Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 295 in total

  1. Law TH, Noland RB, Evans AW
    Risk Anal, 2013 Jul;33(7):1367-78.
    PMID: 23106188 DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2012.01916.x
    It has been shown that road safety laws, such as motorcycle helmet and safety belt laws, have a significant effect in reducing road fatalities. Although an expanding body of literature has documented the effects of these laws on road safety, it remains unclear which factors influence the likelihood that these laws are enacted. This study attempts to identify the factors that influence the decision to enact safety belt and motorcycle helmet laws. Using panel data from 31 countries between 1963 and 2002, our results reveal that increased democracy, education level, per capita income, political stability, and more equitable income distribution within a country are associated with the enactment of road safety laws.
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety/legislation & jurisprudence*; Seat Belts/legislation & jurisprudence*
  2. Chan CY, Tran N, Cheong KC, Sulser TB, Cohen PJ, Wiebe K, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(12):e0261615.
    PMID: 34936682 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261615
    One of the most pressing challenges facing food systems in Africa is ensuring availability of a healthy and sustainable diet to 2.4 billion people by 2050. The continent has struggled with development challenges, particularly chronic food insecurity and pervasive poverty. In Africa's food systems, fish and other aquatic foods play a multifaceted role in generating income, and providing a critical source of essential micronutrients. To date, there are no estimates of investment and potential returns for domestic fish production in Africa. To contribute to policy debates about the future of fish in Africa, we applied the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agriculture Commodities and Trade (IMPACT) to explore two Pan-African scenarios for fish sector growth: a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario and a high-growth scenario for capture fisheries and aquaculture with accompanying strong gross domestic product growth (HIGH). Post-model analysis was used to estimate employment and aquaculture investment requirements for the sector in Africa. Africa's fish sector is estimated to support 20.7 million jobs in 2030, and 21.6 million by 2050 under the BAU. Approximately 2.6 people will be employed indirectly along fisheries and aquaculture value chains for every person directly employed in the fish production stage. Under the HIGH scenario, total employment in Africa's fish food system will reach 58.0 million jobs, representing 2.4% of total projected population in Africa by 2050. Aquaculture production value is estimated to achieve US$ 3.3 billion and US$ 20.4 billion per year under the BAU and HIGH scenarios by 2050, respectively. Farm-gate investment costs for the three key inputs (fish feeds, farm labor, and fish seed) to achieve the aquaculture volumes projected by 2050 are estimated at US$ 1.8 billion per year under the BAU and US$ 11.6 billion per year under the HIGH scenario. Sustained investments are critical to sustain capture fisheries and support aquaculture growth for food system transformation towards healthier diets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Commerce/legislation & jurisprudence; Fisheries/legislation & jurisprudence
  3. Jain D
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2025 Mar;168(3):1345-1351.
    PMID: 39711117 DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.16119
    In Asia as elsewhere, strict regulations on who is authorized to provide abortion services and to prescribe or dispense medical abortion adversely impact access, especially for marginalized persons and residents in remote areas. The WHO's 2022 Abortion Care Guideline provides an important framework for states to formulate and implement policies to serve sexual and reproductive rights of access to abortion services. The Guideline calls for decriminalization of abortion services to increase authorization to provide abortion services and to promote self-managed medical abortion. This review examines the legal and policy frameworks of Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Nepal against the WHO Guideline. Legal and policy reforms successfully introduced in Bangladesh and Nepal to grow the provider base allow healthcare systems to expand safe abortion. This review outlines further challenges where the WHO Guideline on decriminalization and availability of medical abortion is disregarded and advocates a reproductive justice approach promoting egalitarian access to services even among the most marginalized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Policy/legislation & jurisprudence; Reproductive Rights/legislation & jurisprudence
  4. Ahmad A, Kamarulzaman A, Kazatchkine M, Dreifuss R, Clark H
    Lancet, 2024 May 11;403(10439):1851-1852.
    PMID: 38734469 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00763-3
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug and Narcotic Control/legislation & jurisprudence; Health Policy/legislation & jurisprudence
  5. Sirichotiratana N, Sovann S, Aditama TY, Krishnan M, Kyaing NN, Miguel-Baquilod M, et al.
    Tob Control, 2008 Dec;17(6):372-8.
    PMID: 18669557 DOI: 10.1136/tc.2007.024190
    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has made tobacco use prevention a primary health issue. All ASEAN countries except Indonesia have ratified the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), the world's first public health treaty on tobacco control.
    Matched MeSH terms: Advertising as Topic/legislation & jurisprudence; Commerce/legislation & jurisprudence; Smoking/legislation & jurisprudence; Tobacco Smoke Pollution/legislation & jurisprudence; Tobacco Industry/legislation & jurisprudence
  6. Fatokun O
    Lancet Oncol, 2017 01;18(1):19-20.
    PMID: 28049569 DOI: 10.1016/S1470-2045(16)30650-7
    Matched MeSH terms: Medical Oncology/legislation & jurisprudence*; Health Care Reform/legislation & jurisprudence*; Delivery of Health Care, Integrated/legislation & jurisprudence*; Quality Indicators, Health Care/legislation & jurisprudence; Quality Improvement/legislation & jurisprudence
  7. Yousuf RM, Fauzi AR, How SH, Akter SF, Shah A
    Singapore Med J, 2009 May;50(5):494-9.
    PMID: 19495519
    Optimal patient care varies considerably from place to place and is influenced by scientific as well as social developments. The purpose of this study was to investigate awareness and pertinent issues regarding informed consent among hospitalised patients and to determine lapses, in order to improve the standard of care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Confidentiality/legislation & jurisprudence*; Informed Consent/legislation & jurisprudence*; Inpatients/legislation & jurisprudence*; Patient-Centered Care/legislation & jurisprudence*; Patient Rights/legislation & jurisprudence*
  8. Yasin SM, Isa MR, Fadzil MA, Zamhuri MI, Selamat MI, Mat Ruzlin AN, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2016;17(1):275-80.
    PMID: 26838223
    BACKGROUND: A tobacco-free workplace policy is identified as an effective means to reduce tobacco use and protect people from second-hand smoke; however, the number of tobacco-free policies (TFP) remains very low in workplaces in Malaysia. This study explored the factors affecting support for a tobacco-free policy on two healthcare campuses in Malaysia, prior to the implementation of TFP.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross- sectional study was conducted among 286 non-smokers from two healthcare training centres and two nearby colleges in Malaysia from January 2015 to April 2015. A standardized questionnaire was administered via staff and student emails. The questionnaire collected information on sociodemographic characteristics, support for a tobacco-free policy and perceived respiratory and sensory symptoms due to tobacco exposure. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to estimate the independent effects of supporting a tobacco-free campus.

    RESULTS: The percentage of individuals supporting completely tobacco-free facilities was 83.2% (N=238), as opposed to 16.7% (N=48) in support of partially tobacco-free facilities. Compared to the supporters of partially tobacco-free facilities, non-smokers who supported completely tobacco-free health facilities were more likely to be female, have higher education levels, to be very concerned about the effects of other people smoking on their health and to perceive a tobacco-free policy as very important. In addition, they perceived that tobacco smoke bothered them at work by causing headaches and coughs and, in the past 4 weeks, had experienced difficulty breathing. In the multivariate model, after adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics and other factors, only experiencing coughs and headaches increased the odds of supporting a completely tobacco-free campus, up to 2.5- and 1.9-fold, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: Coughs and headaches due to other people smoking at work enhances support for a completely tobacco-free campus among non-smokers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students/legislation & jurisprudence*; Tobacco Smoke Pollution/legislation & jurisprudence*; Universities/legislation & jurisprudence*; Workplace/legislation & jurisprudence; Tobacco Use/legislation & jurisprudence*
  9. Ng CJ, Lee PY, Lee YK, Chew BH, Engkasan JP, Irmi ZI, et al.
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2013 Oct 11;13:408.
    PMID: 24119237 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-408
    BACKGROUND: Involving patients in decision-making is an important part of patient-centred care. Research has found a discrepancy between patients' desire to be involved and their actual involvement in healthcare decision-making. In Asia, there is a dearth of research in decision-making. Using Malaysia as an exemplar, this study aims to review the current research evidence, practices, policies, and laws with respect to patient engagement in shared decision-making (SDM) in Asia.

    METHODS: In this study, we conducted a comprehensive literature review to collect information on healthcare decision-making in Malaysia. We also consulted medical education researchers, key opinion leaders, governmental organisations, and patient support groups to assess the extent to which patient involvement was incorporated into the medical curriculum, healthcare policies, and legislation.

    RESULTS: There are very few studies on patient involvement in decision-making in Malaysia. Existing studies showed that doctors were aware of informed consent, but few practised SDM. There was limited teaching of SDM in undergraduate and postgraduate curricula and a lack of accurate and accessible health information for patients. In addition, peer support groups and 'expert patient' programmes were also lacking. Professional medical bodies endorsed patient involvement in decision-making, but there was no definitive implementation plan.

    CONCLUSION: In summary, there appears to be little training or research on SDM in Malaysia. More research needs to be done in this area, including baseline information on the preferred and actual decision-making roles. The authors have provided a set of recommendations on how SDM can be effectively implemented in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Policy/legislation & jurisprudence
  10. Talib N
    Med Law, 2010 Sep;29(3):433-42.
    PMID: 22145562
    The doctrine of informed consent has the effect of allowing the mentally competent adult patient to exercise individual choice in any proposed medical treatment. The ethical principles primarily inherent in this doctrine would be the principles of autonomy and beneficence. However, it is argued in this essay that the concept and meaning of autonomy might be vastly different between western and eastern communities. Consequently the doctrine of informed consent will lead to a different meaning in these different societies. The essay also raises the implication of transplanting legal doctrines into societies which might not be fully prepared to implement the ideal contained in the doctrine of informed consent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Informed Consent/legislation & jurisprudence*
  11. Matta AM
    Med Law, 2006 Jun;25(2):319-39.
    PMID: 16929809
    The author reviews the legal theory and practice of the requirements for informed consent. He uses a discussion of relevant cases and judgements from courts in the UK, USA, Australia and Malaysia to illustrate apparently conflicting attitudes exemplified by these cases. From this he aims to form some consensus in their application to everyday practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Informed Consent/legislation & jurisprudence*
  12. Ketter A
    HIV AIDS Policy Law Rev, 2005 Apr;10(1):62-3.
    PMID: 15997473
    Matched MeSH terms: Prisoners/legislation & jurisprudence*
  13. Ng SC, Ng Y, Liow SL, Chen N
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Mar;58 Suppl A:102-10.
    PMID: 14556357
    The announcement of Dolly's birth took the world by storm, mainly because what was thought impossible has become possible. Optimism that new approaches in agriculture and medicine abound, as much as fear and imagination leading to Frankenstein-like scenarios. Scientifically, cloning refers to replicating an animal with the same nuclear genetic material; whilst it may refer to embryos as the source material, the current storm refers to differentiated ("somatic") cells. Cloning technology is useful in the following areas: agriculture, to produce animals of superior or specific qualities; endangered animals, to increase genetic diversity through widening the gene pool; understanding fundamental questions in developmental embryology, through the use of laboratory animals; and in human therapy, to produce cells and possibly tissues for repair and regeneration. In the first 2 instances, it is reproductive cloning. In the last instance, it is therapeutic cloning, as no individuals are "produced". Human reproductive cloning is not allowed by all governments that have deliberated on it, and therapeutic cloning is allowed by some under certain circumstances. As therapeutic cloning has great potential in cures of many diseases, it should be allowed but with safeguards to prevent abuse and reproductive cloning in the human.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cloning, Organism/legislation & jurisprudence*
  14. Med J Malaysia, 2003 Mar;58 Suppl A:148-50.
    PMID: 14556363
    Matched MeSH terms: Congresses as Topic/legislation & jurisprudence*
  15. Ravindran J
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Mar;58 Suppl A:23-35.
    PMID: 14556348
    Globally, abortion mortality accounts for approximately 13% of all maternal mortality. Unsafe abortion procedures, untrained abortion providers, restrictive abortion laws and high maternal mortality and morbidity from abortion tend to occur together. Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies constitute a serious public health responsibility. While fertility has declined by half in developing countries, the motivation to control and space births has risen faster than the rate of contraceptive use. Preventing maternal mortality and morbidity from abortion in countries where these remain high is a matter of good public health policy and medical practice, and constitutes an important part of safe motherhood initiatives. A range of positive steps has been taken to reduce deaths and morbidity from abortion in a growing number of countries over the past 15 years. Making abortion legal is an essential prerequisite in making it safe. In this respect, changing the law does matter and assertions to the contrary are ill conceived and unsupported in practice. Although, in many countries, trends towards safer abortion have often occurred prior to or in the absence of changes in the law, legal changes need to take place if safety is to be sustained for all women. Religious laws may also require attention when legal change is being contemplated. There are three main ways of approaching this problem: liberalizing the existing law within the penal or criminal code; partially or fully legalizing abortion through a positive law or a court ruling; and decriminalising abortion by taking it out of the law. Women's health groups and other advocates, parliamentarians and health professionals, can work together to support the right of women not to die from unsafe abortions and to ensure they receive treatment for complications. Committed doctors can make a difference by providing treatment for abortion complications, interpreting the law in a liberal way and providing safe services where these are legal as well as training providers in the safest techniques to reduce mortality and morbidity. Although law, policy and women's rights are central to this issue, making abortions safe is above all a public health responsibility of governments. Moreover, reducing maternal mortality by making abortions safe is also an important part of the international commitment made in Cairo in 1994 at the ICPD and reaffirmed at the Cairo meeting in 1999.
    Matched MeSH terms: Abortion, Induced/legislation & jurisprudence*
  16. J Ethnopharmacol, 1996 Apr;51(1-3):315-6.
    PMID: 9213628
    Matched MeSH terms: Pharmacognosy/legislation & jurisprudence
  17. Med J Malaysia, 1995 May;50 Suppl A:S20-1.
    PMID: 10968008
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/legislation & jurisprudence*
  18. Schenker JG, Shushan A
    Hum Reprod, 1996 Apr;11(4):908-11.
    PMID: 8671351
    This report describes the ethical and legal aspects of assisted reproduction technology (ART) that have been instituted in Asian countries. The data were collected by a questionnaire circulated to ART units in Asia. These are Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, Iran, India, Jordan, Malaysia, China, Israel, Hong Kong, Pakistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Persian Gulf countries. According to the survey, there are approximately 260 ART centers in Asia (half of which are in Japan). On a global basis each ART centre in Asia serves an average population of 13 million people. On the other hand, in those Asian countries where the standards of living are relatively high, the availability of ART services, including the more sophisticated and costly ART procedures like micromanipulation, is similar to that in the Western world. In most of the Asian countries practising ART, however, no state registry exists. Taiwan is the only country that has specific legislation, and in six other countries some kind of ministerial regulations are practised. We conclude that ART is now practised in 20 countries in Asia. The prevailing rules and cultural heritage in many of these Asian countries has a major influence on the implementation of ART in Asia. However, in view of the complicated and sensitive issues involved, and as no supervision on ART clinics exists in most of the Asian countries, we advocate that some kind of quality control should be urgently instituted in all centres practising ART. In this way, it is hoped that the highest standards be attained for all parties concerned.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fertilization in Vitro/legislation & jurisprudence*
  19. Goh TH
    Med J Malaysia, 1985 Mar;40(1):54-5.
    PMID: 3831738
    Matched MeSH terms: Jurisprudence*
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