Displaying publications 641 - 660 of 1933 in total

  1. Wong RSY, Siow HL, Kumarasamy V, Shaherah Fadhlullah Suhaimi N
    J Adv Med Educ Prof, 2017 Oct;5(4):164-171.
    PMID: 28979910
    INTRODUCTION: The learner-centred approach in medical and health sciences education makes the study of learning preferences relevant and important. This study aimed to investigate the interdisciplinary, inter-institutional, gender and racial differences in the preferred learning styles among Malaysian medical and health sciences students in three Malaysian universities, namely SEGi University (SEGi), University of Malaya (UM) and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). It also investigated the differences in the preferred learning styles of these students between high achievers and non-high achievers.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was carried out on medical and health sciences students from three Malaysian universities following the approval of the Research and Ethics Committee, SEGi University. Purposive sampling was used and the preferred learning styles were assessed using the VARK questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated prior to its use. Three disciplines (medicine, pharmacy and dentistry) were chosen based on their entry criteria and some similarities in their course structure. The three participating universities were Malaysian universities with a home-grown undergraduate entry medical program and students from a diverse cultural and socioeconomic background. The data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version 22. VARK subscale scores were expressed as mean+standard deviation. Comparisons of the means were carried out using t-test or ANOVA. A p value of <0.05 was considered as statistically significant, and <0.001 as highly significant.
    RESULTS: Both statistically significant interdisciplinary and inter-institutional differences in learning preferences were observed. Out of the 337 students, a majority of the participants were unimodal learners (n=263, 78.04%). The most common type of learners was the reading/writing type (n=92, 27.30%) while the kinesthetic subscale (M=6.98, SD=2.85) had the highest mean score. Female students (M=6.86, SD=2.86) scored significantly higher than male students (M=6.08, SD=2.41; t(249), p=0.014) in the auditory subscale, whereas Chinese students (M=5.87, SD=2.65) scored significantly higher than Malay students (M=4.70, SD=2.87; p=0.04) in the visual subscale. However, the mean VARK subscale scores did not differ significantly between high achievers and non-high achievers (p>0.05).
    CONCLUSION: This study gives an insight into the learner characteristics of more than one medical school in Malaysia. Such multi-institutional studies are lacking in the published literature and this study gives a better representation of the current situation in the learning preferences among medical students in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  2. Mongkonkansai J, Veerasakul S, Tamrin SBM, Madardam U
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Aug 24;19(17).
    PMID: 36078252 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191710530
    School-age children increasingly use smartphones to conduct their learning activities; increasing reports of disorders related to smartphone use exist, including visual-related symptoms, stress, and musculoskeletal pain. This study aimed to examine risk factors for musculoskeletal pain among primary school students using smartphones. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 233 school-aged children in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. Data collection used a questionnaire for musculoskeletal symptoms using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire with ISO 11,226:2000. Through Chi-square, t-test, and logistic regression analysis, factors independently associated with musculoskeletal pain were determined. An important factor in the development of musculoskeletal pain was the prolonged use of smartphones for longer than 60 min, particularly among children aged 6-9 years old. In regards to musculoskeletal pain, almost 53% of the students used their smartphones while lying down. Posing in a prone position while using a smartphone was 7.37 times more dangerous than sitting. The laying position tilts numerous organs at varying angles, especially the upper arm. The risk of musculoskeletal complaints must be reduced by educating parents, children, and the relevant government organizations about safe smartphone usage. The mentioned factors may be used to anticipate the onset of musculoskeletal pain caused by smartphone use in young children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  3. Al-Rahmi AM, Shamsuddin A, Wahab E, Al-Rahmi WM, Alyoussef IY, Crawford J
    Front Public Health, 2022;10:1003007.
    PMID: 36203665 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1003007
    Social media utilization at the student-level has become more prevalent contemporary higher education. Hence, this study is aimed at developing a specific model, along with the behavioral intention to use, to explore educational quality, actual social media use, and task-technology fit that affects student satisfaction and performance impact through examining the synergies of constructivism, user acceptance and usage of information technology, and technology acceptance. To test, a survey was administered to 430 students across five Malaysian universities. Through structural equation modeling, findings indicate that to improve student satisfaction and student performance through embedded social media, students need to have opportunities to collaborate on learning, have easy access to social media, perceive such use to be easy, and have aligned expectation on performance and effort. Interestingly, the actual social media use, was the only variable in the model that did not predict student satisfaction, despite its role in predicting student performance. The study highlights that constructivist learning, as well as task-technology fit over social media, enhances the students' learning experience and enables knowledge sharing and dissemination. The effect of using social media on student satisfaction and academic performance highlights that all students think that it is adequate for their instructors to improve their usage of social media tools. Therefore, we advocate learners and students employing social media for academic purposes with the help of lecturers at higher teaching organizations and institutions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Joginder Singh S, Suhumaran LV, Skulski K, Ahmad Rusli Y
    Augment Altern Commun, 2022 Dec;38(4):236-244.
    PMID: 36573041 DOI: 10.1080/07434618.2022.2141135
    Most speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in Malaysia practice with an undergraduate degree, which provides them with limited knowledge about and training in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). This limited knowledge and training may affect their confidence and competence when introducing and using AAC with individuals for whom it is required. This study aimed to obtain feedback, via semi-structured interviews, from a group of 11 Malaysian university students who participated in an AAC training program about their experiences participating in and the effectiveness of the training program. Three themes were derived from qualitative content analysis of the interviews: (a)Time Demands, (b) Generalizing the use of AAC, and (c) Learning Required When Introducing AAC. The participants reported that they obtained better insights into the role of SLPs and communication partners with regards to AAC, as well as the struggles they faced. Students also reported increased confidence when working with individuals who use AAC after participating in the training program, thus supporting the need for similar training programs in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. Ahmad NSS, Sulaiman N, Sabri MF
    PMID: 35564930 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19095535
    The interrelation between food security, academic performance, and psychosocial factors remains unclear. This study aims to identify psychosocial factors as mediators of food security status and academic performance among university students at one of Malaysia’s public universities. Respondents included 663 bachelor’s degree students from seven randomly selected programmes at the university. Data on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, food security status (US Adult Food Security Survey Module, FSSM), psychosocial factors (DASS-21), and academic performance were collected using an online survey. The SPSS PROCESS macro was used to perform mediation analysis. The result (β = −0.0182, p < 0.001) indicates that food insecurity is associated with poor academic performance. As well as that, an increase in anxiety (β = −0.0027, p < 0.05) and depression (β = −0.0025, p < 0.05) was significant associated with a decrease in academic performance. Furthermore, anxiety and depression serve as significant mediators in the relationship between food security and academic performance. Alleviating food insecurity is not only a way to improve academic performance; it can also improve academic performance by reducing anxiety and depression.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  6. Woods C, Naroo S, Zeri F, Bakkar M, Barodawala F, Evans V, et al.
    Cont Lens Anterior Eye, 2023 Apr;46(2):101821.
    PMID: 36805277 DOI: 10.1016/j.clae.2023.101821
    INTRODUCTION: Evidence based practice is now an important part of healthcare education. The aim of this narrative literature review was to determine what evidence exists on the efficacy of commonly used teaching and learning and assessment methods in the realm of contact lens skills education (CLE) in order to provide insights into best practice. A summary of the global regulation and provision of postgraduate learning and continuing professional development in CLE is included.

    METHOD: An expert panel of educators was recruited and completed a literature review of current evidence of teaching and learning and assessment methods in healthcare training, with an emphasis on health care, general optometry and CLE.

    RESULTS: No direct evidence of benefit of teaching and learning and assessment methods in CLE were found. There was evidence for the benefit of some teaching and learning and assessment methods in other disciplines that could be transferable to CLE and could help students meet the intended learning outcomes. There was evidence that the following teaching and learning methods helped health-care and general optometry students meet the intended learning outcomes; clinical teaching and learning, flipped classrooms, clinical skills videos and clerkships. For assessment these methods were; essays, case presentations, objective structured clinical examinations, self-assessment and formative assessment. There was no evidence that the following teaching and learning methods helped health-care and general optometry students meet the intended learning outcomes; journal clubs and case discussions. Nor was any evidence found for the following assessment methods; multiple-choice questions, oral examinations, objective structured practical examinations, holistic assessment, and summative assessment.

    CONCLUSION: Investigation into the efficacy of common teaching and learning and assessment methods in CLE are required and would be beneficial for the entire community of contact lens educators, and other disciplines that wish to adapt this approach of evidence-based teaching.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  7. Chua SS, Lai PSM, Sim SM, Tan CH, Foong CC
    BMC Med Educ, 2019 Apr 05;19(1):101.
    PMID: 30953493 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-019-1525-y
    BACKGROUND: The success of interprofessional collaboration in healthcare services requires a paradigm shift in the training of future health profession practitioners. This study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to measure Student Acceptance of Interprofessional Learning (SAIL) in Malaysia, and to assess this attribute among medical and pharmacy students using a prescribing skills training workshop.

    METHODS: The study consisted of two phases. In Phase 1, a 10-item instrument (SAIL-10) was developed and tested on a cohort of medical and pharmacy students who attended the workshop. In Phase 2, different cohorts of medical and pharmacy students completed SAIL-10 before and after participating in the workshop.

    RESULTS: Factor analysis showed that SAIL-10 has two domains: "facilitators of interprofessional learning" and "acceptance to learning in groups". The overall SAIL-10 and the two domains have adequate internal consistency and stable reliability. The total score and scores for the two domains were significantly higher after students attended the prescribing skills workshop.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study produced a valid and reliable instrument, SAIL-10 which was used to demonstrate that the prescribing skills workshop, where medical and pharmacy students were placed in an authentic context, was a promising activity to promote interprofessional learning among future healthcare professionals.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*; Students, Pharmacy*
  8. Peng L, Peng Y, Luo H, Deng Y
    PLoS One, 2023;18(5):e0285853.
    PMID: 37235592 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285853
    OBJECTIVE: Everyone in life will experience resource scarcity, which causes self-discrepancy. It is widely known that individuals participate in reactive consumption to solve the problems of self-discrepancy and resources scarcity. This kind of consumption may be symbolically related to the essence of the resource scarcity or may occur in an unrelated domain. This study proposes a theory for "filling up" one's resource scarcity through high-intensity sensory consumption (HISC).

    METHODS: We used different methods, including one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), linear regression, mediating effect, and moderating effect, to test the four hypotheses. Four experiments in the study were conducted from May 2022 and August 2022 and involved undergraduates from a university and volunteers recruited online. All participants are adults and verbally agree to participate voluntarily. Study 1a (N = 96 (male 47, female 49), participants from a business school in China) measured resource scarcity in the laboratory experiments and verified the effect of resource scarcity on consumer HISC preference by using linear regression (H1). Study 1b (N = 191 (male 98, female 93), students and teachers from a university in China) measured resource scarcity in the laboratory experiments and manipulated positively and negatively valenced experiences. Using the PROCESS SPSS Mode l, we verified that negatively valenced stimuli also lead to higher levels of arousal, which in turn restores the self-discrepancy caused by resource scarcity (H2). Study 2 (an online experiment, N = 182 (male 91, female 91), participants from China) manipulated the resource scarcity in a color sensory stimulant context, replicating the preliminary effect and examined the mediating effect of the self-worth by using the PROCESS SPSS Mode 4 (H3). Study 3 (an online experiment, N = 251 (male 125, female 126), participants from China) manipulated resource scarcity and self-acceptance in the tactile sensory experience, and tested the moderating effect of self-acceptance by using the PROCESS SPSS Mode 8 (H4).

    RESULTS: Four studies suggest that not only do individuals facing resources scarcity prefer HISC but also that this consumption is mediated and moderated by self-worth and self-acceptance, respectively. This preference for HISC is negated when individuals have high self-acceptance traits. The findings are tested in the auditory domain (as evidenced by a propensity for louder volume), the visual domain (as evidenced by a propensity for more intense colors), and the tactile domain (as evidenced by a propensity for more intense need for touch). The findings also demonstrate that individual preferences for HISC is shown to operate regardless of the valence (positive valence vs. negative valence) of the sensory consumption.

    CONCLUSIONS: Across four experiments, we find that individuals who are subjected to resource scarcity show a preference for high-intensity sensory consumption in the auditory, visual, and tactile domains. We also find that both negatively and positively valenced sensory stimuli have the same impact on resource-scarce individuals' preference for HISC. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the sense of self-worth significantly mediates the effect of resource scarcity on HISC. Finally, we reveal that self-acceptance moderates the effect of resource scarcity on HISC preference.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  9. Lee JK, Collins B, Pepper E, Alvarez NA, Warholak T
    Am J Pharm Educ, 2023 Jun;87(6):100063.
    PMID: 37316138 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpe.2023.100063
    OBJECTIVE: Leadership development is necessary for student pharmacists to become pharmacist leaders, but no readily usable standard measurement of student attitudes toward and beliefs about leadership exists. To assess the reliability and validity evidence for using the Leadership Attitudes and Beliefs Scale (LABS-III), originally developed and validated in Malaysia, for use with student pharmacists in the United States.

    METHODS: The 2-unit leadership course was piloted among second- and third-year students in a public college of pharmacy with a 4-year doctor of pharmacy curriculum. The participating students completed the LABS-III during the first and last classes as part of a quality improvement measure for course enhancement. Rasch analysis was then used to assess the reliability and validity evidence for the LABS-III.

    RESULTS: A total of 24 students participated in the pilot course. The pre and postcourse surveys had 100% and 92% response rates, respectively. After Rasch analysis model fit was achieved, the item separation for the 14 nonextreme items was 2.19 with an item reliability of 0.83. The person separation index was 2.16 with a person reliability of 0.82.

    CONCLUSION: The Rasch analysis revealed that the number of LABS-III items should be decreased and that the 3-point response scale should be used to improve functionality and use in classroom settings for PharmD students in the United States. Further research is needed to augment the reliability and validity evidence of the modified instrument for use at other United States colleges of pharmacy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  10. Chan ZW, Phuan YF, Ooi PY, Nor Azmi N, Pateel DGS, Yap HY, et al.
    BMC Oral Health, 2023 Aug 31;23(1):617.
    PMID: 37653402 DOI: 10.1186/s12903-023-03354-8
    BACKGROUND: Oral cancer is a significant public health concern worldwide. Early detection and prevention are crucial in reducing the morbidity and mortality rates associated with this disease. As future dental professionals, dental undergraduates play a vital role in promoting oral health and identifying potential oral cancer cases.

    METHODS: This study aimed to evaluate the level of oral cancer awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and practices among dental undergraduates in Malaysia. A total of 595 students from years 3, 4, and 5 in both public and private universities participated.

    RESULTS: The results showed that a higher percentage of dental undergraduates from private universities were aware of oral cancer and had satisfactory knowledge compared to those from public universities (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  11. Wang Q, Zainal Abidin NE, Aman MS, Wang N, Ma L, Liu P
    BMC Psychol, 2024 Feb 22;12(1):89.
    PMID: 38388547 DOI: 10.1186/s40359-024-01584-1
    BACKGROUND: This research examines the nuanced challenges confronting Chinese university students within the dynamic milieu of Chinese education. The study comprehensively investigates factors encompassing educational progress, social development, cognitive focus, and Psychological Well-being (PWB), specifically emphasizing the role of sports participation.

    METHODS: To scrutinize the moderation-mediation nexus between cultural context and social development, a distribution of 500 questionnaires was administered to Chinese university students, yielding 413 responses, corresponding to an 82.6% response rate. Methodologically, this study employed moderation and mediation analyses, incorporating statistical techniques such as a principal component matrix, factor analysis, and hierarchical regression.

    FINDINGS: Prominent findings underscore the significant impact of age on educational progress, shaping the trajectory of academic advancement. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) emerges as a promising metric, establishing a link between academic performance and educational progress. Active involvement in sports and physical activities (PSPA) positively affects academic performance and study habits. Participation in sports teams and clubs (ISTC) enriches social development by nurturing interpersonal relationships, teamwork, and leadership skills. Sports activities (ESA) correlate with enhanced cognitive focus and improved psychological well-being. Significantly, the findings unveil a nuanced association between Perceived Social Development Through Sports (PSDTS) and educational progress.

    CONCLUSIONS: Cultural Context (CC) moderates PSDTS, Sport-induced Cognitive Focus (SICF), and PWB, influencing educational progress. This study emphasizes the need for enhanced support systems-academic guidance, awareness, sports programs, and cultural competence training-to advance student well-being and academic achievement in China, fostering an empowering educational environment for societal progress.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  12. Emmy HKI, Boleh NC, Ali MS, Jakiwa J, Mardiyati NL, Ahmad MF
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Mar;79(Suppl 1):134-139.
    PMID: 38555898
    INTRODUCTION: Night eating is a very common dietary behaviour among university students. This study aims to investigate the relationship between night eating and BMI, stress, sleep quality and duration of study among university students.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 385 university students including foundation and undergraduate students took part in this study. Self-administered online surveys were used to obtain sociodemographic data, and anthropometry measurements including weight and height, night eating during studying, duration of the study, opinion on eating and academic performance, sleep quality, level of depression, anxiety, and stress of the respondents. Questionnaires were validated and IBM SPSS Statistics Software version 26.0 was used to analyse categorical and continuous variables.

    RESULTS: The findings showed that there was an association between night eaters and coffee consumption with BMI (p<0.001) and sleep quality (p<0.05). However, there was no association (p>0.05) found between the types of food eaten during night studying and the mean duration of the study. The results showed drinking coffee had an association with depression, anxiety, and stress (p<0.05) among Malaysian university students.

    CONCLUSION: Coffee consumption was common among undergraduate students during studying. Awareness of the risk of overconsumption of caffeine intake should be implemented in the future. However, this study did not include all types of food choices and drinks. Thus, frequency of eating energy dense food during night studying among students should be conducted in the future.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. Tan KA, Nik Jaafar NR, Bahar N, Ibrahim N, Baharudin A, Wan Ismail WS, et al.
    Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 2024 Feb;27(2):156-162.
    PMID: 38232711 DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2023.0337
    The exploration of underlying mechanisms leading to the development of smartphone addiction has been limited, with only a few studies incorporating theories to provide explanations. Drawing upon the Dual Systems Model, this study tested the hypothesis that the reflective system of self-regulation would mediate the relation between the reflexive system of impulsivity and narcissism, and smartphone addiction in a sample of 298 undergraduate students. Participants completed a self-administrated web-based questionnaire containing measures of impulsivity (the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale), narcissism (the Narcissistic Personality Inventory), self-regulation (the Self-Regulation Scale), and smartphone addiction (the Smartphone Addiction Inventory). The findings from structural equation modeling revealed that self-regulation served as a significant mediator between impulsivity and smartphone addiction, as well as between narcissism and smartphone addiction. These findings offer insights that can contribute to the development of interventions and strategies that target impulsivity and narcissism by enhancing self-regulation skills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  14. Muhamad Z, Ramli A, Amat S
    Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J, 2015 May;15(2):e266-74.
    PMID: 26052461
    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the content validity, internal consistency, test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability of the Clinical Competency Evaluation Instrument (CCEVI) in assessing the clinical performance of physiotherapy students.
    METHODS: This study was carried out between June and September 2013 at University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A panel of 10 experts were identified to establish content validity by evaluating and rating each of the items used in the CCEVI with regards to their relevance in measuring students' clinical competency. A total of 50 UKM undergraduate physiotherapy students were assessed throughout their clinical placement to determine the construct validity of these items. The instrument's reliability was determined through a cross-sectional study involving a clinical performance assessment of 14 final-year undergraduate physiotherapy students.
    RESULTS: The content validity index of the entire CCEVI was 0.91, while the proportion of agreement on the content validity indices ranged from 0.83-1.00. The CCEVI construct validity was established with factor loading of ≥0.6, while internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) overall was 0.97. Test-retest reliability of the CCEVI was confirmed with a Pearson's correlation range of 0.91-0.97 and an intraclass coefficient correlation range of 0.95-0.98. Inter-rater reliability of the CCEVI domains ranged from 0.59 to 0.97 on initial and subsequent assessments.
    CONCLUSION: This pilot study confirmed the content validity of the CCEVI. It showed high internal consistency, thereby providing evidence that the CCEVI has moderate to excellent inter-rater reliability. However, additional refinement in the wording of the CCEVI items, particularly in the domains of safety and documentation, is recommended to further improve the validity and reliability of the instrument.
    KEYWORDS: Clinical Competence; Malaysia; Physiotherapy Speciality; Validity and Reliability
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Health Occupations
  15. Islam MA, Sathi NJ, Setu SP, Nahar MT, Khan MNA, Hasan M, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(10):e0287407.
    PMID: 37824512 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287407
    The recent outbreak of viral zoonotic disease-monkeypox-caused by the monkeypox virus, has infected many people worldwide. This study aims to explore the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) concerning monkeypox among university students in Bangladesh. Data were collected using purposive snowball sampling from 887 university students through an online survey using Google Form. The participants were mostly in their twenties (M = 22.33 [SD 2.01] years), and they spent, on average, 2.59 [SD 1.91] hours/day on electronic and social media. The participants generally showed moderate knowledge (39.5%), low attitude (25.1%), and moderate practice (48.6%) toward monkeypox, with 47.6% having had a moderate KAP score. Findings further showed that personal attributes of university students, i.e., age, sex, year of schooling, residence, living status, geographical distribution, e.g., division, were statistically and significantly associated with knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding monkeypox and overall KAP score. It is also apparent that health status, susceptibility to monkeypox, and exposure to social media were the most common factors significantly associated with knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding monkeypox and overall KAP score. The current study's findings underscore the need for developing appropriate information, education, and communication (IEC) materials and their dissemination, which could play an important role in reducing the risk of monkeypox and similar other infectious diseases, particularly among students in Bangladesh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  16. Lim A, Krishnan SS, Blebil AQ, Malone D
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2023 Dec 19;31(6):646-649.
    PMID: 37410964 DOI: 10.1093/ijpp/riad048
    OBJECTIVES: To describe the implementation and assess whether an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) is a viable assessment tool for testing Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) principles.

    METHODS: A three-station OSCE set in a hospital and community pharmacy was designed and mapped to the World Health Organisation's AMS intervention practical guide. This OSCE comprised 39 unique cases and was implemented across two campuses (Malaysia and Australia) at one institute. Stations were 8 min long and consisted of problem-solving and applying AMS principles to drug therapy management (Station 1), counselling on key antimicrobials (Station 2) or managing infectious diseases in primary care (Station 3). Primary outcome measure to assess viability was the proportion of students who were able to pass each case.

    KEY FINDINGS: Other than three cases with pass rates of 50, 52.8 and 66. 7%, all cases had pass rates of 75% or more. Students were most confident with referral to medical practitioner cases and switching from intravenous to oral or empirical to directed therapy.

    CONCLUSIONS: An AMS-based OSCE is a viable assessment tool in pharmacy education. Further research should explore whether similar assessments can help improve students' confidence at recognising opportunities for AMS intervention in the workplace.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  17. Zain E, Talreja N, Hesarghatta Ramamurthy P, Muzaffar D, Rehman K, Khan AA, et al.
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2024 Feb;28(1):358-369.
    PMID: 37864324 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12957
    INTRODUCTION: Simulation-based education is of paramount importance in a dental pre-clinical setting. Hence, continuous quality improvement is crucial to optimize students' knowledge and clinical skills. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of evidence-based simulation learning (EBSL) compared with traditional-based simulation learning (TBSL) using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This quality improvement project was undertaken at a private university. Guided by the PDSA model, rubber dam application tasks were conducted in the simulation lab in 2 phases. Phase 1 included TBSL and phase 2 included EBSL comprising of 2 PDSA cycles. 'Plan' stage involved obtaining feedback from students and the concerned staff. 'Do' stage included implementation of EBSL in eight steps adopted from Higgins's framework. 'Study' stage evaluated the outcomes and in 'Act' stage amendments were made to the first EBSL cycle. In the second PDSA cycle re-implementation and evaluation of the rubber dam application exercises were carried out. Descriptive data were presented as percentages and mean scores were compared using paired t-test.

    RESULTS: Thirty-seven year 2 students participated in this study. A significant improvement in the mean scores was observed between TBSL and EBSL (3.02 + 0.16 and 3.91 + 0.27, respectively, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  18. Tan CS, Chin XY, Chng ST, Lee J, Ooi CS
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Sep 19;19(18).
    PMID: 36142114 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191811841
    The literature has consistently shown that social support has a positive relationship with creativity. However, further investigation is needed to clarify the causal relationship between the two constructs. The present study addressed this need by exploring the impact of experimentally induced perceived social support on creativity among young adults. A total of 135 undergraduate students in Malaysia participated in an online experiment. All participants first answered the creative self-efficacy scale and were then randomly allocated to the experimental and control groups. Perceived social support was primed by a writing test and measured by the Multidimensional Scales of Perceived Social Support. Both groups also answered a divergent thinking test (measured for fluency, flexibility, and originality) and a self-rated creativity scale. Multivariate analysis of covariance showed that, after statistically controlling for the effect of creative self-efficacy, participants in the experimental group reported higher scores in perceived social support and all creativity measures than their counterparts in the control group. The results demonstrated that the manipulation is effective and the induced perceived social support leads to higher creativity. Our findings not only offer empirical evidence of the causality of social support and creativity but also has practical value for creativity development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  19. Ab Latif R, Mat Nor MZ
    Malays J Med Sci, 2019 Mar;26(2):88-98.
    PMID: 31447612 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2019.26.2.10
    Introduction: Consistent with the significant of the stress issue in education, this study aimed to survey type of stressors and identifies the coping strategies used by diploma nursing students during clinical practices.

    Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at the Kubang Kerian Nursing College, Kelantan which involved 346 respondents using simple random sampling method. The inclusion criteria were year one, two and three of nursing students who have clinical posting and voluntarily joining the study. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Brief COPE inventory were utilised in the data collection. Higher mean score indicates higher degree of stress.

    Results: Clinical assignments and workload were the main stressor (mean = 3.19, SD = 1.09). Religion approach was the most coping strategy applied (mean = 3.30, SD = 0.71). Pearson's correlation coefficient test found that six domains of stressors during clinical practices (taking care of patients; clinical educators/instructors and ward staff; clinical assignments and workload; peers and nursing students from other college; lack of professional knowledge and skills and clinical environment) were statistically significant correlation with coping strategies, where P-value < 0.05.

    Conclusion: Clinical assignment was the main stressor among nursing students; therefore, successful activities should be promoted to help them in managing clinical assignment and enhancing knowledge in religion.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
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