Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 677 in total

  1. Arora S, Urs AB, Choudhary Z
    Gulf J Oncolog, 2017 Jan;1(23):77-81.
    PMID: 28272008
    A 15-year-old Indian male patient presented with a history of pain and swelling in left mandible. Imaging studies revealed a well-defined unilocular radiolucency in the body of the mandible. Patient also gave the past history of the surgery of the jaws, which was histopathologically diagnosed as dentigerous cyst. Following this patient underwent incisional biopsy and later excisional biopsy. The histopathologic diagnosis for incisional biopsy was unicystic ameloblastoma but final diagnosis was dentinogenic ghost cell tumor for the excised tissue. To the best of our knowledge, this appears o be the first case of dentigerous cyst transforming into dentinogenic ghost cell tumor. The clinical presentation of the case, differential diagnosis and treatment modalities are being discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  2. Kho SS, Chan SK, Yong MC, Tie ST
    ERJ Open Res, 2019 Oct;5(4).
    PMID: 31649952 DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00135-2019
    Background: Radial endobronchial ultrasound (R-EBUS) is an effective technique in the diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary lesions (PPL). However, lesion orientation with regards to the radial probe remains an important factor for effective biopsy. "Within" orientation was associated with significantly higher diagnostic yield. Cryobiopsy is a novel technique in obtaining larger tissue samples with the frozen tip allowing biopsy in a 360° direction, thus potentially achieving more effective biopsy in eccentrically and adjacently orientated lesions. We aimed to evaluate the performance and safety of transbronchial cryobiopsy versus forceps biopsy in eccentrically and adjacently orientated R-EBUS lesions.

    Methods: Retrospective review of R-EBUS transbronchial biopsy for PPL over 17 months.

    Results: 114 R-EBUS scans were included for analysis during the study period. Forceps biopsy was performed in 76 (66.7%) cases and cryobiopsy in 38 (33.3%) cases. Baseline demographics and lesion characteristics did not differ between the two groups. Median (interquartile range) lesion size was 3.48 (2.63-4.51) cm. Overall, 41.2% of lesions were of eccentric orientation and 15.8% adjacent orientation; only 43% were concentric in orientation. Overall diagnostic yield was 67.5% (77 out of 114). Orientation remained an important factor affecting diagnostic yield. Transbronchial cryobiopsy significantly increased the diagnostic yield in eccentrically and adjacently orientated lesions to 75.0% (18 out of 24), compared to 48.8% (20 out of 41) obtained via forceps biopsy (p<0.05); but not in concentric lesions. Cryobiopsy was associated with more mild and moderate bleeding complications compared to the forceps biopsy group.

    Conclusions: Transbronchial cryobiopsy under R-EBUS guidance is a safe procedure which potentially increases diagnostic yield in eccentrically and adjacently orientated PPLs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  3. Subramaniam S, Johan S, Hayati F, Ng CY, Azizan N, Chuah JA, et al.
    BMC Surg, 2020 Jun 11;20(1):130.
    PMID: 32527309 DOI: 10.1186/s12893-020-00787-8
    BACKGROUND: Sialolipoma is a rare tumour which may arise from both major and minor salivary glands and has recently been described as a variant of salivary gland lipomatous lesions.

    CASE PRESENTATION: We report a 54-year-old male who presented with a 7-year history of large right anterior neck swelling. He was clinically euthyroid and had no compressive or infiltrative symptoms. He sought medical attention due to the discomfort exerted by the weight of the mass and was keen for excision. The swelling appeared like a goitre but physical examination proved otherwise. Imaging was suggestive of a benign tumour arising from the right parapharyngeal fossa. The mass was surgically excised and was noted to be adherent to part of the submandibular gland. Histopathological examination revealed a new variant of benign adipocytic tumour of salivary gland or sialolipoma arising from the submandibular gland. Besides being the largest sialolipoma to be reported, there are also no reports of giant submandibular sialolipomas masquerading as a huge goitre in appearance.

    CONCLUSION: Submandibular sialolipomas can present in really large sizes and appear as a giant goitre. It is important to differentiate between benign lipomas from liposarcomas and tailor the management accordingly. Surgical enucleation is the preferred choice of treatment for these benign tumours with low recurrence rates.

    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  4. Sari ARP, Radiono S, Soebono H, Ferronika P
    Malays J Pathol, 2022 Dec;44(3):491-498.
    PMID: 36591716
    INTRODUCTION: Less biopsies were expected when large scale social restrictions were enforced during COVID-19 pandemic.

    AIM: To compare the skin diseases prompting biopsy before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study of skin diseases was performed; the skin problems were then grouped into major histopathological reactions.

    RESULTS: A total of 229 biopsies were performed before the COVID-19 outbreak, whereas only 160 biopsies were done during the pandemic. Before versus during the outbreak, the proportion of major reactions were granulomatous 20.52% vs 21.88%, neoplasms 17.47% vs 20%, psoriasiform 14.85% vs 10%, vesiculobullous 9.61% vs 8.75%, others 10.92% vs 7.50%, interface dermatitis 6.99% vs 10%, vasculopathy 6.99% vs 5.63%, spongiotic 6.55% vs 8.13%, panniculitis 3.49% vs 3.75%, and superficial and deep dermal infiltrate 2.62% vs 4.38%.

    CONCLUSION: A decreased total number of patients prompting less biopsies were reported during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, the three largest percentages of major histopathological reactions were still similar, namely granulomatous, neoplasms, and psoriasiform.

    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  5. Chuah SY
    Singapore Med J, 1996 Feb;37(1):86-90.
    PMID: 8783921
    Percutaneous liver biopsy is widely used for the diagnosis and management of liver diseases. With the advancement in medical technology, there are now different approaches to performing liver biopsy, using various biopsy needles. This review highlights the differences between these various techniques. It re-examines in detail, the contraindications and complications of liver biopsy. Haemorrhage accounts for about 50% of all major complications and is the main cause of mortality. About 25% of complications are pulmonary in nature. The rest consists mainly of infective complications. Day case liver biopsy has been repeatedly shown to be safe in selected patients, but is underpracticed. Routine practice of image-guided biopsy is advocated, even in the absence of discrete lesion. Medicine is constantly evolving. New indications for liver biopsy, eg of transplanted liver, are to be expected. Conversely, with the advent in other less invasive modalities of investigation, some indications will disappear from the list.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy/adverse effects; Biopsy/methods*; Biopsy/contraindications
  6. Qua CS, Wong CH, Goh KL
    Singapore Med J, 2008 Jan;49(1):e8-11.
    PMID: 18204759
    We report a hepatocellular carcinoma seeding following needle biopsy in a 57-year-old man who first presented with a focal hepatic lesion at another hospital. The patient had been a hepatitis B carrier for 20 years. Initial surveillance ultrasonography showed a lesion in segment IV, in the background of non-cirrhotic liver and normal serum alpha-foetoprotein level (8 ng/ml). A percutaneous needle biopsy was done and histopathology confirmed well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma. The patient had refused surgery and preferred to try traditional medicine. He presented to us four months after the initial biopsy with epigastric swelling. This was found to be due to a tumour seeding along the previous biopsy tract. He was given radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of tumour along the needle tract, in addition to the primary tumour. We conclude that the need for percutaneous needle biopsy should be critically evaluated in patients presenting with focal hepatic lesions and the role of RFA in treating tumour seeding needs further evaluation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy; Biopsy, Needle/adverse effects*; Biopsy, Needle/methods*
  7. Xin TY, Saniasiaya J, Kulasegarah J, Fan CS
    Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove), 2023;66(4):158-160.
    PMID: 38588394 DOI: 10.14712/18059694.2024.11
    Pilomatricoma, also known as Pilamatrixoma or Malherbe's calcifying epithelioma, is a benign skin tumour with a bimodal age distribution between the paediatric and elderly age groups. Although it was previously thought to be rare, recent studies have revealed that it is quite common. Typically, pilomatricoma is diagnosed following histopathological examination of the lesion as it is frequently misdiagnosed with other types of skin pathology. In our case, the child presented with painless swelling of the left infraauricular region. The initial cytology and imaging were unable to provide a definite diagnosis. An excision biopsy was done, and a histopathological examination was suggestive of Pilomatricoma. Therefore, Pilomatricoma ought to be considered in the differential diagnosis of head and neck lesions in hopes of providing a better understanding on this pathological lesion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  8. Kho SS, Chai CS, Ho RL, Ismail AM, Tie ST
    Lancet, 2023 Oct 14;402(10410):1356.
    PMID: 37838440 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01906-2
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  9. Sriram PR
    Asian J Neurosurg, 2017 11 9;12(4):766-768.
    PMID: 29114307 DOI: 10.4103/1793-5482.185055
    Primary orbital lymphoma is a rare entity with only 1% of extranodal lymphomas. They usually present to ophthalmologist and surgical reserved for biopsy or tissue diagnosis. We present a patient who was referred to neurosurgery for a rapid growing orbital lymphoma. It grows from a small nodule in the eyelid to a huge, aggressive, disfiguring lesion invading bone and dura with intracranial extension within 3 months. The patient was treated with total surgical excision followed by systemic chemotherapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  10. Singaram S, Ramakrishnan K, Selvam J, Senthil M, Narayanamurthy V
    Arch Physiol Biochem, 2024 Aug;130(4):437-451.
    PMID: 36063413 DOI: 10.1080/13813455.2022.2114499
    Context: Sweat glands (SGs) play a vital role in thermal regulation. The function and structure are altered during the different pathological conditions.Objective: These alterations are studied through three techniques: biopsy, sweat analytes and electrical activity of SG.Methods: The morphological study of SG through biopsy and various techniques involved in quantifying sweat analytes is focussed on here. Electrical activities of SG in diabetes, neuropathy and nephropathy cases are also discussed, highlighting their limitations and future scope.Results and Conclusion: The result of this review identified three areas of the knowledge gap. The first is wearable sensors to correlate pathological conditions. Secondly, there is no device to look for its structure and quantify its associated function. Finally, therapeutic applications of SG are explored, especially for renal failure. With these aspects, this paper provides information collection and correlates SG with pathologies related to diabetes. Hence this could help researchers develop suitable technologies for the gaps identified.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  11. Paul AG, See LP, Ohn MH, Ohn KM
    BMJ Case Rep, 2023 Dec 18;16(12).
    PMID: 38110341 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2023-257619
    Giant cell tumour of bone is a benign, locally aggressive osteolytic tumour that typically affects skeletally mature young individuals. It predominantly emerges within the metaphysis, extending towards the epiphysis of long bones, while occurrences in flat bones are exceptionally rare. We present a case of a woman in her late 20s who presented with a large right ischial mass. A biopsy confirmed the mass as a giant cell tumour. The tumour extended to the acetabulum, and due to the potential risk of significant bleeding and contamination during en bloc excision, a prudent approach involved initiating denosumab therapy, a monoclonal antibody targeting receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand therapy, before proceeding with radical surgery. Denosumab therapy successfully rendered a previously inoperable tumour favourable for surgical intervention. We went on to perform a type 2 and 3 internal hemipelvectomy, followed by a reconstruction with a hip endoprosthesis replacement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  12. Alhabshi SM, Rahmat K, Westerhout CJ, Md Latar NH, Chandran PA, Aziz S
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 May;20(3):83-7.
    PMID: 23966831 MyJurnal
    Lymphocytic mastitis, or diabetic mastopathy, is an unusual finding in early-onset and long-standing diabetes. It can presents as a non-tender or tender palpable breast mass. Mammogram and ultrasound frequently demonstrate findings suspicious of malignancy, thus biopsy and histological confirmation is usually required. We reviewed two cases of lymphocytic mastitis with characteristics findings on mammogram, ultrasound, and histopathology. Diagnoses were confirmed with excision biopsy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  13. How SH, Kuan YC, Ng TH, Norra H, Ramachandram K, Fauzi AR
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Jun;63(2):178-81.
    PMID: 18942315 MyJurnal
    In Malaysia, transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) is a relatively new procedure performed only in a handful of respiratory centres. We reviewed TBNA of mediastinal lymph node performed in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) to determine the yield and its complications. Data was retrieved from endoscopy databases and patients' records, CT thorax images and all cytological and histological slides were reviewed. Twenty-five patients had TBNA performed. TBNA was positive in 15 patients (60%). Overall, 80% had confirmed malignancy after bronchoscopy. Only four patients had documented bleeding after TBNA and in two of them, bleeding stopped spontaneously and another two patients required diluted adrenaline to stop the bleed. No mortality was reported from this procedure. Hence, TBNA is a safe procedure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy, Fine-Needle/methods*
  14. Gan WH, Thye YL, Chang SH, Chua CB, Looi LM, Tan SY
    Transplant Proc, 2004 Sep;36(7):2148-9.
    PMID: 15518779
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy/adverse effects*
  15. Siar CH, Tan BH
    J Oral Sci, 2000 Dec;42(4):205-10.
    PMID: 11269378
    The turnaround time (TAT) for oral biopsies received for histological examination by the Department of Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, for the years 1978, 1988 and 1998 was evaluated. For the three years studied, TATs for 61, 233 and 463 specimens were retrospectively analysed. Testing intervals, that is, from the dates the surgeons procured the specimens, the laboratories accessioned them and until the pathologists signed off the diagnoses, were used to calculate TAT. The performance level of the respective pathologists, the growth of tissue diagnostic services and the possible variables that influence TAT were also evaluated. As prompt diagnosis means prompt treatment, which in turn has a bearing on prognosis, the TAT pertinent to oral malignant tumors was emphasized. The mean TAT, its mode and median fell significantly in 1998 compared with the previous 2 years; it was lower for soft tissue than for hard tissue specimens, and lower for malignant, than for non-malignant specimens. The progression of tissue diagnostic services is up to a satisfactory level, as 88.89 % of biopsies could render diagnoses within a fair period of time in 1998.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy*
  16. Jayaram G, Gupta M, Lamba S
    Malays J Pathol, 1993 Dec;15(2):137-42.
    PMID: 8065175
    Forty-eight patients with breast carcinoma were subjected to four quadrant fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology examination of the ipsilateral and contralateral breast in an attempt to detect any accompanying benign proliferative lesion. Mastectomy of ipsilateral and open biopsy of contralateral breast provided material for histopathological study. Cytological evidence of epithelial proliferation was found in 8 (16.6%) cases which included atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH), lobular neoplasia in-situ (LNIS), atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), and proliferative disease without atypia (PDWA). In lobular proliferative lesions, cytological smears showed configurations of cells that resembled filled up or expanded lobular units. The cytology was not distinctive enough to distinguish the sub-types of lobular proliferations. Likewise, the presence of ductal alterations could be suggested by cytological study but the distinction of proliferative disease without atypia (PDWA) from atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) was not possible on a cytological basis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy, Needle/methods*
  17. Jayaram G, Lamba S, Kakar A
    Malays J Pathol, 1993 Dec;15(2):131-6.
    PMID: 8065174
    Seventy-eight symptomatic females without palpable breast lumps were subjected to bilateral four quadrant fine needle aspiration cytology. Cytological evidence of an epithelial proliferative lesion was seen in 44 of these cases. Based on the cytological evidence of proliferation, the site for open biopsy was determined. Histopathological study of the breast biopsies in these patients showed proliferative disease without atypia (PDWA) in 40 cases, atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) in two, atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH) in one and ADH with ALH in one case. Cytology was thus useful in establishing the presence of proliferative activity, commenting on the extent of proliferation, and thereby roughly mapping out the area of the breast most suitable for biopsy. On cytological grounds, it was not possible to distinguish the atypical hyperplastic lesions from the proliferative diseases without atypia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy, Needle/methods*
  18. Cheong SK, Lim YC
    Malays J Pathol, 1990 Jun;12(1):51-6.
    PMID: 1708844
    The routine study of bone marrow trephine biopsies involves fixation, decalcification, paraffin-embedment, sectioning and staining. However, this process creates artifacts, produces shrinkage of tissue, consumes time and can result in sections of unsatisfactory cytological quality. It also renders the tissue unsuitable for enzyme-histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses. Frozen section of bone marrow without decalcification was evaluated as an alternative method for the study of bone marrow. This method was found to give sections with comparable cytological quality to that of paraffin-embedment, yielded sections for interpretation within 24 hours, and allowed enzyme-histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses to be applied successfully.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy/methods*
  19. Jain SK
    Med J Malaysia, 1982 Mar;37(1):88-9.
    PMID: 7121356
    The role of multiple pleural biopsies in malignant pleural effusion to achieve better diagnostic yield was evaluated. The specific diagnosis was established in 43.8 percent (14/32) of cases on first biopsy, and improved to 93.8 percent (30/32) of cases by three biopsies. The contribution of multiple biopsies was stressed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy/methods*
  20. Fauzi AR, Balakrishnan L, Rathor MY
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Dec;58(5):729-34.
    PMID: 15190660
    A retrospective review of all bronchoscopy cases for investigation of lung cancer between January 1997 and December 1999 was done. The cases were included if endobronchial mass was visible (Group A) or when there was an abnormal mucosa and/or bronchial narrowing in the absence of a mass (Group B). All patients in Group A (n = 177) underwent endobronchial biopsy (EB) bronchial brushings (BB) and bronchial washings (BW). All cases in Group B underwent transbronchial biopsy (TBB), BB and BW. Only a small increase in the positive results for cancer was seen when cytology specimens (BB and BW) were added to EB (85.3% vs 88.1%, McNemar's P = 0.06) in Group A but there was a significant increase in Group B (37.3% vs 54.2%. McNemar's, P = 0.001). Therefore although cytology specimens did not significantly add to overall yield of positive results when endobronchial lesions were visible, when mass lesions were not visible, cytology specimens increased the yield by 16.9%.
    Study site: Chest clinic, Hospital Sultanah Aminah (HSA), Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy*
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