Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 100 in total

  1. Chung RCK, Soepadmo E
    PhytoKeys, 2020;161:99-106.
    PMID: 33100836 DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.161.55781
    A new species of Diplodiscus is described and illustrated from one collection made in lowland mixed dipterocarp forest in Sabah, Malaysia. Conspicuous by its twig colour, leaf shape and indumentum, it is probably allied to D. longifolius, but differs in sufficient characters (shape, indumentum, apex and venation of blade, flower bud shape and size, petal diameter, ovary shape and fruit shape and size) to be a species in its own right. A key to the species of Diplodiscus in Malaysia also is provided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary
  2. Faiz ZM, Mardhiyyah MP, Mohamad A, Hidir A, Nurul-Hidayah A, Wong L, et al.
    Anim. Reprod. Sci., 2019 Oct;209:106143.
    PMID: 31514941 DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2019.106143
    Understanding Macrobrachium rosenbergii ovarian maturation control at the genome level is an important aspect for increasing larvae production. In this study, an ovarian maturation related gene, M. rosenbergii vWD domain and three Kazal-type domains of a gene (MrvWD-Kazal) have been studied. The MrvWD-Kazal gene was isolated using a rapid amplification of cDNA end (RACE) method and the relative abundances of MrvWD-Kazal mRNA in the ovary, hepatopancreas, stomach, intestine and gill were determined by using the quantitative PCR technique. The MrvWD-Kazal gene is composed of 2194 bp with an open reading frame (ORF) of 1998 bp encoding 665 amino acids and has great similarity to the M. nipponense vWD-Kazal gene (91%). The qPCR analyses indicated the relative abundance of MrvWD-Kazal mRNA transcript varied among different stages of ovarian function (P < 0.05), but there were no differences abundance in hepatopancreas, stomach, intestine and gill (P> 0.05). In the ovary, relative abundance of MrvWD-Kazal mRNA transcript gradually increased with ovarian maturation from Stages 1 (Spent; 1.00-fold), to 2 (Proliferative; 3.47-fold) to 3 (Premature; 6.18-fold) and decreased at Stage 4 (Mature; 1.31-fold). Differential relative abundances of MrvWD-Kazal mRNA transcript in the ovary indicate the MrvWD-Kazal protein may have an important function in ovarian maturation of M. rosenbergii. The results of this study also indicate the MrvWD-Kazal is not involved in regulation of the reproductive related function of the hepatopancreas, digestive system (stomach and intestine) and respiratory system (gill).
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary/embryology; Ovary/growth & development; Ovary/metabolism*
  3. Mosavat M, Mohamed M, Ooi FK, Mirsanjari M, Mat Zin AA, Che Romli A
    PeerJ, 2019;7:e7646.
    PMID: 31565571 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.7646
    Background: We assessed histopathological changes of ovaries and uterus in female rats subjected to different jumping exercise intensities combined with honey supplementation at one g/kg body weight/day.

    Methods: A total of 72 rats were divided into six groups, 12 rats in each: control (C), 20 and 80 jumps (20E, 80E), honey (H), and 20 and 80 jump with honey (20EH, 80EH).

    Results: The endometrium was significantly thicker in the rats in H, 20EH and 80EH groups compared to C, 20E, and 80E. The myometrium thickness was significantly lower in 80E and significantly higher in 80EH compared to C, respectively. There was significantly higher myometrium thickness in 20EH and 80EH compared to 20E and 80E and H. The number of glands of the uterus in 20E and 80E was significantly lower than C. However, there was a significantly higher number of glands in H, 20EH, and 80EH compared to 20E and 80E. The numbers of uterus vessels were significantly lower in 80E compared to 20E. However, the numbers of vessels were significantly higher in H, 20EH, and 80EH compared to 80E. The number of ovarian haemorregia was significantly lower in 20E, 80E, H, 20EH, and 80EH compared to C. The number of corpora lutea was significantly lower in 80EH, H, 80E, and 20E compared to C. However, the number of corpora lutea was significantly higher in 20EH compared to J20 and H.

    Conclusion: This study suggested that jumping exercises in particularly high-intensity exercise may induce histopathological changes in uterus and ovary in rats, and honey supplementation may ameliorate these effects.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary
  4. Nna VU, Usman UZ, Ofutet EO, Owu DU
    Food Chem Toxicol, 2017 Apr;102:143-155.
    PMID: 28229914 DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2017.02.010
    This study examined the possible protective effect of quercetin(QE) on cadmium chloride (CdCl2) - induced reproductive toxicity in female rats. Cadmium (Cd) accumulated in the uterus and ovaries of rats, decreased antioxidants [superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione (GSH)], and raised the concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the uterus and ovaries of rats. Serum concentrations of estradiol, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone decreased significantly after CdCl2 administration. Caspase-3 activity significantly increased in the ovaries, with an increase in Bax and a decrease in Bcl-2 protein expressions after CdCl2 treatment. Histopathology of the ovaries revealed significant decrease in follicle number, while the uterus showed cyst-like endometrial glands. All three models of QE treatment [pre-treatment (QE + CdCl2), post-treatment (CdCl2+QE), simultaneous treatment (CdCl2/QE)] decreased Cd accumulation, MDA, H2O2, and increased SOD, CAT and GPx activities in the uterus and ovaries, decreased apoptosis of follicular cells, and increased serum reproductive hormones. However, the QE pre-treated model offered better protection against CdCl2 relative to the other two models. These results suggest that, QE exerts multi-mechanistic protective effects against cadmium toxicity attributable to its antioxidant and anti-apoptotic actions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary/drug effects*; Ovary/metabolism; Ovary/pathology
  5. Ismaliza Ismail, Wan Salwina Wan Ismai, Norazirah Md. Nor, Lee Voon Yee, Ani Amelia Zainuddin
    Trichotillomania (TTM) or hair pulling disorder is characterized by repetitive pulling of hair on
    the body whereas Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a metabolic-endocrine disorder,
    manifested by irregular menstrual cycle and clinical hyperandrogenism. Both disorders
    commonly occur in young females. TTM and PCOS may be related and share the same
    pathophysiology. We reported a case of a teenager with TTM and PCOS, which were triggered
    by stress. Neurobiological mechanism may explain the co-occurrences between TTM and
    PCOS. Further research in the neurobiology of TTM and PCOS may better explain the cooccurrences between the two disorders.
    Matched MeSH terms: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  6. Nalliah S, Ganesalingam M, Jegasothy R
    The simultaneous presence of polycystic ovary syndrome with pelvic endometriosis presents compounded gynecological effects on women with subfertility and pelvic pain as the common symptoms. We describe one such case. The molecular basis for etiology is discussed and the need for individualized treatment is suggested.
    Matched MeSH terms: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  7. Shafiee MN, Mongan N, Seedhouse C, Chapman C, Deen S, Abu J, et al.
    Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2017 May;96(5):556-562.
    PMID: 28176325 DOI: 10.1111/aogs.13106
    INTRODUCTION: Women with polycystic ovary syndrome have a three-fold higher risk of endometrial cancer. Insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia may be pertinent factors in the pathogenesis of both conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate endometrial sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 gene expression in polycystic ovary syndrome and endometrial cancer endometrium, and to correlate endometrial sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 gene expression with serum lipid profiles.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed at Nottingham University Hospital, UK. A total of 102 women (polycystic ovary syndrome, endometrial cancer and controls; 34 participants in each group) were recruited. Clinical and biochemical assessments were performed before endometrial biopsies were obtained from all participants. Taqman real-time polymerase chain reaction for endometrial sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 gene and its systemic protein expression were analyzed.

    RESULTS: The body mass indices of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (29.28 ± 2.91 kg/m(2) ) and controls (28.58 ± 2.62 kg/m(2) ) were not significantly different. Women with endometrial cancer had a higher mean body mass index (32.22 ± 5.70 kg/m(2) ). Sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 gene expression was significantly increased in polycystic ovary syndrome and endometrial cancer endometrium compared with controls (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/blood; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/genetics*; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/metabolism
  8. Roszaman Ramli, Ghazali Ismail
    Vaginal agenesis is a rare event occurring at a frequency of 1 case per 4000-10 000 female lives born. The most common etiology of vaginal agenesis is congenital absence of the uterus and vagina called mullerian agenesis (Mayer-Rokitansky-Hauser Syndrome). Although most patients with mullerian agenesis have small rudimentary 2 ‘mullerian bulbs’ without any endometrial activity, 7-8% of these cases possibly have a functioning uterus 3. In vaginal agenesis, genetic females are thought to have persistence of mullerian inhibiting factor MIF, resulting in failure of the vagina and uterus to develop 4. The ovaries, given their separate embryonic source, are normal in structure and function. This condition usually goes undetected until these patients reach puberty, when they start to experience cyclic pelvic pain due to the accumulation of menstrual blood.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary
  9. Shariff S, Teo KSS, Hitam WHW
    Rom J Ophthalmol, 2021 6 29;65(2):196-200.
    PMID: 34179588 DOI: 10.22336/rjo.2021.39
    Objective: To report a case of choroidal mass secondary to mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary in a young woman. Method: A case report. Result: A 21-year-old woman presented with insidious painless, progressive, central scotoma of the right eye for 5 weeks. She was disease free for 9 years after she underwent right salpingo-oophorectomy for her mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of right ovary. She completed 6 cycles of chemotherapy regimen. On presentation, her visual acuity was counting finger in the right eye and 6/ 6 in the left eye. Both anterior segments were unremarkable. Fundus examination of the right eye showed multiple choroidal masses with the largest in the temporal to fovea. Generally, she was well. Her tumor markers were raised. Urgent Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of thorax, abdomen and pelvis showed multiple distance metastases. She was referred to the gynecology team. She was scheduled for chemotherapy. However, she defaulted the treatment. 3 months after that, her general condition deteriorated. She developed bilateral internal jugular vein thrombosis and massive right pleural effusion. She passed away due to that complication. Conclusion: Choroidal metastasis from primary ovary carcinoma is very rare. Ocular symptoms can be the first presenting features to a life-threatening condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary
  10. Chow WP, Loganath A, Peh KL, Chew PC, Gunasegaram R, Ratnam SS
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Mar;48(1):56-63.
    PMID: 8341173
    This study investigated whether changes in circulating levels of immunoreactive oestradiol-17 beta (E2), progesterone (P) and testosterone (T) occur in women at follicular (n = 18, age 25 to 39 years) and luteal (n = 17, 25 to 39 years) phases of the normal menstrual cycles, experiencing laparoscopy after intravenous sedation with general anaesthesia. The pre- and intra-operative follicular phase plasma steroid hormone concentrations were 153.5 +/- 84.3 vs 297.4 +/- 220.8 pg/ml for E2, 2.0 +/- 3.2 vs 3.3 +/- 3.8 ng/ml for P and 746.6 +/- 415.9 vs 1325.8 +/- 535.1 pg/ml for T, respectively. The corresponding luteal phase steroid levels were 259.7 +/- 120.2 vs 382.7 +/- 188.7 pg/ml, 7.0 +/- 4.8 vs 9.9 +/- 6.1 ng/ml and 819.4 +/- 355.7 vs 1703.5 +/- 1058.1 pg/ml. Using the Wilcoxon rank sum test, intra-operative hormone levels with the exception of P in the luteal phase were found to be significantly elevated (p < 0.05). The results suggest that laparoscopy under general anaesthesia evokes increased secretion of ovarian hormones, possibly via the activation of hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary/secretion*
  11. Sivanesaratnam V, Dutta R, Jayalakshmi P
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1990 Nov;33(3):243-7.
    PMID: 1977643
    Twenty-three cases of ovarian fibroma, comprising 3% of all benign tumors seen over a 20-year period, were analyzed. It was unilateral in all cases affecting more commonly the left ovary (70%). Whilst a majority of cases (77%) were encountered in the reproductive age group, the tumor was rare before the second decade. Only in 13% of cases was ascitis clinically detectable. This was not influenced by the size and weight (average of 9.3 x 10.8 x 11.1 cm and 959 g, respectively) of the tumors; a smooth-surfaced tumor was, however, associated with a greater amount of peritoneal fluid. Varying degrees of calcification in some tumors are detectable on ultrasonography and occasionally on abdominal radiography. The classical Meig's Syndrome was seldom encountered. The histopathological features, diagnostic problems and management are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary/pathology*
  12. Onuma M, Suzuki M, Ohtaishi N
    J Vet Med Sci, 2001 Mar;63(3):293-7.
    PMID: 11307930
    Fecal progesterone assays were conducted in 3 captive female sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) segregated from males to characterize the species-specific reproductive pattern in their original distribution area in Sarawak, Malaysia. Peaks of fecal progesterone concentrations were observed once annually, and lactation was observed after increasing progesterone concentrations in all females without mating stimulus. These results suggest that sun bears in Sarawak, Malaysia, may have a seasonal reproductive pattern and ovulation was noted to occur spontaneously, followed by pseudopregnancy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary/physiology*
  13. Mohd Kamal DA, Ibrahim SF, Mokhtar MH
    Bosn J Basic Med Sci, 2020 Aug 03;20(3):293-302.
    PMID: 31881167 DOI: 10.17305/bjbms.2019.4501
    The functions of androgen and connexin in the mammalian female reproductive system are suggested to be related. Previous research has shown that androgen affects connexin expression in the female reproductive system, altering its function. However, no definitive conclusion on their cause-effect relationship has been drawn yet. In addition, a high prevalence of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), who are characterized by elevated androgen levels and failure of ovulation, has prompted the studies on the relationship between androgen and connexin in the ovaries. This systematic review aims to investigate the effect of androgen on connexin expression in the mammalian female reproductive system. The literature search was conducted using the MEDLINE via EBSCOhost and the Scopus database and the following keywords: "androgen" or "testosterone" or "androgen blocker" or "anti-androgen" or "androstenedione" or "dehydroepiandrosterone" or "flut-amide AND connexin" or "gap junction" or "cell junction". We only considered in vitro and in vivo studies that involved treatment by androgen or androgen receptor blockers and measured connexin expression as one of the parameters. Our review showed that the exposure to androgen or androgen blocker affects connexin expression but not its localization in the mammalian ovary. However, it is not clear whether androgen downregulates or upregulates connexin expression.
    Matched MeSH terms: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/metabolism
  14. Yang X, Ikhwanuddin M, Li X, Lin F, Wu Q, Zhang Y, et al.
    Mar Biotechnol (NY), 2018 Feb;20(1):20-34.
    PMID: 29152671 DOI: 10.1007/s10126-017-9784-2
    The molecular mechanism underlying sex determination and gonadal differentiation of the mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) has received considerable attention, due to the remarkably biological and economic differences between sexes. However, sex-biased genes, especially non-coding genes, which account for these differences, remain elusive in this crustacean species. In this study, the first de novo gonad transcriptome sequencing was performed to identify both differentially expressed genes and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) between male and female S. paramamosain by using Illumina Hiseq2500. A total of 79,282,758 and 79,854,234 reads were generated from ovarian and testicular cDNA libraries, respectively. After filtrating and de novo assembly, 262,688 unigenes were produced from both libraries. Of these unigenes, 41,125 were annotated with known protein sequences in public databases. Homologous genes involved in sex determination and gonadal development pathways (Sxl-Tra/Tra-2-Dsx/Fru, Wnt4, thyroid hormone synthesis pathway, etc.) were identified. Three hundred and sixteen differentially expressed unigenes were further identified between both transcriptomes. Meanwhile, a total of 233,078 putative lncRNAs were predicted. Of these lncRNAs, 147 were differentially expressed between sexes. qRT-PCR results showed that nine lncRNAs negatively regulated the expression of eight genes, suggesting a potential role in sex differentiation. These findings will provide fundamental resources for further investigation on sex differentiation and regulatory mechanism in crustaceans.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary/metabolism*
  15. Ong HC
    Med J Malaysia, 1975 Sep;30(1):48-51.
    PMID: 1207532
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary/physiology
  16. Tan YL, Voon HY, Ngeh N
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):170-171.
    PMID: 29962501
    We report the peculiar case of a patient who consumed raw rice daily and had iron-deficiency anaemia secondary to menorrhagia with underlying polycystic ovarian syndrome. A 32-year-old lady of Asian descent presented with symptoms of fatigue, lethargy and prolonged, irregular periods for the last two months. There was noticeable increase in body weight, male pattern alopecia and facial acne. In addition, she experienced sudden, unexplained predilection towards consumption of raw rice (up to 300- 400g/day). The patient was treated with oral iron and cyclical progestin. After three weeks, her haemoglobin improved and her ryzophagia subsided. Gynaecologists should be vigilant of pica, which can occur outside of the context of pregnancy and also poses potential health risks including tooth attrition, electrolyte imbalance, intestinal obstruction and poisoning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/complications*
  17. Singh A, Lal B, Parhar IS, Millar RP
    Acta Histochem, 2021 Sep;123(6):151766.
    PMID: 34384940 DOI: 10.1016/j.acthis.2021.151766
    The central role of kisspeptin (kiss) in mammalian reproduction is well established; however, its intra-gonadal role is poorly addressed. Moreover, studies investigating intra-gonadal role of kiss in fish reproduction are scanty, contradictory and inconclusive. The expression of kiss1 mRNA has been detected in the fish brain, and functionally attributed to the regulation of reproduction, feeding and behavior. The kiss1 mRNA has also been demonstrated in tissues other than the brain in some studies, but its cellular distribution and role at the tissue level have not been adequately addressed in fish. Therefore, an attempt was made in the present study to localize kiss1 in gonadal cells of the freshwater catfish, Clarias batrachus. This study reports the presence of kiss1 in the theca cells and granulosa cells of the ovarian oocytes and interstitial cells in the testis of the catfish. The role of kiss1 in the ovary and testis of the catfish was also investigated using kiss1 receptor (kiss1r) antagonist (p234). The p234 treatment decreased the production of 17β-estradiol in ovary and testosterone in the testis by lowering the activities of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase under both, in vivo as well as in vitro conditions. The p234 treatment also arrested the progression of oogenesis, as evident from the low number of advancing/advanced oocytes in the treated ovary in comparison to the control ovary. It also reduced the area and perimeter of the seminiferous tubules in the treated catfish testis. Thus, our findings suggest that kiss is involved in the regulation of gonadal steroidogenesis, independent of known endocrine/ autocrine/ paracine regulators, and thereby it accelerates gametogenic processes in the freshwater catfish.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary/metabolism*
  18. Dzaki N, Woo WK, Thangadurai S, Azzam G
    Exp Cell Res, 2019 12 15;385(2):111688.
    PMID: 31678212 DOI: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2019.111688
    CTPsyn is a crucial metabolic enzyme which synthesizes CTP nucleotides. It has the extraordinary ability to compartmentalize into filaments termed cytoophidia. Though the structure is evolutionarily conserved across kingdoms, the mechanisms behind their formation remain unknown. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short single-stranded RNA capable of directing mRNA silencing and degradation. D. melanogaster has a high total gene count to miRNA gene number ratio, alluding to the possibility that CTPsyn too may come under their regulation. A thorough miRNA overexpression involving 123 miRNAs was conducted, followed by CTPsyn-specific staining upon cytoophidia-rich egg chambers. This revealed a small group of candidates which confer either a lengthening or truncating effect on cytoophidia, suggesting they may play a role in regulating CTPsyn. MiR-975 and miR-1014 are both cytoophidia-elongating, whereas miR-190 and miR-932 are cytoophidia-shortening. Though target prediction shows that miR-975 and miR-932 do indeed have binding sites on CTPsyn mRNA, in vitro assays instead revealed a low probability of this being true, instead indicating that the effects asserted by overexpressed miRNAs indirectly reach CTPsyn and its cytoophidia through the actions of middling elements. In silico target prediction and qPCR quantification indicated that, at least for miR-932 and miR-1014, these undetermined elements may be players in fat metabolism. This is the first study to thoroughly investigate miRNAs in connection to CTPsyn expression and activity in any species. The findings presented could serve as a basis for further queries into not only the fundamental aspects of the enzyme's regulation, but may uncover new facets of closely related pathways as well.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary/metabolism
  19. Zhang Y, Miao G, Fazhan H, Waiho K, Zheng H, Li S, et al.
    Physiol Genomics, 2018 05 01;50(5):393-405.
    PMID: 29570432 DOI: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00016.2018
    The crucifix crab, Charybdis feriatus, which mainly inhabits Indo-Pacific region, is regarded as one of the most high-potential species for domestication and incorporation into the aquaculture sector. However, the regulatory mechanisms of sex determination and differentiation of this species remain unclear. To identify candidate genes involved in sex determination and differentiation, high throughput sequencing of transcriptome from the testis and ovary of C. feriatus was performed by the Illumina platform. After removing adaptor primers, low-quality sequences and very short (<50 nt) reads, we obtained 80.9 million and 66.2 million clean reads from testis and ovary, respectively. A total of 86,433 unigenes were assembled, and ~43% (37,500 unigenes) were successfully annotated to the NR, NT, Swiss-Prot, KEGG, COG, GO databases. By comparing the testis and ovary libraries, we obtained 27,636 differentially expressed genes. Some candidate genes involved in the sex determination and differentiation of C. feriatus were identified, such as vasa, pgds, vgr, hsp90, dsx-f, fem-1, and gpr. In addition, 88,608 simple sequence repeats were obtained, and 61,929 and 77,473 single nucleotide polymorphisms from testis and ovary were detected, respectively. The transcriptome profiling was validated by quantitative real-time PCR in 30 selected genes, which showed a good consistency. The present study is the first high-throughput transcriptome sequencing of C. feriatus. These findings will be useful for future functional analysis of sex-associated genes and molecular marker-assisted selections in C. feriatus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovary/metabolism*
  20. Zain MM, Jamaluddin R, Ibrahim A, Norman RJ
    Fertil Steril, 2009 Feb;91(2):514-21.
    PMID: 18321486 DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.12.002
    To determine the first-line medication to be used in anovulatory patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) for ovulation induction and pregnancy achievement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/complications; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/ethnology; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/physiopathology; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/therapy*
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