METHODS: The 4,501 patients were selected from National Cancer Patient Registry-Colorectal Cancer data. Patient survival status was cross-checked with the National Registration Department. The age-standardised rate (ASR) was calculated as the proportion of CRC cases (incidence) and deaths (mortality) from 2008 to 2013, weighted by the age structure of the population, as determined by the Department of Statistics Malaysia and the World Health Organization world standard population distribution.
RESULTS: The overall incidence rate for CRC was 21.32 cases per 100,000. Those of Chinese ethnicity had the highest CRC incidence (27.35), followed by the Malay (18.95), and Indian (17.55) ethnicities. The ASR incidence rate of CRC was 1.33 times higher among males than females (24.16 and 18.14 per 100,000, respectively). The 2011 (44.7%) CRC deaths were recorded. The overall ASR of mortality was 9.79 cases, with 11.85 among the Chinese, followed by 9.56 among the Malays and 7.08 among the Indians. The ASR of mortality was 1.42 times higher among males (11.46) than females (8.05).
CONCLUSIONS: CRC incidence and mortality is higher in males than females. Individuals of Chinese ethnicity have the highest incidence of CRC, followed by the Malay and Indian ethnicities. The same trends were observed for the age-standardised mortality rate.
METHODS: This was a cross sectional study conducted with a multistage sampling. All permanent teachers working in government secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur were invited for the study. The data collection included serum 25(OH)D, Parathyroid Hormone (PTH), body fat percentage, waist circumference, body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure. Demographic characteristics, sun avoidance, sun exposure and physical activity were enquired from the participants using a self-administered questionnaire. The data was analyzed using a complex sample analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 858 participants were recruited. Majority of them were Malays, females and had tertiary education. The overall prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (<20 ng/ml) was 67.4 %. Indian participants (80.9 %) had the highest proportion of vitamin D deficiency, followed by Malays (75.6 %), others (44.9 %) and Chinese (25.1 %). There was a significant negative association between serum 25(OH)D level with BMI (β = -0.23) and body fat percentage (β = -0.14). In the multivariate linear regression analysis, Malays, Indians and females (p ethnicity and gender.
CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among our participants was high. Adiposity was associated with serum 25(OH)D level. Skin pigmentation and gender based behaviours were more dominant in contributing to serum 25(OH)D level. Health education should be targeted in weight management, gender based behaviours on sun exposure, as skin pigmentation is non-modifiable.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 195 Thin Prep Pap smear samples from HPV negative and cancer free females were randomly selected as controls while 106 formalin fixed paraffin embedded samples from females with invasive cervical cancer were randomly selected for the cases group. The polymorphisms were identified using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) PCR.
RESULTS: We found no significant associations between CYP1A1 MspI polymorphism and cervical cancer in the general Malaysian female population. However, upon ethnic stratification, the variant C/C genotype was significantly associated with a 4.66-fold increase in cervical cancer risk in Malay females (95% CI= 1.21-17.9; p=0.03). No significant association was observed in the Chinese and Indian females. Additionally, there were no significant associations in the dominant model and allele frequency model analysis in both the general and ethnically stratified female population of Malaysia.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the C/C genotype of CYP1A1 MspI polymorphism is associated with the development of cervical carcinoma in the Malay females of Malaysia.
METHODS: Age-standardized mortality rates were calculated for 16 amenable causes of death in Singapore for six 5-year periods (1965-1969,..., 1990-1994), and for each of the three main ethnic groups for three periods (1989-1991, 1992-1994, 1995- 1997). Amenable mortality rates were divided into those which can be reduced by timely therapeutic care for 'treatable' conditions (e.g. asthma and appendicitis), or by primary preventive measures for 'preventable' conditions (e.g. lung cancer and motor vehicle injury).
RESULTS: Amenable mortality was higher in males (age-standardized rate 109.7 per 100 000 population) than in females (age-standardized rate 60.7 per 100 000 population). Amenable mortality declined by 1.77% a year in males and 1.72% a year in females. By comparison, the average yearly decline in non-amenable mortality was 0.91% in males and 1.17% in females. The decline in amenable mortality was largely due to 'treatable' causes rather than a decline in mortality due to 'preventable' causes of death. Amenable mortality was lowest for Chinese and highest for Malays. Over the recent 9-year period from 1989 to 1997, amenable mortality declined more in Chinese than in Malays and Indians. However, Indian females showed by far the sharpest decline, whereas Indian males, by contrast, showed an increase in amenable mortality, due to both treatable and preventable causes.
CONCLUSIONS: In line with findings from European countries, amenable mortality in Singapore declined more than non-amenable mortality. There were more significant gains in mortality outcomes from medical care interventions than from primary preventive policy measures. Gender and ethnic differences in amenable mortality were also observed, highlighting issues of socioeconomic equities to be addressed in the financing and delivery of health care.
METHODS: The setting was the University of Kuala Lumpur. Thirty-four Malay, 35 Chinese and 34 Indian normal pregnant middle-class women were studied longitudinally by monthly ultrasound scans for 18 to 38 weeks of gestation. The data were subjected to regression analysis; the quadratic curve was found to be the most adequate. Dummy variables were used to determine any effects by gender, parity as well as ethnicity on the length of limb growth. There was no difference in birth weights of the three ethnic groups studied, nor in gender or parity.
RESULTS: There were found to be significant differences in limb lengths of the Indians (longer) when compared with the Malays and Chinese. Parity seems to affect only Indians in whom the multiparous fetuses have shorter limb lengths than the primaparous. There appears to be no effect by gender.
CONCLUSION: There appear to be definite differences in growth of limb length between the different Malaysian ethnic groups and this should be taken into account when growth charts are used and when fetal weight formulas are calculated using limb lengths. The limitation of this study was that the numbers of subjects studied were small. Larger studies will be able to confirm or refute the findings.
METHODS: This prospective clinical study included consecutive Asian patients with dark irides and confirmed for glaucoma. Only one eye of each patient was treated. Diode laser contact transscleral cyclophotocoagulation treatment was performed with the center of the probe placed 1.5 mm behind the limbus. About 30 pulses of 810-mm laser radiation (power, 1.8 to 2.0 W; duration, 0.3 to 0.5 second) were applied around the eye. Patients were examined at fixed postoperative intervals. Intraocular pressure levels and postoperative complications were recorded. The relation between patient and disease characteristics, total laser energy delivered, and intraocular pressure effects were analyzed.
RESULTS: Thirty-three patients were studied, with a mean follow-up period of 9.4 months. An average 56% of patients showed a 30% or greater drop in intraocular pressure. About 38% of patients achieved sustained intraocular pressure lowering to below 22 mm Hg at 18 months. Complications were few and included transient hypotony and iritis.
CONCLUSIONS: In Asian patients with refractory glaucoma or painful glaucomatous eyes with poor visual acuity (defined for this study as worse than 20/200), low-energy-setting diode laser contact transscleral cyclophotocoagulation by means of the glass ball probe is relatively effective and safe.