Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 83 in total

  1. Loo GH, Ismail H, Ismail MI, Md Ali NAB, Abdul Rahman MRB, Haron H
    Ann Med Surg (Lond), 2021 Sep;69:102806.
    PMID: 34527238 DOI: 10.1016/j.amsu.2021.102806
    The absence of a small portion of the pericardium is termed pericardial defect. This rare entity can be either acquired or congenital. The prevalence of congenital pericardial defect is exceedingly rare, which is approximately 0.002-0.004% of surgical and pathologic series. The most common type is the absence of the entire left side of pericardium, seen in 67% of all patients with a congenital pericardial defect. Other varieties are incredibly uncommon. Congenital pericardial defect has a male preponderance with a male to female ratio of 3:1, and familial occurrence is uncommon. We report a case of left partial congenital pericardial defect detected incidentally in a 22-year-old man who presented with recurrent left spontaneous pneumothorax. He underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic bullectomy and intraoperatively, we discovered a left partial pericardial defect which exposed the left atrial appendage. Although generally asymptomatic, patients may present with non-specific cardiac symptoms such as atypical chest pain. Partial pericardial defects have an increased risk of herniation of the whole left atrium, the left atrial appendage or the ventricles. If this occurs, cardiac strangulation may occur, leading to necrosis and sudden death. Cardiac MRI is a sensitive tool and will demonstrate the absence of preaortic pericardial recess. In conclusion, no surgical intervention is required in cases of congenital pericardial defect, unless the patient is symptomatic due to complications. If detected incidentally during cardiac or thoracic surgery, the best may be to leave it alone.
  2. Surya I, Waesateh K, Saiwari S, Ismail H, Othman N, Hayeemasae N
    Polymers (Basel), 2021 Sep 11;13(18).
    PMID: 34577969 DOI: 10.3390/polym13183068
    Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) are naturally occurring tubular clay made of aluminosilicate sheets rolled several times. HNT has been used to reinforce many rubbers. However, the narrow diameter of this configuration causes HNT to have poor interfacial contact with the rubber matrix. Therefore, increasing the distance between layers could improve interfacial contact with the matrix. In this work, Epoxidized Natural Rubber (ENR)/HNT was the focus. The HNT layer distance was successfully increased by a urea-mechanochemical process. Attachment of urea onto HNT was verified by FTIR, where new peaks appeared around 3505 cm-1 and 3396 cm-1, corresponding to urea's functionalities. The intercalation of urea to the distance gallery of HNT was revealed by XRD. It was also found that the use of urea-treated HNT improved the modulus, tensile strength, and tear strength of the composites. This was clearly responsible for interactions between ENR and urea-treated HNT. It was further verified by observing the Payne effect. The value of the Payne effect was found to be reduced at 62.38% after using urea for treatment. As for the strain-induced crystallization (SIC) of the composites, the stress-strain curves correlated well with the results from synchrotron wide-angle X-ray scattering.
  3. Lim KK, Chan YY, Mahmud NA, Ismail H, Tan BC, Chua BK, et al.
    Int J Public Health Res, 2018;8(2):980-986.
    Introduction Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) during pregnancy may impair the neurological development of the fetus. The aim of this study is to determine the iodine status among pregnant women (PW) in Sarawak after introduction of mandatory universal salt iodisation (USI) for seven years.
    Methods A total of 508 first trimester PW attending government Maternal and Child Health Care clinics in all 11 divisions in Sarawak between 1st April and 15th June 2015 were recruited. Urine samples were obtained and analysed for urinary iodine concentration (UIC) using the modified Sandell-Kolthoff reaction method. For pregnant women, an adequate iodine intake was defined as a median UIC between 150-249 µg/L according to the WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD’s criterion. For further analyses, the 11 divisions were then combined into 3 regions, namely Northern (Miri, Bintulu, Limbang), Central (Kapit, Mukah, Sibu, Sarikei, Betong) and Southern (Kota Samarahan, Kuching, Sri Aman).
    Results TThe median UIC of the PW in Sarawak was 105.6 µg/L, indicating iodine deficiency. A total of 330 (65.0%) PW had UIC<150 µg/L. In terms of urinary iodine levels by region, the median UIC in Northern, Central and Southern regions were 136.3 µg/L, 85.5 µg/L and 97.4 µg/L respectively. The differences in median UIC between regions were significant. In addition, the Northern region (p = 0.001), Malay/Melanau ethnicity (p = 0.015) and parous parity (p = 0.014) were significantly associated with higher median UIC. No significant association was found for locality, age nor gravida.
    Conclusions This study indicates inadequate iodine status among PW in Sarawak despite seven years of mandatory USI. In fact, the majority of PW appear not to be protected against IDD and its consequences. In future, a comprehensive study should be carried out to determine the levels of iodine in salt at the retail outlets, villages and households in Sarawak.
    Keywords Iodine deficiency disorders - Pregnant women - Mandatory USI - Sarawak
  4. Sabtu MY, Lim KK, Ismail H, Mohd Zaki NA, Lim KH
    Med J Malaysia, 2015;70 Suppl 1:70.
    Introduction: The Ministry of Health had initiated a national programme known as “KOSPEN” to study the prevalence of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and its risk factors among the population. The aim of this study is to assess the awareness, knowledge and acceptance of KOSPEN programme among
    Community Development Department (KEMAS) personnel in Southern Zone, Malaysia.
    Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted between October and mid December 2014. The study used validated self-administered questionnaires to collect data from the 2375 KEMAS staff from the state of Johor, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis.
    Results: The results revealed that only 25.5% of respondents were aware that they were on the KOSPEN committee and 65.7% said that they knew the functions of KEMAS in KOSPEN. 90.8% were aware that their responsibilities included identifying localities for KOSPEN, identifying volunteers (85.7%) and attending KOSPEN training (75.3%). In terms of knowledge, most of them knew the objectives of KOSPEN, such as “KEMAS will add on the value of the programmes and its activities” (84.3%) and “to establish trained health volunteers in the community” (85.9%). They also knew that healthy eating habits (94.7%), active lifestyle (93.4%), body weight management (87.0%), no smoking (86.8%) and health screening (92.2%) were the components of KOSPEN. Majority of the respondents perceived that the components for intervention in the community were good. The highest accepted component was health
    screening (83.5%), follow by healthy eating habits (82.0%), active lifestyle (80.4%), no smoking habit (76.9%) and body weight management (76.1%).
    Conclusion: the awareness, knowledge and acceptance of KOSPEN programme by KEMAS personnel are good. Several measures are currently being carried out to improve and strengthen the implementation of KOSPEN programme such as funding, screening equipment and health education materials.
  5. Mohammad Alwi MA, Normaya E, Ismail H, Iqbal A, Mat Piah B, Abu Samah MA, et al.
    ACS Omega, 2021 Oct 05;6(39):25179-25192.
    PMID: 34632177 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c02699
    The discharge of industrial effluents, such as phenol, into aquatic and soil environments is a global problem due to its serious negative impacts on human health and aquatic ecosystems. In this study, the ability of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) to remove phenol from an aqueous medium was investigated. The results showed that a significant proportion of phenol (up to 74.91%) was removed using PVPP at pH 6.5. Isotherm adsorption experiments of phenol on PVPP indicated that the best-fit adsorption was obtained using Langmuir models. The response peaks of the hydroxyl groups of phenol (OH) and the carboxyl groups (i.e., C=O) of PVPP were altered, indicating the formation of a hydrogen bond between the PVPP and phenol during phenol removal, as characterized using 1D and 2D IR spectroscopy. The resulting complexes were successfully characterized based on their thermodynamic properties, Mulliken charge, and electronic transition using the DFT approach. To clarify the types of interactions taking place in the complex systems, quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) analysis, reduced density gradient noncovalent interaction (RDG-NCI) approach, and conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS) approach were also successfully calculated. The results showed that the interactions that occurred in the process of removing phenol by PVPP were through hydrogen bonding (based on RDG-NCI and COSMO-RS), which was identified as an intermediate type (∇2ρ(r) > 0 and H < 0, QTAIM). To gain a deeper understanding of how these interactions occurred, further characterization was performed based on adsorption mechanisms using molecular electrostatic potential, global reactivity, and local reactivity descriptors. The results showed that during hydrogen bond formation, PVPP acts as a nucleophile, whereas phenol acts as an electrophile and the O9 atom (i.e., donor electron) reacts with the H22 atom (i.e., acceptor electron).
  6. Rehman FU, Ismail H, Al Ghazali BM, Asad MM, Shahbaz MS, Zeb A
    PLoS One, 2021;16(12):e0261573.
    PMID: 34937055 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261573
    Drucker's knowledge-worker productivity theory and knowledge-based view of the firm theory are widely employed in many disciplines but there is little application of these theories in knowledge-based innovation among academic researchers. Therefore, this study intends to evaluate the effects of the knowledge management process on knowledge-based innovation alongside with mediating role of Malaysian academic researchers' productivity during the Pandemic of COVID-19. Using a random sampling technique, data was collected from 382 academic researchers. Questionnaires were self-administered and data was analyzed via Smart PLS-SEM. Knowledge management process and knowledge workers' productivity have a positive and significant relationship with the knowledge-based innovation among academic researchers during the Pandemic of COVID-19. In addition, knowledge workers' productivity mediates the relationship between the knowledge management process (knowledge creation, knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, and knowledge utilization) and knowledge-based innovation during the Pandemic of COVID-19. Results have also directed knowledge sharing as the key factor in knowledge-based innovation and a stimulating task for management discipline around the world during the Pandemic of COVID-19. This study provides interesting insights on Malaysian academic researchers' productivity by evaluating the effects of knowledge creation, acquisition, sharing, and application on the knowledge-based innovation among academic researchers during the Pandemic of COVID-19. These useful insights would enable policymakers to develop more influential educational strategies. By assimilating the literature of defined variables, the main contribution of this study is the evaluation of knowledge creation, acquisition, sharing, and utilization into knowledge-based innovation alongside the mediating role of knowledge workers productivity in the higher education sector of Malaysia during the Pandemic of COVID-19.
  7. Wahab NFAC, Kannan TP, Mahmood Z, Rahman IA, Ismail H
    Toxicol In Vitro, 2018 Mar;47:207-212.
    PMID: 29247761 DOI: 10.1016/j.tiv.2017.12.002
    Biphasic Calcium Phosphate (BCP) with a ratio of 20/80 Hydroxyapatite (HA)/Beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) promotes the differentiation of human dental pulp cells (HDPCs). In the current study, the genotoxicity of locally produced BCP of modified porosity (65%) with a mean pore size of 300micrometer (μm) was assessed using Comet and Ames assays. HDPCs were treated with BCP extract at three different inhibitory concentrations which were obtained based on cytotoxicity test conducted with concurrent negative and positive controls. The tail moment of HDPCs treated with BCP extract at all three concentrations showed no significant difference compared to negative control (p>0.05), indicating that BCP did not induce DNA damage to HDPCs. The BCP was evaluated using five tester strains of Salmonella typhimurium TA98, TA100, TA102, TA1537 and TA1538. Each strain was incubated with BCP extract with five different concentrations in the presence and absence of metabolic activation system (S9) mix. Concurrently, negative and positive controls were included. The average number of revertant colonies per plate treated with the BCP extract was less than double as compared to the number of revertant colonies in negative control plate and no dose-related increase was observed. Results from both assays suggested that the BCP of modified porosity did not exhibit any genotoxic effect under the present test conditions.
  8. Cheah YK, Lim KK, Ismail H, Mohd Yusoff MF, Kee CC
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2023 Aug;18(4):844-854.
    PMID: 36852251 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2022.12.016
    OBJECTIVES: Physical inactivity, hypertension and non-communicable diseases are major public concerns across the globe. To our knowledge, there is a lack of research that has investigated the moderating effect of age on the relationship between hypertension and physical activity in developing countries. This study had two objectives: (1) investigating hypertension and sociodemographic factors associated with physical activity and (2) investigating whether age moderates the relationship between hypertension and physical activity.

    METHODS: Nationally representative data of Malaysia were used to generate cross-sectional evidence. The sample size was 2156 respondents. An ordered probit regression was utilized to assess factors associated with the practice of physical activity.

    RESULTS: Respondents aged 40-49 years with hypertension were 7.3% less likely to participate in high-level physical activity when compared to those without hypertension. The probability of having a low level of physical activity was 12.3% higher among hypertensive patients aged ≥60. Males, married individuals, less-educated adults, low-income earners, and individuals who were aware of their BMI, had a higher tendency to indulge in a highly active lifestyle than others.

    CONCLUSION: The effect of hypertension on physical activity was moderated by age. Factors influencing physical activity levels among adults were income, gender, marital status, education, employment status, and BMI awareness.

  9. Shaaruddin S, Mahmood Z, Ismail H, Mohd Ghazali H, Hamzah MY, Muhammad K
    J Food Sci Technol, 2019 Jul;56(7):3461-3470.
    PMID: 31274914 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-019-03832-4
    Encapsulation has been used to overcome the problem of instability of functional pigments such as carotenoids from natural sources. In this study, β-carotene in carrot juice was spray dried with four different wall materials namely maltodextrin, resistant maltodextrin, octenyl succinate anhydride (OSA) starches Capsul (CAP) and HICAP-100 (HCAP). The objective of this research was to study the effects of various wall materials on physicochemical properties and stability of β-carotene powders along with its stability after incorporation into sugar confection. All four wall materials produced powders of acceptable quality in terms of moisture content, water activity, hygroscopicity, solubility as well as onset glass transition temperature. OSA starches exhibited better pigment retention post spray drying where juices encapsulated with HCAP showed the highest retention (94.34%). This was also represented in more orange Hue values (H°) in powders produced with CAP (53.93) and HCAP (53.33). Powders produced with HCAP also showed the longest half-life after storage at 4 °C, 25 °C, and 40 °C, as well as under exposure to light. Similarly, carrot powders produced with OSA starches also exhibited better β-carotene retention after production of hard candy confection. Though candies with HCAP encapsulated juices showed the highest β-carotene retention post candy processing, candies with CAP encapsulated carrot juices exhibited better long term stability after storage at 25 °C and 40 °C as well as under exposure to light.
  10. Ismail H, Phan YH, Chandriah K, Arman MR, Mokhtar NN, Hamdan SA, et al.
    Heliyon, 2023 Sep;9(9):e20258.
    PMID: 37809997 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20258
    INTRODUCTION: This study was aimed to measure the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress as well as to evaluate the associations of these mental disorders with sociodemographic factors, workplace worries, and coping strategies among frontline HCWs in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sociodemographic data questionnaire, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale 21, sources of workplace worries questionnaire, and Brief-COPE inventory were randomly distributed to frontline HCWs who worked at the medical, emergency, and anaesthesiology departments. Data were analyzed using Chi-square tests and multivariable linear regression analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 137 frontline HCWs responded to the questionnaires. The prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress was 69.3%, 77.4%, and 57.7%, respectively. None of the sociodemographic characteristics was associated with depression, anxiety, and stress. Depression was associated to all sources of workplace worries, except "fear of getting infected" (p = 0.089), while anxiety and stress were associated with all sources of workplace worries. Humour (β = 0.821), self-blame (β = 0.686), denial (β = 0.676), substance use (β = 0.835), and behavioural disengagement (β = 0.583) were positively correlated to depression. However, active coping (β = -0.648) and acceptance (β = -0.602) were negatively correlated to depression. On the other hand, active coping (β = 0.913), planning (β = 0.879), acceptance (β = 0.831), religion (β = 0.704), and self-distraction (β = 0.929) were positively correlated to stress. Only substance use (β = -0.417) was negatively correlated to stress. All coping strategies did not correlate to anxiety.

    CONCLUSION: The high prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress is attributed by the various sources of workplace worries and the inappropriate coping strategies among the frontline HCWs. Measures that minimise workplace worries and inappropriate coping strategies must be implemented promptly.

  11. Mat Lazim N, Ismail H, Abdul Halim S, Nik Othman NA, Haron A
    Medeni Med J, 2023 Jun 20;38(2):111-119.
    PMID: 37338861 DOI: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2023.42383
    OBJECTIVE: Currently, multiple classification systems exist for the assessment of facial nerve paralysis. This study was designed to choose the most practical system for use in a clinical setting depending on the clinician need. We compared the responsiveness of the 3 facial nerve grading systems, i.e., House-Brackmann, Sydney, and Sunnybrook, as the subjective method and compared the outcomes with the objective method, i.e., the nerve conduction study. The correlation between the subjective and objective assessments was determined.

    METHODS: A total of 22 consented participants with facial palsy was assessed with photos and videography recordings where they performed 10 standard facial expressions. The severity of facial paralysis was evaluated with the House-Brackmann, Sydney, and Sunnybrook grading scales subjectively and with the facial nerve conduction study objectively. The assessments were repeated after 3 months.

    RESULTS: A Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed that there were statistically significant change in all three gradings after 3-month of assessment. The responsiveness of the nerve conduction study was significant for the nasalis and orbicularis oris muscles. It was not significant for the orbicularis oculi muscle. The nasalis and orbicularis oculi showed statistically significant correlation with the three classification systems except for the orbicularis oculi muscle.

    CONCLUSIONS: All three grading systems, House-Brackmann, Sydney, and Sunnybrook, showed statistically significant responsiveness after 3 months of evaluation. The nasalis and orbicularis oculi muscle can be used to predict facial palsy recovery because they showed strong positive and negative correlations with the extent of facial nerve degeneration from the nerve conduction study.

  12. Ooi PS, Ismail H, Meganathan G, Nabila Saidi N, Dhamotharan Y, Chua HH
    PMID: 39220238 DOI: 10.51866/cr.581
    Pulmonary tuberculosis poses a diagnostic dilemma to clinicians especially in the absence of typical presentation. The hypersensitivity to tuberculosis infection in other parts of the body can lead to nondestructive, para-infectious arthritis. This is known as Poncet disease, one of the clinical syndromes of musculoskeletal tuberculosis. Herein, we report a case of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis presenting with atypical features. It started with multiple joint pain, followed by the presence of multiple tender nodular skin lesions over the bilateral shins and wrist. Subsequent investigations led to the diagnosis of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis. Joint pain and erythema nodosum disappeared soon after antituberculosis therapy, supporting the diagnosis of Poncet disease.
  13. Hayeemasae N, Masa A, Ahmad HS, Shuib RK, Ismail H, Surya I
    Polymers (Basel), 2022 Nov 13;14(22).
    PMID: 36433023 DOI: 10.3390/polym14224896
    A massive demand for rubber-based goods, particularly gloves, was sparked by the emergence of the COVID-19 epidemic worldwide. This resulted in thousands of tons of gloves being scrapped due to the constant demand for the items, endangering our environment in a grave way. In this work, we aimed to focus on the utilization of waste nitrile gloves (r-NBR) as a component blended with natural rubber (NR). The life span and other related properties of the blend can be improved by proper control of the chemical recipe. This study assessed three types of crosslinking systems, namely sulfur (S), peroxide (DCP), and mixed sulfur/peroxide (S/DCP) systems. The results indicate that choosing S/DCP strongly affected the tensile strength of the blend, especially at relatively high contents of r-NBR, improving the strength by 40-60% for cases with 25-35 phr of r-NBR. The improvement depended on the crosslink types induced in the blends. It is interesting to highlight that the thermal resistance of the blends was significantly improved by using the S/DCP system. This indicates that the life span of this blend can be prolonged by using a proper curing system. Overall, the S/DCP showed the best results, superior to those with S and DCP crosslinking systems.
  14. Zainudin NF, Sam ST, Wong YS, Ismail H, Walli S, Inoue K, et al.
    Polymers (Basel), 2023 Jan 03;15(1).
    PMID: 36616587 DOI: 10.3390/polym15010237
    The ability of poly-ferric-silicate-sulphate (PFSS) synthesized via a co-polymerization process has been applied for the removal of diazo Congo red dye. A novel degradation pathway of diazo Congo red dye by using PFSS is proposed based on LC-MS analysis. Diazo Congo red dye was successfully removed using synthesized PFSS at lower coagulant dosages and a wider pH range, i.e., 9 mg/L from pH 5 to 7, 11 mg/L at pH 9, and 50 mg/L at pH 11. The azo bond cleavage was verified by the UV-Vis spectra of diazo Congo red-loaded PFSS and FTIR spectra which showed disappearance of the peak at 1584 cm-1 for -N=N- stretching vibrations. The synchronized results of UV-Vis spectra, FTIR, and the LC-MS analysis in this study confirmed the significance of the Si and Fe bond in PFSS towards the degradation of diazo Congo red dye. The successfully synthesized PFSS coagulant was characterized by FTIR, SEM, TEM, and HRTEM analysis. From this analysis, it was proven that PFSS is a polycrystalline material which is favorable for the coagulation-flocculation process. Based on all these findings, it was established that synthesized PFSS can be employed as a highly efficient polymeric coagulant for the removal of dye from wastewater.
  15. Ahmad Kamar A, Cheah FC, Ismail H, Pejaver R, Ellwood DA, Mahdy ZA
    Front Surg, 2023;10:1291596.
    PMID: 37841814 DOI: 10.3389/fsurg.2023.1291596
  16. Sabramani V, Idris IB, Ismail H, Nadarajaw T, Zakaria E, Kamaluddin MR
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Jul 05;18(13).
    PMID: 34281145 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18137208
    Adolescents involved in bullying can be at risk of developing behavioural problems, physical health problems and suicidal ideation. In view of this, a quantitative research design using a cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of bullying and associated individual, peer, family and school factors. The study involved 4469 Malaysian public-school students who made up the response rate of 89.4%. The students were selected using a randomized multilevel sampling method. The study found that 79.1% of student respondents were involved in bullying as perpetrators (14.4%), victims (16.3%), or bully-victims (48.4%). In a multivariate analysis, the individual domain showed a significant association between students' bullying involvement and age (OR = 1.38; 95% CI 1.12-1.70), gender (OR = 1.73; 95% CI 1.47-0.91), ethnicity (OR = 0.66; 95% CI 0.47-0.91), duration of time spent on social media during the weekends (OR = 1.43; 95% CI 1.09-1.87) and psychological distress level (OR = 2.55; 95% CI 1.94-3.34). In the peer domain, the significantly associated factors were the number of peers (OR = 0.69; 95% CI 0.56-0.86) and frequency of quarrels or fights with peers (OR = 2.12; 95% CI 1.24-3.26). Among the items in the school domain, the significantly associated factors were students being mischievous in classrooms (OR = 1.52; 95% CI 1.06-2.06), student's affection towards their teachers (OR = 1.53; 95% CI 1.06-2.20), frequency of appraisal from teachers (OR = 1.49; 95% CI 1.16-1.94), frequency of friends being helpful in classrooms (OR = 1.92; 95% CI 1.09-3.38) and frequency of deliberately skipping class (OR = 2.91; 95% CI 2.90-1.72). As a conclusion, the study revealed high levels and widespread bullying involvement among students in Malaysia. As such, timely bullying preventions and interventions are essential, especially in terms of enhancing their mental health capacity, which substantially influences the reduction in the prevalence rates of bullying involvement among students in Malaysia.
  17. Hassanuddin NA, Normaya E, Ismail H, Iqbal A, Piah MBM, Abd Hamid S, et al.
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2024 Jan;255:128229.
    PMID: 37981274 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.128229
    Enzymatic browning is of concern as it can affect food safety and quality. In this study, an effective and safe tyrosinase inhibitor and anti-browning agent, methyl 4-pyridyl ketone thiosemicarbazone (4-PT), was synthesised and characterised using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, CHNS elemental analysis, and proton (1H) and carbon-13 (13C) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The vibrational frequencies of 4-PT were studied theoretically using vibrational energy distribution analysis (VEDA). Density functional theory (DFT) was applied to elucidate its chemical properties, including the Mulliken atomic charges, molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) and reduced density gradient non-covalent interactions (RDG-NCIs). Moreover, 4-PT was compared with kojic acid in terms of its effectiveness as a tyrosinase inhibitor and anti-browning agent. The toxicity and physicochemical properties of 4-PT were predicted via ADME evaluation, which proved that 4-PT is safer than kojic acid. Experimentally, 4-PT (IC50 = 5.82 μM, browning index (10 days) = 0.292 ± 0.002) was proven to be an effective tyrosinase inhibitor and anti-browning agent compared to kojic acid (IC50 = 128.17 μM, browning index (10 days) = 0.332 ± 0.002). Furthermore, kinetic analyses indicated that the type of tyrosinase inhibition is a mixed inhibition, with Km and Vmax values of 0.85 mM and 2.78 E-09 μM/s, respectively. Finally, the mechanism of 4-PT for tyrosinase inhibition was proven by 1D, second derivative and 2D IR spectroscopy, molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulation approaches.
  18. Mansor J, Safian N, Abdul Razak F, Ismail H, Ghazali MH, Ismail N
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e18571.
    PMID: 39619183 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.18571
    BACKGROUND: Social interactions within and between communities influenced the spread of COVID-19. By using social network analysis (SNA), we aimed to understand the effect of social interaction on the spread of disease in a rural district.

    METHOD: A retrospective record review study using positive COVID-19 cases and contact-tracing data from an area in Malaysia was performed and analysed using the SNA method through R software and visualised by Gephi software. The justification for utilizing SNA is its capability to pinpoint the individuals with the highest impact and accountability for the transmission of COVID-19 within the area, as determined through SNA.

    RESULT: Analysis revealed 76 (4.5%) people tested positive for COVID-19 from 1,683 people, with 51 (67.1%) of the positive ones being male. Outdegrees for 38 positive people were between 1 and 12, while 41 people had 1-13 indegree. Older males have a higher outdegree, while younger females have a higher outdegree than other age groups among same-sex groups. Betweenness was between 0.09 and 34.5 for 15 people. We identified 15 people as super-spreaders from the 42 communities detected.

    CONCLUSION: Women play a major role in bridging COVID-19 transmission, while older men may transmit COVID-19 through direct connections. Thus, health education on face mask usage and hand hygiene is important for both groups. Working women should be given priority for the work-from-home policy compared to others. A large gathering should not be allowed to operate, or if needed, with strict adherence to specific standard operating procedures, as it contributes to the spread of COVID-19 in the district. The SNA allows the identification of key personnel within the network. Therefore, SNA can help healthcare authorities recognise evolving clusters and identify potential super-spreaders; hence, precise and timely action can be taken to prevent further spread of the disease.

  19. Ismail H, Huam ZS, Yew SQ, Ahmad H, David CCH, Baharudin MH, et al.
    PLoS One, 2025;20(2):e0314763.
    PMID: 39946348 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0314763
    INTRODUCTION: Sickness absenteeism among the nurses in Malaysia is not fully understood. Complicated with the increase in workload and mental stress during the COVID-19 pandemic and the manifestation of long COVID-19 symptoms, there is a need for an updated insight on the prevalence and the risk factors of sickness absenteeism among nurses in Malaysia. As such, we designed a study protocol that assess the prevalence and risk factors of sickness absenteeism among nurses in Malaysia in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a correlational cross-sectional study. The sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, sickness absenteeism questionnaire, job characteristics questionnaire, Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ), Work-Related Strain Inventory (WRSI), Work and Family Conflict Scale (WAFCS), the COVID-19-related workplace worries questionnaire, as well as the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress (DASS-21) questionnaire will be randomly distributed to 166 nurses from October 2024 to May 2025.

    DISCUSSION: While physical illnesses, psychological disorders, job-related factors, and sociodemographic factors have been identified as risk factors to sickness absenteeism among healthcare professionals in general, the role of these risk factors in causing sickness absenteeism among the nurses remains unclear. Additionally, the increased stress and workload faced by nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as post-acute COVID-19 syndrome, may have further impacted sickness absenteeism.

    CONCLUSION: By examining the various risk factors of sickness absenteeism, especially in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era, this research will inform future targeted interventions to reduce sickness absenteeism among Malaysian nurses and its associated consequences.

  20. Ramzan MS, Abbasi MA, Rehman A, Siddiqui SZ, Shah SAA, Ashraf M, et al.
    Pak J Pharm Sci, 2018 May;31(3(Supplementary)):1051-1059.
    PMID: 29731443
    An electrophile, N-(1,3-thiazol-2-yl)-2-bromoacetamide (3), was synthesized by the reaction of 1,3-thiazole-2-amine (1) and 2-bromoethanoyl bromide (2) in an aqueous medium. A series of carboxylic acids, 7a-j, were converted into 1,3,4-oxadiazole heterocyclic core, through a series of three steps. The final compounds, 8a-j, were synthesized by stirring 7a-j and 3 in an aprotic polar solvent. The structural elucidation of the synthesized compounds was supported by IR, EI-MS, 1H-NMR, and 13C-NMR spectral data. Title compounds were evaluated for enzyme inhibition against cholinesterases and α-glucosidase enzymes and their cytotoxic behavior was monitored using brine shrimp assay. The enzyme inhibitor potential of compounds was supported by molecular docking studies.
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