Displaying publications 621 - 640 of 1008 in total

  1. Tong X, Wang Z, Mirab-Balou M
    Zootaxa, 2016 Jan 05;4061(2):181-8.
    PMID: 27395492 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4061.2.8
    Two new species of the genus Asprothrips Crawford, A. bucerus sp. n. and A. punctulosus sp. n. are described and illustrated from China. A. bimaculatus Michel & Ryckewaert, previously known only from Martinique in the French West Indies and Malaysia, is newly recorded from mainland China and Taiwan, along with the first descriptive notes of the male, and the record from China of A. fuscipennis Kudô is considered a misidentification of A. bucerus sp. n. The generic diagnosis of Asprothrips is briefly summarized and an updated key to world species of the genus is also presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Thysanoptera/anatomy & histology
  2. Sinev AY, Yusoff FM
    Zootaxa, 2016 Jun 01;4117(3):399-410.
    PMID: 27395182 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4117.3.7
    Study of Ephemeroporus Frey, 1982 populations from Peninsular Malaysia revealed a new species. Ephemeroporus malaysiaensis sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of four-five large denticles on anal margin of postabdomen instead of two-three, and five distinctive pigmented spots on each valve. Pigmented spots on the valves were never recorded for any species of family Chydoridae. E. malaysiaensis sp. nov. seems to be another endemic Chydoridae species of South-East Asia. E. malaysiaensis sp. nov. is a rare species, associated with emergent macrophytes in the littoral zone of shallow lake. Most of Ephemeroporus populations from Peninsular Malaysia belong to eurybiotic Paleotropical species Ephemeroporus barroisi (Richard, 1984).
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Cladocera/anatomy & histology
  3. Karin BR, Das I, Bauer AM
    Zootaxa, 2016 Mar 22;4093(3):407-23.
    PMID: 27394504 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4093.3.7
    We describe two new species of skinks from Gunung Penrissen, Sarawak, Malaysia, in northern Borneo, Tytthoscincus batupanggah sp. nov. and T. leproauricularis sp. nov. Morphological and molecular analyses both corroborate the two new species as unique compared to all other Tytthoscincus and additional Sphenomorphus that are candidates for taxonomic placement in the genus Tytthoscincus. Despite their phenotypic similarity and sympatric distribution, a molecular analysis shows that the new species are not sister taxa and exhibit a deep genetic divergence between each of their respective sister taxa. We discuss how historical climatic and geographic processes may have led to the co-distribution of two relatively distantly related phenotypically similar species. In light of these discoveries, we also emphasize the importance of conserving primary montane tropical rainforest for maintaining species diversity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Lizards/anatomy & histology
  4. Wong SK, Patil PG
    J Prosthet Dent, 2018 Aug;120(2):210-213.
    PMID: 29551376 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2017.10.019
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) frequently loops backward before exiting from the mental foramen and spreads several millimeters medially to the foramen. Implant placement in this area may damage the nerve if the anterior loop area is not carefully identified in a radiographic or computed tomography (CT) evaluation.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this observational study was to measure the prevalence of the presence of the anterior loop and to estimate sex and ethnicity-related variations in anterior loop length in the Malaysian population.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 100 cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) files were selected from a pool of 810 ongoing or completed patients in 3 different ethnic groups: Malay (33), Indian (33), and Chinese (34). The DICOM data were imported into commercial software. The IAN was traced with software along with the anterior loop and part of the incisive nerve. The vertical length of the nerve was estimated from the canal to the opening of the mental foramen from the cross-sectional view and translated to the panoramic view. Measurement was made from this point to the most anterior point of the anterior loop by following the trajectory of the nerve and was repeated on the opposite side. A 2-way mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was carried out to evaluate the sex- and ethnicity-related variations (α=.05).

    RESULTS: The anterior loop was present in 94% of the 100 participants. Overall anterior loop length (AnLL) ranged between 0.73 and 7.99 mm with a mean length of 3.69 ±1.75 mm on the left side and 3.85 ±1.73 mm on the right side. Among all participants, no statistically significant differences were found between the left and right sides of the mandible (P=.379). Overall, no significant main effect of ethnicity (P=.869) or sex (P=.576) was found on AnLL measurements. Also, with multiple comparisons, no significant effect was found between each pair of ethnic groups. Men in all 3 ethnic groups had greater AnLL than women.

    CONCLUSIONS: The anterior loop was present in 94% of the 100 participants among the 3 major ethnic groups of Malaysia. Overall AnLL ranged between 0.73 and 7.99 mm and mean lengths of 3.69 ±1.75 mm on the left side and 3.85 ±1.73 mm on the right side, with no significant ethnicity- or sex-related variations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mandible/anatomy & histology*; Mandibular Nerve/anatomy & histology*
  5. Viraktamath CA
    Zootaxa, 2016 Nov 17;4193(3):zootaxa.4193.3.3.
    PMID: 27988690 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4193.3.3
    Species of Signoretia Stål from the Oriental region are reviewed and types of five species described by Baker, two species described by Distant and one species described by Schmidt are illustrated. A checklist of 20 species of the genus from the Oriental region including 9 new species is given. The new species described and illustrated are Signoretia dulitensis sp. nov. (Malaysia: Mt Dulit), S. lunglei sp. nov. (India: Mizoram), S. mishmiensis sp. nov. (Myanmar: Mishmi Hills), S. quoinensis sp. nov. (Malaysia: Quoin Hill), S. rubra sp. nov. (Thailand: Chiang Mai), S. sahyadrica sp. nov. (India: Kerala), S. similaris sp. nov. (Vietnam: Fyan), S. sinuata sp. nov. (India: West Bengal) and S. takiyae sp. nov. (India: Andaman Is.). Both S. aureola Distant and S. maculata Baker are redescribed and illustrated. Lectotypes are designated for S. greeni Distant and S. aureola Distant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Hemiptera/anatomy & histology*
  6. Evenhuis NL
    Zootaxa, 2016 Nov 10;4189(2):zootaxa.4189.2.1.
    PMID: 27988730 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4189.2.1
    The Strongylophthalmyia punctata subgroup, comprising 24 species with armored fore femora, and restricted primarily to SE Asia, is reviewed. Eighteen new species, S. albisternum, n. sp. (Thailand), S. borneensis, n. sp. (Borneo), S. caestus, n. sp. (Philippines), S. darlingi, n. sp. (Sumatra), S. federeri, n. sp. (Philippines), S. hauseri, n. sp. (Thailand, Vietnam), S. indochinensis, n. sp. (Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam), S. inundans, n. sp. (Philippines), S. laosensis, n. sp. (Laos), S. lowi, n. sp. (Peninsular Malaysia), S. malayensis, n. sp. (Peninsular Malaysia), S. nigripalpis, n. sp. (Peninsular Malaysia), S. oxybeles, n. sp. (Sumatra), S. pappi, n. sp. (Thailand), S. phillindablank, n. sp. (China), S. sichuanica, n. sp. (China), S. sumatrana, n. sp. (Sumatra), and S. thailandica, n. sp. (Thailand) are described and illustrated, S. microstyla Shatalkin and S. punctata Hennig are redescribed based on examination of the holotypes, and a key to species of the subgroup is presented. A general taxonomic overview of the genus Strongylophthalmyia is given with discussion of and keys to proposed species groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Diptera/anatomy & histology
  7. Evenhuis NL, Gang Y
    Zootaxa, 2016 Dec 06;4205(3):zootaxa.4205.3.2.
    PMID: 27988574 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4205.3.2
    The bee fly genus Euchariomyia Bigot is reviewed and new records from the Oriental Region are given. Five names (for four species-level taxa) have been associated with species in the genus. Examinations of types, as well as homotypic and topotypic specimens, shows all five names to belong to a highly variable single species, Euchariomyia dives Bigot. The following species are here shown to be the same as Euchariomyia dives Bigot: Bombylius pulchellus Wulp, 1880, Bombylius scintillans Brunetti, 1909, and Bombylius brunettii Senior-White, 1922, n. syn. The genus is known primarily from the southern and eastern Oriental Region and ranges into the Palaearctic in eastern China. We extend the distribution of the genus with new records in the southeastern Oriental Region [Indonesia (Sumatra), Laos, Peninsular Malaysia, and Vietnam].
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Diptera/anatomy & histology
  8. Thwin SS, Zaini F, Than M, Lwin S, Myint M
    Singapore Med J, 2012 Jun;53(6):e128-30.
    PMID: 22711051
    The presence of anatomical variations of the peripheral nervous system often accounts for unexpected clinical signs and symptoms. We report unusual variations of the lateral and posterior cords of the brachial plexus in a female cadaver. Such variations are attributed to a faulty union of divisions of the brachial plexus during the embryonic period. The median nerve lay medial to the axillary artery (AA) on both sides. On the right, the lateral root of the median nerve crossing the AA and the median nerve in relation to the medial side of the AA was likely the result of a faulty development of the seventh intersegmental artery. We discuss these variations and compare them with the findings of other researchers. Knowledge of such rare variations is clinically important, aiding radiologists, anaesthesiologists and surgeons to avoid inadvertent damage to nerves and the AA during blocks and surgical interventions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brachial Plexus/anatomy & histology*; Median Nerve/anatomy & histology
  9. Ting TH, Wu LL
    Singapore Med J, 2009 Aug;50(8):817-21.
    PMID: 19710983
    Micropenis may be an important sign of underlying hypogonadism or pituitary hypofunction in the neonatal period. Penile lengths of normal newborns have been reported in many Western populations. However, the data may not be applicable in the Asian or the multiracial Malaysian population. Our study aimed to establish the normal penile length and testicular volume in term newborn infants in the major ethnic groups in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Penis/anatomy & histology*; Testis/anatomy & histology
  10. Yogeetha R, Raman R, Quek KF
    Singapore Med J, 2007 Apr;48(4):304-6.
    PMID: 17384876
    This study aims to assess the difference in nasal patency and resistance to temperature changes objectively and subjectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity/anatomy & histology; Nose/anatomy & histology*
  11. Ahmad NI, Noh MF, Mahiyuddin WR, Jaafar H, Ishak I, Azmi WN, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2015 Sep;22(17):12960-74.
    PMID: 25916470 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-4415-9
    This study is to determine total mercury in edible tissues of eight species of cephalopods and 12 species of crustaceans purchased from 11 identified major fish landing ports and wet markets throughout Peninsular Malaysia. The concentration of mercury was measured by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) technique using the Perkin Elmer Flow Injection Mercury System (FIMS-400). In general, the mercury levels were low with concentrations in cephalopods ranging from 0.099 to 2.715 mg/kg dry weight (or 0.0184-0.505 mg/kg wet weight) and in crustaceans ranging from 0.057 to 1.359 mg/kg dry weight (or 0.0111-0.265 mg/kg wet weight). The mercury levels showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) between species for both cephalopods and crustaceans. There was no significant correlation between mercury concentrations and the body size of individual for both groups as well. Comparisons with mercury levels obtained found from other previous studies and/or species noted that they were of the same magnitude or relatively low compared to various locations reported worldwide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crustacea/anatomy & histology; Cephalopoda/anatomy & histology
  12. Lim LH
    J Helminthol, 2015 May;89(3):307-16.
    PMID: 24698519 DOI: 10.1017/S0022149X1400008X
    A new genus of the Monogenea, Teraplectanum n. g., is proposed for two new species of diplectanids found on the gills of Terapon theraps Cuvier collected off Carey Island, Peninsular Malaysia. The genus is based on a unique arrangement of the male reproductive system. In the new species spermatozoa stored in the seminal vesicle and secretions stored in the prostatic reservoir are transferred into, and mixed to form semen within, a special sclerotized auxiliary piece (SAP), and not within the copulatory tube as occurs in the majority of monogeneans. Teraplectanum species also possess a unique sclerotized vaginal loop through which the vaginal tube passes en route from the vaginal pore to the seminal receptacle. The two new species are Teraplectanum crassitubus n. sp. (type species) and T. angustitubus n. sp. They differ from each other mainly in the morphology of their copulatory tube: in T. crassitubus, the proximal region of this tube is thicker compared to the slender proximal region in T. angustitubus, although in both cases the tube tapers and twists distally. Of the known diplectanid species, only Diplectanum undulicirrosum Zhang et al., 2000 (currently considered incertae sedis) possesses such sclerotized hard parts, which suggests the same type of arrangement of the male reproductive system. Consequently, D. undulicirrosum is re-assigned to this new genus as Teraplectanum undulicirrosum (Zhang et al., 2000) n. comb. The copulatory tube of T. undulicirrosum is similar to the slender, undulating copulatory tube of T. angustitubus but does not taper distally as in the latter species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genitalia/anatomy & histology; Platyhelminths/anatomy & histology
  13. Ow-Yang CK
    J Helminthol, 1974 Dec;48(4):293-310.
    PMID: 4448893
    Matched MeSH terms: Larva/anatomy & histology; Trichostrongyloidea/anatomy & histology
  14. Makita N, Kosugi Y, Dannoura M, Takanashi S, Niiyama K, Kassim AR, et al.
    Tree Physiol, 2012 Mar;32(3):303-12.
    PMID: 22367761 DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tps008
    The root systems of forest trees are composed of different diameters and heterogeneous physiological traits. However, the pattern of root respiration rates from finer and coarser roots across various tropical species remains unknown. To clarify how respiration is related to the morphological traits of roots, we evaluated specific root respiration and its relationships to mean root diameter (D) of various diameter and root tissue density (RTD; root mass per unit root volume; gcm(-3)) and specific root length (SRL; root length per unit root mass; mg(-1)) of the fine roots among and within 14 trees of 13 species from a primary tropical rainforest in the Pasoh Forest Reserve in Peninsular Malaysia. Coarse root (2-269mm) respiration rates increased with decreasing D, resulting in significant relationships between root respiration and diameter across species. A model based on a radial gradient of respiration rates of coarse roots simulated the exponential decrease in respiration with diameter. The respiration rate of fine roots (<2mm) was much higher and more variable than those of larger diameter roots. For fine roots, the mean respiration rates for each species increased with decreasing D. The respiration rates of fine roots declined markedly with increasing RTD and increased with increasing SRL, which explained a significant portion of the variation in the respiration among the 14 trees from 13 species examined. Our results indicate that coarse root respiration in tree species follows a basic relationship with D across species and that most of the variation in fine root respiration among species is explained by D, RTD and SRL. We found that the relationship between root respiration and morphological traits provides a quantitative basis for separating fine roots from coarse roots and that the pattern holds across different species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees/anatomy & histology*; Plant Roots/anatomy & histology
  15. Liew TS, Schilthuizen M
    PLoS One, 2016;11(6):e0157069.
    PMID: 27280463 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157069
    Quantitative analysis of organismal form is an important component for almost every branch of biology. Although generally considered an easily-measurable structure, the quantification of gastropod shell form is still a challenge because many shells lack homologous structures and have a spiral form that is difficult to capture with linear measurements. In view of this, we adopt the idea of theoretical modelling of shell form, in which the shell form is the product of aperture ontogeny profiles in terms of aperture growth trajectory that is quantified as curvature and torsion, and of aperture form that is represented by size and shape. We develop a workflow for the analysis of shell forms based on the aperture ontogeny profile, starting from the procedure of data preparation (retopologising the shell model), via data acquisition (calculation of aperture growth trajectory, aperture form and ontogeny axis), and data presentation (qualitative comparison between shell forms) and ending with data analysis (quantitative comparison between shell forms). We evaluate our methods on representative shells of the genera Opisthostoma and Plectostoma, which exhibit great variability in shell form. The outcome suggests that our method is a robust, reproducible, and versatile approach for the analysis of shell form. Finally, we propose several potential applications of our methods in functional morphology, theoretical modelling, taxonomy, and evolutionary biology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda/anatomy & histology*; Animal Shells/anatomy & histology*
  16. Boo Liat L
    PMID: 1025748
    The recovery of six adult Gnathostoma spinigerum Owen, 1936 from a civet cat, Prionodon linsang Hardwick, constitutes the second reported record of this parasite and the first authenticated case of adult worms found in a wild animal from Malaysia. The food habits of the infected P. linsang as an important link in the transmission of G. spinigerum in the intermediate and definitive hosts together with the probable distribution of this parasite are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gnathostoma/anatomy & histology*; Spiruroidea/anatomy & histology*
  17. Kamimura Y, Mitsumoto H, Lee CY
    PLoS One, 2014;9(2):e89265.
    PMID: 24586643 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089265
    During mating, male bed bugs (Cimicidae) pierce the female abdomen to inject sperm using their needle-like genitalia. Females evolved specialized paragenital organs (the spermalege and associated structures) to receive traumatically injected ejaculates. In Leptocimex duplicatus, the spermalege is duplicated, but the evolutionary significance of this is unclear. In Cimex hemipterus and C. lectularius, in which females normally develop a single spermalege on the right side of the abdomen, similar duplication sometimes occurs. Using these aberrant morphs (D-females) of C. hemipterus, we tested the hypothesis that both of the duplicated spermaleges are functionally competent. Scars on female abdominal exoskeletons indicated frequent misdirected piercing by male genitalia. However, the piercing sites showed a highly biased distribution towards the right side of the female body. A mating experiment showed that when the normal insemination site (the right-side spermalege) was artificially covered, females remained unfertilized. This was true even when females also had a spermalege on the left side (D-females). This result was attributed to handedness in male mating behavior. Irrespective of the observed disuse of the left-side spermalege by males for insemination, histological examination failed to detect any differences between the right-side and left-side spermaleges. Moreover, an artificial insemination experiment confirmed that spermatozoa injected into the left-side spermalege show apparently normal migration behavior to the female reproductive organs, indicating an evolutionary potential for functionally-competent duplicated spermaleges. We discuss possible mechanisms for the evolutionary maintenance of D-females and propose a plausible route to the functionally-competent duplicated spermaleges observed in L. duplicatus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bedbugs/anatomy & histology*; Genitalia, Female/anatomy & histology*
  18. Fathilah AR, Rahim ZH, Othman Y, Yusoff M
    Pak J Biol Sci, 2009 Mar 15;12(6):518-21.
    PMID: 19580002
    In this study, the bacteriostatic effect of Piper betle and Psidium guajava extracts on selected early dental plaque bacteria was investigated based on changes in the doubling time (g) and specific growth rates (micro). Streptococcus sanguinis, Streptococcus mitis and Actinomyces sp. were cultured in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) in the presence and absence of the extracts. The growth of bacteria was monitored periodically every 15 min over a period of 9 h to allow for a complete growth cycle. Growth profiles of the bacteria in the presence of the extracts were compared to those in the absence and deviation in the g and micro were determined and analyzed. It was found that the g and mu were affected by both extracts. At 4 mg mL(-1) of P. betle the g-values for S. sanguinis and S. mitis were increased by 12.0- and 10.4-fold, respectively (p < 0.05). At similar concentration P. guajava increased the g-value by 1.8- and 2.6 -fold, respectively (p < 0.05). The effect on Actinomyces sp. was observed at a much lower magnitude. It appears that P. betle and P. guajava extracts have bacteriostatic effect on the plaque bacteria by creating a stressed environment that had suppressed the growth and propagation of the cells. Within the context of the dental plaque, this would ensure the attainment of thin and healthy plaque. Thus, decoctions of these plants would be suitable if used in the control of dental plaque.
    Matched MeSH terms: Psidium/anatomy & histology; Piper betle/anatomy & histology
  19. Sinev AY, Dadykin IA, Định СN
    Zootaxa, 2024 May 10;5448(2):273-282.
    PMID: 39646255 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5448.2.7
    A new species of Ovalona Van Damme & Dumont, 2008 (Cladocera: Anomopoda) related to the rare Australian species Ovalona archeri (Sars, 1888), is described from the Mekong Delta, South Vietnam. Ovalona garibiani sp. nov. differs from O. archeri in morphology of antenna, postabdomen, and proportions of setae on thoracic limbs II-III. Both species differ from other species of the genus Ovalona in the postabdomen with a narrow and sparsely spaced group of lateral setulae, the distance between the postanal groups being slightly greater than the width of the group. O. garibiani sp. nov. is a rare phytophilous species, known from a few localities in continental Malaysia, Southern Thailand and Vietnam.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Cladocera/anatomy & histology
  20. Dadykin IA, Ðịnh CN, Shiel RJ, Kotov AA
    Zootaxa, 2024 Jun 12;5468(2):331-349.
    PMID: 39646174 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5468.2.5
    During recent years, many taxa of water fleas (Crustacea: Cladocera) with wide distribution ranges were revised and finally accepted as groups of cryptic species. Here we provide a redescription of Ilyocryptus raridentatus Smirnov, 1989 (Anomopoda: Ilyocryptidae). Our study clearly confirms that I. raridentatus belongs to the sarsi-group based on incomplete moulting, absence of dorsal keel, structure of antennule, thoracic limb I and postabdomen. The species is widely distributed in Australia and East Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Central China, Japan, South Korea) and penetrates north to the Far East of Russia. A morphological variability among different populations of I. raridentatus does not exceed an intrapopulational level. I. raridentatus seems to be a relatively rare species with a benthic lifestyle similar to its congeners.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Cladocera/anatomy & histology
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