METHODS: Nationally representative data of Malaysia were used to generate cross-sectional evidence. The sample size was 2156 respondents. An ordered probit regression was utilized to assess factors associated with the practice of physical activity.
RESULTS: Respondents aged 40-49 years with hypertension were 7.3% less likely to participate in high-level physical activity when compared to those without hypertension. The probability of having a low level of physical activity was 12.3% higher among hypertensive patients aged ≥60. Males, married individuals, less-educated adults, low-income earners, and individuals who were aware of their BMI, had a higher tendency to indulge in a highly active lifestyle than others.
CONCLUSION: The effect of hypertension on physical activity was moderated by age. Factors influencing physical activity levels among adults were income, gender, marital status, education, employment status, and BMI awareness.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sociodemographic data questionnaire, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale 21, sources of workplace worries questionnaire, and Brief-COPE inventory were randomly distributed to frontline HCWs who worked at the medical, emergency, and anaesthesiology departments. Data were analyzed using Chi-square tests and multivariable linear regression analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 137 frontline HCWs responded to the questionnaires. The prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress was 69.3%, 77.4%, and 57.7%, respectively. None of the sociodemographic characteristics was associated with depression, anxiety, and stress. Depression was associated to all sources of workplace worries, except "fear of getting infected" (p = 0.089), while anxiety and stress were associated with all sources of workplace worries. Humour (β = 0.821), self-blame (β = 0.686), denial (β = 0.676), substance use (β = 0.835), and behavioural disengagement (β = 0.583) were positively correlated to depression. However, active coping (β = -0.648) and acceptance (β = -0.602) were negatively correlated to depression. On the other hand, active coping (β = 0.913), planning (β = 0.879), acceptance (β = 0.831), religion (β = 0.704), and self-distraction (β = 0.929) were positively correlated to stress. Only substance use (β = -0.417) was negatively correlated to stress. All coping strategies did not correlate to anxiety.
CONCLUSION: The high prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress is attributed by the various sources of workplace worries and the inappropriate coping strategies among the frontline HCWs. Measures that minimise workplace worries and inappropriate coping strategies must be implemented promptly.
METHODS: A total of 22 consented participants with facial palsy was assessed with photos and videography recordings where they performed 10 standard facial expressions. The severity of facial paralysis was evaluated with the House-Brackmann, Sydney, and Sunnybrook grading scales subjectively and with the facial nerve conduction study objectively. The assessments were repeated after 3 months.
RESULTS: A Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed that there were statistically significant change in all three gradings after 3-month of assessment. The responsiveness of the nerve conduction study was significant for the nasalis and orbicularis oris muscles. It was not significant for the orbicularis oculi muscle. The nasalis and orbicularis oculi showed statistically significant correlation with the three classification systems except for the orbicularis oculi muscle.
CONCLUSIONS: All three grading systems, House-Brackmann, Sydney, and Sunnybrook, showed statistically significant responsiveness after 3 months of evaluation. The nasalis and orbicularis oculi muscle can be used to predict facial palsy recovery because they showed strong positive and negative correlations with the extent of facial nerve degeneration from the nerve conduction study.
METHOD: A retrospective record review study using positive COVID-19 cases and contact-tracing data from an area in Malaysia was performed and analysed using the SNA method through R software and visualised by Gephi software. The justification for utilizing SNA is its capability to pinpoint the individuals with the highest impact and accountability for the transmission of COVID-19 within the area, as determined through SNA.
RESULT: Analysis revealed 76 (4.5%) people tested positive for COVID-19 from 1,683 people, with 51 (67.1%) of the positive ones being male. Outdegrees for 38 positive people were between 1 and 12, while 41 people had 1-13 indegree. Older males have a higher outdegree, while younger females have a higher outdegree than other age groups among same-sex groups. Betweenness was between 0.09 and 34.5 for 15 people. We identified 15 people as super-spreaders from the 42 communities detected.
CONCLUSION: Women play a major role in bridging COVID-19 transmission, while older men may transmit COVID-19 through direct connections. Thus, health education on face mask usage and hand hygiene is important for both groups. Working women should be given priority for the work-from-home policy compared to others. A large gathering should not be allowed to operate, or if needed, with strict adherence to specific standard operating procedures, as it contributes to the spread of COVID-19 in the district. The SNA allows the identification of key personnel within the network. Therefore, SNA can help healthcare authorities recognise evolving clusters and identify potential super-spreaders; hence, precise and timely action can be taken to prevent further spread of the disease.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a correlational cross-sectional study. The sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, sickness absenteeism questionnaire, job characteristics questionnaire, Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ), Work-Related Strain Inventory (WRSI), Work and Family Conflict Scale (WAFCS), the COVID-19-related workplace worries questionnaire, as well as the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress (DASS-21) questionnaire will be randomly distributed to 166 nurses from October 2024 to May 2025.
DISCUSSION: While physical illnesses, psychological disorders, job-related factors, and sociodemographic factors have been identified as risk factors to sickness absenteeism among healthcare professionals in general, the role of these risk factors in causing sickness absenteeism among the nurses remains unclear. Additionally, the increased stress and workload faced by nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as post-acute COVID-19 syndrome, may have further impacted sickness absenteeism.
CONCLUSION: By examining the various risk factors of sickness absenteeism, especially in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era, this research will inform future targeted interventions to reduce sickness absenteeism among Malaysian nurses and its associated consequences.