did not affect the electrochemical response of BPA. The electrode is also applicable for BPA determination in baby bottle and mineral water samples with a range of recovery between 98.22% and 101.02%.
  10. Isa INC, Rahmat SMS, Dom SM, Kayun Z, Karim MKA
    J Xray Sci Technol, 2019;27(4):631-639.
    PMID: 31205011 DOI: 10.3233/XST-190491
    There are several factors that may contribute to the increase in radiation dose of CT including the use of unoptimized protocols and improper scanning technique. In this study, we aim to determine significant impact on radiation dose as a result of mis-centering during CT head examination. The scanning was performed by using Toshiba Aquilion 64 slices multi-detector CT (MDCT) scanner and dose were measured by using calibrated ionization chamber. Two scanning protocols of routine CT head; 120 kVp/ 180 mAs and 100 kVp/ 142 mAs were used represent standard and low dose, respectively. As reference measurement, the dose was first measured on standard cylindrical polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) phantom that positioned at 104 cm from the floor (reference isocenter). The positions then were varied to simulate mis-centering by 5 cm from isocenter, superiorly and inferiorly at 109 cm, 114 cm, 119 cm, 124 cm and 99 cm, 94 cm, 89 cm, 84 cm, respectively. Scanning parameter and dose information from the console were recorded for the radiation effective dose (E) measurement. The highest mean CTDIvol value for MCS and MCI were 105.06 mGy (at +10 cm) and 105.51 mGy (at - 10 cm), respectively which differed significantly (p 
  11. Leong Bin Abdullah MFI, Tan KL, Mohd Isa S, Yusoff NS, Chear NJY, Singh D
    PLoS One, 2020;15(6):e0234639.
    PMID: 32525924 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234639
    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Kratom, or Mitragyna speciosa Korth., is a tropical plant that has been reported to exhibit opioid-like effects. Although opioids have been demonstrated to alter the lipid profile of regular users, data on the lipid-altering effects of kratom are scarce. This study aimed to compare the fasting lipid profile of regular kratom users to that of healthy subjects who do not use kratom. It also determined the association between various characteristics of kratom users and the serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels of regular kratom users.

    METHODS: A total of 200 participants (n = 100 kratom users and n = 100 healthy subjects who do not use kratom) were recruited for this analytical cross-sectional study. Data on sociodemographic status, kratom use characteristics, cigarette smoking, physical activity, body mass index (BMI), fasting serum lipid profile, and liver function were collected from all participants.

    RESULTS: The liver parameters of the study participants were within normal range. The serum total cholesterol and LDL of kratom users were significantly lower than those of healthy subjects who do not use kratom. There were no significant differences in the serum triglyceride and HDL levels. However, higher average daily frequency of kratom use and increasing age were associated with increased serum total cholesterol among kratom users. Other kratom use characteristics such as age of first kratom intake, duration of kratom use, and quantity of daily kratom intake were not associated with increased serum triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL, and HDL levels.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest regular kratom consumption was not linked to elevated serum lipids, except when there is a higher frequency of daily kratom intake. However, the study was limited by the small sample size, and hence a more comprehensive study with larger sample size is warranted to confirm the findings.

  12. Abd-Rahim SNH, Mohamed-Yassin MS, Abdul-Razak S, Isa MR, Baharudin N
    PMID: 34501632 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18179044
    Limited health literacy (HL) is linked to many negative health outcomes, including poor self-management of chronic diseases and medication adherence among patients. There are a lack of data regarding HL in the elderly population in Malaysia. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of limited HL levels and its associated factors among elderly patients in an urban academic primary care clinic in Selangor, Malaysia. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 413 elderly patients (≥60 years old) who attended this academic primary care clinic between January 2020 and January 2021. Sociodemographic data, clinical characteristics, and health literacy scores were collected. Descriptive statistics (median with interquartile ranges (IQR), frequency, and percentages) and multiple logistic regression were utilized. The prevalence of limited HL in our population was 19.1% (95% CI: 15.3, 23). The middle-old (70-79 years) and very-old (≥80 years) age groups were more likely to have limited HL (aOR 4.05; 95% CI: 2.19, 7.52 and aOR 4.36; 95% CI: 1.02, 18.63, respectively). Those with at least secondary school education (aOR 0.06; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.24) and those who found medical information via the internet/television (aOR 0.21; 95% CI: 0.05, 0.93) had lower odds of having limited HL. In conclusion, having limited HL levels was not common among elderly patients in this primary care clinic. Further studies involving rural and larger primary care clinics in Malaysia are required to support these findings.
  13. Radzi SFM, Karim MKA, Saripan MI, Rahman MAA, Isa INC, Ibahim MJ
    J Pers Med, 2021 Sep 29;11(10).
    PMID: 34683118 DOI: 10.3390/jpm11100978
    Automated machine learning (AutoML) has been recognized as a powerful tool to build a system that automates the design and optimizes the model selection machine learning (ML) pipelines. In this study, we present a tree-based pipeline optimization tool (TPOT) as a method for determining ML models with significant performance and less complex breast cancer diagnostic pipelines. Some features of pre-processors and ML models are defined as expression trees and optimal gene programming (GP) pipelines, a stochastic search system. Features of radiomics have been presented as a guide for the ML pipeline selection from the breast cancer data set based on TPOT. Breast cancer data were used in a comparative analysis of the TPOT-generated ML pipelines with the selected ML classifiers, optimized by a grid search approach. The principal component analysis (PCA) random forest (RF) classification was proven to be the most reliable pipeline with the lowest complexity. The TPOT model selection technique exceeded the performance of grid search (GS) optimization. The RF classifier showed an outstanding outcome amongst the models in combination with only two pre-processors, with a precision of 0.83. The grid search optimized for support vector machine (SVM) classifiers generated a difference of 12% in comparison, while the other two classifiers, naïve Bayes (NB) and artificial neural network-multilayer perceptron (ANN-MLP), generated a difference of almost 39%. The method's performance was based on sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, precision, and receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis.
  14. Mohammed Isa NA, Ramli MZ, Che Othman SF, Yusof MZ
    Nat Hazards (Dordr), 2021;107(1):873-887.
    PMID: 33612968 DOI: 10.1007/s11069-021-04613-z
    Rip currents are one of the coastal hazards that put Malaysian beachgoers in a risky position. Most of the drowning accidents that occur at beaches worldwide are closely associated with this phenomenon. Research on rip currents is needed to build an effective measuring tool to overcome these issues. However, to date, research on rip currents is mainly focused on its physical aspects, commonly concentrating on the processes that influence and relate to the rips' generation. As an effort to minimize the negative consequences exerted by the rips, there is an urgent need to enhance the rip-related research in the social sciences field. Comprehensive research that includes all fields might produce more beneficial and reliable information. Therefore, this study intends to examine the level of public understanding of rip currents and beach safety knowledge of the Teluk Cempedak Beach. A questionnaire comprising 5 sections and 31 questions was developed as the primary tool in this study. A total of 60 beachgoers have been surveyed for this preliminary study through a questionnaire to investigate their demographic profile, frequency of visiting the beach, swimming ability, and their knowledge of rip currents and beach safety. The results show that the beachgoers have poor knowledge of rip currents. Conversely, they are observed to have higher beach safety knowledge. Also, the findings help in filling the research gaps of this study in terms of the instrument used for the data collection procedure. Above all, an extension of this study may contribute to the development of beneficial tools in assessing public knowledge on beach safety and rip currents throughout Malaysian beaches.

    Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at (10.1007/s11069-021-04613-z).

  15. Leonard JH, Choo CP, Manaf MR, Md Isa Z, Mohd Nordin NA, Das S
    Indian J Med Sci, 2009 Oct;63(10):445-54.
    PMID: 19901483
    BACKGROUND: There is a paucity of literature on validated outcome measurement tools for evaluation of neck pain and related disability in the Asian context.

    AIM: The main aim of the present study was to design a new tool called neck pain functional limitation scale (NPFLS) for measuring disability related to neck pain and observe its reliability, concurrent validity and criterion validity.

    SETTING AND DESIGN: This study was performed at the institutional hospital.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 157 subjects (neck pain group) and 25 control subjects (control group) without neck pain were recruited for this study. NPFLS was framed as a new tool for this study, which consisted of 5 domains - pain intensity, activities of daily living, social activities, functional activities and psychological factors. Neck Bournemouth questionnaire (NBQ) was used as a gold standard to measure the concurrent validity and criterion validity of the NPFLS.

    STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Criterion validity and concurrent validity between the neck Bournemouth questionnaire (NBQ) and NPFLS scores were tested statistically using Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman correlation test. The reliability was tested by examining the internal consistency to calculate the Cronbach's alpha value for each item in NPFLS.

    RESULTS: No significant difference between NPFLS and NBQ was observed using Mann-Whitney U Test, with P value greater than 0.05 (P= 0.557). Besides that, NPFLS had a high concurrent validity (r= 0.916) and good internal consistency with high Cronbach's alpha value of (r= 0.948), which demonstrated strong correlation between the items of NPFLS and NBQ.

    CONCLUSION: NPFLS demonstrated good reliability, high concurrent validity and criterion validity in this study. NPFLS can be used to assess neck pain and disability among patients with neck pain.

  16. Mohd Isa NA, Cheng CL, Nasir NH, Naidu V, Gopal VR, Alexander AK
    Med J Malaysia, 2020 07;75(4):331-337.
    PMID: 32723990
    INTRODUCTION: As the first point of contact for those presenting with asthma symptoms, primary healthcare plays a crucial role in asthma management. This is a nationwide study of assessment of asthma symptom control and adherence to asthma medication among outpatients in public health clinics in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This is a prospective, observational multicentre study (ASCOPE; NCT03804632). Data on asthma control, assessment of control symptoms, and adherence to treatment were collected from medical records and interviews of patients. The level of asthma control was assessed using the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Assessment of Symptom Control. Adherence of patient to medication for asthma was assessed through interview of patients using four questions adapted from the Malaysian Medication Adherence Scale.

    RESULTS: Among the 1011 patients recruited, 416 (41%) had well controlled asthma, 388 (38%) were partly controlled, and 207 (21%) had uncontrolled asthma. Majority (81%) had mild asthma and all patients were on asthma medication. Most patients did not have spirometry data (97%) but underwent peak flow rate measurements (98%). Poor adherence occurred at all levels of asthma control but was worst among those with uncontrolled asthma. This was statistically significant across all four questions on adherence (p<0.05). For example, more patients with uncontrolled asthma forgot doses (56%) or stopped treatment (39%) than those with well-controlled asthma (44% and 27%respectively).

    CONCLUSIONS: Among Malaysian primary care patients with asthma, less than 50% had well-controlled asthma, and low adherence to treatment was common. More effort is needed to improve asthma control among patients in Malaysia, including those with mild asthma.
  17. Norlinah MI, Hamizah R, Md Isa SH, Wan Nazaimoon WM, Khalid BA
    Indian J Med Sci, 2009 Apr;63(4):131-8.
    PMID: 19414982
    BACKGROUND: The role of endothelial injury and circulating adhesion molecule in the development and progression of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the long-term has been established previously.
    AIMS: To study the effects of short-term glycemic control using insulin and oral hypoglycemic agent therapy (OHA) on the peroneal nerve function and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) levels in type 2 diabetic patients.
    SETTINGS AND DESIGN: A randomized controlled study involving poorly controlled (HbA1c, 7.5%-11%) type 2 diabetic patients attending the endocrinology outpatient center in a tertiary hospital in Kuala Lumpur.
    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-nine patients were randomized to receive insulin (n=15) or OHA (n=14) for 8 weeks. The glycemic variables (HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose [FPG], fructosamine), VCAM-1, serum AGE and the peroneal motor conduction velocity (PMCV) were measured at baseline and at 4-week intervals.
    STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Paired 't' test or Kruskal Wallis test; and the unpaired 't' test or Mann-Whitney U test were used for within-group and between-group analyses, respectively. Correlation was analyzed using Spearman's correlation coefficient.
    RESULTS: Within-group analysis showed significant progressive improvement in HbA1c at weeks 4 and 8 in the insulin group. The PMCV improved significantly in both groups by week 8, and by week 4 (P = 0.01) in the insulin group. PMCV correlated negatively with VCAM-1 (P = 0.031) and AGE (P = 0.009) at week 8.
    CONCLUSION: Aggressive glycemic control with insulin improves the peroneal nerve function within 4 weeks. Improvement in the serum VCAM-1 and AGE levels correlated significantly with improvement in peroneal nerve conduction velocity only in the insulin group.
    Study site: Tertiary endocrinology outpatient center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  18. Md Isa SH, Najihah I, Nazaimoon WM, Kamarudin NA, Umar NA, Mat NH, et al.
    Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2006 Apr;72(1):48-52.
    PMID: 16253380 DOI: 10.1016/j.diabres.2005.09.011
    We studied the efficacy of four different treatment regimens (sulphonylurea and metformin+/-acarbose versus glimepiride and rosiglitazone versus glimepiride and bedtime NPH insulin versus multiple actrapid and NPH insulin injections) in poorly controlled type 2 diabetes subjects on hs-CRP, VCAM-1 and AGE at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of treatment. Multiple insulin injections rapidly improved HbA(1c) by 0.6+/-0.9% (p<0.005), 1.2+/-1.3% (p<0.0005) and 1.3+/-1.4% (p<0.0005) at week 4, at week 8 and week 12, respectively. Subjects who continued their existing combination treatment of sulphonylurea, metformin+/-acarbose also showed a significant reduction in HbA(1c) (p<0.05). Although effective in reducing glycemic parameters, there was no reduction in CRP levels in either treatment group. The treatment regimen consisting of rosiglitazone and glimepiride significantly lowered hs-CRP by -2.6 (3.9) mg/L (p<0.05) at week 12 in spite of no improvement in blood glucose. AGE improved in all groups irrespective of type of treatment, glycaemic control and CRP levels. Our data indicate rapid glycaemic control alone does not necessarily result in improvement in markers of inflammation in type 2 diabetes patients.
  19. Ruslan NH, Yasin SM, Isa MR, Mohd Nasir N, Ahing T, Rajikin MH
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2018 Oct 26;19(10):2815-2820.
    PMID: 30361039 DOI: 10.22034/APJCP.2018.19.10.2815
    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Malay translated version of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) intention to quit smoking questionnaire.
    Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed involving 185 male smokers. The forward-backward translation procedure was adopted to translate the questionnaire from English to Malay. The internal consistency and stability were assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and a correlation analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis was conducted.
    Result: The translated questionnaire showed good internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.86, 0.64, 0.74 and 0.90 for each of the four respective factors. The test-retest reliability revealed acceptable stability, with Spearman’s correlation coefficients ranging from low to moderate (r>0.30-0.50) and a satisfactory inter class correlation coefficient (ICCs). The construct validity achieved an acceptable factor loading for each construct which ranged from 0.40 to 0.90.
    Conclusion: The current study provided
    psychometric evidence for an appropriate, reliable and valid tool of TPB Malay version. This questionnaire could be applied in evaluating smoking cessation interventions in Malaysia.
  20. Mat Isa N, Abdul Mutalib NE, Alitheen NB, Song AA, Rahim RA
    J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2017;27(4):246-251.
    PMID: 29055951 DOI: 10.1159/000481257
    This study demonstrates that cell wall treatment of Lactococcus lactis harbouring the internal ribosome entry site-incorporated lactococcal bicistronic vector pNZ:VIG mediated the delivery of genes into an eukaryotic cell line, DF1 cells, through bactofection. Bactofection analysis showed that the pNZ:VIG plasmid in L. lactis can be transferred into DF1 cells and that both the VP2 and gfp genes cloned in the plasmid can be transcribed and translated. The protein band relative to the Mr of VP2 protein (49 kDa) was successfully detected via Western blot analysis, while green fluorescence was successfully detected using a fluorescence microscope. The intensity of the bands detected increased for samples treated with both 1.5% (w/v) glycine and 10 μg/mL of lysozyme when compared to L. lactis treated with glycine alone and without treatment. Cell wall treatment of L. lactis with a combination of both glycine and lysozyme was not only shown to mediate plasmid transfer to DF1 cells, but also to increase the plasmid transfer efficiency.
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