Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 67 in total

  1. Shokrollahi N, Ho CL, Zainudin NAIM, Wahab MABA, Wong MY
    Sci Rep, 2021 Aug 11;11(1):16330.
    PMID: 34381084 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-95549-8
    Basal stem rot (BSR) of oil palm is a disastrous disease caused by a white-rot fungus Ganoderma boninense Pat. Non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs) synthesized by non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are a group of secondary metabolites that act as fungal virulent factors during pathogenesis in the host. In this study, we aimed to isolate NRPS gene of G. boninense strain UPMGB001 and investigate the role of this gene during G. boninense-oil palm interaction. The isolated NRPS DNA fragment of 8322 bp was used to predict the putative peptide sequence of different domains and showed similarity with G. sinense (85%) at conserved motifs of three main NRPS domains. Phylogenetic analysis of NRPS peptide sequences demonstrated that NRPS of G. boninense belongs to the type VI siderophore family. The roots of 6-month-old oil palm seedlings were artificially inoculated for studying NRPS gene expression and disease severity in the greenhouse. The correlation between high disease severity (50%) and high expression (67-fold) of G. boninense NRPS gene at 4 months after inoculation and above indicated that this gene played a significant role in the advancement of BSR disease. Overall, these findings increase our knowledge on the gene structure of NRPS in G. boninense and its involvement in BSR pathogenesis as an effector gene.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
  2. Abdullah N, Rafii Yusop M, Ithnin M, Saleh G, Latif MA
    C. R. Biol., 2011 Apr;334(4):290-9.
    PMID: 21513898 DOI: 10.1016/j.crvi.2011.01.004
    Studies were conducted to assess the genetic relationships between the parental palms (dura and pisifera) and performance of their progenies based on nine microsatellite markers and 29 quantitative traits. Correlation analyses between genetic distances and hybrids performance were estimated. The coefficients of correlation values of genetic distances with hybrid performance were non-significant, except for mean nut weight and leaf number. However, the correlation coefficient of genetic distances with these characters was low to be used as predicted value. These results indicated that genetic distances based on the microsatellite markers may not be useful for predicting hybrid performance. The genetic distance analysis using UPGMA clustering system generated 5 genetic clusters with coefficient of 1.26 based on quantitative traits of progenies. The genotypes, DP16, DP14, DP4, DP13, DP12, DP15, DP8, DP1 and DP2 belonging to distant clusters and greater genetic distances could be selected for further breeding programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics; DNA, Plant/isolation & purification
  3. Osman NA, Abdul-Latiff MAB, Mohd-Ridwan AR, Yaakop S, Nor SM, Md-Zain BM
    Animals (Basel), 2020 Nov 26;10(12).
    PMID: 33255964 DOI: 10.3390/ani10122215
    Understanding dietary diversity is a fundamental task in the study of stump-tailed macaque, Macaca arctoides in its natural habitat. However, direct feeding observation and morphological identification using fecal samples are not effective and nearly impossible to obtain in natural habitats because this species is sensitive to human presence. As ecological methods are challenging and time-consuming, DNA metabarcoding offers a more powerful assessment of the diet. We used a chloroplast tRNL DNA metabarcoding approach to identify the diversity of plants consumed by free-ranging M. arctoides in the Malaysia-Thailand border region located in Perlis State Park, Peninsular Malaysia. DNA was extracted from three fecal samples, and chloroplast tRNL DNA was amplified and sequenced using the Illumina MiniSeq platform. Sequences were analyzed using the CLC Genomic Workbench software. A total of 145 plant species from 46 families were successfully identified as being consumed by M. arctoides. The most abundant species were yellow saraca, Saraca thaipingensis (11.70%), common fig, Ficus carica (9.33%), aramata, Clathrotropis brachypetala (5.90%), sea fig, Ficus superba (5.44%), and envireira, Malmea dielsiana (1.70%). However, Clathrotropis and Malmea are not considered Malaysian trees because of limited data available from Malaysian plant DNA. Our study is the first to identify plant taxa up to the species level consumed by stump-tailed macaques based on a DNA metabarcoding approach. This result provides an important understanding on diet of wild M. arctoides that only reside in Perlis State Park, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant
  4. Aziz SA, Clements GR, Peng LY, Campos-Arceiz A, McConkey KR, Forget PM, et al.
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e3176.
    PMID: 28413729 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3176
    There is an urgent need to identify and understand the ecosystem services of pollination and seed dispersal provided by threatened mammals such as flying foxes. The first step towards this is to obtain comprehensive data on their diet. However, the volant and nocturnal nature of bats presents a particularly challenging situation, and conventional microhistological approaches to studying their diet can be laborious and time-consuming, and provide incomplete information. We used Illumina Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) as a novel, non-invasive method for analysing the diet of the island flying fox (Pteropus hypomelanus) on Tioman Island, Peninsular Malaysia. Through DNA metabarcoding of plants in flying fox droppings, using primers targeting the rbcL gene, we identified at least 29 Operationally Taxonomic Units (OTUs) comprising the diet of this giant pteropodid. OTU sequences matched at least four genera and 14 plant families from online reference databases based on a conservative Least Common Ancestor approach, and eight species from our site-specific plant reference collection. NGS was just as successful as conventional microhistological analysis in detecting plant taxa from droppings, but also uncovered six additional plant taxa. The island flying fox's diet appeared to be dominated by figs (Ficus sp.), which was the most abundant plant taxon detected in the droppings every single month. Our study has shown that NGS can add value to the conventional microhistological approach in identifying food plant species from flying fox droppings. At this point in time, more accurate genus- and species-level identification of OTUs not only requires support from databases with more representative sequences of relevant plant DNA, but probably necessitates in situ collection of plant specimens to create a reference collection. Although this method cannot be used to quantify true abundance or proportion of plant species, nor plant parts consumed, it ultimately provides a very important first step towards identifying plant taxa and spatio-temporal patterns in flying fox diets.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant
  5. Yee W, Kumar JN, Muthusamy PD
    Indian J Microbiol, 2018 Mar;58(1):109-113.
    PMID: 29434405 DOI: 10.1007/s12088-017-0698-5
    2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME), alongside polyvinylpyrrolidone is commonly used in plant DNA extractions to deal with polyphenols, which could interfere with extraction and downstream applications. 2-ME is also commonly used to denature proteins and nucleases, especially RNAses. On the contrary, we found that the presence of 2-ME in lysis buffer interfered with DNA extraction from 12 strains of freshwater microalgae, resulting in DNA with poor integrity. We also found that the TNES-urea buffer, commonly used for preservation and DNA extraction from fish, appears as effective as the SDS and CTAB buffer for some microalgae strains. Results from our study suggests that the inclusion of 2-ME in DNA extraction protocols may be detrimental for isolation of good quality DNA from freshwater microalgae, and therefore recommend eliminating it or testing varying concentrations of 2-ME when developing species-specific extraction protocols for microalgae.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant
  6. Golestan Hashemi FS, Rafii MY, Ismail MR, Mohamed MT, Rahim HA, Latif MA, et al.
    Gene, 2015 Jan 25;555(2):101-7.
    PMID: 25445269 DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2014.10.048
    MRQ74, a popular aromatic Malaysian landrace, allows for charging considerably higher prices than non-aromatic landraces. Thus, breeding this profitable trait has become a priority for Malaysian rice breeding. Despite many studies on aroma genetics, ambiguities considering its genetic basis remain. It has been observed that identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) based on anchor markers, particularly candidate genes controlling a trait of interest, can increase the power of QTL detection. Hence, this study aimed to locate QTLs that influence natural variations in rice scent using microsatellites and candidate gene-based sequence polymorphisms. For this purpose, an F2 mapping population including 189 individual plants was developed by MRQ74 crosses with 'MR84', a non-scented Malaysian accession. Additionally, qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied to obtain a phenotype data framework. Consequently, we identified two QTLs on chromosomes 4 and 8. These QTLs explained from 3.2% to 39.3% of the total fragrance phenotypic variance. In addition, we could resolve linkage group 8 by adding six gene-based primers in the interval harboring the most robust QTL. Hence, we could locate a putative fgr allele in the QTL found on chromosome 8 in the interval RM223-SCU015RM (1.63cM). The identified QTLs represent an important step toward recognition of the rice flavor genetic control mechanism. In addition, this identification will likely accelerate the progress of the use of molecular markers for gene isolation, gene-based cloning, and marker-assisted selection breeding programs aimed at improving rice cultivars.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
  7. Masuda S, Tani N, Ueno S, Lee SL, Muhammad N, Kondo T, et al.
    PLoS One, 2013;8(12):e82039.
    PMID: 24391712 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082039
    Pollinator syndrome is one of the most important determinants regulating pollen dispersal in tropical tree species. It has been widely accepted that the reproduction of tropical forest species, especially dipterocarps that rely on insects with weak flight for their pollination, is positively density-dependent. However differences in pollinator syndrome should affect pollen dispersal patterns and, consequently, influence genetic diversity via the mating process. We examined the pollen dispersal pattern and mating system of Shorea maxwelliana, the flowers of which are larger than those of Shorea species belonging to section Mutica which are thought to be pollinated by thrips (weak flyers). A Bayesian mating model based on the paternity of seeds collected from mother trees during sporadic and mass flowering events revealed that the estimated pollen dispersal kernel and average pollen dispersal distance were similar for both flowering events. This evidence suggests that the putative pollinators - small beetles and weevils - effectively contribute to pollen dispersal and help to maintain a high outcrossing rate even during sporadic flowering events. However, the reduction in pollen donors during a sporadic event results in a reduction in effective pollen donors, which should lead to lower genetic diversity in the next generation derived from seeds produced during such an event. Although sporadic flowering has been considered less effective for outcrossing in Shorea species that depend on thrips for their pollination, effective pollen dispersal by the small beetles and weevils ensures outcrossing during periods of low flowering tree density, as occurs in a sporadic flowering event.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
  8. Cheng A, Ismail I, Osman M, Hashim H
    Int J Mol Sci, 2012;13(5):6156-66.
    PMID: 22754356 DOI: 10.3390/ijms13056156
    The polymorphisms of Waxy (Wx) microsatellite and G-T single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the Wx gene region were analyzed using simplified techniques in fifteen rice varieties. A rapid and reliable electrophoresis method, MetaPhor agarose gel electrophoresis (MAGE), was effectively employed as an alternative to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) for separating Wx microsatellite alleles. The amplified products containing the Wx microsatellite ranged from 100 to 130 bp in length. Five Wx microsatellite alleles, namely (CT)(10), (CT)(11), (CT)(16), (CT)(17), and (CT)(18) were identified. Of these, (CT)(11) and (CT)(17) were the predominant classes among the tested varieties. All varieties with an apparent amylose content higher than 24% were associated with the shorter repeat alleles; (CT)(10) and (CT)(11), while varieties with 24% or less amylose were associated with the longer repeat alleles. All varieties with intermediate and high amylose content had the sequence AGGTATA at the 5'-leader intron splice site, while varieties with low amylose content had the sequence AGTTATA. The G-T polymorphism was further verified by the PCR-AccI cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) method, in which only genotypes containing the AGGTATA sequence were cleaved by AccI. Hence, varieties with desirable amylose levels can be developed rapidly using the Wx microsatellite and G-T SNP, along with MAGE.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/analysis*
  9. Setiawan AB, Teo CH, Kikuchi S, Sassa H, Kato K, Koba T
    Cytogenet Genome Res, 2020;160(9):554-564.
    PMID: 33171461 DOI: 10.1159/000511119
    Mobile elements are major regulators of genome evolution through their effects on genome size and chromosome structure in higher organisms. Non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons, one of the subclasses of transposons, are specifically inserted into repetitive DNA sequences. While studies on the insertion of non-LTR retrotransposons into ribosomal RNA genes and other repetitive DNA sequences have been reported in the animal kingdom, studies in the plant kingdom are limited. Here, using FISH, we confirmed that Menolird18, a member of LINE (long interspersed nuclear element) in non-LTR retrotransposons and found in Cucumis melo, was inserted into ITS and ETS (internal and external transcribed spacers) regions of 18S rDNA in melon and cucumber. Beside the 18S rDNA regions, Menolird18 was also detected in all centromeric regions of melon, while it was located at pericentromeric and sub-telomeric regions in cucumber. The fact that FISH signals of Menolird18 were found in centromeric and rDNA regions of mitotic chromosomes suggests that Menolird18 is a rDNA and centromere-specific non-LTR retrotransposon in melon. Our findings are the first report on a non-LTR retrotransposon that is highly conserved in 2 different plant species, melon and cucumber. The clear distinction of chromosomal localization of Menolird18 in melon and cucumber implies that it might have been involved in the evolutionary processes of the melon (C. melo) and cucumber (C. sativus) genomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
  10. Yeo FK, Wang Y, Vozabova T, Huneau C, Leroy P, Chalhoub B, et al.
    Theor Appl Genet, 2016 Feb;129(2):289-304.
    PMID: 26542283 DOI: 10.1007/s00122-015-2627-5
    Rphq2, a minor gene for partial resistance to Puccinia hordei , was physically mapped in a 188 kbp introgression with suppressed recombination between haplotypes of rphq2 and Rphq2 barley cultivars.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
  11. Singh R, Tan SG, Panandam JM, Rahman RA, Ooi LC, Low ET, et al.
    BMC Plant Biol, 2009;9:114.
    PMID: 19706196 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-9-114
    Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) is well suited to a perennial crop like oil palm, in which the economic products are not produced until several years after planting. The use of DNA markers for selection in such crops can greatly reduce the number of breeding cycles needed. With the use of DNA markers, informed decisions can be made at the nursery stage, regarding which individuals should be retained as breeding stock, which are satisfactory for agricultural production, and which should be culled. The trait associated with oil quality, measured in terms of its fatty acid composition, is an important agronomic trait that can eventually be tracked using molecular markers. This will speed up the production of new and improved oil palm planting materials.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
  12. Liaw Y, Liu Y, Teo C, Cápal P, Wada N, Fukui K, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2021 May 21;22(11).
    PMID: 34063996 DOI: 10.3390/ijms22115426
    Methylation systems have been conserved during the divergence of plants and animals, although they are regulated by different pathways and enzymes. However, studies on the interactions of the epigenomes among evolutionarily distant organisms are lacking. To address this, we studied the epigenetic modification and gene expression of plant chromosome fragments (~30 Mb) in a human-Arabidopsis hybrid cell line. The whole-genome bisulfite sequencing results demonstrated that recombinant Arabidopsis DNA could retain its plant CG methylation levels even without functional plant methyltransferases, indicating that plant DNA methylation states can be maintained even in a different genomic background. The differential methylation analysis showed that the Arabidopsis DNA was undermethylated in the centromeric region and repetitive elements. Several Arabidopsis genes were still expressed, whereas the expression patterns were not related to the gene function. We concluded that the plant DNA did not maintain the original plant epigenomic landscapes and was under the control of the human genome. This study showed how two diverging genomes can coexist and provided insights into epigenetic modifications and their impact on the regulation of gene expressions between plant and animal genomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
  13. Biswas MK, Bagchi M, Biswas D, Harikrishna JA, Liu Y, Li C, et al.
    Genes (Basel), 2020 12 09;11(12).
    PMID: 33317074 DOI: 10.3390/genes11121479
    Trait tagging through molecular markers is an important molecular breeding tool for crop improvement. SSR markers encoded by functionally relevant parts of a genome are well suited for this task because they may be directly related to traits. However, a limited number of these markers are known for Musa spp. Here, we report 35136 novel functionally relevant SSR markers (FRSMs). Among these, 17,561, 15,373 and 16,286 FRSMs were mapped in-silico to the genomes of Musa acuminata, M. balbisiana and M. schizocarpa, respectively. A set of 273 markers was validated using eight accessions of Musa spp., from which 259 markers (95%) produced a PCR product of the expected size and 203 (74%) were polymorphic. In-silico comparative mapping of FRSMs onto Musa and related species indicated sequence-based orthology and synteny relationships among the chromosomes of Musa and other plant species. Fifteen FRSMs were used to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among 50 banana accessions, and the results revealed that all banana accessions group into two major clusters according to their genomic background. Here, we report the first large-scale development and characterization of functionally relevant Musa SSR markers. We demonstrate their utility for germplasm characterization, genetic diversity studies, and comparative mapping in Musa spp. and other monocot species. The sequences for these novel markers are freely available via a searchable web interface called Musa Marker Database.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
  14. Song BK, Hein I, Druka A, Waugh R, Marshall D, Nadarajah K, et al.
    Funct Integr Genomics, 2009 Feb;9(1):97-108.
    PMID: 18633654 DOI: 10.1007/s10142-008-0091-x
    Common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) plays an important role by contributing to modern rice breeding. In this paper, we report the sequence and analysis of a 172-kb genomic DNA region of wild rice around the RM5 locus, which is associated with the yield QTL yld1.1. Comparative sequence analysis between orthologous RM5 regions from Oryza sativa ssp. japonica, O. sativa ssp. indica and O. rufipogon revealed a high level of conserved synteny in the content, homology, structure, orientation, and physical distance of all 14 predicted genes. Twelve of the putative genes were supported by matches to proteins with known function, whereas two were predicted by homology to rice and other plant expressed sequence tags or complementary DNAs. The remarkably high level of conservation found in coding, intronic and intergenic regions may indicate high evolutionary selection on the RM5 region. Although our analysis has not defined which gene(s) determine the yld1.1 phenotype, allelic variation and the insertion of transposable elements, among other nucleotide changes, represent potential variation responsible for the yield QTL. However, as suggested previously, two putative receptor-like protein kinase genes remain the key suspects for yld1.1.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics*
  15. Lee YI, Yap JW, Izan S, Leitch IJ, Fay MF, Lee YC, et al.
    BMC Genomics, 2018 Aug 02;19(1):578.
    PMID: 30068293 DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4956-7
    BACKGROUND: Satellite DNA is a rapidly diverging, largely repetitive DNA component of many eukaryotic genomes. Here we analyse the evolutionary dynamics of a satellite DNA repeat in the genomes of a group of Asian subtropical lady slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum subgenus Parvisepalum and representative species in the other subgenera/sections across the genus). A new satellite repeat in Paphiopedilum subgenus Parvisepalum, SatA, was identified and characterized using the RepeatExplorer pipeline in HiSeq Illumina reads from P. armeniacum (2n = 26). Reconstructed monomers were used to design a satellite-specific fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) probe. The data were also analysed within a phylogenetic framework built using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of 45S nuclear ribosomal DNA.

    RESULTS: SatA comprises c. 14.5% of the P. armeniacum genome and is specific to subgenus Parvisepalum. It is composed of four primary monomers that range from 230 to 359 bp and contains multiple inverted repeat regions with hairpin-loop motifs. A new karyotype of P. vietnamense (2n = 28) is presented and shows that the chromosome number in subgenus Parvisepalum is not conserved at 2n = 26, as previously reported. The physical locations of SatA sequences were visualised on the chromosomes of all seven Paphiopedilum species of subgenus Parvisepalum (2n = 26-28), together with the 5S and 45S rDNA loci using FISH. The SatA repeats were predominantly localisedin the centromeric, peri-centromeric and sub-telocentric chromosome regions, but the exact distribution pattern was species-specific.

    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the newly discovered, highly abundant and rapidly evolving satellite sequence SatA is specific to Paphiopedilum subgenus Parvisepalum. SatA and rDNA chromosomal distributions are characteristic of species, and comparisons between species reveal that the distribution patterns generate a strong phylogenetic signal. We also conclude that the ancestral chromosome number of subgenus Parvisepalum and indeed of all Paphiopedilum could be either 2n = 26 or 28, if P. vietnamense is sister to all species in the subgenus as suggested by the ITS data.

    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
  16. Lee SY, Ng WL, Mahat MN, Nazre M, Mohamed R
    PLoS One, 2016;11(4):e0154631.
    PMID: 27128309 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154631
    The identification of Aquilaria species from their resinous non-wood product, the agarwood, is challenging as conventional techniques alone are unable to ascertain the species origin. Aquilaria is a highly protected species due to the excessive exploitation of its precious agarwood. Here, we applied the DNA barcoding technique to generate barcode sequences for Aquilaria species and later applied the barcodes to identify the source species of agarwood found in the market. We developed a reference DNA barcode library using eight candidate barcode loci (matK, rbcL, rpoB, rpoC1, psbA-trnH, trnL-trnF, ITS, and ITS2) amplified from 24 leaf accessions of seven Aquilaria species obtained from living trees. Our results indicated that all single barcodes can be easily amplified and sequenced with the selected primers. The combination of trnL-trnF+ITS and trnL-trnF+ITS2 yielded the greatest species resolution using the least number of loci combination, while matK+trnL-trnF+ITS showed potential in detecting the geographical origins of Aquilaria species. We propose trnL-trnF+ITS2 as the best candidate barcode for Aquilaria as ITS2 has a shorter sequence length compared to ITS, which eases PCR amplification especially when using degraded DNA samples such as those extracted from processed agarwood products. A blind test conducted on eight agarwood samples in different forms using the proposed barcode combination proved successful in their identification up to the species level. Such potential of DNA barcoding in identifying the source species of agarwood will contribute to the international timber trade control, by providing an effective method for species identification and product authentication.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics*
  17. Taheri S, Abdullah TL, Rafii MY, Harikrishna JA, Werbrouck SPO, Teo CH, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2019 Feb 28;9(1):3047.
    PMID: 30816255 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-39944-2
    Curcuma alismatifolia widely used as an ornamental plant in Thailand and Cambodia. This species of herbaceous perennial from the Zingiberaceae family, includes cultivars with a wide range of colours and long postharvest life, and is used as an ornamental cut flower, as a potted plant, and in exterior landscapes. For further genetic improvement, however, little genomic information and no specific molecular markers are available. The present study used Illumina sequencing and de novo transcriptome assembly of two C. alismatifolia cvs, 'Chiang Mai Pink' and 'UB Snow 701', to develop simple sequence repeat markers for genetic diversity studies. After de novo assembly, 62,105 unigenes were generated and 48,813 (78.60%) showed significant similarities versus six functional protein databases. In addition, 9,351 expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats (EST-SSRs) were identified with a distribution frequency of 12.5% total unigenes. Out of 8,955 designed EST-SSR primers, 150 primers were selected for the development of potential molecular markers. Among these markers, 17 EST-SSR markers presented a moderate level of genetic diversity among three C. alismatifolia cultivars, one hybrid, three Curcuma, and two Zingiber species. Three different genetic groups within these species were revealed using EST-SSR markers, indicating that the markers developed in this study can be effectively applied to the population genetic analysis of Curcuma and Zingiber species. This report describes the first analysis of transcriptome data of an important ornamental ginger cultivars, also provides a valuable resource for gene discovery and marker development in the genus Curcuma.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
  18. Ruzmi R, Ahmad-Hamdani MS, Mazlan N
    PLoS One, 2020;15(9):e0227397.
    PMID: 32925921 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227397
    The continuous and sole dependence on imidazolinone (IMI) herbicides for weedy rice control has led to the evolution of herbicide resistance in weedy rice populations across various countries growing IMI herbicide-resistant rice (IMI-rice), including Malaysia. A comprehensive study was conducted to elucidate occurrence, level, and mechanisms endowing resistance to IMI herbicides in putative resistant (R) weedy rice populations collected from three local Malaysian IMI-rice fields. Seed bioassay and whole-plant dose-response experiments were conducted using commercial IMI herbicides. Based on the resistance index (RI) quantification in both experiments, the cross-resistance pattern of R and susceptible (S) weedy rice populations and control rice varieties (IMI-rice variety MR220CL2 and non-IMI-rice variety MR219) to imazapic and imazapyr was determined. A molecular investigation was carried out by comparing the acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) gene sequences of the R and S populations and the MR220CL2 and MR219 varieties. The AHAS gene sequences of R weedy rice were identical to those of MR220CL2, exhibiting a Ser-653-Asn substitution, which was absent in MR219 and S plants. In vitro assays were conducted using analytical grade IMI herbicides of imazapic (99.3%) and imazapyr (99.6%) at seven different concentrations. The results demonstrated that the AHAS enzyme extracted from the R populations and MR220CL2 was less sensitive to IMI herbicides than that from S and MR219, further supporting that IMI herbicide resistance was conferred by target-site mutation. In conclusion, IMI resistance in the selected populations of Malaysian weedy rice could be attributed to a Ser-653-Asn mutation that reduced the sensitivity of the target site to IMI herbicides. To our knowledge, this study is the first to show the resistance mechanism in weedy rice from Malaysian rice fields.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics; DNA, Plant/isolation & purification
  19. Masura SS, Parveez GK, Ti LL
    Plant Physiol Biochem, 2011 Jul;49(7):701-8.
    PMID: 21549610 DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2011.04.003
    We have characterized an oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) constitutive promoter that is derived from a translationally control tumor protein (TCTP) gene. The TCTP promoter was fused transcriptionally with the gusA reporter gene and transferred to monocot and dicot systems in order to study its regulatory role in a transient expression study. It was found that the 5' region of TCTP was capable of driving the gusA expression in all the oil palm tissues tested, including immature embryo, embryogenic callus, embryoid, young leaflet from mature palm, green leaf, mesocarp and stem. It could also be used in dicot systems as it was also capable of driving gusA expression in tobacco leaves. The results indicate that the TCTP promoter could be used for the production of recombinant proteins that require constitutive expression in the plant system.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics; DNA, Plant/chemistry
  20. Mennes CB, Moerland MS, Rath M, Smets EF, Merckx VS
    Am J Bot, 2015 Apr;102(4):598-608.
    PMID: 25878092 DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1400549
    The mycoheterotrophic lifestyle has enabled some plant lineages to obtain carbon from their mycorrhizal symbionts. The mycoheterotrophic genus Epirixanthes (Polygalaceae) consists of six species from tropical Asia. Although it is probably closely related to the chlorophyllous genus Salomonia and linked to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, lack of DNA sequence data has thus far prevented these hypotheses from being tested. Therefore, the evolutionary history of Epirixanthes remains largely unknown.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Plant/genetics
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