Methods: The proposed study will be conducted in three phases: Phase I will involve the development of the item-pool to be included in the tool, followed by a face, content validity and construct validity. The tool reliability, readability and difficulty index will be determined. Phase II will involve the utilization of the tool to assess baseline SAV knowledge among the HCPs followed by an educational intervention. Multiple Linear Regression analysis will be used to determine the factors associated with SAV knowledge among the HCPs. Lastly, Phase III which will be a repeat of Phase II to assess and evaluate the knowledge after the intervention.
Discussion: The study design and findings may guide future implementation and streamline the intervention of improving SAV knowledge in HCPs training and practice.
Lay Summary: Knowledge assessment and educational intervention of snake antivenom among healthcare practitioners in northern Nigeria: a study protocol Snakebite envenoming (SBE) is an important occupational and public health hazard especially in sub-Saharan Africa. For optimum management of SBE, adequate knowledge of snake antivenom (SAV) is very critical among the healthcare practitioners. The baseline knowledge SAV dosage, mode of administration, availability, and logistics is very relevant among healthcare professionals, particularly those that are directly involved in its logistics. It is paramount that SAV is handled and used appropriately. The efforts and advocacy for the availability for more SAV will be in vain if not handled appropriately before they are used. This study protocol aims to develop a tool, to assess SAV knowledge and effects of educational interventions among healthcare professionals (HCPs) in northern Nigeria. This protocol suggests conducting studies in three phases: (a) Development and validation of SAV knowledge assessment tool, (b) Baseline assessment of SAV knowledge assessment tool among HCPs, and (c) Development, implementation and evaluation of an educational intervention to improve SAV knowledge among HCPs in northern Nigeria.
OBJECTIVE: Our main objective is to study the pre-effects and posteffects of the Personalized Mobile Mental Health Intervention (PMMH-I) for workplace cyberbullying in public and private hospitals in Malaysia.
METHODS: A hospital-based multimethod multi-analytic evidential approach is proposed, involving social and psychological health informatics. The project has been subdivided into 3 stages, starting with Phase 1, a prevalence study, followed by exploratory studies. Phase 2 consists of a quasi-experimental design, whereas the development of a prototype and their testing will be proposed in Phase 3. Each stage includes the use of quantitative and qualitative methods (mixed-method program), using SPSS (version 26.0; IBM Corp) and Stata (version 16.1; StataCorp) as tools for quantitative research, and NVivo (version 1.0; QSR International) and Atlas.ti (version 9.0.16; ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH) for qualitative research.
RESULTS: The results of this study will determine the pre- and posteffectiveness of an integrated PMMH-I for health care professionals. The prototype system platform will be developed and implemented in a public and private hospital. Results from Phase 1 will be published in 2021, followed by the implementation of Phase 2 in subsequent years.
CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide evidence and guidance regarding the implementation of a personalized mobile mental health intervention for health care professionals into routine public and private hospitals to enhance communication and resolve conflicts.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The research method was qualitative using a Delphi technique. The statistical population consisted of 12 specialists in the field of medical library and information science and researchers and healthcare professionals. Eight dimensions and 42 items of patients' rights were identified and were approved by Delphi panel.
RESULTS: Regarding patients' rights to benefit from consumer health information services, eight dimensions including the right to health knowledge, the right to access to health information, the professional behavior of medical librarians with patients, content richness, information seeking skills, awareness of new services and products, the ease of using health information centers, and the professional behavior of healthcare professionals with patients were identified and approved.
CONCLUSION: Decreasing the gap between the health literacy of healthcare professionals and patients is one of the duties of medical librarians and health information professionals. Establishing of patient rights in the area of utilizing health information services is an important step in improving the quality of services received by patients.
Methods: A cross-sectional analytical observational study was conducted among 380 secondary school teachers in Kelantan, Malaysia. A self-administered questionnaire addressing sociodemographic data and factors influencing CVD screening activities was administered. Descriptive analysis, simple and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed.
Results: A total of 348 teachers responded to the questionnaire, with a response rate of 91.6%. The prevalence of optimal CVD screening activities was 29.3% (95% CI: 24.52, 34.08). Age, knowledge of CVD screening, family history of CVD and availability of health facilities were significantly linked to CVD screening.
Conclusion: The prevalence of optimal screening activities was low. A great majority of the factors contributing to optimal screening were modifiable. Health care providers should widely implement global health-oriented rather than disease-orientated assessment in their daily practice.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on 334 HCWs at 9 workstations. Data were collected with a self-administered questionnaire that consisted of four parts: sociodemographic variables, work-related information, knowledge about needle stick and sharps injury and splash exposure, and information regarding previous OBBE incidents. The data were analyzed by SPSS version 22.0 software.
Findings: The prevalence of OBBE was 25.1% (95% confidence interval: 20.6-30.2), mostly due to percutaneous injuries, which were not reported to authorities. The highest proportions were among nurses and those working in the medical ward. Needle recapping practices were associated with almost a four-times higher risk of OBBE compared to no-recapping practices. HCWs who did not have any infection prevention training had a three-times higher risk of OBBE.
Conclusion: Factors associated with OBBE are unsafe work practices, inadequate infection prevention training, and lack of knowledge regarding blood-borne infection. There is a need for more training and increased awareness about the risks of OBBE to reduce unsafe practices.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional observational study conducted in SGH during the pandemic with an online self-administered questionnaire composed of two parts, the socio-demographic characteristics, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS).
RESULTS: A total of 105 healthcare workers responded to this study. A questionnaire in both Bahasa Melayu and English was used. The findings showed that all healthcare workers had mild anxiety, with the majority experiencing mild stress (57.1%), and almost half of the respondents experiencing mild depression (41%). Female subjects had a significant higher mean score in anxiety level and stress level compared to male subjects (10.0±3.20 vs. 8.6±2.93, p<0.05; 14.1±4.76 vs. 10.7±3.70, p<0.05, respectively). Staff who were transferred from other units to handle COVID-19 cases experienced more psychological symptoms. There were significant correlations between the depression, anxiety and stress levels among the healthcare workers and the number of children they had (r=0.739, p=0.001; r=0.642, p=0.001; r=1, p =0.001 respectively). However, the stress level among the healthcare workers was reversely correlated with their years of working experience (r=-0.199, p=0.042).
CONCLUSION: This study identified some socio-demographic factors associated with increased levels of stress, anxiety and depression among the healthcare workers during pandemic, which may lay ground for future interventions.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from February to April in 2016 to examine the mediating effect of health literacy on the relationship between age and healthcare utilisation. A total of 452 older persons were recruited from 14 public hospitals in Malaysia.
RESULTS: The average age of the respondents was 66.69 years old, with an age range between 60 to 105 years. The findings reveal that the relationship between age and healthcare utilisation was mediated by health literacy.
CONCLUSION: The results help to improve the understanding of healthcare utilisation among the older persons in Malaysia, which is beneficial to the healthcare provider and policymakers.