Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 372 in total

  1. Kow CS, Ramachandram DS, Hasan SS
    BJOG, 2024 Jun;131(7):1018.
    PMID: 37016474 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.17477
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  2. Alzahrani AS, Greenfield SM, Shrestha S, Paudyal V
    BMC Complement Med Ther, 2024 Feb 09;24(1):81.
    PMID: 38336657 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-024-04385-6
    BACKGROUND: Recent estimates indicate that a significant proportion of diabetic patients globally, up to 51%, are utilizing complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). To improve patient-provider communication and optimize prescribed treatments, healthcare professionals (HCPs) must understand the factors associated with CAM use among diabetic patients. There is a dearth of literature on HCPs perspectives on CAM use by diabetic patients. This study explored HCPs knowledge, perspective, and views on their diabetic patients' use of CAM.

    METHODS: Qualitative study using one-to-one semi-structured interviews conducted with 22 HCPs involved in the care of diabetic patients (6 endocrinologists, 4 general practitioners, 4 nurses and 8 pharmacists). Participants were recruited through general practices, community pharmacies and a diabetic centre in Saudi Arabia. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.

    RESULTS: Five key themes resulted from the analysis. HCPs generally demonstrated negative perceptions toward CAM, particularly regarding their evidence-based effectiveness and safety. Participants described having limited interactions with diabetic patients regarding CAM use due to HCPs' lack of knowledge about CAM, limited consultation time and strict consultation protocols. Participants perceived convenience as the reason why patients use CAM. They believed many users lacked patience with prescribed medications to deliver favourable clinical outcomes and resorted to CAM use.

    CONCLUSIONS: HCPs have noted inadequate engagement with diabetic patients regarding CAM due to a lack of knowledge and resources. To ensure the safe use of CAM in diabetes and optimize prescribed treatment outcomes, one must address the communication gap by implementing a flexible consultation protocol and duration. Additionally, culturally sensitive, and evidence-based information should be available to HCPs and diabetic patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  3. Lee PY, Cheong AT, Ghazali SS, Salim H, Wong J, Hussein N, et al.
    NPJ Prim Care Respir Med, 2021 07 07;31(1):38.
    PMID: 34234145 DOI: 10.1038/s41533-021-00250-y
    Asthma self-management is a crucial component of asthma management. We sought to explore healthcare professionals' (HCPs') perceptions on barriers to asthma self-management implementation in primary care. We recruited 26 HCPs from six public primary care clinics in a semi-urban district of Malaysia in 2019. The analysis was done inductively. HCPs described barriers that resonated with the "COM-B" behaviour change framework. Capability-related issues stemmed from a need for specific self-management skills training. Opportunity-related barriers included the need to balance competing tasks and limited, poorly tailored resources. Motivation-related barriers included lack of awareness about self-management benefits, which was not prioritised in consultations with perceived lack of receptiveness from patients. These were compounded by contextual barriers of the healthcare organisation and multilingual society. The approach to implementation of asthma self-management needs to be comprehensive, addressing systemic, professional, and patient barriers and tailored to the local language, health literacy, and societal context.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  4. Chew BH, Yasin MM, Cheong AT, Rashid MR, Hamzah Z, Ismail M, et al.
    Springerplus, 2015;4:213.
    PMID: 25992310 DOI: 10.1186/s40064-015-1004-9
    Perception of healthcare providers who worked with family medicine specialists (FMSs) could translate into the effectiveness of primary healthcare delivery in daily practices. This study examined perceptions of public healthcare providers/professionals (PHCPs) on FMSs at public health clinics throughout Malaysia. This was a cross-sectional study in 2012-2013 using postal method targeting PHCPs from three categories of health facilities, namely health clinics, health offices and hospitals. A structured questionnaire was developed to assess PHCP's perception of FMS's clinical competency, safety practice, ethical and professional values, and research involvement. It consists of 37 items with Likert scale of strongly disagree (a score of 1) to strongly agree (a score of 5). Interaction and independent effect of the independent variables were tested and adjusted means score were reported. The participants' response rate was 58.0% (780/1345) with almost equal proportion from each of the three public healthcare facilities. There were more positive perceptions than negative among the PHCPs. FMSs were perceived to provide effective and safe treatment to their patients equally disregards of patient's social background. However, there were some concerns of FMSs not doing home visits, not seeing walk-in patients, had long appointment time, not active in scientific research, writing and publication. There were significant differences in perception based on a respondent's health care facility (p health care facilities and frequency of encounter with FMSs had different perception. Practicing FMSs could improve on the critical service areas that were perceived to be important but lacking. FMSs might need further support in conducting research and writing for publication.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  5. Hassan Y, Aziz NA, Awang J, Aminuldin AG
    J Clin Pharm Ther, 1992 Dec;17(6):347-51.
    PMID: 1287026
    In a 6-month study period, 170 pharmacist interventions in an intensive care unit (ICU) were analysed. Of the interventions, 68.8% were solicited and 31.2% were initiated by the pharmacists. The majority of the interventions were initiated by specialists (69.4%) followed by the medical officers (15.9%) and nurses (9.4%). Most of the interventions occurred during the grand rounds (75.9%), followed by ward visits (12.9%) and communication through the satellite pharmacy (10.5%). The most frequent type of intervention made was for indication or therapeutic efficacy followed by general product information, drug regimen, laboratory assessment, disease state, pharmaceutical availability and adverse drug reaction or side effect. It was also found that 83.7% of pharmacists' suggestions were accepted, 6.4% were accepted with changes, and 9.9% were not accepted. The majority of the interventions were made by direct verbal communications followed by telephone and written communications. In conclusion the study indicates that pharmacist therapeutic recommendations form an important integral element of patient care in an ICU.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  6. Jiffry MT, Husain R, Dias AP
    Med Educ, 1987 Jan;21(1):38-45.
    PMID: 3821599
    The suitability of physiology topics taught in the first-year dental curriculum needs to be investigated in the light of the view of the present generation of clinical and preclinical teachers, and students. This was studied in the University of Malaya in order to propose a rational physiology curriculum with proper identification of priority topics. Oral physiology, blood and the cardiovascular system were found to be the most relevant for dental students. Among the systems, high and low priority topics were identified and their relative importance is discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  7. Rajiah K, Lim WK, Madeline Teoh PL, Binti Mas'od MA, Lim WY, Poh Chou LL, et al.
    Int J Clin Pract, 2021 Sep;75(9):e14096.
    PMID: 33619786 DOI: 10.1111/ijcp.14096
    BACKGROUND: Community pharmacists play a significant part in providing oral healthcare advice as there are significant connections between oral healthcare and body system healthcare.

    OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the literature regarding the knowledge, attitudes and practice of community pharmacists in managing oral healthcare problems.

    METHODS: A systematic review was conducted through Scopus, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Studies regarding knowledge, attitudes and practice of management of dental care by community pharmacists between 1990 and 2019 were included.

    RESULTS: Forest plot was performed to access knowledge, attitudes and practice of community pharmacist on oral healthcare. The results showed there were 44% of community pharmacists have a lack of knowledge on oral healthcare to provide an appropriate recommendation to patients with dental problems. Eighty-eight per cent of community pharmacists were willing to improve their knowledge of oral healthcare. There were 86% of them recognised that their role was significant in oral health. However, there were 59% of community pharmacists who had poor attitude in providing oral health information.

    CONCLUSIONS: Community pharmacists were lacking knowledge on oral health mainly because of paucity in providing appropriate training courses. This has led to poor practices towards oral healthcare as they were unable to provide suitable products recommendations to the patients. This has led the community pharmacists into lack of attitudes in providing oral health information. However, most of the community pharmacists were conscious of their role in the oral healthcare system and were willing to improve their knowledge of oral healthcare.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  8. Syed Aznal SS, Nadarajah VDV, Kwa SK, Seow LL, Chong DW, Molugulu N, et al.
    Med Teach, 2021 Jul;43(sup1):S33-S38.
    PMID: 31854254 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1697434
    BACKGROUND: There is a continuing concern about how graduate work readiness (WR) reflects on the success of universities meeting the requirements of employment. This study is to establish a valid and reliable instrument measuring WR in health professions (HP) graduates of medicine, pharmacy and dentistry.

    METHODS: The study from March 2016 to April 2017 was conducted to validate the 'Work Readiness Scale' (WRS; Deakin University) using Principal Component Analysis and Cronbach - α for internal consistency. It was modified to a four-item even-point scale and distributed as an online survey to 335 final year students of the three programs.

    RESULTS: A reduction from 64 to 53 items provided good internal consistency in all factors: WC 0.85, OA 0.88, SI 0.88 and PC 0.71. The PC domain had the greatest item reduction from 22 to 6, whilst the SI domain increased in items from 8 to 19. These changes may be associated with difference in understanding or interpretation of the items in the SI domain.

    CONCLUSION: The modified WRS can be used to evaluate job readiness in HP graduates. However, it needs further refinement and validation in specific educational and employment contexts.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  9. Miraj M, Chuntian L, Rehman RU, Osei-Bonsu R, Mohd Said R, Ali R, et al.
    Work, 2022;73(4):1365-1378.
    PMID: 36093656 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-205237
    BACKGROUND: Research is essential and necessary for those who love learning, whether they belong to a research institution or not. Numerous elements influence researchers' attitudes towards good research work, but in this study we focus on the most significant ones: advisor support, intrinsic motivation, timing, and planning.

    OBJECTIVES: The current study aims at motivating readers to help improve students' attitudes towards research work within the university context.

    METHOD: The target demographic of the current research comprises masters and doctoral students from three major public institutions in Xi'an, China. We aimed to examine the effects of the variables and the study employed correlation and stepwise regression.

    RESULTS: The results show that advisor support influences attitudes towards research positively and significantly (β= 0.20, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  10. Alsyouf A, Ishak AK, Lutfi A, Alhazmi FN, Al-Okaily M
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Sep 05;19(17).
    PMID: 36078837 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191711125
    This study examines nurses' Continuance Intention (CI) to use electronic health records (EHRs) through a combination of three conceptual frameworks: the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the theory of expectation-confirmation (ECT), and the Five-Factor Model (FFM). A model is developed to examine and predict the determinants of nurses' CI to use EHRs, including top management support (TMS) and the FFM's five personality domains. Data were collected from a survey of 497 nurses, which were analyzed using partial least squares. No significant relationship was found between TMS and CI. The study revealed that performance expectancy significantly mediated the influences of two different hypotheses of two predictors: agreeableness and openness to testing CI. A significant moderating impact of conscientiousness was found on the relationship between performance expectancy and CI and the relationship between social influence and CI. The findings of this study indicated that rigorous attention to the personality of individual nurses and substantial TMS could improve nurses' CI to use EHRs. A literature gap was filled concerning the mediating effects of performance expectancy on the FFM-CI relationship, and the moderation effects of Conscientiousness on UTAUT constructs and CI are another addition to the literature. The results are expected to assist government agencies, health policymakers, and health institutions all over the globe in their attempts to understand the post-adoption use of EHRs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  11. Hassan BAR, Mohammed AH, Alsammarraie AZA, Alabboodi MK, Wayyes AM, Ahmed AA, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2022 Dec 01;23(12):4275-4284.
    PMID: 36580010 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2022.23.12.4275
    BACKGROUND: Chemotherapy resistance is caused by a multiplicity of reasons; some of which can be avoided and others that are beyond the scope of current treatment methods. Since chemotherapy is administered under the supervision of health personnel, the role of oncologists cannot be undermined, and yet none is known about their knowledge and perspective. This research is the first-ever study aiming to develop a valid and reliable tool to determine oncologists' knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) toward chemotherapy resistance.

    METHODS: Based on information gathered from literature searches, in-depth interviews with oncologists, and discussions with experts, an English-language questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability. A final version of the questionnaire (63 items) was piloted among 64 practicing oncologists and oncology trainees via convenient sampling. Data analysis was done using SPSS.

    RESULTS: Correlation coefficients for each of the questionnaire's domains were more than 0.7 (P<0.001), which suggests that the questionnaire had strong test-retest reliability. The overall internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) for knowledge (0.728), attitude (0.722), and practice (0.716) were greater than 0.7 indicating good internal consistency. Participants demonstrated a low level of knowledge and a positive attitude toward chemotherapy resistance. A statistically significant difference was noted between the knowledge score and education level, years of experience in the medical and oncology field, and experiencing resistance cases.

    CONCLUSION: The developed questionnaire was found to be valid and reliable and can be used as an assessment tool for assessing oncologists' knowledge, attitude, and practice toward chemotherapy resistance in future studies. This study also reported that the oncologists have low knowledge on chemotherapy resistance and a predominantly positive attitude towards fighting chemotherapy resistance. Thus, it is essential for current practices in chemotherapy to be optimized to reduce the risk of chemotherapy resistance.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  12. Jha N, Mudvari A, Hayat K, Shankar PR
    J Nepal Health Res Counc, 2023 Mar 09;20(3):689-696.
    PMID: 36974858 DOI: 10.33314/jnhrc.v20i3.3992
    BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial resistance is an important global problem resulting in an improper response of infections to antimicrobials and an increase in the duration and cost of treatment. Healthcare professionals play an important role in addressing Antimicrobial resistance and positive perception is important for involvement in antimicrobial stewardship policies. Hence the perception of key Healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, and hospital pharmacists, towards Antimicrobial resistance antimicrobial stewardship policies was studied.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital at Lalitpur, from January to March 2021 using stratified random sampling. An online questionnaire was circulated to the selected Healthcare professionals. Median Antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship policy scores were calculated and compared among different subgroups. Previous engagement with Antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship policies programs was also noted. Descriptive statistics, Mann Whitney, and Kruskal Wallis tests were used for data analysis.

    RESULTS: The response rate was 89.3% (202/226). Antimicrobial resistance was regarded as a serious problem in the Nepali community by participants with work experience of 1-5 years, 87 (75.6%, p=0.029), and female participants, 62 (45.5%, p<0.001). Most physicians, females, and participants with working experience 1-5 years believed inappropriate use of antibiotics can harm patients and is professionally unethical. Physicians supported the availability of local antimicrobial guidelines and protocols. The median scores for Antimicrobial resistance (p<0.001) and Antimicrobial resistance eradication (p=0.048) differed according to age groups.

    CONCLUSIONS: Healthcare professionals believed Antimicrobial resistance was an important issue. Antibiotic guidelines developed should be strictly implemented. Healthcare professionals also believed inappropriate use of antibiotics can harm patients and is professionally unethical.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  13. Ababneh BF, Ong SC, Hussain R
    PLoS One, 2023;18(3):e0282991.
    PMID: 36897873 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282991
    INTRODUCTION: There is a lack of attention to drive-thru services in the community pharmacy setting, particularly during the COVID-19 period in Malaysia. The main objective of this study was to assess the public awareness, attitudes, and perceptions towards drive-thru community pharmacy services among during COVID-19 in Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a self-administrated, web-based survey (Google form) among the public in Malaysia between May and June 2022. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants. Associations between the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants and the use of drive-thru community pharmacy services were assessed using a chi-square test. Regression analyses were carried out to determine whether the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants were associated with perceptions towards drive-thru community pharmacy services.

    RESULTS: A total of 565 (70.6%) of the general public completed the survey instrument. The median age of study participants was 40.0 (IQR = 36.0) and about half of them were males (50.6%, n = 286). Although 18.6% (n = 105) of the participants reported the presence of DTCPS in their cities, only 9.0% (n = 51) reported having used this service. Most of the participants were supportive to establish drive-thru services at community pharmacies in the country. Most of the believed advantages among participants were that DTCPS are helpful during COVID-19 and quarantine time 48.0% (n = 271) by enhancing social distancing and reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus 48.5% (n = 274). Among sociodemographic factors, non-Malaysian nationality (p<0.001), and age above 55 years (p = 0.01) were found to negatively affect participants' perceptions towards drive-thru community pharmacy services.

    CONCLUSION: This study showed positive awareness, attitudes, and perceptions toward drive-thru community pharmacy services during COVID-19 in Malaysia among the public. The participants believed that those services were helpful during COVID-19 to enhance social distancing and to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  14. Chu J, Maharajan MK, Rajiah K
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2024 Mar 06;32(2):146-155.
    PMID: 38071745 DOI: 10.1093/ijpp/riad087
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate patterns of extended pharmacy services (EPS) provided by Malaysian community pharmacists and their willingness to provide value-added services (VAS) in addition to EPS. Additionally, this study examined the barriers to the effective implementation of these two services.

    METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire among community pharmacists in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. Convenience sampling was done, and descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were performed.

    RESULTS: Two hundred and thirty-six pharmacists participated. The most rendered EPS were nutritional supplements, hypertension management, and diabetic management, while chronic kidney disease management, smoking cessation, and mental health services were the least rendered. Pharmacists were willing to provide medication waste management and vaccination as VAS but were less inclined towards therapeutic drug monitoring and sterile compounding. Barriers included limited access to medical records of patients, lack of designated counselling areas, and concerns about remuneration. High sales pressure and busy workloads were additional barriers to providing VAS. Continuous professional development (CPD) positively influenced pharmacists' engagement in EPS and VAS.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights service provision trends and areas for improvement. Addressing identified barriers, such as enhancing access to patient records and establishing designated counselling areas, can improve service delivery. Remuneration models and workload management strategies should be considered to alleviate barriers related to sales pressure and time constraints. Promoting CPD opportunities is crucial for enhancing pharmacist engagement and optimizing EPS and VAS.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  15. Guraya SS, Guraya SY, Rashid-Doubell F, Fredericks S, Harkin DW, Bin Mat Nor MZ, et al.
    Ann Med, 2024 Dec;56(1):2398202.
    PMID: 39263743 DOI: 10.1080/07853890.2024.2398202
    BACKGROUND: There has been an alarming surge in the usage of social networking sites (SNSs) by healthcare professionals (HCPs) without adherence to the principles of professionalism. The widespread use of SNSs in medical practices has been coupled with reports of breaches of professional behaviors. Despite the benefits of SNSs, skepticism prevails about a clearly defined role for SNSs within medicine based upon the core principles of professionalism. Thus, there is a need to understand the manifestations of professionalism in the digital context, classically known as e-professionalism. This study systematically examines HCPs' perceptions of e-professionalism to advance a thorough understanding of e-professionalism.

    METHODS: This concept analysis was performed using the principle-based approach of Penrod and Hupcey. In January 2023, we searched the databases of PubMed and ISI Web of Science for English-language articles specific to 'e-professionalism' in the medical field. The final selected research corpus of 63 articles was analyzed in this study.

    RESULTS: A comprehensive analysis of the selected articles highlighted that e-professionalism is an epistemologically mature and distinct concept by a standard definition. However, inconsistencies in conceptual meanings were reported due to varied interpretations despite digital literacy. The pragmatic utility showed a lack of sound methodological and philosophical paradigms. Perhaps the rapid technological advancements and manifestations have hampered linguistic maturity. However, logically, e-professionalism is perceived as an extension of conventional professionalism but with a focus on a distinct framework with a set of attributes to be digitally relevant.

    CONCLUSION: This study identifies a scarcity of research about the collective perspective of essential stakeholders, underpinning the need to further explore e-professionalism due to its emerging complex nature within the digital context. There is also a recognition that a framework is essential to guide future HCPs to yield a profound understanding and to provide remediation strategies in the rapidly advancing medical field in digital realm.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  16. Nurumal MS, Diyono NQH, Che Hasan MK
    Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J, 2020 Nov;20(4):e374-e379.
    PMID: 33414944 DOI: 10.18295/squmj.2020.20.04.015
    Objectives: Self-efficacy is an important factor in determining the ability of students to execute tasks or skills needed in the implementation of interprofessional learning (IPL). This study aimed to identify levels of self-efficacy with regards to IPL skills among undergraduate healthcare students and to investigate differences according to gender, programme of study and year of study.

    Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted between January and March 2018 at the International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Malaysia. The Self-Efficacy for Interprofessional Experiential Learning scale was used to evaluate the self-efficacy of 336 students from five faculties including nursing, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and allied health sciences.

    Results: Significant differences in self-efficacy scores for the interprofessional interaction subscale were identified according to programme of study, with pharmacy students scoring significantly lower than allied health students (mean score: 54.1 ± 10.4 versus 57.4 ± 10.1; P = 0.014). In addition, there was a significant difference in self-efficacy scores for the interprofessional interaction subscale according to year of study, with first-year students scoring significantly lower compared to fifth-year students (mean score: 52.8 ± 10.4 versus 59.9 ± 11.9; P = 0.018). No statistically significant differences in self-efficacy scores were identified with regards to gender or for the interprofessional team evaluation and feedback subscale.

    Conclusion: These findings may contribute to the effective implementation of IPL education in healthcare faculties. Acknowledging the influence of self-efficacy on the execution of IPL skills is crucial to ensure healthcare students are able to adequately prepare for future interprofessional collaboration in real clinical settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  17. Zawiah M, Yousef AM, Al-Ashwal FY, Abduljabbar R, Al-Jamei S, Hayat Khan A, et al.
    Pharmacogenet Genomics, 2021 Aug 01;31(6):125-132.
    PMID: 34187984 DOI: 10.1097/FPC.0000000000000430
    BACKGROUND: Pharmacogenetics (PGx) science has evolved significantly with a huge number of studies exploring the effect of genetic variants on interindividual variability of drug response. In this study, we assessed the knowledge, attitudes and preparedness of Pharm-D vs. medical students toward PGx.

    METHOD: A paper-based cross-sectional survey was performed. A pilot-tested questionnaire consisting of 21 questions (demographics 5, knowledge 6, attitude 6, and preparedness 4) was administered to 900 healthcare students at different years of study. Descriptive and inferential analyses were used.

    RESULTS: Out of the 900 students approached, 852 (94.7%) completed the questionnaire. The overall students' mean (SD) percentage knowledge score (PKS) was poor [46.7% (18.7)]. The mean (SD) attitude and preparedness scores for all students were 4.68 (1.32), and 1.9 (1.40), respectively, indicating overall positive attitudes, but low preparedness to apply PGx to clinical care. Pharm-D students' overall PKS was significantly higher than medical students (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  18. Chew KS, Ooi SK, Abdul Rahim NF, Wong SS, Kandasamy V, Teo SS
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2023 Nov 27;23(1):1310.
    PMID: 38012617 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-023-10247-7
    BACKGROUND: Conventional cognitive interventions to reduce medication errors have been found to be less effective as behavioural change does not always follow intention change. Nudge interventions, which subtly steer one's choices, have recently been introduced.

    METHODS: Conducted from February to May 2023, this study aimed to determine the relationships between perceived effectiveness and perceived ease of implementation of six nudge interventions to reduce medication errors, i.e., provider champion, provider's commitment, peer comparison, provider education, patient education and departmental feedback, and the moderating effects of seniority of job positions and clinical experience on nudge acceptability. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling was used for data analysis.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: All six nudge strategies had significant positive relationships between perceived effectiveness and acceptability. In three out of six interventions, perceived ease of implementation was shown to have positive relationships with perceived acceptability. Only seniority of job position had a significant moderating effect on perceived ease of implementation in peer comparison intervention. Interventions that personally involve senior doctors appeared to have higher predictive accuracy than those that do not, indicating that high power-distance culture influence intervention acceptability.

    CONCLUSION: For successful nudge implementations, both intrinsic properties of the interventions and the broader sociocultural context is necessary.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  19. Barlow M, Watson B, Jones E, Morse C, Maccallum F
    J Interprof Care, 2024 Jan 02;38(1):42-51.
    PMID: 37702325 DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2023.2249939
    Speaking up for patient safety is a well-documented, complex communication interaction, which is challenging both to teach and to implement into practice. In this study we used Communication Accommodation Theory to explore receivers' perceptions and their self-reported behaviors during an actual speaking up interaction in a health context. Intergroup dynamics were evident across interactions. Where seniority of the participants was salient, the within-profession interactions had more influence on the receiver's initial reactions and overall evaluation of the message, compared to the between profession interactions. Most of the seniority salient interactions occurred down the hierarchy, where a more senior professional ingroup member delivered the speaking up message to a more junior receiver. These senior speaker interactions elicited fear and impeded the receiver's voice. We found that nurses/midwives and allied health clinicians reported using different communication behaviors in speaking up interactions. We propose that the term "speaking up" be changed, to emphasize receivers' reactions when they are spoken up to, to help receivers engage in more mutually beneficial communication strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  20. Yuetqi L, Lin GSS, Mamat RB, Noorani TY
    BMC Oral Health, 2025 Jan 08;25(1):43.
    PMID: 39780254 DOI: 10.1186/s12903-024-05354-8
    BACKGROUND: Limited studies have explored the use of the hybrid approach combining team-based learning (TBL) and case-based learning (CBL) in dental education. This study evaluates how students perceive the hybrid TBL-CBL approach to learning endodontics and determines whether gender and ethnicity impact students' perceptions.

    METHODS: The final-year undergraduate Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) students were invited to participate in a hybrid TBL-CBL session. They were randomly divided into six groups of six to seven students, and the session was conducted by one facilitator, supported by two lecturers. At the end of the session, a 23-item questionnaire consisting of four domains (perception of effectiveness, teacher, team interaction and learning environment) and open-ended questions was distributed. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse quantitative data using IBM SPSS software version 27.0 for Mac (SPSS Inc.). Thematic analysis was used to code qualitative data. ANCOVA (Analysis of covariance) was used to evaluate the relationship between gender and ethnicity towards the students' perception of this hybrid TBL-CBL session, with a significant difference set at P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
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