BACKGROUND: Because of the demanding nature of their work, nurses often have significantly high levels of stress, anxiety and depression. MBSR has been reported to be an effective intervention to decrease psychological distress.
DESIGN: Systematic review.
METHODS: The databases included were Science Direct, PubMed, EBSCO host, Springer Link and Web of Science from 2002 to 2018. Interventional studies published in English that used MBSR among nurses to reduce their psychological distress were retrieved for review. The PRISMA guideline was used in this systematic review. The included studies were assessed for quality using "The Quality Assessment Tool For Quantitative Studies (QATFQS)."
RESULTS: Nine studies were found to be eligible and included in this review. Many benefits, including reduced stress, anxiety, depression, burnout and better job satisfaction, were reported in these studies.
CONCLUSION: The adapted/brief versions of MBSR seem promising for reducing psychological distress in nurses. Future research should include randomised controlled trials with a larger sample size and follow-up studies. There should also be a focus on creative and effective ways of delivering MBSR to nurses.
RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: The results of this review are substantial for supporting the use of MBSR for nurses' psychological well-being.
SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: The COVID-19 pandemic has extensively impacted global healthcare systems. We hypothesized that the degree of psychological impact would be higher for surgical providers deployed for COVID-19 work, certain surgical specialties, and for those who knew of someone diagnosed with, or who died, of COVID-19.
METHODS: We conducted a global web-based survey to investigate the psychological impact of COVID-19. The primary outcomes were the depression anxiety stress scale-21 and Impact of Event Scale-Revised scores.
RESULTS: A total of 4283 participants from 101 countries responded. 32.8%, 30.8%, 25.9%, and 24.0% screened positive for depression, anxiety, stress, and PTSD respectively. Respondents who knew someone who died of COVID-19 were more likely to screen positive for depression, anxiety, stress, and PTSD (OR 1.3, 1.6, 1.4, 1.7 respectively, all P < 0.05). Respondents who knew of someone diagnosed with COVID-19 were more likely to screen positive for depression, stress, and PTSD (OR 1.2, 1.2, and 1.3 respectively, all P < 0.05). Surgical specialties that operated in the head and neck region had higher psychological distress among its surgeons. Deployment for COVID- 19-related work was not associated with increased psychological distress.
CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic may have a mental health legacy outlasting its course. The long-term impact of this ongoing traumatic event underscores the importance of longitudinal mental health care for healthcare personnel, with particular attention to those who know of someone diagnosed with, or who died of COVID-19.
DESIGN AND METHODS: This is a cross-sectional survey. Data were collected on 162 parents of children diagnosed with thalassemia aged 12 years and younger in thalassemia day care centers of three public hospitals in Sabah, Malaysia. Data were collected using questionnaires, including General Health Questionaire-12 (GHQ-12), Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) and Brief RCOPE.
RESULTS: Forty-two percent of parents had psychological distress with GHQ score ≥ 3 (mean score of 2.85 ± 3.17). Ninety-five percent of parents used positive religious coping methods (mean P-COPE score 22.35 ± 2.33) more than negative religious coping methods (mean N-COPE score was 12.19 ± 5.23). They used Organized Religious Activities (mean ORA score of 4.20 ± 1.27), and Non-Organized Religious Activities (NORA, the mean was 4.17 ± 1.37). Positive and negative religious coping methods were significantly related to parents' psychological distress (P-COPE and GHQ-12 scores (rs (df) = 0.19, p
DESIGN: An exploratory qualitative study with 55 parent-participants of Good Enough Parenting was conducted.
METHODS: One-to-one interviews were conducted with participants, using critical incident technique and guided by semi-structured interview schedule, to explore their experiences with the program. Transcripts were then analyzed using thematic analysis.
RESULTS: Coding showed a high degree of inter-rater reliability (kappa value of 0.78). The themes that emerged were Cultivating Awareness of Parents' Own Schemas, Cultivating Intentionality, Working through Developmental Issues, Responses to Challenges at Home, Performing Multiple Roles, and the Learning Process. Participants overwhelmingly reported satisfaction within these key themes.
CONCLUSIONS: The results support the development of the program and the choice of "participant reported outcome measures" for use in subsequent randomized controlled trials.
BACKGROUND: Critical thinking is currently considered as an essential component of nurses' professional judgement and clinical decision-making. If confirmed, nursing curricula may be revised emphasising on critical thinking with the expectation to improve clinical decision-making and thus better health care.
DESIGN: Integrated literature review.
METHODS: The integrative review was carried out after a comprehensive literature search using electronic databases Ovid, EBESCO MEDLINE, EBESCO CINAHL, PROQuest and Internet search engine Google Scholar. Two hundred and 22 articles from January 1980 to end of 2015 were retrieved. All studies evaluating the relationship between critical thinking and clinical decision-making, published in English language with nurses or nursing students as the study population, were included. No qualitative studies were found investigating the relationship between critical thinking and clinical decision-making, while 10 quantitative studies met the inclusion criteria and were further evaluated using the Quality Assessment and Validity Tool. As a result, one study was excluded due to a low-quality score, with the remaining nine accepted for this review.
RESULTS: Four of nine studies established a positive relationship between critical thinking and clinical decision-making. Another five studies did not demonstrate a significant correlation. The lack of refinement in studies' design and instrumentation were arguably the main reasons for the inconsistent results.
CONCLUSIONS: Research studies yielded contradictory results as regard to the relationship between critical thinking and clinical decision-making; therefore, the evidence is not convincing. Future quantitative studies should have representative sample size, use critical thinking measurement tools related to the healthcare sector and evaluate the predisposition of test takers towards their willingness and ability to think. There is also a need for qualitative studies to provide a fresh approach in exploring the relationship between these variables uncovering currently unknown contributing factors.
RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: This review confirmed that evidence to support the existence of relationships between critical thinking and clinical decision-making is still unsubstantiated. Therefore, it serves as a call for nurse leaders and nursing academics to produce quality studies in order to firmly support or reject the hypothesis that there is a statistically significant correlation between critical thinking and clinical decision-making.
METHOD: A total of 394 healthcare workers reported their responses on Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire, World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-BREF, and Brief Resilience Scale. Respondents were contacted through convenience sampling method and targeted population constituted Malaysian healthcare workers aged 18 years and above.
RESULTS: For occupational exhaustion, about 50.5% of participants have moderate degree, 40.6% have high degree, and 8.9% have low degree of burnout. Health workers from age 25 to 35 years have lower physical health compared to health workers aged <25 years (coefficient = -0.77, p = 0.021). Similarly, healthcare workers who were working more than 10 h every day were more likely to report poor psychological health (coefficient = -2.49, p = 0.06). Positive correlation between physical and psychological health was observed. Further, a negative correlation was found between occupational exhaustion and the quality of life.
CONCLUSION: It is important to target physical as well as psychological wellbeing of the healthcare workers. Also, it is important to understand the contribution of long working hours in declining the quality of life of the healthcare workers. Thus, allocating fixed working hours for healthcare workers would bring a much-required change.