Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 1087 in total

  1. Fuah KW, Lim CTS
    BMC Nephrol, 2017 Jul 24;18(1):249.
    PMID: 28738858 DOI: 10.1186/s12882-017-0666-7
    BACKGROUND: Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) is a complication of the gadolinium-based contrast agent used in imaging studies. It is typically characterised by hard, erythematous and indurated skin plaques with surrounding subcutaneous oedema. Distinct papules and subcutaneous nodules can also be seen. Fibrocytes in NSF are immunohistochemically positive for CD34.

    CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of NSF occurred after gadolinium exposure in which the initial presentation mimics an erythema nodosum (EN)-like picture. An initial skin biopsy showed EN. Subsequently the patient developed progressive skin and joints contracture. A repeated skin biopsy done three months later confirmed the diagnosis of NSF. As far as we are aware, this is the second reported case of NSF that mimicked the presentation of EN in the early phase of the disease.

    CONCLUSIONS: The appearance of EN-like disease can be one of the early manifestations of NSF. We hope that early recognition of this unusual presentation can alert the physician or nephrologist to the potential diagnosis of NSF.

  2. Fuah KW, Lim CTS
    BMC Nephrol, 2018 11 06;19(1):307.
    PMID: 30400895 DOI: 10.1186/s12882-018-1118-8
    BACKGROUND: Amyloidosis is a disorder caused by extracellular tissue deposition of insoluble fibrils which may result in a wide spectrum of symptoms depending upon their types, sites and amount of deposition. Amyloidosis can be divided into either systemic or localized disease.

    CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of a middle-aged gentleman who presented with persistent nephrotic syndrome with worsening renal function. Repeated renal biopsies showed the presence of renal-limited AL amyloidosis. Systemic amyloidosis workup was unremarkable apart from a slightly raised band of IgG lambda level with no associated immunoparesis. The nephrotic syndrome and renal histology did not improve over a 3-year period despite being given two courses of chemotherapies.

    CONCLUSION: We hope that early recognition of this unusual localised presentation of renal- limited AL Amyloidosis and its poor response to conventional treatment can alert the nephrologist to the potential existence of this rare condition.

  3. Ahyong ST, Boyko CB
    Zootaxa, 2019 Apr 26;4590(2):zootaxa.4590.2.5.
    PMID: 31716094 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4590.2.5
    Species of the bopyrid isopod genus Rhopalione Pérez, 1920, are parasites of Indo-West Pacific pinnotherid crabs. Unlike other bopyrid parasites of brachyurans that occupy the branchial chambers, however, species of Rhopalione (subfamily Pseudioninae) infest the abdominal cavity. Prior to the present study, four species of Rhopalione were recognized: R. atrinicolae Page, 1985 (New Zealand), R. incerta (Bonnier, 1900) (Madagascar), R. sinensis Markham, 1990 (East Asia), and R. uromyzon Pérez, 1920 (Persian Gulf). A fifth species of Rhopalione, from Perhentian Besar, Malaysia, is described herein, parasitic on the pinnotherid crab Serenotheres besutensis (Serène, 1967). Keys are provided to females and males of the species in the genus.
  4. Lim TS, Thong KM
    Pak J Med Sci, 2016 11 25;32(5):1302-1304.
    PMID: 27882041 DOI: 10.12669%2Fpjms.325.11096
    Pleural effusion or hydrothorax is a relatively rare but well-recognized complication associated with peritoneal dialysis (PD). We describe the successful long term resolution of a patient who developed pleural effusions after starting continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), by altering the PD prescription to normal volume daytime ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (DAPD) transiently before resuming the usual CAPD exchanges four months later. After 8 years of follow up, there is no sign of recurrence of the effusion. Normal volume DAPD present as an attractive alternative and cheap method for resolution of pleura-peritoneal fistula.
  5. Lim CTS, Lee SE
    Pak J Med Sci, 2017 10 27;33(4):1047-1049.
    PMID: 29067090 DOI: 10.12669/pjms.334.13112
    Ralstonia mannitolilytica is a gram negative soil bacterium. Ralstonia infection though rare, has become the emerging nosocomial pathogens in hospital settings. Various clinical manifestations had been described as well as the mode of transmission. Despite its low virulence factor, it is able to survive under harsh condition and this may potentially cause significant morbidity and mortality especially in immunocompromised patients. Outbreak of Ralstonia mannitolilytica infections in the hospital are typically associated with contaminated medical supplies or instruments. We described here a case of Ralstonia mannitolilytica infection in a dialysis patient that occurred during the municipal reservoir water contamination crisis. In this report, we will also describe the behaviour of Ralstonia genus and its 4 main species, namely R. pickettii, R. solanacearum, R. insidiosa, and R. mannitolilytica and the choices of antibiotic therapy based on literature review.
  6. Ho CC, Tan HM
    Sex Med Rev, 2013 May;1(1):42-49.
    PMID: 27784559 DOI: 10.1002/smrj.4
    INTRODUCTION: Testosterone treatment for hypogonadism is detrimental for men in reproductive age as it impairs spermatogenesis, and therefore affects fertility. It is, therefore, not indicated in men with hypogonadism and infertility.

    AIM: The aim of this review is to analyze current data regarding options of treatment for men with hypogonadism and infertility.

    MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: A comprehensive review of the current literature on management of infertility among hypogonadal men.

    METHODS: A literature search using PubMed from 1980 to 2012 was done on articles published in the English language. The following medical subject heading terms were used: "infertility," "infertile," "hypogonadism;" "testosterone deficiency" and "men" or "male;" and "treatment" or "management."

    RESULTS: The options for hypogonadal testicular failure are limited. Hormonal treatment is by and large ineffective. For secondary hypogonadism (hypogonadotropic/normogonadotropic hypogonadism), the options include gonadotropin-releasing hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and anti-estrogens and aromatase inhibitors. Dopamine antagonist is indicated for prolactinoma. Artificial reproductive technique is indicated for primary testicular failure and also when medical therapy fails.

    CONCLUSION: The most suitable option with the current data available is hCG with or without hMG/FSH. Testosterone supplementation should be avoided, but if they are already on it, it is still possible for a return of normal sperm production within 1 year after discontinuing testosterone. Ho CCK and Tan HM. Treatment of the hypogonadal infertile male-A review. Sex Med Rev 2013;1:42-49.

  7. Khor ZX, Liam CCK
    Cureus, 2024 Feb;16(2):e55174.
    PMID: 38558752 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.55174
    Inherited thrombocytopenia is a rare phenomenon. MYH9-related disorder (MYH9-RD) is one such pathology characterized by thrombocytopenia and giant platelets with the presence of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the granulocytes. The condition is often misdiagnosed as immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) due to its similarities in clinical phenotype and often no associated secondary causes. Ensuing treatments, frequently unnecessary, may predispose to adverse outcomes or perceived a lack of improvement. We report a young lady in her 20s who was eventually found to have MYH9-RD after her second pregnancy. A strong family history of thrombocytopenia, revision of her blood film (presence of giant platelets with no obvious platelet clumping, and the presence of Dohle body-like inclusions in the neutrophils), a lack of response to corticosteroids (treatment for ITP) eventually pointed us to this diagnosis. This case report aims to educate physicians regarding MYH9-RD as a rare but important entity when approaching chronic thrombocytopenia.
  8. Seong CL, Shanmuganathan M
    Indian J Pharmacol, 2016 Nov-Dec;48(6):739-740.
    PMID: 28066119 DOI: 10.4103/0253-7613.194848
    Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is used widely in treating pain, fever, and inflammation. Its side effects are mainly due to acute renal impairment and gastric discomfort. We hereby report a rare case of Henoch-Schönlein purpura nephritis secondary to ibuprofen consumption which has not been reported in literature before.
  9. Goh BL, Lim CTS
    Semin Dial, 2024;37(1):24-35.
    PMID: 35840130 DOI: 10.1111/sdi.13118
    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheter is the lifeline of PD patients, and despite the overall strength of the PD program in many countries, PD catheter survival remains the major weakness of the program. The prompt and effective implantation of the PD catheter, as well as speedy management of complications arising from catheter insertion, remains crucial for the success of the program.
  10. Gan HM, Tan MH, Austin CM
    PMID: 24938115 DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.926490
    The mitochondrial genome sequence of the Australian crayfish, Euastacus yarraensis, is documented and compared with other Australian crayfish genera. Euastacus yarraensis has a mitogenome of 15,548 base pairs consisting of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal subunit genes, 22 transfer RNAs, and a non-coding AT-rich region. The base composition of E. yarraensis mitogenome is 32.39% for T, 22.45% for C, 34.43% for A, and 10.73% for G, with an AT bias of 66.82%. The mitogenome gene order conforms to what is considered the primitive arrangement for parastacid crayfish.
  11. Gan HM, Tan MH, Austin CM
    PMID: 24617485 DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.895997
    The commercial freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus complete mitochondrial genome was recovered from partial genome sequencing using the MiSeq Personal Sequencer. The mitogenome has 15,869 base pairs consisting of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal subunit genes, 22 transfer RNAs, and a non-coding AT-rich region. The base composition of C. quadricarinatus is 32.16% for T, 23.39% for C, 33.26% for A, and 11.19% for G, with an AT bias of 65.42%.
  12. Gan HM, Tan MH, Austin CM
    PMID: 24617484 DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.895996
    The complete mitochondrial genome of the conservationally significant Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica) was obtained from low-coverage shotgun sequencing using the MiSeq sequencer. The M. australasica mitogenome has 16,496 base pairs (55% A + T content) made up of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal subunit genes, 22 transfer RNAs, and a 819 bp non-coding AT-rich region. This is the first mitogenome sequence for the genus Macquaria, and the third to be reported for the family Percichthyidae.
  13. Gan HM, Schultz MB, Austin CM
    BMC Evol. Biol., 2014;14:19.
    PMID: 24484414 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-14-19
    Although it is possible to recover the complete mitogenome directly from shotgun sequencing data, currently reported methods and pipelines are still relatively time consuming and costly. Using a sample of the Australian freshwater crayfish Engaeus lengana, we demonstrate that it is possible to achieve three-day turnaround time (four hours hands-on time) from tissue sample to NCBI-ready submission file through the integration of MiSeq sequencing platform, Nextera sample preparation protocol, MITObim assembly algorithm and MITOS annotation pipeline.
  14. Takiya DM, Dietrich CH, Viraktamath CA
    Zookeys, 2013.
    PMID: 24039527 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.319.4326
    The leafhopper subfamily Signoretiinae is redescribed and includes two tribes: Signoretiini Baker and Phlogisini Linnavuori. Redescriptions of included tribes, diagnoses and a taxonomic key to genera are provided. New records for genera of Signoretiinae are as follows: Phlogis in Central African Republic, Malaysia and Thailand; Preta in Thailand; and Signoretia in the Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Taiwan (China). Signoretia pacifica is newly recorded from Cameroon. In addition, detailed illustrations of the male genitalia of the previously described species, Chouious tianzeus, Preta gratiosa,and Signoretia yangli are provided; the male genitalia of Signoretia malaya are described for the first time; and two new species of Signoretia are described, Signoretia delicata sp. n. from the Philippinesand Signoretia kintendela sp. n. from the Republic of the Congo.
  15. Potter C, Klooster S, Genovese V, Hiatt C
    Carbon Balance Manag, 2013;8(1):9.
    PMID: 24016254 DOI: 10.1186/1750-0680-8-9
    The objective of this study was to demonstrate a new, cost-effective method to define the sustainable amounts of harvested wood products in Southeast Asian countries case studies, while avoiding degradation (net loss) of total wood carbon stocks. Satellite remote sensing from the MODIS sensor was used in the CASA (Carnegie Ames Stanford Approach) carbon cycle model to map forest production for the Southeast Asia region from 2000 to 2010. These CASA model results have been designed to be spatially detailed enough to support carbon cycle assessments in different wooded land cover classes, e.g., open woodlands, wetlands, and forest areas.
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