METHOD: A total of 336 and 616 acoustic tokens were collected from six CI and 11 NH Malay children, respectively. The groups were matched for hearing age and duration of exposure to Arabic sounds. All the 28 Arabic consonants in the form of consonant-vowel /a/ were presented randomly twice via a loudspeaker at approximately 65 dB SPL. The participants were asked to repeat verbally the stimulus heard in each presentation.
RESULTS: Within the native Malay perceptual space, the two groups responded differently to the Arabic consonants. The dispersed uncategorized assimilation in the CI group was distinct in the confusion matrix (CM), as compared to the NH children. Consonants /ħ/, /tˁ/, /sˁ/ and /ʁ/ were difficult for the CI children, while the most accurate item was /k/ (84%). The CI group transmitted significantly reduced information, especially for place feature transmission, then the NH group (p
OBJECTIVE: The broad objective of this study was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of behavioral factors on the psychological and physiological health of workers.
METHODS: The latest, second generation technique, which is structural equation modeling, is used to identify the relationships between behavioral antecedents and health outcomes. A total of 277 technical workers participated, aged between 20 and 49 and were healthy in all aspects.
RESULTS: The study results showed quantitative demands, emotional demands, work-family conflict, and job insecurity were significantly associated with both psychological (stress) and physiological (Body Mass Index) factors. The social support of colleagues produced mixed findings with direct and indirect paths. Stress also significantly mediates the psychosocial factors and burnout of the workers.
CONCLUSION: The study concluded that workers were physically available, but they experienced distractions as members of social systems, affecting their physiological and psychological health.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 202 caregivers to PWD in home-based settings. Recruited caregivers were administered questionnaires regarding BPSD which was measured using Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Questionnaire (NPI-Q), caregiver burden using Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI), Brief COPE for coping strategies and Big-Five Inventory which measured personality traits.
RESULTS: Majority of the caregivers were female (71.3%), aged 50 and above (55%), single (46%), married (43.6%), working full time (45%) while the rest work part time (22.3%), unemployed (7.4%) and retiree (25.2%), and majority were parents (58.9%) and spouse (18.3%). The duration of caregiving was less than a year (33.7%) while the rest are more than a year. Results demonstrated that the most frequent types of BPSD exhibited by PWD was irritability, followed by apathy and agitation. All of the types of BPSD showed to be significantly correlated to caregiver burden except for anxiety, elation and appetite. Of personality traits, only conscientiousness was found to mediate the relationship between BPSD and caregiver burden (p
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six participants with SCI were recruited for a pilot study to investigate the exercise intensity of selected exergames (Move Tennis, Move Boxing, and Move Gladiator Duel) for the potential to improve health. Issues relating to exergaming for individuals with SCI were identified, and a Move Kayaking exergame was conceived using relevant design processes in an iterative manner. These processes included the following: participant needs and requirements, system requirements (hardware), system architecture (physical and operational views), and integration and verification of the finished system. Emphasis was given to operational and physical designs of the Move Kayaking exergame.
RESULTS: Move Boxing, Move Gladiator Duel, and Move Kayaking achieved moderate intensity exercise, while Move Tennis only achieved exercise of low intensity based on participants' metabolic equivalent. However, all four exergames achieved at least moderate intensity based on individuals' ratings of perceived exertion (RPE).
CONCLUSION: The intensity classification while playing Move Boxing, Move Tennis, Move Gladiator Duel, and Move Kayaking, using RPE, reported adequate exercise intensities prescribed by exercise guidelines.
METHOD: This research was carried out on a sample of 263 participants (age range 12-24 years old), from Klang Valley, Selangor. The survey package comprises demographic information, a measure of reasons for living, social support, depression, anxiety and stress. To analyse the data, correlation analysis and a series of linear multiple regression analysis were carried out.
RESULTS: Findings showed that there were low negative relationships between all subdomains and the total score of reasons for living and depression. There were also low negative relationships between domain-specific of social support (family and friends) and total social support and depression. In terms of the family alliance, self-acceptance and total score of reasons for living, they were negatively associated with anxiety, whereas family social support was negatively associated with stress. The linear regression analysis showed that only future optimism and family social support found to be the significant predictors for depression. Family alliance and total reasons for living were significant in predicting anxiety, whereas family social support was significant in predicting stress.
CONCLUSION: These findings have the potential to promote awareness related to depression, anxiety, and stress among youth in Malaysia.
METHODS: Overall, 307 male and female adolescents (aged 13-18 y old) living in 9 private orphanages located in Klang Valley, Malaysia, participated in this cross-sectional study. Brief COPE scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 were used as the main instruments in the current study.
RESULTS: The results of the current study showed female adolescents and participants with a higher level of education were more likely to experience stress. The results also showed significant differences between boys and girls in using of coping mechanisms in self-distraction (t = -2.39, P = .01), substance use (t = 2.12, P = .03), use of emotional support (t = -2.70, P = .001), humor (t = 2.28, P = .02), and religion (t = -2.19, P = .02). Denial, venting, religion, humor, planning, and active coping were identified as predictors of stress among participants.
DISCUSSION: The results showed a high prevalence of stress and a negative coping pattern among participants. The finding of the current study also showed the urgency of taking immediate action to reduce stress and improve coping methods among Malaysian institutional adolescents.
BACKGROUND: With increasing demand for hospitals to provide end-of-life care, the low quality of palliative care provided in hospital settings is an issue of growing concern in developing countries. Most dying patients receive their care from general nurses, irrespective of the nurses' specialty or level of training.
METHOD: A structured cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted of 553 nurses working at a teaching hospital in Malaysia.
RESULTS: The mean scores for nurses' knowledge about end-of-life care, their attitudes towards end-of-life care and the perceived quality of end-of-life care were low. The factors identified as significantly associated with the quality of end-of-life care were nurses' levels of knowledge and their attitudes towards end-of-life care.
DISCUSSION: Factors that contributed to the low quality of end-of-life care were inadequate knowledge and negative attitudes. These findings may reflect that end-of-life care education is not well integrated into nursing education.
CONCLUSION: The findings of this study suggest that there is a need to increase the nurses' level of knowledge and improve their attitude towards end-of-life care in order to enhance the quality of care provided to dying patients.
IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING AND HEALTH POLICY: Nurse managers and hospital policymakers should develop strategies to enhance nurses' level of knowledge, as well as providing adequate emotional support for nurses who care for dying patients and their families. Nurses should be proactive in increasing their knowledge and adopting more positive attitudes towards end-of-life care.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the mean prevalence and associated sociodemographic and clinical factors of anxiety symptoms in women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. It also aims to determine independent predictors of anxiety risk.
METHODS: An analysis of 162 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients at the oncology institute in Almaty was performed. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire on social, demographic, and clinical information, as well as the Beck Anxiety Inventory. In addition, multiple regression analysis was used to model the relationship between anxiety risk and independent predictors.
RESULTS: The average age of the patients was 54.41 years (SD=8.1; min.-max: 32-75). The majority of the patients were married (52%), employed or self-employed (51%), had children (91%), had a bachelor's or a graduate degree (50%), lived in an urban area (54%), did not drink (41%), did not smoke (67%), did not engage in physical activity (54%), and had social support (91%). A total of 48% of patients had symptoms of moderate anxiety, and 33% had symptoms of severe anxiety. Based on the multivariate analysis, factors associated with a lower risk of anxiety symptoms included higher household income (OR -2.21 (95 CI: -1.35, -3.07)) and having reliable social support (OR -2.93 (95% CI: -2.25, -3.61)).
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of anxiety symptoms is very high among newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. Anxiety is more likely to develop in patients from low-income households and those without reliable social support.