Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 1087 in total

  1. Tong SF, Ho C, Tan HM
    Int J Urol, 2011 Jan;18(1):32-42.
    PMID: 20969645 DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-2042.2010.02652.x
    The aging man is becoming a major burden to Asian countries because of the current poor health status of Asian men and the aging Asian population. Life expectancy at birth for men is shorter than women by an average of 4 years in Asian countries and major causes of death are cardiovascular disease, cancers, injuries and infections. However, there are considerable variations between Asian countries because of great disparity in socioeconomic status. Male-specific disorders, such as male sexual health and urological conditions, are other major health burdens because they have a great impact on men's quality of life. More importantly, many risk factors to the causes of mortality and morbidities, such as high-risk behavior and smoking, can be improved with health promotion and early intervention. The current evidence suggests that the poor health status of men is the result of their poor health care utilization, negative health-seeking behavior, the adverse social environment for men and gender-insensitive health care delivery. However, much evidence is still needed as Asian countries have great diversity in culture, societal values and men's needs. Asian time-tested wisdom on a balanced healthy lifestyle to longevity should be explored as potential men's health promotional programs. Taking into account Asian men's health-care needs, a gender-streamlined approach and man-friendly health care delivery should be on the national agenda in managing the aging man.
  2. Singh MK, O'Donnell C, Woodford NW
    Forensic Sci Med Pathol, 2009;5(3):236-42.
    PMID: 19669956 DOI: 10.1007/s12024-009-9103-y
    We report the case of an 82-year-old woman with a past history of diabetes mellitus who died following blunt head injury sustained in a fall resulting in an acute subdural hematoma. Serial postmortem CT scans of the chest and abdomen performed over a 3-day period demonstrated progressive intra-hepatic and intra-cardiac gas formation whilst the deceased was stored in a standard mortuary refrigerator at a nominated temperature of 4 degrees C. Measured mortuary refrigerator temperatures over a 7 day period showed statistically significant day to day variability in temperatures above 4 degrees C as well as variations in temperature depending on location within the refrigerator space. In the absence of other known factors associated with such gas formation, putrefaction seems the likely cause despite a lack of obvious external features. This phenomenon must therefore be taken into account when interpreting the presence of visceral gas on postmortem CT and relating such gas to the cause of death.
  3. Broder CC, Weir DL, Reid PA
    Vaccine, 2016 06 24;34(30):3525-34.
    PMID: 27154393 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.03.075
    Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV) are zoonotic viruses that emerged in the mid to late 1990s causing disease outbreaks in livestock and people. HeV appeared in Queensland, Australia in 1994 causing a severe respiratory disease in horses along with a human case fatality. NiV emerged a few years later in Malaysia and Singapore in 1998-1999 causing a large outbreak of encephalitis with high mortality in people and also respiratory disease in pigs which served as amplifying hosts. The key pathological elements of HeV and NiV infection in several species of mammals, and also in people, are a severe systemic and often fatal neurologic and/or respiratory disease. In people, both HeV and NiV are also capable of causing relapsed encephalitis following recovery from an acute infection. The known reservoir hosts of HeV and NiV are several species of pteropid fruit bats. Spillovers of HeV into horses continue to occur in Australia and NiV has caused outbreaks in people in Bangladesh and India nearly annually since 2001, making HeV and NiV important transboundary biological threats. NiV in particular possesses several features that underscore its potential as a pandemic threat, including its ability to infect humans directly from natural reservoirs or indirectly from other susceptible animals, along with a capacity of limited human-to-human transmission. Several HeV and NiV animal challenge models have been developed which have facilitated an understanding of pathogenesis and allowed for the successful development of both active and passive immunization countermeasures.
  4. Jiksing C, Voo CLY, Rodrigues KF
    Data Brief, 2020 Aug;31:105920.
    PMID: 32637513 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105920
    Salmonella is a gram-negative rod-shape bacterium from the family of Enterobacteriaceae that can cause a wide range of human disease such as enteric fever, gastroenteritis and bacteremia. Here we sequenced two genomes of Salmonella bacteria isolated from the Gallus gallus domesticus host. Genomic DNA of the two Salmonella isolates were extracted and subjected to whole genome sequencing using Illumina platform. The draft genome size of the two Salmonella isolates was determined to be 4,902,295 bp (S18) and 4,847,310 bp (S20) respectively. The percentage of GC content for both draft genomes is the same which is 52.1%. Both the whole genome shotgun project (S18 and S20) has been deposited in National Center for Biotechnology Information Sequence Read Archive under the accession number of SRR7503041 (S18) and SRR7503040 (S20). The sequenced genome (S18 and S20) were aligned with the reference genome and three other Salmonella genomes from serogroup B, D and E. The data obtained show the presence of unique DNA sequences in S18 and S20 genomes. This unique DNA sequences are from the fimbrial gene group.
  5. Shanmuganathan M, Goh BL, Lim CTS
    Am J Med Sci, 2018 11;356(5):476-480.
    PMID: 30384954 DOI: 10.1016/j.amjms.2018.08.004
    BACKGROUND: Noncuffed catheters (NCC) are often used for incident hemodialysis (HD) patients without a functional vascular access. This, unfortunately results in frequent catheter-related complications such as infection, malfunction, vessel stenosis, and obstruction, leading to loss of permanent central venous access with superior vena cava obstruction. It is important to preserve central vein patency by reducing the number of internal jugular catheter insertions for incident HD patients with a functional vascular access. We sought to achieve this by introducing in-patient intermittent peritoneal dialysis (IPD) as bridging therapy while awaiting establishment of long-term vascular access for HD patients.

    METHODS: Incident HD patients without permanent vascular access encountered from January to December 2014 were included in this study. Patients were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 were encountered within 6 months prior to introduction of in-patient IPD bridging therapy in substitution of noncuffed catheter (NCC) insertion while awaiting maturation of permanent vascular access. Group 2 were encountered within 6 months after the introduction of this policy. The number of NCC and peritoneal dialysiscatheter insertion, along with catheter-related infections were evaluated during this period.

    RESULTS: Approximately 450 patients were distributed in each group. We achieved 45% reduction in internal jugular catheter insertion from 322 to 180 catheters after policy change. This led to a significant drop in catheter-related blood stream infection (53%, P <0.001). On the other hand, 30% more peritoneal dialysiscatheter were inserted to accommodate our IPD bridging therapy.

    CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of IPD as bridging therapy while awaiting maturation of permanent vascular access significantly reduced the utilization of NCC in incident HD patients and catherter-related blodstream infection. With this, it is our hope that it will contribute to the preservation of central vein patency.

  6. Eaton BT, Broder CC, Wang LF
    Curr Mol Med, 2005 Dec;5(8):805-16.
    PMID: 16375714
    Within the past decade a number of new zoonotic paramyxoviruses emerged from flying foxes to cause serious disease outbreaks in man and livestock. Hendra virus was the cause of fatal infections of horses and man in Australia in 1994, 1999 and 2004. Nipah virus caused encephalitis in humans both in Malaysia in 1998/99, following silent spread of the virus in the pig population, and in Bangladesh from 2001 to 2004 probably as a result of direct bat to human transmission and spread within the human population. Hendra and Nipah viruses are highly pathogenic in humans with case fatality rates of 40% to 70%. Their genetic constitution, virulence and wide host range make them unique paramyxoviruses and they have been given Biosecurity Level 4 status in a new genus Henipavirus within the family Paramyxoviridae. Recent studies on the virulence, host range and cell tropisms of henipaviruses provide insights into the unique biological properties of these emerging human pathogens and suggest approaches for vaccine development and therapeutic countermeasures.
  7. Gan HM, Austin C, Linton S
    Mar Biotechnol (NY), 2018 Oct;20(5):654-665.
    PMID: 29995174 DOI: 10.1007/s10126-018-9836-2
    The Christmas Island red crab, Gecarcoidea natalis, is an herbivorous land crab that consumes mostly fallen leaf litter. In order to subsist, G. natalis would need to have developed specialised digestive enzymes capable of supplying significant amounts of metabolisable sugars from this diet. To gain insights into the carbohydrate metabolism of G. natalis, a transcriptome assembly was performed, with a specific focus on identifying transcripts coding for carbohydrate active enzyme (CAZy) using in silico approaches. Transcriptome sequencing of the midgut gland identified 70 CAZy-coding transcripts with varying expression values. At least three newly discovered putative GH9 endo-β-1,4-glucanase ("classic cellulase") transcripts were highly expressed in the midgut gland in addition to the previously characterised GH9 and GH16 (β-1,3-glucanase) transcripts, and underscoring the utility of whole transcriptome in uncovering new CAZy-coding transcripts. A highly expressed transcript coding for GH5_10 previously missed by conventional screening of cellulase activity was inferred to be a novel endo-β-1,4-mannase in G. natalis with in silico support from homology modelling and amino acid alignment with other functionally validated GH5_10 proteins. Maximum likelihood tree reconstruction of the GH5_10 proteins demonstrates the phylogenetic affiliation of the G. natalis GH5_10 transcript to that of other decapods, supporting endogenous expression. Surprisingly, crustacean-derived GH5_10 transcripts were near absent in the current CAZy database and yet mining of the transcriptome shotgun assembly (TSA) recovered more than 100 crustacean GH5_10s in addition to several other biotechnological relevant CAZys, underscoring the unappreciated potential of the TSA database as a valuable resource for crustacean CAZys.
  8. Kawala C, Fernando D, Tan JK
    J Cutan Med Surg, 2014 Nov;18(6):385-91.
    PMID: 25348759
    BACKGROUND: Acne vulgaris is a common chronic disease, and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) can provide credible treatment information.

    METHOD: A literature search for acne CPGs published between January 2008 and September 2013 was conducted. Two reviewers independently applied the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE II) instrument. METHODological quality was evaluated by ranking in AGREE II domains and the highest number of items scoring above the neutral threshold score.

    RESULTS: Four CPGs fulfilled the selection criteria, and the highest ranked were the European and Malaysian. Highest scores achieved by the former were for scope/purpose, stakeholder involvement, and rigor of development and by the latter were for scope/purpose, clarity of presentation, and applicability. Applicability was the lowest scoring of all domains for all CPGs.

    CONCLUSION: European and Malaysian acne CPGs were ranked highest for methodological quality and may serve to inform clinical practice and guideline adaptation.

  9. Kaniappan K, Lim CTS, Chin PW
    BMC Cancer, 2018 Aug 02;18(1):779.
    PMID: 30068299 DOI: 10.1186/s12885-018-4702-1
    BACKGROUND: Cases of non-traumatic splenic rupture are rare and entails a potentially grave medical outcome. Hence, it is important to consider the differential diagnosis of a non-traumatic splenic rupture in patients with acute or insidious abdominal pain. The incidence of rupture in Diffuse B-cell non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is highly infrequent (Paulvannan and Pye, Int J Clin Pract 57:245-6, 2003; Gedik et el., World J Gastroenterol 14:6711-6716, 2008), despite reports of various non-traumatic splenic rupture in the literature (Orloff and Peksin, Int Abstr Surg 106:1-11, 1958; Paulvannan and Pye, Int J Clin Pract 57:245-6, 2003). In this article, we attempt to highlight the features of a rare cause of splenic rupture that might serve as a future reference point for the detection of similar cases during routine clinical practice.

    CASE PRESENTATION: A 40-year-old man presented with 1 week history of left hypochondriac pain associated with abdominal distention. There was no history of preceding trauma or fever. Clinical examination revealed signs of tachycardia, pallor and splenomegaly. He had no evidence of peripheral stigmata of chronic liver disease. In addition, haematological investigation showed anemia with leucocytosis and raised levels of lactate dehydrogenase enzyme. However, peripheral blood film revealed no evidence of any blast or atypical cells. In view of these findings, imaging via ultrasound and computed tomography of the abdomen was performed. The results of these imaging tests showed splenic collections that was suggestive of splenic rupture and hematoma. Patient underwent emergency splenectomy and the histopathological report confirmed the diagnosis as DLBCL.

    CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of true spontaneous splenic rupture is uncommon. In a recent systematic review of 613 cases of splenic rupture, only 84 cases were secondary to hematological malignancy. Acute leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma were the most frequent causes of splenic rupture, followed by chronic and acute myelogeneous leukemias. At present, only a few cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) have been reported. The morbidity and mortality rate is greatly increased when there is a delay in the diagnosis and intervention of splenic rupture cases. Hence, there should be an increased awareness amongst both physicians and surgeons that a non-traumatic splenic rupture could be the first clinical presentation of a DLBCL.

  10. Gan HM, Linton SM, Austin CM
    Mar Genomics, 2019 Jun;45:64-71.
    PMID: 30928201 DOI: 10.1016/j.margen.2019.02.002
    Despite recent advances in sequencing technology, a complete mitogenome assembly is still unavailable for the gecarcinid land crabs that include the iconic Christmas Island red crab (Gecarcoidea natalis) which is known for its high population density, annual mass breeding migration and ecological significance in maintaining rainforest structure. Using sequences generated from Nanopore and Illumina platforms, we assembled the complete mitogenome for G. natalis, the first for the genus and only second for the family Gecarcinidae. Nine Nanopore long reads representing 0.15% of the sequencing output from an overnight MinION Nanopore run were aligned to the mitogenome. Two of them were >10 kb and combined are sufficient to span the entire G. natalis mitogenome. The use of Illumina genome skimming data only resulted in a fragmented assembly that can be attributed to low to zero sequencing coverage in multiple high AT-regions including the mitochondrial protein-coding genes (NAD4 and NAD5), 16S ribosomal rRNA and non-coding control region. Supplementing the mitogenome assembly with previously acquired transcriptome dataset containing high abundance of mitochondrial transcripts improved mitogenome sequence coverage and assembly reliability. We then inferred the phylogeny of the Eubrachyura using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian approaches, confirming the phylogenetic placement of G. natalis within the family Gecarcinidae based on whole mitogenome alignment. Given the substantial impact of AT-content on mitogenome assembly and the value of complete mitogenomes in phylogenetic and comparative studies, we recommend that future mitogenome sequencing projects consider generating a modest amount of Nanopore long reads to facilitate the closing of problematic and fragmented mitogenome assemblies.
  11. Eke CI, Norman AA, Shuib L
    PLoS One, 2021;16(6):e0252918.
    PMID: 34111192 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252918
    Sarcasm is the main reason behind the faulty classification of tweets. It brings a challenge in natural language processing (NLP) as it hampers the method of finding people's actual sentiment. Various feature engineering techniques are being investigated for the automatic detection of sarcasm. However, most related techniques have always concentrated only on the content-based features in sarcastic expression, leaving the contextual information in isolation. This leads to a loss of the semantics of words in the sarcastic expression. Another drawback is the sparsity of the training data. Due to the word limit of microblog, the feature vector's values for each sample constructed by BoW produces null features. To address the above-named problems, a Multi-feature Fusion Framework is proposed using two classification stages. The first stage classification is constructed with the lexical feature only, extracted using the BoW technique, and trained using five standard classifiers, including SVM, DT, KNN, LR, and RF, to predict the sarcastic tendency. In stage two, the constructed lexical sarcastic tendency feature is fused with eight other proposed features for modelling a context to obtain a final prediction. The effectiveness of the developed framework is tested with various experimental analysis to obtain classifiers' performance. The evaluation shows that our constructed classification models based on the developed novel feature fusion obtained results with a precision of 0.947 using a Random Forest classifier. Finally, the obtained results were compared with the results of three baseline approaches. The comparison outcome shows the significance of the proposed framework.
  12. Abdul Rashid AM, Lim CTS
    Indian J Nephrol, 2020 11 11;31(6):511-515.
    PMID: 35068756 DOI: 10.4103/ijn.IJN_238_20
    Background: Catheter-related infections remain a threat in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Attempts to improve catheter insertion techniques and catheter type with best infectious outcomes yield heterogenous results. We seek to determine catheter-related infections in two different types of catheters and its microbiological spectrum.

    Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study conducted in Hospital Serdang, Malaysia. We included end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients who opted for PD and examined catheter-related infections (peritonitis, exit site infection, and tunnel tract infection) and organisms causing these infections.

    Results: We included 126 patients in this study; 75 patients received the coiled PD catheter (59.5%) and 51 patients received the straight PD catheter (40.5%). The majority of patients were young, under the age of 65 years old (77.3% and 72.5%) in the coiled and straight PD catheter group, respectively, and the main cause of ESRD was diabetes mellitus in both groups (78.7% vs. 92.2%). The demographic and anthropometric data were similar between both groups. Peritonitis rate (0.29 episodes/patient-years vs. 0.31 episodes/patient-years, P value = 0.909), exit site infection rate (0.31 episodes/patient-year vs. 0.37 episodes/patient-year, P value = 0.730), and tunnel tract infection rate (0.02 episodes/patient-year, P value = 0.430) were similar in the coiled versus straight PD catheter groups. The predominant organism causing peritonitis was the gram-negative organism; Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. In exit site and tunnel tract infections, there is a predominance of gram-negative organisms; Pseudomonas aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae.

    Conclusions: There was no difference in infectious outcomes between the two different types of catheters. Type of organism in both groups was gram-negative.

  13. Gan HM, Lee YP, Austin CM
    Front Microbiol, 2017;8:1880.
    PMID: 29046667 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01880
    We improved upon the previously reported draft genome of Hydrogenophaga intermedia strain PBC, a 4-aminobenzenesulfonate-degrading bacterium, by supplementing the assembly with Nanopore long reads which enabled the reconstruction of the genome as a single contig. From the complete genome, major genes responsible for the catabolism of 4-aminobenzenesulfonate in strain PBC are clustered in two distinct genomic regions. Although the catabolic genes for 4-sulfocatechol, the deaminated product of 4-aminobenzenesulfonate, are only found in H. intermedia, the sad operon responsible for the first deamination step of 4-aminobenzenesulfonate is conserved in various Hydrogenophaga strains. The absence of pabB gene in the complete genome of H. intermedia PBC is consistent with its p-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) auxotrophy but surprisingly comparative genomics analysis of 14 Hydrogenophaga genomes indicate that pABA auxotrophy is not an uncommon feature among members of this genus. Of even more interest, several Hydrogenophaga strains do not possess the genomic potential for hydrogen oxidation, calling for a revision to the taxonomic description of Hydrogenophaga as "hydrogen eating bacteria."
  14. Arora S, Ramachandra SS, Squier C
    J Oral Biol Craniofac Res, 2017 12 05;8(1):35-39.
    PMID: 29556461 DOI: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2017.12.002
    Introduction: Scientific literature suggests that human papillomavirus (HPV) infection may be associated with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). However, knowledge regarding HPV-OSCC link among oral health professionals (OHP) has been insufficient. So, the aim of this study was to assess the knowledge about HPV associated OSCC among OHP working in dental faculties in Malaysia.

    Methodology: Ethical committee of the University approved this study. A validated, pre-tested questionnaire was sent electronically to 224 OHP. Questionnaire collected information regarding demography, knowledge about HPV-OSCC link, HPV vaccine, and willingness to educate patients about HPV OSCC link among the participants of this cross-sectional study. Data collected was analysed using "Stata/IC-13" and was summarised using descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

    Results: Out of 179 participants, around 39% of the participant's opined virus was not a causative factor for OSCC. Around, 44% replied posterior portion of the tongue/oro-pharynx was the commonest site for HPV related OSCC, whereas 29% replied that lateral border of the tongue was the common site for HPV related OSCC. Forty one percent educated patients regarding HPV infection being a causative factor for OSCC. HPV vaccine can prevent OSCC was stated by 70% OHP. Only 12% were aware of the availability of HPV vaccine in Malaysia. Majority (99%), agreed that there is a need to offer continuing education programmes to dentists highlighting advances and preventive strategies in the fight against OSCC.

    Conclusion: Substantial increase in awareness is required among OHP regarding HPV-OSCC link.

  15. Modica CA, DiLillo V, Swami V
    Body Image, 2023 Mar;44:69-77.
    PMID: 36502544 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2022.11.008
    The Broad Conceptualization of Beauty Scale (BCBS) assesses the degree to which women perceive diverse appearances and internal qualities as being beautiful. Although the instrument is increasingly used in diverse national and linguistic contexts, no previous study has examined measurement invariance of the BCBS across racial groups. To rectify this, we asked 395 Black, 406 Hispanic, and 423 White women from the United States to complete the BCBS. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that a unidimensional model of BCBS scores had poor fit to the data in the total sample, but freely estimating error covariances between six pairs of items resulted in adequate fit. Additionally, full configural and scalar invariance was supported, but metric invariance was not, with further testing indicating that the item loading for one item differed across groups. Comparison of latent means indicated that all between-groups comparisons in BCBS scores were non-significant. However, medium-sized group differences in BCBS scores emerged once group differences in key demographics were controlled for. Overall, these results suggest that the BCBS largely achieves measurement invariance across Black, Hispanic, and White women in the United States, suggestive of similarity in how the construct of broad conceptualisation of beauty is understood and experienced.
  16. Daly K, Ball C, Thomas H, Krishnen R
    J Wound Care, 2024 Apr 01;33(Sup4):S4-S13.
    PMID: 38573949 DOI: 10.12968/jowc.2024.33.Sup4.S4
    OBJECTIVE: This study assessed wound healing in response to a superoxidised solution using an in vitro wound healing model.

    METHOD: Prewounded reconstructed full-thickness human skin models were treated with 10µl of either superoxidised solution (Hydrocyn aqua, Bactiguard South East Asia Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia) or Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (DPBS) and incubated at 37°C for up to seven days, with additional treatments added every 48 hours. On days 0, 1, 2, 5 and 7, triplicate samples were taken for specific immunostaining against cytokeratin 14 and vimentin. At each timepoint, horizontal and vertical wound diameters were measured to demonstrate wound closure. Maintenance media was taken at the same timepoints for the measurement of secreted proinflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-ɑ.

    RESULTS: At day 1, the superoxidised solution induced significantly lower diameter measurements compared with baseline data at day 0. Both treatment groups demonstrated significantly lower diameter measurements by day 2 when compared with the baseline; however, the average wound size of samples treated with the superoxidised solution was significantly lower when compared to the DPBS-treated group (p<0.05). No significant difference in expression of any proinflammatory was identified at any timepoint.

    CONCLUSION: Application of the superoxidised solution resulted in significantly improved wound closure over the first 48 hours in comparison to DPBS-treatment. Furthermore, application of the superoxidised solution did not induce significant proinflammatory effects, despite the significantly reduced wound diameter.

  17. Simon C, Soga T, Parhar I
    Int J Mol Sci, 2023 Mar 23;24(7).
    PMID: 37047030 DOI: 10.3390/ijms24076056
    The hypothalamic neurohormone kisspeptin-10 (KP-10) was inherently implicated in cholinergic pathologies when aberrant fluctuations of expression patterns and receptor densities were discerned in neurodegenerative micromilieus. That said, despite variable degrees of functional redundancy, KP-10, which is biologically governed by its cognate G-protein-coupled receptor, GPR54, attenuated the progressive demise of α-synuclein (α-syn)-rich cholinergic-like neurons. Under explicitly modeled environments, in silico algorithms further rationalized the surface complementarities between KP-10 and α-syn when KP-10 was unambiguously accommodated in the C-terminal binding pockets of α-syn. Indeed, the neuroprotective relevance of KP-10's binding mechanisms can be insinuated in the amelioration of α-syn-mediated neurotoxicity; yet it is obscure whether these extenuative circumstances are contingent upon prior GPR54 activation. Herein, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-positive SH-SY5Y neurons were engineered ad hoc to transiently overexpress human wild-type or E46K mutant α-syn while the mitigation of α-syn-induced neuronal death was ascertained via flow cytometric and immunocytochemical quantification. Recapitulating the specificity observed on cell viability, exogenously administered KP-10 (0.1 µM) substantially suppressed wild-type and E46K mutant α-syn-mediated apoptosis and mitochondrial depolarization in cholinergic differentiated neurons. In particular, co-administrations with a GPR54 antagonist, kisspeptin-234 (KP-234), failed to abrogate the robust neuroprotection elicited by KP-10, thereby signifying a GPR54 dispensable mechanism of action. Consistent with these observations, KP-10 treatment further diminished α-syn and ChAT immunoreactivity in neurons overexpressing wild-type and E46K mutant α-syn. Overall, these findings lend additional credence to the previous notion that KP-10's binding zone may harness efficacious moieties of neuroprotective intent.
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