Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 311 in total

  1. Sarijan S, Azman S, Said MIM, Jamal MH
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Jan;28(2):1341-1356.
    PMID: 33079353 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-11171-7
    The utilization of plastics has now become a threat to the environment as it generates microplastic particles (<5 mm in size). The increasing studies on the occurrence of microplastics in different environmental compartments have raised concern about the potential effects on ecosystems and living organisms. Of these, numerous studies are focused on marine environments. The occurrence of microplastics is recently extended to the freshwater environments, including river systems, streams, lakes, pond, creek, and estuarine rivers. This paper overviews the current knowledge and research findings on the occurrence of microplastics in water, sediment, and fish in freshwater environments. The review also covers the adopted methodology and impacts of microplastics to the ecosystem. Future perspectives are discussed as well in this review.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics
  2. Kurniawan TA, Haider A, Ahmad HM, Mohyuddin A, Umer Aslam HM, Nadeem S, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2023 Jun;325:138367.
    PMID: 36907482 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138367
    The generation of microplastics (MPs) has increased recently and become an emerging issue globally. Due to their long-term durability and capability of traveling between different habitats in air, water, and soil, MPs presence in freshwater ecosystem threatens the environment with respect to its quality, biotic life, and sustainability. Although many previous works have been undertaken on the MPs pollution in the marine system recently, none of the study has covered the scope of MPs pollution in the freshwater. To consolidate scattered knowledge in the literature body into one place, this work identifies the sources, fate, occurrence, transport pathways, and distribution of MPs pollution in the aquatic system with respect to their impacts on biotic life, degradation, and detection techniques. This article also discusses the environmental implications of MPs pollution in the freshwater ecosystems. Certain techniques for identifying MPs and their limitations in applications are presented. Through a literature survey of over 276 published articles (2000-2023), this study presents an overview of solutions to the MP pollution, while identifying research gaps in the body of knowledge for further work. It is conclusive from this review that the MPs exist in the freshwater due to an improper littering of plastic waste and its degradation into smaller particles. Approximately 15-51 trillion MP particles have accumulated in the oceans with their weight ranging between 93,000 and 236,000 metric ton (Mt), while about 19-23 Mt of plastic waste was released into rivers in 2016, which was projected to increase up to 53 Mt by 2030. A subsequent degradation of MPs in the aquatic environment results in the generation of NPs with size ranging from 1 to 1000 nm. It is expected that this work facilitates stakeholders to understand the multi-aspects of MPs pollution in the freshwater and recommends policy actions to implement sustainable solutions to this environmental problem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics
  3. Yadav S, Kataria N, Khyalia P, Rose PK, Mukherjee S, Sabherwal H, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2023 Jun;326:138495.
    PMID: 36963588 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138495
    Despite of our growing understanding of microplastic's implications, research on the effects of fibrous microplastic (FMPs) on the environment is still in its infancy. Some scientists have hypothesized the possibility of natural textile fibres, which may act as one of the emerging environmental pollutants prevalent among microplastic pollutants in the environment. Therefore, this review aims to critically evaluate the toxic effects of emerging FMPs, the presence, and sources of FMPs in the environment, identification and analytical techniques, and the potential impact or toxicity of the FMPs on the environment and human health. About175 publications (2011-2023) based on FMPs were identified and critically reviewed for transportation, analysis and ecotoxicological behaviours of FMPs in the environment. Textile industries, wastewater treatment plants, and household washing of clothes are significant sources of FMPs. In addition, various characterization techniques (e.g., FTIR, SEM, RAMAN, TGA, microscope, and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy) commonly used for the identification and analysis of FMPs are also discussed, which justifies the novelty aspects of this review. FMPs are pollutants of emerging concern due to their prevalence and persistence in the environment. FMPs are also found in the food chain, which is an alarming situation for living organisms, including effects on the nervous system, digestive system, circulatory system, and genetic alteration. This review will provide readers with a comparison of different analytical techniques, which will be helpful for researchers to select the appropriate analytical techniques for their study and enhance their knowledge about the harmful effects of FMPs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics
  4. Rakib MRJ, Al Nahian S, Madadi R, Haider SMB, De-la-Torre GE, Walker TR, et al.
    Environ Sci Process Impacts, 2023 May 25;25(5):929-940.
    PMID: 36939043 DOI: 10.1039/d3em00014a
    Microplastic (MP) pollution is a major global issue that poses serious threats to aquatic organisms. Although research on MP pollution has been extensive, the relationship between MPs and water quality parameters in estuarine water systems is unclear. This work studied the spatiotemporal distribution and characteristics of MPs in the Karnaphuli River estuary, Bangladesh. MP abundance was calculated by towing with a plankton net (300 μm mesh size) at three river gradients (up-, mid- and downstream) and the association between physicochemical parameters of water (temperature, pH, salinity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, and dissolved oxygen) and MP distribution patterns was also investigated. Mean MP abundance in water was higher during the wet season (April) (4.33 ± 2.45 items per m3) compared to the dry season (September) (3.65 ± 2.54 items per m3). In descending order, the highest MP abundance was observed downstream (6.60 items per m3) > midstream (3.15 items per m3) > upstream (2.22 items per m3). pH during the wet season (April) and temperature during the dry season (September) were key physicochemical parameters that correlated with river MP abundance (r = -0.74 and 0.74 respectively). Indicating that if the Karnaphuli River water has low pH or high temperature, there is likely to be high MPs present in the water. Most MP particles were film-shaped, white in color, and 1-5 mm in size. Of the six polymers detected, polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and cellulose were predominant, comprising roughly 17-19% each. These results can be used to model MP transport in the freshwater ecosystem of the Karnaphuli River estuary in Bangladesh to help develop future mitigation strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics
  5. Manullang CY, Patria MP, Haryono A, Anuar ST, Fadli M, Susanto RD, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2024 Feb;199:115954.
    PMID: 38176160 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115954
    Even though Pacific - Indian Ocean exchange [Indonesian Throughflow (ITF)] has been measured for the last three decades, the measurements of microplastic in the region is very limited. This study was the initial investigation of the vertical distribution of microplastic in the deep-sea areas across the ITF Pathway. Niskin water samples were utilized to obtain the samples from a water column in a range of 5 to 2450 m. A total of 924 microplastic particles with an average abundance of 1.062 ± 0.646. n/L were found in the water column. Our findings indicate that water temperature and water density are the most significant factors correlated to the microplastic concentration. This study will be the first report discussing the distribution of microplastics in the deep-sea water column that could be highly significant in determining the fate and transport of microplastic within Indonesian waters that exits into the Indian Ocean.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics
  6. Fadeeva Z, Van Berkel R
    J Environ Manage, 2021 Jan 01;277:111457.
    PMID: 33045648 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111457
    Marine plastic pollution (MPP) is an urgent environmental and socio-economic problem. MPP amounts to 300 million tons annually, originates largely from land-based sources and severely impacts marine ecosystem, harms livelihoods and causes costs for businesses and governments. Plastics permeate the whole width and depth of seas and oceans, near well-developed coastal zones and equally in remotest corners. This undermines economic and social value of the oceans, particularly in terms of fisheries productivity and tourism. The G20 members, responsible for about two-thirds of global plastic waste, recognize the problem and undertake preventive measures - individually and collectively. Yet, are there efficient, effective and sufficient given the urgency of MPP and the contribution of G20 countries. This article highlights existing policies and identifies further policy options using a custom framework for MPP policy that merges Circular Economy (CE) and life-cycle perspectives.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics*
  7. Mofijur M, Ahmed SF, Rahman SMA, Arafat Siddiki SY, Islam ABMS, Shahabuddin M, et al.
    Environ Res, 2021 04;195:110857.
    PMID: 33581088 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.110857
    The nature of micro- and nanoplastics and their harmful consequences has drawn significant attention in recent years in the context of environmental protection. Therefore, this paper aims to provide an overview of the existing literature related to this evolving subject, focusing on the documented human health and marine environment impacts of micro- and nanoplastics and including a discussion of the economic challenges and strategies to mitigate this waste problem. The study highlights the micro- and nanoplastics distribution across various trophic levels of the food web, and in different organs in infected animals which is possible due to their reduced size and their lightweight, multi-coloured and abundant features. Consequently, micro- and nanoplastics pose significant risks to marine organisms and human health in the form of cytotoxicity, acute reactions, and undesirable immune responses. They affect several sectors including aquaculture, agriculture, fisheries, transportation, industrial sectors, power generation, tourism, and local authorities causing considerable economic losses. This can be minimised by identifying key sources of environmental plastic contamination and educating the public, thus reducing the transfer of micro- and nanoplastics into the environment. Furthermore, the exploitation of the potential of microorganisms, particularly those from marine origins that can degrade plastics, could offer an enhanced and environmentally sound approach to mitigate micro- and nanoplastics pollution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics/toxicity
  8. Wong SL, Nyakuma BB, Wong KY, Lee CT, Lee TH, Lee CH
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2020 Sep;158:111432.
    PMID: 32753215 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111432
    This paper presents the research landscape on microplastics and nanoplastics (M/NPs) in global food webs based on a bibliometric analysis of 330 publications published in 2009-2019 extracted from Web of Science. The publications increased tremendously since 2013. Marine Pollution Bulletin is one of the top productive journals for this topic. The publication landscape related to M/NPs in global food webs, as interdisciplinary research, is highly dependent on the funding availability. The high productivities of England, China, USA and European countries are attributed to the funding from the agencies at regional or national levels. Keyword analysis reveals the shift of research hotspots from investigations on M/NPs absorbed by various organisms in the ecosystems to studies on the trophic transfer of M/NPs and sorbed contaminants in the food webs and their associated adverse impacts. Funding agencies play important roles in leading the future development of this topic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics*
  9. Shahul Hamid F, Bhatti MS, Anuar N, Anuar N, Mohan P, Periathamby A
    Waste Manag Res, 2018 Oct;36(10):873-897.
    PMID: 30103651 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X18785730
    The widespread occurrence of microplastic has invaded the environment to an extent that it appears to be present throughout the globe. This review investigated the global abundance and distribution of microplastics in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Furthermore, the issues and challenges have been addressed for better findings in microplastics studies. Findings revealed that the accumulation of microplastics varies geographically, with locations, hydrodynamic conditions, environmental pressure, and time. From this review, it is crucial that proper regulations are proposed and implemented in order to reduce the occurrence of microplastics in the aquatic environment. Without appropriate law and regulations, microplastic pollution will eventually threaten human livelihood.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics*
  10. Ryu HW, Kim DH, Jae J, Lam SS, Park ED, Park YK
    Bioresour Technol, 2020 Aug;310:123473.
    PMID: 32389430 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.123473
    The global economy is threatened by the depletion of fossil resources and fluctuations in fossil fuel prices, and thus it is necessary to exploit sustainable energy sources. Carbon-neutral fuels including bio-oil obtained from biomass pyrolysis can act as alternatives to fossil fuels. Co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and plastic is efficient to upgrade the quality of bio-oil because plastic facilitates deoxygenation. However, catalysts are required to produce bio-oil that is suitable for potential use as transportation fuel. This review presents an overview of recent advances in catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastic from the perspective of chemistry, catalyst, and feedstock pretreatment. Additionally, this review introduces not only recent research results of acid catalysts for catalytic co-pyrolysis, but also recent approaches that utilize base catalysts. Future research directions are suggested for commercially feasible co-pyrolysis process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics*
  11. Dewi WN, Zhou Q, Mollah M, Yang S, Ilankoon IMSK, Chaffee A, et al.
    Waste Manag, 2024 Apr 30;179:99-109.
    PMID: 38471253 DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2024.03.007
    Fast co-pyrolysis offers a sustainable solution for upcycling polymer waste, including scrap tyre and plastics. Previous studies primarily focused on slow heating rates, neglecting synergistic mechanisms and sulphur transformation in co-pyrolysis with tyre. This research explored fast co-pyrolysis of scrap tyre with polypropylene (PP), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), and polystyrene (PS) to understand synergistic effects and sulphur transformation mechanisms. A pronounced synergy was observed between scrap tyre and plastics, with the nature of the synergy being plastic-type dependent. Remarkably, blending 75 wt% PS or LDPE with tyre effectively eliminated sulphur-bearing compounds in the liquid product. This reduction in sulphur content can substantially mitigate the release of hazardous materials into the environment, emphasizing the environmental significance of co-pyrolysis. The synergy between PP or LDPE and tyre amplified the production of lighter hydrocarbons, while PS's interaction led to the creation of monocyclic aromatics. These findings offer insights into the intricate chemistry of scrap tyre and plastic interactions and highlight the potential of co-pyrolysis in waste management. By converting potential pollutants into valuable products, this method can significantly reduce the release of hazardous materials into the environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics/chemistry
  12. Bourtsalas ACT, Yepes IM, Tian Y
    J Environ Manage, 2023 Oct 15;344:118604.
    PMID: 37459814 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118604
    This study analyzes the regional implications of China's 2017 import ban on plastic waste by examining U.S. census data. A statistically significant decrease in total U.S. plastic waste exports was found, dropping from about 1.4 million tons to 0.6 million tons in the post-ban period. California remained the top exporter, throughout both pre- and post-ban periods, while South Carolina exhibited the highest per capita exports. Malaysia emerged as the largest importer of U.S. plastic waste, followed by Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand. The ban also led to a change in the composition of the exported plastic waste. Ethylene polymers increased from 32.6% of total exports in the pre-ban period to 46.9% in the post-ban period. Other plastics (vinyl chloride polymers, styrene polymers, and for plastics not elsewhere specified or included) decreased from 67.4% of total exports in the pre-ban period to 53.1% in the post-ban period. Moreover, we found that exporting plastic waste has significant environmental and human health impacts. For example, the Global Warming Potential (GWP) decreased from 20 million tons CO2-eq in the scenario where 100% of plastics are exported, or 25 million tons exported from the U.S. since 2002, to -11.1 million tons CO2-eq in the scenario where 100% of plastics are treated domestically. Transportation exacerbates these impacts for exported waste scenarios, increasing to 5.4 million tons CO2-eq when plastics are exported by ship while decreasing to 0.9 million tons CO2-eq for domestic treatment. Although exporting plastic waste is initially cost-effective, our study highlights that investing in domestic waste management can yield significant long-term benefits, considering the environmental and public health impacts. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize context-specific solutions to address the challenges of the evolving global plastic waste landscape.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics*
  13. Ismanto A, Hadibarata T, Sugianto DN, Zainuri M, Kristanti RA, Wisha UJ, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2023 Nov;196:115677.
    PMID: 37862842 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115677
    The main aim of this study was to assess the presence of microplastics in the water and sediments of the Surakarta city river basin in Indonesia. In order to accurately reflect the river basin, a deliberate selection process was employed to choose three separate sampling locations and twelve sampling points. The results of the study revealed that fragments and fibers were the primary types of microplastics seen in both water and sediment samples. Furthermore, a considerable percentage of microplastics, comprising 53.8 % of the total, had dimensions below 1 mm. Moreover, the prevailing hues identified in the water samples were blue and black, comprising 45.1 % of the overall composition. In contrast, same color categories accounted for 23.3 % of the microplastics found in the soil samples. The analysis of microplastic polymers was carried out utilizing ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, which yielded the identification of various types including polystyrene, silicone polymer, polyester, and polyamide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics/analysis
  14. Mojiri A, Vishkaei MN, Zhou JL, Trzcinski AP, Lou Z, Kasmuri N, et al.
    Mar Environ Res, 2024 Feb;194:106343.
    PMID: 38215624 DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106343
    The increasing prevalence of microplastic pollution in aquatic environments has raised concerns about its impact on marine life. Among the different types of microplastics, polystyrene microplastics (PSMPs) are one of the most commonly detected in aquatic systems. Chaetoceros neogracile (diatom) is an essential part of the marine food web and plays a critical role in nutrient cycling. This study aimed to monitor the ecotoxicological impact of PSMPs on diatoms and observe enzymatic interactions through molecular docking simulations. Results showed that diatom growth decreased with increasing concentrations and exposure time to PSMPs, and the lowest photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) value was observed after 72 and 96 h of exposure to 200 mg L-1 of PSMPs. High concentrations of PSMPs led to a decrease in chlorophyll a content (up to 64.4%) and protein content (up to 35.5%). Molecular docking simulations revealed potential interactions between PSMPs and the extrinsic protein in photosystem II protein of diatoms, suggesting a strong affinity between the two. These findings indicate a detrimental effect of PSMPs on the growth and photosynthetic efficiency of diatoms and highlight the need for further research on the impact of microplastics on marine microbial processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics/toxicity
  15. Zulkifley MA, Mustafa MM, Hussain A, Mustapha A, Ramli S
    PLoS One, 2014;9(12):e114518.
    PMID: 25485630 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114518
    Recycling is one of the most efficient methods for environmental friendly waste management. Among municipal wastes, plastics are the most common material that can be easily recycled and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is one of its major types. PET material is used in consumer goods packaging such as drinking bottles, toiletry containers, food packaging and many more. Usually, a recycling process is tailored to a specific material for optimal purification and decontamination to obtain high grade recyclable material. The quantity and quality of the sorting process are limited by the capacity of human workers that suffer from fatigue and boredom. Several automated sorting systems have been proposed in the literature that include using chemical, proximity and vision sensors. The main advantages of vision based sensors are its environmentally friendly approach, non-intrusive detection and capability of high throughput. However, the existing methods rely heavily on deterministic approaches that make them less accurate as the variations in PET plastic waste appearance are too high. We proposed a probabilistic approach of modeling the PET material by analyzing the reflection region and its surrounding. Three parameters are modeled by Gaussian and exponential distributions: color, size and distance of the reflection region. The final classification is made through a supervised training method of likelihood ratio test. The main novelty of the proposed method is the probabilistic approach in integrating various PET material signatures that are contaminated by stains under constant lighting changes. The system is evaluated by using four performance metrics: precision, recall, accuracy and error. Our system performed the best in all evaluation metrics compared to the benchmark methods. The system can be further improved by fusing all neighborhood information in decision making and by implementing the system in a graphics processing unit for faster processing speed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics/analysis*; Plastics/chemistry*
  16. Shafie MH, Samsudin D, Yusof R, Gan CY
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2018 Oct 15;118(Pt A):1183-1192.
    PMID: 29944943 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.06.103
    Momordica charantia bioactive polysaccharide (MCBP) was used as an alternative source for the production of bio-based plastics (BPs) with choline chloride/glycerol-based deep eutectic solvent (DES) as a plasticizer. In this study, MCBP was initially extracted using 0.1 M citric acid at temperature 80 °C for 2 h, precipitated using ethanol, and then lyophilized. Subsequently, seven BPs were prepared: MCBP without plasticizer (MCBP), with 1% (w/w) of glycerol (MCBP-G), or with 1% (w/w) of DES at different choline chloride/glycerol molar ratios (i.e. 1.5:1, 1:1, 1:1.5, 1:2, and 1:3). The properties of these BPs were then investigated. Results showed that the tensile strains, stresses and moduli were in the range of 1.3-13.3%, 4.8-19.1 MPa and 132-2487 MPa, respectively. The melting temperatures were found in the range of 92.6-111.4 °C whereas the moisture absorptions and water vapour transmission rates (WVTR) of BPs were 1.4-6.5% and 3.6-5.4 mg/m2·s, respectively. The results also showed that these BPs exhibited bioactivities, such as microbial inhibitory activity (19.5-32.3 mm), free radical scavenging activity (10.3-18.3%) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP, 16.1-20.0 mM). In addition, it was observed that using DES as a plasticizer had improved the properties of BP, such as tensile strain (354.7-937.5%), melting temperature (4.6-20.3%), radical scavenging activity (0.6-88.6%), FRAP (0.9-18.7%) and antimicrobial activity (12.3-33.6%) compared to MCBP, due to the fact DES has caused different degrees of plasticization via hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds with the polymer chains, and induced a lower pH condition. Therefore, it was suggested that these BPs with DES could contribute to food preservation properties.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics/chemical synthesis; Plastics/chemistry
  17. Fauziah SH, Liyana IA, Agamuthu P
    Waste Manag Res, 2015 Sep;33(9):812-21.
    PMID: 26092255 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X15588587
    Studies on marine debris have gained worldwide attention since many types of debris have found their way into the food chain of higher organisms. Thus, it is crucial that more focus is given to this area in order to curb contaminations in sea food. This study was conducted to quantify plastic debris buried in sand at selected beaches in Malaysia. Marine debris was identified according to size range and distribution, and this information was related to preventive actions to improve marine waste issues. For the purpose of this study, comparison of plastic waste abundance between a recreational beach and fish-landing beaches was also carried out, since the different beach types represent different activities that produce debris. Six beaches along the Malaysian coastline were selected for this study. The plastic types in this study were related to the functions of the beach. While recreational beaches have abundant quantities of plastic film, foamed plastic including polystyrene, and plastic fragment, fish-landing beaches accumulated line and foamed plastic. A total of 2542 pieces (265.30 g m(-2)) of small plastic debris were collected from all six beaches, with the highest number from Kuala Terengganu, at 879 items m(-2) on Seberang Takir Beach, followed by Batu Burok Beach with 780 items m(-2). Findings from studies of Malaysian beaches have provided a clearer understanding of the distribution of plastic debris. This demonstrates that commitments and actions, such as practices of the 'reduce, reuse, recycle' (3R) approach, supporting public awareness programmes and beach clean-up activities, are essential in order to reduce and prevent plastic debris pollution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics/analysis*
  18. Miyazono K, Yamashita R, Miyamoto H, Ishak NHA, Tadokoro K, Shimizu Y, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2021 Sep;170:112631.
    PMID: 34175698 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112631
    Floating plastic debris was investigated in the transition region in the North Pacific between 141°E and 165°W to understand its transportation process from Asian coast to central subtropical Pacific. Distribution was influenced primarily by the current system and the generation process of the high concentration area differed between the western and eastern areas. West of 180°, debris largely accumulated around nearshore convergent area and was transported by eddies and quasi-stationary jet from south to the subarctic region. The average was 15% higher than that previously reported in 1989, suggesting an increase in plastic debris in 30 years. East of 180°, debris concentrated in the calm water downstream of the Kuroshio Extension Bifurcation with considerably high concentration (505,032 ± 991,989 pieces km-2), due to the accumulation of small transparent film caused by calm weather conditions, suggesting a further investigation on small plastic (<1 mm) in the subsurface depth in the subtropical North Pacific.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics*
  19. Hassan H, Lim JK, Hameed BH
    Bioresour Technol, 2016 Dec;221:645-655.
    PMID: 27671343 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.09.026
    Co-pyrolysis of biomass with abundantly available materials could be an economical method for production of bio-fuels. However, elimination of oxygenated compounds poses a considerable challenge. Catalytic co-pyrolysis is another potential technique for upgrading bio-oils for application as liquid fuels in standard engines. This technique promotes the production of high-quality bio-oil through acid catalyzed reduction of oxygenated compounds and mutagenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons. This work aims to review and summarize research progress on co-pyrolysis and catalytic co-pyrolysis, as well as their benefits on enhancement of bio-oils derived from biomass. This review focuses on the potential of plastic wastes and coal materials as co-feed in co-pyrolysis to produce valuable liquid fuel. This paper also proposes future directions for using this technique to obtain high yields of bio-oils.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics*
  20. Agamuthu P, Mehran SB, Norkhairah A, Norkhairiyah A
    Waste Manag Res, 2019 Oct;37(10):987-1002.
    PMID: 31084415 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X19845041
    Marine debris, defined as any persistent manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment, has been highlighted as a contaminant of global environmental and economic concern. The five main categories of marine debris comprise of plastic, paper, metal, textile, glass and rubber. Plastics is recognised as the major constituent of marine debris, representing between 50% and 90% of the total marine debris found globally. Between 4.8 and 12.7 million metric tonnes of consumer plastics end up in the world oceans annually, resulting in the presence of more than 100 million particles of macroplastics in only 12 regional seas worldwide, and with 51 trillion particles of microplastic floating on the ocean surface globally. The impacts of marine debris can be branched out into three categories; injury to or death of marine organisms, harm to marine environment and effects on human health and economy. Marine mammals often accidentally ingest marine debris because of its appearance that can easily be mistaken as food. Moreover, floating plastics may act as vehicles for chemicals and/or environmental contaminants, which may be absorbed on to their surface during their use and permanence into the environment. Additionally, floating plastics is a potential vector for the introduction of invasive species that get attached to it, into the marine environment. In addition, human beings are not excluded from the impact of marine debris as they become exposed to microplastics through seafood consumption. Moreover, landscape degradation owing to debris accumulation is an eyesore and aesthetically unpleasant, thus resulting in decreased tourism and subsequent income loss. There are a wide range of initiatives that have been taken to tackle the issue of marine debris. They may involve manual removal of marine debris from coastal and aquatic environment in form of programmes and projects organised, such as beach clean-ups by scientific communities, non-governmental organizations and the removal of marine litter from Europe's four regional seas, respectively. Other initiatives focus on assessment, reduction, prevention and management of marine debris under the umbrella of international (the United Nations Environment Programme/Mediterranean Action Plan, the Oslo/Paris Convention) and regional organisations - that is, the Helsinki Commission. There are also a number of international conventions and national regulations that encourage mitigation and management of marine debris. However, it is argued that these initiatives are short-term unsustainable solutions and the long-term sustainable solution would be adoption of circular economy. Similarly, four of the sustainable developmental goals have targets that promote mitigation of marine debris by efficient waste management and practice of 3R. As evident by the Ad Hoc Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics meeting, tackling the marine debris crisis is not a straightforward, one-size-fits-all solution, but rather an integrated and continuous effort required at local, regional and global level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plastics*
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